

发布时间:2024-07-17 03:09:08


Why Do We Study English?why do we study english? english is spoken by about over 3billion people in the world, it's one of the most widely used here is another reason that we should study english, english is most popular language as a working language, 写不下去了……

English is the language used to do one of a wide range of English-speaking nearly 300 millionEnglish is the international conference on the use of the working languages of the largest in the world of radio and 60 percent 70 percent of the e-mail in English, is based on millions of books and magazines written in EnglishWith English can be faster and better learning of modern science and technology, learn English, we can better service to the motherland

The world onlineThe Internet is the fast growing source of information There’s no doubt that the Internet has brought about great effects on our The fist is its value for people who are looking for When people are in need of information,the  Internet is now the fist choice that many people turn The second is the possibility to bulid groups online and form friendships based on common interests,rather than appearance, age or However,ther are some negative effects as The main drawbacks are uncontrolled information and unhealthy changes in the way people spend their As far as I am concerned,I often search the internet for some important news Slowly,I get a better knowledge of the world around me which broadens my With all the negative effects,the Internet is still a positive tool that helps make our lives better,so long as we learn how to handle the problems it 



互联网的利弊 internetThe Advantages and Disadvantages of InternetThe following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of I Netsurfers (网上冲浪者) in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest Besides, Internet has provided a major opportunity to buy and sell merchandise (商品) What is more, people may get medical help or even vote on I Its advantages seem Behind all this glowing talk, however, are some Internet makes people passive by stopping them making their own So much so that when there is a breakdown or jam, people may find that World Wide Web turns into World Wide W What is worse, some children have access to the scenes of violence and Apart from these, it can be affected by viruses(病毒) and hackers (黑客)We should handle its problems, meanwhile we should exploit its potential as With proper management of Internet people ought to experience more fruits of the information All the wisdom of the ages, all the information that has enlightened mankind for centuries, should be available to us with the healthy development of I核心剖析 文章开头开门见山,段首句“The following aspects could best illustrate the advantages Of I”紧扣提纲第一条“1.互联网的优越性”。开篇内容直奔主题。直进式的开头决不拐弯抹角。直截了当地表达并不排除艺术的表达方式。(段首句的写法具有特色。)就是这个


My ideal school 我理想中的学校 I hope my ideal school starts at 30 我希望我的理想学校每天早上8:30才开始上课。because l like to get up 因为我每天起床都很晚I hope my ideal school finishes at 30 我希望我的理想学校每天下午4:30就放学。 So l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some after school 那样我就可以多点时间休息以及多点课外活动了。 My ideal school is very large,我的理想学校是很大规模的, it has three tall buildings ,它有3栋很大的大楼, a big dining hall,一个豪华的餐厅 a tennis court,一个网球场, a big playground and a 一个大的操场和公园。 We have an hour for lunch,我们有一个小时的午餐时间, we can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining 我们可以在那个豪华的餐厅里面吃最美味的食物。 I Love My ideal school!我爱我理想中的学校!

Can money buy happiness? Different people have different Some think yes, while others hold the It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great It is a common view that "money is the root of all " The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is So, money does not necessarily mean It all depends on how it is If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed (题目:钱能买到幸福吗?)

Dear John,I'm happy to tell you something about the Chinese It's a representative of traditional Chinese culture,dating from more than one thousand years In general,a couplet is made up of two sentences,which are written in rhythm and have the same number of In addition,there's a horizontal piece related to the meaning of the The most important occasion to use couplets is during the Spring FPeople put them up on their doors to express good Besides,people use couplets on celebration days like wedding As time went by,there wasn't much change in the couplet's form,but its contents are now linked more to the topic of modern Moreover,the contents are more flexible and I hope you can come to China to learn more about Yours, LiHua亲爱的约翰,我很高兴为你介绍中国对联。它是中国传统文化的代表,可追溯到一千多年前以前。通常来说,一幅对联由两句话组成,是以韵律写作并且有相同的字数。另外,还有一个与对联含义有关的横批。使用对联的最重要场合是在春节期间。人们把它们张贴在门上来表达美好的期望,而且,人们还在像婚礼当天的庆祝日使用对联。随着时间的流逝,对联的格式没有发生太大的变化,但是它的内容在现在的当今生活主题越来越息息相关。此外,内容也更加灵活和时尚。我希望你能来中国更深入地了解它。 你的 李华纯手打~我们寒假英语作业就是摘抄报纸上的优秀作文并翻译。望采纳


Can money buy happiness? Different people have different Some think yes, while others hold the It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great It is a common view that "money is the root of all " The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is So, money does not necessarily mean It all depends on how it is If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed (题目:钱能买到幸福吗?)

利弊型 Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the issue that ______(题目议题)In fact, there are both advantage and disadvantages in _______(题目议题)ally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows Firsty,_______(优点一)and secondly______,(优点二)Just as a popular saying goes “every coin has two ”________(题目议题)is no exception,and in another word ,it still has negative aspects To begin with _____(缺点一),In addition,_______(缺点二) In my opinion/I think ________(自己的观点)

My college life I am proud of being a college I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didn't have a good education However, I set a goal and felt confident to be a college After hard study, I passed the entrance examination of national college by excellent All people were proud of me, as I was the first college student in my I was farewell warmly by them when I came to I was warmly welcome by school, After then, I’ve felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village neighborhood and our The college life is All life in school are New teachers, new classmates and fresh friends are around I’ve felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to I am very eager to learn much knowledge In high school, I was ever called as a runner before Now,I know I am behind time so much in I hope to catch up with the time by my hard Every day, you can see me get up early, doing exercise hard and go to school the first At night, I am the one who leaves away the The most interesting thing is that I can’t speak the PUTONGHUA well and made many funny events at the beginning, as I am from S When I entered the classroom at first time, I was headache as I couldn’t understand what the professor was I met much difficulties at math, physics and other courses, even though I used to be good at these Therefore, I learn these courses myself after After three months, the exmination indicated that I overcame all the I also improved my listening and spoken ability of Chinese Communication is very important to my college I study English hard as It makes me have many chances to communicate with

互联网的利弊 internetThe Advantages and Disadvantages of InternetThe following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of I Netsurfers (网上冲浪者) in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest Besides, Internet has provided a major opportunity to buy and sell merchandise (商品) What is more, people may get medical help or even vote on I Its advantages seem Behind all this glowing talk, however, are some Internet makes people passive by stopping them making their own So much so that when there is a breakdown or jam, people may find that World Wide Web turns into World Wide W What is worse, some children have access to the scenes of violence and Apart from these, it can be affected by viruses(病毒) and hackers (黑客)We should handle its problems, meanwhile we should exploit its potential as With proper management of Internet people ought to experience more fruits of the information All the wisdom of the ages, all the information that has enlightened mankind for centuries, should be available to us with the healthy development of I核心剖析 文章开头开门见山,段首句“The following aspects could best illustrate the advantages Of I”紧扣提纲第一条“1.互联网的优越性”。开篇内容直奔主题。直进式的开头决不拐弯抹角。直截了当地表达并不排除艺术的表达方式。(段首句的写法具有特色。)就是这个


This year's summer vacation was most I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered with green Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite I kept a diary every Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their All of them showed much interest in E They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple E So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken E They all made great Their parents all thought highly of I now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the

Hebei Province, with its beautiful Capital, Shijiazhuang, is located to the north of the Yellow River, and to the east of the Taihang M Hebei is also known for its moderate The four seasons are felt and In spring it is warm and rainy in summer; balmy and fine in autumn ; dry and cold in So the best time to travel to Hebei is during autumn, when you can enjoy the clear climate In the tour to Hebei Province, tourists can not only have a at all the historical relics, but they also see all the beautiful natural landscapes that you can only dream In summer, tourists can enjoy the sunshine, beaches, and all the fresh air that blows in from the Bohai Gulf ; In spring tourists can enjoy magnificent grassland; In autumn, they can explore the fascinating Yesanpo Scenic Area in Baoding C And in winter, another spectacular destination in Baoding City is the Baiyang L The Baiyang Lake will be a very special attraction, because tourists can see very unique scenery of reeds and 河北省,以其漂亮的石家庄为省会、位于黄河以北,太行山以东。河北也是以其温和的气候而著名。 四季都会觉得很享受。春天是温和的,夏季是多雨的,芳香的秋天和冬天的寒冷和干燥。所以最好的时间是在秋天旅行的时候,你可以享受清爽的气候。在河北省的旅游,游客们不仅可以看看所有的历史遗迹,而且可以看到那些你只能在梦里看到的美丽的自然景色,。在夏天,游客可以享受阳光、沙滩和从渤海湾吹来的新鲜空气。在春天游客可以享受草原宏伟;秋天,他们可以探索位于保定的迷人的Yesanpo风景区城。在冬天,另一个壮观地点是在保定的白洋淀。这个白洋淀将具有非常特殊的吸引力,因为游客可以看到芦苇和雪的独特的风景

Can money buy happiness? Different people have different Some think yes, while others hold the It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great It is a common view that "money is the root of all " The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is So, money does not necessarily mean It all depends on how it is If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed (题目:钱能买到幸福吗?)
