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人类的科技正在飞速发展,对能源的需求也越来越大,据科学家推测,再以这样的速度开采下去,我们最为依靠的能源——石油将在本世纪末彻底枯竭,像石油、天然气、煤这样的不可再生能源,用一点,少一点,寻找新型能源,已是我们人类迫在眉睫的任务。 让我们大胆的想像一下,未来世界的人类,使用的能源将会是怎样的匪夷所思呢? 让我们在头脑中构建一个神奇的国度,河上有水车——水能;田野上耸立这无数的巨大风车——风能;城市里的所有楼房的房顶都是太阳电池板——太阳能;所有的马路、人行道、走廊的地面,都是一种奇怪的材料铺成的,把汽车、人、动物运动时产生的电能、热能收集起来——摩擦能。有一种工厂,用植物生产植物燃料;有一种交通工具,上天下海,遨游宇宙,无所不能,他的燃料竟是太阳能和生物燃料。有一种灯,只要河流不息,它就可以永远明亮。 幻想一下未来孩子的生活。阳光洒在小女孩乌黑的头发上,迎着晨曦,小女孩睁开了眼睛,粉嫩的小手从柔软的鹅绒被里探出来,按了一下床头的第三个红色按钮,楼下厨房中,传送带从冰箱里取出食材,用电热炉加热,送到了餐桌上。这一切都是依靠地面收集来的热能和电能完成的。 享用完美食,背上书包,坐进了智能××车中,点了一下荧幕学校的位置,××车用早上收集来的太阳能结合了植物燃料的等量,瞬间来到了学校门前…… 未来,这个充满希望的词语,让我们无限憧憬,未来,人类会更加辉煌吗?人类在不断的前进,未来人类要依靠什么样的能源呢?让我们畅想未来,去发现更多的环保能源来造福世界。


人类的科技正在飞速发展,对能源的需求也越来越大,据科学家推测,再以这样的速度开采下去,我们最为依靠的能源——石油将在本世纪末彻底枯竭,像石油、天然气、煤这样的不可再生能源,用一点,少一点,寻找新型能源,已是我们人类迫在眉睫的任务。 让我们大胆的想像一下,未来世界的人类,使用的能源将会是怎样的匪夷所思呢? 让我们在头脑中构建一个神奇的国度,河上有水车——水能;田野上耸立这无数的巨大风车——风能;城市里的所有楼房的房顶都是太阳电池板——太阳能;所有的马路、人行道、走廊的地面,都是一种奇怪的材料铺成的,把汽车、人、动物运动时产生的电能、热能收集起来——摩擦能。有一种工厂,用植物生产植物燃料;有一种交通工具,上天下海,遨游宇宙,无所不能,他的燃料竟是太阳能和生物燃料。有一种灯,只要河流不息,它就可以永远明亮。 幻想一下未来孩子的生活。阳光洒在小女孩乌黑的头发上,迎着晨曦,小女孩睁开了眼睛,粉嫩的小手从柔软的鹅绒被里探出来,按了一下床头的第三个红色按钮,楼下厨房中,传送带从冰箱里取出食材,用电热炉加热,送到了餐桌上。这一切都是依靠地面收集来的热能和电能完成的。 享用完美食,背上书包,坐进了智能××车中,点了一下荧幕学校的位置,××车用早上收集来的太阳能结合了植物燃料的等量,瞬间来到了学校门前…… 未来,这个充满希望的词语,让我们无限憧憬,未来,人类会更加辉煌吗?人类在不断的前进,未来人类要依靠什么样的能源呢?让我们畅想未来,去发现更多的环保能源来造福世界。


呃呃呃呃呃呃鹅鹅鹅呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃呃,我们也是~~o(>_<)o ~~(+﹏+)~狂晕



那天,我做了一个梦,梦见自己成为最后一批离开地球要去火星生活的移民。再见吧,生我养我的地球。再见吧,蓝色的海洋,再见吧,曾经的绿洲。这一切从今不会再有了,我要离开你,去一个陌生的星球,虽然我不想离开,一直留到最后,但是,我们始终要分别。 飞船吐出明亮的火焰,在灰暗的空中如此耀眼。我透过舷窗的玻璃俯瞰地球,我不敢相信,这就是我曾经住过的地方,只见地球上一块块突起的黑色土堆,就像癞蛤蟆那难看的脊背,不见了昔日葱葱的绿野——那是山;一汪汪都是不用工厂加工的碳素墨水,太阳掉进去也没有了光辉——那是海;空中飘浮的是一条条黑色的丝带,像是为了寄托无限的哀伤,轻轻裹在地球的周围——那是云。 这是我们曾以拥有的地球吗?是谁让她变得如此狼狈?是我们,是我们没有保护好她。曾经我们向河里排放污水,向海里倾倒垃圾,向空中排放有毒废气,对动物痛下杀手,对树木森林毫不珍惜……哎——飞船已经离开了地球的大气层。地球离我也越来越远。渐渐地我只能看到一个模糊的黑影,像迷雾,又像魔鬼。不知不觉我已进入了梦乡。 我又看到了地球,我看到了地球上绿色的田野,我闻到了野草的清香,我嗅到了水果的香味。啊,你看,那是小鸟在自由地飞翔,还有美丽的蝴蝶;再看大海,碧波荡漾,波光四射,海鸟在争抢食物,鱼儿在嬉戏,海上的船儿随波逐流,船上的人正在瞌睡;一片片的白云悠闲的飘荡在地球周围,像棉花,像积雪,盖住山头,看着草原上白色的羊群,轻轻拥抱着空中忙碌的飞机,默默地守护着大地;地上一片片欢声笑语,人们在跳着,笑着,在庆祝幸福的生活,在呼吸着清新的空气…… 我笑了,是最开心的笑,我见到了我的家。 突然一阵振动。我不想睁开眼睛,我想留住梦中美好的一刻。我醒了,这样我可以记住我想的一切了。飞船着陆了,我们要下船到自己的新家啦。大家都吵起来了,争着要下飞船,有一个人拉着我的手,要我走了。 我睁开眼睛,怎么是妈妈呢?怎么会是这样呢?我还在床上,“起床要上学啦——”我看看表,哦,是上学的时间了。 我一边走一边想着刚才奇怪的梦。一路上是黄黄的树叶,吵闹的汽车声、人声、机器声,臭水沟……我要是直能上火星多好啊,火星上一定比地球好。 不,我还是要在地球上。地球本来是好好的,只是我们人为的破坏让她变成了今天的样子,既然是我们破坏了地球,我们有责任让我们的地球变得更美丽。地球是生我养我的地方,我为什么要走呢?我们不能破坏地球,要好好保护她,因为我们只有一个地球。是地球养育了我们。

地球是神圣的,美丽的。她是人类的母亲,是生命的摇篮。原来的天是蔚蓝色的,可以清晰地看见白云朵朵,地面上干净清爽,四处飘来鸟语花香,这是多么美丽的景色啊! 现在天不是那么蓝,据专家介绍是人为造成的。有工厂排放的废气,汽车排放的尾气。地上有污水成积。时常有那么些不讲卫生的人随处乱扔果皮、纸屑,日久堆积,没有人去管就那么睁眼闭眼的从旁边走过,这就给害虫制造了生存的有利条件。有许多水利资源被污染,鱼儿可怜地浮在水面上,这样的水还可以让我们安全饮用吗?如今我的地球母亲已经严重生病了。 我们人人都知道保护环境,讲究卫生,人人有责,让我们来爱护环境保护美丽的地球吧!地球永远是我们的家!


As everyone knows , the environment has become worse and worse because people cut down more trees ,throw the waste everywhere and many factory put the dirty water into the It causes many serious Now river dirty, dirty air, the temperature So we must protect our environment We can plant more trees and throw the waste into the litter and so We only have one earth Let's put our effort to protect our environment

Like the universe we live inside a slide, a broad speed is relative, as there is an absolute speed, if someone is still running fast, then use the positive direction of the negative throttle, and certainly large, then could return, the volume of the object and the time also there is a relationship, the life span of a decade ants, but they finished the 100 years of human things done, for the ants it is also 100 years, they see the majority of space, is like the Earth and the Earth we see something other than the existence of a volume of absolute time and velocity relationship, if one 100 meters long, it's life-span of 1000, such as the turtle on the speed and life, the universe The one is through, the vast universe, just like human neurons, each connected to the door is not a novel space-time suspect, may be hidden in the Bermuda Triangle, a deep, was formed by the forces of nature, or in the pyramid, the pyramid may be diamond, just not digging Flying is not the dream of the human, material and substance, are all there is absolute, and the stone has links contain CaCO3, and so on, you can say have links to all substances, they also contain more than Quark small matter, if this material can find anti-matter, the same as magnet, then the man will use it flew up into the sky, there is the board hydrogen, hydrogen is a metal plate sheet, the quality is close to 0 or less than 0 , density greater than titanium, this is not a hypothesis that may later be realized some Light is also a particle, there are quality density, human use of solar energy is the thermal effect of the use of light, convert it into electricity, then use the energy of light particles is infinite, in the more distant future, when the light particles will be replaced H

I love the earth, love for our homeland Love her love her green mountains and rivers, green grass blue sky In the peak of fragrance of the flowers, butterflies, and I play with laughter; a wild profusion of vegetation in the forest and bird, I chase, singing; in the morning, I walked with light steps to wilderness outing, the mist around, white yarn, gently floating in the Suck the scent of flowers and plants, enjoy the sunshine, I was intoxicated in this delude one to folly dream; at night, I sit in the rice fragrance farmhouse small courtyard, looking at the stars, listening to the sound of Liao ring, frog sound waves, as if you are in a fairy tale Spring, I sat on the back of a bull, in the prairies stretch as far as eye can see, listen to the song melody, Mudi In summer, I sitting in a boat and oars, Ren slapping the green lake, watching seagulls gently across the vast lake; autumn, I stood under the tree, all hope of the yellow leaves fall; the winter, I stood at the window, watching fleecy snow fluttering in the In this picturesque paradise, my heart was thoroughly!Only a short while ago, people cut down many trees, the nature of the ecological balance is Dune swallowed million hectares of fertile farmland, destroyed by the flood home sweet home, the Revenge of nature to human awkward Mei Shuixi once said, there is no natural, human, it is one of the world's plain A predatory nature, conquer nature, will only destroy the ecological system, bring trouble to oneself, make the mankind is on the brink of This saying is also quite good, people do not give nature to save face, natural course does not give people left posterior,98Flood, sand-dust storm in 2000, in fact, it is human nature to the Only a short while ago, people scrambling to catch chaos to kill, make human friend suffers " A bird, nobody trail", which is to kill the animal consequences of the most authentic From the college students bear injury incident to fools crazy hunting, whether humans will also be aimed the gun at his? Remember, animal protection is to protect Only a short while ago, the outbreak of war, so that our planet see evidence of people's distress Fire on the destruction of vegetation, nuclear radiation on the destruction of life, while Hiroshima, the mushroom cloud over Nagasaki has ended more than half a century, but there is still the Thus, peace is the prerequisite of all mankind I can't imagine, if we go on like this, this world will be a map of how miserable scene? The ground of barren sky, dusty, the human race would be in a devil screams in the piles of Then we can say, human once belongs to the earth, but the earth will never belong to human Gu Yanwu once said, everyone is responsible for his Protect environment and maintain the ecological balance of the historical responsibility to fall on our cross-century generation of Let us all to love nature, love the earth, hand in hand, side by side, the heart has cast a green environmental protection levee, defend the resources, the protection of the environment, protect the earth, protect our beautiful homeland!

Our planet is a blue planet 我们的地球是个蓝色的星球 A solar system,Earth is the only planet known to have life 地球是太阳系里唯一一颗已知有生物的星球 The earth is only one,we have to take care of her and her treasure 地球只有一个,我们要好好保护她,好好珍惜她 够了吗?


The earth is our mother; the earth is our indispensable to human right; human earth is our cradle! After losing the earth, we will always save do not come Earth is our home, she was like a mother, for providing us with the resources and conditions of Our earth is the guest, we cannot turn from a guest into a host " "Free to exploitation of mineral resources; reckless abuse of chemicals; littering and causing serious environmental pollution; discharge of sewage, destruction of water resources and so The foolish man, don't forget, in the earth's true resource dried up when, we are doomed, because suitable for human living space only The earth is the common home of symbiotic creatures from the harmony of all There is only one home, the earth cannot Protection of green water and blue sky, build a green home!地球是我们人类的母亲;地球是我们人类不可缺少的知音;地球是我们人类的摇篮!失去地球后,我们将永远挽救不回来。地球是我们人类赖以生存的家园,她就像母亲一样,为我们提供着生存的资源和条件。我们是地球的客人,我们不能“反客为主”。随意地开采矿物资源;不顾后果地滥用化学药品;乱扔垃


保护地球的英语作文  Protect the Earth   The earth, the only mother of human beings, is now facing a great threat-environmental  Therefore, it is important for all of us to protect the earth, for she is only home to all peoples living on    Throughout the world, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious as a result of various reasons First of all, the rapid economic and social development is producing a large amount of pollution in form of gas, waster and waste; Besides, People's poor awareness of environmental protection is also another important factor contributing to environmental  For example, a large number of people have developed the habit of using plastic bags and white lunch boxes which do great harm to  What’s worse, many people are cutting ting down increasing number of trees, causing soil  In addition, the management of the government also contributes to serious  Therefore, we must take measures to prevent the earth from being    Living on this beautiful planet, we must actively contribute to beautifying the  It's important to improve the /nenvironmental awareness of human  The factories should reduce the discharge of sewage and  People should learn to use clean energy such as Solar, Nuclear and Hydrogen  The government should make some laws to ban different harmful  Let’s change words into action!

The earth is our home let's go laugh at and keep it clean,We should not drive so much,because,class uses A lot of energy,To keep the earth clean,We can take the bus and match,tutu,we can walk to school too,We can move some factories away from our city,We should not waste water,we should reuse and save Water,Earth is our home
