

发布时间:2024-07-18 06:02:53


一、如何进行文献检索我是学自然科学的,平时确实需要不少外文文献,对于自然科学来讲英文文献检索首推Elsevier,Springer等。虽然这些数据库里面文献已经不算少了。但是有时还会碰到查不到的文献,而这些文献的数据库我们所在研究所或大学又没有买,怎么办?我基本通过以下向个途径来得到文献。1.首先在Google 学术搜索里进行搜索,里面一般会搜出来你要找的文献,在Google学术搜索里通常情况会出现“每组几个”等字样,然后进入后,分别点击,里面的其中一个就有可能会下到全文,当然这只是碰运气,不是万能的,因为我常常碰到这种情况,所以也算是得到全文文献的一条途径吧。可以试一下。同时,大家有没有发现,从Google学术搜索中,还可以得到一些信息,Google学术搜索中会显示出你搜索文章的引用次数,不过这个引用次数不准确,但是从侧面反应了这篇文章的质量,经典文章的引用次数绝对很高的同时如果你用作者进行搜索时,会按引用次数出现他写的全部的文章,就可以知道作者的哪些文章比较经典,在没有太多时间的情况下,就可以只看经典的2.如果上面的方法找不到全文,就把文章作者的名字或者文章的title在Google 里搜索(不是Google 学术搜索),用作者的名字来搜索,是因为我发现很多国外作者都喜欢把文章的全文(PDF)直接挂在网上,一般情况下他们会把自己的文章挂在自己的个人主页(home page)上,这样可能也是为了让别的研究者更加了解自己的学术领域,顺便推销自己吧。这样你就有可能下到你想要的文献的全文了。甚至可以下到那个作者相近的内容的其它文章。如果文献是由多个作者写的,第一作者查不到个人主页,就接上面的方法查第二作者,以此类推。用文章的title来搜索,是因为在国外有的网站上,例如有的国外大学的图书馆可能会把本校一年或近几年的学术成果的Publication的PDF全文献挂在网上,或者在这个大学的ftp上也有可能会有这样类似的全文这样就很可能会免费下到你想要的全文了。3.如果上面两个方法都没有查到你要的文献,那你就直接写邮件向作者要。一般情况下作者都喜欢把自己的文献给别人,因为他把这些文献给别人,也相当于在传播他自己的学术思想。下面是本人向老外作者要文献的一个常用的模板:Dear Professor ×××,I am in ××× Institute of ×××, Chinese Academy of S I am writing to request your I search one of your papers: ×××(你的文献题目)but I can not read full-text content, would you mind sending your papers by E-mail? Thank you for your Best wishes !(or best regards)×××本人的经验是讲英语的国家的作者给文章的机率会大,一般你要就会给,其它不讲英语的国家,如德国,法国,日本等国家的作者可能不会给。出于礼貌,如果你要的文献作者E-mail给你了,千万别忘记回信致谢4.最后一种方法其实大家都熟悉,就是发贴在小木虫上求助。我还用另一种方法,就是直接让我所在的研究所图书馆的管理员帮我从外面的图书馆文献传递。不过有的文献可能是要钱的。一页3元,由于我们看文献的钱都是由课题出,所以也就不太考虑钱的问题了。


In this modern materialistic world, the majority of people are in hot pursuit of material gains, and money is considered the most valuable thing of all, which, personally speaking, is quite As far as I am concerned, reading is much more valuable than anything else, for it can benefit us in many The old saying, “to open a book is always beneficial” vividly shows how valuable reading Firstly, it goes beyond doubt that reading is a very important way to gain Reading is like travelling, the process of which enables you to experience the colorful world and enlarge your eyes By reading history books, you can understand how a regime prospers or collapses, helping you draw useful lessons and develop more By reading books of science, you can keep yourself informed in the field of scientific endeavors, thus appreciating how science creates In a word, reading can enrich your knowledge and get whatever information you In addition, you can get mental encouragement from reading and improve yourself in all For instance, the stories of well-known people in books help turn an aimless person into an ambitious one, setting up a short or long-term goal for If the daily troubles make you feel desperate, then you will be mentally stroked and encouraged by reading how famous people such as Beethoven made miracles in the face of insurmountable Books are a great source of mental encouragement, giving you motives to move Finally, reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in It increases our joy when we are in high spirits, and lessens our sorrow when we are Reading will always bring us enjoyment and Good books also serve as gentle companions or faithful friends that will never betray While reading, we don’t feel Books are ready to give us whatever we need such as knowledge, friendship and To sum up, reading is undoubtedly beneficial to To open a book is like opening a door, through which you will enter a museum, where all man-made wonders and unique wisdoms are available for you to appreciate; to open a book is like opening a window, through which you can enjoy fresh air、blue sky and wonderful natural landscapes , making you feel refreshed (以上是我的回答,希望能帮你解决问题,如果满意,请尽快采纳,谢谢,亲~)



引用网页: -info/php?page=interactive-reading-model -modern-texts-and-hypertextWhat is an interactive reading model? by Ken Boothe Leah B Walter Introduction An interactive reading model attempts to combine the valid insights of bottom-up and top-down It attempts to take into account the strong points of the bottom-up and top-down models, and tries to avoid the criticisms leveled against each, making it one of the most promising approaches to the theory of reading (McCormick, T 1988) Definition An interactive reading model is a reading model that recognizes the interaction of bottom-up and top-down processes simultaneously throughout the reading Proponents Here are some proponents of the interactive reading model: Rumelhart, D 1985 Barr, Sadow, and Blachowicz 1990 Ruddell and Speaker 1985 Discussion Here are the views of some researchers about the interactive reading model: Emerald Dechant: The interactive model suggests that the reader constructs meaning by the selective use of information from all sources of meaning (graphemic, phonemic, morphemic, syntax, semantics) without adherence to any one set The reader simultaneously uses all levels of processing even though one source of meaning can be primary at a given (Dechant 1991) Kenneth Goodman: An interactive model is one which uses print as input and has meaning as But the reader provides input, too, and the reader, interacting with the text, is selective in using just as little of the cues from text as necessary to construct (Goodman, K 1981) David E Rumelhart: Reading is at once a perceptual and a cognitive It is a process which bridges and blurs these two traditional Moreover, a skilled reader must be able to make use of sensory, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic information to accomplish the These various sources of information appear to interact in many complex ways during the process of reading (Rumelhart, D 1985) Examples The distinction between reading methodologies which are classified as whole-language (top-down) in contrast to interactive is not always Here are some examples, though, of instructional programs that incorporate the interactive reading model: The Multistrategy method with its workbook track and storybook track is a fairly clear-cut example of a methodology which attempts to focus on all levels of the reading See: The Multistrategy instructional program Another method which is traditionally labeled as bottom-up but does have components which attempt to guide the reader through all levels of the reading hierarchy is the Gudschinsky See: The Gudschinsky instructional program An interactive whole language instructional program developed by SIL in Papua New Guinea focuses on using whole texts to teach These texts are reproduced in primers, story books, or Big Various reading activities are constructed around the Lessons include the systematic teaching of phonics or If primers are constructed, their lessons link with the story in See: The interactive instructional program See also What is a bottom-up reading model? What is a top-down reading model? Sources Dechant 1991 McCormick, T 1988 Rumelhart, D 1985 Context for this page: Concept module: interactive reading model, by Ken Boothe and Leah B Walter In overview module: Glossary (Literacy): I In modular book: Glossary of literacy terms In document collection: Reference materials In bookshelf: Literacy This page is an extract from the LinguaLinks Library, Version 0, published on CD-ROM by SIL International, [Ordering ] Page content last modified: 16 September 1999







据学术堂了解,一个好的论文题目,需要包含以下几点原则:  标题需要指出研究的主题和范围,这是标题的最基础也最重要的作用,因此大家不要为了追求简短的标题,牺牲完整的内容  学术文章的标题应该追求真实准确,这样才能让让读者对于整篇文章有一个清晰的认知相反,标题偏离真实会让读者觉得,内容与标题牛头不对马嘴,直接降低文章的质量  尽量选择容易理解的标题,复杂晦涩的题目只会给读者增添不必要的麻烦,所以我们尽量不在标题上使用一些专业名词,或是复杂的结构  论文的标题一定要包含与研究内容相关的关键词,从而匹配搜索查询,让读者更容易找到你的文章



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到了英语毕业论文选题、开题的时节,选择什么样的毕业论文题目,是非常重要的,直接关系后续论文能不能顺利完成,完成质量如何,乃至能否顺利毕业。所以选择一个新颖又易于做研究的论文至关重要。英语论文的选题范围大致都可分为以下几个方面: 文学方面的选题,文学类的论文一般以英、美国等作家的作品为主,有些经典文学作品例如《傲慢与偏见》、《了不起的盖茨比》、《飘》、《喜福会》、《简爱》这些烂大街的作品就不推荐了,当然你如果有标新立异的角度,并且只求能够以及格分数毕业,当然也可以选择哦!推荐几个文学方向的选题:1、  不确定性的狂欢——《达芬奇密码》的后现代主义解读2、  从文学文体学角度浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的反奴斗争3、  存在主义视域下《霍乱时期的爱情》主题解读4、  对《愤怒的葡萄》中美国农民“美国梦”幻灭的解读5、  基于荣格原型理论对《基督山伯爵》中唐泰斯的人格转化6、  分析家庭伦理视域下《推销员之死》威利悲剧命运7、  分析论《外婆的日用家当》中黑人女性8、  对待传统文化的继承与反叛论《天使与魔鬼》的创作手法及伦理抉择9、论《Sh'khol 》中母亲身份危机与重建10、浅析阿加莎克里斯蒂《无人生还》中的文学创作技巧11、从汤亭亭和格洛丽亚•安扎杜尔自传小说看美国少数族裔如何冲破语言禁锢12、浅析《儿子与情人》中保罗的俄狄浦斯情结13、探究≪麦琪的礼物≫中蕴含的圣经文化14、论舍伍德安德森笔下的怪诞人物形象 ——以《小镇畸人》为例15、犹太文化角度下《只争朝夕》中父子关系的探析翻译方向:一般翻译方向建议使用理论分析1、功能对等翻译理论指导下化妆品说明书的汉译2、传播学视角下电影《冰雪奇缘》字幕翻译研究3、归化与异化视角下的电影字幕翻译——《贫民窟的百万富翁》为例4、接受美学视角下《暮光之城》字幕翻译的审美再现策略5、功能对等的视角下《红高粱家族》中方言的英译研究6、从归化与异化视角看阿瑟威利的《西游记》翻译7、从翻译美学的角度研究奢侈品广告汉译8、TED演讲字幕翻译中的遣词用字分析--以文化类主题为例9、等效原则视角下的英语习语的翻译策略10、翻译伦理视角下政府工作报告的英译11、从功能对等理论看英语硬新闻的汉译12、从功能对等理论研究法律文本中长难句英汉翻译的策略  教育教学方向:一般有理论研究和实践研究两种1、TPR教学法在小学英语教学中的实际使用情况 ——以XX学校为例2、词块理论在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究3、初中生英语写作中常见的错误分析及对策研究4、针对“00后”学生特点的初中英语个性化教学研究5、母语负迁移对高中英语写作教学的启示——以大同市实验中学为例6、学习者个体差异对初中生英语听力的影响——以壶关南洋中学为例7、农村小学英语教师信息化教学能力发展研究-以定阳小学为例8、语法翻译法和交际法在初中英语教学中的结合运用9、情感教学法在高中英语课堂上的应用10、任务型教学法在初中英语课堂上的应用文化方向:1、浅析不同文化背景下中美高等教育体制差异2、从清明节和万圣节的对比看中西方人的性格差异3、中美家庭教育的差异--以《士兵突击》和《阿甘正传》为例4、墓志铭中的中美价值观差异——以中美作家墓志铭为例5、跨文化视角下中美大学毕业典礼校长演讲的比较研究6、从重大突发事件的媒体报道看中美文化差异——以马航MH370坠机事件为例    7、基于双十一和网络星期一的中美网络购物节文化对比分析8、中美旅行网站的功能对比——以去哪儿网与E为例9、中英教育督导制度比较研究——以BBC纪录片《中国老师在英国》为例10、从“互联网+”营销策略看中美文化差异——以滴滴出行和优步为例
