

发布时间:2024-07-08 04:41:22






1 What is eukaryotic cella Eukaryotic cell refers to cell that has eukaryotic nucleus(nucleus that is surrounded by nuclear membrane)Its chromosome number is more than one and it is able to carry out It can also carry out protoplasm movement and Photosynthesis and oxidation and phosphorylation are carried out by chloroplasts and mitochondria Except for the cells of bacteria and blue-green algae,all the animal cells and plant cells are eukaryotic Organisms made up of eukaryotic cells are called eukaryotic In the nucleus of eukaryotic organisms,proteins like DNA and histone,etc together make up the structure of The nucleolus can be observed in the The memebrane system inside the cytoplasm are very advanced,including celluar organelles like the endoplamic network,Golgi apparatus,mitochondria and cytolysosome,They implement specific functions b endoplasmic reticulum:a continuous pipe system surrounded by The surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum(RER) contains ribosomes which take part in the synthesis and processing of proteins;there is no ribosome on the surface of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) to take part in the synthesis of Membrane-bound organelles or membrane-bound (这句话不完整)C Memerane-bound organelles refer to all the organelles inside the cytoplasm that have membrane structures,including nucleus,endoplasmic reticulum,Golgi apparatus,cytolysosome,vesicles,mitochondria,chloroplasts and peroxide catalase,Since they are all closed membrane structures,they have some space d Lysosome is an organelle inside the cytoplasm that is surrounded by single fatty protein membranes and contains a series of acidic It is an organelle inside the cell that has single membrane Lysosome contains many types of hydrolases which can break down many Lysosome is likened to the enzyme warehouse or digestive system inside the Lysosome has two functions:one is that it can fuse with food vesicles,digest large particles like food engulfed by the cell or pathogenic bacteria,etc into large molecules,and eject residues out of the cell;the other function is that druing the celluar differentiation process,some old organells and molecules,etc are engulfed into and digested by This is due to the need of the organism to re-organise 2 describe red blood cellsWhen the red blood cells mature,it no longer has any membrane structures like nuclear memebrane and mitochondrion 3 Eukaryotic red blood cellsa Reb blodd cells are rounded,nucleusless cells within the human bone marrow which are biconcave and thick at the They have an average radius of 5 mirometers,a thickness of 7 micrometers,an average capacity of 83 cube micrometers,and an average surface area of approximately 145 square About 44% of the blood 's capacity are cellular components,most of which are red blood In one microliter of blood,males have an average of 5000 thousands,females have an average of about 4600 Other than water,haemoglobins are the main components of red blood

In the corn rhizosphere lives the fungus the separation and the nature preliminary Abstract: The present paper discussed through from the natural condition corn adult plant root separation, the purification obtained root's in to live the fungus, carried on the classified shape preliminary appraisal to it; Will purify in lives the fungus to vaccinate in passes through the corn non-vaccine root which the tissue culture obtains, judges it to the host corn adult plant growth growth influence; Obtains in by the time separation which has an effect to the corn growth growth to live the beneficial Key word: Corn; In lives the bacterium; Separation; The paragenesis breeds surely

Corn rhizosphere, the separation of Health and the nature of a preliminary study Abstract: This paper discussed by the natural conditions of the corn plant roots separation, purification be the root of the plate, their classification identification of patterns; will be pure The re-vaccinated within the plate in the tissue culture vaccine without access to the corn roots, determine the host of the corn plant growth and development; isolated to the growth of corn in the role of Health has Yijun; Key words: corn ; Within the Health and bacteria; separation; symbiotic colonization

在生物学实验室中的数位影像Terry Moxon1, Gaynor WightmanDoncaster1 和伊莉莎白中学皇后、 Gainsborough 的, 英国生物学教育 (2005)39(4)179 的日记较廉宜的 SLR 数码相机的来到和联合的软件已经允许数位影像的迅速创造。 我们解释允许显微像的世代的三简单的技术。 较进一步的技术被描述那允许来自显微镜滑的一个完整区段的图像的生产。 显微像的班级组非常提高实际的会议前或后的任何的讨论。xxx字: 显微镜使用; 数码相机; 显微像介绍显微镜使用已经担任生物学的教育的一个被减少的角色在过去的十年内。理由被改变但是落下预算已经意谓给显微镜的班级组的资金已经变得贵。 第二,国立课程的要求已经减少显微镜使用在学校的角色。 然而学生,尤其在主要阶段 3 ,多源自快乐在非常使用显微镜和显微镜使用方面富足那理论上的教学和学问规划程序。 然而,和一个 30 班级一起使用显微镜不没有问题: 显微镜的稀少使用需要检查学生显微镜调整的额外的老师参与 大的班级放限制在老师有效上帮助藉由个别学生的问题 老师有的一点控制什么学生实际上见到。 较年长的学生已经被知道承认当尝试的时候为了要观察苏格兰的植物学家 Robert Brown 的运动, 他们已经度过时间看他们自己的睫毛! 学生有关他们应该见到的也是比较不自信。 这洞察力, 哪些老师已经以经验发展,仍然有被学生获得。在现阶段,学生有整体而言的样品的小空间赏识。大部份这些问题可能被藉由提供完全图像或挑选重要区域的显微像给学生克服。 然而,在 photomicroscopy 的电影的使用意谓了相当多的投资及时,技术和努力是在~手边生产甚至可通行的图像老师需要。 那数传摄影的来到而且处理已经允许那显微像的创造描绘,那能被当作教学帮助使用。图像可能是可用来使用各种不同的团体或者准备了个体的塑料保护的班级床单。 虽然费用是下滑, 但是,主要的设备会仍然方面被视为贵的一个生物学部门编入预算。 在这里,我们描述一个让图像与只有一个谦逊有定价的数码相机一起产生的方法。教学意志的显微镜使用的比较一般使用希望在中学 导致较棒的信心和超过, 哪里这些技术仍然有棒的价值。



Abstract: The market demand for larger Aesculus, Aesculus However, due to the way conventional breeding sow reproduction, slow reproduction, combined with the strong low Aesculus seed and easy to inactivation, the rate of seedlings less unearthed Therefore, a lower reproductive rate and are difficult to meet the market Therefore, the length of flowering period, the impact of climatic conditions, as well as the form of flower structure, flowering to the length of pollen viability, pollen viability of different conditions, the effects of seed vigor, such as the determination of some physiological indicators of Aesculus proven to lower seed-setting rate, the reasons for the low rate of reproduction, in order to improve the seed-setting rate Aesculus, reproduction rate to identify the theoretical basis, in order to improve the breeding Aesculus to take concrete measures to meet the needs of the 还有这个标题:Aesculus Growth Characteristics of Flowering and Fruiting

Abstract: the market demand for the buckeye, but because the buckeye conventional breeding way is seed propagation, reproductive slower, plus the buckeye rate is low and seeds, seedlings to inactivation rate is weak, so the unearthed, reproduction rate low, difficult to meet the market Therefore, from the flowering length, the effect of the climatic conditions and take the morphological structure, flowering length to the pollen of energy, energy, the seed vigor of pollen influence on some physiological indexes of determination to proven buckeye rate, low birth rate, low reason for improving the buckeye setting out the theoretical basis and reproduction rate, in order to improve the buckeye breeding take measures to meet the demand of the The growth of the buckeye flowering characteristicsKeywords: buckeye, Growth flowering, Dynamic measurement

Corn rhizosphere, the separation of Health and the nature of a preliminary study Abstract: This paper discussed by the natural conditions of the corn plant roots separation, purification be the root of the plate, their classification identification of patterns; will be pure The re-vaccinated within the plate in the tissue culture vaccine without access to the corn roots, determine the host of the corn plant growth and development; isolated to the growth of corn in the role of Health has Yijun; Key words: corn ; Within the Health and bacteria; separation; symbiotic colonization


Abstract: the market demand for the buckeye, but because the buckeye conventional breeding way is seed propagation, reproductive slower, plus the buckeye rate is low and seeds, seedlings to inactivation rate is weak, so the unearthed, reproduction rate low, difficult to meet the market Therefore, from the flowering length, the effect of the climatic conditions and take the morphological structure, flowering length to the pollen of energy, energy, the seed vigor of pollen influence on some physiological indexes of determination to proven buckeye rate, low birth rate, low reason for improving the buckeye setting out the theoretical basis and reproduction rate, in order to improve the buckeye breeding take measures to meet the demand of the The growth of the buckeye flowering characteristicsKeywords: buckeye, Growth flowering, Dynamic measurement






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