

发布时间:2024-07-17 22:41:24


抄袭 (窃取别人作品当做自已的) plagiarize; copy; 例句 You copied this work off Paul because you've made exactly the same 你的作业是从保尔那里抄袭来的, 因为你俩错得 完全一样。 我不是建议你抄袭你的竞争对手的方法,但是如果在你的领域里有人成功了的话,那就去找到他们的正确做法,然后照着他们的方法做。I'm not suggesting that you plagiarize your competitors' marketing copy, but whenyou see someone successful in your field, find out what they are doing right, and follow their


copy 就是复制的意思



Recently, the issue of plagiarism on university campus has been brought into public The deadline of their papers and lack of the instruction from their tutors make students be more inclined to copy some papers from the internet Students who are doing plagiarism will lose enthusiasm of They can hardly find a favorable position in the near future in the more competitive market duet to their lack of what’s more , Plagiarism will definitely hurt the originality- This kind of activity will lead to the decline of the creativity of this society For one thing, it is essential that corresponding regulations be worked out and enforced to ban this   For another, the students should enhance their awareness of the importance of honesty  What’s more , the faithful academic attitude should be promoted on   With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near

work is big, partial difficult; No interest of homework, lazy; Finish, please the teacher copying wrong, rule-

no plagiarizing


在论文的写作过程中,学生或者研究人员常常需要借鉴别人的研究成果,在论述中证明已阅读过与课题相关的文献。但是如果没有做恰当的引用,就会造成抄袭(或称剽窃),而且后果严重。可能造成抄袭的行为包括:未经注明完全复制他人的文章;引用他人文章的内容时只作了很小的改动(比如只改动个别词语或只简单地调换了行文的顺序);写作时将他人的观点当成是自己的观点。那么如何较好地防止抄袭呢?1) 释义 (paraphrase)释义(paraphrase)就是用自己的话来复述别人的观点或研究结果,避免与原作者的行文类同而被判为抄袭。写论文时经常要用释义的方法来解释和比较不同作者的观点或研究成果,并发表自己的评论。具体来说,释义要做到三点: 第一,要用自己的话,即与原作者不同的行文来表达。而且行文和用语的相似度越低越好;第二,虽然用了不同的行文,但要保持原文的意思没有因为行文的改变而发生改变,即要确保原意被准确表达;第三,需要清楚注明被释义的文章出处。只有做好这三点,才是一个合格的释义。想一进步了解paraphrase方法的读者可以看如何paraphrase一章。2) 直接引用直接引用即是原封不动地复制原文。直接引用需要用双引号括起来,并且标明所引用文字的来源。值得注意的是,一篇论文中,直接引用的地方不能太多,因为太多直接引用会显得论文作者没有主见。所以直接引用需用在你觉得有必要这样做的场合。3) 总结法总结是指对文章做出概述。通过认真阅读,总结出他人文章的主要观点,然后用自己的语言复述这些观点的大意,同时得出结论。同样地,即使是总结他人的观点,也需要标明原始出处。总结法与释义的不同之处在于,前者是对原文观点的归纳,而后者是对具体文段的复述。4) 提交前使用论文检测系统进行检测许多学者都意识到,尽管论文作了应有的释义,自己清清白白,但仍然有被检查出“抄袭”的风险!这是因为我们这个时代每日都有海量的新文本资料产生。用于检查抄袭的论文检测系统使用高存储和高运算能力的计算机不断地累积收篇这些资料,用于对新论文进行抄袭的检测。可想而知,这样的情况下,行文被判为类同的机率是很高的。所以,论文在提交之前还需要用论文检测系统预先进行检测,你可以用papertime检测,免费领取大量字数,发现可能的抄袭风险,并作适当修改。

Recently, the issue of plagiarism on university campus has been brought into public The deadline of their papers and lack of the instruction from their tutors make students be more inclined to copy some papers from the internet Students who are doing plagiarism will lose enthusiasm of They can hardly find a favorable position in the near future in the more competitive market duet to their lack of what’s more , Plagiarism will definitely hurt the originality- This kind of activity will lead to the decline of the creativity of this society For one thing, it is essential that corresponding regulations be worked out and enforced to ban this   For another, the students should enhance their awareness of the importance of honesty  What’s more , the faithful academic attitude should be promoted on   With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near

【楼主】您要的资源已发给您了,请注意及时查收您的邮箱哦。 【发件人】:【Kaiser3344】【如果您觉得满意,请您及时采纳,谢谢!】【如仍有疑问,欢迎您在此处继续追问!】【如果没有收到,请您查看您的 垃圾邮件& 订阅邮件&广告邮件 中是否有?】

no plagiarizing


cheat作弊;copy复制,也可以说是抄袭,例如copy other's

Recently, the issue of plagiarism on university campus has been brought into public The deadline of their papers and lack of the instruction from their tutors make students be more inclined to copy some papers from the internet Students who are doing plagiarism will lose enthusiasm of They can hardly find a favorable position in the near future in the more competitive market duet to their lack of what’s more , Plagiarism will definitely hurt the originality- This kind of activity will lead to the decline of the creativity of this society For one thing, it is essential that corresponding regulations be worked out and enforced to ban this   For another, the students should enhance their awareness of the importance of honesty  What’s more , the faithful academic attitude should be promoted on   With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near


no plagiarizing


no plagiarizing

Nowadays, there are more and more case of plagiarism in Chinese Why do those people , even some famous professors copy theses? Maybe the reason can be listed as The first one is that so many colleges consider the number of theses to be very Besides,the development of Internet makes it easy to get others' As a result, common people lose confidence in those For instance,several months ago a report says the total number of Chinese theses is ranked the second in the world, but too many people don't believe the quality of those It is high time that something were done about this On the one hand, colleges shouldn't uate someone solely by the number of his/her The quality is more On the other hand, we should strengthen morality education, helping more people know more clearly that honesty is a Chinese traditional All these measures will certainly reduce the number of academic

第一段第一句:In no field other than the university , it has been said, is the problem of plagiarism more 还可以写成:Recently, the issue of plagiarism on university campus has been brought into public 还可以写成:It is not uncommon that students doing paper plagiarism on college or university campus 第二句:The deadline of their papers and lack of the instruction from their tutors make students be more inclined to copy some papers from the internet 第二段Students who are doing plagiarism will lose enthusiasm of They can hardly find a favorable position in the near future in the more competitive market duet to their lack of what’s more , Plagiarism will definitely hurt the originality- This kind of activity will lead to the decline of the creativity of this society 第三段:For one thing, it is essential that corresponding regulations be worked out and enforced to ban this For another, the students should enhance their awareness of the importance of honestyWhat’s more , the faithful academic attitude should be promoted on With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near

Recently, the issue of plagiarism on university campus has been brought into public The deadline of their papers and lack of the instruction from their tutors make students be more inclined to copy some papers from the internet Students who are doing plagiarism will lose enthusiasm of They can hardly find a favorable position in the near future in the more competitive market duet to their lack of what’s more , Plagiarism will definitely hurt the originality- This kind of activity will lead to the decline of the creativity of this society For one thing, it is essential that corresponding regulations be worked out and enforced to ban this   For another, the students should enhance their awareness of the importance of honesty  What’s more , the faithful academic attitude should be promoted on   With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near
