

发布时间:2024-07-08 09:39:32


女排的精神激励着一代又一代中国人翻译为:The spirit of women's volleyball team motivates us to realize our

女排的精神激励着一代又一代中国人,英语翻译:The spirit of the women's volleyball team has inspired generations of Chinese 希望可以帮到你。

你好!女排精神Women volleyball spirit

I firmly believe that the spirit of Women's Volleyball Team of China will be retained


The spirit of women's volleyball team motivates us to realize our 女排精神激励着我们去实现梦想。

Abstract 21, is a diversified century, as reflected this spirit of the times of culture, arts are also colorful Rock Painting as the source of art, has great influence on modern art, but also can not be We should carry forward the traditional rock paintings of art forms, but also its constant In modern painting the various factions, we often see the rock paintings look good shows in their works, even works with many rock paintings of the mother or structural agree that Rock Paintings and the origin of the original features of this attention, the rock paintings Guzhuo the shape and color of the mystery are a model of modern Connotation and characteristics of modern art has also absorbed the essence of the original rock paintings, to create a different Modern Art inherited the rock paintings of the original shape, color, composition and other aspects of the advantages of modern art is a more Modern artist Zhou's brother, Rufino - Tamayo also learned from the best of rock paintings, created a unique painting Key words: inheritance, development and innovation

女排的精神激励着一代又一代中国人,英语翻译:The spirit of the women's volleyball team has inspired generations of Chinese 希望可以帮到你。

the spirit of the female volleyball或者woman‘s volleyball都行。请采纳哦


The Macao stage of the FIVB World Grand Prix continued on S And that's when China's women's team snatched their eighth consecutive victory by thrashing Dominica in straight Despite already qualifying for next weeks' final, China sent all their main Dominica continued their momentum from beating Brazil in their previous match, and piled the pressure on the Chinese side with powerful Veteran Zhou Suhong stepped up at a key moment, helping China take the first set 25- Dominica tried hard to bounce back in the next two sets, forcing an intense But powerhouses China held on, and built up their dominance little by 25-22, 25-21, and China claimed their eighth straight They'll face their strongest opponents Brazil on S Earlier in the day, arch rivals Brazil hammered Japan in straight The Brazilians dominated the game right from the beginning and never gave the Japanese side any

Team work is very important in our It is quite often that one is not able to carry out a job by He needs more people to comlete it We can say some importance jobs could not be done without For example,in a football match,very memember plays a different role which is important,all memembers must cooperate with each other to fight against the opponent They can only win the match when they do good teamwork,or they will be

I firmly believe that the spirit of Women's Volleyball Team of China will be retained






Team work is very important in our It is quite often that one is not able to carry out a job by He needs more people to comlete it We can say some importance jobs could not be done without For example,in a football match,very memember plays a different role which is important,all memembers must cooperate with each other to fight against the opponent They can only win the match when they do good teamwork,or they will be


“提到中国女排,就有落泪的感觉。”这几天,年轻网友这样说。  伟大的精神总有催人泪下的力量。正是靠着百折不挠、英勇顽强、团结奋斗的拼搏精神,中国女排在极其艰难的情形下创造了一个个奇迹,赢得了一场场荡气回肠、慷慨壮烈的史诗般胜利,最终在里约赛场赢得金牌,再次在奥运赛场奏起中华人民共和国国歌,高高升起五星红旗。  这种感动整整绵延了35年。从1981年中国女排首次夺得世界杯女子排球赛冠军起,拼搏精神一直深植于中国女排,成为这支光荣集体的强大基因。尽管其间几经挫折、磨难、沉浮,但中国女排的拼搏精神一直洋溢于国际赛场。在最艰困的情况下,我们看到的是一次次奋起,而没有丝毫放弃。这种愈挫愈奋的坚强,铸就了几代中国女排的精神气质,在漫漫岁月中丰富了中国女排精神的内涵,成为一代代中国观众热爱女排、支持女排、守望女排、将女排视作“英雄之师”的重要理由。  一支英雄之师需要一代代人去奉献和传承。在中国女排漫长的奋斗历程中,有一位代表性人物需要我们铭记,她就是郎平。在中国女排最需要、在祖国最需要的时候,她一次又一次放弃个人利益,不计荣辱得失,毅然走向一线,担当起国人的期望与重任。  几个普通镜头,留下了这种精神的感人瞬间:上世纪90年代中期,郎平从大洋彼岸归来执教陷于低谷的中国女排,首都机场欢迎的人群中,有她当年五连冠的老战友,她遥遥地向着战友们挥手示意,无声宣示着振兴这支英雄之师的意志。几年前,老队友陈招娣去世,郎平在深深的悲恸中坚定了重回中国女排、续写中国女排辉煌的信念。她忘不了,30多年前,正是陈招娣忍着伤痛,与大家奋战到夺冠的最后时刻,更忘不了女排姑娘誓把受伤的陈招娣“背上领奖台”的骨肉相连、荣辱与共的战斗情谊。这一切,赋予女排精神鲜活、实在的内容,成为郎平的生命意志。  奥运赛场,向来是最高强度的竞技比拼,但是也是精神意志的较量。竞技者自身的潜力与能量,往往在拼搏中激发、昂奋、高涨、磅礴,形成气吞山河的力量。靠着“一分一分地咬”“一分一分地拼”的精神和韧劲,中国女排硬是咬下了这一场场硬仗,赢得了最后的胜利,写下了新的传奇。这是拼搏精神的胜利与壮歌!  中国女排在里约再度夺冠具有重要启示意义——在日益崇尚训练条件、奖金待遇的当下体坛,拼搏精神弥足珍贵、永不过时、必须弘扬!  中国女排在奥运赛场写下的新的壮歌,将鼓舞国人在感动落泪之时,用踏踏实实的努力做好自己的工作,以点滴奉献汇入时代大河。  女排精神不朽!  出国留学网作文栏目为大家带来最权威、种类最多的关于励志作文,希望大家能够喜欢。

I firmly believe that the spirit of Women's Volleyball Team of China will be retained
