

发布时间:2024-07-08 21:12:35



There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours, causing great inconvenience and heavy economic losses every Limited road capacity and people’s weak awareness of traffic laws contribute largely to the It is essential that effective measures should be taken to solve the traffic In the first place, some of the major roads are supposed to be broadened to speed up the flow of In addition, the burden of traffic can be lightened by improving the public transportation system and encouraging people to try alternative forms of Moreover, drivers as well as pedestrians and cyclists should be made to obey the traffic Whoever breaks the traffic law must be severely Only by combining these solutions can traffic pressure be 希望对你有帮助。

With the developement the society,the rubbish are getting more and It is harmful to the environment and So we must to take some measures to handle this serious According to the report,thounds of tons rubbish were made in a city,and do you know how many cities in China,it will bring us a lot of First,I think the goverement should build some factories to handle the rubbish,and we could divide the rubbish into different Because some of them could be Like iron and Secondly,as a We shoud not throw them It is very simple to put the rubbish into the I believe with the help of the goverement and all the people,our Earth Mother will become more and more Let us do it


My favourite My English teacher Healthy An unforgetable A plasent My My My Mobile My This is My good The Great Wall

us, however, take life for

城市生活和乡村生活有什么不同?* ?当我们谈论城市生活时,我们一定会想到高大的建筑,繁忙的街道,繁华的商业和许多先进的设备。乡村生活怎么样?* ?我们首先想到的是平静和安宁。* 在乡下,人们过着平静的生活。* 他们的噪音和污染都比城市里的人少。城市生活和乡村生活,哪个更好?* ?答案不是肯定的。住在乡下的人都想成为城里人。在他们的思想中,城市充满了机遇和冒险。许多农村青年离开家乡到大城市去寻找大量的金钱和好的工作。随着工业的发展,城市污染越来越严重。市民不得不忍受噪音,有害的烟雾和污垢。空气不够干净,尤其是在市中心。大多数市民都厌倦了超负荷的工作环境和恶劣的环境。但在这个国家,情况明显不同。与青山,清泉和大平原一起生活是一件愉快的事。蓝天,绿树,红日落,金色的庄稼。哇!多可爱的照片啊!* !所以现在,越来越多的市民渴望逃离这座城市。在过去,城市和乡村有明显的区别。但是现在有些国家看起来像现代化的城市,而有些城市却像乡村一样美丽。如果我们在发展工业的同时注意保护环境,城市也可以拥有农村的优势。我们不应该忘记发展乡村地区。如果是这样的话,我们城里人和乡下人,就可以享受现代和平的生活了!

去ABC 天下英语看看,里边资源很充足



题1:你们一家人周末的活动(例如出去野餐,钓鱼或者在家的活动。) 词汇:at the weekend,have a great time, 题2:介绍一个地方 这两个个人认为是比较热门 我的例文 我用题1 AT THE WEEKEND It's a sunny we went to the here has beautiful he sea is very clean,look so I swam with my brother,my mother took with my Then my father cooked delicious food for I had a great time with my

1 Write a letter to the mayor(市长) to show you want to be a volunteer foe the 2010 World Expo2 Changes aroud me3 I will succeed4 How to keep health5 An unforgettable experience6 Giving a present to sb7 Sports and recreation8 When others are in trouble9 How to protect environment10 My view of a Good student11 i am thnkful for sb12 My ambition(理想)13 My school life14 Everyone needs help15 My favourite things16 My father17 My teacher18 My birthday party19 Our school sports meeting20 How to study English21 How to protect the Environment03年上海中考To be a lovely Shanghaiese(上海人)04上海中考Leaving school(毕业时分)05上海中考Grow pains and gains06上海中考I have a dream07上海中考Things I hate to do08上海中考Love around me

初一英语作文题目及范文 My new students可以专门写你的同桌,他是男孩还是女孩,多大了,是哪的,胖瘦,黑白,你们相处的怎么样等等 My English teacher Happy new year可以写过年发生的事,还可以是新年愿望,还可以写去年的收获 日记形式,写今天家里大扫除,或是下雪啦。。



There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours, causing great inconvenience and heavy economic losses every Limited road capacity and people’s weak awareness of traffic laws contribute largely to the It is essential that effective measures should be taken to solve the traffic In the first place, some of the major roads are supposed to be broadened to speed up the flow of In addition, the burden of traffic can be lightened by improving the public transportation system and encouraging people to try alternative forms of Moreover, drivers as well as pedestrians and cyclists should be made to obey the traffic Whoever breaks the traffic law must be severely Only by combining these solutions can traffic pressure be 希望对你有帮助。

With the developement the society,the rubbish are getting more and It is harmful to the environment and So we must to take some measures to handle this serious According to the report,thounds of tons rubbish were made in a city,and do you know how many cities in China,it will bring us a lot of First,I think the goverement should build some factories to handle the rubbish,and we could divide the rubbish into different Because some of them could be Like iron and Secondly,as a We shoud not throw them It is very simple to put the rubbish into the I believe with the help of the goverement and all the people,our Earth Mother will become more and more Let us do it



How to Reduce the Pollution of Our CitySince the reform and the opening up to the outside world in 1978,the national economy of our country has been developing rapidly,people's lives have been improved a Hower,this causes a The environment is beening polluted In order to develop economy,lots of factories and restaurants have been set up even in They dump wasted water into rivers,let out poisonous gases into the air In some areas,many animals,such as fishes,pigs and ducks,die from The air is polluted so badly in some regions that people could hardly Therefore,environmental protection is very Our government has realized the problem and a pollution-reducing campaign has been launched in order to solve the As individuals,we are supposed to start with small For example,we should not use a plastic bag when shopping,we should use both sides of paper,we turn off the light immediately when not using We should go out by bus instead of driving a Friends,let's take action to do something for environmental 如何减少城市污染自从1978年改革开放以来,我国国民经济高速发展,人们生活不断改善。然而,这也带来一个问题。我们生活的环境正被严重污染着。为了发展经济,城市里建起了许多工厂和饭店,它们每天把废气排到空气中,把污水排到河里。在一些地区,很多动物如鱼,猪,鸭死于污染。因空气污染厉害,人们甚至无法呼吸。所以,环境保护很重要。我们国家已经意识到这个问题,一场环保活动已经展开。作为个人,我们应该从小事做起。例如,我们不应该用塑料袋;我们应该用纸的两面书写;不用灯时,我们要立刻关掉;出门时应坐公交车。朋友们,让我们行动起来,为保护环境做点事情。o(∩_∩)o 希望能帮助到你!o(∩_∩)o ★★★★★请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢! (*^__^*)

City ProblemsNowadays, millions of migrant workers flock into cities in search of jobs and However, with the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of Firstly, cities become more and more crowded, putting much pressure upon transportation, housing, sanitation, education, employment and so City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking Secondly, a growing number of private cars emit huge amount of carbon dioxide, leaving the air mercilessly What is more, the city is also threatened by rising Not a single day passes without the report of someone being robbed, kidnapped or Last but not least, city-dwellers are not only separated from the natural world but also isolated from each other, even not knowing the name of their next-door All these problems have harmed the attractiveness of the Unless there is some improvement, more and more people may seek to live in the (翻译:现在,有很多外来的的工作者聚集到城市中来寻找工作机会和更好的生活。 但是,随着城市人口的急剧增加,在城市发展过程中很多问题也显现出来。首先,城市变得越来越拥挤,交通,住房,医疗,教育,求职等的压力越来越重。城市的服务和公共设施已经达到饱和状态。第二点,数量日益增长的私人用车也制造出过量的二氧化碳,空气遭到污染。而且,由于刑事案件的增多,城市也受到了一定的威胁。每天都会有抢劫,绑架,以及谋杀等的相关报告。最后非常重要的一点事,城市居民不仅远离了自然环境,而且也远离了彼此,他们甚至不知道自己邻居的姓名。 所有的这些问题都使得城市的吸引力在大大降低。除非这些问题会得到一定的改善,否则越来越多的人会选择住在郊外。)或着Nowdays,as the big cities are developing rapidly,more and more people are flowing into the big With the development ,the problems are emerging quickly,such as the city congestion,pollution,some unsustainable factors,and so In these all problems,congestion is For example,the traffic There are always traffic jams on the It takes us too many hours to arrive where we want to just in a And there are so many person on the bus that it is almost hard to take Because of this,going out shopping or doing anything become a difficult Meanwhile,there is a lack if hourse in the big Because of too many people,the average square of each person is very And the prices of the hourse in these big citied are extremely Another big problem in the big city is that there are more and more unsustainable fators Having too many people will occur frequently,such as robbery,rape So,in my opinion,the local government should increase some laws and strenthen the ablilty of regulation to control the people who intend to enter the One city must have its own capacity,if population in it is over its ablilty,the problem will get more and more

Nowadays,most people,especially those who live in the country,want to move to the But is the city life perfect?Every coin has two It's true that things seem to be more convenient in some ways such as finding jobs,transportation service,Also places for relaxing like parks and hotels are But we have to say someting bad,The environment is awful because the population is too large and too much rubbish make the air We have to pay lots of money on our life including the bad things above! In my oppinion,we must take a correct attitude to Nomatter where we are,we can creat our own sky if we try our best!
