

发布时间:2024-09-02 14:29:14


A tour guide is a person who leads groups of tourists around a town, museum, or other tourist The guide provides commentary on the features and history of the The tours can be from as little as 10-15 minutes to extended periods over many Such a person normally possesses a qualification usually issued or recognised by the appropriate When I travelled in Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou last summer with my parents, an idea always ran into my mind that I could consider becoming an English tour guide some Yes, why not? Travel can broaden my mind, deepen my knowledge of the beautiful in China, even in the 导游是一个人导致附近一个小镇,博物馆,或其他旅游景点的游客群体。该指南提供评论的特点和历史上的位置。游览可以从低至10-15分钟,在许多天的长时间。这样的人通常拥有通常发行或通过适当的授权认可的资格。当我前往南京,扬州,苏州,去年夏天,我的父母总是想法跑进我的脑海里,我可以考虑有一天成为一名英语导游。是的,为什么不呢?旅游可以扩大我的脑海里,深化知识的美丽,我在中国,乃至世界的。如果我能实现我的梦想,那么我个人可以享受免费,赚钱的美丽的风景名胜和丰富我的生活,从而振奋我的生活质量If I can realize my dream, then personally I can enjoy the beautiful scenic spots for free and earn money and enrich my life, thus uplifting my life quality

中文版 苏州博物馆是中国地方历史艺术性博物馆。位于江苏省苏州市东北街。1960年建立,2006年10月建成新馆,设计者为著名的建筑设计大师贝聿铭。馆址为太平天国忠王李秀成王府遗址。面积8000多平方米,分东、西、中3路,中路立体建筑为殿堂型式,梁坊满饰苏式彩绘,入口处侧门,有文征明手植紫藤,内部东侧有太平天国古典舞台等,是全国重点文物保护单位。这座投资达39亿元的新馆建筑和相伴的忠王府古建筑交相辉映,总建筑面积26500平方米,其中忠王府建筑面积7500平方米,地面一层为主,局部二层;新馆建筑面积19000平方米,为充分尊重所在街区的历史风貌,博物馆新馆采用地下一层,地面也是以一层为主,主体建筑檐口高度控制在6米之内;中央大厅和西部展厅安排了局部二层,高度16米。“修旧如旧”的忠王府古建筑作为苏州博物馆新馆的一个组成部分,与新馆建筑珠联璧合,从而使苏州博物馆新馆成为一座集现代化馆舍建筑、古建筑与创新山水园林三位一体的综合性博物馆。 在整体布局上,新馆巧妙地借助水面,与紧邻的拙政园、忠王府融会贯通,成为其建筑风 苏州博物馆格的延伸。新馆建筑群坐北朝南,被分成三大块:中央部分为入口、中央大厅和主庭院;西部为博物馆主展区;东部为次展区和行政办公区。这种以中轴线对称的东、中、西三路布局,和东侧的忠王府格局相互映衬,十分和谐。新馆与原有拙政园的建筑环境既浑然一体,相互借景、相互辉映,符合历史建筑环境要求,又有其本身的独立性,以中轴线及园林、庭园空间将两者结合起来,无论空间布局和城市机理都恰到好处。 英文版Suzhou museum is China's local history museum of Located in suzhou northeast Established in 1960, October 2006, the designer to build new architectural design of famous master Is granted for the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong king li xiu-chen wangfu Area of more than 8,000 square meters, east and west, in the middle road, building three-dimensional edifice, liang fang for full adorn su coloured drawing or pattern, at the entrance to the side, wen levy goes, the east has instituted inside the taiping heavenly kingdom, the classic stage is the key units to be The investment of 39 million yuan li brary buildings and the concomitant inter-shining ancient palace, with a total construction area of 26500 square meters, construction area of wang zhong 7,500 square meters, ground layer, local floor, Li brary buildings area 19,000 m2, fully respect the historical block, where the new museum by underground, the ground is in a layer of main building, in 6 meters high control cornice, In western and central hall hall arranged partial height 16 "Instancing the Palace Museum of suzhou ancient as part of a new, and li brary buildings, thus formed a set of suzhou museum new modern library construction, architectural and landscape garden trinity of innovation comprehensive In the overall layout ably, new with water, and close to the house, loyal, become its mastery of architectural wind suzhou New buildings, is divided into three parts: sits for entry, the central part: central hall and the courtyard, The western area for museums, East times galleries, and administrative This axis symmetric east, middle and west road layout, and the mutual faithful wangfu pattern, very New and original zhuozhengyuan architectural environment, which is integrated with history, mutual reflect, architectural and environmental requirements, and has its own independence, with central axis and landscape, garden space will be both Arise, whether spatial layout and cities are proper

I brought a big red bird-shaped kite and my Two small cousins, aged four and tow, to National Taiwan University We found An open space away from telephone poles and lines and It was 8 o' clock in the morning and not very sunny; the wind was After the first few attempts to get the kite to fly I discovered how amateur I really I was at the To realize this was going to be a long trial-and- Error By ten-thirty, at last I was at the Height of my glory: the kite was sailing upward And away as far as my string could And both children were dancing, yelling, and clapping around I had gotten the kite up, but I did not steer it well and the wind blew it down toward the roof of a school Finally my string broke, and we all went


A tour guide is a person who leads groups of tourists around a town, museum, or other tourist The guide provides commentary on the features and history of the The tours can be from as little as 10-15 minutes to extended periods over many Such a person normally possesses a qualification usually issued or recognised by the appropriate When I travelled in Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou last summer with my parents, an idea always ran into my mind that I could consider becoming an English tour guide some Yes, why not? Travel can broaden my mind, deepen my knowledge of the beautiful in China, even in the If I can realize my dream, then personally I can enjoy the beautiful scenic spots for free and earn money and enrich my life, thus uplifting my life 苏州是一个旅游小镇,有博物馆,周围或其他受欢迎的旅游景点之一。本指南还提供评论其特点和历史的位置。从生态旅游可以尽可能少10 - 15分钟,时间延长了许多日子。这样的人通常拥有资格通常发行或确认通过合适的权威。    今年夏天我好想去苏州旅游,一个想法让我好想和父母一起去。是的,为什么不呢?旅游能开阔我的心灵,深化知识在中国的美丽,即使是在世界上的更大。    如果我能实现我的梦想,然后就我个人而言,我可以享受美丽的风景名胜区为自由而赚钱,丰富了我的生活,我的生活质量。因此向上的

During a long vacation,I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many Such as the art museum,the history museum,the museum of natural history,and the museum of science and Many wonderful things are cared for in There are paintings,potteries,sculptures,costumes,swords,ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals,antique steam locomotives,and many It is always a good review of history to visit those

中文版 苏州博物馆是中国地方历史艺术性博物馆。位于江苏省苏州市东北街。1960年建立,2006年10月建成新馆,设计者为著名的建筑设计大师贝聿铭。馆址为太平天国忠王李秀成王府遗址。面积8000多平方米,分东、西、中3路,中路立体建筑为殿堂型式,梁坊满饰苏式彩绘,入口处侧门,有文征明手植紫藤,内部东侧有太平天国古典舞台等,是全国重点文物保护单位。这座投资达39亿元的新馆建筑和相伴的忠王府古建筑交相辉映,总建筑面积26500平方米,其中忠王府建筑面积7500平方米,地面一层为主,局部二层;新馆建筑面积19000平方米,为充分尊重所在街区的历史风貌,博物馆新馆采用地下一层,地面也是以一层为主,主体建筑檐口高度控制在6米之内;中央大厅和西部展厅安排了局部二层,高度16米。“修旧如旧”的忠王府古建筑作为苏州博物馆新馆的一个组成部分,与新馆建筑珠联璧合,从而使苏州博物馆新馆成为一座集现代化馆舍建筑、古建筑与创新山水园林三位一体的综合性博物馆。 在整体布局上,新馆巧妙地借助水面,与紧邻的拙政园、忠王府融会贯通,成为其建筑风 苏州博物馆格的延伸。新馆建筑群坐北朝南,被分成三大块:中央部分为入口、中央大厅和主庭院;西部为博物馆主展区;东部为次展区和行政办公区。这种以中轴线对称的东、中、西三路布局,和东侧的忠王府格局相互映衬,十分和谐。新馆与原有拙政园的建筑环境既浑然一体,相互借景、相互辉映,符合历史建筑环境要求,又有其本身的独立性,以中轴线及园林、庭园空间将两者结合起来,无论空间布局和城市机理都恰到好处。 英文版Suzhou museum is China's local history museum of Located in suzhou northeast Established in 1960, October 2006, the designer to build new architectural design of famous master Is granted for the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong king li xiu-chen wangfu Area of more than 8,000 square meters, east and west, in the middle road, building three-dimensional edifice, liang fang for full adorn su coloured drawing or pattern, at the entrance to the side, wen levy goes, the east has instituted inside the taiping heavenly kingdom, the classic stage is the key units to be The investment of 39 million yuan li brary buildings and the concomitant inter-shining ancient palace, with a total construction area of 26500 square meters, construction area of wang zhong 7,500 square meters, ground layer, local floor, Li brary buildings area 19,000 m2, fully respect the historical block, where the new museum by underground, the ground is in a layer of main building, in 6 meters high control cornice, In western and central hall hall arranged partial height 16 "Instancing the Palace Museum of suzhou ancient as part of a new, and li brary buildings, thus formed a set of suzhou museum new modern library construction, architectural and landscape garden trinity of innovation comprehensive In the overall layout ably, new with water, and close to the house, loyal, become its mastery of architectural wind suzhou New buildings, is divided into three parts: sits for entry, the central part: central hall and the courtyard, The western area for museums, East times galleries, and administrative This axis symmetric east, middle and west road layout, and the mutual faithful wangfu pattern, very New and original zhuozhengyuan architectural environment, which is integrated with history, mutual reflect, architectural and environmental requirements, and has its own independence, with central axis and landscape, garden space will be both Arise, whether spatial layout and cities are proper


During a long vacation,I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many Such as the art museum,the history museum,the museum of natural history,and the museum of science and   Many wonderful things are cared for in There are paintings,potteries,sculptures,costumes,swords,ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals,antique steam locomotives,and many It is always a good review of history to visit those   在一个很长的假期,我通常喜欢去看许多博物馆,如艺术博物馆,历史博物馆,自然历史博物馆和科学技术博物馆。  很多美好的事物都放置在博物馆。有绘画,雕塑,陶器,服装,剑,古代的动物骨头和植物,毛绒玩具,古董蒸汽机车和其他许多东西。博物馆是个可以很好地回顾历史的地方。

中文版 苏州博物馆是中国地方历史艺术性博物馆。位于江苏省苏州市东北街。1960年建立,2006年10月建成新馆,设计者为著名的建筑设计大师贝聿铭。馆址为太平天国忠王李秀成王府遗址。面积8000多平方米,分东、西、中3路,中路立体建筑为殿堂型式,梁坊满饰苏式彩绘,入口处侧门,有文征明手植紫藤,内部东侧有太平天国古典舞台等,是全国重点文物保护单位。这座投资达39亿元的新馆建筑和相伴的忠王府古建筑交相辉映,总建筑面积26500平方米,其中忠王府建筑面积7500平方米,地面一层为主,局部二层;新馆建筑面积19000平方米,为充分尊重所在街区的历史风貌,博物馆新馆采用地下一层,地面也是以一层为主,主体建筑檐口高度控制在6米之内;中央大厅和西部展厅安排了局部二层,高度16米。“修旧如旧”的忠王府古建筑作为苏州博物馆新馆的一个组成部分,与新馆建筑珠联璧合,从而使苏州博物馆新馆成为一座集现代化馆舍建筑、古建筑与创新山水园林三位一体的综合性博物馆。 在整体布局上,新馆巧妙地借助水面,与紧邻的拙政园、忠王府融会贯通,成为其建筑风 苏州博物馆格的延伸。新馆建筑群坐北朝南,被分成三大块:中央部分为入口、中央大厅和主庭院;西部为博物馆主展区;东部为次展区和行政办公区。这种以中轴线对称的东、中、西三路布局,和东侧的忠王府格局相互映衬,十分和谐。新馆与原有拙政园的建筑环境既浑然一体,相互借景、相互辉映,符合历史建筑环境要求,又有其本身的独立性,以中轴线及园林、庭园空间将两者结合起来,无论空间布局和城市机理都恰到好处。 英文版Suzhou museum is China's local history museum of Located in suzhou northeast Established in 1960, October 2006, the designer to build new architectural design of famous master Is granted for the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong king li xiu-chen wangfu Area of more than 8,000 square meters, east and west, in the middle road, building three-dimensional edifice, liang fang for full adorn su coloured drawing or pattern, at the entrance to the side, wen levy goes, the east has instituted inside the taiping heavenly kingdom, the classic stage is the key units to be The investment of 39 million yuan li brary buildings and the concomitant inter-shining ancient palace, with a total construction area of 26500 square meters, construction area of wang zhong 7,500 square meters, ground layer, local floor, Li brary buildings area 19,000 m2, fully respect the historical block, where the new museum by underground, the ground is in a layer of main building, in 6 meters high control cornice, In western and central hall hall arranged partial height 16 "Instancing the Palace Museum of suzhou ancient as part of a new, and li brary buildings, thus formed a set of suzhou museum new modern library construction, architectural and landscape garden trinity of innovation comprehensive In the overall layout ably, new with water, and close to the house, loyal, become its mastery of architectural wind suzhou New buildings, is divided into three parts: sits for entry, the central part: central hall and the courtyard, The western area for museums, East times galleries, and administrative This axis symmetric east, middle and west road layout, and the mutual faithful wangfu pattern, very New and original zhuozhengyuan architectural environment, which is integrated with history, mutual reflect, architectural and environmental requirements, and has its own independence, with central axis and landscape, garden space will be both Arise, whether spatial layout and cities are proper


苏州博物馆里到处都是精美的艺术品翻译:The Suzhou museum is full of exquisite works of Art

虎丘 Tiger Hill 拙政园 Humble Adminstrator's Garden 留园 Lingering Garden 网师园 Master of Nets Garden 怡园 Joyous Garden 运河 The Grand Canal 寒山寺 Cold Mountain Temple 狮子林 Lion Forest Garden 丝绸博物馆 Silk Museum The Lion Grove Garden/The Lion Forest Garden 狮子林 The Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园 The Canglang Pavilion/The Blue Waves Pavilion/The Surging Waves Pavilion 沧浪亭 The Cold Mountain Temple 寒山寺 The West Garden 西园 The Tiger Hill 虎丘 The Lingering Garden 留园 Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty 环秀山庄 The Retreat and Reflection Garden/The Garden of Quiet Meditation 退思园 The Master-of-Nets Garden/The Garden of the Master of Nets/The Garden of the Fisherman 网师园 The Garden of Cultivation 艺圃 The Couple's Garden Retreat 藕园 The Garden of Pleasance 怡园


Suzhou enjoys its amounts of scenic spots and historical





苏州博物馆是中国一级博物馆,目前文物藏品约三万件,其中国家一级文物就达二百三十多件,其中,顶级镇馆之宝当属 真珠舍利宝幢、秘色瓷莲花碗、七君子墨竹图、巨型犀角杯、居仁堂粉彩梅雀末代官窑瓷器。
