

发布时间:2024-07-02 18:59:31


Web Development Based on ASP and Access Database, Website Design of Online Stores


Website Development(Application) Based on ASP and Access Database-Website Design of Online Store



Design of student achievement entry system

端点许可控制:建筑的议题和表现一个以测量为基础的许可- 受约束的网络伺候器

议论文中心论点的确立应遵循四个原则——准、深、稳、新。 “准”包括审题的准确性和文章思想的正确性。准确性是指能吃透题目或所提供的材料,毫无差错地把握旨意;正确性是指观点要鲜明,提倡什么,反对什么,不用含糊,要符合马列主义原理和审美情趣。如94年高考作文《尝试》,有的同学写自己在上学途中,被汽车撞伤,在医院接受治疗,尝试痛苦;有的同学写外祖母去世。这些都没有能够审清题旨,因为自己被汽车撞伤或者外祖母去世都是不能“有计划,有目的”地“主动”安排的,这就是审题不准确。同是这个作文题,有些同学不理解尝试的积极意义,忽视了立意的思想性,甚至格调低下,如写尝试吸烟,尝试去做小偷,尝试谈恋爱等等,这些尝试的内容即使是真实的,但因为不符合我们的审美情趣,因而文章几乎都是三、四类卷。 “深”就是要能全面驾驭题目或材料,多角度剖析和思考,能透过现象触及到问题的实质,深入挖掘其中蕴涵的思想意义。如下面这一则材料: “宋元之际,世道纷乱。学者许衡外出,因天气炎热,口渴难忍。路边正好有一棵梨树,行人都去摘梨,惟独许衡不为所动。有人便问:‘何不摘梨以解渴?’他回答:‘不是自己的梨,岂能乱摘?’那人笑其迂腐:‘世道这样乱,管他是谁的梨。’许衡正色道:‘梨虽无主,我心有主。’”就这则材料,有的同学立意为“不能拿别人的东西”,这个观点就显得比较稚嫩,而比较准确的观点应是“应加强自身的品德修养”。再如下面的材料:“驴子驮着盐渡过一条河。它滑了一下,跌倒在水里,盐溶化了,驴子站起来时轻了许多,这使它非常高兴。后来有一天,它背了一袋棉花走到一条河边,便故意一滑,跌倒了水里。可是它再也没有站起来。”就这个材料,有的同学立意为“偷懒要不得”,这个观点实在是太肤浅了,距离材料的实质“具体问题要具体分析”,还有很远。 “稳”是指要严格按照要求作文,不要过分“标新立异”,要平稳地把握材料的中心,否则就会弄巧成拙。如下面的一则材料:“东汉时有一少年名叫陈蕃,独居一室而庭院龌龊不堪。他父亲的朋友薛勤见状批评说:‘孺子何不洒扫以待宾客?’他回答说:‘大丈夫处世,当扫除天下,安事一屋?’”这则材料对人物的褒贬态度十分明确,材料的立意应该是“要从小事做起”。但就有同学反其道而行之,立意为“成大事何必顾及细枝末节”。这个观点就有点危险了。我们在分析题目或材料的时候,要尽量顺向思维,在考试作文中,尤其要强调这一点,因为逆向思维不易把握,还是求稳为好。 “新”是指不人云亦云,亦步亦趋,能言人之未曾言,发人之未曾发,有自己独特的思考和见解。如95年高考作文就《鸟的评说》写一篇议论文,南京市的一位考生在《换一种眼光》的文章中,作者选择了一个全新的视角展开了论述,分析鸟儿为什么不能正确对待自己,也不能正确对待别的鸟,是因为思维方式的片面性,不能全面地看问题。看问题的立场、角度不同,就会作出截然不同的评价。所以要“换一种眼光”,这样才能克服“形而上学”。这篇文章的视角、立意方式与其他同学相比,就高了一筹。满意请采纳








计算机毕业论文/设计有哪些题目 ,这个很广,我们先看看看他的分类吧!其在学术领域分类属于信息科技类 计算机硬件技术(213081篇,5个子库) 一般性问题(65877篇,7个子库) 总论(51190篇) 设计与性能分析(1850篇) 总体结构 、系统结构(2768篇) 制造、装配、改装(1904篇) 调整、测试、校验(2055篇) 检修、维护(4325篇) 机房(1812篇) 一般计算器和计算机(398篇) 电子计算机(105991篇,8个子库) 基本电路(6101篇) 运算器和控制器(中央处理机)(12275篇) 存贮器(49820篇) 外部设备(29717篇) 信息转换及其设备(782篇) 总线、通道(2395篇) 仿真器(468篇) 各种电子数字计算机(4476篇) 微型计算机(32442篇,5个子库) 微机的通讯和应用(1568篇) 嵌入式系统(14663篇,2个子库) 各种微处理机(1418篇) 微处理机的应用(2897篇) 单版微型计算机(125篇) 个人计算机(12979篇) 服务器及网络计算机(3106篇) 其他计算机(719篇) 计算机软件及计算机应用(704123篇,12个子库) 计算机理论与方法(20010篇) 安全保密(30408篇) 计算机软件概况(29467篇) 程序设计、软件工程(113118篇,4个子库) 一般程序设计(17335篇) 网络程序设计(2285篇) 软件工程(80741篇) 软件工具、工具软件(2326篇) 程序语言、算法语言(12743篇,3个子库) 硬件语言(720篇) 程序语言(3065篇) 网络语言(2079篇) 编译程序、解释程序(1036篇) 管理程序、管理系统(11354篇) 操作系统(28374篇) 数据库理论及系统(37292篇) 程序包(应用软件)(26852篇) 专用应用程序(17339篇) 计算机的应用(368387篇,2个子库) 信息处理(信息加工)(182023篇,4个子库) 模式识别与装置(85062篇) 机器辅助技术(42229篇) 计算机仿真(32410篇) 翻译、检索、诊断、教学及其他(20871篇) 计算机在其他方面的应用(186631篇,11个子库) 计算机在文化、科学、教育、体育等领域的应用(64250篇) 计算机在政、经、法等领域的应用(59711篇) 计算机在天文学、地球科学等领域的应用(21879篇) 计算机在农业科学领域的应用(3310篇) 计算机在数理科学及化学领域的应用(595篇) 计算机在交通运输领域的应用(7562篇) 计算机在航空、航天领域的应用(630篇) 计算机在医药、卫生及生物科学领域的应用(4752篇) 计算机在环境科学及劳动保护科学等领域的应用(134篇) 计算机在工业技术领域的应用(21798篇) 计算机在军事领域的应用(265篇) 互联网技术(156717篇,8个子库) 计算机网络理论(6490篇) 网络结构与设计(6859篇) 通信协议(3664篇) 通信设备与线路(8526篇) 网络管理与运行(7786篇) 网络安全(38952篇) 网络应用程序(39285篇,4个子库) 浏览器与资源(15727篇) 文件传送程序(1066篇) 远程登陆、远程控制(100篇) 电子邮件及相关问题(4165篇) 各种网络(15607篇,3个子库) 局域网(12847篇,3个子库) 以太网(1446篇) ATM局域网(41篇) 校园网(5462篇) 广域网(359篇) 互联网(2401篇) 以上是专业数据库(CNKI等)查到的部分文献,您可以去这里免费求助资料篇目的全文: 文献检索是一门很有用的学科,指依据一定的方法,从已经组织好的大量有关文献集合中查找并获取特定的相关文献的过程。。一般的论文资料检索集合包括了期刊,书籍,会议,报纸,硕博论文等等。





Computer Virus A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the The original may modify the copies or the copies may modify themselves, as occurs in a metamorphic A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the uninfected computer, for instance by a user sending it over a network or carrying it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, or USB Additionally, viruses can spread to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan A worm, however, can spread itself to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a A Trojan horse is a file that appears harmless until In contrast to viruses, Trojan horses do not insert their code into other computer Many personal computers are now connected to the Internet and to local-area networks, facilitating their Today's viruses may also take advantage of network services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, and file sharing systems to spread, blurring the line between viruses and Furthermore, some sources use an alternative terminology in which a virus is any form of self-replicating The term comes from the term virus in A computer virus reproduces by making (possibly modified) copies of itself in the computer's memory, storage, or over a This is similar to the way a biological virus Some viruses are programmed to damage the computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard Others are not designed to do any damage, but simply replicate themselves and perhaps make their presence known by presenting text, video, or audio Even these benign viruses can create problems for the computer They typically take up computer memory used by legitimate As a result, they often cause erratic behavior and can result in system In addition, many viruses are bug-ridden, and these bugs may lead to system crashes and data There are many viruses operating in the general Internet today, and new ones are discovered every


Internet Virus Spreads 网络病毒的传播 Experts on cyberspace say the much feared code red computer 1)worm continues to spread through the But so far, the electronic bug that was being considered a global threat to internet 2)traffic seems to have had little 3) No significant disruptions to traffic on the web have been reported since the code red bug was 4)unleashed early W But experts warn the threat may be far from Bill Jones, the spokesman of California's Keynote Systems, the company which helps businesses with e-commerce ‘I haven’t said anything so far that we call unusual, but we certainly would… But the FBI says the code red worm is still spreading and has the potential to infect internet sites and cause 5)significant disruption to traffic on the world wide "I would expect that the worm has probably not run its I would think that because it is a 6)geometric progression, as it infects machines and they infect other machines, you have the opportunity to see a slowdown over To have expected something immediately at 0000 UTC Wednesday I think was 7)unrealistic but over the next 24 hours and next few days we could certainly see a " Last month, the worm attacked more than 350,000 computer systems running on Microsoft operating systems - including the White House website - and prompted the Pentagon to shut down sites then as But it seems that the advice issued by the FBI and cyber industry leaders for internet users to take precautions may have paid So far, more than a million people have downloaded a so-called 8)patch from Microsoft's website that prevents computers from being 注释: (1) worm [w:m] 虫, 蠕虫 (2) traffic [5trAfIk] 交通, 通行, 运输, 贸易, 交通量, 交易, 交往, 通信量 (3) impact [5ImpAkt] 碰撞, 冲击, 冲突, 影响撞击, 压紧, 对发生影响 (4) unleash [Qn5li:F] 释放 (5) significant [sI^5nIfEkEnt] 有意义的, 重大的, 重要的 (6) geometric progression [数]等比级数 (7) unrealistic [QnrIE5lIstIk] 不切实际的, 不实在的 (8) patch [pAtF] 修补程序

计算机病毒Computer Viruses The computer virus is an outcome of the computer overgrowth in the 1980s.The cause of the term "computer virus" is the likeness between the biological virus and the evil program infected with computers.The origin of this term came from an American science fiction“ The Adolescence of P-1“ written by Thomas J Ryan,published in 1977.Human viruses invade a living cell and turn it into a factory for manufacturing However, computer virusesare small They replicate by attaching a copy of themselves to another Once attached to me host Program,the viruses then look for other programs to "infect".In this way, he virus can spread quickly throughout a hard disk or an entire organization when it infects a LAN or a multi-user system. At some point,determined by how the virus was programmed the virus attacks.The timing of the attack can be linked to a number of situations,including a certain time or date, the presence of a particular file,the security privilege level of the user,and the number of times a file is used.Likewise,the mode of attack varies.So-called "benign" viruses might simply display a message,like the one that infected IBM’s main computer system last Christmas with a season's greeting.Malignant viruses are designed to damage the system.The attack is to wipe out data, to delete flies, or to format the hard What Kind of Viruses Are There?There are four main types of viruses: shell, intrusive, operating system and source ode.Shell viruses wrap themselves around a host program and don't modify the original program.Shell programs are easy to write,which is why about half of viruses are of this type. Intrusive viruses Invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program.Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host Shell and intrusive viruses most commonly attack executable program flies-those with a.corn or.exe extension, although data flies are also at some risk. Operating system viruses work by replacing parts of the operating system with their own logic.It is very difficult to write operating system viruses and these viruses have the ability once booted up, to take total control of your System.FOF example,some operating system viruses have hidden large amounts of attack logic in falsely marked bad disk sectors.Source code viruses are intrusive programs and they are also inserted into a source program such as those written in Pascal prior to the program being complied.There are the least-common viruses because they are not only hard to write,but also have a limited number of hosts compared to the other types.Be Wary of the Second Network Viruses Do you believe it? Network viruses can steal money!So far Internet has become the main channel through which the computer viruses spread.Look,here come the second network computer viruses.Even without "snatching" information from the network your computer can be infected by the second network computer viruses, which are hidden in some machines on the network. Your computer is, so to speak, in danger once being connected to the network to browse. The virus that can steal your money belongs to a kind of the second network It was designed and put in some machines on the network. When your computer is linked to one of these machines,the virus will invade your hard disk and search whether Intuit Quicken, an accounting software, is installed. One of this accounting software's functions is to transfer accounts Once infected, your money will be transferred to an additional account opened by the virus program without anybody knowing it.
