

发布时间:2024-07-18 09:18:51


去 “考试吧”,那里有





Title: Study on Decisions and Skills of Construction Project Bid QuotationAbstract: Focusing on project bid, this article analyzes the decision methods and related factors, bidding risks and quoting Describe advantages and disadvantages of different ways which are widely used in bidding quotation Key Words: Construction Project Bid, SkillsTitle: Study on how the alteration of construction affects the cost managementAbstract: Based on the clause of FID1C, this article defines the alteration of construction and explains the principals and methods of cost management in the alteration of construction according to the principals of justice and With examples, this article also illustrates the background, principals and methods in the determination of project price alteration based on the existence or absence of the pricing items in Key Words: Alteration of Construction, Cost Management, FIDIC ClauseTitle: Risk Theories of Real Estate InvestmentAbstract: From the point of real estate investment, this article illustrates the definition of real estate risks and identifies the resources of real estate According to the domestic economical policies and the corresponding methods and skills based on the risk categories of real estate investment, this article analyzes the current investment risks of real estate and aims to minimize the risks in real estate Key Words: Real Estate, Risks


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免费-工程造价论文: 施工索赔是工程造价管理的重要工作   摘 要:索赔是企业利用客观性、合理性、合法性及双赢性,获取补偿的经济活动;是企业防止效益流失的重要的造价管理工作。 关键词:施工索赔 工程造价 管理 索赔是指在合同履行过程中,对于非自身的过错浅议业主方对工程造价的管理   摘要:工程造价的直意就是工程的建造价格。工程是指一切建设工程。对业主而言,工程造价的含义就是指一项工程预期开支或实际开支的全部固定资产投资费用,即工程投资费用。  关键词:工程造价造价管理一般来说造价工程师应具有的职业道德及行为规范   摘要:目前我国的执业资格制度在借鉴了经济发达国家的经验基础上,结合中国的国情取得了可喜的进展,从维护国家和社会公众的利益出发,实行了对从事工程造价管理职业的专业人员执业资格考试和注册制度,笔者认为这对施工企业工程造价管理剖析      建筑工程造价管理是建设工程的重要组成部分,而企业的最终目的是盈利,对各项工程造价的管理直接关系到施工企业的经济命脉。 施工企业工程造价管理的目标就是利用科学管理方法,合理确定造价和有利控制造项目管理技术在工程造价方面的综合运用   项目管理是上世纪50年代后期发展起来的一种计划管理方法,由于它的成效显著,自从上世纪60年代以来已经被广泛应用于航天、航空、国防、建筑、金融、财务等领域。特别是在建筑行业,近年来,项目管理技术和理论与收费-工程造价论文: 呼和浩特金桥110KV变电站工程项目造价控制研究   中文摘要: 伴随着我国电力事业的飞速发展,与电力事业密切相关的电力建设工程造价管理工作也越来越显示出重要作用。如何做好电力工程投资分析决策、优化电力工程设计、合理确定电力工程造价、有效控制电力工程造电网建设工程造价管理理论与应用研究   中文摘要: 电网建设的工程造价管理与控制对于降低工程造价,节省国家建设资金,促进电力事业和国民经济的健康发展具有十分重要的现实意义。本文首先对电网建设工程造价管理的基本理论、特点、研究现状、发展历程火力发电项目建设成本控制研究   中文摘要: 随着近年来国家经济持续健康发展,电力市场也持续升温,火力发电项目建设取得了快速发展。但随着原材料价格的上涨和基建成本的增加,火电建设成本也逐年提高。本文在分析目前火电建设成本管理现状的基造价控制在房地产项目中的应用研究   中文摘要: 近年来,我国的房地产业迅猛发展起来,房地产开发的投资以前所未有的速度增长,房地产企业的数量日益增多,房地产市场的竞争也日趋激烈,房地产企业如何在激烈的市场竞争中生存和发展下去?房地产企业工程量清单应用的优化研究   中文摘要: 作为一种新时期的市场定价模式,工程量清单计价方法是一种科学、合理的工程造价计价方法,体现出了市场的竞争性,真正实现我国市场形成价格的工程造价改革目标,有利于建筑市场的健康发展。工程量清单非开挖技术应用过程中环境效益评价指标体系的研究   中文摘要: 地下管线非开挖技术作为一种综合成本低的环境友好技术在发达国家得到了很好的应用,但是在中国的应用却困难重重。这里原因很多,其中政府部门、业主及承包商对非开挖作业的经济指标认识不清是一个很重水利水电工程造价系统研制与开发   中文摘要: 水利水电工程普遍实行工程招投标制度,这就要求设计单位和承包商及时测算出工程造价,以便于编制标底和报价。因此,水利水电工程造价系统的研制与开发是一项具有重要意义的工作,同时也是一项非常艰难工程项目造价计价理论与方法研究   中文摘要: 本文对我国由计划经济向市场经济过度阶段,如何确立一套合理的建筑产品定价制度和方法,以及如何有效地控制工程造价,进行了研究。 文章首先阐述了市场经济条件下建筑产品价格的构成、建设工程施工合同的几个问题研究   中文摘要: 建筑行业是国民经济支柱产业之一,它在国民经济和社会发展中的地位和作用越来越重要。但随着建筑行业的蓬勃发展,实践中存在着大量的建设工程施工合同纠纷,特别是我国实施西部大开发战略和加入WTO中国与英国工程造价管理比较研究   中文摘要: 新世纪,中国工程管理体制正进行重大改革。其中,工程造价管理领域也不例外。进入WTO和全球经济一体化的冲击,中国需接受或接近以市场为价值取向的国际惯例和工程管理经验。工程造价管理如何面对当模糊神经网络在工程快速估价中的应用   中文摘要: 随着中国改革开放和市场经济的不断深入,中国建筑企业在面临很好的机遇的同时,也面临着严峻的考验。现在的市场竞争机制已表现得越来越明显,他要求我们提高效率,尽快拿出自己招投标方案,但是传统的


Abstract Project cost management is to meet the project quality assurance, schedule and other contract requirements under the premise of the project implementation costs incurred in the process, through planning, organizing, controlling and coordinating activities such as the cost of achieving the intended goals and reduce costs as much as possible Feiyong of a scientific management activities, it mainly through technology (such as the construction program development than the election), economic (such as accounting) and management (such as construction management, the rules and regulations, ) activities to achieve targets and achieve profit The basic project cost management are: cost prediction, cost control and reduce Cost estimation is the use of scientific methods primarily, the combination of the items price under construction conditions, mechanical equipment, personnel quality, of the project's cost objectives Jinxing Cost control objectives should focus on the cost of supervision, inspection and measurement, and to take measures to ensure that the project cost Reduce the project cost is the cost objectives through the organization, technology, economy, contract management and other aspects of the effective ways to achieve cost Key words: control of project cost management

Title: Study on Decisions and Skills of Construction Project Bid QuotationAbstract: Focusing on project bid, this article analyzes the decision methods and related factors, bidding risks and quoting Describe advantages and disadvantages of different ways which are widely used in bidding quotation Key Words: Construction Project Bid, SkillsTitle: Study on how the alteration of construction affects the cost managementAbstract: Based on the clause of FID1C, this article defines the alteration of construction and explains the principals and methods of cost management in the alteration of construction according to the principals of justice and With examples, this article also illustrates the background, principals and methods in the determination of project price alteration based on the existence or absence of the pricing items in Key Words: Alteration of Construction, Cost Management, FIDIC ClauseTitle: Risk Theories of Real Estate InvestmentAbstract: From the point of real estate investment, this article illustrates the definition of real estate risks and identifies the resources of real estate According to the domestic economical policies and the corresponding methods and skills based on the risk categories of real estate investment, this article analyzes the current investment risks of real estate and aims to minimize the risks in real estate Key Words: Real Estate, Risks


(Chengdu) constructs in the entire world the technical consultation management Limited company practises the period, I have been responsible for M Fagu constructs in the Xiu water center public health center project two necessary buildings (health care building and gate guard room) the budget Two necessary building's area are not very big, although the house sparrow slightly be fullies equipped, I have many harvests from the This was my real sense Shangdi has learned many thing which not once learned inside the In the practical work, instructs the book knowledge which through the unit teacher's help and studies, has orderliness according to the plan to launch the Consults positively to not the familiar work flow to the colleague, the earnest careful understanding blueprint expresses content, in view of the detail seeks for advice modestly to the supervising teacher, has the good suggestion prompt and instructs teacher to communicate, presses the nature to complete the leadership arrangement in proper amount on time the work I have also settled the goal for myself, had the goal, I had the work power, even if encounters the difficulty, I thought that I will also try to find solution to this practice, I have completed two necessary building resilience computations, when saw when final quoted price, thought that has the sense of achievement very I from middle school to many both practical and specialized computing technique, this has the help very much to I later This practice is my enterprise's beginning, through this kind on unit concrete post actual operation study way, my working ability obtained has exercised The trust in the graduation work, I can do is better


从而建立了“国家宏观调控、市场竞争形成价格”的现行工程造价的确定原则。 2003年2月17日《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB505002003)颁布,2003年7月1日开始施行。这是我国造价改革的重要里程碑。由国家建立起一套完善科学的工程量/html/Constructs

