

发布时间:2024-07-08 13:16:55





试论城市规划要点 引言城市规划的定义 城市规划是城市发展的战略、建设城市的纲领、管理城市的依据。如何打造一个城市的风貌、建设一个和谐、生动、合理的空间体系,是现在规划建设中十分热门的话题。城市规划必须注重个性特征,城市个性是一个城市的特色,是独特魅力之所在,在我国的城市化进程中,千城一面、似曾相识的城市越来越多,城市的个性特色已湮没在程式化的钢筋混凝土之中,失去了城市的特色和魅力。 城市个性化成为现代城市规划的一个重要内容和突出特点。打好“文化牌”,彰显文化特征是十分重要的课题。美国城市建筑学家刘易斯·芒福德说:“城市是文化的容器”。无论是历史文化名城罗马、威尼斯,还是现代国际大都市巴黎、纽约、芝加哥,座座堪称文化艺术宫殿、建筑博物馆,处处折射出城市的文化,走进这些城市,就仿佛走进了他们的历史。因此,在城市规划中必须处理好建设与继承的关系,在发展中传承历史文化。否则,城市一旦失去历史陈迹,犹如人失去鲜明的个性,得到的利益是暂时的,而遗憾却是永远的。 由于城市所处的空间地理位置、地形条件、气象条件和自然环境的不同,构成了不同的城市环境空间形态,提供了每个城市区别于其他城市的环境空间特性。城市规划的一个重要任务,就是要充分认识该城市的山、水、林和风景名胜等自然景观要素,发掘、保护、利用、开发、改造自然环境空间特色,在共性中找出个性,围绕个性建设特色城市。与此同时也要注重生态的和谐与持续发展的战略。 规划与人文精神 城市规划的人文精神是在1933年国际现代建筑会议第四次会议发表的《雅典宪章》中提出的,里面提出的城市功能分区原则影响了现代城市规划将近半个世纪。这种功能主义的原则,一方面向古典建筑学派提出挑战,使城市规划、建筑开始从古典的放射、圆形广场一类形式主义的桎梏中解放出来;另一方面功能主义又使城市规划、建筑逐渐陷入机械主义,它刻板地分区肢解了城市的有机结构,忽略了人与人之间的多方面联系,破坏了城市的地方特性,其结果是使城市形态单调、布局混乱、建筑雷同。尤其是功利主义的影响,城市空间因最大限度的商业性开发,破坏了城市生态环境,污水、废气、噪声、交通事故等给城市造成了巨大的伤害。因此城市在抛弃了人文精神的同时,便从“文明中最伟大的创造”变成了“文明中最大的破坏”,也给人类带来了生存危机。 20世纪60年代,重新关注城市的历史文脉、地域文化和人们的生活,城市规划中的人文理念开始复苏。与此同时,国际规划、建筑界人士开展了“可持续发展城市”的研究,并指出可持续发展的根本出发点是“为了城市人民”。这表明,城市人文精神将得到完全意义上的复兴与再生,人文因素将是21世纪城市文明的灵魂。 人文因素在中国的造城运动中是历史悠久的。明清时期的北京城就是中国城市运动中的代表作之一,彰显出皇权的气势和霸气。现代的城市建设也需要这种对人文精神的关注,在继承与发扬的道路上不断前进,为城市打造一种文化的底蕴。 1建筑是人文精神的表现 1990年6月2日,国际建筑师协会第十七次大会发表了《蒙特利尔宣言》。其开头一行是:“建筑是人文的表现,它反映了一个社会的形象。”世界建筑史表明,人类的建筑活动不仅是一项物质生产活动,而且还是人类文化活动的重要内容。一座城市的魅力,多数是由于建筑艺术的魅力营造出来的。建筑是时代的象征。希腊雅典卫城建于公元前5世纪,其中有世界著名的保护神雅典娜帕提农神庙。卫城建筑群是雅典这个黄金般的古典时期的纪念碑,是雅典全面繁荣昌盛的见证。17世纪法国古典主义建筑主要是国家性的大型建筑,有些是专为荣耀路易十四或他的政权。这个时期建造的卢浮宫东立面、旺道姆广场、凡尔赛宫及园林,都体现了路易十四“伟大的时代”的“伟大的风格”。建筑语言常常是民族的语言,是凝固的民族精神,具有强大的感召力。著名美籍华人建筑大师贝聿铭设计的中国银行香港大楼,他以“中文的构思、英文的设计”,使这幢大楼渗透着深刻的人文含义:塔身,象征着雨后春笋;风格,体现了出于污泥而不染的荷花精神;楼的外表面,展示出宝石图案。有学者说,巴黎人民很大程度上是巴黎的建筑语言场教养、熏陶和塑造出来的。维也纳的建筑群及人文环境,培育了一批又一批的音乐大师;德国的一批具有艺术特色建筑群和浓郁人文精神的城市,产生了一批又一批的哲学家、科学家、音乐家。城市的建筑具有强大的人文精神功能,一座有个性和人文魅力建筑的城市能提示城市的广大居民,提升这座城市的文明素质,使这座城市有自信心、活力和发展的推动力。






Settlements Ecological Ereas Design Abstract : ecological habitat areas through adjustment of ecological environment ecosystems and ecological factors, the area has become a natural ecology and human ecology, natural and artificial environment, a high degree of unity of material and spiritual civilizations, the ideals of sustainable development of urban Ecological areas of space rational structure, improving infrastructure, ecological construction, intelligent buildings and building life should be widely Use artificial environment and the natural environment It is consistent with urban planning and regional planning, and regional and urban harmony, is part of the ecological city, the host city and embodies Key word: Ecological house design 1 The ecological characteristics of small content Ecological habitat areas through adjustment of ecological environment ecosystems and ecological factors, the area has become a natural ecology and human ecology, natural and artificial environment, a high degree of unity of material and spiritual civilizations, the ideals of sustainable development of urban Ecological areas of space rational structure, improving infrastructure, ecological construction, the widespread application of smart buildings and the construction of life, artificial environment and the natural environment It is consistent with urban planning and regional planning, and regional and urban harmony, is part of the ecological city, the host city and embodies Compared with the traditional areas of ecological areas was essentially different from the following features: cohesion D symbiotic ecological areas within the natural and human, human to natural, intimate nature, natural into the residential areas into natural; At the same time, to create the environment to meet human needs of their own development, a human face, full of strong cultural atmosphere, mutual assistance groups have strong attractive, showing a prosperous, vigor and Area D ecological sustainability guided by sustainable development, and thus it can achieve small social, economic and environmental development, to achieve social and environmental benefits at the same time promoting economic development, and achieve rapid economic growth of high quality; Natural resources as a small public area can be used for a long, long Area D is not simply the pursuit of the overall ecological environment or Own prosperity, but also a social, economic, environmental overall coordination among development, nor is a small ecologicalization the ecologicalization, but overall the area of ecological and achieve overall ecological Therefore, the ecological residential building our cities will gradually change the current building environmental pollution, lack of effective environmental protection unreasonable status quo and achieve energy savings, and section, water conservation, pollution, and the effective management of the property to improve the environment of cities and areas have their own powerful 2 Ecological planning content areas (1) Ecological district planning objectives UN Man and the Biosphere Programme N 57 report pointed out: "It is natural ecological planning ecological and social psychological aspects of the two to create a fully integrated technology and natural human activity optimal environment induced human creativity and productivity in high material and cultural standard of "According to this description, We ecological areas can be understood as planning objectives : to ecology "as a whole, coordination, circulation, renewable" principle as a guide, through the promotion of eco-design methodology Habitat improvement of the quality of the environment and people in harmony with the natural, artificial and natural facilities coordination, and achieve small social-economic-natural complex system as a whole to achieve a coordinated and stable, balanced, orderly state of (2) ecological district planning methods The use of eco laws aiming at sustainable development, to engineering measures and technical means to support the traditional sense small design planning to become a real estate ecological areas to areas of ecological civilization advance the sustainable development of (3) the content of the ecological area planning Including small ecological planning, economic planning and social ecological ecological 1, ecological planning! Green indicators: The indicators are measured Ecological district level building the most important Green belts (including node and surface) to more than 50%, the per capita public green spaces in more than 28 square Ground water indicators : indicators that the water seepage capacity building bases to minimize concrete coverage, the use of natural drainage systems to facilitate rainwater infiltration, the ideal target is 80% of the surface area of flooding to Water-saving targets the targets for the development of alternative water resources (revenue) and the provincial water apparatus use (cut), as the main water-saving The former refers to the design of residential buildings or use force rain water purification system design, which means that rain, life-pooling processed, the required water quality standards, duplication in the use of non-potable water and non-physical contact with the complex Energy conservation targets : to design energy-efficient buildings through air-conditioning systems, lighting, night-ray use, the use of solar energy and other CO2 and waste reduction targets : the application of indicators to encourage Qinglianghua architectural structures, such as the use of steel construction to reduce construction sand Stone, brick and other building materials; Promote home simple interior designers, building materials recycling to achieve energy conservation, provincial resources, reduce waste and reduce carbon dioxide Sewage treatment indicators: the former for construction of storm water, sewage diversion pipeline systems, on the one hand facilitate the recycling of rainwater, on the other hand, could reduce the volume of sewage The latter refers to refuse collection and classification of resources Green traffic indicators: a clean, suitable for the urban environment, health useful means of transport to complete socio-economic According to Taiwan with the use of green transport assessment, foot, bicycle, Light Rail, trams, score 40 or more, and ordinary buses, trucks, motorcycles, scored in the following Therefore, ecological areas green transport planning should encourage residents to use green 2, economic ecological planning! The overall objective is to resource consumption and environmental pollution to the light of the rapid economic growth and cultivating scientific civilization consumption For this purpose, the application of green technology and green consumption production technology, and gradually change the energy structure, accelerate renewable energy alternative to fossil energy, applications hydropower, wind, biomass, solar and other green energy; Using natural ventilation and natural lighting and reduce energy consumption; In the area of production of green, green 3, the social ecology planning to enhance the sense of belonging and a small landmark, a center of the square and the charm of the inhabitants frog space; Supporting the establishment of complete, rationally ecological infrastructure, the creation of various age groups to facilitate crowd living environment; Area provide diversity, individuality residential, to ensure that all economic income people and people of various age levels demand; small commercial activities, public services, cultural activities, recreational activities, the center concentrated In short, ecological planning of new residential areas is a concept and a vision for the future of urban targets will be the ideal leisure parks and sustainable urban development trend of the future residential It is a magnificent building integrated engineering; we need long-term and unremitting 3、The ecological residential contents Ecological residential has a strict technical standard, developers can not arbitrarily self- Ecological residential demand in the energy and water, gas, sound, light, heat and the green environment, waste disposal, building materials and other aspects of the nine national 1, in the energy system, should avoid multiple pipelines into people's homes, the wall structure of residential energy-efficient design and reversal system and encourage the use of solar, wind, geothermal, maintaining appropriate indoor temperature, indoor temperature in the 2, the system called for the establishment of outdoor aquatic environment sewage reuse rainwater collection system and use the system, indoor and outdoor use of water saving devices, the use of water-saving landscape water 3, gas environment to the secondary system for the outdoor air quality standards, indoor ensure natural ventilation, ventilation ventilation facilities with bathrooms, kitchens have gas emission concentration system to the larger national air quality 4, sound environmental systems, Architectural designs have noise Jiangzao measures for outdoor daytime noise 50dB, less than 40dB noise at night, less than 35dB noise indoor day, night noise less than 30 dB5, optical environmental systems meet the requirements of interior design sunshine hours, try using natural light; indoor, avoid light pollution, such as glare advertising, curtain walls; indoor application of energy-saving lamps, and promote the use of solar green 6, ecological residential use has also requested approval of the National Environment Commission approved the award of the environment and surrounded by the signs of building materials to meet the non-toxic, harmless, non-polluting, non-radioactive, non-volatile requirements, the use of 3R (reusable, recyclable use, renewable use) Small green environment is an important theme of ecological residential, while living in the garbage disposal is a major part of a For residential ecology, ecological areas of life to the full bag of garbage collection, enclosed containers stored the collection rate 100% classification rate of 50%4、The types and characteristics of the ecological residential (a) the type of ecological residential 1, ecological residential categories : main advocate for the arts in origin, the maximum residential development ecological functional art, and art to such convergence of ecological art to be created as residential to create, whether such residential look from the outside or from within is a piece of 2, ecological wisdom categories: ecological wisdom mainly to highlight various features to maximize residential Any person living on possible devices capable of providing intelligent services have been placed in the appropriate part, the owner can rely on imagination and simple operation can achieve a special 3, in addition to other types of more! Species, there are eco-religious groups, lived a primitive tribal group, and some of the ecological category, ecological deficit tribunal Residential (2) the ecological health of the residential characteristics Ecological residential called "health " Not only ecological residential green, and from the planning point of view, the overall ecological area layout, monomer space portfolio, housing construction, natural energy use, energy efficiency measures, green systems and life support services in the design, must be to improve and enhance the ecological environment, the quality of life as a starting point and the Moreover, in actual design, layout on the green level, style and building mutual shine; Focus on different aspects of the complementary integration of plants, such as, inter ordinary plants, flowers and trees to watch, leafy trees, edible fruit trees, medicinal and aromatic plants cultivation; Green throughout the area to play while the other deeper ecological role, such as insulation, wind-proof, dust-proof and anti-noise, the elimination of poison material, adult bacterial virus, or even elimination from the visual sensory and mental fatigue, psychological And the housing construction, will consider the ecological and social ecology needs to save energy, to occupants of natural space and interpersonal Ecological residential to health Real estate not to sell land for the ultimate goal, nor is selling steel, cement house for the ultimate purpose is not to sell the concept and the environment as the ultimate goal, but to create a line with the development of human society and human needs of a healthy and civilized new home for the final It can be said that real estate is selling a lifestyle, a subculture is sold, the sale of a new society and a new Owners as a community, to really enjoy the community healthy and civilized new life, is not only reflected in the design of the real estate business, not only in the real estate area matching hardware facilities, but on community service software, people really enjoy the physical and mental This is a healthy and civilized into the 5、Ecological design and construction of residential Since China's reform and opening up, economic development has made remarkable achievements, but at the same time was accompanied by a waste of resources and environmental Since the backward production technologies, our average construction energy is developed 2~3 times, pollution was also very serious, our cities were the World Health Organization as a "serious pollution" in Real estate development and use of a large consumption of resources, produce large quantities of industrial To people hygiene, health, comfortable living, and environmental protection must be put in an important (1) The full use of solar energy Solar energy is the most important green energy is inexhaustible, widespread natural energy, and its advantage is extremely rich, clean, safe and Currently, the use of solar energy in residential areas, there are three main areas : solar water heaters, solar air conditioning and solar According to information on, for the installation of a 300 year by the solar hot water massage central hot water system will require an investment of about 15 million, the annual energy cost about 80,000 yuan, 2a can recover the full investment, and solar water heating systems for 15~20a useful life, then the costs of energy-saving equipment on the high 100~140 In recent decades, many countries are active in research, development, the use of solar energy, and achieved encouraging The most notable of which Australia and Israel, the prevalence of solar water heaters are 30% and 50% Our research and development of solar late, and achieved certain results, but only about 6% coverage, and development is uneven and more concentrated in the western region, the highest rate of Yunnan, 10% My solar abundant sunshine hours for 2500h years, the region accounted for more than 2/3 land area, some areas up to This use of solar energy for the development of our country provided a good With scientific and technological progress, the scope will be broader use of solar energy and energy conversion efficiency will be (2) rational use of water resources My country is a lack of water in some places, on the one hand, serious water shortages, on the other hand, Water is the key measures or "" Residents primarily drinking water consumption and use, including restaurants use about 5% of total consumption, while the remaining 95% for washing, In the residential area, according to applications of A, B two water A system specifically for drinking water (including milk, river, village, cooking) The system must be consistent with the water clean water drinking water B system exclusively for the use of The water system should be Household will tell, laundry, water and roofing rain, the ground water within a reservoir, filtration, purification, decontamination of physical, chemical processing, and then imported household "use water" for washing, car washing, forestation, features, flushing, sewage and other Water cycle use of the system can save a lot of (3) Planning for with the fast-paced economic development, land resources have Residential areas on the section to the problem, from three aspects 1, the volume of control at a reasonable level, not lower ;2, garage or into the overhead to the construction of three-dimensional multi-storey car park or underground, semi-underground car park ;3, with the section from the energy into two factors, are advised to the construction of multi-storey and high-level incomparable data small apartment, control building door independence households alone villa, particularly yard, beautiful landscape "auspicious treasure-house" should not build luxury villas and private gardens for a handful of people enjoy, and the construction of small parks and other public facilities should be for public (4) strong rectification, the promotion of environmental protection Housing construction and use of the existence of environmental Contaminated environment harms human health, which is well known On the environmental pollution problems in the past only to "waste" (waste, emissions, waste residue) pollution, and now increased pollution and light pollution and sound This is the realistic There are problems that electromagnetic With the improvement of people's living conditions, household appliances and usage is also increasing coverage, electromagnetic pollution has emerged, and the growing The content of this proposal into water plans and 6、Concluding remarks China Environmental Sciences Professor Xia Qing, a real sense of ecological residential areas should be from the design, construction until use, abandoned throughout the life cycle are harmless to the environment, not simply of little Because many of the latest technologies and building materials to be used, in order to build refuse and water treatment devices, the general real estate developers simply can not Now these may be environmental residential advance, but it is our residential development

1 defers to "the State Council about To strengthen City and countryside To plan Management by supervision Notice" (country to send the [2002]13 number) and "the Ministry of construction Notice" (constructs the gauge [2002]204 number) the request, for the standard our province each kind of urban planning compulsory content, the basis ministry of construction "Urban planning Compulsory Content Temporary provisions", formulates this 1 establishes the urban planning compulsory content the guiding ideology is: The realization science development view, the implementation “four insistences”, namely the insistence economic development is a center, persisted serves for the most general populations, persisted the sustainable development, persisted realistic, emphasizes the actual effect, does what one Regulates and stops each kind effectively the construction development behavior which does not adapt with “four insistences”, guaranteed city each kind of resources the reasonable use, guides our province urbanization the healthy 2 urban planning compulsory content, is refers to in the cities system plan, the city overall plan, the city detailed plan involves the region coordinated development, the resources use, the environmental protection, scenery scenic spot aspect and so on resource management, nature and cultural heritage protection, public benefit and public security The urban planning compulsory content is the cities system plan, the city overall plan, the city detailed plan necessary 3 urban planning compulsory content must conform to the country, province each kind of related standard, the union local urban planning management technology stipulation research 4 cities system plan, the overall plan already authorized, had to supplement consummated the compulsory The new establishment plan, specially the detailed plan and the near future will construct the plan, will have to be clear about the compulsory Must have the accurate mark on the blueprint, has in the text is clear about, the standard The urban planning compulsory content is carries on the surveillance inspection to the urban planning implementation the basic The plan definite compulsory content needs to announce to the 2 cities system plan compulsory content: 1 needs to protect strictly region and control development region and control 1 nature protection areas: Is clear about the nature protection area branching location, the protectorate rank and the main protection object, delimits the nature protection area scope demarcation The natural conservation regionalization divides into the core area, the buffer and the experimental plot, is clear about the limit and the prohibition development construction content, the plan control standard as well as the management measure In the core area the strict prohibition each kind of engineering construction and production management which has nothing to do with with the resources In the buffer may be engaged in by the authorization, the non-destructive scientific research, the teaching practice and specimen Does not have to construct any production In the experimental plot may be engaged in by the authorized scientific experiments, the teaching practice, the visit inspects, the traveling, as well as the domestication, the reproduction rare and precious, is in imminent danger activities and so on wild animals and Does not have to construct the pollution environment, the destruction resources and the landscape production 2 scenery scenic spot area: Is clear about the scenery scenic spot area branching location, the nature, the main function and the scenery scenic spot area rank, delimits the scenery scenic spot area scope demarcation Delimits the core protectorate (including ecology protectorate, natural landscape protectorate and historical site protectorate) the extent of protection, is clear about the protection key and the protective According to “the strict protection, the unification management, the reasonable development, continues forever uses” the principle, is clear about in the scenery scenic spot area the limit and the prohibition development construction content and the management In the core protectorate the strict prohibition each kind of engineering construction which has nothing to do with with the resources In the scenic area, the classical botanical garden and in the periphery control area, does not have to construct the industry and mining enterprise, the warehouse, the hospital and so on has nothing to do with and the destruction landscape with the scenery and the tour, the pollution environment, the hindrance tour project and the Delimits in the scenic area scope and the plan in the natural environment retention region, does not have the newly built guesthouse, the boarding house, the country club, the sanatorium organization, the management structure, the quarters and other big-scale work If any new items of basic construction nature, the layout, the building modelling, the amount of space occupied, highly and the color and so on, should locate the environment 3 other ecology sensitive areas: Is clear about the large-scale lake, the wetland, the water source protectorate, divides the flood detention area, takes back from agriculture also the forest (also grass, also lake) the area, the basic farmland protectorate, the underground mineral resource distributes the area and so on each kind of protection and controls the region the position and the Is clear about the related local protection and the government goal, the control target, the limit and the prohibition development construction In the region development, avoids the ecology sensitive area as far as possible, reduces to the wild animals and plants destruction, completes the conservation of water and soil work, enhances the afforested coverage fraction, guaranteed certain water surface rate, the enhancement wetland protection, does not have to reduce the ecology sensitive area the Should take the protection measure to the water resources, the control shore water district construction, carries out aspect the strictly and so on water pollution preventing and controlling and water source water quality protection Does not have to destroy the ecology sensitive area the flood prevention, drains waterlogged land ability and from only ability, does not have to destroy the biological resources and the ecological In ecology sensitive area any construction, must control severely, maintains the natural style environment, the maintenance ecological 2 regional characteristic significant infrastructure layout: Is clear about the regional characteristic significant infrastructure the position and moves towards, the corresponding control The regional characteristic significant infrastructure must be clear about the coordinated request with each related city relation, controls the correlation to 1 is clear about the highway, the level road, the second-class road, the region track transportation (city border railroad, region passenger transportation track transportation) the trend; Is clear about the harbor, the airport, the physical distribution center 2 is clear about the large-scale hydro-junction project, the region flood prevention, the flood detention backbone project position, the region water supply, the accent water project trend; Is clear about position which the regional power plant, 500KV (or 300KV) the transformer substation, the natural tire valve stand, 500KV (or 300KV) high tension grid and natural gas branch tube trend; Is clear about the regional information key position the position, the communication line 3 is clear about the neighboring city to be connected the waters the water environment function control request and the related target; Is clear about the city intake, the city sewage discharge outlet controls the waters scope, the regional characteristic altogether constructs the water works, the sewage treatment plant, the large-scale garbage disposal plant position; Is clear about the regional characteristic each kind of infrastructure the protection 3 city overall plan compulsory content: 1 is clear about the limits to have to protect and the control development region Including: Scenery ecology sensitive areas and so on scenic spot area, large-scale lake, wetland, water source protectorate, basic farmland protectorate, underground mineral resource distributed 2 urban constructions use: 1 is clear about in the plan time the urban construction with the place development scale, the development direction, in the limits plan time the urban construction uses the place the scope; 2 uses according to the construction to appraise the determination land use restrictive regulations, delimits the land use restrictive district demarcation line; 3 is clear about city each kind of park and the green space position, the scope and the index of correlation and the plan 3 city infrastructure and public service facilities: 1 is clear about the city primary and secondary yang or male principle trend, the city track transportation line trend; Is clear about the railroad and the station yard, the harbor, the airport, the mass transit key position, the large-scale parking lot 2 is clear about the city intake and the protectorate scope, the power plant, the 110KV above transformer substation, the natural tire valve stands, the large-scale fuel gas gas storage stands as well as facility and so on trash and sewage treatment positions; Is clear about for the water and the draining water branch tube, the natural gas branch tube trend, the position, the underground utilities common ditch moves towards and the influence scope, the high-pressured power line corridor, the microwave channel and receives the sending a letter area extent of 3 is clear about the culture, the information, the education, the health, the sports and so on each kind of public service key facility scale, the position and the related technical specification and the plan 4 historical city protection: 1 determination historical city protection general goals and protection Overall considered the old city the protection, manifests specifically in the historical river lake river system, the traditional spool thread, the old city city gallery, the building highly, city aspect and so on landscape line, old tree famous wood protection requests and the concrete control target, the 2 is clear about all levels of key cultural relic preservation organ, the historical culture protectorate, the historical architectural complex, the important underground cultural relic disposal area concrete position, the demarcation Delimits the extent of protection, the construction control region, is clear about the protective measures, the control target and the 5 city disaster prevention project: 1 is clear about the city flood control standard, the flood-dam 2 is clear about the city earthquake resistance and the fire prevention disperses the backbone 3 city main civil air defense facility, fire facility 4 is clear about the geological disaster to protect the 6 cities will construct the plan in the near future: 1 will be clear about the city to construct key and the development in the near future uses the 2 will be clear about the near future to construct uses the place the concrete position and the 3 is clear about controls and guides the urban development the 4 delimits the land use restrictive district demarcation line and historical control areas and so on culture protectorate, scenery scenic spot area, is clear about the corresponding plan 4 city detailed plan compulsory content: 1 controllability detailed plans is clear about the division to be possible to use in developing the construction directly the land parcel, stipulated various land parcels use the nature, the building density, the building control highly, the volume fraction, the green areas coverage rate, the parking berth and other need disposition targets and so on public utility; Carries out the city “four” the plan control content, proposes maintenance main public space aspect and so on environment quality, visual landscape control as well as historical culture protection in view of the specific land sector plan 2 construction detailed plan concrete determination plan construction, green space, path, square, parking lot, river lake water surface position and scope; Is clear about the road junction coordinates, the elevation, each kind of municipal administration public facility pipeline position, caliber, major control point elevation, as well as related facility and construction 5 plan planning board when establishes various levels urban planning must rest on the ministry of construction "Urban planning Compulsory Content Temporary provisions", the standard compulsory content, and to plans the achievement to take the comprehensive technical 6 urban planning administration department responsible for the work provides the plan design conditions, the examination items of basic construction, the no violation whatsoever will permitted urban planning compulsory 7 adjusts the urban planning compulsory content, must organize to prove, the adjustment necessity to the plan examination and approval institution proposed the report on a special topic, in which involves the public rights and interests, must carry on male shows, only then carries on the adjustment after the examination After the adjustment plan must defer to the stipulated procedure to examine and 中文版他们要钱对不住了


城市管理 方面的论文在 轻风论文网 很多的哦,之前我就找上面的老师帮忙指导的。相对于网上很多个人和小机构要好很多,我之前找的 轻风论文王老师 咨询的,非常专业的说这里还有些 资料,你看看增城市城市规划建设发展研究本文以《增城 市城市规划建设 发展研究》为题,共分四章,绪论部 分首先介绍了目前城市规划建设发展的国际、国内以及区域大背景,以使对研究课题的缘起有所了解。在第二章,主 要对增城市的城市概况以及三个不同的历史发展时期进行研究 描述。从始皇 三十三年 建城,增城是一个普通的古县城形制,直至抗战时期,全城几 乎覆灭。建国后,在政府带领下,本土居民抓紧复建,开辟了四个新区,城市规 模空前扩大。改革开放初期,197 8—198 9年,珠江三角洲地区迎来了第一次发展高潮,很多城市都在这个时期得到了高速发展,而增城由于处在边缘地带,错过了这次机遇,滞后于其他珠三角地区。1992—1994年,邓小 同志南巡之后,广东 又迎来了第二次发展热潮,由于发展定位的失误,导致发展滞后,更由于城市管理不善,导致城市建设杂 乱无章。新世纪时期,2001—2009年,珠三角地区迎来了第三次发展高潮。由于广 州东进战略的提出和三大主体功能区的划分发展等规划政策,加上增城在前两拨发展中没有进行大规模开发,保留了相当好的地域资 源和后发优势,使得增城在短短几年之间便实现了经济发展和城市建设的 一次质的飞跃,形成了“增城模式”的发展品牌。在第三章,重点阐述和剖析 了对增城进行现代规划建设起到关键性作用的重 要策略,包括“三大主体功能区”、“三大经济圈”、“两城三中心四轴五组团”、“公园化战略”等。 最后在第四章,对以上的描述进行分析研究,寻找影响增城城市发展的 主客观因素,总结归纳增城发展的内在规律,同时分析其目前规划建设中尚存的问题 ,并对其进一步发展的可能性 提出发展建议。主要从城市目标不断提升、城市定位不断 调整、城市规模不断扩大、城市格局不 断演变等方面论述了增城规划建设的发展规律。从加强 与周边城市的联系、完善交通网络体系、有条件的承接产业转移、大力发展高科技产业、健全规划建设法律机制、提高人口素质、吸 引高端 人才、注重建设质量、坚持生态保护和优化机制等方面提出建议。本文的研究是建立在长期的实地生活、工作和观察基础上,通过对相关文献资料的查阅与 系统分析,最后总结归纳出来的。它一方面梳 理、丰富、和充实了增城的规划建设发展 资料,另一方面又可以 作 为阶段性的研究成果,为进一步 研究打下坚实的基础。不懂的你上 轻风论文网自己看吧

据学术堂了解,所谓广告设计是指从创意到制作的这个中间过程。广告设计是广告的主题、创意、语言文字、形象、衬托等五个要素构成的组合安排。广告设计的最终目的就是通过广告来达到吸引眼球的目的。以下是关于广告设计的论文题目,欢迎大家阅读。  1、浅析长沙开福万达广场设计管理  2、基于功能的H5广告研究  3、浅谈色彩在广告设计中的应用  4、户外广告的文明传承与创新研究  5、基于无线传输的LED广告屏设计  6、浅析数字媒体艺术发展的观念创新及表现形式  7、浅谈创意广告设计  8、户外广告效果评估的研究综述  9、基于数字媒体技术的影视广告设计--评《影视广告设计》  10、基于视觉传达设计下的计算机图形图像设计  11、广告设计方向专业人才培养质量标准研究  12、从国人传统思维到现代设计研究--字说广告的起源、发展、标准探析  13、广告设计的新理论--评《新形态广告设计》  14、新时期平面设计中视觉审美元素的应用研究  15、工业产业经济中汽车广告设计策划研究

回答 做短视频创作很难绕开的一个问题,如何选题?选题的方向,选题的内容,选题的素材。接下来美工铺子通过选题的方向,选题的原则,选题的维度,以及选题时要注意避免的一些问题,聊聊短视频如何进行选题。一、短视频选题方面做短视频创作选题方面大概分类14种类。选题的方面就是在做赛道的选择,不同的赛道有着不同的天花板(粉丝量、变现值)和不同的运营机制在这些短视频类别的赛道中,剧情、娱乐、影视、生活、商业类占据了大部分的内容领域,也比较容出现一些头部资源大号,这些类别解决了大部分人群的八小时工作中遇到的问题,和八小时生活中的消遣问题。在整个互联网短视频中有两个比较特殊的领域,财经和健康领域,这两个领域的创作者,平台都会要求有相关领域的资质才能进行内容创作,比如财经领域要求有证券从业资格证等,健康领域要求是三甲医院以上的医生资质。在所有类别中还有一个共性,就是可以将内容知识化,用知识价值的传递来内容的输出和传播,即内容即是价值,内容即是产品。二、短视频选题原则1、 要贴地。选题内容要坚持用户导向,以用户粉丝需求为前提,不能脱离用户粉丝,想要有好的播放量,就应该首先考虑到用户粉丝的喜好和痛点需求,往往越是贴近用户粉丝的内容越是能够得到他们的认可,触发视频的完播率。2、 有价值。选题内容要输出有价值,内容有干货为目标,输出的内容对用户粉丝有价值,满足用户粉丝的需求,解决用户粉丝的痛点,才能使用户粉丝有传播的欲望,触发点赞、评论、转发等用户行为,从而达到内容的裂变传播。吴北狱中三年不近女身,新婚一月后美女总裁扶墙干呕,丈母娘炸了广告乘以贰网络查看详情3、 要匹配。选题内容要和我们的定位有关联有匹配,有垂直度,以提升我们在专业领域的影响力,更高的塑造IP,这样才能吸引到精准的用户粉丝,同样提高用户粉丝的持续跟随和黏性。三、短视频选题维度1、 频率。选题的内容,在用户粉丝的需求和痛点上是不是存在高频发生率,换而言之就是目标用户粉丝群体的大众话题,只有用户粉丝的高频关注点,才能引发更多播放量。2、 难易。创作者还应该考虑选题后的制作难易程度,自己或团队的创作能力是否能够支撑起来选题背后内容生产和内容运营,选题、内容、形式都是要考虑的因素,用户粉丝现在对内容的质量要求越来越高。3、 差异。不论是哪一种类别的选题或者哪一种话题,在短视频领域都有着不少的竞品账号,可以说 3、 标题描述要合理。标题字数要适中,有些平台超过一定字数后,标题就会被自动折叠隐藏起来。格式要标准,数字用阿拉伯数字,尽量用中文表述,避免生僻字和网络词汇,方便机器算法获取识别。句式要合理,很多短视频平台,一般会要求标题为三段式结构,表述清晰,避免出现夸大性词组。 提问 我是做短视频的论文不是短视频的创作,是研究短视频 更多1条 

试论城市规划要点 引言城市规划的定义 城市规划是城市发展的战略、建设城市的纲领、管理城市的依据。如何打造一个城市的风貌、建设一个和谐、生动、合理的空间体系,是现在规划建设中十分热门的话题。城市规划必须注重个性特征,城市个性是一个城市的特色,是独特魅力之所在,在我国的城市化进程中,千城一面、似曾相识的城市越来越多,城市的个性特色已湮没在程式化的钢筋混凝土之中,失去了城市的特色和魅力。 城市个性化成为现代城市规划的一个重要内容和突出特点。打好“文化牌”,彰显文化特征是十分重要的课题。美国城市建筑学家刘易斯·芒福德说:“城市是文化的容器”。无论是历史文化名城罗马、威尼斯,还是现代国际大都市巴黎、纽约、芝加哥,座座堪称文化艺术宫殿、建筑博物馆,处处折射出城市的文化,走进这些城市,就仿佛走进了他们的历史。因此,在城市规划中必须处理好建设与继承的关系,在发展中传承历史文化。否则,城市一旦失去历史陈迹,犹如人失去鲜明的个性,得到的利益是暂时的,而遗憾却是永远的。 由于城市所处的空间地理位置、地形条件、气象条件和自然环境的不同,构成了不同的城市环境空间形态,提供了每个城市区别于其他城市的环境空间特性。城市规划的一个重要任务,就是要充分认识该城市的山、水、林和风景名胜等自然景观要素,发掘、保护、利用、开发、改造自然环境空间特色,在共性中找出个性,围绕个性建设特色城市。与此同时也要注重生态的和谐与持续发展的战略。 规划与人文精神 城市规划的人文精神是在1933年国际现代建筑会议第四次会议发表的《雅典宪章》中提出的,里面提出的城市功能分区原则影响了现代城市规划将近半个世纪。这种功能主义的原则,一方面向古典建筑学派提出挑战,使城市规划、建筑开始从古典的放射、圆形广场一类形式主义的桎梏中解放出来;另一方面功能主义又使城市规划、建筑逐渐陷入机械主义,它刻板地分区肢解了城市的有机结构,忽略了人与人之间的多方面联系,破坏了城市的地方特性,其结果是使城市形态单调、布局混乱、建筑雷同。尤其是功利主义的影响,城市空间因最大限度的商业性开发,破坏了城市生态环境,污水、废气、噪声、交通事故等给城市造成了巨大的伤害。因此城市在抛弃了人文精神的同时,便从“文明中最伟大的创造”变成了“文明中最大的破坏”,也给人类带来了生存危机。 20世纪60年代,重新关注城市的历史文脉、地域文化和人们的生活,城市规划中的人文理念开始复苏。与此同时,国际规划、建筑界人士开展了“可持续发展城市”的研究,并指出可持续发展的根本出发点是“为了城市人民”。这表明,城市人文精神将得到完全意义上的复兴与再生,人文因素将是21世纪城市文明的灵魂。 人文因素在中国的造城运动中是历史悠久的。明清时期的北京城就是中国城市运动中的代表作之一,彰显出皇权的气势和霸气。现代的城市建设也需要这种对人文精神的关注,在继承与发扬的道路上不断前进,为城市打造一种文化的底蕴。 1建筑是人文精神的表现 1990年6月2日,国际建筑师协会第十七次大会发表了《蒙特利尔宣言》。其开头一行是:“建筑是人文的表现,它反映了一个社会的形象。”世界建筑史表明,人类的建筑活动不仅是一项物质生产活动,而且还是人类文化活动的重要内容。一座城市的魅力,多数是由于建筑艺术的魅力营造出来的。建筑是时代的象征。希腊雅典卫城建于公元前5世纪,其中有世界著名的保护神雅典娜帕提农神庙。卫城建筑群是雅典这个黄金般的古典时期的纪念碑,是雅典全面繁荣昌盛的见证。17世纪法国古典主义建筑主要是国家性的大型建筑,有些是专为荣耀路易十四或他的政权。这个时期建造的卢浮宫东立面、旺道姆广场、凡尔赛宫及园林,都体现了路易十四“伟大的时代”的“伟大的风格”。建筑语言常常是民族的语言,是凝固的民族精神,具有强大的感召力。著名美籍华人建筑大师贝聿铭设计的中国银行香港大楼,他以“中文的构思、英文的设计”,使这幢大楼渗透着深刻的人文含义:塔身,象征着雨后春笋;风格,体现了出于污泥而不染的荷花精神;楼的外表面,展示出宝石图案。有学者说,巴黎人民很大程度上是巴黎的建筑语言场教养、熏陶和塑造出来的。维也纳的建筑群及人文环境,培育了一批又一批的音乐大师;德国的一批具有艺术特色建筑群和浓郁人文精神的城市,产生了一批又一批的哲学家、科学家、音乐家。城市的建筑具有强大的人文精神功能,一座有个性和人文魅力建筑的城市能提示城市的广大居民,提升这座城市的文明素质,使这座城市有自信心、活力和发展的推动力。




