

发布时间:2024-07-08 10:14:32




我只有一小部分: 原文:International law prohibits a state from engaging in governmental activities within the territory of another state without that state’s This principle applies to numerous aspects of international dispute resolution – including the service of process, the taking of evidence, and the enforcement of As a consequence, courts in one nation often cannot effectively proceed with an international litigation without the assistance of courts in other The assistance that the courts of one state lend to courts or litigants of another state is referred to as “ international judicial ”翻译:国际法禁止州从事在另一国领土政府活动没有国家的同意。这一原则适用于国际争端解决–包括服务的过程中的许多方面,调查取证,并判决的执行。作为一个结果,在一个国家的法院经常不能国际诉讼没有在其他国家法院的帮助有效地进行。帮助一个国家的法院向另一个国家的法院或当事人被称为“国际司法协助“。原文:‘Jurisdiction’ means the competence of the courts to hear and decide a For the purpose of determining the jurisdiction of the English courts, actions are of two (ⅰ)Actions in personam: these are actions brought to compel a defendant to do or to refrain from doing something or to pay Jurisdiction over such actions depends primarily, though not exclusively, on the defendant's presence in E (ⅱ)Actions in rem: these are actions against ships and aircraft when jurisdiction depends upon the presence of the ship or aircraft in EIt should be added that, in some cases, such as divorce or nullity of marriage, sometimes called ‘actions quasi in rem’since they involve determination of personal status, jurisdiction is entirely 翻译:'管辖范围'方式的权限法院审理和裁决的案件。为了确定管辖权的英国法院,行动有两类。 ( ⅰ )人诉讼的:这些都是诉讼迫使被告做或不做某事或支付损害赔偿金。管辖权,主要取决于这种行动,但不完全,对被告的存在,在英格兰。 ( ⅱ )的对物诉讼:这些都是行动,打击船只和飞机时管辖权取决于存在的船舶或飞机在英格兰。 应该补充的是,在某些情况下,如离婚或婚姻无效,有时被称为'行动拟在rem'since涉及个人身份的确定,完全是法定管辖权。原文:where the essential validity of a will or interstate succession to movables is determinable by the law of foreign country,the view that would be taken of the matter by the foreign judge,if he were hearing the case ,must be Also,in case in which the testator died before 1964 and in cases in which,although he died after 1963,the formal validity of his will is considered under the old common law rule of reference to the law of the domicile,a grant of probate will not be denied on the ground of formal invalidity if the will is formally valid according to the private international law,though not according to the internal law,of the governing legal 翻译:其中一个将或州际动产继承原有效期由外国法律,以为会把此事的外籍法官,如果他听到的情况,必须采用。同时,在案件中,立遗嘱人死前的1964,在这种情况下,虽然他死后的1963,其形式有效性将是旧的普通法规则参照所在地的法律条件下考虑,给予遗嘱将不会被否认的正式无效地如果按照国际私法的将是正式有效的,虽然不是根据内部的法律,执政的法律制度。

Private International LawPrivate international law In the world of civil law and commercial law differences between the cases, the foreign-related factors containing the civil and commercial law, which should be applied to resolve the law of the State's Foreign-related factors also known as the international factors in civil and commercial law, known as the Western tradition of private law, private international law hence its Because generalized civil law could include commercial law, civil law and commercial law to the mutual differences, legal jargon known as the Civil Code of conflict or civil conflict, or conflict with the law or legal conflicts, so long as this sector, which the law the legal conflict with law or conflict of In 1834 the United States jurists J Tito, the first private international law conflict with law as a legal term Then, in German, French created a corresponding vocabulary, in Italy after another, in Spanish has also had a corresponding In China and Japan called on Private International L Because of private international law on national civil law is the applicable law, also known as the law applicable History 1841 German scholar谢夫纳in his book "The development of private international law" in the first use of this The names in China, Germany, Japan, Russia and other Eastern European countries are generally The adjustment of the concept of private international law targeting international civil relations can be called foreign-related civil legal As an international private law of the foreign-related civil adjusted target of legal relationship with the following characteristics: a foreign-related Relations between the concrete expression in the main body of a foreign object and content of factors broad civil and commercial relations will be foreign-related civil conflict The conditions are: ① people of all countries have frequently exchanged visits, some civil legal relations with foreign factors, or had once one or both parties for foreigners, or had once property in a foreign country, or acts or facts had once occurred ② differences between civil law countries, such as the legal marriage age, the legacy of heir share distribution, such as default liability provisions ③ foreign factors containing the civil legal relations, in a certain range with the application of foreign law necessary and For example, with a number of overseas Chinese to give each other mutual legal treaty to be registered trademark and the right to the protection, in the implementation of this treaty, there will be times when the other party is a national corporate legal issue, namely, the issue of nationality of legal On this issue, the law is Major European continent to take management center, and to the corporate community that is home country as the main office location of their home In accordance with the common law and the law of the State to State as a legal entity set up their own, in other words, legal persons in accordance with the laws of the countries which, with the country's China registered trademarks admissibility organs, to decide whether a foreign legal persons in the country of nationality, can only apply the foreign Private International Law is mainly for the domestic law of the factors contained foreign relations provisions of the Civil Code should apply the law of the State where the rules, that is rules of private international law, known as the conflict with the rules, because this is the role of the rule of law to resolve legal conflict with the legal use of the The above example is inconsistent with the rules: the nationality of the application of the corporate legal person of national A State of the sum of these rules conflict with the country on a private international Therefore, sources from the law (see Law), the main rule is inconsistent with national legislation and domestic jurisprudence, only very few from the international treaties In Western countries, the first private international law legislation is the 1756 "Bavaria Civil C" Subsequent legislation on private international law gradually increased, in some countries it in the Civil Code provisions, such as the 1804 "French Civil Code," N 3; it provides some countries in the implementation of civil law, such as in 1896 Germany, "the purposes of the Civil Code "Some developed countries it is one-way, such as the 1975 former Democratic Republic of Germany" on the international civil, family law and labor relations and the international economic contract law applicable law "; some countries it scattered in a number of individual provisions of a single law in , such as Romania and Bulgaria, the private international law A private international law by the Legislative simple to complex For example, in 1963 the Czechoslovak "private international law and international civil law" contains 68, 1987 announcement of Switzerland, "the Federal Private International Law" contains 200 Apart from legislation, common law jurisprudence growing private international Even in the European civil law, the customary law jurisprudence also constitute occupies an important For example, the jurisprudence of the Court of France, built a fairly complete system of private international In addition, Latin American countries are still in 1940 concluded on the Montevideo Convention on Private International L As for the private international law provisions contained in the bilateral treaties number As private international law are still low stage of development, some of the rules has not been established, therefore, sometimes on the doctrine of private international law in the international civil proceedings will also have a big Private international law is the applicable law of private international law on civil law is the law applicable law, and not substantive Substantive law that directly address the legal rights and obligations of the Private International Law is that which country should apply the substantive law to address the rights and obligations of the parties, but does not directly address the rights and obligations of the In the aforementioned example, the national law is foreign corporate entities, "corporate citizenship application of the legal person of the national law" rules of private international law, the applicable law rather than substantive According to conflict with the applicable rules of the substantive law of the country concerned, as the applicable The nationality of legal persons as in the above cases linked object, identified as the case known as qualitative corporate nationality, the nationality of legal persons is the link The use of private international law, in dealing with foreign-related civil cases, the first through qualitative and identify targets link, and follow the breach of rules, the decision should apply the applicable law, as the basis for the As the country adopted by the rules of private international law based on different links, sometimes occur, and turn to the China's private international law since the Tang Dynasty due to the fresh, Persians and other foreigners frequent in China trade, 651 (Tang永徽2002) "永徽law" provides that "all of outsiders similar self offenders, under this conventional method; Heterogeneous of offenders, in accordance with the law ", the law that Tang law, or the law of the Punishment for Tang law, there is no clear distinction between the people, this provision is not only international criminal law, international private law Since ancient Tang dynasty mainly taken closed-door policy, the development of private international law could not until the end of the Qing dynasty was slightly 1918 Northern government released "apply the law" provisions on personal law, relatives law, domestic law principle of the law of succession to the parties, but subject to the imperialist countries consular jurisdiction, applicable opportunities are After the founding of People's Republic of China have drawn up a number of rules and regulations relating to private international law, the conclusion of the relevant If in 1951 the Ministry of the Interior, between aliens and aliens in China with the Chinese man married to China and France, and marriage registration In 1960, "McNair consular treaty" provides consular can be authorized under the contributors, both contributors for the marriage registration citizens, but not from the parties or between people abided by local obligations under the A China with the mutual conclusion of the registration and protection of trade marks such agreements require the registration and protection of their application within the laws of the In recent years, China and many countries, such as France, on the conclusion of a bilateral agreement on judicial In order to resolve international trade and maritime disputes, China has already set up a Committee of I "PRC Civil Procedure Law" (see the Code of Civil Procedure) to set up another series, foreign-related civil proceedings to make special



一、选题 选题在学术论文写作中具有头等重要的意义。这是因为,只有研究有意义的课题,才能获得好的效果,对科学事业和现实生活有益处;而一项毫无意义的研究,即使研究得再好, 论文写作得再美,也是没有科学价值的。钱学森教授认为:“研究课题要紧密结合国家的需 要。……在研究方法上要防止钻牛角尖,搞烦琐 哲学 。 目前 在 社会 科学中,有的人就古人的 一句话大作文章,反复考证,写一大篇论文,我看没有什么意思。”因此,我们要选择有科 学价值的课题进行研究和写作。那么,应该根据哪些原则来选题呢?(一)具有科学性。它应包括:急待解决的课题;科学上的新发现,新创造;学科上短 缺或空白的填补; 通行说法的纠正;前人理论的补充;等等。(二)有利于展开。指的是:要有浓厚的兴趣;能发挥业务专长;先易后难,大小适中; 已占有一定的资料;能得到导师指导;在一定时间内能完成;对题目加以限定。注意事项1、摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。2、不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。比如一篇文章的题名是《几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎发生的研究》,摘要的开头就不要再写:“为了……,对几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎的发生进行了研究”。3、结构严谨,表达简明,语义确切。摘要先写什么,后写什么,要按逻辑顺序来安排。句子之间要上下连贯,互相呼应。摘要慎用长句,句型应力求简单。每句话要表意明白,无空泛、笼统、含混之词,但摘要毕竟是一篇完整的短文,电报式的写法亦不足取。摘要不分段。4、用第三人称。建议采用“对……进行了研究”、“报告了……现状”、“进行了……调查”等记述方法标明一次文献的性质和文献主题,不必使用“本文”、“作者”等作为主语。5、要使用规范化的名词术语,不用非公知公用的符号和术语。新术语或尚无合适汉文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。6、除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和化学结构式,不出现插图、表格。7、不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。8、缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明。科技论文写作时应注意的其他事项,如采用法定计量单位、正确使用语言文字和标点符号等,也同样适用于摘要的编写。摘要编写中的主要问题有:要素不全,或缺目的,或缺方法;出现引文,无独立性与自明性;繁简失当。

法政系本、专科生毕业论文参考选题一、 经济法类: 试论企业集团的法律地位 企业集团反垄断问题探讨 企业兼并法律问题探讨 我国外商投资企业税收问题探讨 试论我国自由贸易区立法 浦东新区土地有偿使用的法律问题探讨 浦东开发中利用外国政府贷款的法律问题初探 税收担保问题探讨 反避税的法律对策 出口退税问题探讨 社会保险税问题探讨 证券税收问题探讨 加强证券市场管理法律对策 资产评估立法中相关问题探讨 论外资银行和中外合资银行管理的若干法律问题 涉外土地批租的法律问题初探 试论我国出口加工区立法 建立我国涉外反倾销法律制度探讨 略论经济犯罪案件的查账 论论审计机构的法律地位和作用 我国养老保险法律制度探讨 试论我国劳动保险法律制度的若干问题 完善我国劳动争议处理程序的法律思考 进一步完善我国劳动合同法律制度的思考 加强和完善我国环境立法的思考 加强和完善我国环境执法的思考 论建立我国的技术开发区法律对策 商品销售中不正当竞争行为的若干法律问题探讨 期货立法若干法律问题探讨 论消费者合法权益的法律保护 试论反暴利立法的必要性 关于土地使用权问题的法律思考 房地产市场监管法律制度研究 我国投资立法初探二、商法类: 论股份有限公司的组织机构管理原则 论一人公司的法律规制 论有限责任公司股权转让制度 公司法人人格否认制度探究 论股东代表诉讼制度 论设立中公司的法律地位 论公司瑕疵设立制度 论公司内部监督制度 论控股股东的义务与责任 论关联交易的法律规制 论公司股份回购制度 论保险的功能 --兼论与侵权损害赔偿功能的比较 论保险合同中的代位求偿权 保险业现金运用法律监督的问题研究 论强制保险制度 保险费管理法律问题初探 论消费保险合同 论信贷合同的担保 股份合作制企业若干法律问题探讨 试析票据制度中善意第三人利益的保护 试论我国破产制度的完善 论自然人破产制度三、民法类 论胎儿利益的民法保护 关于完善我国监护制度的法律思考 论法人越权行为性质及效力--评我国《合同法》司法解释第十条 论尸体的法律地位--兼评我国遗体及其器官捐赠与移植立法 论表见代理的制度价值 浅析人格权的本质——兼评我国民法草案关于人格权的规定 论网络隐私权的法律保护 由“借腹生子”所引发的思考--论民法中的身体权 试论名誉权--兼论死者名誉的法律保护 论隐私权与知情权的冲突与协调 不动产物权预告登记及其价值研究 不动产物权顺位登记及其价值初探 论公信原则及对第三人利益的保护 简论建筑物区分所有权制度 简论物业管理合同的性质及效力 试论我国拾得遗失物制度的完善 添附规则与其相关规则的比较研究 论我国农村土地承包经营权的流转 试论商品房抵押及效力 商品房预售法律问题初探 在建工程抵押若干问题思考 共同抵押及其效力探析 最高额抵押的设定及效力 股份出质的设定及其效力实现 商品房按揭与让与担保制度的比较研究 论代位权的效力:兼评最高院《司法解释》第20条 关于我国代位权与代位权执行制度整合之研究 债权人的撤销权与破产法上撤销权的整合研究 债权人撤销权要件中的善意分析 论保证合同的无效及其责任的承担 试论担保物权与保证的竞合 论悬赏广告的性质及效力 浅析信赖利益的损害赔偿 论无权处分合同:兼论《合同法》第51条 合同变更与合同解除法律后果的比较研究 论预期违约责任--兼谈与不安抗辩权的区别 论违约损害赔偿的范围界定 论可预见性规则及其在违约损害赔偿中的作用 论出卖人的瑕疵担保责任 转租的性质及效力思考 浅论租赁权的物权化及其法理依据 浅析房屋承租人的优先购买权 浅议租赁物上增设物的归属 建设工程合同中的法定抵押权分析--兼评最高人民法院的相关司法解释 浅议旅客运输合同中承运人的安全保护义务 货物联运合同中的责任承担初探 见义勇为的报酬请求权--从完善无因管理相关规定谈起 雇主责任浅析 交通事故民事责任的保险与赔偿 医疗风险防范与损害赔偿的协调 试论侵权损害赔偿范围的界定 我国精神损害赔偿制度的立法缺陷及完善 简论分家析产的法律性质及其效力 关于遗赠扶养协议中的若干问题的法律思考 论隐私权的法律保护 论人格权的法律保护 试析违约责任中的可预见规则 论我国婚姻无效制度的构建 离婚损害赔偿制度探析 浅议精神损害赔偿制度 网络音乐著作权问题探析 论地理标志的知识产权保护 试论计算机软件的法律保护 略论“驰名商标”的法律保护 论发行权穷竭原则 论网络环境下的著作权限制制度 网络言论自由及其法律规制 网络服务商侵权责任探析 网络环境下的著作权保护四、诉讼法类: 论我国现行审级制度的不足与完善 论我国民事证据制度的改革与发展 试析民事诉讼的第三人制度 “陷阱取证”引发的法律问题探究 审判监督程序利弊谈 “小额消费诉讼”的法律问题探析 关于公益诉讼的立法保护 民事诉讼保全制度探究 论民事诉讼中的抗辩 地域管辖中的若干问题探究 举证妨碍问题探讨 抽象行政行为的司法审查制度探析 浅谈行政听证制度 论行政程序的司法审查 试论行政诉讼中的司法变更权 论行政诉讼中的举证责任 民事诉讼陪审制度改革初探 论民事诉讼中调解程序制度的完善 论遗产继承中的共同诉讼人 民事诉讼中本证与反证辨析 关于人民检察院抗诉的若干问题探讨 论刑事诉讼的监督机制 论我国刑事诉讼庭审制度的改革 论律师在侦查阶段的地位与作用 试论刑事诉讼各阶段的证明要求和证明标准 刑事诉讼中证据开示制度探究 我国刑事诉讼证人制度探讨 沉默权问题研究 试述非法证据的证明效力问题五、刑法类: 论特殊主体犯罪 论挪用公款罪 论无罪推定原则在我国刑事司法中的适用及不足 论罪刑法定原则 商业贿赂罪与国家工作人员贿赂罪之比较 略论正当促销手段与贿赂罪 安乐死问题探究 “非法经营罪” 探究 网络犯罪问题探究 新型金融犯罪问题探究 论侵犯商业秘密罪 未成年人犯罪刑事责任问题研究 论我国刑法中的结果加重犯 论不作为犯罪 浅谈股票贿赂案犯罪数额的确认问题 论投案自首的认定及刑罚的适用 试论我国假释制度的完善 结果犯及其形态探究 浅析我国数罪并罚制度的不足及完善 死刑存废问题探究 论我国罚金刑制度的完善 精神病人的刑事责任及其法律适用问题探讨 流动人口犯罪问题探究六、宪法、行政法、法理、法史、国际法类: 试论罗马法的基本原则及其影响 浅析中国近代宪政立法 论沈家本修律与中国近代法律制度的建立 试析汉代法律的儒家化 论君权、父权、夫权与中国古代法律 谈无讼与息讼 论法律与道德的冲突与调适 论法律职业化与司法改革 行政执法难成因探究 关于改革和完善我国宪法监督体制的思考 论宪法诉讼制度的构建 我国宪法司法化探析 司法审查制度探究 法律移植问题探讨 论法的时代精神 论国家主权豁免 WTO国际争端解决机制探究 试析世界贸易组织的法律体系 对反倾销立法及其适用的法律思考 论国际私法中的公共秩序保留制度 试论国际私法中法律选择的方法 论国际民商事案件管辖权冲突的解决 论我国涉外合同关系的法律适用罗马法所有权理论的当代发展三、所有权理论的当代发展与一物一权主义 任何一个法律制度的突变都会使既有的制度体系受到冲击和挑战,因为绝对所有权分离与裂变而直接受到冲击和挑战的是大陆法系物权制度的一物一权原则。在这场变革中,不乏学者挥洒笔墨质疑一物一权原则,认为,一物一权的原始涵义是一物之上只存在一个所有权,因此,自用益物权和担保物权产生之后,尤其是现代建筑物区分所有权的产生,在任何一个不动产上都可能存在多个物权,甚至是多个所有权。一物一权原则在历史上也许很必要,但现在已经彻底过时了。而且,作为法学的概念,一物一权原则非但不科学,还常常对实践发生误导。故应当废除。也有学者站在相对的立场上以否定双重所有权为基点坚决捍卫一物一权原则,认为近代大陆法的所有权制度之所以选择了罗马法的模式,而没有选择日尔曼法的模式,即从西欧中世纪的双重所有权到资本主义时代的一物一权,是人类社会摧毁以身份等级为特征的封建制度清除财产上的封建身份束缚所做的重要努力。如果今天我们承认双重所有权,就会使具有身份性质的所有权制度或观念死灰复燃。这种二元结构的所有权制度一旦建立,现存的所有权制度即会因所有权的肢解而丧失其逻辑支撑以至崩溃。没有一物一权精神的物权决不是大陆法系物权制度的物权,否定一物一权,即否定物权概念、物权制度本身。当然也有学者采折衷的态度,认为股东和公司两种形态的所有权的分离是以公司的存在为根据的,公司有可能因为法定原因发生终止,一旦发生终止,权利分离的根据丧失,清算后的财产要返回股东,从而使所有权的权能完全复归于股东,这种返回正是所有权弹力性的表现。因此,多重所有权的存在与一物一权主义并不发生矛盾,在法人存续期间并存的两种所有权仅仅是一物一权的例外现象和特殊的表现形式。 笔者认为,从大陆法上所有权发展的轨迹来看,其确实经历了从日尔曼法的双重所有权到罗马法的绝对排他所有权的变革历程,而且确实通过确立所有权制度废弃了封建的身份关系的束缚,张扬了所有权人的人性与自由。但如果仅以此作为论据,就导出“承认双重所有权,就会使具有身份性质的所有权制度或观念死灰复燃”,便是历史的倒退的结论,这一结论其实是欠缺必要的前提而不能成立的。因为绝对所有权的分割与碎变并非由封建身份关系所致,亦非导致封建身份关系束缚之结果,恰恰相反,它是绝对所有权人对其权利的自由表达,表明基于契约关系而各司其职的所有权主体各方地位完全平等,不受任何身份关系的束缚,决不是简单地向封建所有权制度的回归。肯定所有权自由分割的这种全球化的发展趋势,不是法制的倒退,而是法制的前进。 物权具有排他性,这也是物权法的本质属性所在,否则,物权法就不称其为物权法。但是,物权的排他性不是绝对的,而是相对的。在同一物上所有权与用益物权的并存、所有权与担保物权的并存、罗马法所有权理论的当代发展担保物权与用益物权的并存,以及担保物权与担保物权的并存就是相容性的最好例证—物权兼具排他性与相容性双重属性。如果片面夸大物权的排他性,而否定物权的相容性,同样就如同否定物权的排他性一样,将使精心构筑与设计的大陆法物权体系遭致毁灭性的灾难。经过分割而在同一物上存在的多重所有权同样具有排他性与相容性,相容性决定一物之上可以存在多重所有权,所有权保留买卖中,在买卖标的物上存在的出卖人法定所有权和买受人的实意所有权即所有权相容性使然;而排他性又决定在同一物上不可能存在性质相互冲突的两个所有权,出卖人保留的法定所有权只能为出卖人一人所有,在同一出卖物上,不可能存在两个以上保留的法定所有权,同理,在同一出卖物上也不能存在两个以上实意所有权。物权的排他性与相容性是对立的,但又相互依存,相辅相成,二者的统一构成物权的完整属性。因此,只要我们依然坚持物权的排他性,尽管承认物权的相容性,承认在同一物之上可以存在双重所有权,反映排他性的一物一权原则仍然可以在物权法中占据重委的地位。易言之,承认双重所有权与捍卫一物一权并不发生根本性冲突,大可不必谈虎色变,诚惶诚恐。 一物一权原则的核心内容是一物之上只能存在一个所有权,正视所有权的当代发展与变革又坚持物权法的一物一权原则,这正是摆在我们面前的重要问题。对此应该有两种不同的解决办法,其一,在保持原有一物一权概念的基础上,将双重所有权解释为一物一权的例外或特殊表现;其二,在现代法的语境下对于一物一权予以全新的阐释。国内外学者在阐释法律原则时颇有共识:“法律原则是可以作为众多法律规则之基础或本源的综合性、稳定性的原理和准则”,法律原则“是法律精神的最集中的体现,是法律制度的原理和机理。”任何一项规则、制度及规范都不得和法律原则的精神相悖,因此,法律原则是对各项制度、规则和规范起统帅和指导作用的立法方针。“原则可能互相冲突,所以原则有份量,就是说,互相冲突的原则必须互相衡量与平衡。”每一项原则均有其自身的价值和它所追求的价值,当某一个具体的案件适用不同的原则将有不同的结果时,就需要在不同的原则之间进行平衡和衡量,适用价值最大者。原则之间可以相互冲突或相互衡量,但原则项下不可以有例外,否则,法律原则不称其为法律精神的最集中体现,也不称其为对法律制度、法律规则与法律规范起统帅和指导作用的立法方针。作为民法基本原则的诚实信用原则如果有例外或特殊表现形式,很难想象那应当是怎样的例外或怎样的特殊表现形式。一物一权原则既然作为物权法的基本原则,同样不应该有例外。显然,第一种解决问题的办法虽然本意在于解决矛盾,却又将自己陷人新的矛盾之中。台湾学者黄茂荣先生谈及概念之演变时,以德国学者的名句作为论据:“法律必须随时间经过而演进,始能符合因时间之经过而变更之社会,应无疑义。其结果,构成法律规定之概念,自与法律同样常有历史性的时间结构,必须随历史之变迁而演进。”[41]“没有一个法律概念,在教条上是完全不变的”,[42]现代法所有权制度的发展与演变,使得一物一权等物权法上的概念也必将随之发生改变,这样一来,第二种方法似乎才是最符合逻辑的。 中外学者对一物一权的界定,文字的多寡不同,但就其所揭示的内涵可以概括为一句话:一物之上只能存在一个所有权,不能同时存在两个以上内容、性质相互冲突的他物权。[43]实际上,我们无须浪费太多的文字,只要将“内容、性质相互冲突”这一修饰语放在更准确的位置上,传统的一物一权概念便会有相当大的改观:在一物之上不能存在两个以上内容、性质相互排斥的物权。这一概念具有两重含义:1一物之上可以存在多个物权,包括一物之上可以存在两个所有权、所有权和他物权,或所有权和若干他物权。就是说,物权可以竞存,前提是,各种物权之间具有包容性,可以和平共处。但是,包容是暂时的,不是永久的。当潜在的物权排他性终于按耐不住物权的包容性而从骨子里进发出来时,竞存的物权便发生生死存亡的激烈冲突,解决冲突的手段是物权与生俱来的,或法律后天赋予的优先效力。物权优先效力的价值就存在于物权排他性取代物权相容性的变革之中,这场变革也造就了物权的优先效力;当然,所有权(母权)与自所有权中分离出去的他物权或自所有权中分割出来的它种意义的所有权(子权)[44]之间竞存的解体与优先效力无关,而由子权最终要向母权回归的本性所决定。性质或内容相互排斥的物权,即不相容的物权在一物之上只能有一个,包括所有权和他物权。这是一物一权原则的本质内涵所在,是物权的排他性使然,是放之四海而皆准的道理。任何物权相互之间只要具有天然的排斥性,就不可能在同一物上竞存,一个权利在某一实在物上生成了,另一相斥之权利则自始不能生成:取得质物占有之人成就了质权,未取得占有之人不可能成就质权。当然,转质可以生成另一质权,但是转质权必须以原质权的有效存在为前提,依附于原质权而存在,原质权消灭,转质权随之消灭,转质权实际上是原质权的衍生物,在质物上存在的原质权与转质权并不是两个独立的质权。所有权保留买卖中,出卖人一经将标的物交付买受人,买受人的实益所有权即产生,同一标的物上不可能同时存在另一实益所有权。这期间,如果由于出卖人一物二卖,抑或买受人将自己的实益所有权出让他人而导致再行转让的实益所有权成立,那么,原实益所有权将于次实益所有权成立之时自行消灭。[45]这种天然的排斥性来源于物权本性与内容的同一性,正所谓“同性相斥”。典权可以与抵押权并存,但不可以与另一典权并存,因为两个典权同以占有为要件,并具有相同的使用、收益之内容。同理,基于信托关系而产生的法定所有权可以与受益人的实益所有权并存,但在信托财产上决不可以再设定他人相同内容的法律所有权。总之,无论所有权制度的发展会给所有权,乃至于整个物权体系带来怎样的变化,一物一权原则不容置疑。 注释:尹田:《论一物一权原则及其与‘双重所有权’理论的冲突》,载《中国民法学精萃》2003年卷,机械工业出版社2004年版,第 241页。 参见王利明:《民商法研究》第2辑,法律出版社2001年版,第278页。 〔美〕托马斯·C格雷:《论财产权的解体》,高新军译,《经济社会体制比较》1994年第5期。 参见欧阳坷:《人性光辉下的所有权》,吉林大学2004年民商法硕士学位论文,第4页。 陈华彬:《外国物权法》,法律出版社2004年版,第9页。 参见前引〔5〕,陈华彬书,第11页。 梅夏英:<当代财产的发展及财产权利体系的重塑》,载王利明主编:《民商法前沿论坛》,人民法院出版社2004年版,第80页。 参见前引〔5〕,陈华彬书,第11页。 参见前引〔7〕,梅夏英文,第80页。 前引〔2〕,王利明书,第286页。 前引〔5〕,陈华彬书,第9页以下。 参见前引〔2〕,王利明书,第289页。 前引〔5〕,陈华彬书,第16页以下。 肖厚国:《所有权的兴起与衰落》,山东人民出版社2003年版,第35页。 参见[英〕亚当•斯密:《国富论》下卷,郭大力、王亚南译,商务印书馆1995年版,第1页以下。 GottfriedDietze,InfnseofproPer,ThejohnsHOpkinsPress,1971, 参见【日」我妻荣:《物权法》,岩波书店1995年版,第2页,转引自前引〔2〕,王利明书,第294页。 宋刚:《信托财产的独立性及其担保意义—从大陆法系责任财产角度》,清华大学2005年法学博士学位论文。 谢哲胜:《台湾物权法制发展》,《财产法暨经济法》2005年第2期。 申卫星在他的博士论文中对诸种形式的所有权保留做了详细论述。简单的所有权保留指卖方将标的物交付给买方,在买方支付该特定标的物的价款前,该标的物的所有权仍由出卖人保留,其保留所有权的客体仅限于根据本合同占有的特定的标的物;延长的所有权保留中,买受人购买标的物不是用于消费或自己使用,而是为了将标的物转售他人,或者是对标的物进行加工、添附后再行出售,为了保证卖方的价金债权,卖方保留所有权的客体可以延长到买方的转售所得或加工物之上。在延长的所有权保留中,买方在完全支付价金后方可取得标的物的所有权,在全部价金交付之前,买方有权对标的物进行处分。扩大的所有权保留,是指当事人约定当买方不仅清偿了全部价金,而且清偿了出卖人与买受人基于其它生意而产生的或即将产生的债务后,买方才可以获得标的物所有权的制度。参见申卫星:《期待权理论研究》,中国政法大学2001年博士学位论文,第68页以下。 沈达明:《法国/德国担保法》,中国法制出版社2000年版,第148页。 参见前引〔20〕,申卫星文,第51页。 转引自前引〔2的,申卫星文,第91页。 转引自刘德宽:《民法诸问题与新展望》,五南图书出版公司1995年版,第7页。 笔者曾经主张,所有权保留中存在双重所有权,卖方所保留不是实益上的所有权,只有在买方没有按照约定交付价金时,这种所有权才具有意义,成为出卖人所有物返还请求权的权利基础;买受人以自己所有的意思占有、使用标的物的权利是真正意义上的所有权,只是这种所有权于买受人未按约定交付价金时终止而已。故可以借鉴英美法的经验,将两种所有权分别称为取回所有权和附条件的所有权。参见马新彦:《美国财产法上的土地现实所有权研究》,《中国法学》2001年第4期。 王利明:《论公司所有权的二重结构》,载前引〔2〕,王利明书,第78页。 前引〔l〕,尹田文,第249页以下。 梅夏英教授在他的论文《当代财产的发展及财产权利体系的重塑》中也认为:“法人可以享有所有权所包含的一切权能,但不是严格意义上的所有权。因为所有权是就个人对物本身权利义务的描述,法人作为一个法律构建的实体,本身便是一个团体的概念,这种由团体占有形成的法律上的主体本身便与’绝对所有权’的个人主义隐喻相悖”。参见前引〔7〕,梅夏英文,第82页。 前引〔7〕,梅夏英文,第84页。 以所有权保留为例,买受人未按约定支付价金的,其所有权终止,并回归于出卖人,出卖人的所有权由法律所有权转变为完整意义的所有权,有权利向买受人主张所有物返还请求权;买受人依约支付价金的,价金一经交付,出卖人的法律所有权自行终止,买受人的所有权转变为完满状态的所有权。 前引〔1〕,尹田文,第252页。121法学研究2006年第1期这种抽象的所有权的结果”。 GyorgyDiosdi,nersnPinAneetanre一classcazRomaLaw,135、133、转引自前引〔2〕,王利明书,第275页。 傅静坤:《论美国契约理论的历史发展》,《外国法译评》1卯5年第1期。 孙宪忠:《中国物权法原理》,法律出版社2004年版,第142页。 前引〔1〕,尹田文,第249页;孟勤国:《物权二元结构论》人民法院出版社2002年版,第104页。 参见前引〔2〕,王利明书,第79页。 张文显主编:《法理学》,法律出版社1997年版,第71页,第72页。 同上 参见梁慧星:《民法总论》,法律出版社1996年版,第40页。 迈克尔•D•贝勒斯:(法律原则—一个规范的分析》,张文显等译,中国大百科全书出版社19%年版,第13页。 [41]Laren:,Meth记enlehrede:Reehtswissenschaft,A1975,124f;GerhartHusserl,Reehtundzeit,1955,s一,转引自黄茂荣:《法学方法与现代民法》,中国政法大学出版社2001年版,第83页。 [42]前引〔41〕,黄茂荣书,第83页。 [43]如日本学者川岛武宜所言:一物一权主义是指一个物权的客体仅为一个独立的有体物,在同一物之上不能存在两个或两个以上独立的物权,尤其不能设立两个以上所有权。我国学者对此也有同样的表述,一物一权原则指一物之上只能设定一个所有权;一物之上不得设定两个以上内容相冲突的他物权。参见王利明:《物权法研究》,中国人民大学出版社2002年版,第82页。 [44]为行文方便,我们在此将所有权称为母权,分离或分割后产生的物权称为子权。 [45]实意所有权指不具有所有权的法律责任,但具有所有权本质属性的所有权,亦称实质意义上的所有权,或实质上所有权,英美法上相应为衡平法上的所有权。与此对应的是法律所有权,指由法定公示方式表征的所有权,又称为法律上所有权,或形式上所有权,英美法中相应为普通法的所有权。另外,站长团上有产品团购,便宜有保证

论中国的死刑废除  〔摘 要〕世界上很多国家都已经废除死刑,死刑的废除似乎已经成了一种趋势。既然如此,中国就应该顺应这种历史的潮流,那么中国废除死刑的原因是什么呢?  〔关键词〕 中国 刑罚 死刑 废除  从封建社会进入近现代社会后,刑罚体系发生了很大变化。古代的极不人道的刑罚如死刑、杖刑、笞刑已经逐渐被近现代西方的刑罚体系所代替。古代那些如凌迟、枭首、车裂等死刑也被一些能尽量减少人痛苦的死刑如枪决、针刑、毒气所代替,尽量减轻死刑犯的痛苦,以示对生命的尊重。  可是现在死刑不但失去了其在刑法体系中的核心地位,而且限制、减少死刑乃至废除死刑已经成为世界性的潮流与趋势。 现在尊重人权的呼声越来越烈,而生命权是人权的重要内容,因此许多国家都相继废除了死刑。生命是人类最宝贵的东西,一旦失去,生命便不会重来一次,所有的一切也就无从谈起,所以我认为废除死刑是历史的必然,中国应该废除死刑。  早在清末时期,著名法学家沈家本就提出了限制乃至废除死刑的观点,沈家本从传统的“王道仁政”出发坚定地认为:“臣等窃维治国之道,以仁政为先,自来议刑法者,亦莫不谓裁之以义而推之以仁,然则刑法之改重为轻,固今日仁政之要务,而即修订之宗旨也。”并且强调“化民之道,固在政教,不在刑威也。”  可见废除死刑的观点是由来已久的,那么我认为中国应该废除死刑的原因是什么呢?在下文我将浅谈一下我的观点。  首先,改革开放后,中国积极加入世界市场,并且中国国际化的程度也是越来越深。从2005年10月4日到现在,世界上一半以上的国家在法律或实践上废除了死刑。具体情况如下:对所有罪行都废除死刑的国家有68个,普通罪行废除死刑的国家有11个,实践中废除死刑的国家有24个,所以,在法律或实践中废除死刑的国家总计有121个,保留死刑的国家仅有75个。而且最近几十年情况显示,平均每年有三个国家在法律或实践中废除了死刑。可见废除死刑在整个世界上都已经成为了一种趋势。因此,中国若想在世界舞台上更好的展现自己的魅力,赢得更多国家的尊重,就应该与世界接轨,废除死刑。  其次,“杀人偿命,欠债还钱”的观念从西汉就根植到了人的脑海中,或许现在这种观念对人还有很大的影响。但是这种观念并不是成为中国废除死刑的一个障碍。  很多时间若是问大家一个人杀了另外一个人,应该对杀人的人怎么办,大家肯定会说应该给他判处死刑,但是如果情况并不是你想象的那么简单呢?比如,甲要强奸乙,乙在甲未得逞之继而因为防卫过当将甲致死,这时候大家可能并不认为乙应该被处死,反而会因为乙的勇敢而称赞乙。再比如,一个男人回家后看到妻子正和第三者通奸,然后火气大发,用菜刀将妻子和第三者砍死。此时,如果按照中国现行的法律,此男人必将会被处死,可大家可能大多数都会有一些同情该男人,认为他不应该被处死,任何男人遇到了这种情况都会一时间控制不住自己的情绪的。  可见,“杀人偿命”在很大程度上是受条件的限制的,人们真想让杀人者死的是那些罪大恶极的,极度危害社会的罪犯。但是这种罪犯在社会上不是多数,为何不废除死刑呢?  再次,死刑并不比终身监禁具有更大的威慑力。迄今为止,并没有研究表明重罪的发案率与死刑的存废之间有必然的联系。有研究表明人在犯罪后被判为死刑对社会的威慑力并不比终身监禁的威慑力大,而且如果被判处死刑,犯罪率依然保持在原先的水平。从实践中考察,死刑也从未对犯罪产生过有效的威慑力。 因为一个人若是明确知道了自己何年何月何日死,刚开始可能会恐惧,但是随着他意识上的逐渐接受,到真正执行死刑时却不是太害怕了,可见死刑的威慑力难以持久,而且威慑效果的巩固期有明显缩短的趋势。如果一个人不知道自己何时会死,整日活在对自己死期的猜测之中,这时的威慑力才是更大的。西方废除死刑的国家对重刑判罪时一判就会判个几百年。中国完全可也借鉴这种刑罚,当人犯也被判几百年后,即使该罪犯在狱中表现良好,获得减刑,那么他还是无法走出牢狱,对社会的危害也就无从谈起。  第四,当谈到一个人被判为死刑时,大多数人可能都会想是不是该犯人杀了人。其实并不是仅仅杀了人才会被判为死刑的,一些经济犯虽然并没有犯杀人罪但是却也会判为死刑的。经济上的犯罪无非是官僚贪污了,企业逃税了,盗骗了国家财产了,他们之所以会在经济上犯罪很可能是因为自己思想上一时出了差错或者是受到了他人的教唆,如果立即执行死刑,便等于夺取了他们改过自新的机会。他们是完全有可能在经过改造后重新成为对社会主义建设有用的人,可是一旦生命权都没有了,还何谈改过自新呢?还何谈更好的建设祖国呢?从矫正论的角度看,是否所有的死刑犯都不能够改造呢?死刑剥夺了刑罚积极的、改造的价值。  第五,人无完人,只要是个人即使他再怎么细心也是会犯错的。古往今来,发生了许多的冤假错案,中国古代的窦娥不就是很好的例证吗?  冤假错案并不会随着时代的进步而消失,好比再精密的仪器也有出差错的时候。德国国际记者协会日前在欧洲范围内进行了一次调查,调查对象是欧洲各国的检察官、法官等执法人员以及一些律师组织。调查的内容是刑事重罪案件的误判比率。调查结果出人意料,这类案件的误判率为5%,记协据此得出结论:欧洲每年至少有数百起重罪案件存在误判现象。由此可以看出,作为大陆法系国家的代表,德国的冤假错案并没有随着时代的进步而消失。那么可以判断出中国每年的冤假错案的数量也是为数不少的。死刑之误判率高,而冤狱之发现与平反又非常困难,所以生命刑应该废止。 如果废除了死刑,虽然嫌疑人被判了终身监禁,可一旦事实的真相被查明,那么嫌疑人就会成为自由身,所有的一切还可以重新开始,如果执行了死刑,不仅仅他被冤枉,而且会给他的家人,亲属带来多么大的伤痛,我相信那个判刑的法官也会一辈子无法安心。  有学者以充满人文关怀的语调写道:生命一次性让人对它珍惜;生命的美好使人为它感到伤感;死者亲属的伤痛使人同情;罪犯临行前的恐惧让人怜悯;一旦错判难以纠正使人感到后悔;任何罪犯都有可以让人宽宥的原因。  总之,生命是宝贵的,一旦一个人的生命被剥夺,一切就无从谈起,所以从上面的五个方面我一一论述了我认为中国应该废除死刑的理由。可是从现在中国的国情来看,中国废除死刑仍然是任重而道远的。但是死刑已成为强弩之末,丧失了昔日的威风,废除死刑是人类法制文明高度发展的产物,是刑罚改革的大方向。 废除死刑是历史的必然,因此我依旧会充满信心,我相信死刑会走向它的终点,走进历史博物馆,终究有一天中国大地上不会再出现死刑!  [参考文献]  1、崔敏:《死刑考论—历史 现实 未来》,中国人民公安大学出版社2008年版。  2、陈琴:《刑法中的事实错误》,中国人民公安大学出版社2008年版。  3、何显兵:《死刑的适用及其价值取向》,中国人民公安大学出版社2008年版。  4、黄晓亮:《暴力犯罪死刑问题研究》,中国人民公安大学出版社2008年版。  5、李交发:《简论沈家本的废除死刑观》,载《现代法学》2005年版。  6、赵秉志主编:《中国废止死刑之路探索》,中国人民公安大学出版社2004年版。  7、赵秉志主编:《死刑改革研究报告》,法律出版社2007年版。


大陆法系和英美法系的比较It is commonly believed that there are several classifications of legal system, according to various standards and criterions, among which historical traditions and law modalities could well be deemed as one universal As is much accepted, there could be 2 prominent legal systems in the world of One is Civil law system, and the other is Anglo-American law More details would come as follows: Civil law system (also named as Continental law system, Roman law system, or Codification law system) It started with the Rome lex, but its solid foundation is French or Gallo Civil C It is no doubt that French law and German law should be its two profound feature --------Based on Civil Law and codification oriented Anglo-American law system (Also called as common law system or British law system) It started with the Norman Conquest (11-14 century), with the common law as its sole and most important America and Great Britain are the two outstanding -------Great emphasis is put on the Case law, not the statutory The fast development of society has witnessed great progress in law, much more mature and stable Different legal systems have come to understand each other, and learn from But their inner distinctions should never be Herein is the general comparison between Civil law system and Anglo-American law system: Different sources of law The former tends to give authority to Constitutional Law and other statutory ones , though it respect the important role cases play, never would it credits cases to be one source of While the latter thinks the other way, both cases and statutory laws as well are treated as sources of law, which delivers the massage-----Judges could make law rules Different inner structure or classification The former tend to put its law into Public law (Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law ,and Procedure Law) and Private one( Civil Law , and Commercial Law) , but the latter makes no such categories, and it comprises the common law as the staple and equity law as a supplement for inadequate Different compilation methods The former has a special favor for codex, easily put, the codification While the latter takes to singular That is to say, the compilation of the former is much strict, compared with the flexibility enjoyed by the Different legal procedures and formulae The formal adopts the inquisitional proceedings , with the judge be the anchor The latter choose the adversary system , the judges and jury plays the role of impartial fact- Difference in legal terminology and concepts For example , the civil law system rules that the common law should be the whole set of laws except the Constitutional Law ; while the latter thinks the common law is equal to case laws , with some trivial distinctions ( the interpretation made by judges) All in all , their difference is narrowing down , but it is absolutely impossible for the two to achieve absolute accord

a 意志或跨境连续根本有效性对可移动物是可决定的由外国的法律遗产的有效性, 会被采取问题由外国法官的观点, 如果他审理案件, 必须被采取。并且, 在testator 死在1964 年之前和在案件的案件, 虽然他死了在1963 年以后, 他正式有效性意志被考虑根据参考老普通法规则在住处的法律的, 遗嘱的认证意志津贴不被否认在正式无效力地面如果意愿正式是合法的根据私有国际法, 虽则不是根据内部法律, 治理的法制系统。②要求对外国不动产何处问题出现权利对外国不动产, 和在Re Ross, 英国法院将运用不动产位于国家的私有国际法规则, 如果他们由situs 的法院会应用听见同样问题。这也许被辩解在基础上, 它促进标题安全。③ 一些盒可移动物如果法律规则英国选择提到一个争执的标题可移动物他们的situs 法律当涉嫌的标题说被获取了的时候, 它是可能的, 法院将应用situs 法院会应用在案件的特殊情况法律的内部系统。

中文的意思是美国有“judicial protection”作为其唯一的法律安心的形式。 司法保护是民用或犯罪的。 China’s司法保护是,当然,也民用或犯罪,和对此没有巨大分别。 美国人版权法的第504部分阐明,权利持有人也许被授予损伤,包括在504的违反获取的实际损失和赢利(b)和在504的法律损伤(c)。 这项建立的版权原则的目的,即,损坏惩罚,相当数量损伤超出直接经济损伤被造成对被违犯的党由侵权者,是缓和、严厉处罚和警告,见证一个道德外型。 根据几个问题的“Supreme People’s法院解释的第11部分的In中国,至于法律的应用的关于决定的关于在犯罪Cases” (司法Interpretations 1998年,第30)的非法出版,出版物,严重干扰市场定购单的打印,复制和发布非法出版被解释是“other非法企业行动,在刑事诉讼法的文章225上指定的”。 非法企业行动是刑事诉讼法的Article指定的罪行225 : “Article 225。 谁,违反状态规定,有以下非法企业行动之一,打乱市场定购单,并且,当情况是严肃的时,将被判刑到不超过五年定期监禁,犯罪拘留,并且可以另外或完全被判刑到罚款不少于100%和不超过他的非法收入的500%和,其中情况是特别严肃的,被判刑不少于五年定期监禁和罚款不少于100%和不超过他的非法收入或他的物产的没收的500%。 因为获得在版权侵犯和被复制的违犯的材料销售罪行的证据是难的,在多数版权侵犯案件基于的决定非法事务为作赝品者行动(受著作权保护的违犯的材料的包括卖主)。 即使决定没有根据版权侵犯罪行和被复制的违犯的材料销售,判刑根据这个依据严厉比在版权侵犯罪行和被复制的违犯的材料销售。 在美国和中国之间的法律安心不同仅的The点是中国,除司法保护之外,也考虑到行政保护。 政府能行政惩罚违犯是严肃的活动,但是不上升到一种罪行的水平,包括违犯的产品和违法收入的违犯的产品的没收,破坏和罚款。 There是关于区别的二个结论在美国和中国之间的版权政策和实践上: 版权侵犯的率在美国比较起来不是高和China’s有些更高。 当然,这两个结论不可能完全地把归咎到在版权政策和实践上的区别。 有许多其他因素 -- 经济、nation’s人民的字符,教育、传统文化、地理地点等等。 日文的意思是米国に“judicial protection”がその唯一の法律の安心している形式とすることがいます。 司法が保护するのは民间用あるいは犯罪のです。 Chinaは’はs司法の保护は、もちろん、同じく民间用あるいは犯罪、とこのは巨大に别れることがありません。 アメリカ人の著作権法の第504部分は明らかに述べて、権利は人を持って损失を授与するかも知れなくて、含んで504のが得る実际にに背いて504の法律で损害を受けて利润が上がります(b)とに(c)を伤つけます。 この创立した著作権の原则の目的、つまり、惩罚を壊して、数量に相当して直接の経済を超えて伤つけて犯される党に対して権利侵害者からもたらされることを伤つけて、缓和は、厳しく処罚して警告するので、1つの道徳的な外形を目撃证言します。 いくつ(か)の问题の“Supreme People’s裁判所の釈明する第11部分In中国によって、法律の応用のは决定のに関して罪を犯していますCases”となるとに関して (司法Interpretations 1998年、第30)の违法出版、出版物、深刻に市场に単にのタイプ印刷することを予约购买するように邪魔して、违法出版を复制して発表して釈明されるのは“のother不法な企业の行动で、刑事诉讼法の文章の225の上で指定しますの”。 不法な企业の行动は刑事诉讼法Articleの指定する犯罪の225です : “Article 225。 谁、状态に背くのは规定の、以下の不法な企业の行动の1つがあって、市场を混乱させて単に予约购买して、しかも、情况が厳粛な时、刑罚を下されて5年を上回りませんまで(へ)定期的に监禁して、犯罪の留置、しかもその他にあるいは完全に刑罚を下されて罚金の100%以上とまで(へ)彼の不法な収入の500%を上回りませんことができてと、その中の情况はとても厳粛で、刑罚を下されて5年定期的に监禁して罚金を取って100%以上がと彼のを上回らないで不法にあるいは彼の物产のの没収する500%を受け取りますのより少なくありません。 获得するのが著作権の侵犯して复制された犯す材料の贩売の犯罪の证拠で难しいため、多数の著作権で伪物者の行动(著作権の保护の犯す材料のを受けて売り手を含みます)を行うため事件の基づく决定の不法な事务を侵犯します。 根拠がない著作権が复制された犯す材料の贩売とたとえ犯罪を侵犯することを决定しますとしても、刑罚を下してこの根拠厳しくによって著作権にありますに比べて复制された犯す材料の贩売と犯罪を侵犯します。 米国と中国の间の法律は身を入れてThe点と中国ではありませんて、司法の保护の以外、行政の保护をも考虑に入れます。 政府は行政が厳重に処罚するのは犯すことができます厳粛な活动で、しかし1种の犯罪のレベルに上がらないで、犯す制品の法に反する収入と犯す制品の没収を含んで、破壊と罚金。 Thereは违いの2つの结论の米国と中国の间の著作権の政策と実践の上でに関してです: 著作権の侵犯する率が米国で比べてみるのはChinaは’は高くとsが一部もっと高くありません。 もちろん、この2つの结论は完全に罪をなすりつけることを著作権の政策と実践の上の违いに着くことがあり得ません。 多くのその他の要素があります -- 経済、nation’s人民のキャラクター、教育、伝统の文化、地理(学)の场所など。

保险学 保险学是一门研究保险及保险相关事物运动规律的经济学科。保险涉及的领域是多元化的,包括金融学、法学、医学、数学、经济学以及自然科学等内容。保险学的产生与发展,是一个不断变化,不断升华的过程,从保险法学到保险数学,从综合保险学到微观保险学,总体保险学,保险学逐渐成为一门相对独立的学科, 其研究对象是保险商品关系。作为保险学研究对象的保险商品关系是指保险当事人双方之间遵循商品等价交换原则,通过签订保险合同的法律形式确立双方的权利与义务,实现保险商品的经济补偿功能。在保险商品关系中,一方当事人按照合同的规定向另一方缴纳一定数额的费用,另一方当事人按照合同的规定承担经济补偿责任,即当发生保险事故或出现约定事件时,保险人按照合同规定的责任范围,对对方的经济损失进行补偿或给付,以保障对方的生产或生活的正常运行。保险商品关系既是一种经济关系,又是一种法律关系。保险商品关系的具体内容主要体现在以下四个层面: 第一,保险当事人之间的关系。第二,保险当事人与保险中介人之间的关系 。第三,保险企业之间的关系 。第四,国家对保险业实施监管而形成的管理与被管理的关系 。保险学的四个独特方面:1、多属性。指保险学是一门社会科学和自然科学相互交叉的综合管理科学,所研究的内容既有属于社会科学的,也有属于自然科学的。 2、广泛性。广泛性是指保险学所研究的内容,涉及面非常广泛。因为保险的对象具有广泛性,社会生产的各个环节、各行各业都需要保险;保险工作人员要与各种自然灾害和意外事故打交道,还要配合各部门搞好防灾防损工作 。 3、法律性。保险合同的订立和履行,都以民法和合同法为依据,涉外的保险业务还与国际私法、国际商法和海商法有着密切关系。 4、实践性。保险学主要是一门应用学科。insurance policy保险学In insurance, the insurance policy is a contract (generally a standard form contract) between the insurer and the insured, known as the policyholder, which determines the claims which the insurer is legally required to In exchange for payment, known as the premium, the insurer pays for damages to the insured which are caused by covered perils under the policy Insurance contracts are designed to meet specific needs and thus have many features not found in many other types of Since insurance policies are standard forms, they feature boilerplate language which is similar across a wide variety of different types of insurance The insurance policy is generally an integrated contract, meaning that it includes all forms associated with the agreement between the insured and [1]:10 In some cases, however, supplementary writings such as letters sent after the final agreement can make the insurance policy a non-integrated [1]:11 One insurance textbook states that "courts consider all prior negotiations or agreements every contractual term in the policy at the time of delivery, as well as those written afterwards as policy riders and endorsements with both parties' consent, are part of written policy"[2] The textbook also states that the policy must refer to all papers which are part of the [2] Oral agreements are subject to the parol evidence rule, and may not be considered part of the Advertising materials and circulars are typically not part of a [2] Oral contracts pending the issuance of a written policy can [2]人身保险人身保险是以人的寿命和身体为保险标的的保险。当人们遭受不幸事故或因疾病、年老以致丧失工作能力、伤残、死亡或年老退休时,根据保险合同的约定,保险人对被保险人或受益人给付保险金或年金,以解决其因病、残、老、死所造成的经济困难。人身保险是以人的寿命和身体为保险标的的保险。人身保险的投保人按照保单约定向保险人缴纳保险费,当被保险人在合同期限内发生死亡、伤残、疾病等保险事故或达到人身保险合同约定的年龄、期限时,由保险人依照合同约定承担给付保险金的责任。人身保险分为人寿保险、健康保险和人身意外伤害保险。传统人身保险的产品种类繁多,但按照保障范围可以划分为人寿保险、人身意外伤害保险和健康保险。 而人寿保险又可分为定期寿险、两全保险、年金保险、疾病保险等,健康保险则又可分为疾病保险、医疗保险、失能收入损失保险、护理保险等。 其中,年金保险因其在保险金的给付上采用每年定期支付的形式而得名,实际操作中年金保险还有每季度给付、每月给付等多种形式。养老年金保险可以为被保险人提供老年生活所需的资金,教育年金保险则可以为子女教育提供必要的经费支持。 同时,消费者可能会在人身意外伤害保险和定期寿险的选择上难以抉择,其实两者还是有较大不同的。首先意外伤害保险承保因意外伤害而导致的身故,不承保因疾病而导致的身故,而这两种原因导致的身故都属于定期寿险的保险责任范围。其次,意外伤害保险承保因意外伤害导致的残疾,并依照不同的残疾程度给付保险金。定期寿险有的不包含残疾给付责任,有的虽然包含残疾责任,但仅包括《人身保险残疾程度与保险给付比例表》中的最严重的一级残疾。最后,意外伤害保险一般保险期间较短,多为一年及一年期以下,而定期寿险则一般保险期间较长,可以为五年、十年、二十年甚至更长时间。以上几种传统人身保险,均为纯保障类型。而随着经济的发展,资本市场化程度的日益提高,近几年在国内投资市场上又出现了将保障和投资融于一体的新型投资型险种,主要包括分红型、万能型、投资连结型等三种类型。 Life insurance人身保险Life insurance or life assurance is a contract between the policy owner and the insurer, where the insurer agrees to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money upon the occurrence of the insured individual's or individuals' death or other event, such as terminal illness or critical In return, the policy owner agrees to pay a stipulated amount at regular intervals or in lump There may be designs in some countries where bills and death expenses plus catering for after funeral expenses should be included in Policy P In the United States, the predominant form simply specifies a lump sum to be paid on the insured's As with most insurance policies, life insurance is a contract between the insurer and the policy owner whereby a benefit is paid to the designated beneficiaries if an insured event occurs which is covered by the The value for the policyholder is derived, not from an actual claim event, rather it is the value derived from the 'peace of mind' experienced by the policyholder, due to the negating of adverse financial consequences caused by the death of the Life ATo be a life policy the insured event must be based upon the lives of the people named in the Life policies are legal contracts and the terms of the contract describe the limitations of the insured Specific exclusions are often written into the contract to limit the liability of the insurer; for example claims relating to suicide, fraud, war, riot and civil Life-based contracts tend to fall into two major categories:Protection policies - designed to provide a benefit in the event of specified event, typically a lump sum A common form of this design is term Investment policies - where the main objective is to facilitate the growth of capital by regular or single Common forms (in the US anyway) are whole life, universal life and variable life 年金 年金,是定期或不定期的时间内一系列的现金流入或流出。年金额是指每次发生收支的金额。年金期间是指相邻两次年金额间隔时间,年金时期是指整个年金收支的持续期,一般有若干个期间。参与年金计划是一种很好的投资安排,而提供年金合同的金融机构一般为保险公司和国库券等,比如你购买养老保险,其实就是参与年金合同。年金终值包括各年存入的本金相加以及各年存入的本金所产生的利息,但是,由于这些本金存入的时间不同,所以所产生的利息也不相同。年金按其每次收付款项发生的时点不同,可以分为普通年金(后付年金)、即付年金(先付年金,预付年金)、递延年金(延期年金)、永续年金等类型。 1、普通年金 普通年金是指从第一期起,在一定时期内每期期末等额收付的系列款项,又称为后付年金。 2、即付年金 即付年金是指从第一期起,在一定时期内每期期初等额收付的系列款项,又称先付年金。即付年金与普通年金的区别仅在于付款时间的不同。 3、递延年金 递延年金是指第一次收付款发生时间与第一期无关,而是隔若干期(m)后才开始发生的系列等额收付款项。它是普通年金的特殊形式。 4、永续年金 永续年金是指无限期等额收付的特种年金。它是普通年金的特殊形式,即期限趋于无穷的普通年金。AnnuityAn annuity is an investment vehicle sold primarily by insurance Several types of annuities Every annuity has two basic properties: whether the payout is immediate or deferred, and whether the returns are fixed (guaranteed) or An annuity with immediate payout begins payments to the investor immediately after it is purchased, while deferred payout means that the investor will receive payments at some later An annuity with a fixed return offers a guaranteed return by investing in low-risk securities like government bonds, and is commonly known as a fixed An annuity with a variable return offers results that vary with the performance of the funds (called sub-accounts) where the money is invested, for example This article discusses fixed and variable annuities, and gives a list of sources for additional information about Fixed AnnuitiesThe basic premise of a fixed annuity is that you give a sum of money to an insurance company, and in exchange they promise to pay you a fixed monthly amount for a certain period of In the case of a single premium immediate annuity (SPIA), the payments begin at a date of your choice, for example at your So these vehicles can be used as tax-deferred investments, or can be seen as a way to convert a lump sum into an income Variable AnnuitiesA variable annuity is essentially an insurance contract joined at the hip with an investment Annuities function as tax-deferred savings vehicles with insurance-like properties; they use an insurance policy to provide the tax The insurance contract and investment product combine to offer the following features: Tax deferral on Ability to name beneficiaries to receive the balance remaining in the account on "Annuitization"--that is, the ability to receive payments for life based on your life The guarantees provided in the insurance A variable annuity invests in stocks or bonds, has no predetermined rate of return, and offers a possibly higher rate of return when compared to a fixed The remainder of this article focuses on variable 风险管理险管理是指如何在一个肯定有风险的环境里把风险减至最低的管理过程。当中包括了对风险的量度、评估和应变策略。理想的风险管理,是一连串排好优先次序的过程,使当中的可以引致最大损失及最可能发生的事情优先处理、而相对风险较低的事情则押后处理。 但现实情况里,这优化的过程往往很难决定,因为风险和发生的可能性通常并不一致,所以要权衡两者的比重,以便作出最合适的决定。 风险管理亦要面对有效资源运用的难题。这牵涉到机会成本(opportunity cost)的因素。把资源用于风险管理,可能使能运用于有回报活动的资源减低;而理想的风险管理,正希望能够花最少的资源去去尽可能化解最大的危机。 “风险管理”曾经在1990年代西方商业界前往中国进行投资的行政人员必修科目。当年不少MBA课程都额外加入“风险管理”的环节。 在降低风险的收益与成本之间进行权衡并决定采取何种措施的过程。 确定减少的成本收益权衡方案(trade-off)和决定采取的行动计划(包括决定不采取任何行动)的过程成为风险管理。 首先,风险管理必须识别风险。风险识别是确定何种风险可能会对企业产生影响,最重要的是量化不确定性的程度和每个风险可能造成损失的程度。 其次,风险管理要着眼于风险控制,公司通常采用积极的措施来控制风险。通过降低其损失发生的概率�缩小其损失程度来达到控制目的。控制风险的最有效方法就是制定切实可行的应急方案,编制多个备选的方案,最大限度地对企业所面临的风险做好充分的准备。当风险发生后,按照预先的方案实施,可将损失控制在最低限度。 再次,风险管理要学会规避风险。在既定目标不变的情况下,改变方案的实施路径,从根本上消除特定的风险因素。例如设立现代激励机制、培训方案、做好人才备份工作等等,可以降低知识员工流失的风险。Risk management 风险管理Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks (defined in ISO 31000 as the effect of uncertainty on objectives, whether positive or negative) followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events[1] or to maximize the realization of Risks can come from uncertainty in financial markets, project failures, legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents, natural causes and disasters as well as deliberate attacks from an Several risk management standards have been developed including the Project Management Institute, the National Institute of Science and Technology, actuarial societies, and ISO [2][3] Methods, definitions and goals vary widely according to whether the risk management method is in the context of project management, security, engineering, industrial processes, financial portfolios, actuarial assessments, or public health and The strategies to manage risk include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular Certain aspects of many of the risk management standards have come under criticism for having no measurable improvement on risk even though the confidence in estimates and decisions In ideal risk management, a prioritization process is followed whereby the risks with the greatest loss and the greatest probability of occurring are handled first, and risks with lower probability of occurrence and lower loss are handled in descending In practice the process can be very difficult, and balancing between risks with a high probability of occurrence but lower loss versus a risk with high loss but lower probability of occurrence can often be Intangible risk management identifies a new type of a risk that has a 100% probability of occurring but is ignored by the organization due to a lack of identification For example, when deficient knowledge is applied to a situation, a knowledge risk Relationship risk appears when ineffective collaboration Process-engagement risk may be an issue when ineffective operational procedures are These risks directly reduce the productivity of knowledge workers, decrease cost effectiveness, profitability, service, quality, reputation, brand value, and earnings Intangible risk management allows risk management to create immediate value from the identification and reduction of risks that reduce Risk management also faces difficulties in allocating This is the idea of opportunity Resources spent on risk management could have been spent on more profitable Again, ideal risk management minimizes spending and minimizes the negative effects of 保险 保险(insurance)是指投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费, 保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。保险是以契约形式确立双方经济关系,以缴纳保险费建立起来的保险基金,对保险合同规定范围内的灾害事故所造成的损失,进行经济补偿或给付的一种经济形式。 保险是最古老的风险管理方法之一。保险合约中,被保险人支付一个固定金额(保费)给保险人,前者获得保证:在指定时期内,后者对特定事件或事件组造成的任何损失给予一定补偿。 保险属于经济范畴,它所揭示的是保险的属性,是保险的本质性的东西。 从本质上讲,保险体现的是一种经济关系,表现在: (1)保险人与被保险人的商品交换关系; (2)保险人 与被保险人之间的收入再分配关系。 从经济角度来看, 保险是一种损失分摊方法,以多数单位和个人缴纳保费建立保险基金,使少数成员的损失由全体被保险人分担。 从法律意义上说, 保险是一种合同行为,即通过签订保险合同,明确双方当事人的权利与义务,被保险人以缴纳保费获取保险合同规定范围内的赔偿,保险人则有收受保费的权利和提供赔偿的义务。 由此可见,保险乃是经济关系与法律关系的统一。 保险是一种经济制度,同时也是一种法律关系。保险源于海上借贷。到中世纪,意大利出现了冒险借贷,冒险借贷的利息类似于今天的保险费,但因其高额利息被教会禁止而衰落。1384年,比萨出现世界上第一张保险单,现代保险制度从此诞生。 保险首先是一种经济制度。 保险是为了确保经济生活的安定,对特定危险事故或特定的事件的发生所导致的损失,运用多数单位的集体力量,根据合理的计算,共同建立基金。 保险具有经济补偿、资金融通和社会管理功能,这三大功能是一个有机联系的整体。经济补偿功能是了基本的功能,也是保险区别于其他行业的最鲜明的特征。资金融通功能是在经济补偿功能的基础上发展起来的,社会管理功能是保险业发展到一定程度并深入到社会生活诸多层面之后产生的一项重要功能,它只有在经济补偿功能和资金融通功能实现以后才能发挥作用。Insurance保险In law and economics, insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for An insurer is a company selling the insurance; an insured or policyholder is the person or entity buying the insurance The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage, called the Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and The transaction involves the insured assuming a guaranteed and known relatively small loss in the form of payment to the insurer in exchange for the insurer's promise to compensate (indemnify) the insured in the case of a large, possibly devastating The insured receives a contract called the insurance policy which details the conditions and circumstances under which the insured will be


Private International LawPrivate international law In the world of civil law and commercial law differences between the cases, the foreign-related factors containing the civil and commercial law, which should be applied to resolve the law of the State's Foreign-related factors also known as the international factors in civil and commercial law, known as the Western tradition of private law, private international law hence its Because generalized civil law could include commercial law, civil law and commercial law to the mutual differences, legal jargon known as the Civil Code of conflict or civil conflict, or conflict with the law or legal conflicts, so long as this sector, which the law the legal conflict with law or conflict of In 1834 the United States jurists J Tito, the first private international law conflict with law as a legal term Then, in German, French created a corresponding vocabulary, in Italy after another, in Spanish has also had a corresponding In China and Japan called on Private International L Because of private international law on national civil law is the applicable law, also known as the law applicable History 1841 German scholar谢夫纳in his book "The development of private international law" in the first use of this The names in China, Germany, Japan, Russia and other Eastern European countries are generally The adjustment of the concept of private international law targeting international civil relations can be called foreign-related civil legal As an international private law of the foreign-related civil adjusted target of legal relationship with the following characteristics: a foreign-related Relations between the concrete expression in the main body of a foreign object and content of factors broad civil and commercial relations will be foreign-related civil conflict The conditions are: ① people of all countries have frequently exchanged visits, some civil legal relations with foreign factors, or had once one or both parties for foreigners, or had once property in a foreign country, or acts or facts had once occurred ② differences between civil law countries, such as the legal marriage age, the legacy of heir share distribution, such as default liability provisions ③ foreign factors containing the civil legal relations, in a certain range with the application of foreign law necessary and For example, with a number of overseas Chinese to give each other mutual legal treaty to be registered trademark and the right to the protection, in the implementation of this treaty, there will be times when the other party is a national corporate legal issue, namely, the issue of nationality of legal On this issue, the law is Major European continent to take management center, and to the corporate community that is home country as the main office location of their home In accordance with the common law and the law of the State to State as a legal entity set up their own, in other words, legal persons in accordance with the laws of the countries which, with the country's China registered trademarks admissibility organs, to decide whether a foreign legal persons in the country of nationality, can only apply the foreign Private International Law is mainly for the domestic law of the factors contained foreign relations provisions of the Civil Code should apply the law of the State where the rules, that is rules of private international law, known as the conflict with the rules, because this is the role of the rule of law to resolve legal conflict with the legal use of the The above example is inconsistent with the rules: the nationality of the application of the corporate legal person of national A State of the sum of these rules conflict with the country on a private international Therefore, sources from the law (see Law), the main rule is inconsistent with national legislation and domestic jurisprudence, only very few from the international treaties In Western countries, the first private international law legislation is the 1756 "Bavaria Civil C" Subsequent legislation on private international law gradually increased, in some countries it in the Civil Code provisions, such as the 1804 "French Civil Code," N 3; it provides some countries in the implementation of civil law, such as in 1896 Germany, "the purposes of the Civil Code "Some developed countries it is one-way, such as the 1975 former Democratic Republic of Germany" on the international civil, family law and labor relations and the international economic contract law applicable law "; some countries it scattered in a number of individual provisions of a single law in , such as Romania and Bulgaria, the private international law A private international law by the Legislative simple to complex For example, in 1963 the Czechoslovak "private international law and international civil law" contains 68, 1987 announcement of Switzerland, "the Federal Private International Law" contains 200 Apart from legislation, common law jurisprudence growing private international Even in the European civil law, the customary law jurisprudence also constitute occupies an important For example, the jurisprudence of the Court of France, built a fairly complete system of private international In addition, Latin American countries are still in 1940 concluded on the Montevideo Convention on Private International L As for the private international law provisions contained in the bilateral treaties number As private international law are still low stage of development, some of the rules has not been established, therefore, sometimes on the doctrine of private international law in the international civil proceedings will also have a big Private international law is the applicable law of private international law on civil law is the law applicable law, and not substantive Substantive law that directly address the legal rights and obligations of the Private International Law is that which country should apply the substantive law to address the rights and obligations of the parties, but does not directly address the rights and obligations of the In the aforementioned example, the national law is foreign corporate entities, "corporate citizenship application of the legal person of the national law" rules of private international law, the applicable law rather than substantive According to conflict with the applicable rules of the substantive law of the country concerned, as the applicable The nationality of legal persons as in the above cases linked object, identified as the case known as qualitative corporate nationality, the nationality of legal persons is the link The use of private international law, in dealing with foreign-related civil cases, the first through qualitative and identify targets link, and follow the breach of rules, the decision should apply the applicable law, as the basis for the As the country adopted by the rules of private international law based on different links, sometimes occur, and turn to the China's private international law since the Tang Dynasty due to the fresh, Persians and other foreigners frequent in China trade, 651 (Tang永徽2002) "永徽law" provides that "all of outsiders similar self offenders, under this conventional method; Heterogeneous of offenders, in accordance with the law ", the law that Tang law, or the law of the Punishment for Tang law, there is no clear distinction between the people, this provision is not only international criminal law, international private law Since ancient Tang dynasty mainly taken closed-door policy, the development of private international law could not until the end of the Qing dynasty was slightly 1918 Northern government released "apply the law" provisions on personal law, relatives law, domestic law principle of the law of succession to the parties, but subject to the imperialist countries consular jurisdiction, applicable opportunities are After the founding of People's Republic of China have drawn up a number of rules and regulations relating to private international law, the conclusion of the relevant If in 1951 the Ministry of the Interior, between aliens and aliens in China with the Chinese man married to China and France, and marriage registration In 1960, "McNair consular treaty" provides consular can be authorized under the contributors, both contributors for the marriage registration citizens, but not from the parties or between people abided by local obligations under the A China with the mutual conclusion of the registration and protection of trade marks such agreements require the registration and protection of their application within the laws of the In recent years, China and many countries, such as France, on the conclusion of a bilateral agreement on judicial In order to resolve international trade and maritime disputes, China has already set up a Committee of I "PRC Civil Procedure Law" (see the Code of Civil Procedure) to set up another series, foreign-related civil proceedings to make special

晕晕~回复没反应。。。再发一次吧~~再不显示就无奈了~~~~Evasion Of Law is an old institution in international private law, it's a behavior that the party who with foreign-related between civil and commercial in order to use a kind of conflict rules by making a connection intentionally to avoid the jus cogens its should be suit but bad to him, so that he could be protected by the law to his With the international civil and commercial contact are increasingly frequent, at present the behavior of Evasion Of Law has penetrated into every field of private international Due to the political, economic, historical development and social system are different, Countries have different or opposing rules on unified the fait juridique and legal Since The BaoFu lime case which hear by France's Supreme Court in 1878, Evasion Of Law hasd become a basic problems of private international law which caused wide attention and more in-depth research in the Private International L Since different countries have different cognitions in Evasion Of Law, the Evasion of law phenomenon commonly exists and disturbing the normal international civil and commercial system also threaten the Judicial dignity of all countries Therefore, researching the project of Evasion Of Law, looking forward to perfecting the relevant legislation is more theory valuable and practical [Key Word] Evasion of LawConstitutive requirementLegislation-actualityDirectly applicable law(rule)

[ Abstract ]:Evasion of law in private international law is an old system, the evasion of the law refers to the international civil and commercial relationship between parties using a conflict rule, deliberately create a connection point, in order to avoid the format should be applied to its disadvantageous force method, so that the laws will be of benefit to apply Along with the international civil and commercial exchanges become more frequent, to the present phenomenon of evasion of law in private international law has been penetrated into the various fields, because of the political, economic, historical development and social system is different, so that the uniform legal facts or legal behavior have different or even contrary to the provisions Since 1878, France's highest court case since Bao Fu Lemmon, evasion of the law question has become a basic issue of private international law, international private law field caused by the extensive attention and thorough The legislation and practice of evasion of law in the behavior of this problems are a result of evasion of law, the phenomenon exists generally, disrupted the normal order of international civil and commercial activities and serious threat to the judicial Therefore, the research evasion of the law question, look forward to perfect relevant legislation, more theoretical value and practical [ Key words ] to circumvent the law constitution legislative situation of the directly applicable law



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据学术堂了解,国际经济学主要研究对象有国际贸易理论与政策、国际收支理论、汇率理论、要素的国际流动、国际投资理论、开放的宏观经济均衡等,下面分享十五个关于国际经济学论文的题目,供大家进行参考:  1、电子商务经济学与国际贸易理论和政策研究  2、东亚区域经济合作研究  3、对话与合作:环境问题的国际政治经济学分析  4、汉语国际推广:关于孔子学院的经济学分析与建议  5、共赢性博弈论  6、东亚经济一体化主导问题研究  7、罗伯特?吉尔平的国际政治经济学理论研究  8、国际政治经济学范式论  9、外商直接投资与发展中国家利益的国际政治经济学分析  10、国际海洋争端解决机制的经济学分析:一个“适当论”的视角  11、日本海外资源战略的国际政治经济学分析  12、IMF援助效果的国际政治经济学分析  13、1997-1999国际金融危机传播的空间计量经济学分析  14、国际私法法经济学分析评述  15、美元霸权的国际政治经济学探析
