

发布时间:2024-07-06 00:56:12





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1。发电厂电气部分设计2。继电保护在电力系统中的应用3。高压试验及电力系统的高压影响4。电力系统模数变换的应用5。基于某算法的电力系统分析6。变压器主保护新原理等等等等 方面还是很多的


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关于论文摘要,学术堂来给大家介绍两种实用的写法  万金油法  万金油法,这种方法也被叫做捋大纲法,就是按照论文的大纲/目录,将论文主要研究的内容进行梳理、概括基本什么类型或专业的论文都适用基本句型:本文对XX进行了分析,采取了XX的研究方法,最终得到的XX结果  提问法  提问法,简单来讲,就是主要回答四个问题,并将这四个问题的答案,进行汇总串联,最终形成一篇完整的论文摘要  其中,主要回答这四个问题:  ①本篇论文主要解决什么问题?  ②本篇论文主要采用了什么研究方法?  ③解决问题后得到什么结果?  ④所得到的结果对实际有什么影响?  根据论文内容,回答上面这四个问题,再完成汇总即可

Electricity as a secondary energy, is a kind of cannot store Electricity to become the indispensable industrial production power, and widely applied to production department and daily Electricity transmission without substation, power by pressor substation, transmission lines, step-down transformer substation, and then you can to Which substation take an extremely important The graduation design, the first is for the generation miller system, power system transient and steady state, relay protection and automation of electric power systems, power stations and the electric parts and related courses, to review deepened understanding of knowledge, the teachers and students of help adhere to completion of the


The graduation to the design plan, based on the principle of national economic development, policies, technical requirements criteria, combined with the actual construction to ensure reliable power supply, scheduling flexibility to meet the technical In the analysis of raw data based on the 110KV substation electrical design engineering on several comparative analysis of the connection modes of operation, first elected to meet the 110KV substation safe, reliable quality, following the security requirements of economic operation and the best connection mode as normal 110KV substation run main electrical On the development of the main electrical connection, to short-circuit current calculation, to choose a reasonable electrical Finally, a part of the wiring and the configuration of relay protection requirements to ensure safe and economic operation of the substation to prevent the occurrence or expansion, to the purpose of safe and economic Substation automation is the secondary substation equipment (including measuring instruments, signal systems, relay protection, automatic devices and remote devices, ) through a combination of functions and optimize the design, use of advanced computer technology, modern electronic technology, communication technology and signal processing technology, on all major substation equipment and transmission and distribution lines of automatic monitoring, measurement, automatic control and computer protection, and integrated communications and scheduling automation

China's power industry, as the country's most important energy industry, has been in the priority development status, Power for the development of enterprises is also eye- Power system for the rapid development of protection have made new demands, which will enable the relay to rapid Three-phase current protection relay is one of the important forms of Based on a detailed study of three lines of defense to protect the various components and wiring, Setting calculated in accordance with the principle of derivation of the three-segment protection movements value sensitivity and duration tuning and the use of mathematical tools for MATLAB software programming, Simulation of a 35 kV single-ended power supply network syllogism current protection of the setting, Finally, the software MATLAB Simulink simulation waveform The simulation results show that the study syllogism current protection is an ideal line It can help protect all of the interaction so that the protective properties of the Keywords : protection; Three-phase current protection; Setting; MATLAB Simulink

Modern in power system, electrical equipment, and numerous different components, easy operation complex various forms of electrical fault, so we must take measures to protect the relay to make the system more stable This thesis is to 110 kv power to relay protection, research and This paper firstly based on the characteristics of power generators and transformers parameter setting calculation, through the calculation results identify CT/PT At the same time, this may appear on the various forms of short-circuit current exhaustive According to thisThe design parameters of short-circuit current, adopted a phase spacing protection and the zero sequence current protection relay protection measures of But because of relay protection device may be due to the defects in the misoperation, therefore also adopts the design of automatic reclosing technology, through the automatic reclosing device can reduce the misoperation, make the whole power system can be more stable Key words: relay protection, Phase spacing protection, The zero sequence relay protection, Automatic reclosing

There are a large number of power equipment in modern power system,among which each compponent operate in a complex way Because of the above mentioned element,various kinds of electrical fault can easily occured ,then relay protection measures need to be taken so as to ensure the smooth operation of the whole This paper is focus on the protection and designation on relay protection measures of 110 KV The first part of the paper is to tuning calculate the parameter of generator and transformer in accordance with the characteristics of the grid Through the result of this calculation ,the model of CT/PT can be At the same time ,the paper also have some detailed calculation on various kinds of possible short According to this parameter of the short-circuit current ,two kinds of relay protection ,that is phase distance protection and zero sequence current protection are employed in this designation But because the drawbacks of relay protection settings can make some wrong operation ,automatic reclosing technology has been used in this designation ,which minimize the malfunction ,so as to ensure the stead operation of the whole power system


电力变压器是发电厂和变电站的主要电气设备之一,它们对电力系统的安全稳定运行至关重要。一旦发生故障遭到损坏,其检修难度大、时间长,要造成很大的经济损失;另外,发生故障后突然切除变压器也会对电力系统造成或大或小的扰动。因此,对继电保护的要求很高。 根据DF3200系列微机变压器保护装置近五年、上千套产品的运行经验,把它们在中、低压电网的成功方面和不足之处进行总结的基础上,研制了新一代的DF3300系列微机变压器保护装置。它们采用系统化设计思想,采用成熟可靠的保护原理,应用最先进的计算机网络通信和控制技术,采用先进可靠的硬件技术和美观适用的结构,保护、监控、通信网络整体化设计,保护功能相对独立,符合DF3300变电站自动化系统的分层、分布、分散式的面向对象的整体设计思想要求。以下简要介绍新一代DF3300系列微机变压器保护装置的设计方案等。2 保护设计方案 DF3300系列微机变压器保护装置主要是为满足大量的中、低压电网的变压器保护的需要而设计。它作为DF3300变电站自动化系统的有机组成部分,可以满足变电站自动化的全部需求,也可以作为独立的变压器保护系统工作。1 保护配置方案 在设计保护的配置方案时,充分注意到最新的《继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程》中提到建议和要求等,同时,考虑到中、低压电网中保护应用的实际情况,尤其是农用电网中保护的实际情况,而确定采用的保护配置方案。 高压电网的变压器重要程度等因素,要求变压器保护双重化配置,所以采用主后备一体化的双套变压器保护装置是比较好的方式。中、低压电网中,一方面要求变压器保护装置的可靠工作,另一方面并不要求变压器保护双重化配置,针对这种情况,如果将变压器的全部保护集中在一套保护装置,一旦保护装置故障将失去全部的变压器保护功能,所以采用主后备保护分配到完全独立的不同的保护装置,适当的保护功能独立分担方式是较好的配置方式。对于农用电网的小型变压器,对保护的要求简单、可靠、经济,而且经济性要求十分明显,采用简单的主后备保护一体化的保护装置是较好的配置方式。变压器的非电量保护,原则上应该与电气量保护相互独立,真正起到互为备用或补充。基于以上的设计思想确定的主要面向中、低压电网的变压器保护系列装置如下: 1)DF3330三圈变差动保护装置,满足四侧电流输入的差流速断保护和比率差动保护,中、低压侧及第四侧各配置过电流保护等,适用于中、低压电网的电力变压器的主保护; 2)DF3331A变压器接地侧后备保护装置,具有复压闭锁(方向)过流保护,零压闭锁零序(方向)过流保护,间隙零序过流保护等,作为变压器大电流接地侧的后备保护; 3)DF3331B变压器不接地侧后备保护装置,具有复压闭锁(方向)过流保护,零序过流保护,零序过压告警,过负荷保护等,作为变压器不接地侧的后备保护; 4)DF3333双圈变差动保护装置,满足两侧电流输入的差流速断保护和比率差动保护,低压侧配置过电流保护等,适用于中、低压电网的电力变压器的主保护; 5)DF3332变压器本体保护装置,具有六路跳闸回路和五路信号回路,适用于油浸式电力变压器的开关量保护; 6)DF3333A变压器保护装置。满足两侧电流输入的差流速断保护和比率差动保护等;高、低压侧的复压闭锁(方向)过流保护,高、低压侧零序过压告警,过负荷保护等,特别适用于农用电网的小型变压器的成套保护; 7)DF3331C变压器后备保护装置,具有复压闭锁(方向)过流保护,零序过流保护,零序过压告警,过负荷保护,三路独立的本体跳闸和信号回路及一路带延时的开关量保护,测控功能等,作为变压器不接地或小电流接地侧的后备保护和测控装置; 8)DF3332A变压器本体保护装置,具有三路跳闸回路和两路信号回路,三个独立的具有压力闭锁功能的操作箱回路,适用于油浸式电力变压器的开关量保护。 因此,以上的变压器保护装置可以根据需要灵活配置,完全可以经济、实用、可靠的完成中、低压电网及农用电网的各种变压器保护的需要。2.2 保护原理2.2.1 主保护原理 1)差动电流速断保护采用三相差动电流中任一相大于差动电流速断定值时,瞬时动作出口,它不受任何闭锁条件约束,快速切除变压器区内发生的严重故障。根据微机保护的特点,该保护判据采用可变数据窗的两种算法实现。一种用于保护启动后初始阶段的快速判断,加快出口动作速度;另一种计算准确,可以在启动一个周波后随时瞬动出口。整体效果类似“反时限”的性能。保护判据为:Idz ≥ ISD,ISD—差动电流速断定值。 2)比率差动保护该保护采用如下的保护动作判据公式(2-1),保护的动作特性曲线如图1所示。 Idz≥ICD (Izd Idz≥ICD +KB1(Izd -IGD ) (Izd ≥IGD )图1 比率差动动作特性 该保护识别励磁涌流采用了二次谐波制动和波形不对称制动两种判据。二次谐波制动判据有两种方案供选择:一种是按二次谐波和基波比值最大的相为制动判据;另一种是分别选取三相差动电流中二次谐波和基波的最大值,并以它们的比值为制动判据。 按最大比值相制动:max(Icda2 / Icda1,Icdb2 / Icdb1,Icdc2 / Icdc1) ≥ KXB (2-2) 综合相制动:max(Icda2、Icdb2、Icdc2) / max(Icda1、Icdb1、Icdc1) ≥ KXB (2-3)波形不对称制动判据只在DF3333A变压器保护装置中采用了,因此这里不再过多叙述。 3)CT饱和时的附加稳定特性 比率差动保护设有一个CT饱和时的附加稳定特性区,它的工作特性如图1所示。对于发生在被保护变压器区外的故障引起的CT饱和,可以通过高值的初始制动电流(ICT)检测出来,此电流会将工作点短暂的移至附加稳定特性区内。反之,当变压器区内故障时其工作点会立即进入动作区,不会进入附加稳定特性区。因此,利用故障发生的最初半个周期内,测量的量值引发的工作点是否在附加稳定特性区内,由此作出决定。一旦检查出外部故障引起CT饱和,装置自动闭锁了比率差动保护,并会在整定的时间(TCT)内一直有效闭锁,直到整定时间到时,才解除闭锁。在外部故障引起的CT饱和闭锁了比率差动保护期间,如果此后发生故障变化,变压器区内也发生故障,工作点稳定地连续两个周期工作在动作区内,闭锁会被立即解除,可靠地检查出被保护变压器发展中的故障而较迅速动作。检查出变压器区外故障引起CT饱和闭锁了比率差动保护的判据公式如下式(2-4)。 Izd ≥ ICT ICT —制动电流门坎值 Icd ≤ (KB1/2) Izd TCT—闭锁时间 (2-4) T ≤ TCT 4)CT断线判据 装置设有延时CT断线报警及瞬时CT断线报警功能。该瞬时CT断线判据只针对变压器各侧CT 接线均为Y形接法的回路。具体方案如下: 1)延时CT断线报警:当任一相差流大于12In的时间超过5秒时,采样异常告警信息并指示灯显示,但不闭锁比率差动保护。兼作为交流采样回路异常的自检作用; 2)瞬时CT断线采用比较变压器各侧电流的方法实现检测功能。判据如下: 只有一侧一相电流减小到零,其它各侧电流不变的情况下,判为CT断线。且在如下的条件下不进行CT断线判别:启动前某侧最大相电流小于1In ,该侧不判;启动后任一侧相电流增加;启动后相电流大于2Ie。瞬时CT断线功能可以通过配置字选择投/退,还可以选择是否闭锁比率差动[来源:论文天下论文网 ]

这是继电保护的 这个是变压器的希望能帮助你

