

发布时间:2024-07-08 00:53:50


议论文有论点、论据、论证三个要素。一篇议论文,无论是立论、驳论还是两者相结合,都有明确的论点。议论文的论据包括事实和道理两种基本形式。论点和论据是通过论证组织起来的。一、议论文一般只有一个中心论点,有的议论文还围绕中心论点提出几个分论点。二、分析论据论据是被论点统率,为论点服务的。常用的论据有两种类型———事实论据和道理论据。 事实论据:包括具有代表性的确凿的事例或史实。 道理论据:指经过人们的实践检验的、为社会所公认的正确理论,包括社会科学理论,如哲学理论,也包括自然科学的原理、定律、公式及广为流传的谚语、名言、警句等。 三、明确论证方法论证方法多种多样,常见的有四种: ①举例论证:列举确凿、充分、有代表性的事例证明论点; ②道理论证:用马列主义经典著作中的精辟见解、古今中外名人的名言警句以及人们公认的定理公式等来证明论点; ③对比论证:拿正反两方面的论点或论据做对比,在对比中证明论点; ④比喻论证:用人们熟知的事物做比喻来证明论点。多数议论文综合运用几种方法。

It might be easy to dismiss pictures of pink lakes as P Plenty of them are, but a handful of bubble gum-colored lakes around the world don't get their hue from a The color is usually the result of microorganisms interacting with salt In fact, almost all of the world's pink lakes are saltier than the Here are several examples of the unique phenomenon of pink

只有一个中心论点,论证都是大相庭径的 我们有可以指导发表价格合理。


大家帮我想想英语考试作文议论文的论点,三条论点!Nearly nobody can live his/her whole life in Campus is a micro-society, most of people came to cumpus for the knownage, with similar objective, people can get alone with each other However, when you get out of the campus, you will find the society is much more complicate than the Is this mean the campus live better than off campus live? No, i don't think First of all, people need to get the ability to solve the problems, campus can show you the theoritical way, however, these sulotions must be adjusted according to the different environment in the So you can not learn the alternative or adjusting method in the campus, you can only figure it in the off campus live by Second, nearly everything is arranged for the students, the lectures, accommodation, teachers and What you need to do just follow the instruction and Things are changed in the off campus live, you must arrange every thing for yourself, sometimes, you have to make the schedule for that means the off campus live will show you how to manage your some people can learn it very well and they got everything they last, but not the least, the communication in the campus and off the campus are people are easy to communicate with their classmate, because they have similar age, and same the communication is acadamy when you come to the society, you will meet more people, your friend, your colleague, 希望您早日解决问题

在现实生活中,我们常常需要对人、事、物或某些现象表明态度,发表意见,阐述观点,这就是议论。以议论为主要表达方式的文章就叫议论文,也叫论说文。这种文体有较高的实用价值,报纸杂志中的社论、评论、杂感等,还有生活中的演讲、辩论等都属于这种文体。 议论文有论点、论据、论证三个要素。一篇议论文,无论是立论、驳论还是两者相结合,都有明确的论点。议论文的论据包括事实和道理两种基本形式。论点和论据是通过论证组织起来的。那么,怎样阅读议论文呢? 一、找准论点论点是作者对议论的问题所持的见解和主张,是议论文的灵魂。议论文一般只有一个中心论点,有的议论文还围绕中心论点提出几个分论点。有些文章,标题就是中心论点,如《俭以养德》;有的文章开头就提出论点,如《谈骨气》一开头就提出了“我们中国人是有骨气的”;有些文章的中心论点出现在篇末;有些文章则是在论述过程中提出中心论点,如《想和做》;也有些文章对论点的表述不很集中,这就需要读者从诸多的信息中筛选提取,归纳概括。 二、分析论据论据是被论点统率,为论点服务的。常用的论据有两种类型———事实论据和道理论据。 事实论据:包括具有代表性的确凿的事例或史实。 道理论据:指经过人们的实践检验的、为社会所公认的正确理论,包括社会科学理论,如哲学理论,也包括自然科学的原理、定律、公式及广为流传的谚语、名言、警句等。 三、明确论证方法论证方法多种多样,常见的有四种: ①举例论证:列举确凿、充分、有代表性的事例证明论点; ②道理论证:用马列主义经典著作中的精辟见解、古今中外名人的名言警句以及人们公认的定理公式等来证明论点; ③对比论证:拿正反两方面的论点或论据做对比,在对比中证明论点; ④比喻论证:用人们熟知的事物做比喻来证明论点。多数议论文综合运用几种方法。 四、分析文章的结构议论文的结构一般是提出问题———分析问题———解决问题(即引论———本论———结论)。要理清文章的思路:看开头提出了什么问题,是从几个方面分析论证的,其中着重论述的是哪个方面,再进一步研究这么安排的道理。 五、分析议论文的语言要注意理解富有概括力的关键性词语。议论文的语言往往概括性强,利用比较抽象的词语表现丰富的内容。例如《俭以养德》中“俭以养德”,意思是要生活节俭,以此来培养品德。它内涵丰富,警策动人,只有联系作品背景和全文内容,才能有较深理解。



Some people think that we learn our most important lessons in Others think that the knowledge we acquire outside of school is the most Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your 问题——现实情况——他人的观点——你的观点 Children all around the world are attending Education has become a core issue for every government on earth, and they are all striving hard to achieve higher quality and larger scale of This is by no means coincidence, but indicates the importance of In my point of view, we learn our most important lessons of our life in school, which is reflected by the emphasis of education by 理由一 In schools, students learn the essence of all human The human knowledge is accumulated through all human Knowledge taught in lessons in school are selected and selected over thousands of years, composing the fundamental knowledge a person needed to survive and succeed in For example, the mathematics courses in school lay the basis for every student who is to understand If they know nothing about mathematics, they may well be fooled in the future by banks and other 理由二 Also, the knowledge taught in school is often systematic and reasonable, rather than discrete pieces of Through the process of learning systematically and solving academic problems by reasoning, students only learn the knowledge they are learning, but also learn the most efficient way to view and solve problems around For example, through learning physics and chemistry, students know more about what's happening around us, but more importantly, they grasp some idea of observation, assumption, experimentation and 理由三 And lessons in school often determine students' appetite of literature, art and In schools, student spend much more time learning famous piece of literary works, paintings, sculptures and great compositions, which is definitely different from what they hear and see outside the In this way, their appetites for beauty reach a higher And an appetite for fine arts and literature would bring tremendous benefits to the happiness of their life, considering the huge heritage of fine arts we have!理由四 To conclude, the knowledge taught in school is the true essence of all human knowledge, and school knowledge has a tremendous positive effect on 总结理由,强化结论


It might be easy to dismiss pictures of pink lakes as P Plenty of them are, but a handful of bubble gum-colored lakes around the world don't get their hue from a The color is usually the result of microorganisms interacting with salt In fact, almost all of the world's pink lakes are saltier than the Here are several examples of the unique phenomenon of pink


It might be easy to dismiss pictures of pink lakes as P Plenty of them are, but a handful of bubble gum-colored lakes around the world don't get their hue from a The color is usually the result of microorganisms interacting with salt In fact, almost all of the world's pink lakes are saltier than the Here are several examples of the unique phenomenon of pink

point argumentproof




It might be easy to dismiss pictures of pink lakes as P Plenty of them are, but a handful of bubble gum-colored lakes around the world don't get their hue from a The color is usually the result of microorganisms interacting with salt In fact, almost all of the world's pink lakes are saltier than the Here are several examples of the unique phenomenon of pink


