

发布时间:2024-07-09 02:06:56


英文写作能用高级词汇,就不用低等语汇。举例说明,例如你需要表述某某物品很重要的情况下,大部分最先联想到的第一个英语单词便是important,如果你用这个词表明也没什么错,仅仅那样不容易让文章内容出色,你能用significent这个词替代。 那样批卷教师一看,感觉这一学生的英语词汇量还能够,便会让你加印象分。可是谨记你在应用高级词汇取代低等语汇时,你一定要保证你可以准确的把高级词汇写出去,如果你想不起来如何英语拼写,那还比不上不写。由于写错词,也是要罚分的。



卷面整洁很重要,字体,分段啊,都要清析明了。过渡词很重要,例如: (1)表递进what’s more,


高中英语作文,也是一个技巧性十足的地方,掌握一定的写作技巧,事半功倍!今天教大家如何快速写出一篇满分高中英语作文!英语作文七步写作法。 一审:审定人称、主体时态、格式。 二定:确定主题和结构。 三列:列出简明要点。 四连:连词成句,连句成文。 五美:综合运用过渡语的使用、长短句的搭配、倒装、非谓语动词、强调句型、独立主格、复合句的使用、高级词汇等手段进行美化,以达到地道、流畅、一气呵成的效果。 六查:检查大小写、标点、时态、语态、主谓一致。 七抄:将草稿快速、工整地撰写到试卷上。 (漂亮的字体、高级的词汇与语法都会使文章增色不少。)以上是英语作文的整体写作思路,按照以上步骤来,相信你的英语作文,会拿到一个满意的分数!

老师叮咛:李辉老师说,“书面表达套路套话都背过了没?如果你的答案是Yes,那么现在才是你开始做题的时候!”想要提高作文能力,技巧是关键!下面的六个技巧都是值得同学们优先记忆学习的提分技巧!经过了全网首席高考英语名师李辉老师团队高度认真的整理校对,无错、可信!可供全国各省高中生打印、背诵! 高考英语优秀作文的技巧特征:一、层次不乱 二、句式多变三、亮点若干 四、巧妙串联五、蠢错不犯 六、整洁卷面 一.层次不乱开头:第一个要点主体:第二个要点结尾:第三个要点二.句式多变长短变化 eg:时间过的真快。A long time has gone by before I realize It has been a long time since we last How time flies!Long time no see!eg:我成功了。I succeeded in I am very successful in I achieved my goal in I fulfilled my I and I made :你很喜欢这里的天气,我也很喜欢这里的天气。You love the weather here and I love the weather here, You love the weather here and I love it You love the weather here and me 主、被动变化eg:我每天都要完成大量的作业,很是疲劳。I have to do a lot of homework and I'm very Mountains of homework every day buries me, making me :我每天都坚持锻炼,这样对我的健康有好处。I take exercise every day, which is good for my Taking exercise is my daily routine, which, I believe, will greatly benefit my physical 同功能句型变化eg:听到这个消息后,我感到很兴奋。After I heard the news, I was very On hearing the news, I was very Having heard the news, I was :我没有完成作业,老师很生气。I failed to finish my assignment, and the teacher was very I failed to finish my homework, which made the teacher very The teacher was angry with me because I :如果我想实现梦想,只有努力学习。If I want to realize my dream, I have to work Only through hard work can I fulfill my :直到毕业了我才理解了老师所说的话。I didn't understand my teacher's words until I It was not until I graduated that I came to understand what my teacher had told :我觉得你应该学习数学。I think you should major in In my opinion, learning math is not a bad idea for If I were you, I would absolutely take math as my :抱歉,我不能参加这次野营了。I'm sorry that I can't take part in the I have to apologize to you that I can't make it to the camping this How I wish I could put off the job interview and go camping with you 主语变化 同义词变化横向比较变化三.亮点若干英语写作中被认为是亮点的东西 一般学生驾驭不了的词汇和句型结构 恰到好处的名言、言语等 一语中的的修辞手法 高级句型例文:I’ve been studying American customs according to a task assigned by my teacher Never in my wildest imagination can I be so crazy about American traditions that I’m desperate for more books to learn about However, it bothers me that books related to this subject are quite rare and limited, making it a barrier for me to do further To overcome this disadvantage, I’m desperately in need of your Could you please buy some relevant books for me? Any native books concerning American customs are OK And three or four ones are As for the date, could you please be kind enough to have them delivered before next Monday? Last but not least, I promise to transfer money to you immediately I receive the In sum, you are the very person who is able to provide me with a glimpse into brilliant and colorful American 模板:很多a lot ofa good number ofa large amount ofa great deal ofa mountain of homeworka sea of peopleabundant / adequate参加take part injoin inparticipate incompete insign up for …因此so/ thereforeas a result,as a consequence,consequently例: 这个暑假我有许多作业要做。I have a lot of homework to do in this summer 学神版:My short summer holiday will be hopelessly filled up by mountains of homework, making it impossible for me to make any other plans to follow my little 你的文章一定会深受同学们欢迎。Your article will be welcome to our 学神版:The article written by a native speaker like you will undoubtedly be well received by students in our school, as they are eager to know more about the outside 恰到好处的名言、谚语能使文章增色Practice makes God helps those who help Where there is a will, there is a One false step will make a great A fall into the pit, a gain in your Experience is the mother of All work and no play makes jack a dull More haste, less It‘s never too old to All that glitters is not Look before you Rome was not built in a 大胆使用基本的修辞手法比喻eg:所有学生都在忙着准备考试。All the students are busy preparing for the coming All the students are as busy as bees preparing for the coming 夸张eg:我感觉压力很大。I feel great I felt as if I were under a mountain and I can't even 拟人eg:我感觉所有同学都在嘲笑我。I feel all my classmates laughing at I felt as if even the birds on the trees are laughing at 四.巧妙串联起:first of all, to begin with, above 承:in addition, 转:however, on the other 合:in my opinion, all in all, in a 五.蠢错不犯赘词现象多发中学生英语写作中常见的13种语言错误:主谓不一致My father and I likes(like) going fishing by the Large quantities of soil has been washed 时态、语态混用Last night, I had(删去)enjoyed a The painting on the wall(添加was) damaged 句子成分残缺I stood up and saw there(添加was) a The young man(添加was) running in the 习惯搭配误用I once heard from(of) the animal like We passed away(by) the 名词单、复数不分I made many friend(friends) in the summer We can get some informations(information) from the I动词单、复数不分Our teacher often say(says) that success lie(lies) in hard M Smith, together with some students, are(is) coming to our 赘词现象多发I hope you can return back to(删除) our school 基本词汇拼写错误I flied to New York directly from BThis will be done immediatly(immediately)前后人称不一致The boy was born in a poor family but she works(work) We watched a few movies and we loved it(them)动词原形作主语/宾语Take(Taking) a walk after dinner is very good for At that moment, I didn't feel like take(taking) a 逻辑主语与主句主语不一致Preparing dinner, the doorbell Walking in the street, a car hit an old 一个简单句出现两个谓语There was(being) no work to do, he went back (When)I received you email,(and) I was very 中式英语Next week have a I sorry you I can‘t with you go BThe family from rich become 六.整洁卷面英文书写大方、圆润、自然词与词间距适当字母大小适当无大面积涂改


优秀作文的技巧老师叮咛:李辉老师说,“书面表达套路套话都背过了没?如果你的答案是Yes,那么现在才是你开始做题的时候!”想要提高作文能力,技巧是关键!下面的六个技巧都是值得同学们优先记忆学习的提分技巧!经过了全网首席高考英语名师李辉老师团队高度认真的整理校对,无错、可信!可供全国各省高中生打印、背诵! 高考英语优秀作文的技巧特征:一、层次不乱 二、句式多变三、亮点若干 四、巧妙串联五、蠢错不犯 六、整洁卷面 一.层次不乱开头:第一个要点主体:第二个要点结尾:第三个要点二.句式多变长短变化 eg:时间过的真快。A long time has gone by before I realize It has been a long time since we last How time flies!Long time no see!eg:我成功了。I succeeded in I am very successful in I achieved my goal in I fulfilled my I and I made :你很喜欢这里的天气,我也很喜欢这里的天气。You love the weather here and I love the weather here, You love the weather here and I love it You love the weather here and me 主、被动变化eg:我每天都要完成大量的作业,很是疲劳。I have to do a lot of homework and I'm very Mountains of homework every day buries me, making me :我每天都坚持锻炼,这样对我的健康有好处。I take exercise every day, which is good for my Taking exercise is my daily routine, which, I believe, will greatly benefit my physical 同功能句型变化eg:听到这个消息后,我感到很兴奋。After I heard the news, I was very On hearing the news, I was very Having heard the news, I was :我没有完成作业,老师很生气。I failed to finish my assignment, and the teacher was very I failed to finish my homework, which made the teacher very The teacher was angry with me because I :如果我想实现梦想,只有努力学习。If I want to realize my dream, I have to work Only through hard work can I fulfill my :直到毕业了我才理解了老师所说的话。I didn't understand my teacher's words until I It was not until I graduated that I came to understand what my teacher had told :我觉得你应该学习数学。I think you should major in In my opinion, learning math is not a bad idea for If I were you, I would absolutely take math as my :抱歉,我不能参加这次野营了。I'm sorry that I can't take part in the I have to apologize to you that I can't make it to the camping this How I wish I could put off the job interview and go camping with you 主语变化 同义词变化横向比较变化三.亮点若干英语写作中被认为是亮点的东西 一般学生驾驭不了的词汇和句型结构 恰到好处的名言、言语等 一语中的的修辞手法 高级句型例文:I’ve been studying American customs according to a task assigned by my teacher Never in my wildest imagination can I be so crazy about American traditions that I’m desperate for more books to learn about However, it bothers me that books related to this subject are quite rare and limited, making it a barrier for me to do further To overcome this disadvantage, I’m desperately in need of your Could you please buy some relevant books for me? Any native books concerning American customs are OK And three or four ones are As for the date, could you please be kind enough to have them delivered before next Monday? Last but not least, I promise to transfer money to you immediately I receive the In sum, you are the very person who is able to provide me with a glimpse into brilliant and colorful American 模板:很多a lot ofa good number ofa large amount ofa great deal ofa mountain of homeworka sea of peopleabundant / adequate参加take part injoin inparticipate incompete insign up for …因此so/ thereforeas a result,as a consequence,consequently例: 这个暑假我有许多作业要做。I have a lot of homework to do in this summer 学神版:My short summer holiday will be hopelessly filled up by mountains of homework, making it impossible for me to make any other plans to follow my little 你的文章一定会深受同学们欢迎。Your article will be welcome to our 学神版:The article written by a native speaker like you will undoubtedly be well received by students in our school, as they are eager to know more about the outside 恰到好处的名言、谚语能使文章增色Practice makes God helps those who help Where there is a will, there is a One false step will make a great A fall into the pit, a gain in your Experience is the mother of All work and no play makes jack a dull More haste, less It‘s never too old to All that glitters is not Look before you Rome was not built in a 大胆使用基本的修辞手法比喻eg:所有学生都在忙着准备考试。All the students are busy preparing for the coming All the students are as busy as bees preparing for the coming 夸张eg:我感觉压力很大。I feel great I felt as if I were under a mountain and I can't even 拟人eg:我感觉所有同学都在嘲笑我。I feel all my classmates laughing at I felt as if even the birds on the trees are laughing at 四.巧妙串联起:first of all, to begin with, above 承:in addition, 转:however, on the other 合:in my opinion, all in all, in a 五.蠢错不犯赘词现象多发中学生英语写作中常见的13种语言错误:主谓不一致My father and I likes(like) going fishing by the Large quantities of soil has been washed 时态、语态混用Last night, I had(删去)enjoyed a The painting on the wall(添加was) damaged 句子成分残缺I stood up and saw there(添加was) a The young man(添加was) running in the 习惯搭配误用I once heard from(of) the animal like We passed away(by) the 名词单、复数不分I made many friend(friends) in the summer We can get some informations(information) from the I动词单、复数不分Our teacher often say(says) that success lie(lies) in hard M Smith, together with some students, are(is) coming to our 赘词现象多发I hope you can return back to(删除) our school 基本词汇拼写错误I flied to New York directly from BThis will be done immediatly(immediately)前后人称不一致The boy was born in a poor family but she works(work) We watched a few movies and we loved it(them)动词原形作主语/宾语Take(Taking) a walk after dinner is very good for At that moment, I didn't feel like take(taking) a 逻辑主语与主句主语不一致Preparing dinner, the doorbell Walking in the street, a car hit an old 一个简单句出现两个谓语There was(being) no work to do, he went back (When)I received you email,(and) I was very 中式英语Next week have a I sorry you I can‘t with you go BThe family from rich become 六.整洁卷面英文书写大方、圆润、自然词与词间距适当字母大小适当无大面积涂改


英文写作能用高级词汇,就不用低等语汇。举例说明,例如你需要表述某某物品很重要的情况下,大部分最先联想到的第一个英语单词便是important,如果你用这个词表明也没什么错,仅仅那样不容易让文章内容出色,你能用significent这个词替代。 那样批卷教师一看,感觉这一学生的英语词汇量还能够,便会让你加印象分。可是谨记你在应用高级词汇取代低等语汇时,你一定要保证你可以准确的把高级词汇写出去,如果你想不起来如何英语拼写,那还比不上不写。由于写错词,也是要罚分的。





[思路分析]打牢基础!从考试角度说,其实英语作文对文采等比较高层面的技能的考察有限 只要符合题意 语法词汇的错误不多 分数就不会差很多如果是对自己要求比较高 建议多花些心思 巩固基础的同时进行提高 多看多读多写[解题过程]首先是基础知识的积累 这个的重要性就不用多说了 单词词组句型都要扎实写作的时候不能跑题 要求的知识点都要齐全 逻辑清晰 文章结构严谨另外可以看一些比较好的例文 把其中有价值的词语\句子或段落记下来 灵活的运用到自己的作文中 对提高作文档次很有用要多写 并找老师修改 及时纠正自己的错误如果你想写一篇好的英语文章,在你写之前,请考虑一下这些问题:谁是你的读者?文章的主题是什么?你怎样激发、调动你的读者?此外,在你写文章之前,切记要多读多想,去打开你的思路。[其他策略]考虑到你的读者。谁将读你的文章?你的读者会有什么想法?什么能使其产生兴趣?如果你的文章主题不能吸引你的读者,你是非常失败的。再者,不要幻想你的读者会和你分享你的观点、意见或者主张。假如你的读者已经同意你的观点,你就应该找一些更重要的去写,如果你还仅仅在重复那些很平常的观点,那你这是在浪费读者和你自己的时间,将使读者很讨厌读这篇文章。  选择一个主题。你将要做些什么?你真的很想说什么?在你开始写作之前要长时间地思考,找出一个有趣的、重要的主题。试着去制止一些陈腔滥调,西方读者不喜欢看到一些复合句,比如:“Wherethere’sa will, there’s away”(有志者事竟成)。它们不会有趣而高效地表达你的观点。你自己要思索出一些新的、明智的和生动形象的句子。要强烈抵制抄袭,如果你想要你的文章很好地调动读者,就要使它与众不同。此外,要尽量避免像must,should,haveto等词和短语,因为你的读者有自己的思维,不要尝试告诉读者下一步是什么,关键是提示他们为什么要在这种思路里思考问题,然后再富有逻辑性地阐述你的观点。  写一个写作计划。怎样才能聪明而感性地带领读者在你的文章里探险?选择什么样的文体最合适?怎样组织语言和段落最得当?记着在发表或者上交作文之前多和别人一起讨论你的文章,让他们给你建议。最后再用生动的例子和富有逻辑性的语言把你的文章连贯起来,展现给你的读者,这样你才能成功地写好一篇文章。  大量阅读。你的想法真的像你想象的那样标新立异吗?其他的作家是否已经写了这些观点?读读其他人对你想写的观点的评论,吸取他们的优点,用在你的文章里,才能更好地表达你的观点。通过不断地学习来提高你的阅读能力,从而让读者接受你的观点。  总之,不要仅仅满足于和你的读者交流,应试图去调动读者,使他改变想法。如果你的读者在读完你的文章后在认识上没有任何的变化,那么你已经失败了。


我背过。不过我嫌这35句杂乱无章,就重新编排了下,编成了3段易记的短文。各位如有更好的编排方法,请回贴。以下是我编排的:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our On no account can we ignore the value of There is no one but longs to go to Nothing is more important than to receive Since I went to senior high school, I have worked very The harder you work, the more progress you The more books we read, the more learned we Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing So precious is time that we can't afford to waste There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be We should bring home to people the value of working We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever M Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my It pays to help What an important thing it is to keep our promise!How important a thing it is to keep our promise!We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too Smoking has a great influence on our Reading does good to our mind and Overwork does harm to Listening to music enable us to feel Summer is sultry, That is the reason why I don't like We should get into the habit of keeping good Taking exercise is closely related to By taking exercise, we can always stay Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to Pollution poses a great threat to our It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air(supply fresh air for us)An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't create (produce) any We should spare no effort to beautify our The condition of our traffic leaves much to be It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic Those who violate traffic regulations should be The progress of thee society is based on

英语写作是中考中检测学生语言应用能力的最重要部分。提高中考写作水平,需要有效的训练。正确无误的造句能力和各种文体的写作技巧,两者缺一不可。正确无误的造句能力这得从初中一开始就抓起,首先可以从替换单词、扩词造句训练,做到有效积累,扩大视野,灵活运用。还可说say some thing in a friendly 替换了一个副词,生动地表达了说话时的不同心情。扩词有:play footballplay foot ball in the play groundplay football in the play ground with my friendsplay football in the play ground with my friends after 对其中的动词我们还可替换成playgames,play the piano等,后面的状语都可以有相应的更换。又如:a friendmy friendmy close friendmy close friend named M以此类推,我们可以模仿着进行扩句训练。The students love The studentsof Class One love enjoyable school life 为了避免句型的重复,我们还可以转换不同的句型,来表达同一内容。如:The dictionary is so big that it doesn’t fit in tomy The dic ti on ary is too big to fit into my The dictionary is not small enough to fit into my 这样训练写句的方法,可以帮助学生克服心里先想好中文,然后逐字翻译的不良习惯,从而造的句子符合英语表达的习惯。在平时的学习中,我们可以试着用课文中所学的句型和词汇,设计一些中译英句子,虽然对初中学生有一定的难度,但长此以往可以有效地掌握正确的句子结构,巩固所学词汇,做到活学活用,为中考作文作好铺垫。在《牛津》7B开始,我们针对所学的句型和学生日常学习生活的真实情景,设计了许多中译英,如:尽管我的爷爷奶奶已80多岁了,他们还能每天早上坚持锻炼。(although)你与其他同学不同,你总是喜欢独自一人呆在家里。(be different from)去天目山参观是一件很开心的事。(It’sfun)我有个建议,把我们旧的书报杂志送给班级阅览角,这样同学们就会有更多的书可以分享。(suggestion)在暴风雨中,我们最好不放风筝,因为它可能让我们触电。(because,get a electric shock)新的隧道将把上海和崇明岛连接起来。(linkupwith)这位驾驶员从这次事故中吸取了教训。(learn a lesson)我们赢了这场比赛,他们看上去很失望。(win,look)我们盼望着2008年的北京奥运会(look forward to)


写作能力反映的是学习者综合运用语言的能力,而综合运用语言的能力不是一朝一夕就可以形成的,它是一个漫长而艰苦的过程,需要大量的积累和锻炼。词汇,句法和语篇就是英语作文中的点、线和面,共同支撑着同一个主题,离开其中的任何一个,这个英语作文也是失败的。我国著名语言学家王力先生曾经说过:“就句子的结构而论,西洋语言是法治的,中国语言是人治的。”以前,学生在英语学习中总是过分的重视词汇和句法的学习,却忽视了语篇练习的重要性,造成了在英语作文中出现词不达意、句子间缺乏衔接、段落间互不关联的现象。所以,在日常英语作文的学习和锻炼中,应该不仅要加强词汇量的积累、句法结构的掌握,更要重视语篇的训练。其次,在 练好基本功的基础上,掌握英语作文写作的技巧。  英语作文写作的技巧主要有:审题、构思、选材、开头、展开和结尾等。不同体裁的作文要求使用不同的写法。但是,无论是何种体裁的作文,审题、构思、选材、开头、展开和结尾等墓本写作技巧都很有效。英语作文的写作通常分为三个步骤。  1审肠、构思  审题和构思是写文章的第一步,也是关键的一步。它的作用在于确定文章的主题思想并为该主题的表达搭起一个基本的框架,为文章的内容确定一个总的思路。拿到作文题目后应首先对其含义进行分析研究,明确题目所规定的内容范围,以便确定所写文章的文体和主题思想。然后,构思出一个写作提纲,确定出作文的主要内容和表达层次。不少学生在英语作文写作中忽视审题和构思的重要性,尤其在考试中,为了节省时间,提起笔来,不假思索的就开始写了,这样做往往欲速而不达,还很容易偏离题目的要求。其实,许多写作的失败不是在写作之中,而是在动笔之前因此,审题和构思是非常重要的。  此外,还应该注意的是:构思不仅要选择切题的内容,还要使内容尽量与自己的英语表达能力相适宜。相比较而言,后者比前者更重要些。因为论述一个主题可以用很多种方法,无论哪一种都可以切题,而学生白身的语言知识和表达能力却不尽相同。所以,构思时要尽量扬长避短,最大限度地发挥自己的水平。  2表达、书写  正确的审题、构思后,要靠一个一个的句子来表述观点了。表达不好,仍有可能会前功尽弃。用来表达主题的材料一定要真实、具体、新颖,而且要层次分明。组织材料时可以根据体裁的同按逻辑顺序来进行,或者按事情发展的顺序或景物的空间位置来进行。要把审题构思出来的框架用生动具体的语言表达出来,写成一篇层次分明、条理清楚、句子通顺的文章,绝不是一件轻而易举的事情。书写和表达的过程中应注意以下几点。   1 句子的书写  单句在书写过程中,应力求用词堆确,结构完整。尽量使用自己所熟知的词汇和语法结构,这样可以写出比较地道的英语句子,从而避免出现不必要的错误。   2 突出主题句  主题句是全文的核心句,它不仅反映该段落的中心思想,还限制该段落所叙论述内容的范围。主题句的位置一般应放在段首,这样有利于紧扣中心思想来展开。   3 运用过渡词  文章内容 的表达需要有连贯性,即从一件事情自然地过渡到另一件事情。文章的连贯性可以通过内容之间的逻辑关系来达到,但更多地是通过使用过渡词。过渡词通常是一些连词、副词或短语,在句与句之间,段落与段落之间起着衔接的作用。过渡词的使用不仅可以增强文章的连贯性,而且可以使内容的表达层次分明,自然流畅。   4 注意书写  书写要求清楚、工整、规范,避免拼写错误。注意使用标点符号,一逗到底,最后点一个句点的做法是不可取的。此外还要注意:句首单词和专有名词词首字母要大写,书写的行距应适当,这样方便以后的修正和改错  3检查、修改  在平时的练习中,学生有比较充裕的时间来打草稿,在考试中由于时间的限制,考生往往只能在脑子里构思。这样写出的文章从内容到结构都不可能十分完善,所以检查与修改的步骤就很必要了。检查与修改应着重注意下列几个方面:(1)文章的内容是否切题,(2)叙述和表达是否条理通顺;(3)句子间的衔接是否自然紧凑,(4)句子有无语法错误和重复现象
