

发布时间:2024-07-07 11:55:31



毕业答辩其实不会太难,首先要非常熟悉自己的论文内容和自己的写作指导思想,然后有条件 的的话可以和导师多探讨一下自述的时候就讲一下自己的中心思想,大致的写作过程和主要的参考文献,要是能再补充一、下对主要参考文献的阅读心得就更完美了适当的可以结合你的论文发展方向和当前行业形势趋势来谈一下,但切忌不要不懂装懂乱说一气,免得画蛇添足弄巧成拙了最后就提一下要感谢你的指导老师对你的帮助和指导,再多谢一下各位答辩评审老师百忙之中对你答辩的所花的时间和精力不知道这样的回答,是否能帮助你


brought Tom Buchanan in for a I was startled,



brought Tom Buchanan in for a I was startled,


Please accept my appreciation for your precious time spent on reading this introduction about myself, though I believe that I am worthwhile for My name is XXX and I am schaduled to graduate from xxx I learned about your school through relevant media introduction and think it is fantastic, for your school's major reputation, and further more for my confidence in achieving my dream in your Attending total-in-English classes provided by your school would significantly increase my English level, plus the chanllenging coming with international experience, and on top of all these, the majors offered by your school falls right into my field of interest, especially majors in exhibition management and My talents in management started to unveil since my childhood, and I really enjoyed my role in exhibition (such as people enjoyed reading posters conducted by me, or arranging room decorations to make it better ready for ) I would like to say that, I had a dream to be in this field since I was a kid and I believe that I was born for it, the professional psychology tests I participated also indicated the same Therefore, I would like to applicate to become a student of your school's exibition management or business In the fortunate event that I am qualified, I shall give it my best to enhance myself with professional knowledge, and complete the circle in my English learning, and furthermore to apply all these into daily I will proof my effort through actions and move forward to my career 祝你好运。

brought Tom Buchanan in for a I was startled,

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my But I believe it's worthwhile for My name is xxx and will be graduating I learned about your college from the I'm overjoyed because your college not only is a famous one, it's also my dream All the classes are given in English, which will help me improve my English And studying abroad can also temper The majors you offer are among my favorites, especially Exhibit Management and Commercial When I was very little, I started to demonstrate a gift in I also love working in the Exhibit Management It's like I used to work for the school wallpaper and my work was always acclaimed by I have decorated lots of parties and they all helped the hosts' It's safe to say it's my dream since I was a little boy (girl) In addition, through some professional psychological tests, I have proved to be a good candidate for this So I'd like to apply for a major in the direction of Exhibit Management or C If I'm admitted to your college, I am sure I will master all it takes, getting the cutting edge knowledge and skills in this area and in the mean time I will also improve my E I will prove this through my I will show you through my efforts and I am confident I will reach my goal and land my dream job with my study in your 后面根据你的意思稍做了一些修改,应该可以发出去了。祝你成功!!!






brought Tom Buchanan in for a I was startled,


