

发布时间:2024-07-08 06:34:08





Chinese and English Animal Terms and Their Cultural Connotations



建议使用CNKI系列数据库那里有非常详细的资料。  本体理论在动物学知识组织中的应用研究  作者:王好倩 学位授予单位:吉林大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2007  新课程内容标准对生物教师动物学知识结构要求的研究  作者:李红梅 学位授予单位:云南师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2006  替硝唑缓释剂的体外药物释放及其治疗牙周炎效果的动物学研究  作者:刘娟 学位授予单位:四川大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2005  内蒙古大青山南部湿地鸟类生态学及民族动物学初步研究  作者:格日乐图 学位授予单位:内蒙古师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2003  现代教育技术在高师生物专业《动物学》教学中应用的实验研究  作者:马纲 学位授予单位:西北师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2002  德日进与中国古脊椎动物学  作者:舒群 学位授予单位:中国科学技术大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:1990  本体理论在动物学知识组织中的应用研究:以鸟类本体模型为例  作者:王好倩 学位授予单位:吉林大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:  冶炼厂周围重金属污染土壤生物指示研究  作者:王雪峰 学位授予单位:辽宁师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2008  关键词:土壤动物学  含动物形象的俄语谚语、俗语分析  作者:吴丹 学位授予单位:天津外国语学院 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2007  关键词:动物学 语言世界图景 人类中心论 对比性 语义分析  长白山北坡访花昆虫群落动态初步研究  作者:杜秀娟 学位授予单位:东北师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2006  关键词:动物学  河川沙塘鳢(Odontobutis potamophila)的生殖系统发育及其繁殖行为研究  作者:赵晓勤 学位授予单位:华东师范大学 学位名称:博士 学位年度:2006  关键词:动物学  肌肉废用对黄鼠(Citellus dauricus)和大鼠比目鱼肌形态结构与肌纤维类型影响的比较研究  作者:王琦 学位授予单位:西北大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2006  关键词:动物学  剑角蝗科8种蝗虫触角显微结构研究  作者:刘淼 学位授予单位:东北师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2006  利用ISSR和COI序列标记分析不同地理仿刺参群体的遗传多样性  作者:闫晗 学位授予单位:辽宁师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2006  关键词:海洋动物学  山地次生林中大山雀窝卵数与繁殖成功的关系  作者:苏循瑞 学位授予单位:东北师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2006  关键词:动物学  施氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii)幼鱼对盐度的适应性及其脂肪营养需求研究  作者:侯俊利 学位授予单位:华东师范大学 学位名称:博士 学位年度:2006  关键词:动物学  现生介形类动物系统发生及太湖介形类动物群落结构研究  作者:禹娜 学位授予单位:华东师范大学 学位名称:博士 学位年度:2006  关键词:动物学  中华鳖对饲料蛋白质水平适应性研究  作者:齐占会 学位授予单位:河北师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2006  关键词:动物学  薄荷饮治疗温病卫分证的实验研究  作者:赖鹏华 学位授予单位:福建中医学院 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2005  关键词:动物学  广西淡水鱼类物种多样性及动物地理学分析  作者:王丹 学位授予单位:中国科学院动物研究所 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2005  关键词:动物学  几株芽孢杆菌肉鸡代谢研究  作者:韩秋霞 学位授予单位:山东师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2005  关键词:动物学  两种幽灵蛛的行为学研究  作者:陈海峰 学位授予单位:中国科学院动物研究所 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2005  关键词:动物学  绿色荧光蛋白转基因小鼠的建立及可视化胚胎工程的研究  作者:徐艺玫 学位授予单位:第一军医大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2005  关键词:实验动物学  三氯杀螨醇对中华大蟾蜍的毒性和雌激素效应  作者:唐超智 学位授予单位:陕西师范大学 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2005  关键词:动物学  塔里木兔的种群遗传结构研究  作者:李增超 学位授予单位:中国科学院动物研究所 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2005  关键词:动物学  蚜科Aphididae及扁蚜亚科Hormaphidinae的分子系统学和进化研究  作者:任珊珊 学位授予单位:中国科学院动物研究所 学位名称:硕士 学位年度:2005  关键词:动物学  中国尺蛾亚科系统分类学研究(鳞翅目:尺蛾科)  作者:韩红香 学位授予单位:中国科学院动物研究所 学位名称:博士 学位年度:2005  关键词:动物学  中国皿蛛科蜘蛛分类学研究  作者:图立红 学位授予单位:中国科学院动物研究所 学位名称:博士 学位年度:2005  关键词:动物学


I like dogs, because they are man’s good They can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s So they‘re treated as our family I hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with human-我喜欢狗,因为它们是人类的好朋友。他们可以为我们做很多有用的事情,如,保护房子,问候客人,帮助警方等等。一些受过训练的狗甚至可以引导盲人、拯救人们的性命。所以他们都被当做是我们的家庭成员。我希望有一天狗能与人类和谐共处。


Saving Land for Endangered Animals There is only so much land on the earth, and so what we can do with it is Some people believe that human needs for farmland, housing and industry should come first, while others believe that some land should be set aside for endangered I am of the opinion that we should reserve some land for the world’s animals for the following First, mankind’s need for land is constantly If the demand is not checked in some way, humans will eventually develop all of the earth’s available At that time, mankind will have no more room to grow, and all the wild animals will have disappeared, as well as other valuable Second, humans are able to innovate and can use the land that they already possess in more efficient Animals are unable to do Once their land is taken away from them they will Third and last, endangered animals are an important part of the biodiversity of our If they disappear, we cannot predict what the effect will Therefore, we should treat such animals as a valuable resource to be To sum up, the world’s endangered animals are an important resource and we should protect them by setting aside some land for Although mankind’s need for land continues to grow, people are intelligent and inventive enough to put the land they have to better In this way, we can have enough land for farming, housing and industry, and preserve the biodiversity of the planet at the same 参考译文: 保留土地给濒临绝种的动物 地球上的土地就只有这么多,所以我们可以利用土地的方式有限。 有些人认为人类对于耕地、居住以及工业的需求应该摆在第一位,但是有人则认为,有些土地应该留给濒临绝种的动物。我的看法是,基于下列的理由,我们应该保留一些土地给地球上的动物。 首先,人类对土地的需求在不断增加。如果这些需求不以某种方式来加以抑制,人类最后将会开发完地球上所有可用的土地。到那时候,人类将没有栽种作物的空间,而且全部的野生动物将会和其他宝贵的资源一样消失殆尽。其次,人类可以创新并且以更有效率的方式来使用已经拥有的土地,动物则无法做到这一点。一旦土地被剥夺,它们就会死亡。第三点,也是最后一点,濒临绝种的动物是我们地球上物种多元性的重要组成部分。如果它们消失了,我们无法预测将会造成什么样有影响。因此,我们应该把这些动物视为需要保护的珍贵资源。From our start in 1961, WWF has worked to protect endangered We're ensuring that the world our children inherit will be home to elephants, tigers, giant pandas, whales and other wildlife species, as well as WWF safeguards hundreds of species around the world, but we focus special attention on our flagship species: giant pandas, tigers, endangered whales and dolphins, rhinos, elephants, marine turtles and great These species not only need special measures and extra protection in order to survive, they also serve as umbrella species: helping them helps numerous other species that live in the same In addition to our flagship animals, we work to protect numerous species in peril around the world that live within our priority Large predators like snow leopards and grizzly bears, migratory species like whooping cranes and songbirds, and a host of other species facing threats also benefit from WWF's conservation Our wildlife trade experts at TRAFFIC work to ensure that trade in wildlife products doesn't harm a species, while also fighting against illegal and unsustainable WWF is known for acting on sound Science leads and guides our strategies and approaches, from the best way to restore tigers in viable, breeding populations to deciding which areas need protection the

Protection of animals, is what we all want to do, many people go to hunt animals, arbitrary, though now that you want to protect animals, but there are many people who do not listen to stubbornly continues to hunt animals, humans take animals to the ornamental, sell, make coats of skins, but have you ever thought, if you were an animal, but suffered a human Hunt, what would you think that you like it, you will be hunted? you definitely do not like, some people say: "I'm not an "But you, have you ever thought about how animals think? now widely hunted animals, animals will be reconciled? no, no, They are not willing to die at the hands of They are willing to be your slave? no, they won't have a thousand, ten thousand to ten million, a reluctant some people even know how to love animals, but they will only go to educate other people hypocritically, while they are still just as harmful to the environment, with a taste of the Take the Indian Ocean, Mauritius Islands on the life of the Dodo, because of its flesh is very tasty, so that human predation of large, in the 17th century has been But if the people have the awareness of animal protection, would not have caused the extinction of the There are whales, whales do not mean random killing of whales were killed, a dead end, not as small as a tiny shrimp and fish, if we put the whale kill, our children and grandchildren, they do not see a whale this animal? Now, some animals have died out, while the fierce crocodile, but human beings more Just because some animals organ has outstanding economic value, thus become the object of human depredation, become a major factor in the Crocodile with sharp teeth, and a huge appetite for food, and we all said crocodile, a crocodile more terrible fear of humans, in a human eye, crocodile leather can be made into suitcases, handbags, purses, shoes and other articles, crocodile, has now become almost extinct The Golden footprints, this article is about the shotaro home caught a little Fox, two old Fox tried to rescue the little Fox, shotaro sympathize with little Fox, he secretly to the delivery of food, so the old Fox, they established a close relationship, trust, and then save the two old Fox shotaro, little Fox's return to nature, the two old Fox is so happy this article praising the human and animal trust each other, help each other, harmony, demonstrated that strong family We're going to learn that he shotaro help animals, animals also save him, this is not very good? why people or kill animals? In this, I urge people not to destroy the plants and trees in nature, not randomly a bird a beast, to refrain from killing our friend, to protect all creatures in Eradication of animal, in the eradication of human beings If one of the world's animals disappeared, that humans can survive? to protect animals, cherish the nature of each Friends, the animals are invaluable for human nature, it is our human They multiply died off and our human life are closely A lot of destruction of animals to humans will have serious adverse consequences caused ecological imbalance, thus enabling human living Let us today, starting, animal protection, make the world a better place to live!, for the protection of animals is to protect ourselves!

雅思写作范文:如何保护濒临灭绝的动物雅思写作教育类题目,该题目还是比较常见的,如何保护濒临灭绝的动物。该题目比较大众化,所以特为大家找来该雅思作文的范文,供大家参考借鉴。切记不可生硬背诵原文,这样可能导致雅思作文极低的分数。   It is suggested that people have been aware of the issue--lack of preservation for endangered spieces, animals and plants, but as you see , they placed little efforts to cope with the despite the versatility and intricacy of instruments , I would pore over some of the most striking ones and offer alternatives   One of the major reasons , causing people's inocence of protecting animals, is that the government did not function well as an educator, arosing people's initiative in shielding wild animals, which led to the consequence that people do not know their responsibility to prevent animals from dangers, and specific knowledge in guarding what is equally important as the reason mentioned above is that media did not meet our satisfaction to inform the mass of the emergency which is crutial in arousing people's conciousness to keep animals   In spite of the serious problem, measure leading to profound improvement still can be owning to the fact that funds are insufficient in some developing countries, developed countries or international organizations should shoulder more burden -- finacing them in order to capacitate them to accompolish the protection of at the same time, education in telling people the way to make animals harboured ought to be focused on, thus resulting in people's better awareness in the camouflage of our planet's cutest   It is belived by me that if correct actions are taken to preserve animals, any kind of them will be far away from extinction






Common Name Elephant ; Elephant (Fr); Elefante (Sp) Scientific Name Elephas maximus (southern Asia), Loxodonta africana (Africa) Location Africa, Asia These large and magnificent creatures need a lot of food and freedom if they are to They wander in small to large herds over sometimes incredibly large areas while consuming up to several hundred kilogrammes of plant matter in a single Elephants, in fact, place such great demands on their own environment that in order to survive, it will frequently bring them into conflict with man who is competing for many of these same, often scarce On the ground on two continents In all, the problems facing elephants in Asia and Africa are varied and To this end, WWF is involved in their conservation through 2 key programmes which address local key issues, the realities faced on the ground, and this ever present conflict with These programmes are: Asian Rhinos and Elephants Action Strategy (AREAS): This ambitious Programme brings together cutting edge conservation biology with trade monitoring, socio-economic analysis, and policy advocacy, promising new hope for dwindling populations of these threatened WWF African Elephant Programme: The Programme aims to conserve forest and savanna elephant populations across Africa by supporting projects that improve protection and management, build capacity within range states, mitigate human-elephant conflict and reduce illegal Physical Description Species Description Elephants are identified by their massive bodies and their trunk, which is used to pick a variety of objects, including The head is large in relation to the rest of the body and the African species is noted for its very large Hair is The Asian elephant has four hooves (occasionally five) on the hind foot and five on the forefoot, and the African elephant has three on the hind foot and five on the Size Living members of the order Proboscidea have a maximum height of nearly 400 cm and a weight of up to 7,500 Habitat Biogeographic realm Indo-Malayan, Afrotropical Geographical Location Africa, Asia The giant panda has a very distinctive black-and-white coat, and adults measure around 5m long and around 75cm tall at the Males can weigh up to 115 kg (253 pounds) Females are generally smaller than males, and can occasionally weigh up to 100 kg (220 pounds) Giant pandas live in mountainous regions, such as Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, and T While the Chinese dragon has been historically a national emblem for China, since the latter half of the 20th century, the panda has also become an informal national emblem for China, and its image is found on many Chinese gold Despite being taxonomically a carnivore, the panda has a diet that is primarily herbivorous, which almost exclusively consists of This is an evolutionarily recent adaptation, or perhaps just a very awkward one; pandas lack the proper enzymes to digest bamboo efficiently, and thus derive little energy and little protein from While primarily herbivorus, the panda still retains decidedly ursine teeth, and will readily eat meat, fish, and eggs when available, but their sluggish speeds, a consequence of their mainly bamboo diet, ensure that these more energy-rich foods are seldom available to them outside of In captivity, zoos typically maintain the pandas' bamboo diet, though some will provide specially formulated biscuits or other dietary Unlike most bears, but like most subtropical mammals, the giant panda does not For many decades the precise taxonomic classification of the panda was under debate as both the giant panda and the distantly related red panda share characteristics of both bears and However, genetic testing suggests that giant pandas are true bears and part of the Ursidae family, though they differentiated early in history from the main ursine The giant panda's closest bear relative is the Spectacled Bear of South A (Disagreement remains about whether or not the red panda belongs in Ursidae; the raccoon family, Procyonidae; or in its own family, A) Giant pandas are an endangered species, threatened by continued habitat loss and by a very low birthrate, both in the wild and in Poaching is uncommon; killing a panda was punishable in China by death until a 1997 law changed the penalty to 20 years The giant panda has an unusual paw, with a "thumb" and five fingers; the "thumb" is actually a modified sesamoid bone, which helps the panda to hold the bamboo while Stephen Jay Gould wrote an essay about this, then used the title The Panda's Thumb for a book of essays concerned with evolution and intelligent The giant panda has a short tail, approximately 15 cm The giant panda has long been a favorite of the public, at least partly on account of the fact that the species has an appealing baby-like cuteness that makes it seem to resemble a living teddy The fact that it is usually depicted reclining peacefully eating bamboo, as opposed to hunting, also adds to its image of Though the giant panda is often assumed docile because of their cuteness, they have been known to attack humans, usually assumed to be out of irritation rather than predatory Giant pandas can usually live to be 20-30 years old while living in Until recently, scientists thought giant pandas spent most of their lives alone, with males and females meeting only during the breeding Recent studies paint a different picture, in which small groups of pandas share a large territory and sometimes meet outside the breeding season

with the development of economy ,many people kill the wild animals to make money,for example,the fur of some animals can be a medicen,the meat of some animals can be a very dilicious food but wild animals are also the members of the earth ,is it fair that in order to feed our needs to take theirs lives away ?and some species even disappeared ,it do damages to the balence of the cycle of biology let us respect the lives of animals ,stop the paces of kill wild animals

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed For example,with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and In order to protect our resources of ecology,people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural There fore, measures of the following should be takenpollution standards are made to keepdown poisons;killing off certain rare species is prohibited,national parks should be set up as wild life, Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be
