

发布时间:2024-07-07 19:35:23




2005 human development report parative analysis of life quality index of China's population population modernization and giving priorty to the development of education quantitative study on the contribution of increased population quality to economic growth proposed formation and assessment of "comprehensive index of population quality" China sustainable development strategy report study on the index/indicator system of population modernization assessment fuzzy mathematics and its economic analysis science press china standards publishing house China statistics press hina statistical yearbook 2007 hina labor force statistical yearbook 2007

论文题目不仅能准确反映论文特定的核心内容,也是专家审稿和读者最先映入眼帘的内容如何拟定一篇英语论文题目呢?学术堂在此提供了20条优秀的英语专业论文题目供大家参考:  1、高中英语情境教学的应用研究  2、中高职公共英语课程有效衔接研究  3、朗读时长对初中生英语学习成绩的影响  4、中职英语任务型教学应用研究  5、多元智能理论在中职学前教育专业英语教学中的应用  6、高中小组合作式过程写作实验研究  7、第八届全国高中英语课堂教学观摩课课堂导入活动研究  8、积极情感在初中英语词汇教学中的实验研究  9、成长期初中英语教师的教学设计现状研究  10、基于英文绘本的小学高年段英语阅读教学实践研究  11、通识教育视角下高职院校英语综合课程开发研究  12、初中优秀英语教师课堂提问研究  13、初中英语家庭作业现状研究  14、初中英语学习中汉语语音迁移影响因素研究  15、高三学生英语写作中的错误分析  16、形成性评价在高中英语写作教学中的实证研究  17、南疆地区维吾尔族高中生三语习得现状调查研究  18、中职生英语学习动机现状与调控策略研究  19、基于教师介入的初中英语自主学习研究  20、优课系统在小学英语课堂教学中的应用研究


Abstract: The fuzzy math since its inception in 1965 has made progress by leaps and The limitations of traditional mathematics, about the emergence of fuzzy mathematics; an overview of the development of fuzzy mathematics; from home and abroad were introduced both the development of fuzzy mathematics and Fuzzy math for how to correctly understand its ambiguity, clarity, and stochastic approximation with the ambiguity of the distinction between a discussion and links to further clear the classical mathematics of fuzzy mathematics and the relationship between the ambiguity of the objective of Mathematics based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, using examples of how to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the Keywords: fuzzy mathematics; ambiguity; Library; Application


A Study/Research on the Relationship Between the Appreciation of RMB and the Inflation

the relationship between the RMB appreciation and inflation简介些吧




老人与海,傲慢与偏见,小王子,这三篇是不错,可惜是给初中生读的,包括Little W 选Tess of the D'urbervilles,目前是我最喜欢的名著。 作者是Thomas Hardy,此书是他的代表作, 述说着当代女性卑微的社会地位,女主角一生命运坎坷,第一次遇上了一位让她终生承受痛苦的男人, 第二次遇上一位一生最爱的男人,可是这男人却偏偏负了她, 最终让女主角走上不归路,因为误杀罪名成立。被判死刑。 此书在当时被列为禁书,因为作者被被认为试图提高女性的社会地位, 我认为,每个女性都应该阅读这本书,因为它带给了女性很多生活中的哲学。 尤其是那种经常被男生骗的女生, 这书教育了女性不要重犯了女主角所犯的错误。 读后,深深的同情女主角的遭遇,不过却让我联想到今时的社会中,一直在上演这本书的故事情节, 有太多的女生被男生欺骗了~~~~~ 还有,我学习了很多学校老师永远不会教的做人道理 Summary如下: The story takes place in rural Dorsetshire, England, during the Victorian Its events are set in motion innocently enough when a clergyman, Parson Tringham, has a conversation with a simple farmer, John D Tringham is a local historian; in the course of his research, he has discovered that the "Durbeyfields" are actually descended from the d'Urbervilles, a noble family whose lineage extends to the time of William the C It is useless knowledge, really, as the family lost its land and prestige when the male heirs died The parson merely thinks Durbeyfield might like to know his origins as a passing historical Unfortunately, Durbeyfield immediately becomes fixated upon the idea of regaining his lost nobility, and using it to somehow better his family's To this end, he sends his daughter Tess to seek employment with a family named d'Urberville living in a nearby manor Alec d'Urberville is delighted to meet his beautiful "cousin", and he seduces her with strawberries and But Alec is no relation to Tess; he has gotten his illustrious name and coat of arms by purchasing Alec falls in love with Tess, eventually seduces/rapes her, and she leaves, pregnant; back at home, the baby is born sickly and Some time later, Tess goes to a dairy farm and begins work as a There she meets her true love: an aspiring young missionary from a respectable family, named Angel C Angel believes Tess to be an unspoiled country girl, and completely They fall in love, but Tess does not guiltily confess her previous relationship with Alec until their wedding Disillusioned, Angel rejects her and Tess finds herself alone once Deserted by her husband, Tess meets Alec d'Urberville At first, she angrily rebuffs his But after her father's death, the Durbeyfield family falls upon desperately hard times, facing starvation, eviction and Tess is forced to resume her torrid relationship with Alec, becoming his mistress in order to support her mother and Shortly afterward Angel Clare returns from travelling A disastrous missionary tour in Brazil has ruined his health; humbled, and having had plenty of time to think, he is remorseful at his treatment of T He succeeds in tracking her down -- but leaves heartbroken when he finds her cohabiting with A Tess realizes that a second time, allowing Alec to manipulate and seduce her has ruined her chances at happiness with A She suffers a mental breakdown and murders Alec in a Running away to find Angel, Tess is able to reconcile with him; for he can finally accept and embrace her as his wife without passing moral judgment on her They consummate their marriage, spending one night of happiness together before Tess is arrested, tried, and Hardy's writing often illustrates the "ache of modernism", and this theme is notable in T He describes modern farm machinery with infernal imagery; also, at the dairy, he notes that the milk sent to the city must be watered down because the townspeople can't stomach whole Angel's middle-class fastidiousness makes him reject Tess, a woman whom Hardy often portrays as a sort of Wessex Eve, in harmony with the natural world and so lovely and desirable that Hardy himself seems to be in love with During his visit without her to Brazil, the handsome young man gets so sick that he is reduced to a "mere yellow " All these instances are typically interpreted as indications of the negative consequences of man's separation from nature, both in the creation of destructive machinery and in the inability to rejoice in pure Another important theme of the novel is the sexual double standard to which Tess falls Hardy plays the role of Tess's only true friend and advocate, pointedly subtitling the book "a pure woman faithfully presented" and prefacing it with Shakespeare's words "Poor wounded name! My bosom as a bed/ Shall lodge " However, although Hardy clearly means to criticize Victorian notions of female purity, the double standard also makes the heroine's tragedy possible, and thus serves as a mechanism of Tess's broader Hardy variously hints that Tess must suffer either to atone for the misdeeds of her ancestors, or to provide temporary amusement for the gods, or (with a nod to Darwin) because she possesses some small but lethal character flaw inherited from the ancient From numerous pagan and neo-Biblical references made about her, Tess can be viewed variously as an Earth goddess or as a sacrificial Early in the novel, she participates in a festival for Ceres, the goddess of the harvest, and when she performs a baptism she chooses a passage from Genesis, the book of creation, over more traditional New Testament At the end, when Tess and Angel come to Stonehenge, commonly believed in Hardy's time to be a pagan temple, she willingly lies down on an altar, thus fulfilling her destiny as a human This symbolism may help to explain her character as a personification of nature--lovely and fecund, certainly, but also exploited by the other characters in the One should also consider the motifs of animal imagery which includes the occurrence of birds in numerous Tess, for example, is the caretaker of chickens when she first goes to work for the d'Ubervilles; later, hiding in the woods, she finds wounded pheasants and compassionatelty kills them to relieve them of their The incidents of bird imagery are too numerous to detail and can be found throughout the 补充一下,I'm so hate the ending of this story!



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