

发布时间:2024-09-02 09:26:58


Agriculture (AG)

Agriculture Scienc and Technologies

农业科技有限公司英文缩写:ASTC, LtdAgricultural Science and Technology C, LASTCL



In order to thoroughly implement the central economic work conference and the office of the state council on invigorating circulation expanding consumer advice (62 [2008; 134) spirit, improve agricultural production material (hereinafter referred to as the circulation system, promoting agricultural materials) agricultural development and increasing farmers' income, we put forward the following opinions:A, fully understand the significance of agricultural materials circulation system, perfectWrites is an important agricultural investment, industrial and agricultural production is the connection of the bridge, the development of modern agriculture is the important material guarantee and At present, our country agricultural materials circulation, level, scale and modern agriculture and modern market system and a large gap, all relevant departments should attach great importance to promote agricultural materials circulation goal, network construction, improve agricultural materials circulation Second, the guiding ideology and goals(a) guiding ideology, conscientiously implement the party's 17th annual session in 2009, the 1 files and the office of the state council on invigorating circulation expanding consumer opinions of spirit, sets up a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, emancipating the mind, innovation, efficiency, honesty to construct smooth layout is reasonable, safe and trading of advanced agricultural materials circulation system, in order to adapt to the needs of the development of modern agriculture, promote the adjustment of agricultural structure, increasing the farmers' income, the new socialist countryside (2) general goal: to cultivate some home sales over 100 million yuan, the construction of large writes circulation enterprises group writes chain stores and reconstruction, regional distribution center by three to five years of efforts, initially formed by township and village two level management network based on agricultural materials trading market as a platform to large writes leading enterprise, regional distribution center for the backbone, chain operation standard layout is reasonable, and efficient operation, the coordinated development of diversified, LianSuoHua agricultural materials circulation Third, the main tasks and measures(a) development of agricultural production means of modern circulation Guide supply, agricultural service, postal, writes production enterprise network resources, strengthen cooperation terminal Encourage agricultural materials circulation enterprises according to the construction and retrofit peasant shop writes code in key areas and agricultural construction and retrofit, expanding chain store outlets writes Support writes logistics distribution center construction and renovation, improve the distribution, information function, improve agricultural materials unitedly Relying on the advantage of network, constructing agricultural materials acquisition of agricultural products, processing, marketing and distribution channels such commodities, improve countryside agricultural materials circulation network "two-way flow, two-way exploit the function of", "a multi-purpose" Continue to drive around chain enterprises to reduce repeated sampling, unified tax issues, promote the development of chain operation of agricultural production means across the (2) nurturing large-scale agricultural materials circulation Encourage existing brand agricultural materials production management enterprise through trade, region, cross ownership form such as mergers, joint, assets and business restructuring, enhance the core enterprise The company will supply agricultural materials play a leading role in the rural areas, according to a new modern circulation network engineering, modern business service network writes, ascending standardization demonstrative, bigger and stronger leading Relevant departments according to the principle of small-scaled enterprise, size, strength, good reputation enterprise into thousands of villages and townships "market engineering", "new project" and the Treasury, cultivating mature as steady and (3) improve multiple service function Guide agricultural materials circulation enterprises constantly optimize the varieties of agricultural materials, such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers to appropriately increase the structure, agricultural machinery, tools, feed, seeds and related to the agricultural production of daily groceries, scientific book management, scientific fertilization, according to the requirements of technical specification, , gradually perfect service, telephone consultation, crops hospital agricultural production, material of agricultural science and maintenance function, providing diversified before, during and after (4) promote agricultural materials circulation Earnestly implement the national development and reform commission, the ministry of finance on reform of chemical fertilizer price forming mechanism of price change hair [2009] 268) spirit, based on the market for agricultural materials price forming mechanism, give full play to the basic market in resource Soon release distribution channels, writes all qualified allows investment in agricultural Development of credit sales, promotion of agricultural production means of agricultural production means for credit insurance, credit that accords with a condition of the small and medium-sized business enterprise of agricultural production means appropriate subsidies credit credit (5) to strengthen market monitoring control agricultural Full information service platform for urban and rural markets, strengthening of agricultural production means important key enterprises and varieties, the monitoring and analysis on the Perfect reserves, import and export, etc, in order to improve macro-regulation with abnormal market QiuBo plowing season writes earnestly, ensure no market supply DuanDang not sold (6) strengthen self-discipline Continue to push forward the construction of credit system of agricultural materials industry, and further enhance the consciousness of agricultural production means the credit, creating a good credit environment, integrity management In-depth industry, promote credit evaluation pilot work around writes trading market, operator credit rating classification management experience, and gradually establish and perfect the credit files, to increase agricultural production means good enterprise credit Fully industry association, the establishment and implementation of agricultural production means conduct, strengthening trade and industry, regulate the self management (7) strengthen writes market Agriculture, industry and commerce, quality and price of administrative departments should strengthen market supervision and supervise agricultural production means of agricultural production means purchasing goods and enterprise, and the quality problem of agricultural production means commitment, tracing, hese source products; Perfect market warning, market, unqualified writes out 16,500 city system, give full play to the administrative law enforcement system and 12316 12315 agriculture hotline, report effect of telephone 12358 price, to investigate and punish the masses to further standardize cases complaints whistle, strict management and agricultural materials, releasing false advertisements, fake writes up the price of agricultural production means, in order to reduce the cost and quality of product demand KengNong Various competition HaiNong illegal

AGRICULTURE REPORT - 2004 Good Year for US FarmersBy Mario RitterBroadcast: Tuesday, January 04, 2005I'm Gwen Outen with the VOA Special English Agriculture RTwo thousand four was a good year for American Total farm earnings were estimated at seventy-four thousand million dollars for the That means the average farm income was about seventy-one thousand dollars, or a gain of about three percent from the year However, the growth in earnings depended on the size of the Large farms had increased earnings of six and one-half Smaller farms saw growth in earnings of less than three Part of American farm income came from the federal The Department of Agriculture reports that about thirty-nine percent of farmers accepted some kind of aid, or subsidy, in two thousand An organization called the Commodity Credit Corporation supervises farm The CCC is part of the Agriculture Department's Farm Services AThe CCC seeks to keep crop prices at balanced The agency uses loan programs, direct payments and even buys crops to support It also supervises emergency farm aid and special programs like the Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform Act of two thousand That act ends price supports for tobacco farmers by offering them payments for up to ten Reports say the total amount of farm aid paid last year is estimated at fifteen thousand seven hundred million An organization called the Environmental Working Group keeps information on all farm subsidies paid by the The group examined subsidies between nineteen ninety-five and two thousand It says ten percent of farms received seventy-two percent of government subsidies during that nine-year The group says big farms that are organized as corporation or partnership businesses receive the most It says the big farms receive more aid, even when they are more profitable than smaller family Critics say farm subsidies are costly and Critics also note that subsidies go only to growers of widely traded crops, like corn, cotton, wheat and But many farmers, including ones who only receive a few thousand dollars a year, support the subsidy They say small farming communities in states like Minnesota, Nebraska, and South Dakota would not survive without the This VOA Special English Agriculture Report was written by Mario R This is Gwen O

Agriculture Technologies 900 Million Farmers in ChinaThe history of reform and opening up has witnessed three calls for the development of rural 900 million farmers constitute the world's largest group of consumers and have created the biggest business opportunity in CIn the face of the dual competitive pressure posed to China by the hi-tech advantage of the developed countries and the price advantage resulted from the currency devaluation in surrounding countries, China has clearly indicated: From the long-term point of view, while actively exploring international markets, it is essential to actively develop the domestic market, particularly the rural This is a strategic choice in conformity with China's national The rural market is the most dynamic, practical pivotal point in expanding domestic demands and boosting economic Inadequate effective demand has become the greatest hindrance to China's current economic In the series of macro-control measures to be adopted in the second half of this year, exploring the rural market is regarded as "a rope for capturing the tiger" Experts' estimation indicates: Every 100 billion yuan worth of final consumption realized in rural areas will generate 6 billion yuan worth of consumption demand for the entire national It is also a brand-new starting-point in the readjustment of economic structure and the readjustment of product Today, the buyer's market has penetrated to every corner of China's Of the 900-odd important industrial products, the utilization rate of over half of the production capacity is less than 50 percent, structural readjustment is thus In the effort to successfully open up the rural market, industrial enterprises must produce commodities geared to rural demands; and commercial enterprises must skillfully build smooth and swift marketing There are many difficulties confronting the effort to explore rural Reasons for this are For example, some local governments have inadequate understanding of the importance and urgency of exploring rural markets, fear difficulty and lack confidence in accomplishing this task; quite a number of industrial and commercial enterprises still harbor the concept of "valuing cities while belittling the countryside", this is manifested in the fact that the product mix is incompatible with the rural market demand, the variety of commodities on sale is single and farmers find it inconvenient to In fact, the rural market has enormous potential and there are many favorable conditions for developing the rural So long as industrial and commercial enterprises really attach importance to the rural market, carefully study farmers' demands, exert great efforts to do a good job in the work of exploring the rural market well, they can definitely achieve the anticipated Industrial enterprises stress production of commodities geared to market needs, while commercial enterprises emphasize smooth and fast marketing Efforts should be made to develop new sales methods, such as chain-store, agency and distribution center and to establish various forms of sales networks wherein industry and commerce, commerce and commerce, town and country, state-owned commerce and individually-run and privately-run commerce join Chinese business people will have ample scope for their abilities in rural The key to success in exploring rural markets lies in increasing farmers' It is necessary to open up the rural consumer goods market to allow farmers to buy things; and it is also necessary to first open up the rural agricultural produce market, so that farmers' purses will be bulgingFarmers' income is stepping into the period of a new round of growth at reduced Slow increase in farmers' income is the greatest factor thwarting efforts to explore rural When farmers' purses are not so bulging, increase in actual consumption demand will be To increase farmers' income is, in essence, to enhance the rural economy's adaptability to the socialist market In the opinions of authoritative persons, it is essential to get hold of two links: one is "what to grow" Farmers have to grow farm crops easy to yield added To do so, it is necessary to readjust and optimize the agricultural structure, develop high-efficiency and high-value-added characteristic Second is "how to sell the produce" To increase farmers' income, it is essential to solve the problem concerning ties between the farmer and the market, farmers should be enabled to smoothly enter the big, ever-changing This requires development of industrial management of agriculture, and cultivation of a wholesale market system, intermediary service system and information service Cultivating a wholesale trading market system by making use of the advantages of tradition, regional location, resources and industry is an important aspect in invigorating the flow of agricultural produce and industrial This has been proved by the experience of many --------------------------------------------------------------------------------China May Hold Future of Food TechnologyBy Dennis AverySenior fellow and Director, Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute Is it possible the First World will give China a virtual monopoly in agricultural biotechnology, destined to be one of the most valuable technologies of the 21st century? Have the United States and Europe thrown away billions of dollars in agriculture-related biotech earnings and hundreds of thousands of clean, high-tech research and support jobs? The United States and Europe have spent billions of dollars doing basic research in genetically modified crops and animals to make foods that are better-tasting, more nutritious and kinder to the Will China now step in and charge the United States and Europe steep royalties for the right to grow the new organisms that result from this research? Those are all strong possibilities, in the wake of the environmental group Greenpeace's stunningly swift and successful campaign to ban genetically modified foods and First World investors were afraid to be caught in another controversy like tobacco, or another set of baseless class-action lawsuits like the controversy over silicone breast They've bailed out on agricultural biotechnology long before governments dared To duck the controversy, Monsanto's orphaned agricultural biotech unit will be dumped into a hostile stock market along with its multibillion-dollar laboratories and Ditto for the big agricultural biotech units of Europe's Novartis and Z Look for layoffs from all And don't expect the laid-off scientists to land jobs at public research The publicly funded research labs will be even more gun-shy of agricultural biotechnology now than the private The erstwhile scientists will have to lay aside their doctorates and start new A lucky few may find jobs in human medical biotech, which the environmental movement has not attacked This has nothing to do with risks to people or the Despite media hype, no real dangers related to biotech foods have ever been But Greenpeace seems to want a smaller, poorer human population, so they're willing to frighten the world back into the scientific Dark A The one thing certain is genetic engineering in food production will not When the astronomer Galileo published his proofs in 1632 that the Earth revolved around the sun, the Catholic Church put him under house The church had declared the Earth the center of the But people could never look at the sun in quite the same way They had new The First World may be so comfortable it can afford to pass up biotech But the Third World is still struggling to provide adequate diets for its growing For the developing world, the choices are The can either use biotechnology to raise yields, grow more low-yield crops by clearing tropical forests or import food from the W Given those choices, biotech foods look awfully Most Third World countries are too small or poor to advance agricultural biotechnology on their Countries like Brazil and Argentina could assemble the scientific resources but they're afraid of losing their export sales to nervous European and Japanese India might like to develop high-yielding biotech crops to ease its cropland shortage, but its own prickly activists are still arguing over hybrid They're likely to hamstring Indian biotech into the near foreseeable China is the one country in the world with the scientific power to carry biotechnology forward in agriculture, the urgent need for massive amounts of additional food and feed and no need to allow unfounded food scares to be published in its China already has over 1 million farmers growing genetically modified cotton, corn and soybeans because of lower Anyone who doubts China's ability to carry forward good science is ignoring the country's fabulous history and its recent ballistic missile "Golden rice" by itself may be enough to secure genetically engineered foods' reputation among Chinese Asian women are at high risk of birth complications because of iron deficiency due to the phytate in the rice they Golden rice counteracts the phytate and provides ample dietary It also contains plenty of Vitamin A, also lacking in many rice-culture The International Rice Research Institute is already breeding golden rice genes into popular rice varieties for the people of Asia and A Is Greenpeace callous enough to try to frighten poor rice-culture consumers away from golden rice and back to childhood blindness? Using biotechnology, China should be able to produce highly attractive foods, such as healthier fats for cooking, allergy-free nuts, more tender steaks and, at last, a tasty off-season Every vitamin and mineral needed by the human body could be engineered into our foods, saving consumers billions of dollars in food When First World consumers find out about such goodies, China can export them or charge farmers in other countries a fee to grow The biotech crops will also feature sharply higher yields, especially on marginal farmlands where drought and acid soils currently limit Greenpeace should cheer this, since it will directly help save Asian tropical First World farmers will lose a significant part of their export potential, of course, if Third World farmers can produce higher yields and more desirable specialty foods through At the moment, that seems to be the price they pay for farming in a rich, overfed

The new technology of agriculture refers to many science and technics,inlucding the industrializing of agriculture,the green revolution and the sustainable development of The industrializing of agriculture improves the efficiency of agricultural The green revolution brings us more productive crops and raise the production of The theory of sustainable development of agriculture provides human race a bright future in which people and nature are living together



Agriculture Technologies 900 Million Farmers in ChinaThe history of reform and opening up has witnessed three calls for the development of rural 900 million farmers constitute the world's largest group of consumers and have created the biggest business opportunity in CIn the face of the dual competitive pressure posed to China by the hi-tech advantage of the developed countries and the price advantage resulted from the currency devaluation in surrounding countries, China has clearly indicated: From the long-term point of view, while actively exploring international markets, it is essential to actively develop the domestic market, particularly the rural This is a strategic choice in conformity with China's national The rural market is the most dynamic, practical pivotal point in expanding domestic demands and boosting economic Inadequate effective demand has become the greatest hindrance to China's current economic In the series of macro-control measures to be adopted in the second half of this year, exploring the rural market is regarded as "a rope for capturing the tiger" Experts' estimation indicates: Every 100 billion yuan worth of final consumption realized in rural areas will generate 6 billion yuan worth of consumption demand for the entire national It is also a brand-new starting-point in the readjustment of economic structure and the readjustment of product Today, the buyer's market has penetrated to every corner of China's Of the 900-odd important industrial products, the utilization rate of over half of the production capacity is less than 50 percent, structural readjustment is thus In the effort to successfully open up the rural market, industrial enterprises must produce commodities geared to rural demands; and commercial enterprises must skillfully build smooth and swift marketing There are many difficulties confronting the effort to explore rural Reasons for this are For example, some local governments have inadequate understanding of the importance and urgency of exploring rural markets, fear difficulty and lack confidence in accomplishing this task; quite a number of industrial and commercial enterprises still harbor the concept of "valuing cities while belittling the countryside", this is manifested in the fact that the product mix is incompatible with the rural market demand, the variety of commodities on sale is single and farmers find it inconvenient to In fact, the rural market has enormous potential and there are many favorable conditions for developing the rural So long as industrial and commercial enterprises really attach importance to the rural market, carefully study farmers' demands, exert great efforts to do a good job in the work of exploring the rural market well, they can definitely achieve the anticipated Industrial enterprises stress production of commodities geared to market needs, while commercial enterprises emphasize smooth and fast marketing Efforts should be made to develop new sales methods, such as chain-store, agency and distribution center and to establish various forms of sales networks wherein industry and commerce, commerce and commerce, town and country, state-owned commerce and individually-run and privately-run commerce join Chinese business people will have ample scope for their abilities in rural The key to success in exploring rural markets lies in increasing farmers' It is necessary to open up the rural consumer goods market to allow farmers to buy things; and it is also necessary to first open up the rural agricultural produce market, so that farmers' purses will be bulgingFarmers' income is stepping into the period of a new round of growth at reduced Slow increase in farmers' income is the greatest factor thwarting efforts to explore rural When farmers' purses are not so bulging, increase in actual consumption demand will be To increase farmers' income is, in essence, to enhance the rural economy's adaptability to the socialist market In the opinions of authoritative persons, it is essential to get hold of two links: one is "what to grow" Farmers have to grow farm crops easy to yield added To do so, it is necessary to readjust and optimize the agricultural structure, develop high-efficiency and high-value-added characteristic Second is "how to sell the produce" To increase farmers' income, it is essential to solve the problem concerning ties between the farmer and the market, farmers should be enabled to smoothly enter the big, ever-changing This requires development of industrial management of agriculture, and cultivation of a wholesale market system, intermediary service system and information service Cultivating a wholesale trading market system by making use of the advantages of tradition, regional location, resources and industry is an important aspect in invigorating the flow of agricultural produce and industrial This has been proved by the experience of many --------------------------------------------------------------------------------China May Hold Future of Food TechnologyBy Dennis AverySenior fellow and Director, Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute Is it possible the First World will give China a virtual monopoly in agricultural biotechnology, destined to be one of the most valuable technologies of the 21st century? Have the United States and Europe thrown away billions of dollars in agriculture-related biotech earnings and hundreds of thousands of clean, high-tech research and support jobs? The United States and Europe have spent billions of dollars doing basic research in genetically modified crops and animals to make foods that are better-tasting, more nutritious and kinder to the Will China now step in and charge the United States and Europe steep royalties for the right to grow the new organisms that result from this research? Those are all strong possibilities, in the wake of the environmental group Greenpeace's stunningly swift and successful campaign to ban genetically modified foods and First World investors were afraid to be caught in another controversy like tobacco, or another set of baseless class-action lawsuits like the controversy over silicone breast They've bailed out on agricultural biotechnology long before governments dared To duck the controversy, Monsanto's orphaned agricultural biotech unit will be dumped into a hostile stock market along with its multibillion-dollar laboratories and Ditto for the big agricultural biotech units of Europe's Novartis and Z Look for layoffs from all And don't expect the laid-off scientists to land jobs at public research The publicly funded research labs will be even more gun-shy of agricultural biotechnology now than the private The erstwhile scientists will have to lay aside their doctorates and start new A lucky few may find jobs in human medical biotech, which the environmental movement has not attacked This has nothing to do with risks to people or the Despite media hype, no real dangers related to biotech foods have ever been But Greenpeace seems to want a smaller, poorer human population, so they're willing to frighten the world back into the scientific Dark A The one thing certain is genetic engineering in food production will not When the astronomer Galileo published his proofs in 1632 that the Earth revolved around the sun, the Catholic Church put him under house The church had declared the Earth the center of the But people could never look at the sun in quite the same way They had new The First World may be so comfortable it can afford to pass up biotech But the Third World is still struggling to provide adequate diets for its growing For the developing world, the choices are The can either use biotechnology to raise yields, grow more low-yield crops by clearing tropical forests or import food from the W Given those choices, biotech foods look awfully Most Third World countries are too small or poor to advance agricultural biotechnology on their Countries like Brazil and Argentina could assemble the scientific resources but they're afraid of losing their export sales to nervous European and Japanese India might like to develop high-yielding biotech crops to ease its cropland shortage, but its own prickly activists are still arguing over hybrid They're likely to hamstring Indian biotech into the near foreseeable China is the one country in the world with the scientific power to carry biotechnology forward in agriculture, the urgent need for massive amounts of additional food and feed and no need to allow unfounded food scares to be published in its China already has over 1 million farmers growing genetically modified cotton, corn and soybeans because of lower Anyone who doubts China's ability to carry forward good science is ignoring the country's fabulous history and its recent ballistic missile "Golden rice" by itself may be enough to secure genetically engineered foods' reputation among Chinese Asian women are at high risk of birth complications because of iron deficiency due to the phytate in the rice they Golden rice counteracts the phytate and provides ample dietary It also contains plenty of Vitamin A, also lacking in many rice-culture The International Rice Research Institute is already breeding golden rice genes into popular rice varieties for the people of Asia and A Is Greenpeace callous enough to try to frighten poor rice-culture consumers away from golden rice and back to childhood blindness? Using biotechnology, China should be able to produce highly attractive foods, such as healthier fats for cooking, allergy-free nuts, more tender steaks and, at last, a tasty off-season Every vitamin and mineral needed by the human body could be engineered into our foods, saving consumers billions of dollars in food When First World consumers find out about such goodies, China can export them or charge farmers in other countries a fee to grow The biotech crops will also feature sharply higher yields, especially on marginal farmlands where drought and acid soils currently limit Greenpeace should cheer this, since it will directly help save Asian tropical First World farmers will lose a significant part of their export potential, of course, if Third World farmers can produce higher yields and more desirable specialty foods through At the moment, that seems to be the price they pay for farming in a rich, overfed




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据学术堂了解农业论文可以分五步进行写作   选好主题  (1)选与专业有关的,这是选主题的基本要求  (2)主题有关的参考文献比较丰富,是为了保障后面的写作可以找到比较多参考文献;不要为了追求论文创新,而去选择没有有关相关研究文献题目,那么后面写论文时很难的   收集文献  收集大量和主题相关的研究文献;收集和阅读文献的目的是为了看看他人的课题是有怎样的研究思路,也是为了适当的"借鉴"他人的研究生框架   拟写提纲  结合自己的主题,在充分参考文献的基础上,拟写自己的写作提纲;拟写提纲需要注意的是,提纲里每个小标题的确定,都熬考虑到自己有没有能力完成相关的内容   填写内容,完成初稿  根据确定好的提纲,进行内容的填写;在填写内容的过程里,虽已经有文献的内容是不可以直接复制粘贴,但可以进行借鉴再加入一些自己的东西   依照导师的意见修改,最后定稿  初稿出来后,发给导师;毕业论文都是需要按照导师的意见进行修改才可以最后定稿,导师同意签字可以参与答辩


来稿应含中英文题目、中英文摘要(说明研究目的、方法、成果和最终结论等,重点是方法创新和成果结论;中英文摘要对映)、关键词(5~8个)。论文写作详细要求请见论文写作模板。   量和单位:应符合国家规定。外文字符要分清大小写、正斜体,上下角字符的位置高低应区别明显。   图、表:应提供中英文图题、表题;图应带有数据源,表要采用三线表。   参考文献:引用文献应遵循“最新、关键、必要和亲自阅读过”的原则;在正文中顺次引述;数量以不少于25篇为宜,未公开发表的资料一般不宜引用。国外文献应占相当比例,国内文献不建议引用非核心期刊。文献著录要准确,著录格式如下:  期刊论文:[序号] 作者题名刊名(全称,勿缩写,英文刊名应为斜体),出版年,卷(期):起-止页  专著:[序号] 编著者 书名 版本 出版地:出版者,出版年:页码  论文集、会议录:[序号] 作者 题名[C]//文集主要责任者 论文集名 出版地:出版者,出版年:页码  学位论文:[序号] 作者 题目[D] 地点:单位,年  科技报告:[序号] 作者 题名[R] 报告题名及编号,出版地:出版者,出版年  国际、国家标准,行业规范:[序号] 标准起草者 标准编号标准名称[S] 出版地:出版者,出版年  专利:[序号] 设计人 专利题名:专利国别,专利号[P] 公告日期  电子文献:[序号] 主要责任者 电子文献题名[EB/OL] (发表或更新日期)[引用日期] 电子文献的出处或可获得地址   作者简介:建议提供全部作者简介,最好说明对论文的贡献以便于读者了解和联系。作者简介内容应包括:姓名、出生年、性别、学位、职称、研究方向、电子邮箱、联系电话等。通信作者应为基金课题主持或学生导师。

据学术堂了解,农业科技论文由标题、署名、摘要、关键词、引言、正文、参考文献这七部分组成:  一、标题,是科技论文的必要组成部分,一般要求简明、准确地写出课题研究的基本内容,有助于选定关键词,符合编制题录、索引和检索的有关原则由于标题是一篇科技论文给出的涉及论文范围与水平的第一个重要信息,而且别人需要通过论文标题中的关键词来检索论文,所以用语精确是非常重要的  二、署名,是科技论文的必要组成部分,通常是为了表明文责自负、记录作用的劳动成果、便于读者与作者的联系及文献检索因此,一般要求按照对研究工作与论文撰写的实际贡献大小列出第一作者、第二作者等,注明作者所在单位或通信地址这里需要注意的一个问题是,署名的人数一般不易过多,所以对于那些给过某种帮助而不宜署名的人员,可以通过文末致谢的方式表示谢意  三、摘要,是对科技论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,通常要求概括地说明该研究的目的及重要性,并极其扼要地表述是以何种实验材料与方法得出的何种研究结论,突出论文的新见解和研究结果的意义科技论文摘要一般包括目的、方法、结果、结论,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文,可以引用、推广  四、关键词,从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇关键词是用作计算机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索每篇科技论文一般选取3到8个词汇作为关键词  五、引言,经常作为科技论文的开端,主要简明介绍科技论文的背景、相关领域的前人研究历史与现状,以及著者的意图与分析依据,包括科技论文的追求目标、研究范围和理论、技术方案的选取等引言的写作,文字不可冗长,内容选择不必过于分散、琐碎,措词要精炼,要吸引读者读下去引言篇幅的大小一般并无硬性的统一规定,需视整篇论文篇幅的大小及论文内容的需要来确定  六,正文,是科技论文的主体,论文所体现的创造性成果或新的研究结果,都将在这一部分得到充分的反映所以一般要求这一部分内容充实,论据充分、可靠,论证有力,主题明确为了满足这一系列要求,同时也为了做到层次分明、脉络清晰,常常将正文部分人成几个大的段落这些段落即所谓逻辑段,一个逻辑段可包含几个自然段每一逻辑段落可冠以适当标题  七、参考文献,是反映文稿的科学依据和著者尊重他人研究成果而向读者提供文中引用有关资料的出处,或为了节约篇幅和叙述方便,提供在论文中提及而没有展开的有关内容的详尽文本一般来说,被列入的论文参考文献应该只限于那些著者亲自阅读过和论文中引用过,而且正式发表的出版物,或其他有关档案资料,包括专利等文献
