

发布时间:2024-07-07 11:42:57





最佳答案Frances Hodgson Burnett的the secret garden?The opening chapter in the The Secret Garden finds Mary Lennox an ugly and disagreeable She has a little thin face and a little thin body,thin light hair and a sour Her hair is yellow,and her face is yellow because she has been born in India and has always been ill in one way or Her father holds a position in India under the English Government and is busy and her mother is a great beauty who cares only to go to After her parents die in an epidemic of cholera,this lonely girl is sent to live with her uncle,Archibald Craven,at Misselthwaite Manor,on the edge of the Yorkshire moor in EThere,with the help of the robin,a magical bird,Mary discovers a secret garden which has been shut up for ten Ten years ago,Craven’s wife,Lilias,died from a severe fall from the tree right in this From then on,this garden is locked Under the care of Mary and Dickon,a Yorkshire boy who lives on the moor,the dead garden is turned into a flourishing garden full of vigor and The process of tending the garden also restores Mary to her In addition,the discovery of the garden parallels Mary’s discovery of her cousin,Colin,who is tyrannical and In the garden,Colin strives to gain his health and At the end of the book,MCraven returns to the garden and MCraven, Mary and Colin are reunited happily in the beautiful



On suprasegmental features Introduction So far we havebeen talking about phonetic features as they apply to single phonetic segments,or Phonetic features can also apply to a string of severalsounds, such as a syllable, or an entire word or The study ofphonological features which applies to groups larger than the single segment,are known as suprasegmentalfeatures, such as the syllable or the The study of these features is knownas It mainly includessyllable, stress, pitch, tone, and In this paper, I will talk aboutthe suprasegmental features ingreat Key words: phonetic, Syllable The most obvious prosodic feature in languageis the Let's briefly discuss the notion of Like all of our other basic linguistic concepts,although everyone knows what a syllable is, the concept "syllable" isdifficult to define in absolute A syllable can be divided into threeparts, that is, onset, nucleus, and coda, of which nucleus is a Asyllable that has no coda is called an open syllable while a syllable with codais called a closed In English only long vowels and diphthongs canoccur in open The onset may be empty or filled by a cluster of asmany as three consonants, while the coda position may be filled as many as The maximal onset principle states that when there is a choice asto where to place a consonant, it is put into the onset rather than the In some languages, syllables are always open,that is, they always end in a vowel, never a (Hawaiian) On the other hand, every Hawaiian syllable must begin with a (Aloha spoken as a single word beginsin a glottal ) In other languages, syllables are always closed; they mustend in a consonant (Navaho): Háá'ishah Let's build a Táá diné 'ooljéé'go naaskai' Three men went to the (LikeHawaiian, they must also begin in a )Stress The nature of stress The word stress is used differently bydifferent authors, and the relationship between stress, emphasis, accent andprominence is also defined Robins has defined it as “a genericterm for the relatively greater force exerted in the articulation of part ofutterance” The nature of stress is simple enough—practically everyone wouldagree that the first syllable of words like“father”, “open” is stressed, thatthe middle syllable is stressed in “potato”, “apartment” and the final syllableis stressed in “about”, “perhaps”, and most people feel they have some sort ofidea of what the difference is between stressed and unstressed syllables,though they might explain it in many different The production of stress is generallybelieved to depend on the speaker using more muscular energy than is used forunstressed From the perceptual point of view, all stressed syllableshave one characteristic in common, and that is “prominence” Roach hasmanifested that at least four different factors are important to make asyllable prominent:i) Loudness: Most people seem to feelthat stressed syllables are louder than unstressed ones; in other words,loudness is a component of ii) Length: The length of syllables hasan important part to play in prominence; the syllables which are made longerthan the others will be heard as iii) Pitch: Pitch in speech is closelyrelated to the frequency of vibration of the vocal folds and to the musicalnotion of low-pitched and high-pitched notes; if one syllable is said with apitch that is noticeably different from that of the others, this will have astrong tendency to produce the effect of iv) Quality: a syllable will tend to be prominentif it contains a vowel that is different in quality from neighboring Languages differ in how they use 1) In some languages, eachsyllable is equally stressed or unstressed,as in Cambodian2) the syllable in eachword is more Theplace of stress is fixed on acertain syllable:1) Finnish,Hungarian and other Finno-Ugric languages2) Polish,3) F4) Complex set In Bulgarian nouns and verbs have separate sets of rules forstress Hopi (phonetic: first syllable of a two syllableword: síkwi meat; inwords of three or more syllables, accent falls on the first long vowel: máamatsi to recognize; or onthe first short vowel before a consonant cluster: péntani to write; otherwise it falls on thenext to last syllable: wunúvtu standup)The place of stress is 1) In Russian the stress iscompletely random: xoroshó, xoró2) In English the stress ismore predictable but still Usually a middle syllable of a longerword receives the In two syllable words stress is rando and oftenrenders differences in meaning: project/toproject, produce/produce, and insult/ to Some languages have more than one stress perword: English is such a In English, words of foursyllables or more have a primaryand a secondary SomeEnglish compounds have phrasal stress on the first element of Phrasal stress often distinguishes meaning in adjective/ Sentence stress in English According to He Shanfen (1992), Englishsentence stress has two main functions:⑴ to indicate the important words in thesentence; ⑵ to serve as thebasis for the rhythmic structure of the Consequently, in connected English speech,sentence stress usually falls on content ( or lexical) words, which carry thebasic meaning of a sentence, nouns, adjectives, adverbs Those whichare usually unstressed in sentences are form (or structural) words, which showgrammatical relationships, such as articles, auxiliary and modal verbs,monosyllabic prepositions, Pitch Another prosodic feature is pitch, defined as the frequency ofvibration of vocal Pitch is measured in Physiologically, pitch tends to be higher inwoman than in men and higher before puberty than after Also, thepitch of women's voices tends to lower with old age; the pitch of men's voicestends to get higher with Despite these physiological, non-linguisticuniversal, each language uses pitch distinctions for linguisticallymeaningful Startingfrom the lowest pitch on the initial syllable, the pitch of each subsequentsyllable raises until the word reaches the "peak" From that point,pitch either remains at the same level for the remainder of the word or itdrops The choice between maintenance of high pitch or allowing it todrop is a matter of formality: pitch is maintained in formal or careful speech,but dropped in colloquial 七.ConclusionBeing the most important part, suprasegmental features can not be despised in phonology From the whole passage, we can understand that suprasegmentalfeatures not only has its phonology significance, but also the practicaluse as We can not say this person is a good language user just by his orher vocabulary, as well as the Spoken language is also very Ido hope that the paper will be sufficient to prove that suprasegmental features is an efficient way for our studies and encouragemore and more students to pay attention to using Reference【1】CaoJ The Rhythm of Mandarin C Instituteof Linguistics of Chinese Academyof Social S RPR-IL/CASS (2000-2002)【2】Chen Y Contrastive Study of Suprasegmental Phonology in English and Chinese: aFunctional P MA: Southwest China Normal U【3】Chomsky,N & Halle,M The Sound Pattern of E New York: Harper and Row, P

关于英语语言学的论文,论文题目和主要内容已列出,供参考。链接附后题目:语言学英文版论文。主要内容:该论文主要讲词汇是构成语言的基本单位,词汇习得在语言学习中占有重要地位。英国著名语言学家DA Wilkins (1972) 说过:“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。”这就说明了词汇在学习中的重要性。本文旨在分析二语词汇习得策略并应用于不同水平的学习者。学习者根据自己的水平选择正确的习得方法和策略学习词汇,从而提高学习效率和习得效果。_74dvJoNSWoCp2FIyudzpd1uBSgh2ccFJS6RN7xNBPb9WFk_matYEwCRT0EMxynK7D_vYN7D59Og5G题目:英语专业毕业论文(语言学)——谈判英语文化差异。主要内容:该论文主要讲国际商务谈判中文化差异的影响,就是汉语习惯思维和西方语言文化之间表达的准确性对商务谈判带来的影响。题目:外国语言学及应用语言学硕士论文:商务英语信函的词汇特点研究,主要内容:商务英语信函词汇的选择和应用多呈现如下7种特点:1)简单词汇的选择。2)具体词汇多于笼统词汇。3)褒义词多于贬义词。4)缩写词的选择。5)确切词汇多于模糊词汇。6)礼貌、客气的词汇多于不礼貌的词汇。7)商业术语的选择。产生的原因多取决于商务活动的和商业伙伴的合作关系。商务活动的双方均为达至双赢的进行合作。这是本文所分析的词汇特点产生的主要原因。





"A Dream of Red Mansions" Du Hougan 2005-2-27 字数:1516 Author: Heart of the Ark Source: unknown entry: Anonymous date: 2005-2-27 Volume: 1516 Throughout human history of the evolution of intelligence Love, can be roughly divided into emotional history of prehistoric, ancient and modern history of emotional feelings history of three If the literary history of human emotion is a reflection of the history of reproduction, "A Dream of Red Mansions," a book of the times in a position to more Like an arch bridge, just across her feelings in ancient history and the end of the beginning of modern history on In view of this, "A Dream of Red Mansions," a book of our time and the distance is more clear- The classical works show a comprehensive picture so vivid in the past to preserve the impact of the times, so that we can from grade to the ancient and modern people in the area of great emotion and subtle similarities and We Beixijiaojia to see that the history of human emotion and history as a rational move forward in the evolution, despite the evolution of the track is so heavy and slow, step by step, fought, including the cost of blood and life, Zhuanyan Jian burn, Ben Modern people still feel strongly from the destroyed in the Li Yumei, and we have to admit that such feelings of sympathy mixed with water Mochizuki Chiang Kai-shek, the Pioneer Press Baccalaureates told the alienation and More than half of this era when men would choose Spouse Choosing Xue Baochai, as the madness Qingchi Yihong son, the loss of his illustrious door first, he more than half of women in the eyes of it is Modern tears certainly less and less, less than in the past at least one of the Yellow River This means that emotions do not know the barren drought or mental well-being of People become emotionally intelligent volatile and more ignorance They are often insincerely, emotional and rational from the inconsistent state of mind is not ideal but obey the call of They have Qiqingliuyu, but often runs counter to If the classical era of personal feelings of love from family and social tragedy, several non-adjustable, but is, after all, in a Works within its power to complete the mission entrusted to the times, for the emotional history of classical zoned under a colorful

最佳答案Frances Hodgson Burnett的the secret garden?The opening chapter in the The Secret Garden finds Mary Lennox an ugly and disagreeable She has a little thin face and a little thin body,thin light hair and a sour Her hair is yellow,and her face is yellow because she has been born in India and has always been ill in one way or Her father holds a position in India under the English Government and is busy and her mother is a great beauty who cares only to go to After her parents die in an epidemic of cholera,this lonely girl is sent to live with her uncle,Archibald Craven,at Misselthwaite Manor,on the edge of the Yorkshire moor in EThere,with the help of the robin,a magical bird,Mary discovers a secret garden which has been shut up for ten Ten years ago,Craven’s wife,Lilias,died from a severe fall from the tree right in this From then on,this garden is locked Under the care of Mary and Dickon,a Yorkshire boy who lives on the moor,the dead garden is turned into a flourishing garden full of vigor and The process of tending the garden also restores Mary to her In addition,the discovery of the garden parallels Mary’s discovery of her cousin,Colin,who is tyrannical and In the garden,Colin strives to gain his health and At the end of the book,MCraven returns to the garden and MCraven, Mary and Colin are reunited happily in the beautiful



从文学文体学角度浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的反奴斗争存在主义视域下《霍乱时期的爱情》主题解读对《愤怒的葡萄》中美国农民“美国梦”幻灭的解读基于荣格原型理论对《基督山伯爵》中唐泰斯的人格转化分析家庭伦理视域下《推销员之死》威利悲剧命运 分析论《外婆的日用家当》中黑人女性对待传统文化的继承与反叛论《天使与魔鬼》的创作手法及伦理抉择从汤亭亭和格洛丽亚•安扎杜尔自传小说看美国少数族裔如何冲破语言禁锢浅析《儿子与情人》中保罗的俄狄浦斯情结探究≪麦琪的礼物≫中蕴含的圣经文化论舍伍德安德森笔下的怪诞人物形象 ——以《小镇畸人》为例15、犹太文化角度下《只争朝夕》中父子关系的探析

最佳答案Frances Hodgson Burnett的the secret garden?The opening chapter in the The Secret Garden finds Mary Lennox an ugly and disagreeable She has a little thin face and a little thin body,thin light hair and a sour Her hair is yellow,and her face is yellow because she has been born in India and has always been ill in one way or Her father holds a position in India under the English Government and is busy and her mother is a great beauty who cares only to go to After her parents die in an epidemic of cholera,this lonely girl is sent to live with her uncle,Archibald Craven,at Misselthwaite Manor,on the edge of the Yorkshire moor in EThere,with the help of the robin,a magical bird,Mary discovers a secret garden which has been shut up for ten Ten years ago,Craven’s wife,Lilias,died from a severe fall from the tree right in this From then on,this garden is locked Under the care of Mary and Dickon,a Yorkshire boy who lives on the moor,the dead garden is turned into a flourishing garden full of vigor and The process of tending the garden also restores Mary to her In addition,the discovery of the garden parallels Mary’s discovery of her cousin,Colin,who is tyrannical and In the garden,Colin strives to gain his health and At the end of the book,MCraven returns to the garden and MCraven, Mary and Colin are reunited happily in the beautiful
