

发布时间:2024-07-07 17:37:10


Through many years of research anddevelopment, coal injection system of Chengde Iron and Steel Group is characterizedwith present typical coal injection technological process, that is, moderatespeed pulverization---off gas and fume drying by hot blast stove—bag filtercollection—double pot direct injection—single pipe injection + distributor Technological process mainly covers three parts as storing, delivering and coalingsystem, pulverization system and injection Next I will show you around the This is coal feeder, by which processingcapability oriented coal feeding is This is coal pulverizer, which canpulverize raw coal into 075mm coal This is coal injection Coal powdercan be conveyed into blast furnace by pressure to burn in lieu of coke andsupply heat for iron Now is the end of my introduction and youare welcome to visit coal injection workshop!有的单词连在一起了,粘贴后就成这个样子,你自己注意下。希望能帮到你

Today is a world of economic Exchange rate as the price system an important component part of the impact of a country and the development of foreign trade in one of the important According to traditional economic theory, the price system as an important component of the exchange rate, which changes affect a country's balance of trade; under certain conditions, the devaluation of their products can improve international competitiveness, thus helping expand exports and improve trade balance of So for a long time, all countries are spared no effort in the pursuit of even the balance of international payments surplus, resulting in between in contention for the world market share and continued trade

ANGANG on the 6th m3 blast furnace designed to take advantage of the longevity BF Ontology, microcomputer automatic feeding, dry dust and other small BF practical advanced and mature Furnace operation, take Concentrate all air pressure, wind, high top pressure and temperature use, reasonable oxygen, low FERROSILICON measures and achieved good results in enhanced In 2006, the maximum monthly utilization factor 73t/m3 d, producing 517,900 tons of pig iron, coke, velocity /


关键词:针对性 学习兴趣 师生情感 因素培养 一、讲课要重视针对性,激发英语学习热情 针对性是培养学生学习动机的关键,学习动机是推动学习的内因,如果学生对某一学科厌学,就无法期望其在这一学科上取得优良的成绩。老师要从当今英语的广泛应用以及英语在今后学习上的重要地位等方面向学生进一步讲明英语学习的重要性,引导学生把英语学习变成其内在需要。英语教师要认真备课,既备教材又备学生,上课不能随意性太强。讲课不能面面俱到满堂灌。有些教师从上课讲到下课,结果教师讲累了,学生听瞌睡了,学生也不知哪是重点,哪是难点,不会的还是没听懂,学习效率非常低。因此,教师讲课一定要精,要有针对性。要强调学生学习的难点和易错点,并且把难点、易错点放在学生注意力集中的前十分钟讲,这样讲课效果会更好。 激发学生学习英语的热情同样重要,使学生对每学期英语教学的内容,难点,重点分布做到心中有数,使学生克服为难情绪,增强学习自信心。老师用饱满的激情、流利的英语、精当的教学安排、娴熟的驾御课堂能力征服学生。良好的开端是成功的一半,要取得学生中考成功的关键在于每一节课,要关注平时的每一节课,努力上好每一节课,上成高效率,高收获的精品课。每一个单元开始的时候,要根据这个单元的特点准备一个有趣的或有吸引力的导入。或是一个有趣的故事、或是一段优美的歌词或小诗、或是一段精彩的演讲、或是对这一单元的介绍、或是一曲优美的歌曲、或是同学们的精彩的讨论。这样就很容易激发学生学习热情,学生有了学习热情,教学就事半功倍。 二、运用灵活的教学方法,培养学生学习兴趣 关注学生需要老师有百般的耐心,细心和爱心。学生学习不出成绩给他们时间和机会,不能轻易的批评和放弃。英语学习困难的学生往往心理脆弱,很容易受到伤害,老师应该保护他们的自信心,平等的对待他们,尤其他们的人格尊严不可侵犯。对落后学生多鼓励和多帮助,少批评和少责备,运用灵活的教学方法,细心观察,发现他们的闪光点,培养他的自信心,培养学生学习兴趣。爱因斯坦说过:兴趣是最好的老师,它将直接影响学习效果。单一的教学方法是乏味的,即使是一个好的方法,经常使用也就失去了他的魅力,所以,教法多变才能提高兴趣,进而提高学习效率。比如复习一单元的单词,可以采用编故事的方法,看谁编得生动有趣且用上的词最多;复习课文内容时,采用学生一问一答竞赛形式;复习知识点时,让一个学生讲,其他学生来补充等等,比教师在上面一遍遍讲,学生在下面听背效果好得多。 兴趣是学习的先导。孔子曰:“知之不如好知之,好知之不如乐知之。”对学习缺乏内在动力的学生,通过培养其学习兴趣,提高学生的学习动力,在教学中多采取有利措施。变换教学形式,活跃课堂气氛。根据教材的内容特点,灵活多样的变换教学形式,如编课堂剧,进行值日生报告,分组活动等。使学生在轻松愉快的环境中学会英语。利用环境因素营造英语氛围。在教室里布置一些名人名言,办英语板报,组织学生举办英语晚会、演讲比赛等。这样可以吸引学生主动参与,起到增加学习兴趣的效果。树立学生良好的自我形象,扫除学生学习英语的心理障碍。课堂上要使学生人人都有回答问题的机会,这样不仅能培养学生的语言习惯,还能使每个学生时时处于积极的备问状态,全神贯注提高学习效率。课堂提问应根据难易程度来选择能力相当的学生回答,回答正确的及时给予肯定和表扬,使学生形成优势心理。回答错误的或不完全的,启发并引导学生说出正确的答案或补充完整。这样能提高学生学英语的自觉性和主动性,消除了学生学英语的心理障碍,树立信心。 三、把归纳和总结渗透到教学中,培养师生情感 一个学生学习成绩的好坏,主要取决于他的学习方法。如果方法得当,就可以起到事半功倍的效果。最适合毕业班学生的方法是归纳和总结。因为学生一、二、三册内容已经学过一遍,所以毕业班复习时,不管是教师讲课中还是学生的学习中,都要注意归纳和总结,使知识联系起来,成为知识链提高学习效率。练习和测试是初三英语教学中必不可少的一个环节。注重平时的练习的选择和阶段性考试试题的选用。在上好每一节课的同时给学生选择一些恰当的练习。好的恰当的练习可以巩固所学的语言知识和培养学生语言运用能力。对于每一单元上完以后我布置一些读、写、听的作业,语法词汇较集中的段落我要求学生背诵,这样帮助学生掌握语言知识,培养语感。每个单元中的阅读部分,较长一般只要求学生熟读。两个单元上完以后进行阶段性测试,恰当的测试既可以培养学生语言知识迁移的能力又可以诊断学生这一阶段的学习得失。同是也可以帮助老师进行教学反思和调整教学策略。 情感产生于人们的实践活动中,它对人的行为有很大影响。老师在教学中要做到热爱学生,真诚关心每一位学生,主动与学生建立良好的合作关系,使学生能置身于一种真诚、民主、愉快的课堂氛围中,积极主动地配合老师,大胆地参与教学活动,克服困难,增强学好英语的信心。 四、强化学生的学习记忆,重视智力因素培养 在传授知识时,以新带旧,增加已学知识的重现率。并注意及时组织学生复习已经学过的知 识,要求学生注意复习形式的多样化,做到“眼到、口到、心到、手到”。这样,不但提高了复习效率,巩固了已学知识,还使学生养成了良好的记忆品质,提高了记忆力。通过英语教学的实践表明,智力因素对教学任务的完成固然重要,但学生的认识和行为都不仅限于智力活动,学生的非智力因素也参与并且影响着学习活动的进展速度和效率,如果学生学习动机端正,目标明确,就会激发学生的学习兴趣,主动地去掌握新知识和新技能。随着学习活动的进行和成功,兴趣又得到加强,储备了新的能量,并培育了较为稳定的情绪,坚强的意志和性格。提高课堂教学效率,培养优秀学生,就必须既重视智力因素的培养,又要重视非智力因素的开发。俗话说的好:不打无准备之仗。要想取得中考最后的胜利,教师心中必须有个全盘的计划。复习时运用三轮复习方法。第一轮,打基础。紧扣教材,细讲精练,使学生牢固掌握基础知识;第二轮是专项训练。进一步巩固基础知识,突出重点。如单项选择专练,补全对话专练等;第三轮,是综合训练,也就是中考模拟训练。主要目的是适应中考要求,提高应试技巧。 总之,初中毕业班的英语复习要充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,多引导、肯定和鼓励学生,而不是代替学生学习,引导学生积极参与课堂活动,适当多出些较简单的试题,这样不仅提高学生兴趣和自信心,也提高了学习效率和考试成绩。

In 105m2 fuel crushing system improvement and PracticeLaiwu Steel ironmaking plant of 105 square meters of fuel crushing system through the implementation of technological transformation and improvement of operation method, improve the working efficiency of four roll crusher, satisfy the 3 x 105 square meters of sintering machine demand for fuel, reducing solid fuel consumption in the sintering process, and effectively prolongs the using period of the four roll


我有一篇硕士的论文,要不要 要的话给我留言


低钛生铁的高炉冶炼生产实践 ________________________________________ 发表日期:2007年10月31日 【编辑录入:base】 摘 要:分析了生铁中的钛源、生铁降钛途径及林钢高炉冶炼条件下钛的还原情况,介绍了冶炼低钛生铁(〔Ti〕≤03%)采取的精料、低硅操作、高风温、合理造渣等一系列技术措施。 关键字:高炉 精料 低炉温 低钛 生铁 前言 濮阳市林州钢铁有限责任公司(简称林钢)是一个专业炼铁厂,是豫北地区规模较大的铸造用生铁生产基地,具有低S、低P(一般〔S〕≤03%,〔P〕≤04%)质量特点的优质球墨铸铁用生铁是公司的拳头产品。近年来,随着我国汽车工业的结构性调整,许多精密铸件对生铁质量要求越来越高,尤其对生铁中的某些微量元素要求更严。因此,为满足市场对球墨铸铁用生铁低S、低P、低Ti(即三低)的质量要求,也为进一步扩大生铁的质量优势,决定组织攻关开发市场需求大、要求内在质量高的低钛生铁(〔Ti〕≤03%)新产品,经过理论计算、技术分析、原料优化、高炉操作,于2005年3月成功开发出低钛生铁新产品。现浅谈一下我们冶炼低钛生铁的生产实践。 生铁降钛的理论依据1生铁中钛的来源 林钢以冶炼铸造生铁为主,受原料条件和炉况波动的双重影响,即使生产炼钢生铁,炉温也常控制在较高水平,因此,生铁中的钛含量也比较高,是低钛生铁要求钛含量的两倍多。分析表明,在高炉冶炼所用的原燃料中,烧结矿中TiO2含量为13%,焦炭中TiO2含量为20%,因此,烧结矿和焦炭是生铁中钛的主要来源,林钢生铁化学成分见表1。 表1林钢生铁化学成分,%铁种 Si Mn S P C Ti铸造用生铁 57 28 019 035 38 083球墨铸铁用生铁 33 11 028 036 30 073炼钢用生铁 90 11 035 035 37 2钛在高炉内的还原及其影响因素 钛以TiO2形态存在于矿石中,TiO2比SiO2更稳定,更难还原。与Si的还原一样,Ti的还原需要消耗大量的热量,还原单位重量Ti所消耗的热量比还原Si时大14〔1〕倍。因此,在高炉内,钛的还原只能是在高温条件下的直接还原。 理论与实践表明:影响钛还原的主要因素有炉温、炉渣碱度、渣中TiO2含量、入炉TiO2负荷。炉温对Ti还原的影响体现在对Si的还原上。由实验证实,渣内SiO2和TiO2同时还原,并且〔Ti〕/(TiO2)和〔Si〕/(SiO2)几乎成直线的关系。因此,控制了硅的分配比,就能控制钛的分配比〔2〕,而炉温的高低影响着硅的还原,因此也影响着钛的还原,所以,炉温愈高,愈有利于钛的还原,炉温愈低,愈不利于钛的还原,生铁中的钛含量也就愈低。 炉渣碱度也严重影响〔Ti〕的增减,当渣中TiO2含量较高(>25%)时,〔Ti〕随碱度升高而减少;而TiO2含量较低(<25%)时,〔Ti〕却随碱度升高而增加〔3〕。因此,高炉冶炼低TiO2渣时,在保证生铁脱硫的条件下,保持较低的炉渣碱度,以减少TiO2的还原。当其它条件一定时,〔Ti〕随渣中TiO2含量的增加而增加,即炉渣中TiO2含量愈高,愈有利于Ti的还原,生铁中的Ti含量就愈高;炉渣中TiO2含量愈低,愈不利于Ti的还原,生铁中的Ti含量就愈低,林钢高炉冶炼(TiO2)量属于后者。 根据钛在炉内还原率公式ηTi=进入生铁Ti/入炉钛×100%知,入炉TiO2负荷升高,则〔Ti〕含量升高,但钛的还原率下降,入炉TiO2负荷降低,则〔Ti〕含量降低,但钛的还原率上升,因此,降低入炉TiO2负荷,可降低生铁中的钛含量。 综上所述,在高炉冶炼中,降低生铁中钛含量的主要途径有:降低入炉TiO2负荷、减少TiO2入炉量,低硅操作、低碱度、低渣量等。 高炉试验 钛的还原与硅的还原呈正相关关系,因此不同原料、不同高炉操作条件下,钛在高炉内的还原率是不同的,为掌握在林钢高炉冶炼条件下高炉内Ti与Si的定量关系,我们跟踪统计了95炉次〔Si〕≤0%的〔Si〕、〔Ti〕对应值,经一元线性回归分析后得出:〔Ti〕=075〔Si〕+0004(r=90)同时,计算出不同〔Si〕条件下钛在炉内的还原率(见表2) 表2钛在炉内的还原率,%〔Si〕 00~90 89~80 79~70 69~60 59~50 49~40Ti 70 43 24 96 22 85试验中还发现,〔Si〕的变化对生铁中的钛含量的影响,在〔Si〕低时生铁中钛含量降低得比〔Si〕高时更为明显。 低钛生铁的冶炼技术及生产实践 在分析了生铁中的钛源、降钛途径及高炉冶炼具体条件下炉内钛的还原情况后,根据我厂高炉用料杂、成分波动大、高炉容积小的特点,制订了下述冶炼低钛生铁的具体技术措施:1控制钛源,降低入炉TiO2负荷 在供给我厂高炉原燃料的供方中,经跟踪化验分析后,选择购进TiO2≤05%的精矿粉和TiO2≤12%的焦炭。2低硅操作 根据试验得出的〔Si〕、〔Ti〕定量关系及所购原燃料,经下列配料计算。原燃料:烧结矿TFe=59%,TiO2=072%,批重1700kg/批。焦炭TiO2=12%,批重650kg批。每批料的理论出铁量为:59×94=1067kg/批入炉Ti的总量为:〔(1700×072%)+(650×12%)〕×48/80=2024kg/批则生铁中的钛含量为:〔Ti〕=2024×22%÷1067×100%=023%并确定将炉温控制在〔Si〕≤50%。3适宜的炉渣碱度 林钢高炉炉渣中TiO2含量在25%左右,小于5%,属低钛渣,根据炉渣碱度对〔Ti〕的影响,考虑到硫负荷的大小和炉内生铁脱硫的需要,选择炉渣二元碱度在95~10。4使用高风温 鼓风所带的物理热不仅能在高炉下部全部被利用,而且可替代部分焦炭燃烧所产生的热量,因此,提高风温,一方面可降低焦比,减少焦炭带入TiO2,减少渣量及(TiO2)含量;另一方面,可提高渣铁温度,保证炉缸充足的热量,使渣铁有足够的温度和良好的流动性,炉缸工作更均匀、活跃,脱硫条件也得以改善,因此,要求风温≥900℃。5精心操作,稳定炉况 冶炼低钛生铁的特点是必须控制较低的炉温水平,〔Si〕、〔S〕、〔Ti〕的含量与标准偏差要求十分严格,同时炉缸热量也处于十分紧张与接近平衡状态,工长必须精心操作,下部保持全风操作,尽量使用高风温,勤放上渣以缩短渣在炉内的停留时间,上部保持7PK+3KP(P—矿,K—焦)的装料制度,稳定两股气流,使高炉上稳下活,稳定顺行。6加强设备管理 冶炼低钛生铁是全厂综合水平的集中体现,要求原料、操作、设备管理各方面的密切配合,防止设备事故发生,尤其对高炉的冷却设备要加强巡视检查,发现问题应及时处理,防止因冷却设备漏水造成炉缸冻结。 在上述6条措施下,通过周密布署,合理组织,于2005年3月在两座高炉上同时进行了为期一周的低钛生铁生产,共产低钛生铁4260t,其化学成分(表3)完全符合低钛生铁的质量要求。 表3低钛生铁化学成分,%Si Ti S P≤50 ≤03 ≤03 ≤ 结语 (1)小高炉上冶炼低钛生铁是完全可以的,低钛生铁冶炼的基本条件是:精料、低炉温高炉操作及良好的设备管理,三者之中,精料是基础、操作是关键、设备是保证。 (2)由于钛在炉内的还原率随炉温不同而不同,因此,只有找出高炉具体冶炼条件下钛的还原率是多少,才能制订出相应的原料选择条件及高炉操作制度。 (3)凡能降低矿耗、降低焦比的任何措施,都可降低入炉TiO2。进而降低〔Ti〕含量,如提高入炉矿品位、提高风温、改善煤气利用和保持炉况顺行等,都有利于低钛生铁冶炼。但这些要以精料为基础。 (4)低钛生铁新产品的成功开发,进一步提高了生铁的内在质量,对企业产生了良好的经济效益和社会效益。读者注:本文试验是在林钢号称205m3实际是125m3的高炉上进行的。

Abstract  Now, environmental issues have become the iron and steel enterprises have to face In the iron and steel production, from mining of raw materials preparation, coking, sintering, ironmaking, steelmaking, and so on until the finishing line, smoke and dust exist in almost all of the production line, is not only one of the main sources of pollution, but also a waste of resources, the impact of physical and mental health workers, iron and steel enterprises is the main task of environmental   Through the dust on the domestic iron and steel enterprises governance Shougang iron works with the status of dust control analysis, we can understand that in the dust control Shougang has invested huge in this area, but also to take a lot of advanced dust removal technology, compared treatment results Especially in the application of airtight However, there are some inadequacies, such as the choice of the collector is still lagging   Therefore, this research paper will be mainly on the 3rd Shougang blast furnace iron works and a silo hopper dust removal equipment of the transformation, including the working principle of electrostatic precipitator, bag filter, as well as the working principle of a long bag ESP transform low-voltage pulse bag There are 3 high-rise silo hopper and a dust of new technologies and practical management of research, namely, the implementation of the dust source or single-double sealed airtight cover and dust vents mobile More convenient in operation and maintenance, the dust concentration to achieve less than posts lOmg/m3, the concentration of precipitator emissions standard of less than 50mg/  The above research and analysis will help future blast furnace of Shougang N 1,2,4 hopper dust pollution, , so that Shougang iron works to improve the environmental   Key words iron works, dust, sealed enclosures, ESP

关键词:针对性 学习兴趣 师生情感 因素培养 一、讲课要重视针对性,激发英语学习热情 针对性是培养学生学习动机的关键,学习动机是推动学习的内因,如果学生对某一学科厌学,就无法期望其在这一学科上取得优良的成绩。老师要从当今英语的广泛应用以及英语在今后学习上的重要地位等方面向学生进一步讲明英语学习的重要性,引导学生把英语学习变成其内在需要。英语教师要认真备课,既备教材又备学生,上课不能随意性太强。讲课不能面面俱到满堂灌。有些教师从上课讲到下课,结果教师讲累了,学生听瞌睡了,学生也不知哪是重点,哪是难点,不会的还是没听懂,学习效率非常低。因此,教师讲课一定要精,要有针对性。要强调学生学习的难点和易错点,并且把难点、易错点放在学生注意力集中的前十分钟讲,这样讲课效果会更好。 激发学生学习英语的热情同样重要,使学生对每学期英语教学的内容,难点,重点分布做到心中有数,使学生克服为难情绪,增强学习自信心。老师用饱满的激情、流利的英语、精当的教学安排、娴熟的驾御课堂能力征服学生。良好的开端是成功的一半,要取得学生中考成功的关键在于每一节课,要关注平时的每一节课,努力上好每一节课,上成高效率,高收获的精品课。每一个单元开始的时候,要根据这个单元的特点准备一个有趣的或有吸引力的导入。或是一个有趣的故事、或是一段优美的歌词或小诗、或是一段精彩的演讲、或是对这一单元的介绍、或是一曲优美的歌曲、或是同学们的精彩的讨论。这样就很容易激发学生学习热情,学生有了学习热情,教学就事半功倍。 二、运用灵活的教学方法,培养学生学习兴趣 关注学生需要老师有百般的耐心,细心和爱心。学生学习不出成绩给他们时间和机会,不能轻易的批评和放弃。英语学习困难的学生往往心理脆弱,很容易受到伤害,老师应该保护他们的自信心,平等的对待他们,尤其他们的人格尊严不可侵犯。对落后学生多鼓励和多帮助,少批评和少责备,运用灵活的教学方法,细心观察,发现他们的闪光点,培养他的自信心,培养学生学习兴趣。爱因斯坦说过:兴趣是最好的老师,它将直接影响学习效果。单一的教学方法是乏味的,即使是一个好的方法,经常使用也就失去了他的魅力,所以,教法多变才能提高兴趣,进而提高学习效率。比如复习一单元的单词,可以采用编故事的方法,看谁编得生动有趣且用上的词最多;复习课文内容时,采用学生一问一答竞赛形式;复习知识点时,让一个学生讲,其他学生来补充等等,比教师在上面一遍遍讲,学生在下面听背效果好得多。 兴趣是学习的先导。孔子曰:“知之不如好知之,好知之不如乐知之。”对学习缺乏内在动力的学生,通过培养其学习兴趣,提高学生的学习动力,在教学中多采取有利措施。变换教学形式,活跃课堂气氛。根据教材的内容特点,灵活多样的变换教学形式,如编课堂剧,进行值日生报告,分组活动等。使学生在轻松愉快的环境中学会英语。利用环境因素营造英语氛围。在教室里布置一些名人名言,办英语板报,组织学生举办英语晚会、演讲比赛等。这样可以吸引学生主动参与,起到增加学习兴趣的效果。树立学生良好的自我形象,扫除学生学习英语的心理障碍。课堂上要使学生人人都有回答问题的机会,这样不仅能培养学生的语言习惯,还能使每个学生时时处于积极的备问状态,全神贯注提高学习效率。课堂提问应根据难易程度来选择能力相当的学生回答,回答正确的及时给予肯定和表扬,使学生形成优势心理。回答错误的或不完全的,启发并引导学生说出正确的答案或补充完整。这样能提高学生学英语的自觉性和主动性,消除了学生学英语的心理障碍,树立信心。 三、把归纳和总结渗透到教学中,培养师生情感 一个学生学习成绩的好坏,主要取决于他的学习方法。如果方法得当,就可以起到事半功倍的效果。最适合毕业班学生的方法是归纳和总结。因为学生一、二、三册内容已经学过一遍,所以毕业班复习时,不管是教师讲课中还是学生的学习中,都要注意归纳和总结,使知识联系起来,成为知识链提高学习效率。练习和测试是初三英语教学中必不可少的一个环节。注重平时的练习的选择和阶段性考试试题的选用。在上好每一节课的同时给学生选择一些恰当的练习。好的恰当的练习可以巩固所学的语言知识和培养学生语言运用能力。对于每一单元上完以后我布置一些读、写、听的作业,语法词汇较集中的段落我要求学生背诵,这样帮助学生掌握语言知识,培养语感。每个单元中的阅读部分,较长一般只要求学生熟读。两个单元上完以后进行阶段性测试,恰当的测试既可以培养学生语言知识迁移的能力又可以诊断学生这一阶段的学习得失。同是也可以帮助老师进行教学反思和调整教学策略。 情感产生于人们的实践活动中,它对人的行为有很大影响。老师在教学中要做到热爱学生,真诚关心每一位学生,主动与学生建立良好的合作关系,使学生能置身于一种真诚、民主、愉快的课堂氛围中,积极主动地配合老师,大胆地参与教学活动,克服困难,增强学好英语的信心。 四、强化学生的学习记忆,重视智力因素培养 在传授知识时,以新带旧,增加已学知识的重现率。并注意及时组织学生复习已经学过的知 识,要求学生注意复习形式的多样化,做到“眼到、口到、心到、手到”。这样,不但提高了复习效率,巩固了已学知识,还使学生养成了良好的记忆品质,提高了记忆力。通过英语教学的实践表明,智力因素对教学任务的完成固然重要,但学生的认识和行为都不仅限于智力活动,学生的非智力因素也参与并且影响着学习活动的进展速度和效率,如果学生学习动机端正,目标明确,就会激发学生的学习兴趣,主动地去掌握新知识和新技能。随着学习活动的进行和成功,兴趣又得到加强,储备了新的能量,并培育了较为稳定的情绪,坚强的意志和性格。提高课堂教学效率,培养优秀学生,就必须既重视智力因素的培养,又要重视非智力因素的开发。俗话说的好:不打无准备之仗。要想取得中考最后的胜利,教师心中必须有个全盘的计划。复习时运用三轮复习方法。第一轮,打基础。紧扣教材,细讲精练,使学生牢固掌握基础知识;第二轮是专项训练。进一步巩固基础知识,突出重点。如单项选择专练,补全对话专练等;第三轮,是综合训练,也就是中考模拟训练。主要目的是适应中考要求,提高应试技巧。 总之,初中毕业班的英语复习要充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,多引导、肯定和鼓励学生,而不是代替学生学习,引导学生积极参与课堂活动,适当多出些较简单的试题,这样不仅提高学生兴趣和自信心,也提高了学习效率和考试成绩。

日照钢铁有限公司介绍Jinghua Rizhao Steel Group International Trade Company Jinghua Innovation Group C, L is a private enterprise set up in May 1993, mainly focusing on fabrication business of various pipes-structural pipes, water&gas pipes, oil line pipes, and fire protection pipes The group has capacities of 1,800,000 tons ERW pipes, 850,000 tons of hot dipped galvanized pipes,350,000 tons of spiral 1,200,000 tons of CR Strip The group has established 6 sole-funded subsidiaries, and becomes the largest pipe supplier in A Rizhao Steel Holding Group C,L is a joint venture enterprise set up by Hebei Jinghua Innovation Group C,Ltd and Hong Kong Fame Risen Development C,L It is a steel complex incorporating sintering, iron-making, steel-making and rolling with four subsidiaries: Rizhao Steel C,L,Rizhao Medium Section Mill C,L,Rizhao Steel Wire C,L,and Rizhao Steel Plate C,L, and the total investment for the whole complex amounts to RMB5 The group has reached annual production capacities of 2 million tons hot metal,2 million tons steel and 2 million tons Jinghua Rizhao Steel Group International Trade Company is in Beijing City, and is one of the largest exporters among Chinese steel mills in the first half of With the continuing development of the enterprise and in order to meet the requirement of international trade, we need the following


Abstract: The customer manages weight of highly valuing middle in being that modern enterprise works , the optimization how to carry out customer resource's integrates the cooperation relation will have have direct impact to enterprise and the Look on the enterprise customer as the most important enterprise resource , be worth all self's life by the fact that the perfect Customer Relationship Management system and thorough customer , train customer's fidelity , swear to realize a customer's to come to satisfy customer's need classifying and It is also that a kind of aims at improving enterprise and the relation new model manages mechanism between the customer, whose target is to come to keep the now available customer , to boost both sides coexisting harmoniously by providing more perfect Say the coal camp pin is distant objectively not having formed the fundamental tactics relatively stable , adapting to the coal marketplace to be unlike Customer Relationship Management selling Part coal enterprise camp sells organization different period selling in coal treating a customer holding the different even completely contrary attitude , such does the relation having damaged coal enterprise image , having destroyed cooperating with customer's long range The long range , healthy development are thereby harmful for coal And the theory basis the main body of a book is managed mainly from the customer starts off, situation having discussed the now available customer of Fujian Province Wu Ping county Coal Industry Company, (about 2 laws making use of CRM system , 28 dyadic law Balaiduo laws) have analysed and brought forward administrative way of The utensil is more fine by the fact that the office procedure optimization reaching coal enterprise and the customer keeping to customer of company the cooperation pattern, continues keeping and stabilizing both sides cooperation Boost area coal marketplace virtuous circle The main body of a book is emphasized having been in progress to coal enterprise two specially appointed kinds customers (priority customer and general customer) studying, the be allotted arrangement of ideas having discussed Wu Ping county Coal Industry Company how to reinforce the priority customer and general applied economics theory customer

日照钢铁有限公司介绍Jinghua Rizhao Steel Group International Trade Company Jinghua Innovation Group C, L is a private enterprise set up in May 1993, mainly focusing on fabrication business of various pipes-structural pipes, water&gas pipes, oil line pipes, and fire protection pipes The group has capacities of 1,800,000 tons ERW pipes, 850,000 tons of hot dipped galvanized pipes,350,000 tons of spiral 1,200,000 tons of CR Strip The group has established 6 sole-funded subsidiaries, and becomes the largest pipe supplier in A Rizhao Steel Holding Group C,L is a joint venture enterprise set up by Hebei Jinghua Innovation Group C,Ltd and Hong Kong Fame Risen Development C,L It is a steel complex incorporating sintering, iron-making, steel-making and rolling with four subsidiaries: Rizhao Steel C,L,Rizhao Medium Section Mill C,L,Rizhao Steel Wire C,L,and Rizhao Steel Plate C,L, and the total investment for the whole complex amounts to RMB5 The group has reached annual production capacities of 2 million tons hot metal,2 million tons steel and 2 million tons Jinghua Rizhao Steel Group International Trade Company is in Beijing City, and is one of the largest exporters among Chinese steel mills in the first half of With the continuing development of the enterprise and in order to meet the requirement of international trade, we need the following

前五句用1 后面的用这样最好个人建议

Abstract  Now, environmental issues have become the iron and steel enterprises have to face In the iron and steel production, from mining of raw materials preparation, coking, sintering, ironmaking, steelmaking, and so on until the finishing line, smoke and dust exist in almost all of the production line, is not only one of the main sources of pollution, but also a waste of resources, the impact of physical and mental health workers, iron and steel enterprises is the main task of environmental   Through the dust on the domestic iron and steel enterprises governance Shougang iron works with the status of dust control analysis, we can understand that in the dust control Shougang has invested huge in this area, but also to take a lot of advanced dust removal technology, compared treatment results Especially in the application of airtight However, there are some inadequacies, such as the choice of the collector is still lagging   Therefore, this research paper will be mainly on the 3rd Shougang blast furnace iron works and a silo hopper dust removal equipment of the transformation, including the working principle of electrostatic precipitator, bag filter, as well as the working principle of a long bag ESP transform low-voltage pulse bag There are 3 high-rise silo hopper and a dust of new technologies and practical management of research, namely, the implementation of the dust source or single-double sealed airtight cover and dust vents mobile More convenient in operation and maintenance, the dust concentration to achieve less than posts lOmg/m3, the concentration of precipitator emissions standard of less than 50mg/  The above research and analysis will help future blast furnace of Shougang N 1,2,4 hopper dust pollution, , so that Shougang iron works to improve the environmental   Key words iron works, dust, sealed enclosures, ESP


Let the children go forward companied by --------Briefly discuss on the cultivation of children's imagination abilityabstract:Whatever literay creation and art appreciation can not be without rich imagination,whici is the characteristics of the Not only can it help the children foster innovative thinking and aesthetic taste,but also can lead the children calmy to the society,success even to How to develope the children's imagination ability is the common topic focused by the teachers and the Only through effective ways and measures can we help the children enrich and develop their imagination ability,and go much more futher on the way of their

The quality of accounting information reflects the enterprise in a period of time the financial position and operating results, the quality of accounting information can be directly positioned itself value degree, the higher the value is available, the higher the quality of accounting information, is the basis of enterprise financial report, the real accounting information quality can ensure the users of financial reports to accounting the enterprise comprehensive cognition, can make the enterprise internal users, managers, investors, creditors to make judgments and investment right for the Therefore, to ensure the accounting information is true, reliable, to maintain social and economic order, maintain a sustained and stable economic development, is of great This paper describes the definition and characteristics of accounting information quality, introduces the relative and dynamic nature of the quality of accounting information, the status and the quality of accounting information, and the influence of the distortion of accounting information and its harm to enterprise and national cause, and summarize the In order to provide reference for improving the quality of accounting 会计信息质量的定义:The definition of accounting information 相对性:R动态性:D现状:Present 影响:I 希望能对你有帮助!

Along with human society's development, society unceasing in progress, is getting bigger and bigger to the knowledge hope, the humanity already gradually entered the informationization The information grows the speed is getting quicker and quicker, the people hoped that uses the advanced management theory method and the method processes more and more information, specially the company, the Enterprises and institutions as a result of the information complexity, the data management's particularity, the anxious hope through the high efficiency's management tool, raises the supervisory work Therefore, under this kind of situation, how better to carry on the management to the company information, has become a question which we need to solve, therefore, developed a set of perfect company information management system management system to become cannot be This system is one designs the development for the adaptation current each profession company to the information management urgent demand the software system, its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as well as front end the application procedure development two After the analysis and the comparison, we decided that uses the ACCESS database development kit, uses each object-oriented development method which it provides, particularly the data window this can convenient and the succinct operation database intellectualized object, first establishes the system application prototype in a short time, then, carries on the demand iteration to the initial prototype system, revises and the improvement unceasingly until forms the user satisfied feasible This article introduced 0 environment uses each kind of object-oriented development kit which in visual under the basic it provides to develop this system's detailed

Along with human society's development, the society unceasing is progressing, is more and more big to the knowledge hope, humanity's already gradually entered the informationization The information grows the speed is more and more quick, the people hoped uses the advanced management theory method and the method processes more and more many informations, specially the company, the enterprises and institutions as a result of the information complexity, the data management particularity, the anxious hope through the high efficiency management tool, raises the supervisory work Therefore, under this kind of situation, how better carries on the management to the company information, has become a question which we need to solve, therefore, developed a set of perfect company information management system management system to become may This system is one designs the development for the adaptation current each profession company to the information management urgent demand the software system, its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as well as front end the application procedure development two After the analysis and the comparison, we decided uses the ACCESS database development kit, uses each object-oriented development method which it provides, the data window this can in particular convenient and the succinct operation database intellectualized object, first in a short time establishes the system application prototype, then, carries on the demand iteration to the initial prototype system, revises and the improvement unceasingly until forms user satisfaction the feasible This article introduced 0 environment uses each kind of object-oriented development kit in visual under the basic which it provides to develop this system the detailed
