

发布时间:2024-07-09 04:45:31


My favorite sport is playing basketball,I like Michael Jorden very much He can play basketball very well Doing sports is good for our health,because it can keep us Doing sports is good for our

Basketball was introducedinto China in the 19 century, and there formed a league CBA after NBA AlthoughCBA is copying the management and operating mode of NBA, there still existsmany differences between CBA and NBA So what factors have influence on the culturaldifferences between CBA and NBA is the main idea of this This paper isgoing to show the cultural differences between CBA and NBA from some typicalcases by the methods of comparative analysis, The first chapter of this thesisis a brief introduction about the history of basketball, and the introductionof basketball development, and how CBA and NBA The second chapter will illustratethe different cultures both in NBA and CBA from some cases such as gamesystems, the performance of the players to analyze the The thirdchapter is about what influences Chinese cultures have on CBA and whatinfluences American cultures have on NBA Then it comes the conclusion whythere exists differences between CBA and NBA, and points out some weaknesses inCBA and gives a few suggestions to CBAKeywords:CBA; NBA; basketball culture; cultural differences 我的论文就是这个,这是提纲

Amazing!How you can play in a series that goes seven games, and down to the final tense minute at that, and there's still enough energy left to celebrate 他们可以在一个系列赛中打7场,一直坚持到紧张的最后一分钟。神奇的是,他们仍然有足够的精力去疯狂地庆祝胜利。Kobe Bryant can grab a court-length pass, allow the final seconds to tick away, tuck the ball under his armpit and then sprint around the floor, leaving sneaker Ron Artest can go bonkers, as he is often accused of doing, and everyone would consider it a normal Andrew Bynum can go from teammate to teammate, leaping high and giving chest- Didn't he have a damaged knee? D N M科比布莱恩特接得住跨越球场的长传;能够控制住比赛局势,让最后的几秒钟在他的手中一点一点地逝去;能够把球夹在腋窝下,在球场上左冲右突如入无人之境,只留下一串球鞋的印记。阿特斯特疯狂了,不过大家早已习以为常,觉得那是他的正常反应。拜纳姆高高跳起,和队友们一一撞胸庆祝。难道他的膝盖没有受伤?受伤了,只是,此刻,伤痛早已算不得什么。"Caught up in the moment," as Kobe 正如科比所说,“大家都沉醉在这一刻了。”While it wasn't a masterpiece, it was, in the words of coach Phil Jackson, done-"It wasn't well done," he "But it was "虽然,此役并不能堪称经典,但这场战斗用禅师菲尔杰克逊的话来说,就是,都结束了-“打的并不是特别好,”他承认,“但,最终还是拿下来了。”


my hobbymy favorite hobby is play I usually play basketball with my friends in the park, and i like to play shooting guard because of my Although i dont play very well, i always try my best to play as hard as i Honestly, I don't think victory is very important, but i still want my team win the Clearly, I am enjoying every game i play, and i am feeling happy when i made Since i want to improve my shooting skill and physical power, i can accept any hard The more i play, the more i I love to play basketball, and that's the hobby i love the 单词很简单,自己可以查一下,打字很辛苦

My hobby is basketsball Everytime I went across the court near my community,a strong feeling,with eager,with desire,raised I found it's really an uncompetible and awesome sports I have ever experienced,the moment I was assisting,and rebounding,I would find the blessing happiness in I admit,that's a little bit crazy,while the same reason I'm fond in Like playing,also watching NBA games,Kobe Bryant(你可以自己写)is my favorite super star player,my only I should practice day and night to reach his height,though a day-That's me,a fantastic basketsball fans,and I will keep it

初二,英语,300字?so 高大上! As one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among why is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as the basketall park,the super hey transported the value and the sport spirit of baketall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with secondly ,playing basketball is good to your health ,both phisicaly can wadays ,almost all the teenagers are under great pressure ,from schooling ,our parents ,the sociaty ,you name it under this condition ,the basketall serves the best way to release the pressure and find some pleasure at the same time just imagine you are in a bad mood ,then you go to the basketall court ,you drible heavily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry so that's one of the charming of the 译文:   作为世界一个最重要的运动,篮球在中国越来越受欢迎,尤其是青少年为什么篮球如此受欢迎?我认为最重要的原因是大众传媒,有许多篮球电视节目,如篮球公园,超级星期它们运送篮球价值和体育精神,给人们以广泛机会爱上它其次,打篮球对健康有好处,既可以内在,也可以丰富外在精神如今,几乎所有的青少年都承受着巨大的压力,从教育,我们的父母,社会,都会无时无刻出现你的名字在这种情况下,篮球是最好的释放压力的方式,在同一时间找到一些乐趣试想你情绪不好,你去了篮球场,你运球重地,猛击球板,做一个后仰跳投、上篮,你可以做一切不伤害任何人的事,然后当你完成后,你会发现你的那种悲伤已远去,你不是那么生气所以篮球是那么迷人


他的意思是:篮球。世界上有史以来最伟大的体育运动。当然,它并没有从世界各地开始。不,总得有人发明它。并有人将詹姆斯奈史密斯。 在阿尔蒙特,安大略省,加拿大,这加拿大体育教师和医生出生不久将在篮球的创始人。这一切都始于1891年12月。奈史密斯在马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德的教学,被卢瑟H古利克,该工程的基督教学校的校长要求做出新的运动。这项运动的主要思想,主要是要发挥它的时候里面太冷外出。新的运动还必须保持与棒球和足球赛季他们最条件的运动员。奈史密斯开始工作。第一场比赛,球是一个足球。 第一个篮子篮子桃子奈史密斯巧妙的挂在墙上的思想。从那里,开始了篮球的遗产。原来,有9名男子,以每队,但目标仍是相同的;在传球给你的团队,把其他球员在对方球队的净,或篮子当时球。从那里,篮球抓获如火如荼。 在1885年highschools和大学开始实行游戏,和1898年,第一个职业联盟的成立。第一场比赛后,比赛,奈史密斯起草的第13的规则和条例,但还有更多的人还在后头。在今天的磨炼,我们知道在1906年发明。他们是钢铁,一个从它的边缘挂网。

这是介绍位置的Power forward :Power forward and center in addition to the consolidation of the basket area, we need to have the backing to become the team's Although the power forward (PF) than the center's height but also because Maria's short stature that the jump in the crash of Merit and let them have gorgeous superior rebounding But with the center have equally basket shots, rebounds and blocks, such as various aspects of offensive and defensive But because only in the restricted areas than in the center of scores of shooting and dribble larger than the capacity center also strong, and had also shot in the distance to attract a restricted zone opponents Therefore PF (power forward) is like the existence of the support team backing, but also can be said to be the most Tough Stadium (tough) the most Powerful 2,Small Forwad:Basketball in the so-called Around Player refers to the small forward Because small forward in addition to internal and external lines shooting ability and superb involvement skills as a key capability, but also the location of the various players, the average basic So sometimes on the pitch at the same time also to the other four players from the So small forward position can be called all the players in the most basketball players sense ball!3,Center:Center whether in attack or defense are the key basket on the restricted area, the patron saint of people like the Dribble and the long-distance shooting capability is weak but tall tall and strong physical condition, as its shots in the basket, rebounding and covered Pot, and other favorable weapons, but also opponents to face in a restricted zone the pressure on the Crash course in the area is the most intense areas, the center in order to win the team needed hard opponents in the restricted areas, and the collision, As the famous modern basketball, "Basketball is the center of the game", the center of the basketball game is very important。4,Shooting Guard:If the center is the patron saint dominated area, then shooting guard on the duties can be said to be responsible for external application lashed a sudden Compared with height, speed and jumping, shooting guard feel more biased towards the needs of long-distance shooting and agility and the ability of In attack mainly three-point line and shoot the arrow as the main fast When the defense is primarily responsible for the rapid return to defense and Also in the point guard was lockdown when they can share the point guard's work, control of offensive In conclusion SG (shooting guard) high hit rate because of the three-pointers and strong breakthroughs in capacity, so the game can always gather everyone's attention5,Point Guard:Point guard must be on the court as teammates offensive attack command Engine Often heard point guard known as "the commander basketball court," So point guard is not greed not always score for the main purpose of their own, but frequently to the precision pass quickly create scoring opportunities for In the attack at point guard skill needed to shake off the dribble technology rivals When the defense needs to move fast and accurate judgment steals opponent of the ball, block opponents offensive Particularly offensive are almost all from the point guard's hands began launching, therefore, point guard has been known as "commando-long", but also in tactics therefore always said PG (point guard) on the 1st

If I were a basketball player, I would be very glad that I am still Basketball is a very violent Players get physical and emotional I mean, look at Yaoming, he is injured But I still love the sport with I enjoy the team aspect of i play basketball with four other guys, who are always energetic and They taught me how to fight to the end, to create a good shooting position for others, to stay concentrated, and to be a team I also love the sport because I learn so much about being a well-rounded Basketball helps me to become a leader, especially when my team is not doing well against the I am a shooting guard and therefore I have to pick good I cannot afford to loss my I have to be clear about what to do Because the team relies on In addition, basketball made me You probably couldn't imagine how hard I worked to master a jump I practiced everyday for two months!I am thankful that I am, indeed, a basketball player

yinggaiba:I suggest that you were discussed from three directions, basic basketball (high school), the recreational exercise habits, university basketball, society (including the NBA basketball goal from three aspects, I know of American primary and high school basketball culture (for), it is mainly engaged in the activities of public recreational exercise, it is a project and baseball, football, hockey, etc, it is the main US special one They (four categories of movement) due to cultivate teenagers teamwork spirit and upwards to wait, also can let teenagers to make more friends here, of course, also including theexercise strong body, so many parents, many people engaged in sports is encouraged, The traditional Chinese scholars and the so-called "" there is a big In Chinese, valuing literature while ignoring and in the book the gold room, in the book YanRuYu etc, encouraging adolescents reading this is the first extreme The best example, you can see many American or European basketball game, they are in many ways to "family" stranger, participate in the competition of teenagers learn get along with people, that is, the family of the College basketball or society (including the NBA basketball in the United States, it is a combination of local culture, the special region culture, and the part of the current Chinese territory, but some CBA, Chinese university basketball and American different, Many times, either China or Taiwan university basketball education competent "authority" shall not handle a competition, it is China and Taiwan university basketball) has many places, actually is to match the tenet to match, it is written, "just" impressive-looking, so far, I CaiShuXueJian, so, I really don't see those special cultural The university in Taiwan, a level of basketball game, you can't see many of the so-called "young man," I see hussle playes is 3/5 above oh, Young people like to watch American university basketball, but you need to 2 or 3 university in the game to However, you will find that, in the second tier university in Taiwan, except the win-loss, you may see a culture breath; any It refers to the college basketball (Taiwan) is basically university in the United States, and, what with rooters' home, school, alumni, local special cultural activity, etc, and is completely And if so, China, and I will not!




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yinggaiba:I suggest that you were discussed from three directions, basic basketball (high school), the recreational exercise habits, university basketball, society (including the NBA basketball goal from three aspects, I know of American primary and high school basketball culture (for), it is mainly engaged in the activities of public recreational exercise, it is a project and baseball, football, hockey, etc, it is the main US special one They (four categories of movement) due to cultivate teenagers teamwork spirit and upwards to wait, also can let teenagers to make more friends here, of course, also including theexercise strong body, so many parents, many people engaged in sports is encouraged, The traditional Chinese scholars and the so-called "" there is a big In Chinese, valuing literature while ignoring and in the book the gold room, in the book YanRuYu etc, encouraging adolescents reading this is the first extreme The best example, you can see many American or European basketball game, they are in many ways to "family" stranger, participate in the competition of teenagers learn get along with people, that is, the family of the College basketball or society (including the NBA basketball in the United States, it is a combination of local culture, the special region culture, and the part of the current Chinese territory, but some CBA, Chinese university basketball and American different, Many times, either China or Taiwan university basketball education competent "authority" shall not handle a competition, it is China and Taiwan university basketball) has many places, actually is to match the tenet to match, it is written, "just" impressive-looking, so far, I CaiShuXueJian, so, I really don't see those special cultural The university in Taiwan, a level of basketball game, you can't see many of the so-called "young man," I see hussle playes is 3/5 above oh, Young people like to watch American university basketball, but you need to 2 or 3 university in the game to However, you will find that, in the second tier university in Taiwan, except the win-loss, you may see a culture breath; any It refers to the college basketball (Taiwan) is basically university in the United States, and, what with rooters' home, school, alumni, local special cultural activity, etc, and is completely And if so, China, and I will not!




