

发布时间:2024-07-20 11:16:57


写作思路:根据题目要求,写出航天的相关内容,最后总结自己的感受。Such a moment will be recorded in the history of human spaceflight, 16:41:00 on September 27, 人类航天史将记下这样一个瞬间,2008年9月27日16时41分00秒。Astronaut Zhai Zhigang went into space from the N7 manned spacecraft wearing the Chinese developed "Feitian" extravehicular 航天员翟志刚身穿中国研制的飞天”舱外服,从七号载人飞船进入太空。This is a major leap forward in the development of China's space 这是中国空间技术发展的一个重大跨越。Zhai Zhigang's small step in space is a historic step for the Chinese 翟志刚留在太空上的一小步,是中华民族历史性的一步。China Aerospace has a team of high-quality talents who can stand at the forefront of world science and technology and have the courage to explore and 中国航天拥有一支能够站在世界科技前沿,勇于开拓创新的高素质人才队伍。In the take-off rocket, add the source of ambition and power of a nation full of 在腾飞的火箭中,加注了一个焕发青春的民族的雄心壮志和动力之源。

aeronautical and space technologies 例如:Remarkable achievements were scored in such fields as information technology, life science and aeronautical and space 信息技术、生命科学、航空航天技术等领域成就突出。 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

The Space Shuttle is developed by the National Aeronautics and Space A NASA coordinates and manages the Space Transportation System (NASA's name for the overall Shuttle program), including intergovernmental agency requirements and international and joint NASA also oversees the launch and space flight requirements for civilian and commercial The Space Shuttle system consists of four primary elements: an orbiter spacecraft, two Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB), an external tank to house fuel and oxidizer and three Space Shuttle main The orbiter is built by Rockwell International's Space Transportation Systems Division, Downey, C, which also has responsibility for the integration of the overall space transportation Both orbiter and integration contracts are under the direction of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, T The SRB motors are built by the Wasatch Division of Morton Thiokol C, Brigham City, Utah, and are assembled, checked out and refurbished by United Space Boosters I, Booster Production C, Kennedy Space C Cape Canaveral, F The external tank is built by Martin Marietta C at its Michoud facility, New Orleans, L, and the Space Shuttle main engines are built by Rockwell's Rocketdyne Division, Canoga Park, C These contracts are under the direction of NASA's George C Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, A

China's aerospace industry starting in the 1950s, following the development of China's aerospace industry is the main stages: On October 8, 1956, China's first rocket missile development agencies - Department of Defense established the Fifth Research Institute, Qian Xuesen-term On July 19, 1964, China's first biological mice contained in Anhui Kwong Tak rocket successfully launched China's space science and exploration taken a step On April 1, 1968, the China Aerospace Medical Engineering Institute set up to begin training astronauts and conduct elections manned space medical engineering On April 24, 1970, with the first satellite "Dongfanghong" on the 1st successful launch in Jiuquan, China became the world's first satellite launch of the five On November 26, 1975, the first successful launch recoverable satellite, three days after the successful return of China to become the world's first satellite master the technology in the three On September 7, 1988, in the long march on the 4th Taiyuan launch vehicle successfully launched on the 1st A Fengyun meteorological On April 7, 1990, "long march 3" carrier rocket successfully launched the US-developed "Asian N 1" satellite, China in the international commercial satellite launching service has occupied a space in the On July 16, 1990, "long march" on the 2nd teamed up for the first time in Xichang rocket successfully launched a manned spacecraft was launched to lay a In 1992, China's manned spacecraft formally included in the national plan for the development, the project was later to be called the "Shenzhou" spacecraft manned spaceflight On November 20, 1999, China successfully launched its first spacecraft - the "Shenzhou" spacecraft, returning module of the spacecraft in central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region the next day in the successful On January 10, 2001, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 2nd test, in accordance with the scheduled completion of space science and space technology test mission, in January 16 in central Inner Mongolia accurate On March 25, 2002, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 3rd, flying around the earth 108 times, on April 1 accurate landing in central Inner M On December 30, 2002, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 中国航天事业起步于20世纪50年代,以下是中国航天事业发展的主要阶段: 1956年10月8日,中国第一个火箭导弹研制机构——国防部第五研究院成立,钱学森任院长。 1964年7月19日,中国第一枚内载小白鼠的生物火箭在安徽广德发射成功,中国空间科学探测迈出了第一步。 1968年4月1日,中国航天医学工程研究所成立,开始选训宇航员和进行载人航天医学工程研究。 1970年4月24日,随着第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红”1号在酒泉发射成功,中国成为世界上第五个发射卫星的国家。 1975年11月26日,首颗返回式卫星发射成功,3天后顺利返回,中国成为世界上第三个掌握卫星返回技术的国家。 1988年9月7日,长征4号运载火箭在太原成功发射了风云1号A气象卫星。 1990年4月7日,“长征3号”运载火箭成功发射美国研制的“亚洲1号”卫星,中国在国际商业卫星发射服务市场中占有了一席之地。 1990年7月16日,“长征”2号捆绑式火箭首次在西昌发射成功,为发射载人航天器打下了基础。 1992年,中国载人飞船正式列入国家计划进行研制,这项工程后来被定名为“神舟”号飞船载人航天工程。 1999年11月20日,中国成功发射第一艘宇宙飞船--“神舟”试验飞船,飞船返回舱于次日在内蒙古自治区中部地区成功着陆。 2001年1月10日,中国成功发射“神舟”2号试验飞船,按照预定计划在太空完成空间科学和技术试验任务后,于1月16日在内蒙古中部地区准确返回。 2002年3月25日,中国成功发射“神舟”3号试验飞船,环绕地球飞行了108圈后,于4月1日准确降落在内蒙古中部地区。 2002年12月30日,中国成功发射“神舟”4号飞船。


In February 19, 1960, China's own design test liquid fuel rocket successfully launched the first In April 24, 1970, the first satellite "Dongfanghong" N 1 was successfully launched in Jiuquan, China became the fifth country to launch In November 26, 1975, the first Chinese recoverable satellite was successfully launched, 3 days after the successful return, China became the third country to master satellite recovery technology of the countries in the worldIn 1985 October the long march rocket began moving toward the international marketIn November 20, 1999, China's first unmanned experimental spacecraft -"Shenzhou" spacecraft took off in Jiuquan, 21 hours after the successful landing ofrecycling field in central Inner M

学习航天精神,承载民族复兴的责任 一、 引言 我国首次发射的载人航天飞船“神州”五号的航天旅程圆满成功,实现了中华儿女多年的飞天梦想,长大了中国人的志气,是我国航天发展史上的里程碑。 二、 正文 伟大的事业孕育了伟大的精神。新一代航天人在攀登科技高峰的伟大征程中,以特有的崇高境界,顽强的意志和杰出的智慧,铸就了载人航天精神。这就是特别能吃苦、特别能战斗、特别能攻关、特别能奉献的精神。这些精神永远值得我们去学习。 生活上刻苦精神永远美好。人生之路不可能是永远平坦的。每个人,总会遇到这样或那样的困难和挫折。我们必须要在挫折和困难中奋起。这就需要有刻苦的精神,特别能战斗和特别能公馆的精神了。“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。”学习上刻苦精神永远美好! 团结就是力量,是治国之本,更是治校之本。试想,一个集体,如果内部不团结,还出现分歧的话,那这个集体会强大吗?不止这样,一些有图搞破坏的人,在这个时候大力进攻,那损失更是不堪设想。 科学与人文并举。从小,这一句老话就不断地在我们的耳边回响:爱科学,学科学,用科学。但是,真正落实到的,又有多少人呢?友人认为,只要学会做人和文化知识就可以了,不用在学什么科学了。先进的科学技术,对一个强大的国家来说,是必不可少的。身为祖国的“花朵”的我们,不但要做到科学与人文并举,还要做到规范与个性共存! 艰苦的条件锤炼了中国航天人特别能吃苦的精神。中国航天事业是在极其艰苦的条件下起步的。茫茫的戈壁,浩瀚的海洋,广大航天工作者为了早日实现飞天之梦,不辞劳苦,日晒雨淋,克服了无数的困难,付出巨大的牺牲。严酷的挑战铸就了中国航天人特别能战斗的精神,崇高的使命焕发了中国航天人特别能攻关的精神。我们青少年,更应该在学习上多下苦工,好好学习。在生活上、学习上,遇到困难和挫折,不要逃避,不要退缩,要知难而进,一往无前,敢于胜利。有的同学,在生活中遇到了一点点的挫折,就对人生失去了信心和希望,觉得世界上什么都不是好的。于是,就自寻短见,恨离人世。要知道,这个世界是非常美好的,我们要珍惜生命,好好地享受这美丽的人生。就算它是不好的,那也是无可改变的事实。就像航天人员要在严峻的环境中训练一样,那严峻的环境已是无法改变的事实,那只有改变自己,去攻破这个难关。所以,我们不能因为一点点的挫折而放弃自己的使命,而是要在环境中、在艰苦中、在困难中成长,成就自己的人生和使命。学习上也是如此。学习靠的不是小聪明,而是刻苦。读书要用功,持之以恒地刻苦学习、钻研,这才是学习上刻苦精神永远美好的表现。 团结奋斗培育了中国航天人特别能奉贤的精神。我国载人航天工程是中国航天史上规模宏大的系统工程。广大航天工作者不论前方后方,不计名利得失,履行职责,坚守岗位,形成了强大合力。我们都生活在同一个大集体中,都为了一个共同目标——保护集体,就应该淡泊名利,不计较个人得失,甘于奉贤,团结一心,共创辉煌。“团结就是力量”,这是一股强大的力量,是一股催人前进的力量。有了这股力量,可以排除万难,勇往向前,达到目标。大至世界全人类、国家,小至班集体、家庭,都要团结。有的同学不顾集体利益,一心只为自己。例如他在拌种来回走动,看见一张桌子跌在地上,他不但不把桌子弄好,而且还残忍地踢上一两脚,是桌子雪上加伤。又例如是拔河,内部不团结,那肯定是全军覆没。 科学是一个国家发展进步的重要象征。身为21世纪的接班人的我们,必须要学好科学,热爱科学,使用科学。科学与人文都需要我们同时高高地举起。一个规范的学生,更是祖国的需求,是未来成就大事的人。科学与人文并举,规范与个性共存更始一句警惕学生的话句

写作思路:根据题目要求,写出航天的相关内容,最后总结自己的感受。Such a moment will be recorded in the history of human spaceflight, 16:41:00 on September 27, 人类航天史将记下这样一个瞬间,2008年9月27日16时41分00秒。Astronaut Zhai Zhigang went into space from the N7 manned spacecraft wearing the Chinese developed "Feitian" extravehicular 航天员翟志刚身穿中国研制的飞天”舱外服,从七号载人飞船进入太空。This is a major leap forward in the development of China's space 这是中国空间技术发展的一个重大跨越。Zhai Zhigang's small step in space is a historic step for the Chinese 翟志刚留在太空上的一小步,是中华民族历史性的一步。China Aerospace has a team of high-quality talents who can stand at the forefront of world science and technology and have the courage to explore and 中国航天拥有一支能够站在世界科技前沿,勇于开拓创新的高素质人才队伍。In the take-off rocket, add the source of ambition and power of a nation full of 在腾飞的火箭中,加注了一个焕发青春的民族的雄心壮志和动力之源。


学习航天精神,承载民族复兴的责任 一、 引言 我国首次发射的载人航天飞船“神州”五号的航天旅程圆满成功,实现了中华儿女多年的飞天梦想,长大了中国人的志气,是我国航天发展史上的里程碑。 二、 正文 伟大的事业孕育了伟大的精神。新一代航天人在攀登科技高峰的伟大征程中,以特有的崇高境界,顽强的意志和杰出的智慧,铸就了载人航天精神。这就是特别能吃苦、特别能战斗、特别能攻关、特别能奉献的精神。这些精神永远值得我们去学习。 生活上刻苦精神永远美好。人生之路不可能是永远平坦的。每个人,总会遇到这样或那样的困难和挫折。我们必须要在挫折和困难中奋起。这就需要有刻苦的精神,特别能战斗和特别能公馆的精神了。“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。”学习上刻苦精神永远美好! 团结就是力量,是治国之本,更是治校之本。试想,一个集体,如果内部不团结,还出现分歧的话,那这个集体会强大吗?不止这样,一些有图搞破坏的人,在这个时候大力进攻,那损失更是不堪设想。 科学与人文并举。从小,这一句老话就不断地在我们的耳边回响:爱科学,学科学,用科学。但是,真正落实到的,又有多少人呢?友人认为,只要学会做人和文化知识就可以了,不用在学什么科学了。先进的科学技术,对一个强大的国家来说,是必不可少的。身为祖国的“花朵”的我们,不但要做到科学与人文并举,还要做到规范与个性共存! 艰苦的条件锤炼了中国航天人特别能吃苦的精神。中国航天事业是在极其艰苦的条件下起步的。茫茫的戈壁,浩瀚的海洋,广大航天工作者为了早日实现飞天之梦,不辞劳苦,日晒雨淋,克服了无数的困难,付出巨大的牺牲。严酷的挑战铸就了中国航天人特别能战斗的精神,崇高的使命焕发了中国航天人特别能攻关的精神。我们青少年,更应该在学习上多下苦工,好好学习。在生活上、学习上,遇到困难和挫折,不要逃避,不要退缩,要知难而进,一往无前,敢于胜利。有的同学,在生活中遇到了一点点的挫折,就对人生失去了信心和希望,觉得世界上什么都不是好的。于是,就自寻短见,恨离人世。要知道,这个世界是非常美好的,我们要珍惜生命,好好地享受这美丽的人生。就算它是不好的,那也是无可改变的事实。就像航天人员要在严峻的环境中训练一样,那严峻的环境已是无法改变的事实,那只有改变自己,去攻破这个难关。所以,我们不能因为一点点的挫折而放弃自己的使命,而是要在环境中、在艰苦中、在困难中成长,成就自己的人生和使命。学习上也是如此。学习靠的不是小聪明,而是刻苦。读书要用功,持之以恒地刻苦学习、钻研,这才是学习上刻苦精神永远美好的表现。 团结奋斗培育了中国航天人特别能奉贤的精神。我国载人航天工程是中国航天史上规模宏大的系统工程。广大航天工作者不论前方后方,不计名利得失,履行职责,坚守岗位,形成了强大合力。我们都生活在同一个大集体中,都为了一个共同目标——保护集体,就应该淡泊名利,不计较个人得失,甘于奉贤,团结一心,共创辉煌。“团结就是力量”,这是一股强大的力量,是一股催人前进的力量。有了这股力量,可以排除万难,勇往向前,达到目标。大至世界全人类、国家,小至班集体、家庭,都要团结。有的同学不顾集体利益,一心只为自己。例如他在拌种来回走动,看见一张桌子跌在地上,他不但不把桌子弄好,而且还残忍地踢上一两脚,是桌子雪上加伤。又例如是拔河,内部不团结,那肯定是全军覆没。 科学是一个国家发展进步的重要象征。身为21世纪的接班人的我们,必须要学好科学,热爱科学,使用科学。科学与人文都需要我们同时高高地举起。一个规范的学生,更是祖国的需求,是未来成就大事的人。科学与人文并举,规范与个性共存更始一句警惕学生的话句

China's aerospace industry starting in the 1950s, following the development of China's aerospace industry is the main stages: On October 8, 1956, China's first rocket missile development agencies - Department of Defense established the Fifth Research Institute, Qian Xuesen-term On July 19, 1964, China's first biological mice contained in Anhui Kwong Tak rocket successfully launched China's space science and exploration taken a step On April 1, 1968, the China Aerospace Medical Engineering Institute set up to begin training astronauts and conduct elections manned space medical engineering On April 24, 1970, with the first satellite "Dongfanghong" on the 1st successful launch in Jiuquan, China became the world's first satellite launch of the five On November 26, 1975, the first successful launch recoverable satellite, three days after the successful return of China to become the world's first satellite master the technology in the three On September 7, 1988, in the long march on the 4th Taiyuan launch vehicle successfully launched on the 1st A Fengyun meteorological On April 7, 1990, "long march 3" carrier rocket successfully launched the US-developed "Asian N 1" satellite, China in the international commercial satellite launching service has occupied a space in the On July 16, 1990, "long march" on the 2nd teamed up for the first time in Xichang rocket successfully launched a manned spacecraft was launched to lay a In 1992, China's manned spacecraft formally included in the national plan for the development, the project was later to be called the "Shenzhou" spacecraft manned spaceflight On November 20, 1999, China successfully launched its first spacecraft - the "Shenzhou" spacecraft, returning module of the spacecraft in central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region the next day in the successful On January 10, 2001, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 2nd test, in accordance with the scheduled completion of space science and space technology test mission, in January 16 in central Inner Mongolia accurate On March 25, 2002, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 3rd, flying around the earth 108 times, on April 1 accurate landing in central Inner M On December 30, 2002, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 中国航天事业起步于20世纪50年代,以下是中国航天事业发展的主要阶段: 1956年10月8日,中国第一个火箭导弹研制机构——国防部第五研究院成立,钱学森任院长。 1964年7月19日,中国第一枚内载小白鼠的生物火箭在安徽广德发射成功,中国空间科学探测迈出了第一步。 1968年4月1日,中国航天医学工程研究所成立,开始选训宇航员和进行载人航天医学工程研究。 1970年4月24日,随着第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红”1号在酒泉发射成功,中国成为世界上第五个发射卫星的国家。 1975年11月26日,首颗返回式卫星发射成功,3天后顺利返回,中国成为世界上第三个掌握卫星返回技术的国家。 1988年9月7日,长征4号运载火箭在太原成功发射了风云1号A气象卫星。 1990年4月7日,“长征3号”运载火箭成功发射美国研制的“亚洲1号”卫星,中国在国际商业卫星发射服务市场中占有了一席之地。 1990年7月16日,“长征”2号捆绑式火箭首次在西昌发射成功,为发射载人航天器打下了基础。 1992年,中国载人飞船正式列入国家计划进行研制,这项工程后来被定名为“神舟”号飞船载人航天工程。 1999年11月20日,中国成功发射第一艘宇宙飞船--“神舟”试验飞船,飞船返回舱于次日在内蒙古自治区中部地区成功着陆。 2001年1月10日,中国成功发射“神舟”2号试验飞船,按照预定计划在太空完成空间科学和技术试验任务后,于1月16日在内蒙古中部地区准确返回。 2002年3月25日,中国成功发射“神舟”3号试验飞船,环绕地球飞行了108圈后,于4月1日准确降落在内蒙古中部地区。 2002年12月30日,中国成功发射“神舟”4号飞船。

回答 China Aerospace has a team of high-quality talents who can stand at the forefront of world science and technology and have the courage to explore and 中国航天拥有一支能够站在世界科技前沿,勇于开拓创新的高素质人才队伍。In the take-off rocket, add the source of ambition and power of a nation full of 在腾飞的火箭中,加注了一个焕发青春的民族的雄心壮志和动力之源。 Whenever I see from the television screen in the successful launchof Shenzhou spacecraft, space travel, I feel Whenever I readfrom the magazine to a space story, I will also be paid space behindcountless space of human effort and sacrifice and Space, is the most

In February 19, 1960, China's own design test liquid fuel rocket successfully launched the first In April 24, 1970, the first satellite "Dongfanghong" N 1 was successfully launched in Jiuquan, China became the fifth country to launch In November 26, 1975, the first Chinese recoverable satellite was successfully launched, 3 days after the successful return, China became the third country to master satellite recovery technology of the countries in the worldIn 1985 October the long march rocket began moving toward the international marketIn November 20, 1999, China's first unmanned experimental spacecraft -"Shenzhou" spacecraft took off in Jiuquan, 21 hours after the successful landing ofrecycling field in central Inner M


回答 China Aerospace has a team of high-quality talents who can stand at the forefront of world science and technology and have the courage to explore and 中国航天拥有一支能够站在世界科技前沿,勇于开拓创新的高素质人才队伍。In the take-off rocket, add the source of ambition and power of a nation full of 在腾飞的火箭中,加注了一个焕发青春的民族的雄心壮志和动力之源。 Whenever I see from the television screen in the successful launchof Shenzhou spacecraft, space travel, I feel Whenever I readfrom the magazine to a space story, I will also be paid space behindcountless space of human effort and sacrifice and Space, is the most

China's aerospace industry starting in the 1950s, following the development of China's aerospace industry is the main stages: On October 8, 1956, China's first rocket missile development agencies - Department of Defense established the Fifth Research Institute, Qian Xuesen-term On July 19, 1964, China's first biological mice contained in Anhui Kwong Tak rocket successfully launched China's space science and exploration taken a step On April 1, 1968, the China Aerospace Medical Engineering Institute set up to begin training astronauts and conduct elections manned space medical engineering On April 24, 1970, with the first satellite "Dongfanghong" on the 1st successful launch in Jiuquan, China became the world's first satellite launch of the five On November 26, 1975, the first successful launch recoverable satellite, three days after the successful return of China to become the world's first satellite master the technology in the three On September 7, 1988, in the long march on the 4th Taiyuan launch vehicle successfully launched on the 1st A Fengyun meteorological On April 7, 1990, "long march 3" carrier rocket successfully launched the US-developed "Asian N 1" satellite, China in the international commercial satellite launching service has occupied a space in the On July 16, 1990, "long march" on the 2nd teamed up for the first time in Xichang rocket successfully launched a manned spacecraft was launched to lay a In 1992, China's manned spacecraft formally included in the national plan for the development, the project was later to be called the "Shenzhou" spacecraft manned spaceflight On November 20, 1999, China successfully launched its first spacecraft - the "Shenzhou" spacecraft, returning module of the spacecraft in central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region the next day in the successful On January 10, 2001, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 2nd test, in accordance with the scheduled completion of space science and space technology test mission, in January 16 in central Inner Mongolia accurate On March 25, 2002, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 3rd, flying around the earth 108 times, on April 1 accurate landing in central Inner M On December 30, 2002, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou" spacecraft on the 中国航天事业起步于20世纪50年代,以下是中国航天事业发展的主要阶段: 1956年10月8日,中国第一个火箭导弹研制机构——国防部第五研究院成立,钱学森任院长。 1964年7月19日,中国第一枚内载小白鼠的生物火箭在安徽广德发射成功,中国空间科学探测迈出了第一步。 1968年4月1日,中国航天医学工程研究所成立,开始选训宇航员和进行载人航天医学工程研究。 1970年4月24日,随着第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红”1号在酒泉发射成功,中国成为世界上第五个发射卫星的国家。 1975年11月26日,首颗返回式卫星发射成功,3天后顺利返回,中国成为世界上第三个掌握卫星返回技术的国家。 1988年9月7日,长征4号运载火箭在太原成功发射了风云1号A气象卫星。 1990年4月7日,“长征3号”运载火箭成功发射美国研制的“亚洲1号”卫星,中国在国际商业卫星发射服务市场中占有了一席之地。 1990年7月16日,“长征”2号捆绑式火箭首次在西昌发射成功,为发射载人航天器打下了基础。 1992年,中国载人飞船正式列入国家计划进行研制,这项工程后来被定名为“神舟”号飞船载人航天工程。 1999年11月20日,中国成功发射第一艘宇宙飞船--“神舟”试验飞船,飞船返回舱于次日在内蒙古自治区中部地区成功着陆。 2001年1月10日,中国成功发射“神舟”2号试验飞船,按照预定计划在太空完成空间科学和技术试验任务后,于1月16日在内蒙古中部地区准确返回。 2002年3月25日,中国成功发射“神舟”3号试验飞船,环绕地球飞行了108圈后,于4月1日准确降落在内蒙古中部地区。 2002年12月30日,中国成功发射“神舟”4号飞船。

写作思路:根据题目要求,写出航天的相关内容,最后总结自己的感受。Such a moment will be recorded in the history of human spaceflight, 16:41:00 on September 27, 人类航天史将记下这样一个瞬间,2008年9月27日16时41分00秒。Astronaut Zhai Zhigang went into space from the N7 manned spacecraft wearing the Chinese developed "Feitian" extravehicular 航天员翟志刚身穿中国研制的飞天”舱外服,从七号载人飞船进入太空。This is a major leap forward in the development of China's space 这是中国空间技术发展的一个重大跨越。Zhai Zhigang's small step in space is a historic step for the Chinese 翟志刚留在太空上的一小步,是中华民族历史性的一步。China Aerospace has a team of high-quality talents who can stand at the forefront of world science and technology and have the courage to explore and 中国航天拥有一支能够站在世界科技前沿,勇于开拓创新的高素质人才队伍。In the take-off rocket, add the source of ambition and power of a nation full of 在腾飞的火箭中,加注了一个焕发青春的民族的雄心壮志和动力之源。

The Space Shuttle is developed by the National Aeronautics and Space A NASA coordinates and manages the Space Transportation System (NASA's name for the overall Shuttle program), including intergovernmental agency requirements and international and joint NASA also oversees the launch and space flight requirements for civilian and commercial The Space Shuttle system consists of four primary elements: an orbiter spacecraft, two Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB), an external tank to house fuel and oxidizer and three Space Shuttle main The orbiter is built by Rockwell International's Space Transportation Systems Division, Downey, C, which also has responsibility for the integration of the overall space transportation Both orbiter and integration contracts are under the direction of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, T The SRB motors are built by the Wasatch Division of Morton Thiokol C, Brigham City, Utah, and are assembled, checked out and refurbished by United Space Boosters I, Booster Production C, Kennedy Space C Cape Canaveral, F The external tank is built by Martin Marietta C at its Michoud facility, New Orleans, L, and the Space Shuttle main engines are built by Rockwell's Rocketdyne Division, Canoga Park, C These contracts are under the direction of NASA's George C Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, A


ls都是机器的我的ID是我Q加我 我帮你翻译

Abstract Composite materials are a large class of new materials, high strength, stiffness, light weight, and have anti-fatigue, vibration, high temperatures can design and a series of advantages in aviation and aerospace, energy, transportation, construction, machinery, information, Biological, medical, sports and other projects and departments increasingly wide range of Flat is laminated composite laminates in the simplest and most widely used one, with fiber-reinforced by the wider use of composite materials, laminates and natural frequency of vibration mode has been widespread However, the composite laminate direction and the laying of laminated generated by the order of the Rafah - bend, bend - twisting and shear coupling factors such as the works of many of the problems difficult to get their analytical The main purpose of this paper is based on the classic theory of laminates to discuss the laminate to take a different approach by the laying of the Rafah - bend, bend - such as coupling torsional rigidity of laminated vibration characteristics of flat-panel, in the main text of the orthogonal laying antisymmetric Laminate edges in the simple boundary conditions of the vibration characteristics and to make use of Matlab has been calculated, has been coupled stiffness of the presence of laminate-frequency This is also fiber-reinforced composite material mechanics on the main Key words: composite materials; laminates; coupled stiffness; vibration characteristics; antisymmetric; orthogonal

For whom machine vision, we design a moving target tracking devices to enable it to the environment in a variety of complex objects effectively complete identification, final positioning, robotics since guidance, such as aerospace and military operations based on the The design of a steering controller to achieve levels of computer Higher plane using a computer, the use of aircraft spaces Shanpianji Higher plane and the spaces between the way data transmission to serial Al Danpianji made to the computer through RS-232 Chuankou directive after directive Shanpianji received orders for According to the agreement between the communications control, the use of certain algorithms for Chanpianji PWM wave output for steering control to adjust the camera to achieve the purpose of achieving the objectives of the mobile tracking The principal expounded on AVR-ATmega16 Chanpianji, with the PC through the MAX232 plane change in real time communications PWM wave Zhankongbi Chuankou more simplified machine lost visual tracking steering servo system, and establish a four fake snake robot eyes freedom movement models and real-time tracking of moving The device consists of four sub-agencies for the four- The neck and eyes were simulated campaigns can achieve the level of rotary, colleges, or four-camera independence freedom servo control, and ensure the completion of target objects capture camera to determine the location and profile target The topic structure of the system design is simple and easy to control, four people freedom fake neck, features, a good feasibility and operability, and will further carry out precision automatic target tracking studies provide the basis for intelligent robots lay a foundation for follow-up

如下: Majoy • Beijing are China's space flight industry love creates the reality of global innovation projects real figure Game (Digital Real Envrionment Game), from its inception it has been Chinese National Ministry of Science and Technology 863 experts, the Beijing Municipal Committee of Science and Technology related to leadership, Beijing Digital Entertainment Industry Leaders and demonstration bases in Beijing Shijingshan District government leaders at all levels of support and National "Eleventh Five-Year" national economic development planning for future macro-economic development of our country demands, and set up a new mode of economic growth mentioned in the most important China's future cultural and creative industries to economic growth in chain of the overall coordination of economic development and further adjust the industrial structure will have more and more important As an emerging entertainment industry, Majoy required not only advanced core technology and business operations concepts, more comprehensive development strategies required to enable it to become the most commercial value and industrial value of new entertainment points of economic This paper introduces in detail the characteristics of Majoy project, development environment and related industries in the status quo, through the study focused on economics Majoy's market environment, through a questionnaire survey, , Majoy identified development objectives and trends, the foreseeable development strategies exist risks and develop risk control measures for the development of Express Majoy brand promotion, set up various channels of cooperation, casting a harmonious relationship between the team and reasonable
