

发布时间:2024-09-04 04:04:56



The new e-government building: technology choices Localization Technology to achieve the model is directly related to the e-government systems and guidance on how the planning and construction technology to achieve the E-government construction in China has more than 20 years, the use of hardware and software technologies are mostly provided by foreign companies, from the practical need to see the results of research and development in line with China's national conditions model of software At present e-government construction of each unit and some blindly follow foreign hardware and software company's technology solutions go, did not form in line with China's actual conditions of information technology software and hardware technology models, face in-depth business needs, you can not be a real solution, once the foreign software company's products fully upgraded, then it is faced with is the upgrade or scrapped along with a difficult At present, we must focus on the establishment of a self-owned intellectual property rights and characteristics suited to China's government offices, and is compatible with international standards of e-government standards, has developed standards for e-government system Once again, we must also build e-government-related institutions and legal E-government systems is a fundamental guarantee for the smooth A unified standard to achieve localization of A new generation of e-government technology, an important innovation in a unified model of software development Traditional e-government construction also involves a lot of companies and products, but they are a simple integration, linkage up, no problem as long as the functionality can be, leaving behind what looked like an integrated, in fact, the situation is still A new generation of e-government systems to uniform standards and norms as a means of innovation from the business, design, data structures, interfaces and other aspects of a unified and standardized so that the whole system in a truly integrated whole, shown in Figure These criteria are as Unified technical architecture unified architecture: A service-oriented architecture design ideas, using multi-layer distributed architecture to build; unified database structure design: a unified database structure design rules for the standard database structure design; Unified Naming Specifications: a unified software coding, software product naming convention as the standard, the achievement of the product named reunification; unified database naming convention: to unify the database naming convention as the standard, the database name for each product to achieve Unified Development Code unified coding standard: a unified coding standard for the standard system code development; a unified technical development specifications: to unify the technical development specifications to develop a unified technology roadmap requirements, product development model calls for a unified basis for technical support requirements, environmental requirements, supporting a unified and a unified development environment requirements; Uniform Domain Name norms: The Uniform Domain Name, in whole operating environment in the domain name for each product naming system is Unified Software integrated unified module interface specifications: a uniform interface standard specifications for each product integration interface; unified system configuration specifications: the deployment of a unified standard specification system installation to install, configure, deploy; unified system interface specifications: a uniform interface specification, the system easy to reach versatility, uniformity and aesthetics; uniform application of levels: to unify the standard business model to achieve the mutual integration of various business applications and achieve; unified arrangements of the specification: to unify the deployment of normative criteria for the allocation system deployment server, the server installation of the deployment directory specification the database to deploy the distribution Unified Software Testing a single unit test specification: to unify the unit test specification to formulate a unified unit testing methods; unified system test specification: A unified system test specifications for uniform system testing methods; a unified integration test specifications: to unify the integration test specifications to develop a unified Integration testing Unified Software Development Process Management Unified management standards: the standards development process to develop a unified software life-cycle management system; uniform assessment standards: to unify the outcome of the assessment norm-setting product review process, evaluation criteria and evaluation system; uniform documentation standards: to unify the document format standards in the preparation of various types of product development and management of documents; Unified Project Management Process specifications: to unify the project management process to develop standardized systems development project management standards; uniformity of results in material submitted to norms: to unify the results of material submitted to standardize the development of uniform standards for the results presented









对于题主这个说法,个人认为要一分为几地来看待。科研人员发表的学术文章本来就不是给普通人看的,而主要的阅读定位对象是在这个世界每个角落的学术共同体的相关学者来阅读的。比如一个实验性的自然科学成果的发表,就需要通过国际期刊来使世界学者来关注,也会有全球各地的学者会尝试根据文章的methodology重复文章中所提到的实验,这样就能看出这个实验结果是否有重复性。今年在自然科学界比较火的小保方晴子事件就是这个例子,她的实验结果被发现有作假的成分,而且无法重复实验。具体中文论述可看这里:小保方晴子《自然》论文被呼吁撤回。换而言之,对于现代自然科学学者来说,英文是他们的一个最基本工具,因为他们要将自己的研究结果公布到世界,让别国的研究者也能关注到。所以发英文期刊是最重要的途径。这里倒是可以补充一下,在二战之前,英文倒不是最主要的自然科学期刊,尤其是在短暂的魏玛共和时期,世界自然科学主要交流语言是德语。(现在的学者们如果学过德语的话,就会感叹,还好二战后德国的衰败,主要科学家流向了美国,导致学术语言变成了简单得多得多的英语。)如果按照这位学者的思路的话,如果自然科学研究结果只发表为中文的话,那么无异于只让中文读者读到,基于中文目前在世界学术语言中的极为微弱的地位,而将其他语言世界的学者都关在了门外。这样的方式,无异于闭门造车,这是行不通的,也是在开倒车。题主考虑到的数据库价格贵(甚至倾向于垄断)的问题的确有。现在几大学术数据库和出版社的定价的确是一个比较的问题,哈佛在2012年也表示过不能完全支付所有数据库。(Harvard University says it can't afford journal publishers' prices)在欧美学术界,open access的呼声也很高,因为对于学术研究者来说,这真的是一个很懊恼的事情。对于本人来说也是,往往是发现了一篇很好的文献,下载的时候却发现没有权限。这是最令人不悦的事情。我们青年研究者中也会有这样的文献互助圈来一起解决这个问题。但是数据库的垄断价格的确是一个问题,不过更复杂,并不是此题的主要问题。有一些朋友会问,自然科学我们的确看不懂,那么社会科学,人文历史类别的呢?这里必须抱歉说,社会科学类包括经济,zz,法律等类别的很多国际期刊和一些优秀的国内期刊,没有经过长期学术训练的普通读者仍然很难看懂。并不是非专业学术的朋友想的那样,这些期刊上会登一些类似故事类的文章。大部分也都是高度理论化和抽象化的文章为主。但是社会科学和自然科学的确存在不同,除了高度计量化的金融,经济学之外,个人认为(此处为纯一家之言)目前并没有在全世界达成像自然科学这样有共同认识基础的共同体。当然你身边有些水平比较高的老师会告知你们,有这些top 5的国际社科期刊,他们是最高水平,他们就是认知基础。但是实际上投过SSCI的朋友就能知道,在社科领域很多并没有这么理想化。我举个最简单的例子,比如在某些zz学和社会学的Top期刊,有些因为yishixingtai的问题,有些方向基本是很难发表出来。而同样,在中国的顶级期刊(有些质量也是非常好的),批评GCD的内容也是很难出现的。这倒还算了,无论是在一些国际经济学,还是zz学或者社会学顶级期刊中,如果不是这个学派,或者不承认这个方法论的文章也是非常难发表出来的。(现在能体会到中国社科发展,尤其社科学者发展的困难了吧?)中国学者在这些国际期刊的确很难发表。(当然英文也是一个主要原因。)基于这样的原因,如果中国目前想如在自然科学中一样一拥而上以纯SSCI数量而非质量来评价社科学者,的确可能导致资金分配不合理的问题。而这个指导性错误的确会造成一定量的浪费。而在一些全世界学界还没有共同认知的学科中,的确要积极发展一批中文高质量期刊。而在这些学科中努力的学者,除了发表高质量的学术论文作为第一要务外,比自然科学学者更具有义务做一些社科普及工作。过去和自然科学的朋友交流,经常说到,中国的国情是,社科普及远不如自科普及做的好,虽然后者也没有好到哪去。这样的情况,更要求社科学者在高质量论文外,需要作为义务来做。因为毕竟社科最终研究的是基于社会变动结构表现出来的现象(即最终的终端还是人,只是人的集合的一个表现),我们还是有很大的义务来影响和改进社会。否则只是一个极为冷酷的观察者而不进行任何的影响的话,未必对得起中国民众给予我们的资助。(当然这又是一个研究哲学的问题,因为的确有学者认为,社科学者就该是一个完全的纪录片摄像师的角色,哪怕被拍对象快要被哥斯拉踩死了,但是摄像师的工作就是将这个对象被踩死的过程纪录下来。)








