

发布时间:2024-07-18 03:18:33


小学教育主要涵盖语文、数学、英语、社会、政治、体育、艺术等各方面的基础教育,对儿童后期成长具有重要作用,基础打得好不好,直接关系到孩子的成才。下面跟着小编一起看看小学教育论文题目有哪些?    1、自媒体背景下小学媒介素养教育的目标定位和内容体系研究  2、小学英语教育理论与移动学习资源设计和应用的有效结合  3、基于增强现实技术的教育软件在小学英语教学中的应用实践  4、小学科学教学中现代教育技术资源的利用现状分析--以湖北省黄冈市为例  5、大、中、小学心理健康教育模式的衔接与贯通研究  6、技术支持下的小学协同教育需求分析  7、多媒体信息技术与小学音乐素养教育  8、小学心理健康教育存在的问题及对策研究  9、小学数学教育与信息技术的整合研究  10、拉萨市中小学教育信息化建设现状及对策研究  11、试论小学心理健康教育与儿童心理发展  12、整合网络教育资源 优化农村小学语文教学  13、临沂市中小学教师心理健康教育的现状分析  14、教育公平视角下流动儿童受教育质量的性别差异研究--以上海市小学为例  15、互联网对小学数学教育影响研究  16、小学阶段学生心理健康教育的思考  17、加强小学心理健康教育的有效措施初探  18、地方高校小学教育专业学生心理素质团体干预研究  19、现代教育信息技术与农村小学语文教学的有机融合效应  20、民汉合校小学教师教育信息化专业发展的现实路径  21、小学心理健康教育课堂提高实效性的尝试  22、谈现代教育技术与小学数学教学  23、小学心理健康教育的原则与策略  24、教育信息化环境下小学语文教学新模式探索  25、浅谈农村小学留守儿童心理健康教育  26、信息技术对小学教育的影响  27、关于现代教育技术的小学语文教学有效性研究  28、基于积极心理学取向的小学心理健康教育模式研究  29、小学低年级在新课改中开设健康教育课程的必要性探讨  30、家庭系统治疗对小学行为问题学生教育的启示  31、小学教学过程中健康教育的重要意义  32、小学常规教学中的心理健康教育  33、小学积极心理健康教育模式研究--以广州市桂花岗小学为例  34、应用现代教育技术优化小学数学教学  35、如何做好农村小学留守儿童的教育和管理  36、积极心理学取向下的小学心理健康教育模式探讨  37、小学学科教学中有效渗透心理健康教育的若干思考  38、小学班主任实施渗透式心理健康教育初探  39、信息技术教育在小学相关中国传统文化课程中的作用  40、远程教育模式下小学语文教师的角色转变  41、新常态下小学心理健康教育途径优化研究  42、探索留守儿童德育教育新思路  43、探讨小学心理健康教育中的家校合作  44、运用现代教育技术优化小学数学课堂教学  45、在小学教育中开展心理健康教育的体会  46、探研现代教育信息技术 整合小学思想品德课堂  47、网络环境下的小学教育发展方向探讨  48、小学低年级音乐教育技术优化探寻  49、信息化背景下小学美术教育革新  50、教育信息化背景下有效开展小学科学教育的策略研究  51、运用现代教育技术优化小学语文课堂教学  52、现代教育技术辅助下的小学音乐教学  53、小学心理健康教育内容与实施途径  54、浅谈农村小学“学困生”的心理健康教育  55、小学国学经典教育翻转课堂实践研究  56、新课改中开设小学心理健康教育课的必要性  57、美国心理健康教育对我国农村小学心理辅导的启示  58、我省纠正学前教育“小学化”倾向  59、建寄宿制小学促教育均衡发展  60、探索微课在小学数学教育中的作用  61、信息技术在农村小学语文教育中的作用  62、认知神经科学青春期研究理论对小学高学段教育的启示  63、浅谈小学心理健康教育与德育工作的整合  64、小学心理健康教育课程设计研究  65、小学思想品德课中Flash教育动画的开发与教学应用  66、基于学生发展的心理健康教育体系构建--以山东省牡丹区第五小学为例  67、小学心理健康教育方法谈  68、少数民族地区农村留守儿童教育问题及对策--以贵州省安龙县毛草坪小学为例  69、对改善农民工子女义务教育现状的思考--基于北京市A小学的调研  70、中小学校心理健康教育的思考--以江西省南昌市小学为例  71、本土化视角下的教师专业发展学校教育功能发挥探索  72、省内财政分权与“新机制”对城乡义务教育经费差距的影响  73、小学高年级学生自我调节学习行为在父母教育卷入及学习成绩的中介作用  74、宿迁市留守儿童心理健康教育研究--以江苏省宿迁市南蔡中心小学为例  75、关于小学心理健康教育的一些探讨  76、小学特殊教育教师的职业倦怠与职业压力应对策略  77、朋辈心理辅导在小学心理健康教育中的应用  78、浅谈小学留守儿童的教育  79、漫谈现代教育技术与小学数学教学  80、用多媒体技术助飞农村小学语文教育  81、浅谈小学课堂中心理健康教育的渗透  82、正确应用现代教育设备于小学语文教学中  83、信息网络环境对小学科学教育方法的影响研究  84、运用现代教育技术优化小学数学教学探究  85、小学教育教学中互联网资源的应用与完善  86、媒体技术在小学教育中应用的研究现状与趋势分析  87、农村小学心理健康教育浅谈  88、现代教育技术视域下的小学音乐教学探索  89、基于信息化环境的淮安市中小学家校协同教育研究  90、广西农村小学英语教育资源信息化建设的新思考  91、从教育技术视角探讨克服小学高年级学生厌学情绪的对策  92、教育质量“资本化”对住房价格的影响  93、教育均衡发展背景下农村小学“现代教育技术”应用与发展新探  94、信息技术“同步共享” 区域内教育均衡发展  95、积极心理学对开展小学生涯教育的启发  96、教育信息化背景下教师信息技术校本培训策略探究  97、情感教育现状评析--基于云南XX小学调查  98、普通小学特殊儿童心理教育初探  99、浅谈小学离异家庭学生的心理健康教育  100、中加小学教育专业教育学类课程教学比较研究  101、浅谈现代教育技术对小学语文教学的影响  102、“微翻转”学习方式对小学信息技术教育的促进  103、小学教育信息化现状与相关方法  104、探小学德育中心理健康教育的重要意义  105、现代教育技术在小学数学教学中的积极作用  106、薄议远程教育资源与小学语文教学  107、从农村留守儿童心理问题看教育公平  108、浅谈基于现代信息技术与小学美术教育整合的校本课程开发  109、浅谈心理咨询在小学留守儿童教育中的价值  110、基于多元智能理论的数字化教育游戏影响因素分析及设计策略探析  111、教育公平视野下城乡小学体育教育的均衡发展  112、新课改背景下对小学心理健康教育的探析  113、义务制教育阶段的留守儿童现状分析--四川省12所农村小学实地调查报告  114、例谈农村小学“后进生”心理健康教育的有效探求  115、浅谈多媒体在小学美术教育中的优越性  116、现代教育技术在小学数学教学价值体现  117、农村小学有效运用教育技术装备的探索  118、活用远程教育资源优化小学数学课堂教学  119、农村寄宿制小学心理健康教育不可少    小学教育是整个教育事业的基础,要提高整个教育事业的质量,必须从小学教育做起。小学教育这个专业致力于研究学习儿童心理、儿童教育方面。主要是心理学、教育学;并侧重于儿童心理,儿童教育。以上小学教育论文题目只是给大家作一个参考。希望大家顺利写出满意的小学教育论文。


小学教育类的论文有很多可以选择的方向,我们 可以把相关主题分为几个类别,例如:  一、关于教育内容的论文题目1、外语应该成为学校的必修课吗?  2、应该教学生打字而不是写字吗?  3、教师是否应该对民族英雄的负面性格、行为或习惯保持沉默?二、关于国家教育政策的论文题目  1、家庭教育应该由国家控制吗?  2、是否应该定期测试教师的水平?  3、学校应该为学生的不良行为负责吗?  三、关于学校法律和政策的论文题目  1、是否应该对网络欺凌进行监管?  2、教师或保安人员应该带武器吗?  3、学校应该禁止公开祈祷或讨论宗教吗?

福建省2012年高考作文题:  冯骥才说“运动中的赛跑,是在有限的路程内看你使用了多少时间;人生中的赛跑,是在有限的时间内看你跑了多少路程。” 根据以上材料写一篇800字的作文。醉心于古文化研究的英国历史学家汤因比曾经说过,如采可以选择出生的时代与 地点,他愿意出生在公元一世纪的中国新挂,因为当时那里处于佛教丈化、印度文化、 希腊丈化、波斯文化和中国丈化等多种文化的交汇地带。 居里夫人在写给外甥女洒娜的信上说:“你写信对我说,你愿意生在一世纪以前 ……伊雷娜则对我肯定地说过,她宁可生得晚些,生在未来的世纪里。我以为,人们 在每一个时期都可以过有趣而且有用的生活。” 上面的材料引发了你怎样的思考?请结合自己的体验与感悟,写一篇文章。 要求:①自选角度,自拟标题,自定文体。②不少于800字。③不得套作,不得 抄袭。2012年山东省高考作文题(山东卷):  阅读下面的材料,根据自己的感悟和联想,写一篇不少于800字的文章。  惟我辈既以担当中国改革发展为己任,虽石烂海枯,而此身尚存,此心不死。既不可以失败而灰心,亦不能以困难而缩步。精神贯注,猛力向前,应付世界进步之潮流,合乎善长恶消之天理,则终有最后成功之一日。——孙中山”  要求:①选准角度,自定立意;②自拟题目;③除诗歌外,文体不限;④文体特征鲜明。2012年辽宁省高考作文题目(辽宁卷)—— 有位哲学家举着一个苹果对他的学生说:“这个苹果是是我刚从果园摘来的,你们闻到它的香味了吗?”有一个学生看到苹果红红的就抢着说:闻到了。  哲学家又走到学生面前让他们闻,有的说闻到了,有的闻也不闻就说闻到了,只有三个学生默不作声。哲学家说:“你们怎么了?”其中一个学生又闻了闻,说:“什么味也没闻到”还有一个学生上来摸了摸说,这是什么什么苹果?  还有一个学生讷讷地说:“老师,今天我感冒了”。哲学家把这个苹果拿给学生们传看,竟然是蜡做的假苹果。  要求选好角度,明确立意,确定文体,不要脱离所给材料的范围,不要套作,不要抄袭阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分)  周末,我从学校回家帮着干农活。今春雨多,道路泥泞,我挑着一担秧苗,在溜滑的田埂上走了没几步,就心跳加速,双腿发抖,担子直晃,只好放下,不知所措地站在那里。  妈妈在田里插秧,看到我的窘态,大声地喊:“孩子,外衣脱了,鞋子脱了,再试试!”  我脱了外衣和鞋袜,卷起裤脚,重新挑起担子。咦,一下子就觉得脚底下稳当了,担子轻了,很快就把秧苗挑到妈妈跟前。  妈妈说:“你不是没能力挑这个担子,你是担心摔倒,弄脏衣服,注意力不集中。脱掉外衣和鞋袜,就甩掉了多余的顾虑。  要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题:不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭。2012年安徽省高考作文题目(安徽卷) 一个公司放着一个梯子,上面写一个字条:注意安全。有天一个客户来了,看到梯子后说,换一个字条:梯子不用时横着放。请就这个材料写作文,题目自拟,立意自拟。两条鱼在河里游泳,老鱼问小鱼:河里的水质如何?小鱼说:我不知道水质是清澈还是浑浊。生活中有很多这样的小事情体现大道理。根据你对这段材料的理解,写一篇作文,体裁不限,800以上。“一个人被关在一个洞窟里,一个门卫来解救被困人员,事后有人来问门卫,这不是你的本职工作为何你要解救他?门卫说:因为只有这个人,每天早上和我说,早上好,以及晚上对我说再见,而今天他只对我说了早上好,还没有对我说再见,所以我判断他在洞窟里被困了。” 根据这篇材料考生自拟题目,写一则文章,题材不限,字数800字。阅读下面材料,根据要求写一篇文章 有个船主,让漆工给船涂漆。漆工涂好船后,顺便将船上的漏洞补好了。过了不久,船主给漆工送了一大笔钱漆工说:“工钱已经给过了”。船主说:“这是感谢补船漏洞的钱。”漆工说:“那是顺便补的。”船主说:“当得知我的孩子们驾船出海,我就知道他们回不来了。因为船上有漏洞,现在他们却平安归来,所以我感谢你!”2012年上海卷高考作文题:   根据以下材料,选取一个角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。   人们对自己心灵中闪过的微光,往往会将它舍弃,只因为这是自己的东西。而从天才的作品中,人们却认出了曾被自己舍弃的微光。


I usually at six o'clock in the morning, a "jingle bell " alarm clock woke me from my I quickly take a shower, eat breakfast, dressed in a hurry, then around 8 to go to school by 1 in the afternoon in the student canteen for lunch, a day at the school, nearly 8 Back to the home to bath, eat dinner, 11 at night, and went to 第一篇 Summer, autumn is coming soon, I love Because there are many kinds of fruits in autumn, autumn is no summer sun and annoying mosquitoes; nor the cold winter Autumn, a cool season, autumn, a bumper grain harvest season, autumn, a fruitful I like autumn, autumn is coming soon " I most like the season " the excellent " the second grade composition " by composition network, from the Internet to him or her, only for reference and learning, reproduced please specify the 第二篇


Look at the monkeysToday is a nice day,I go to the zoo with my parents how wonderful!When I and my parents enter the zoo ,I see these lovely monkeys,they jump up and down look , they like eating bananas ,For them ,bananas are goo





学术堂整理了部分优秀的小学英语教学论文题目,供大家参考:  英语教材语料库与小学教材词汇分析  科学有效地开展小学英语游戏教学  小学生英语学习动机的激励策略  小学低段英语语音教学探析  运用任务型教学法进行小学高年级英语写作教学的实验研究  从课堂教学浅谈小学生英语学习兴趣的培养  从教与学两方面衔接好小学和初中英语  小学生英语作业现状调查及对策研究  通过英语浸入式教学促进学生语言输出的策略  提高小学生语音能力的教学实践  如何激发小学生英语学习兴趣  小学生英语写作能力的培养策略  英语课外开放性作业的设计  小学普遍开设英语课的可行性质疑  思维导图令同课异构更出彩  在词汇教学中渗透语音教学的探索与实践  关注小学生英语课外阅读  浅谈如何运用游戏创设有效课堂  对小学生英语词汇记忆策略的培养  小学生英语写作能力培养策略的研究


Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees;

作文一:My____ (写一个人)My MotherMy mother comes from C She is an She lives in J She is thirty-eight years She is older than my She is 169cm She is taller than My mother likes cooking, drawing pictures and listening to Her favourite season is summer, because she likes swimming in I love my mother!My FatherMy father is thirty-seven years He is He is an He is very Usually he goes to work by Sometimes he goes to work by He likes He likes swimming and playing ping— He likes reading newspaper and books at He likes listening to music, I like him very much!作文二:My Family (我的家庭)My Family There are three people in my They are my dad, my mom and (总起) My father is He is taller than my mother and He is a He likes walking, reading books and watching (按序先介绍爸爸)My mother is very She is an Her math is very She likes watching TV and reading (再介绍妈妈)I like listening to music, reading books and watching TV(最后介绍自己) How interesting! This is my I love my family very much!(总结)My FamilyThere are three people in my My father,my mother and I (总起) I am 12 years I live in J Jinan is I like sports, reading and listening to I usually go to school by Sometimes I go by (按序先介绍自己) My mother is a She is very She is She likes She likes listening to music, She goes to work by (再介绍妈妈) My father is an He is He likes He goes to work by (最后介绍爸爸) We are I love my (总结)作文三:My Favourite Season (我最喜欢的季节)My Favourite SeasonThere are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and My favourite season is summer, because I can go swimming with my We can eat ice-cream and some fruits in We also have the summer holiday(暑假) On the holiday, I can play with my And we can go swimming, play basketball, and go to the I think summer is the best(最好的) season of a Oh! Summer! I love you! Can you tell me why you are so lovely? (最后一句运用独特的拟人手法,请有选择性地模仿) My Favourite SeasonMy favourite season is spring, because spring is very I can plant trees in I can go hiking with my family In spring the trees become green and the flowers are There are many butterflies and bees over the In spring, the sky is very The air is The clouds are Oh! I like spring very much! 作文四:My Pet(描写小动物)My PetI am C I have a clever It's name is "Snow", because it is a It has white fur and two big It can play with me every It can jump very Snow likes eating some grass and It is so cute and I love Snow very This is my pet––rabbit SMy PetI have a cute pet Its name is K It has black fur(皮毛是不可数名词,不用冠词), two small ears, two big eyes and a long tail(注意可数名词的单复数) It likes drinking milk and It always sleeps all the It is so lovely that we all love it very It also loves I'm happy to stay together with 作文五:自我介绍Hello every one, my name is Sun Chenqianxi(姓和名的首字母分别大写,其余都小写) I’m 13 years I come from ShengLi Street Primary S I study in Class 5 Grade I like playing the piano, swimming, going hiking and reading a My favourite colour is My favourite food is ice-cream, because is very My favourite season is summer, because I can eat ice-cream and swim in the It is very My favourite animal is my little dog, she is very Hello! My name is Du C I’m from C I’m I’m tall and I have two black and big eyes and long There are 3 people in my I have many I like the cherry very much, because it is My favourite season is summer, because I can eat ice-cream and it tastes (有陈述有原因,很有说服力) The wolf is my favourite I usually get up at 6: Then I go to school by car at 7: On Saturday morning, I climb mountains with my father This is me! Hello! My name is XXX I’m slam, but I am I want to be an astronaut,a teacher or a My biggest dream is to be a My favourite subject is E I think English is interesting and My English teacher is very active, kind and I like her class, because in her class I can learn some So I’m good at E I like playing sports and reading My hobby is collecting Do you think I’m a wonderful girl?作文六:My Weekend(一般现在时)此文句式统一,便于仿写,绿色为作文框架。My WeekendHello! I’m a (总起)I am busy on the (先按早中晚的顺序介绍周六活动)(On) Saturday morning, I usually play the In the afternoon, I see a movie with my In the evening, I watch TV with my I am so (再介绍周日活动)(On) Sunday morning, I usually do my In the afternoon, I often wash my clothes and sweep the I am so In the evening, I read books and eat some (总结)This is my busy weekend! How about yours?My WeekendI am a (总起)My weekend is usually very (先介绍周六活动)Saturday morning, I usually get up at 7 o' Then I eat I do my homework in the I usually I watch TV in the Sometimes I read I go to bed at 10 o'clock in the (再介绍周日活动)I like Sunday very Usually I get up at 7 o'clock and wash my face soon, because I can go hiking on S I usually climb mountains, have a picnic and swim with my I am very This is my What about you?作文七:Last Weekend(一般过去时)Last Weekend(总起)I was busy last (先按早中晚的顺序介绍周六活动)(On) Saturday morning, I played the In the afternoon, I saw a movie with my In the evening, I watched TV with my I was so (再介绍周日活动)(On) Sunday morning, I did my In the afternoon, I washed my clothes and swept the I was so In the evening, I read books and ate some (总结)This was my busy weekend! How about yours?My  Last  Weekend(总起)I had a happy weekend last I was very (先按早中晚的顺序介绍周六活动)On Saturday morning, I went to the park with my In the afternoon, I watched TV and went In the evening, I cleaned the room and washed (再介绍周日活动)On Sunday morning, I went to the cinema and the (单数可数名词前面要记得加冠词)After that I visited my In the afternoon,I went to the bookstore by bike and bought some Then I read books and learned English at This was my busy last 作文八:Holiday Plan(假期计划)Dear mom, (要用逗号哦)(写信开头寒暄) How are you? (总起) The summer vacation will We will have a 2 months  (去哪里where) I’m gong to Cheng D  (做什么what) I will visit my grandparents with my We are gong to swim in the And then, I am gong to visit my young (总结) I think we will have a happy time I will have a busy Yours,  LucyDear Amy,(写信开头寒暄) How are you, Amy? (总起)I'm going to Linyi on summer (第一天) On the first day,I'm going to see Xueye L I will take picture (第二天) On the second day, I'm going to visit my grand parents and stay (第三天) On the third day, I'm going to my uncle David’s And we’re going to play football (第四天) On the forth day, I'm going to get back and have a (总结) My holiday well be What about your holiday?Yours,Yin Xichang作文九:My Bedroom(我的卧室)My BedroomMy bedroom is very In my bedroom, there is a yellow There is a pink clock over the small There is a white closet near the bed, and there are many clothes in my There is a big window and two blue curtains west of the My bedroom is small, but I love it very This is my small What about yours?My BedroomMy bedroom is small and First, you can see a big light on the Then, you can see a desk near the There are many books in the The bookshelf is near my There is a lovely bear on my Every night it sleeps with I like it very I like my What about you?

Last Chinese New Y I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to changbaishan by In the morning we came down the I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers We climb up the hill along the mountain Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,my shoes Dad said to me,“tingting, don’t do anything ”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, finally we went finally,Since then, I've kept these shoes。i was very happydear mike,  haven’t seen you for a long how have you been? i am missing you all the as the weather is splendid now, i have made a plan to go out to the countryside by each of us may take food for the picnic, which we will have at the the countryside must be very lovely, with grass and trees growing flourishingly, flowers full bloom and bright we can enjoy the scenery to our hearts content, at the same time and take some pictures as a it is possible for us to meet at the bus stop 8 i am sure we will have a good do come and join  yours always,Beijing, the capital of People's Republic of China, the central municipality, National Center City China, Chinese politics, culture, education and international exchange center, while the decision-making centers and management centers in China's economy and Beijing is located in the northern end of the North China Plain, southeast connected with Tianjin, the rest is surrounded by Hebei P Beijing has built more than 3000 years of history of the capital city and the history of 850 years, is one of "China's four ancient capitals", with some international influence, which first appeared in the literature of the name "" Beijing since the Yuan, Ming blend of Chinese culture, has many historical sites and cultural landscapes, is the world's largest city has the world's c

My good friendI have a good His name isT He is tall and handsome He likes playing basketball and table He is good at swimming, He is kind and He is always ready to help So he can always get on well with He is interested in playing When he is free, we often play basketball or Our schoolOur school is very There are two big teaching There are more than 5 hundred students and eighty teachers in our There is a modern library and a big There are beautiful trees and Our school is alwasy clean and I like our school very My school dayI am busy when i am on my school I get up at six in the After reading Engllish for about ten minutes, I have my I go to school at 6:50 and class begins at 7: We have a morning class, four classes in the morning and four in the Class is over at 5: I get home at about 6: After dinner, I do my homework and read some My family's weekendWeekend is the happies time of my My parents and I often go to visit my grandparents on Saturday and we have lunch In the afternoon, we go shopping and buy lots of food,meat and On Sunday morniing, my parents often take me to the park and we have a good time In the afternoon, I do my homework and then we go to play table In the evening, my father often reads books and my mother surfs the I finish doing my My winter vacationI really had a busy and happy winter I did my homework and helped my parents with the housework every I like drawing so much that I spent lots of time drawing pictures and read books about drawing every I sometimes went to the library to read books and surfed the During the Spring Festival, i visited my grandparents, friends and We really had a great time I prepared for the new lessons and read English, I really enjoyed my winter My new year planHere is my new year I will listen to the teacher carefully in class and review what I am leant after I will study hard so that I can get good I will spend more time on English because I am weak in my spoken language and sometimes I am shy to speak in front of the I will try my best to help more I am going to do more sports because I think it's a good way of keeping I will help my parents do more housework and I will help my classmates with their lessons,I will have a busy summer I am going to do my homework every day I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some I am going to do sports such as playing table tennis, swimming and so I am going to visit my grandparents and stay there for a I am going to help my parents do some I went to the home for the aged with my friends on July As soon as the eldly people saw us, they were all We sang songs and danced for Then we helped the worker clean the rooms and washes the They praized us a lot and said that we were good Although we felt tired, we had a good Dear LucyI am very glad to hear from Now let me introduce myself to My name is Li L I am eleven years I am tall with a pair of Now I am studying at Yuying Primary S I am in Class One,Grade I like singing and playing the piano very I am good at English and C My My mother is a She works in a hospital which isn't far from our So she always goes to work by She works hard and she is also very So her workmates and the patients all like her very Although sometimes some patients are rude, she is very kind and she understands them a She never shout to Sometimes she has to work at She likes her work very much



让多媒体为小学英语课堂添彩 一、案例背景:小学阶段英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础;使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础。随着电教技术的普及,改变了传统英语教法中“一支粉笔一本书,一块黑板一张嘴”的现象,恰当的运用多媒体电教手段,改变了教与学的活动方式,多渠道的刺激学生的感觉器官,使教学内容化静为动,化难为易,把复杂的东西变简单,把抽象的东西变具体,采用直观形象,生动有趣的教学方法,激励学生的学习动机,使学生产生一种渴望学习的冲动,激发求知的欲望。现代教学媒体与传统教学媒体结合,形成互补优势,共同参与英语教学的全过程,可以让学生在自觉或不自觉的状态中去听、去说、去体会、去自由交际,使他们能积极、主动地参与学习。同时要以扩大课堂容量,并融趣味性、知识性、科学性于一体,提高了学生的听、说、读、写能力,实现课堂教学的最优化。如在设计Unit6《In a nature park》 Let’s learn这部分时 ,我充分利用多媒体手段创设情境,激发情趣,采用听、说、读、写、玩等形式,在学生掌握了一些基础知识与技能的基础上,通过说一说、看一看、读一读等游戏活动,体现“玩中学、学中玩”的原则,充分调动学生的积极性,让学生轻松走进英语课堂,帮学生主动学习,让学生充分交际,促进学生综合运用语言的能力。二、案例描述本案例为PEP教材第五册第六单元Unit6《In a nature park》第一课时,以单词教学为出发的案例。(一) 教学目标1、知识与技能目标(1)能够听、说、读、写单词lake, forest, river, grass, path and flower,听、说、认读三会单词:sky, cloud, ,并能在真实情境中正确使用单词。 (2)能够发挥想象自己设计一个公园,并用所学语言进行简单的介绍。 2、过程与方法 以情境教学为出发点,借助多媒体手段辅助教学,安排多样的活动引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流,以此来培养学生的综合运用语言能力和学生的观察、思维创造和合作能力。 3、情感态度和价值观 (1)培养学生的团结合作精神,鼓励学生大胆创新。 (2)培养学生敢于开口、积极参与的态度,让他们尽享成功的体验。 (3)培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感,培养学生保护环境的意识。(二)教学重难点教学重点:学习和巩固所学单词并能在情境中正确运用。教学难点:There is 句型的用法。(三)课前准备多媒体课件、图片、录音机(四)教学过程Step1 Warm-up 教师播放C部分Let’s sing a song 《The Panda》,同时配以熊猫在山林中活动的视频,利用多媒体手段创设轻松的课堂氛围,充分唤起学生学习英语的欲望和学习兴趣,使学生获得一种积极的情感体验,把学生的注意力都集中起来,使其不自觉地进入氛围中,同时又潜移默化地渗透新内容。Step2 Preview教师进行日常口语练习,提问What’s the weather today? 引出Today is a fine Let’s go to a beautiful Look ,Where is it ?教师出示课件,呈现出黄台山公园优美的景色,提问What can you see?学生根据以前所学内容回答。 通过课件展示自然引出本课主题“In a nature park”,同时也利用实际的风景画面调动学生去公园的愿望,激发学生想学单词的愿望。Step3 Presentation Now Let’s go to the park together 利用课件呈现公园的图片,图片中有许多鲜花竞相开放,告诉学生:There are many flowers 教学单词flower,接着出示花坛边的小草,引出“grass”,花和草在一起,让学生感知植物,感受大自然的美,然后课件出示鸟在天空中飞翔,提问Where is the bird?引出sky ,通过sky再引出cloud的教学,联系蓝天白云,花朵草儿,说一说句子。利用课件听水的声音,引导学生发挥想象猜一猜接下来是什么图片,出示 river ,并教授此单词。通过对比两幅图片,让学生区别river和lake的不同,一个是河流,是长形,另一个是湖泊,是环形的,最后利用图片来教授三个单词:forest, mountain, 在结束时,先让学生跟录音机读一遍,然后出示卡片,让学生看卡片读单词,巩固所学单词。教师播放一段山谷中小鸟歌唱、流水叮咚的音乐视频,让学生 闭上眼睛想象:What’s in a nature park?在新授单词教学中,利用不同的呈现手段和不同的教学方法,利用现代教育技术,借助多媒体课件,给学生创设一个愉悦的学习环境,激发学生的想象力,多方位刺激学生的感官,使他们对课堂产生审美情感,获得美的陶冶,提高学生学习的动力。Step4 Drills(1)说唱练习A path a forest a flowerThere is a river in the nature park A lake grass ……(2)看课件,回答问题教师播放多媒体课件,内容为教师在黄台山公园游玩的过程,提问What can you see?通过创设真实的情境来操练巩固所学单词,培养学生的会话能力和语感,增强课堂情趣。(3)拓展练习教师展现给学生多张公园的美景图片,然后运用工具把新单词的图片组合到一起,组成一个美丽的“Nature Park ”配以小鸟的叫声,潺潺的流水声,给学生以视觉和听觉上的美好享受,布置学生“Design your nature park”,小组合作,画一画心目中的公园,并开口说说所设计的公园的景物,使课堂知识与学生实际相结合,灵活运用,完成任务。三、教学反思本堂课我针对学生的年龄、心理和生理特点,在学生初步掌握了一些基础知识与技能的前提下,通过说一说、玩一玩、做一做等活动,本着因地制宜的原则,精心组织好教学资源,运用电教手段,把教材中单调的文字内容,通过声音、图像和文字相结合的多媒体方式,形象、生动、逼真的展示出来,创设出更具直观性、感染性和挑战性的情境,使整个教学过程图文并茂、声情并茂,视听结合,刺激了感官,渲染了气氛,充分调动学生的学习积极性,为学生营造了一个轻松有趣的学习氛围,促使学生积极主动地学习英语,激发学生的参与和创新意识,鼓励学生敢于开口说,发扬小组合作精神,将所学知识运用于生活实际,收到了学用结合的效果。 通过课下反思评课和课堂的施教情况看,也发现了一些问题:1、课件过多,影响学生视听。教师的本意是运用课件在课堂上引起学生注意,唤起他们的学习需要,但通过课堂教学发现,有的课件不但没起到作用反而使课堂成了多媒体展示课,学生用过多的精力去关注优美的画面,美观好看的按钮,字体变化多样的文本,而忽视了教师讲解的内容。多媒体课件需要借助一定的艺术形式,但不能单纯作过多的表面文章,如色彩过于艳丽的界面,却影响了学生对于教学内容的注意力,容易喧宾夺主。可以借助于教师的语态、体态和板书,将充实的内容与完美的外在形式有机地结合起来,达到传授知识,调动学生积极性,改善教学环境的目的。 2、注意词汇教学的有效性。单词教学是句型教学的基础,学生要有扎实的语言基础上为前提,才能进行拓展练习合作画一幅自然公园图并用所学语言描述。学生没有学会或掌握单词的情况下,这一活动无法展开。如何提高小学英语词汇教学的有效性,是小学英语教学的需要解决的问题,小学生抽象思维能力较差,主要以机械记忆为主。他们对枯燥乏味的教学内容,难于集中注意力,容易产生厌倦感,以致影响教学效果课堂是小学生学习英语的主渠道,在实施词汇教学时,尽量把词汇置于能听、能看、可触摸、可感受的情境中去,使学生不至于感到词汇学习单调乏味而失却兴趣。尽量采取丰富多样的教学形式,调动他们的学习积极性,以达到课堂教学的最佳效果。

