

发布时间:2024-09-06 01:34:30


Adjustment of agricultural structure, characteristics of the western region to speed up the development of agriculture  【Abstract】 implementing the western development strategy and strategic adjustment of agricultural structure for the development of agriculture with characteristics Samangan province have provided favorable opportunities and broader space, this article from the analysis of Gansu Province, the implementation of the importance of agriculture with characteristics and the main features of the market potential of agricultural products start to understand the characteristics of Gansu Province characteristics of agricultural production and put forward the implementation of special agriculture in Gansu Province of the countermeasures and   【Key words】 western characteristic agriculture  Gansu province is located in China's western region is a vast region, is included in the national development of the western region the concept of one of 12 provinces and municipalities and autonomous regions, serious soil erosion, land desertification, water shortages, destruction of vegetation, forest grassland degradation Gansu province is a major eco-environmental problems, industrial pollution in the city after-effects of economic Gansu Province, the fragile ecological environment will not only hinder further development of regional economy, but also the future of the living environment has become a major All this has its crux of the problem: the history of long-term low levels of productivity and ecological fragility of both cause and effect; "too much emphasis on food self-sufficiency" model of development led to forest destruction and soil erosion; economic construction does not follow the law of the ecological environment, ecological construction technology support the weak; institutional fragmentation, so that ecological protection and construction of the measures can hardly be Characteristics of agriculture refers to the unique resources, clear regional characteristics, a special product quality and specific consumer market of agricultural Gansu Province, a vast territory, light, heat, water, soil is rich in resources, species diversity, with the development of agriculture with characteristics and potential After years of development, characteristics of Gansu Province has been a foundation of Implementing the western development strategy and strategic adjustment of agricultural structure for the development of characteristic agriculture in Gansu Province provided favorable opportunities and broader At present, we should seize the opportunity, clear thinking, focus, work out measures to speed up the characteristics of agricultural development in Gansu Province  1, the development of Gansu Province, the importance of agriculture with characteristics  1 The development of characteristic agriculture is implementing the western development strategy will focus on the   Agriculture is the basis for developing the western region and an important Characteristics of agriculture is the focus of agricultural development in the western Characteristics through the development of agriculture, strengthening infrastructure construction, improve production conditions, enhance productive capacity, can further strengthen agriculture as the foundation of Gansu Province to speed up agricultural and rural economic development pace for the development of Gansu's economy and narrow the gap between east and west to create the   2 is the development of characteristic agriculture in Gansu Province strategic adjustment of agricultural structure of the main direction of   The use of Gansu Province, rich in agricultural resources, in line with local conditions and characteristics of agricultural and industrial development, nurturing characteristics with the western industrial belt of agricultural and industrial groups, agricultural resources can achieve a multi-level, multi-channel development and utilization to meet the diversification and high quality market demand is conducive to opening up new market space, Gansu Province, to promote the agricultural structure optimization and    Gansu, the main features of the development potential of agricultural products and market demand analysis  From the distribution of agricultural products and market demand, both in terms of Gansu Province, with resources and potential for development of agricultural resources are mainly concentrated in the food, medicinal herbs, fruit and livestock products   1, food  In 2002 the province's grain sown area of 3943 mu, 83 million tons grain Between regions in food production that there are clear regional differences, good natural conditions in the plain areas and to take intensive intensive methods of production inputs are also relatively large, thus the per capita grain output was significantly higher than other Per capita food expenditure from the situation, the year the total income per capita grain 92 kilograms, 24 kilograms of total Main per capita consumption of 45 kilograms of grain (including 89 kilograms of wheat, representing the main food consumed 37%), 75 kilograms of grain feed, 72 kilograms of seed Help Gansu food consumption is still in a state of equilibrium tightness, food as the mainstay of rural food consumption status has not been any big   With the gradual deepening of reform and opening-up and join the WTO, the current international market prices tend to decline, while China's grain production costs are generally upward The short term a significant increase in land productivity may be low, China's comparative advantage in grain production continued to In addition China's wheat import market of the United States and European Union countries in the Uruguay Round negotiations, reached an agreement to reduce subsidies, which means that China can no longer own the market of imports from these relatively low over the past price of wheat to China to take measures to raise the level of food self-sufficiency and reduce food As the grain in Gansu Province larger share of agricultural products, the impact of lower prices to become the province's agricultural prices decline in the overall level of the main   2, economic crops  In the economic crops, the potential for greater processing Chinese herbal medicines, medicinal herbs market in the country occupies a pivotal role, medicines rough year more than 11,000 tons, 3270 tons of proprietary Chinese Five Angelica is in Gansu Province is the largest varieties of medicinal herbs, over the years has been in a tight pin, and annual production of more than 4 thousand tons, the volume of 27,300 tons of goods, export volume of 1509 At present, the formation of their own as the mainstay of rural Danggui market Minxian Xiguan, Meichuan, Dangchang hada Shop, of the rationale for Sichuan, Zhangxian Chengguan, Ishikawa, Weiyuan Kawasaki, will be over These markets with other medicines markets outside the network for the promotion of medicines in circulation has played an important Changium Gansu Province is the second largest varieties of medicinal herbs, annual output of more than 14,000 tons, the volume of more than 13,000 tons of goods, with its output accounting for about 70 percent of national output, of which the principal export Radix Hedysari is unique to Chinese herbal medicines in Gansu, the main export to T Rhubarb and liquorice market demand, lack of sales production, prices, market   Traditional Chinese Medicine in Gansu Province is the main pharmaceutical products in 2002, the sown area of Gansu Province, 199 million mu of Chinese herbal medicines, the total output 305,800 tons, the annual industrial output value of Chinese medicine to 4 billion yuan, accounting for all the Chinese medicine industry to 40 Medicine more prominent structural contradictions in the economy, small and scattered industrial enterprises, commercial enterprises in Gansu medicine abuse is a significant Most of medicine resources on the supply of raw materials or primary products market, value-added processing and great Gansu medicine market capacity of 20 billion yuan, but in Gansu local market consumption of only 6 million yuan, the market   References:  1, "on the characteristics of the western region to speed up the views of agricultural development," the Ministry of Agriculture 12  2, Zhu Xing BAI "developing the western region - agriculture, rural areas and farmers," Economics and Management Press 7  3, reference is LiuXinmao weeks "loess ground green hope" Lanzhou University Press 1  中文大意如下  调整农业产业结构,加快西部地区特色农业的发展  【论文摘要】实施西部大开发战略和农业结构战略性调整,为发展甘省特色农业提供了有利的机遇和广阔的空间,本文从分析甘肃省实施特色农业的重要性和主要特色农产品的市场潜力入手,了解甘肃省特色农业的生产特点,提出了甘肃省实施特色农业的对策与建议。  【关键词】西部 特色农业  甘肃省位于中国的西部,是一片广阔的地域,是被国家划入西部大开发概念的12个省市自治区之一,严重的水土流失、土地荒漠化加剧、水资源短缺、植被破坏、森林草原退化是甘肃省面临的主要生态环境问题,工业污染成为城市发展经济的后遗症。甘肃省脆弱的生态环境不仅阻碍区域经济的进一步发展,而且已经成为未来生存环境的重大隐患。这一切问题都有其症结所在:历史上长期的生产力水平低下与生态脆弱互为因果;“过分强调粮食自给”的发展模式导致森林破坏和水土流失;经济建设不遵循生态环境规律,生态建设科技支撑能力薄弱;制度上条块分割,使生态环境保护和建设各项措施难以落实。特色农业是指具有独特的资源条件、明显的区域特征、特殊的产品品质和特定的消费市场的农业产业。甘肃省地域辽阔,光、热、水、土资源丰富,物种资源多样,具有发展特色农业的优势和潜力。经过多年的发展,甘肃省特色农业已有一定的基础。实施西部大开发战略和农业结构战略性调整,为发展甘肃省特色农业提供了有利的机遇和广阔的空间。当前,要抓住机遇,明确思路,突出重点,制定措施,加快甘肃省特色农业发展  1、发展甘肃省特色农业的重要性  1发展特色农业是实施西部大开发战略的重点任务。  农业是西部大开发的基础和重要组成部分。特色农业是西部农业开发的重点。通过发展特色农业,加强基础设施建设,改善生产条件,提高生产能力,可以进一步加强农业基础地位,加快甘肃省农业和农村经济发展步伐,为发展甘肃经济和缩小东西部差距创造条件。  2发展特色农业是甘肃省农业结构战略性调整的主攻方向。  利用甘肃省丰富的农业资源,因地制宜地发展特色农产品和产业,培育具有西部特色的农业产业带和产业群,可以实现农业资源多层次、多途径的开发利用,满足多样化、优质化的市场需求,有利于开辟新的市场空间,促进甘肃省农业结构的优化和升级。   甘肃主要特色农产品的开发潜力及市场需求分析  从农产品分布特点和市场需求两方面来看,甘肃省具有资源优势和开发潜力的农产品资源主要集中在粮食、药材、果品和畜产品上。  1、粮食作物  2002年全省粮食播种面积3943万亩,粮食总产量783万吨。区域之间在粮食生产上存在着明显的地区差异,平原地区自然条件好,并采取集约化的精耕细作方式,生产性投入也比较大,因而人均粮食产量明显高于其它地区。从人均粮食收支情况看,年内人均粮食收入合计92公斤,支出合计24公斤。人均主食用粮45公斤(其中小麦89公斤,占主食用粮的37%),饲料用粮75公斤,种籽用粮72公斤。说明甘肃粮食消费仍处于紧度平衡状态,粮食作为农村食品消费的主体地位没有什么大的变化。  随着改革开放的逐步深入及加入WTO,目前国际市场上粮价趋于下降,而我国粮食生产成本总体上则呈上升趋势。短期内土地生产率大幅度提高的可能不大,我国粮食生产的比较优势仍在下降。此外中国小麦进口市场的美国和欧盟各国在乌拉圭回合谈判中达成消减补贴的协议,这意味着中国己不可能再从这些市场上进口过去价格相对较低的小麦,促使中国采取措施提高粮食自给水平,减少粮食进口。由于粮食在甘肃省农产品中所占比重较大,其价格下降成为影响全省农产品价格总水平下降的主要因素。  2、经济作物  在经济作物中,中药材加工潜力较大,在全国药材市场中占有举足轻重的作用,药材年粗加工1.1万多吨,中成药3270吨。五种大宗地道中药材。当归是甘肃省药材的第一大品种,多年来一直处于紧销状态,年产量达84万多吨,商品量73万吨,出口量1509吨。目前己形成以当归为主体的农村市场有岷县西关、梅川,宕昌哈达铺、理川,漳县城关、石川,渭源会川等十多个。这些市场同省外其它药材市场形成了网络,对于促进药材流通起到了重要的作用。党参是甘肃省药材第二大品种,年产4万多吨,商品量3万多吨,其产量约占全国总产量的70%,其中纹当主要提供出口。红芪是甘肃特有的中药材,主要出口台湾。大黄和甘草市场需求量大,产不足销,价格上升,市场前景看好。  中药是甘肃省医药产品的主力,2002年甘肃省中药材播种面积199万亩,总产量58万吨,年中药工业产值达到4亿元,占到全部医药工业的40%。医药经济结构性矛盾比较突出,工业企业小而散、商业企业多而滥是甘肃医药的一个显著特征。大部分药材资源是以原材料或初级产品供应市场,加工增值潜力大。甘肃药材市场容量在20亿元以上,但甘肃本地产品市场的消费量只有6亿多元,市场需求量大。  参考文献:  1、《关于加快西部地区特色农业发展的意见》 农业部 12  2、朱文兴 白明 《西部大开发――农业、农村、农民》 经济管理出版社 7  3、刘兴茂 周述实 《黄土地上的绿色希望》 兰州大学出版社 1

The Industrialization of Agriculture:Policy, Research, and Education Needs DRIVING INDUSTRIALIZATION OF AGRICULTURE: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE GRAIN INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES Present Situation of the Industrialization and Development _science/071/pdfFarm Policy in an Industrialized Agriculture~jab/Library/M00-pdfAgriculture, and developmen on the Road to Industrialization更多:用google搜索industrialization agriculture filetype:pdf用google学术搜索:-CN&lr=

The research result indicates that: to develop high-yield, high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture is the main source of the increase in farmers' income and the basic approaches; Widen the channel is diversified agricultural production of the increase in farmers' income important way; Promote the processing industry of agricultural products is the development of the increase in farmers' income extension path; To speed up the development of tourism and service is the new way of the increase in farmers' income; Increase the transfer of rural surplus labor force is engaged in non-agricultural industries of the increase in farmers' income basic way; Strengthen rural infrastructure construction and the integration of urban and rural areas construction is an important guarantee of the increase in farmers' The proposed increase the popularization and application of the agricultural science and technology achievements; Take effective measures to actively promote expanded scale farm management, improving farmers' scale economic benefit; Adjust the industrial structure optimization; To speed up the development of new agricultural cooperation organization, promoting the industrialized operation of agriculture, to enhance the agricultural and farmers' market position; The development of the local of high quality characteristic agricultural products, improve the quality of agricultural products; To promote agricultural mechanization, improve agricultural labor productivity other The government at all levels to put forward the urban and rural planning, promoting the industrialization, the urbanization and the agricultural modernization synchronous development; Increasing financial investment, improve the support of a compensation mechanism; To strengthen the agricultural technical service, improve the agricultural product market management; Strengthen the education training, cultivating modern agricultural producers and policy S


学术堂收集了一部分关于农业问题的论文题目,大家可以参考:  科技社团信息化发展策略及政策建议--以中国农学会信息化建设为例  氮肥种类及用量对旱地玉米肥料利用率和产量的影响  秸秆深埋条件下不同施氮水平对玉米产量和氮吸收利用的影响  腐植酸增效复混肥对玉米产量及养分利用率的影响  不同水肥管理措施对寒地水稻产量及水肥利用效率的影响  不同施肥处理对黄瓜生长及产量的影响  两种产量水平下减量施氮对杂交中稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响  氮钾和有机肥在生姜上的肥效研究  猪场肥水施用对玉米-小麦农田氨排放、氮素利用与表观平衡的影响  不同肥料对土壤物理特性和棉花产量的影响  长期施肥对山东潮土磷盈亏及农学阈值的影响  氮肥施用量对玉米生长发育及产量的影响  减量施肥条件下生物炭与耕作方式对玉米氮吸收及产量的影响





Agriculture Technologies 900 Million Farmers in ChinaThe history of reform and opening up has witnessed three calls for the development of rural 900 million farmers constitute the world's largest group of consumers and have created the biggest business opportunity in CIn the face of the dual competitive pressure posed to China by the hi-tech advantage of the developed countries and the price advantage resulted from the currency devaluation in surrounding countries, China has clearly indicated: From the long-term point of view, while actively exploring international markets, it is essential to actively develop the domestic market, particularly the rural This is a strategic choice in conformity with China's national The rural market is the most dynamic, practical pivotal point in expanding domestic demands and boosting economic Inadequate effective demand has become the greatest hindrance to China's current economic In the series of macro-control measures to be adopted in the second half of this year, exploring the rural market is regarded as "a rope for capturing the tiger" Experts' estimation indicates: Every 100 billion yuan worth of final consumption realized in rural areas will generate 6 billion yuan worth of consumption demand for the entire national It is also a brand-new starting-point in the readjustment of economic structure and the readjustment of product Today, the buyer's market has penetrated to every corner of China's Of the 900-odd important industrial products, the utilization rate of over half of the production capacity is less than 50 percent, structural readjustment is thus In the effort to successfully open up the rural market, industrial enterprises must produce commodities geared to rural demands; and commercial enterprises must skillfully build smooth and swift marketing There are many difficulties confronting the effort to explore rural Reasons for this are For example, some local governments have inadequate understanding of the importance and urgency of exploring rural markets, fear difficulty and lack confidence in accomplishing this task; quite a number of industrial and commercial enterprises still harbor the concept of "valuing cities while belittling the countryside", this is manifested in the fact that the product mix is incompatible with the rural market demand, the variety of commodities on sale is single and farmers find it inconvenient to In fact, the rural market has enormous potential and there are many favorable conditions for developing the rural So long as industrial and commercial enterprises really attach importance to the rural market, carefully study farmers' demands, exert great efforts to do a good job in the work of exploring the rural market well, they can definitely achieve the anticipated Industrial enterprises stress production of commodities geared to market needs, while commercial enterprises emphasize smooth and fast marketing Efforts should be made to develop new sales methods, such as chain-store, agency and distribution center and to establish various forms of sales networks wherein industry and commerce, commerce and commerce, town and country, state-owned commerce and individually-run and privately-run commerce join Chinese business people will have ample scope for their abilities in rural The key to success in exploring rural markets lies in increasing farmers' It is necessary to open up the rural consumer goods market to allow farmers to buy things; and it is also necessary to first open up the rural agricultural produce market, so that farmers' purses will be bulgingFarmers' income is stepping into the period of a new round of growth at reduced Slow increase in farmers' income is the greatest factor thwarting efforts to explore rural When farmers' purses are not so bulging, increase in actual consumption demand will be To increase farmers' income is, in essence, to enhance the rural economy's adaptability to the socialist market In the opinions of authoritative persons, it is essential to get hold of two links: one is "what to grow" Farmers have to grow farm crops easy to yield added To do so, it is necessary to readjust and optimize the agricultural structure, develop high-efficiency and high-value-added characteristic Second is "how to sell the produce" To increase farmers' income, it is essential to solve the problem concerning ties between the farmer and the market, farmers should be enabled to smoothly enter the big, ever-changing This requires development of industrial management of agriculture, and cultivation of a wholesale market system, intermediary service system and information service Cultivating a wholesale trading market system by making use of the advantages of tradition, regional location, resources and industry is an important aspect in invigorating the flow of agricultural produce and industrial This has been proved by the experience of many --------------------------------------------------------------------------------China May Hold Future of Food TechnologyBy Dennis AverySenior fellow and Director, Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute Is it possible the First World will give China a virtual monopoly in agricultural biotechnology, destined to be one of the most valuable technologies of the 21st century? Have the United States and Europe thrown away billions of dollars in agriculture-related biotech earnings and hundreds of thousands of clean, high-tech research and support jobs? The United States and Europe have spent billions of dollars doing basic research in genetically modified crops and animals to make foods that are better-tasting, more nutritious and kinder to the Will China now step in and charge the United States and Europe steep royalties for the right to grow the new organisms that result from this research? Those are all strong possibilities, in the wake of the environmental group Greenpeace's stunningly swift and successful campaign to ban genetically modified foods and First World investors were afraid to be caught in another controversy like tobacco, or another set of baseless class-action lawsuits like the controversy over silicone breast They've bailed out on agricultural biotechnology long before governments dared To duck the controversy, Monsanto's orphaned agricultural biotech unit will be dumped into a hostile stock market along with its multibillion-dollar laboratories and Ditto for the big agricultural biotech units of Europe's Novartis and Z Look for layoffs from all And don't expect the laid-off scientists to land jobs at public research The publicly funded research labs will be even more gun-shy of agricultural biotechnology now than the private The erstwhile scientists will have to lay aside their doctorates and start new A lucky few may find jobs in human medical biotech, which the environmental movement has not attacked This has nothing to do with risks to people or the Despite media hype, no real dangers related to biotech foods have ever been But Greenpeace seems to want a smaller, poorer human population, so they're willing to frighten the world back into the scientific Dark A The one thing certain is genetic engineering in food production will not When the astronomer Galileo published his proofs in 1632 that the Earth revolved around the sun, the Catholic Church put him under house The church had declared the Earth the center of the But people could never look at the sun in quite the same way They had new The First World may be so comfortable it can afford to pass up biotech But the Third World is still struggling to provide adequate diets for its growing For the developing world, the choices are The can either use biotechnology to raise yields, grow more low-yield crops by clearing tropical forests or import food from the W Given those choices, biotech foods look awfully Most Third World countries are too small or poor to advance agricultural biotechnology on their Countries like Brazil and Argentina could assemble the scientific resources but they're afraid of losing their export sales to nervous European and Japanese India might like to develop high-yielding biotech crops to ease its cropland shortage, but its own prickly activists are still arguing over hybrid They're likely to hamstring Indian biotech into the near foreseeable China is the one country in the world with the scientific power to carry biotechnology forward in agriculture, the urgent need for massive amounts of additional food and feed and no need to allow unfounded food scares to be published in its China already has over 1 million farmers growing genetically modified cotton, corn and soybeans because of lower Anyone who doubts China's ability to carry forward good science is ignoring the country's fabulous history and its recent ballistic missile "Golden rice" by itself may be enough to secure genetically engineered foods' reputation among Chinese Asian women are at high risk of birth complications because of iron deficiency due to the phytate in the rice they Golden rice counteracts the phytate and provides ample dietary It also contains plenty of Vitamin A, also lacking in many rice-culture The International Rice Research Institute is already breeding golden rice genes into popular rice varieties for the people of Asia and A Is Greenpeace callous enough to try to frighten poor rice-culture consumers away from golden rice and back to childhood blindness? Using biotechnology, China should be able to produce highly attractive foods, such as healthier fats for cooking, allergy-free nuts, more tender steaks and, at last, a tasty off-season Every vitamin and mineral needed by the human body could be engineered into our foods, saving consumers billions of dollars in food When First World consumers find out about such goodies, China can export them or charge farmers in other countries a fee to grow The biotech crops will also feature sharply higher yields, especially on marginal farmlands where drought and acid soils currently limit Greenpeace should cheer this, since it will directly help save Asian tropical First World farmers will lose a significant part of their export potential, of course, if Third World farmers can produce higher yields and more desirable specialty foods through At the moment, that seems to be the price they pay for farming in a rich, overfed


The Industrialization of Agriculture:Policy, Research, and Education Needs DRIVING INDUSTRIALIZATION OF AGRICULTURE: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE GRAIN INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES Present Situation of the Industrialization and Development _science/071/pdfFarm Policy in an Industrialized Agriculture~jab/Library/M00-pdfAgriculture, and developmen on the Road to Industrialization更多:用google搜索industrialization agriculture filetype:pdf用google学术搜索:-CN&lr=


学术堂收集了一部分关于农业问题的论文题目,大家可以参考:  科技社团信息化发展策略及政策建议--以中国农学会信息化建设为例  氮肥种类及用量对旱地玉米肥料利用率和产量的影响  秸秆深埋条件下不同施氮水平对玉米产量和氮吸收利用的影响  腐植酸增效复混肥对玉米产量及养分利用率的影响  不同水肥管理措施对寒地水稻产量及水肥利用效率的影响  不同施肥处理对黄瓜生长及产量的影响  两种产量水平下减量施氮对杂交中稻产量和氮肥利用率的影响  氮钾和有机肥在生姜上的肥效研究  猪场肥水施用对玉米-小麦农田氨排放、氮素利用与表观平衡的影响  不同肥料对土壤物理特性和棉花产量的影响  长期施肥对山东潮土磷盈亏及农学阈值的影响  氮肥施用量对玉米生长发育及产量的影响  减量施肥条件下生物炭与耕作方式对玉米氮吸收及产量的影响


你要是用模型呢 还是从宏观角度来说呢?


“三农”与市场 来源: 作者: 发布时间:2007-08-31 中国传统社会是一个农业大国,百分之九十以上的老百姓都以农业为生,农业是他们赖以生存的经济基础,离开农业,他们的生产生活就会陷入困境,这是我国传统社会最大的国情。在传统社会中,土地问题又是农业中的最大问题。土地所有权问题则是农业发展变化中的核心所在,也是农业、农村、农民经济生活中的关键所在。 春秋战国时期,我国传统社会经历了一次经济体制变革时期,由西周时期的领主制经济体制向地主制经济体制过渡,经过几百年的发展与变动,到秦汉时期,地主制经济体制得到确立。废井田“民得买卖”,开创了经济运行的新纪元。地主制经济体制是以地主经济为核心,包括国有经济、自耕农经济、佃农经济、手工业经济、商业经济在内的多种经济成分构成。其中小农经济(包括自耕农经济和佃农经济)是地主制经济的基础。当地主经济无限扩张时,地主制经济体制下的多种经济成分之间的平衡关系就会被打破,自耕农经济会受到极大打击而衰败下去,广大自耕农便沦落为佃农,或地主的依附农,或雇佣工人。佃农经济因受自耕农破产挤压,原来的佃农中有相当部分受到排挤,而沦落为流民,主佃之间的依附关系,随着小农经济破坏而得到强化,整个农民阶层社会地位在下降。与此同时,手工业者也因小农经济破产,产品找不到出路而倒闭。这时地主制经济体制就会发生倒退,甚至是逆转。不甘心破产、没落的小农和手工业者就会为争取曾经有过的经济利益进行抗争,一场以农民和手工业者为主体的声势浩大的农民战争爆发了。在农民战争洗涤下,地主制经济体制又回到正常轨道上,各种经济成分之间的利益暂时得到平衡,劳动生产者的积极性又会得到巨大的发挥,社会经济又会在新一轮经济关系中得到恢复和发展,并走向繁荣昌盛。 经过一场巨大的农民战争洗礼,新王朝建立以后,为了安定社会秩序,为了恢复和发展生产,采取一系列措施。如鼓励垦荒,并给垦荒者以土地所有权,在规定时间内免于升科纳粮、免除徭役负担,没有耕牛、籽种者给予资助,大力兴修水利,或资助农户凿井溉田,鼓励农民发展家庭副业,在受灾年份可以免除部分田赋,或给予赈济,或对地主兼并土地行为进行抑制,等等。这时,小农经济在较为宽松的社会经济条件下,得到恢复和发展。整个社会经济在小农经济发展拉动下,也由衰败走向恢复,并走向繁荣和昌盛。这一切都受到地主制经济影响和约束。 在地主制经济体制制约下,土地可以买卖,并不固定在某个人手中。由于土地所有制不同,所以中国社会经济运行与西欧领主制经济体制运行有巨大不同,西欧在领主制经济体制约束下,庄园内部实行分工制,生产各种各样产品以满足庄园内部生产生产需求,与市场联系不密切;中国在地主制经济体制制约下,由于各个经济单位规模小,产品又单一,对市场有强烈依赖性,带有明显的中国特色。 在地主制经济体制制约下,每家每户都是一个独立经济单位,由于他们经营土地面积规模都不大,南方地区,耕地多的农户,所占有的土地不过数十亩,占地少的家庭,所耕种的土地不过三五亩,少的甚至几分地而己。北方自耕农虽然耕地面积大些,多者上百亩,少者十几亩或几亩,但单位面积产量比南方要低。从家庭人口结构看,不论南方或北方,家庭成员也不多,一般为四五口之家,数世同堂大家庭虽有,但为数不多。地主占地有的很大,多者以万计,但绝大部分土地是划分为小块,出租给农民,以收取地租为生。土地收获物以粮食为主,很单一,无法完全满足生产生活需求,各个经济单位之间必须进行交换,才能实现自身经济再生产。这成千成万经济单位存在,以及多种经济成份并存情况下,为市场经济发展堤供了极为广阔的空间。 不过,市场经济的发展还取决于当时社会的购买力。我国传统社会以农业经济为主体,市场经济繁荣与萧条,取决于当时农业经济的发展,农村经济活跃,农民生活富裕程度来衡量。有人认为个别地区市场发展是靠当地官僚集中、消费水平高来拉动。但从全国社会经济发展情况看,这仅仅是很特殊的事例,不能把它扩大化。手工业工人、商人、官僚数量也不大,据研究,到明清时期,城镇人口还占不到百分之十,也就是说最多也不过十分之一而己。尽管这些人与市场关系很密切,对市场经济依赖性很强,消费也较高,但必竟人少,对整个社会经济来说,购买力还是有限,对市场经济整体而言,起不到拉动作用。所以农村经济发展,是市场经济发展的至为关键所在。舍此,而去寻找其他什么原因,都是拾芝麻丢西瓜,抓小而不抓大。 中国封建社会以农业为主体,是农民赖以生存最基本条件。明清两代农业经济发展与衰落,农村经济繁荣与衰败,农民需要增加与缩减的发展变化历史过程,生动地描绘了“三农”与市场之间水与鱼关系。水丰则鱼多,水枯则鱼亡。农民口袋钱多,市场则购销两旺。当地主制经济体制正常轨道运行时,自耕农经济大量存在,农民生产积极性得到充分发挥,农业得到发展,商品量增加,农民钱袋子也随生产发展而逐渐饱满起来,农民钱多了,市场出现购消两旺,商人发财。到王朝后期,市场逐渐走向萎缩,商号倒闭,其原因是政府重农政策不能坚持到底,在地主经济迅速上升情况下,重农政策转化为弃农政策,把农民当作羔羊任意宰割,自耕农承受不了苛重赋役剥削,而抛弃土地,佃农经受不了地主沉重地租掠夺,而离开土地,农业生产遭到破坏,这时农民钱袋子又变得空敞,市场失去拉动力,而变得疲软。商品卖不出去,市场就不景气。这时就会出现商家破产,商人失业,手工业倒闭,社会经济萧条。这是最明白不过的道理。从前,有很多人谈论中国商业不发达时,总喜欢把问题简单地归结为王朝“重农抑商”政策的结果,这可能是一种误解。除汉武帝采用告缗钱办法,抑制商人发展以外,其后历代王朝都没有对商人采取过打击或剥夺政策。虽然在政治上有限制商人参加科举规定,但并不影响商人当官,历代买官商人所在有之。况且,汉武帝时所采取的告缗钱政策,主要还是针对逃税不法商贾,是针对人,并不是针对要不要商业制度,守法商贾准予照常营业,同时小商小贩并没有受到打击,盐铁买卖也照常进行。当时政府行为并不是取缔市场,禁止买卖,这一点还是很明确的。不能因为惩治不法商人,而笼统地把它夸大为“抑商”。

据学术堂了解,要想写好农业类的综述论文,首先要有充分的参考资料:建议大家要用权威性的资料作为论文参考论文的开头简要详实:熟话说得好,良好的开头是成功的一半,论文的开头主要展现出自己的成果,然后题目一定要吸引眼球封面做的详细:论文查重论文的封面要做的较详细,参与者要写清楚,论文的题目等信息要做好说明  论文的题目和内容要一致:写论文时要注意内容和题目要包车一贯性,要保障论文整体思想和技术含量论文要做好基本的内容框架:不过是什么论文,首先都要进行框架的设计,论文的内容较大,结构复杂,所以需要根据主次罗列出来,才不容易写乱  论文要结合国内基本情况:不过是哪类的论文都要根据国内的形式,要全面的论述,才会得到一些资深专家的认可论文的研究方法导向要提前做好:论文是一个研究的课题用论文的形式表现出来,研究的方法就是研究技术阐述和工具,这点要在前期做好充分的准备  论文实践部分要作为重点内容:论文的价值的体现是其能不能在实际生活运用,这个部分写的好就等于把整篇论文的核心写好了,论文质量就会很高强调一点,想提高自己论文质量提高就多和指导老师沟通
