

发布时间:2024-07-09 01:28:10


My Campus Life 我的大学生活 My campus life is rich and 我的大学生活是丰富多彩的。 I go to attend class everyday morning excluding 除了周末,我每天早上去上课。 weekend,in class i study and discuss all kinds of 在课堂上我学习各种只是,knowledge with my teacher and my 并和我的老师和同学讨论问题。 After the class, ofen i go to play basketball 下课以后,通常我和我的朋友去打篮球或者羽毛球。 or badminton with my In the evening,i have two hours for study by 晚上,我先去上两个消失的自习, oneself in scheduled time, and then go back to my 然后回到侵蚀上网。 dormitory and surf on the At the weekend,i take part in some part-time jobs 周末,我经常参加一些兼职工作, and go to the Einglish Corner 有时候去参加英语角。 All in all,my campus life is beatiful and


CYOU In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like You are unique in the entire history and future of the Wow! Stop and think about You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity! You're amazing! You're awesome! And by the way, TAG, you're As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of But you don't become "beautiful" just by virtue of the aging Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of That is the Art of L You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of Paint a M God gives every bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it's truly up to 试想一下……你!一个空前绝后的你,不论是以往还是将来都不会有一个跟你一模一样的人。你在历史上和宇宙中都是独一无二的。哇!想想吧,你是万里挑一、亿里挑一、兆里挑一的。 在无穷无尽的宇宙中,你是举世无双的!!! 你是了不起的!你是卓越的!没错,就是你。你已经是了不起的,是卓越的,你还可以更卓越更了不起。美丽的年轻人是大自然的奇想,而美丽的老人却是艺术的杰作。但你不会因为年龄的渐长就自然而然地变得“美丽”。 真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱。这就是生命的艺术。你可以只听天由命, 慢慢地学,有时候或许会很痛苦。又或许你可以选择加速自己的成长,故意地挥霍生活及其提供的一切。你就是手握今日之刷描绘自己未来的艺术家。画出一幅杰作吧! 上帝给了鸟儿食物,但他没有将食物扔到它们的巢里。不管你想要去哪里,不管你想要做什么,真正做决定的还是你自己。 本文来自: 恒星英语学习网(H) 详细出处参考:-10-01/html

My College---My New life begins! I've been expecting this moment for a long Finally,I become a college student All good things must come to an end ! I am now apart from my family members and manygood I am awared that I will have to doeverything on my own Being responsible is the exact thing that I am supposed to think about! I'm now dealing something responsibly with my new I enjoy being together with them,they just like my good friends in ,being kind and thoughtful !My college is a place for a new beginning ,I'm sure I'm taking a new life ,everything here is full of challenge,quite different from things in ,teachers are not going to tell you exactly going to do ,you will haveto make your own So far,I'm geting along so well with people aroud me ,college provides me with chances and challenge,I'm going to make a difference to my life!And I have every confidence on I will still have to 翻译∶我的大学----我的新生活新的生命开始了! 这一刻很久了。终于,我成为大学生了。!我与我的家人和许多好朋友分开了!我意识到我做一切事情都要靠自己了!有责任感,这是我首先要考虑的! 我现在能够带着一种责任感与我的新室友一起处理一些事情,我很享受跟他们在一起的时光,他们就想我高中的朋友,一样的友好,体贴!大学是一个重新开始的地方,我确信我已经在过我的新活,这里的一切是那么的有挑战性,不像高中的时候,大学老师是不会什么事都告诉你,你该做什么,要怎么做。你必须自己做决定。目前,我和身边的人都相处得很好,大学给我提供了很多机会,也同时给我带来挑战,我将使我的人生变得不同,我对自己有100%的信心。我还将继续向前走O(∩_∩)O,希望对你有帮助


My College---My New life begins! I've been expecting this moment for a long Finally,I become a college student All good things must come to an end ! I am now apart from my family members and manygood I am awared that I will have to doeverything on my own Being responsible is the exact thing that I am supposed to think about! I'm now dealing something responsibly with my new I enjoy being together with them,they just like my good friends in ,being kind and thoughtful !My college is a place for a new beginning ,I'm sure I'm taking a new life ,everything here is full of challenge,quite different from things in ,teachers are not going to tell you exactly going to do ,you will haveto make your own So far,I'm geting along so well with people aroud me ,college provides me with chances and challenge,I'm going to make a difference to my life!And I have every confidence on I will still have to 翻译∶我的大学----我的新生活新的生命开始了! 这一刻很久了。终于,我成为大学生了。!我与我的家人和许多好朋友分开了!我意识到我做一切事情都要靠自己了!有责任感,这是我首先要考虑的! 我现在能够带着一种责任感与我的新室友一起处理一些事情,我很享受跟他们在一起的时光,他们就想我高中的朋友,一样的友好,体贴!大学是一个重新开始的地方,我确信我已经在过我的新活,这里的一切是那么的有挑战性,不像高中的时候,大学老师是不会什么事都告诉你,你该做什么,要怎么做。你必须自己做决定。目前,我和身边的人都相处得很好,大学给我提供了很多机会,也同时给我带来挑战,我将使我的人生变得不同,我对自己有100%的信心。我还将继续向前走O(∩_∩)O,希望对你有帮助

迷茫的小羔羊Little lamb lost人生,何谓人生?有的人认为人生是创造,有的人认为人生是追求功名利禄,有的人认为人生是给予。但我认为人生就是生下来,有自己的目标活下去。Life, what is life? Some people think that life is creation, some people think that life is the pursuit of high official positions and riches, some people think that life is But I think life is born, have their own goals and 有的人早已为自己的人生制定了一个完美的人生计划了,并去实施这个计划了。但人生对我来说很迷茫。我也曾为我自己制定了一个人生计划。我的人生计划是这样的:初中毕业之后就去学技工,将来出来工作了,攒些钱,然后自己再开个店。或许在别人看来我这个人生计划很好。但我很纠结,担心自己学不好。我也想过在毕业之后就直接去打工了踏入社会磨练一番,然后有可能去当兵。家里的父母长辈也希望我去学技工。我很反感我的人生被别人主宰,但我却对未来一片迷茫。Some people have for their own life made a perfect life plan, and to implement the But life for me is very I have my own make a life My life is like this: after graduating from junior high school to learn the craft, will come out to work, save some money, and then they open a Perhaps in the eyes of others I this life plan is very But I got so nervous, afraid of bad I also thought that after graduation directly to work into the community to hone a, then there may be go to be a Parents want me to study at home I hate my life being dominated, but I have a confused about the 人生总想要一个完美的答案,却总是迟迟不能做出决定,人生本来就没有多少日子,当我们还在犹豫的时候,却不知青春已然在悄悄的离去。当我们在迷茫犹豫中挣扎着醒过来的时候,却发现天已经黑了,属于我们的蓬勃青春的日子已经成为历史的尘埃了。The life always want a perfect answer, but always can't make a decision, there is not much time, when we are still hesitant, but I do not know it has quietly When we struggle to wake up in the confused hesitation, but found it was dark, belong to our vigorous youth day has become the dust of 或许在若干年后,我们回首过去,才发现黑夜中的迷雾已经被黎明的曙光驱散了。但这时的你还有多少时光可以挥霍了呢?Maybe in a few years, we look back on the past, only to find the night fog has lifted the But when you have too much time to waste?人生的舞台不管你愿不愿意,我们都要站在台上演绎我们的独特人生。迷宫不是不可以走出的,走对了路,也总会找到出口的。The stage of life, whether you like it or not, we have to stop our unique interpretation of life on the You can not get out of the maze, walk on the road, but also find 正确的选择自己的人生之路吧,切勿让黑夜迷失了自己,相信黎明了,就会找到回家的路了。我的人生我做主,选择自己要走的路,就是选择了自己的未来。Their way of life to choose right, do not let the night lost myself, believe that the dawn, they will find the way My life I call the shots, to choose their own way to go, is to choose their own 相信迷途的羔羊也会找到回家的正确路径的。

A Bud in Winter, a Blossom in VaneEntering an era of opening up and reformation, many exotic things were being thrust into our However, this double-edged sword brought us more evil than No matter what we have been forced to accept, all are destined to be cleansed according to our own Confucian-oriented Historically, many of our cultural advantages had been nipped in the bud brutally and despotically during the “Cultural Revolution” Sooner after that fiasco, Deng Xiaoping, the second generation leader and the Messiah of China, went the extra mile for the blossom of our economy accompanied by political and cultural civilization But our absorption of western culture did not go A winter, or rather a savannah of culture, was awaiting westernization if no limited policy were Cultural development after “Culture Revolution” was also an abyss of disasters: hackneyed thoughts, forged reluctance, commotion and humanitarian vicissitude Everything of that epoch showed the clairvoyance of a doomed How about the social atmosphere? A hook of requiem fastened to the People all around had their chutzpah and pizzazz gradually and unconsciously Creativity circumvented our nation; innovation sidestepped Anything aggressive vanished during that domineering A deluge of western culture? Never!Circumspect Confucianism would be unhappy to witness such an era of flooding scrimmaging culture: Greek culture, British culture, American culture and even African Instead it could turn its nose upon these After all, for over 5, 000 years, our ancestors and us were inculcated that men and women all had their compulsory rights and obligations, which, I think, still dominates our outlook on life, society and It is not a time warp; it is It is not hero warship; it is It is not a ghost town; it is Confronting this, the stable Confucianism, kids born in 1990s, now entering 21st century, choose to indulge in the merry-go-round of western turmoil, to depreciate the quietude and bona fides of our national Westernization, the Genghis Khan, bestowed upon the after-90s generation a waste land of cultural Being an apostle of promoting national culture, I am not going to be a bombastic I will back up everyone, in this mercurial fuss, who garners information to germinate our unparalleled Western culture shall Teetering on the edge of collapse, socialist culture with Chinese characteristics should winnow someone out from those whimsical cossets to formulate a cortège for western Obviously, we have the carte blanche to narrow the entrance of western cultures using our “iron rations” of Confucianism to irradiate national Personally, individual should control the deus ex machine to create a seedbed for national They could join in some NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) and even found their A second way should be adopted among root-class people, who are the foundation of our national CPC (Communist Party of China) should also promulgate some efficient policy to obliterate and torpedo western culture and its But the situation for us is that we are like an octogenarian, immaculated and almost dying in some western Hence an odyssey of our strong-handed implementation of these Curfew may be a Band-Aid, which will not be an everlasting We should converge our efforts in front of such a great barrier that has been a century long In one word, western culture and its import should be on strict (578)

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其实多背一些句型就可以了,往里套,百用百灵。 开头: When it comes to , some think There is a public debate today that A is a common way of , but is it a wise one? Recently the problem has been brought into 提出观点: Now there is a growing awareness It is time we explore the truth of Nowhere in history has the issue been more 进一步提出观点: but that is only part of the Another equally important aspect is A is but one of the many Another is Besides, other reasons 提出假想例子的方式: Suppose Just imagine what would be like It is reasonable to It is not surprising 举普通例子: For example(instance), such as A,B,C and so on (so forth) A good case in point A particular example for this 引用: One of the greatest early writers said "Knowledge is power", such is the remark of "" That is how sb comment ( criticize/ ) "" How often we hear such words like 讲故事 (先说故事主体),this story is not , such dilemma we often meet in daily , the story still has a realistic 提出原因: There are many reasons for Why , for one thing, The answer to this problem involves many Any discussion about this problem would inevitably involves The first reason can be obviously Most people would agree Some people may neglect that in fact Others suggest Part of the explanation is 进行对比: The advantages for A for outweigh the disadvantages Although A enjoys a distinct advantage Indeed , A carries much weight than B when sth is A maybe , but it suffers from the disadvantage 承上启下: To understand the truth of , it is also important to A study of will make this point clear 让步: Certainly, B has its own advantages, such I do not deny that A has its own 结尾: From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that In summary, it is wiser In 还有填空作文法也挺实用的,网上有很多。给你上传一个:

我的大学生活 My College Life  With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college However, there was one thing for sure that I did feel quite excited and curious about my There is no doubt that students like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted to enter the   随着时间的流逝,记得在我的第一天大学生活对我来说变得有点困难了。然而,有一点是肯定的,我对大学真的感到很兴奋很好奇。毫无疑问,很多像我这样努力了很长时间才可以进入大学的学生。  Bringing with expectation, I got into Zhejiang Gongshang U Generally speaking, it's an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live Every day a series of outgoing people get into my Curious and out of politeness, I'd talk to them heart to Here I make friends with my new classmates from everywhere around C What's more, time and weather permitting, I will enjoy jogging or playing basketball with my classmates on the playground, tired but When staying in dormitory, I choose to read news online and sometimes watch a film for However, a good student can never leave his study When it comes to study, hard problems never upset me, instead they arouse Rather than ignoring it, I'd think carefully for a while and ask my classmates for   带着期待,我进入了浙江工商大学。总的来说,这是一个有趣的,奇妙的学习和生活的地方。每天看着一群群外向的人。带着好奇并且处于礼貌,我想跟他们谈谈心。在这里我和来自中国各地的新同学交朋友。更重要的是,如果时间和天气允许的话,我会慢跑或与我的同学在操场上打篮球,虽然累但很高兴。呆在宿舍的时候,我会在线看新闻,有时也会看电影来放松。然而,一个好的学生永远不会落下他的课业。说到学习,困难不会让我难过,反而会激励我。不是忽略它,而是会认真地思考并向同学求助。  To be honest, there are some things I don’t deal with For instance, once I spent nearly a whole day playing computer Personally, we university students are already adults and it's our obligation to develop ourselves in college by learning new professional Not until we take a right attitude towards our study and life can we win a rich and colorful experience in   老实说,有些事我处理得不够妥善。例如,有一次我花了将近一整天的时间来玩电脑游戏。就我个人而言,我们大学生已是成年人了,通过学习新的专业知识来发展自己是我们的义务。直到我们以正确的态度对待我们的学习和生活,我们才能在大学拥有丰富多彩的经历。

我懂得了珍惜: 也许只要像我这样,在死亡线上呆过一次的人,才会觉得生命的宝贵和时间的宝贵。真的,也许昨天你还在计划着要等到多少多少年以后才死去!但是,今天死神就把你接到他的宝殿去做客! 星期天,我在睡梦中被妈妈无情的拉醒。妈妈说:“你不是经常闹着说肚子痛吗?今天有空,正好帮你检查一下!”无奈,我只好跟着我妈妈去了。检查的结果,令我们都大吃一惊,我居然患有胆结实。顿时,天昏地暗。天哪?我还有活到111岁呢!死神为什么要在我这么个活波可爱的小女孩上,按上这么个残酷的事实。 我极力的想:有的人死了,只要为大家做的贡献得多,就永远活在我们心中。我也想做出让伟大祖国都记住我的理想啊,但是,我才几岁啊!死神就要这么早的把我接走。他千方百计的让我眷顾人间,却在我精力最旺盛的时候,准备无情的夺走我的生命。也许我现在只能活一天算一天了,也许今天我还在和同学们快乐的交谈,明天我就会和他们人世相隔了。 第二天,妈妈带给我一个好消息:因为我及时发现,结石不是很大。单凭吃药物就可以排石了! 我又有了重生的快乐了。我还有希望活到111岁,我还能快乐的和同学交谈,我还可以帮助祖国做一些让祖国的人民记住我的事情。 我将永远记得这句话:过日子,快乐是一天,不快乐也是一天。为什么你不天天快乐呢 我懂得了成功: 曾经何时,多少成功人士站在领奖台上获奖,手捧奖杯;曾经何时,多少运动健儿站在领奖台上,手捧鲜花、戴奖牌,五星红旗徐徐上升;成功、是激昂的、震撼人心的,然而,成功,更是自己的对手。 不经风雨怎得彩虹,成功必须是付出巨大的辛勤劳动和汗水,一分耕耘一分收获,付出多少才收获多少。每当成功之后,一束束鲜花一阵阵赞叹飞一般过来,一种种诱惑从黑暗之中仲出手把你扯住,你越是回忆以往成功的美好,你会越坠越深。我曾经有一段难忘的经历: 在四年级期中考试,我已经拭目以待了,经过我一番努力,终于在这次考试中独占鳌头,一举成名,一下子成了关注的“明星”,同学们纷纷前来贺喜,奖励品源源不继地找“上门”,我当时高兴地手舞足蹈,并在回家后告诉爸爸,爸爸竟然开天辟地大大奖励了我一回,并给了些奖金,我也沉浸在无形的欢乐海洋之中,像在茫茫的海洋中无尽头迷失方向的小船在碧波飘荡,飘啊,荡呀……。学习如逆水行舟,不进则退。当我仍以为自己战无不胜神话时,美梦消失得无影无踪,自己从高峰屹立,盛气凌人的巅峰坠下万丈深渊,这时,脑子才彻底清醒,胜败乃是兵家常事,失败乃成功之母,当我又欲攀上顶峰时,势局已难以扭转了,别人已经遥遥领先了,我悔恨已晚,只有“寒窗十年,苦读诗书”了,过去的成绩,辉煌只能代表你的过去,只要你从奖台走下的一瞬间,“一切从零开始”,这一句是邓亚萍说的,她是世界上最成功的乒乓球手,基本没有人能破她的记录。经过自己的一分一秒努力,才能永永远远一次一次屹立顶峰。 成功是没有极限的,只要你肯努力,不断进取成功就有机会永远伴随着你。 我懂得了珍惜友爱 爱,有许多种,如:母亲和儿女之间的爱称为“伟大的母爱”、父亲和儿女之间的爱称为“父爱”、老师和学生的爱称为“师生爱”、同学之间的爱称为“友爱”······人世间到处充满爱,我们每一个人都在爱的搀扶下生活,在爱的拥护下成长。在众多的爱当中,世界上最伟大的爱是——母爱,但我认为最贴心的爱是经常爱被我们忽视的、也是最纯洁的——“友爱”。 珍惜人与人之间的相互情忘、善待生活,就会感到生活的充实,就会笑傲人生。 在我的日常生活中,曾经发生过这样一件事,让我久久难以忘怀。 那是去年的事了。那时我还读着小学五年级,在那时我还是一个即天真又有些幼稚气的女学生,记得有一个星期四白天放学后,可能是出去玩耍而着了凉;也可能是晚上睡觉蹬掉了被子,早上醒来,头昏沉沉的,像打了苒似的,一点精神也没有,浑身上下感到不舒服,闹钟响了好几遍我还躺在床上不愿起来,妈妈做好了饭,走进我的屋,一摸我的额头烫烫的,惊讶地说,孩子,额头怎么这么热,是不是发烧了?随后妈妈拿来体温表,给我测体温。五分钟过去了,妈妈拿出体温表一看,呀,发了高烧三十九度六,妈妈与我商量,今天就不上学了吧!我无奈地点点头,随后妈妈给我向老师请了假,便带我上了医院。 经医生诊断,我得了严重性感冒,所以才才引起扁桃体发炎。为我买了吊瓶和一大包药,看来这两天就要在病床上度过了。 两天过后,在妈妈和医生精心照顾下,我的病情有了很大的好转,星期日的上午,我正和妈妈在家里说话,并为落下的课发愁呢!妈妈打开了门,看到老师带了三个要好的女同学来到我家,为我补课,并安慰我,祝我早日康复,有位同学还从家里带来了许多好吃的零食呢!看这着位同学,一股暖流拥上我的心头,眼里闪动着激动的泪花。一时不知说什么好。妈妈也抢着给同学拿水果,到茶水,这种乐融融的气氛,似乎一下子把我的病魔仓促除掉了,浑身上下感到前所未有的清爽。这也许就是我们时常说的同学之间的互相帮助、相互扶持、团结奋进、共同进步、的纯洁而质朴的友爱。 而后,当三位同学利用晚上的时间来为我补课,使我不因为生病而落下功课,耽误学习。现在这件事已经过去快一年多的时间了,我也已经读初一下半学期了,我和那有些同学已不在一起上学了,我们各自都找到了一所自己认为满意的中学,开始了我们的紧张学习生涯。但我和那些同学的友爱之情却永远不会随着时间的流逝而被改变、而被遗忘。 它已经珍藏入了我的内心深处,无法把它狠心地抹掉;在我的小小的心灵里烙上了深深的印记。同时爱是相互的付出,是要人人都付出一点爱,世界将变成美好人间! 友爱是指我们同学之间的爱,是一种贴心的、不可怀疑的爱,它是纯洁的、是高尚的,是值得我们珍惜的,它的力量是不可低估的。 只有珍惜眼前所拥有的,他才能拥有的越来越多,相反,一味根据自己的喜好而折腾,只能是永远的折腾,永远的失去,永远的遗憾,永远的后悔。 人们往往一味追求得不到或已经失去的东西,而没发觉身边还拥有着许多值得珍惜与享受的宝贵财富。 ——题记 曾经看过这样一则故事: 某人在梦中见到了上帝,他问上帝:“你感到人类最奇怪的是什么?” 上帝答到:“他们厌倦童年的生活,急于长大,而后又渴望返老还童;他们牺牲自己的健康来换取金钱,然后又牺牲金钱来恢复健康;他们对未来充满忧虑,但却忘记了现在,于是他们既不生活于现在之中,也不生活在未来之中;他们活着的时候好象不会死去,但是死去以后又好象从未活过……” 我仔细品味,里面真的藏了好多真理。很多人不正是这样:拥有的时候从不珍惜,使劲挥霍,待到失去之时,才懂得珍惜。 人类有很高的欲望,从不满足于现状,有时间有精力的时候拼命拼命地追求,这也是失去拥有的原因之一——只知道还需要什么,失去了什么,而不知自己拥有了什么。因此,在追求到想要的东西以后,才发现失去了更多…… 那么,朋友们,在失去之前,珍惜拥有,把握今天,让人生的笔记上,写满收获,而不是悔怨。 或 生活使我懂得了珍惜 生活象一首歌,吟唱着悲喜交加的苦乐年华。所有的日子未必全都多姿多彩,但我过得有滋有味;所有的日子未必尽如人意,但我懂得享受每一个美丽的瞬间。生活中有凄风苦雨,也有鲜花灿烂,鲜花让我们自信,挫折能使我们的臂膀锻炼得更加坚强,所以我懂得了珍惜,珍惜生活赋予我的每一份礼物,不管它是“碧空万里”还是“乌云满天”。 生活象一首诗,有时隽永深沉,有时简洁明了,有时又淡泊如霜,但无不是感情的喷发,心灵的宣泄。诗具有微妙的情感,富有节奏,生活又何尝不是如此呢?所以我懂得了珍惜,珍惜生活中每一首诗,即珍惜生活中的每一节旋律,因为它们都富有生命色彩。 生活象大海,时而风平浪静,优美如画;时而波浪呼啸,凄凉悲壮;时而狂风争鸣,波浪冲天。人生如海水,不碰着巨石或礁石难以激起美丽的浪花。生活中没有失败和挫折,就不会有成功。所以我懂得了珍惜,珍惜我的生命,因为生命是如此的可爱。 人生之路,漫长而崎岖,说不清哪儿拐弯,哪儿平坦;哪儿有沟坎,哪儿有陷阱。我们只有一步看一步。逢山开路,遇水架桥,鼓起勇气想前走,无论走过的日子有几多坎坷,我始终相信:勇敢前行,前面有灿烂的阳光,迷人的花朵。所以我懂得了珍惜,珍惜所有的机会。我决不会放弃,因为机会最易失去。

假设你叫王明,昨天收到了笔友David的e-mail,得知他不久要到北京来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail,介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望。Dear David, I''m glad you''ll come to Beijing to learn C Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it It''s difficult for you because it''s quite different from E You have to remember as many Chinese words as It''s also important to do some reading and You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your Do your best to talk with people in C You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around If you have any questions, please ask I''m sure you''ll learn Chinese Hope to see you soon in B Yours, Wang Ming 二给朋友的信 假如你是英国学生PETER在北京学习,请按下文给你的朋友MARY写一封信谈一下北京和伦敦的异同相同点:北京和伦敦都是首都和重要城市,都拥有众多人口,都是国家经济 政治 文化中心,都拥有许多历史,文化古迹不同点:伦敦;汽车靠左行,很多人坐汽车上班 阴天多 懂汉语人少 学生不充分利用时间 北京:汽车靠右行很多人骑自行车上班 晴天多 懂 英语人多 学生学习勤奋Dear Mary, I have been living in Beijing for some time now and I find it very interesting There are so many similarities between Beijing and L They are both the capital of the country and are both very important Both places have huge They are both the economical, political and cultural They both have many historical and cultrual I also found many differences in the two In London we drive on the left side of the road, while in Beijing they drive on the right Most people in London go to work via public transportation, here in Beijing most people rides In London the weather is always cloudy, here in Beijing most the the time it's And in London most student don't spend their time efficiently, but here in Beijing many people speak English cause they study Regards, Peter三下面是李明同学在日记里记录下来的“保持健康的方法”的几条好建议。请你跟具下表的内容提示,以“The way to keep healthy ”为题,写一篇不少于80个词的短文。 1要多吃水果和蔬菜,多喝开水 2要多运动 3晚上睡眠时间不少与8个小时 三不要: 1晚上不要喝咖啡或茶 2不要吃太多的糖 3工作或学习不要太劳累 The Way To Keep Healthy Health has become a very important part of our life,and there are many ways to keep First,you can eat more fruit and vegetables,and you'd better drink more warn Next,you have to do lots of And having at least 8 hours'sleep a Remember,don't drink coffe or tea before you go to bed,don't eat too much sugar and don't work or study too late,it will make you too If you care about yourself, it's easy to have a healthy 四保护森林 题目:保护森林 字数:60字 内容:介绍我国森林情况与保护森林的措施our country has a large area of however,not until recently did the goverment begin to realize the importance of protecting the as we may know from various sources,the government recently adopted a policy called "restore the farmland to the forest"(退耕还林)。this has brought much hope to the forest of our country as well as the sustainable development of our 五Fresh Air 没有空气我们就不能活,请以Fresh Air为话题,写一篇短文。 提示词:villagers,more healthy,than,towns,air,fresh,all day in the fields,breathing fresh clean air,cities,full of smoke,dust,diseasePoeple in villages are healthier than people in That is because the air in villages is very Farmers are working all day in the fields, breathing fresh clean But there are too many factories in They produce more and more harmful At last, cities are full of And there's many dust in cities, It may cause a So fresh air is very important to the people in We need fresh So please don't pollute the air! 六一篇关于学校要举行校运会的通知!! Announcement(或者Notice也可以的) Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please?(典型的通知开头语) We will have a sports meeting next F The meeting will be held on the playground of our school, from 8 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the Anybody who would like to take part in the competitions? Just come on and join in! Also, we would like to remind you to make sure you can arrive on Thank you! the Students' Union Feb 13th,2006 (学生会的说法最好记住.这种通知没有落款也可以,但地道的"学生会"往那一摆,至少多得两分!) 七2008年奥运会我要做一名志愿者 I want to be a volunteer of beijing olympic I realized the time I must study english very Because English is very useful and it is very And to be a volunteer of the olympic games is good for myself I can make some friends from different countries and learn more about sport,about But the first thing to perpare this is study hard, I am confident i will to be a good volunteer and I will show the world:our country and our cities are so perfect in the 八奥运会将在北京举行 奥运会将在北京举行为了更好的迎接它的到来,北京政府在今后的几年中修建马路,体育场游泳池作为一名中学生,我们该怎么做呢? In three years later,Beijing will hold the 28th Olympic GThe goverment has decided to build new roads,buildings for As a junior student,i must study my english well enough to communicate with the foreigners,so that i can be a Then i can tell them more about my That will be so of the idea of the beijing is so every of us have to keep the circumstance around us,then our country will be more and more beautiful 九Yaoming - My Favorite Sports Star Yaoming - My Favorite Sports StarI am a basketball My favorite sports star is YAs we all know, Yao is a super star in NBA He is famous in America not only for his amazing height, but also for his perfect skills in basketball and in Although he is very popular throughout the world, he has never forgot his country and his teachers in C He's the hero in my 十My School My school is in the east end of the It takes me half an hour to get to school on I usually ride a bike to There are over one hundred and fifty teachers and about two thousand students in our We have two classroom The office building is three storeys On weekdays our teachers often take us to the laboratories to do Sometimes we have English lesson in the language We have a very large After school we take part in various activities, such as ball games, painting, singing and I like to play football with my I love my


Youth is When youth in casual with her special charm and a smile that brought us a alternate with happiness and sorrow, success and failure situation, we will for the former arrival and joy, also can be the latter's unsolicited annoyed and Actually, if we realize that life is not all roses, is not all sunny mood - though youth is doomed to and we definitely don't, actually we just keep the static youth effort FangCaoDe, block in the hearts of the promising land-nanhai primary school, our hearts are young, always Keep youth, bright and a heart of gold, be honest with Why, in the SIMS deeply shrewd heart degrees gentleman this abdomen? Meanwhile, the road sees reduced's help, Lord, make moves danger to give each other and concern from the wounds heal journey, let you my laughter drive away all the troubles and Selfless friendship make youth sublimation, greed, selfish, indifference, to preserve our sanity, turn a blind eye, is not mature Leave a sincerity to youth, will keep youth that zhang immaculate smiling Keep youth, retain their When we travel the world of mortals, unavoidably have sugar-coated cannonball, alluring Time and tide has its essence side, but also has its dregs side, we can't anything to its "Out of silt but don't dye, QingLian without demon" zhuo, consecrated themselves self-respect, pure pure zhenzhen, is our Sound refuse, little cry tears, just yu and bright fierce emotions, with the era of offensive, with bright in the earthly spring I die, Shouting, enjoy all the unfairness and shout this pain, Shouting broken youth is gone, the farm in the hot sun no white flag above my door childhood shout crouching in the sen cold Poverty, bring they refused to form of dark hate, fragile tears on his face in rough hands, after MaSha wrinkles eroding canyons all became; Cold, which only in northeast wide praise on the DongYuan, still have their humble heart and soul by BaoZhan blood memories, so not forget, because had turned into the marrow memories, they run in years with field, the voice of the wild farmers roar, the gas of the grumpy old materialism "if one day I" no country for old men, please bury me in, this spring in ` ` ` 青春是美丽的。当青春在不经意间以她特殊的魅力和微笑把我们带过一个交替着幸福和忧伤、成功和失败的境地时,我们会为前者的到来而欢呼雀跃,也会为后者的不请自来而懊恼无比。其实,只要我们意识到生活并不都是一帆风顺,并不全是风和日丽——尽管青春的年华注定要与我们决别,其实我们只要静守着青春的那块芳草地,努力耕耘心中的那片沃土,我们的心就会永葆青春,永远快乐。留住青春,亮也一颗金子般的心,坦诚对人。何必城府深深,以小人之心度君子这腹?同时天涯沦落人,路见危难,出手相助,主彼此的问候和关心医治来自旅途的伤痕,让你我的欢笑驱走所有的烦恼和沉闷。无私的友情使青春升华,贪婪自私、冷漠无情、明哲保身、视而不见,并非是成熟的体现。留一份真诚给青春,也就留住青春那张纯洁无瑕的笑脸。留住青春,留住尊严。当我们奔波红尘时,难免有糖衣炮弹,诱惑的陷阱。时代与潮流有它精华的一面,但也有其糟粕的一面,我们不能对其一概囫囵吞枣。“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”,自洁自爱,纯纯真真,才是我们的本性。声声决绝,点点泣泪,刚郁又亮烈的情绪,带着对时代鲜明的攻击性,伴随着俗世的衰朽,在春天里尽情地呐喊,呐喊这所有的不公以及苦痛,呐喊破碎的青春消逝在骄阳下的田头,呐喊凄惶的童年蜷缩在森冷的仓库。贫穷,带给他们不肯启齿的暗恨,脆弱的泪脸伏在粗糙的手掌上,摩挲后全成了沟壑纵横的皱纹;寒冷,哪只在东北广褒的冻原上,还有他们卑微的内心以及饱受悲伤的灵魂。饱蘸血泪的记忆,所以忘不掉,因为早已化作了入骨的回忆,他们奔跑在岁月的原野,用农人野性的嗓音吼叫的乖戾之气振聋发聩,“如果有一天,我老无所依,请把我埋在,这春天里```

【1】The weather change in Beijingwe all know that the weather in Beijing is very hard several years It rained rarely, a few times a year,and the rain isn't heavy,We all felt uncomfortble for the dry weather these It not only brought fierce wind but also with lots of sands in aking the sky of Beijing a grey and dim especially in spring and But later we saw a very gratifying situation in the north of BGovernment and many public good people invested money,with the help of many cities,a large quantity of trees had been planted This made it possible to prevent the sand storm from blowing into the city Not only The related department had also release some rules to limit and control the release of the offgas from he human life pollutions and the construction wastes pollution were both taken measures to All of this have made positive weather change in BSeveral years later,the rain is getting more and more,also heavier,Bring the city a fertile earth and cool Then the river is running and getting The terrible weather happens We all feel a lot more comfortable at and we belive that the environment in Beijng will be better with our efforts!【2】Beijing, the capital of China,is a very beautiful and important city,which is one of the ancient cities in C There are many famous wonders and beautiful spots,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace,Beihai Park and so Beijing is also the centre of politics,economy and culture of our Owing to the open-door policy,great changes have taken place since Many new houses and tall buildings can be seen Peole's living condition is getting better and Beijing has been successfully in her bidding for the 2008 Olympic G I'm sure greater changes will take place in Beijing in the next few I love B

1 Department of Community Medicine, University of Hong Kong, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China,2 Department of Health, Student Health Service, 4/F Lam Tin Polyclinic, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China,3 Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford OX2 6HE Introduction Passive smoking can cause death from lung cancer and coronary heart disease, but there is little evidence for associations with other causes of death in never A recent study showed increased all cause mortality with exposure to secondhand smoke at home but did not examine associations with specific causes of death and dose-response 1 We have published estimates of the mortality attributable to active smoking in Hong Kong2 and now present the related findings on passive smoking at Participants, methods, and results Details of the sample selection and data collection have been 2 Each person who reported a death in 1998 at four death registries was given a questionnaire which asked about the lifestyle 10 years earlier of the decedent and of a living person about the same age who was well known to the Passive smoking was identified in the interview with the question, "Ten years ago, in about 1988, excluding the decedent/control, how many persons who lived with the decedent/control smoked" Decedents or controls who lived with one or more smokers were classed as Cause of death was obtained from the death We selected never smoking decedents and controls aged 60 years or over because there were few younger To avoid selection bias, we included only cases and controls who had a living spouse at the time of We used logistic regression to derive odds ratios adjusted for age and education, and for sex when men and women were What is known on this topic There is strong evidence that passive smoking is causally associated with death from lung cancer, coronary heart disease, and all causes, and also with acute stroke What this study adds The dose-response relation between passive smoking and mortality from stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as from lung cancer, ischaemic heart disease, and all causes of death, strengthens the causal link We identified 4838 never smoking cases (55% male) and 763 never smoking controls (55% male) All controls were used in the analysis for each specific cause of We found significant dose dependent associations between passive smoking and mortality from lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, ischaemic heart disease, and from all cancers, all respiratory and circulatory diseases, and all causes (table) The association between mortality and passive smoking did not differ between males and Deaths due to injury or poisoning were not associated with passive Number of subjects who were or were not exposed to secondhand smoke at home and odds ratios (adjusted for age and education, and for sex when men and women were combined) for mortality in people aged 60 or over, Hong K Values are odds ratio (95% confidence interval) unless indicated otherwise Comment Dose dependent associations between passive smoking and causes of death are consistent with previous findings for lung cancer and coronary heart disease and extend the evidence on Previous studies have shown associations between passive smoking and first acute strokes,3 4 and we have now shown a dose-response relation with mortality from Previous studies focused on ischaemic strokes but Chinese populations have a greater incidence of haemorrhagic stroke than do white populations,5 implying that many of the strokes in our study may have been non- Passive smoking probably affects all stroke subtypes, as does active Our finding of a 34% increase in all cause mortality is consistent with but higher than that (15%) in the New Zealand 1 Exposure to secondhand smoke at home is higher in Hong Kong than in New Zealand due to crowded living Before the 1990s, awareness of the danger of passive smoking was lower and smokers smoked freely at We focused on passive smoking at home because the proxy reporter could most reliably supply these data, and we adjusted for education, which was also reliably recorded2 and is a good proxy for social class in Hong K As data on cases and controls were derived from the same proxy, reporting bias should be 2 If our results are not due to residual confounding, they provide further evidence that the dose-response associations between passive smoking and stroke and all cause mortality are likely to be See Editorial by Kawachi This article was posted on on 27 January 2005: We thank W L Cheung for help with analysis; the Immigration Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for data and assistance; and, in particular, the relatives who provided Contributors: THL, SYH, AJH, KHM, and RP designed and carried out the study on which this analysis was based; SMcG, MS, LMH, and GNT planned and carried out this analysis; and all authors contributed to writing the SMcG and THL are Funding: Hong Kong Health Services Research Committee (#631012) and Hong Kong Council on Smoking and H Competing interests: THL is vice chairman and AJH a former chairman of the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and H Ethical approval: Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong K References Hill SE, Blakely TA, Kawachi I, Woodward A Mortality among never smokers living with smokers: two cohort studies, 1981-4 and 1996- BMJ 2004;328: 988- Lam TH, Ho SY, Hedley AJ, Mak KH, Peto R Mortality and smoking in Hong Kong: case-control study of all adult deaths in BMJ 2001;323: 361- Bonita R, Duncan J, Truelson T, Jackson RT, Beaglehole R Passive smoking as well as active smoking increases the risk of acute Tobacco Control 1999;8: 156- Iribarren C, Darbinian J, Klatsky AL, Friedman GD Cohort study of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and risk of first ischemic stroke and transient ischemic Neuroepidemiology 2004;23: 38- Kay R, Woo J, Kreel L, Wong HY, Teoh R, Nicholls MG Stroke subtypes among Chinese living in Hong Kong: the Shatin stroke Neurology 1992;42: 985-

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开头 As time flew away, we are all becoming more aware about the merciless society, but we never ever forget our Even though time passes quick enough to forget ones we cared about, I still can remember a lot of And the precious friendship in my freshmen year is 结尾中间你自己想 毕竟我不清楚 就写写你好朋友和你们感动的回忆

White I was watching TV,a reporter said:‘’Love like water rushing stream,many strong; much disappointed; hope; a call for love,now the eternal torch rekindled,let us call out heartfelt love The call of love,is the network TV program of Project Hope donation,because the whole society's attention and not care,so that those who are expected to school children can also have got one's The start of the school is only a But now they dream to be Believe that their efforts to strive for good grades

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