

发布时间:2024-07-08 12:43:59





(寻氧) (曼妙的呼吸) (听,那是鸟儿的歌唱) (环境保卫战) 题目其实是根据文章内容而定的,文章如果多用比较生动的语言,那么题目就也要有特点,文章内容严实的话,题目也要严肃点,两者是相呼应的。建议先写好文章,再来总结题目,起到画龙点睛的效果。

怎样的环保才“理智”伐?___!猜一个字 (答案:罚)变废为宝 小小报纸用处大 保护森林——保护人类自己的家保护地球,从我做起 别说我的眼泪你无所谓8.中国的水环境现状 9.发达国家废水治理的研究进展 10.防止臭氧层空洞的全球举措 11.简谈……的可持续发展 12.城市垃圾资源化及运用前景最后一滴泪14保护环境 功在当代利在千秋 15追求绿色时尚 拥抱绿色生活 16同建绿色温馨家园 共享清澈碧水蓝天 17风调雨顺 始自环境保护 人寿年丰 源于生态平衡 18积德行善 造福后代 百年大计 环保第一





2011-11-2 20:32 满意回答 1、绿色的梦2、环保大世界3、环保,一直都在我们身边4、绿色在我手中5、环保的呼唤6、共同来环保7、蓝天的约会8、别让环保天使在流泪9、换我一片蓝天10、让“绿色”融入我们的生活11、蓝色星球、绿色踪迹12、环保清洁箱13、环保低碳每一天,幸福生活来相伴。希望能帮助到你写出更好地作文,望采纳,谢谢!又不懂得可以再问我哦!呵呵!追问你的题目都很好( ⊙o⊙ )。可不可以用绿色的梦绿色在我手中蓝天的约会别让环保天使在流泪蓝色星球、绿色踪迹来写文章呢?

怎样的环保才“理智”伐?___!猜一个字 (答案:罚)变废为宝 小小报纸用处大 保护森林——保护人类自己的家保护地球,从我做起 别说我的眼泪你无所谓8.中国的水环境现状 9.发达国家废水治理的研究进展 10.防止臭氧层空洞的全球举措 11.简谈……的可持续发展 12.城市垃圾资源化及运用前景最后一滴泪14保护环境 功在当代利在千秋 15追求绿色时尚 拥抱绿色生活 16同建绿色温馨家园 共享清澈碧水蓝天 17风调雨顺 始自环境保护 人寿年丰 源于生态平衡 18积德行善 造福后代 百年大计 环保第一


2011-11-2 20:32 满意回答 1、绿色的梦2、环保大世界3、环保,一直都在我们身边4、绿色在我手中5、环保的呼唤6、共同来环保7、蓝天的约会8、别让环保天使在流泪9、换我一片蓝天10、让“绿色”融入我们的生活11、蓝色星球、绿色踪迹12、环保清洁箱13、环保低碳每一天,幸福生活来相伴。希望能帮助到你写出更好地作文,望采纳,谢谢!又不懂得可以再问我哦!呵呵!追问你的题目都很好( ⊙o⊙ )。可不可以用绿色的梦绿色在我手中蓝天的约会别让环保天使在流泪蓝色星球、绿色踪迹来写文章呢?


冰蓝、灵槐智宸 (智:智慧宸:古代君王的代称)


Nowadays, the biggest problem in our world is the environment is The environment around us gets worse and worse, and the environment pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the Many lakes and rivers are seriously polluted and much water is polluted by Many trees are cut down, and the animals don’t have home to The earth is our home and it is our duty to take care of it for ourselves and our future Good environment can make people feel happy and And the bad environment will bring illness to To protect the environment means to improve our As a middle school student, we must do our bit towards protecting the It is our duty to do But what can we do for our Mother Earth? In my opinion, I think protecting the environment should from We shouldn’t throw the rubbish And we should also tell others not to do We should put the trash into their own houses—trash Whenever and wherever we see litter on the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into trash Never spit in And don’t draw on public As we know, water is the limited resources, and it is very important for human beings, we can’t live without But some people don’t care about it, and many cities need water So we shouldn’t waste the How to save the water? I have some my own First, we can use some water which we have used For example, we can use the water we wash rice to water the Second, we should turn off the tap when we We should try to protect the water To protect trees, we can go to plan as many trees as we We can use cloth bag instead of plastic bag while we are And I think we should tell others to protect environment, We should stop the people who throw the trash on the ground, and tell them it’s wrong to do We can also write to the boss of factories which discharge the We can call our friends to plant more flowers and trees We should let people realize the seriousness of the environment “There is only one earth,” I hope everyone will protect the If everyone makes their contribution to protect the environment, our earth will be more and more beautiful!

As everyone knows , the environment has become worse and worse because people cut down more trees ,throw the waste everywhere and many factory put the dirty water into the It causes many serious Now river dirty, dirty air, the temperature So we must protect our environment We can plant more trees and throw the waste into the litter and so We only have one earth Let's put our effort to protect our environment
