

发布时间:2024-07-08 18:40:18


As the economic development ,people’s living standards and consumption levels have also greatly improve ,but at the same time people’s lives is also an increase in litter ,especially the community environment that we live In the community ,we can see the litters here and there although have cleaners cleaning So facing to the situation , what can we do ? Certainly what we can do is protecting the health and environment of the community ,because it is our shared home ,protecting it are the responsibility of every one of us If we not ,what we get is the disease and pollution that is harmful to our body! Thus in oder to make our home more clean and beautiful and give our parents,children,neighbors a health entertainment,lets hand in hand to potect the community health!

Today is a world of economic Exchange rate as the price system an important component part of the impact of a country and the development of foreign trade in one of the important According to traditional economic theory, the price system as an important component of the exchange rate, which changes affect a country's balance of trade; under certain conditions, the devaluation of their products can improve international competitiveness, thus helping expand exports and improve trade balance of So for a long time, all countries are spared no effort in the pursuit of even the balance of international payments surplus, resulting in between in contention for the world market share and continued trade

Abstract: The animation of the formation is to separate a series of actions associated with the frame up and play in series so that the naked eye in the case of residue to produce visual images in the activities of misunderstanding that the dynamic performance of a particular One producer of the works in time and rhythm accurately grasp the screen, determine the success of the work of the D  In the fixed cell animation, its production methods are unique, in time and take action on the formation of more stringent Different time intervals action will bring the performance of different rhythms, and different rhythm to determine the circumstances of this motion animation set the tone affects the whole atmosphere of the film and the script to create the ultimate effect of   Decide a motion animation set in the time required for each plot and the corresponding rhythm of many factors, including the grasp of the overall style of the story, the story changes direction, follow the story of the ups and downs, the effect of the expression of some special circumstances such as and so Of course, most important, respect the physics of the movement of   This will be fixed in time and motion animation for the subject to grasp the rhythm, combined with my design work in the graduate practical experience in production, focusing on to talk about animation in a production process, its timing and rhythm of development which are subject to an objective and subjective factors, and on how a work has a vital

A country of southern A Occupying land crisscrossed by ancient invasion paths, Pakistan was the home of the prehistoric Indus Valley civilization, which flourished until overrun by Aryans 1500 BC After being conquered by numerous rulers and powers, it passed to the British as part of India and became a separate Muslim state in The country originally included the Bengalese territory of East Pakistan, which achieved its separate independence in 1971 as B Pakistan became a republic in Islamabad is the capital and Karachi the largest Population: 165,000,


Hello,,I'm from PToday,I will introduce my country to Pakistan was founded in But her national Day is Pakistan lies in the south of AShe is also called "Islamic Rrpublic of Pkistan"Pakistan is a developing country,whose population is 149 At the same time,there are many peoples in my Urdll is my country's native langnage and English is (her) official Because it lies in the tropical Pakistan has so much water resource that it provides many advantagrs for the growing of the rice,whet,Though it is just a developing country ,our's rice and cotton often explore to What's more ,Pakistan is also called "the bakest of fruit"I you are fond of fruits ,welcome to my country to taste Paskitary people like spicy (They)We use pepper ,jianghuang to curry products,which are known all over the Regardless of meat ,dishes,fishes,vegetables,(most of which are spicy ,instead of fried )specially,holding the food with (our) right hand is our So ,if you like (want)taste spicy food ,going traving to Pakistany will be a good choice for There you can taste some stuff which you hadn't known Welcome to my country I'm looking forward to

A country of southern A Occupying land crisscrossed by ancient invasion paths, Pakistan was the home of the prehistoric Indus Valley civilization, which flourished until overrun by Aryans 1500 BC After being conquered by numerous rulers and powers, it passed to the British as part of India and became a separate Muslim state in The country originally included the Bengalese territory of East Pakistan, which achieved its separate independence in 1971 as B Pakistan became a republic in Islamabad is the capital and Karachi the largest Population: 165,000,

巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国(乌尔都语:اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان‎;英语:Islamic Republic of Pakistan)位于南亚,东与印度比邻,南面是印度洋,西与伊朗接壤,西北和阿富汗相连,东北面可通往中国的新疆。在乌尔都语中,“巴基斯坦”这个源自波斯语的字的意思为“圣洁的土地”或“清真之国”。从前首都在卡拉奇,现在首都位于伊斯兰堡。Pakistan (i/ˈpækɨstæn/ or i/pɑːkiˈstɑːn/; Urdu: پاکِستان) (Urdu pronunciation: [paːkɪˈst̪aːn] ( listen)), officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Urdu: اسلامی جمہوریۂ پاکِستان) is a sovereign state in South A It has a 1,046-kilometre (650 mi) coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far [7] In the north, Tajikistan lies adjacent to Pakistan but is separated by the narrow Wakhan C In addition, Oman is also located in maritime vicinity and shares a marine border with P[8] Strategically, Pakistan is located in a position between the important regions of South Asia, Central Asia and the greater Middle E[9]The region forming modern Pakistan was the site of several ancient cultures including the neolithic Mehrgarh and the bronze era Indus Valley C Subsequently it was the recipient of Hindu, Persian, Indo-Greek, Islamic, Turco-Mongol, and Sikh cultures through several invasions and/or As a result the area has remained a part of numerous empires and dynasties including the Indian empires, Persian empires, Arab caliphates, Mongol, Mughal, Sikh and British E Pakistan gained independence from the British Empire in 1947 after a struggle for independence, led by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, that sought the partition of India and the creation of an independent state for the Muslim majority populations of the eastern and western regions of British I[10] With the adoption of its constitution in 1956, Pakistan became an Islamic [11] In 1971, an armed conflict in East Pakistan resulted in the creation of B[12]Pakistan is a federal parliamentary republic consisting of four provinces and four federal With a population exceeding 170 million people, it is the sixth most populous country in the world[2] and has the second largest Muslim population after I[13] It is an ethnically and linguistically diverse country with a similar variation in its geography and With a semi-industrialized economy, it is the 27th largest in the world in terms of purchasing Since gaining independence, Pakistan's history has been characterised by periods of military rule, political instability and conflicts with neighbouring I The country faces challenging problems including terrorism, poverty, illiteracy and Pakistan has the eighth largest standing armed force and is the only Muslim-majority nation to possess nuclear Pakistan is the first nuclear power country in the Muslim world, and second in the South Asia, while first being I[14][15] It is designated as a major non-NATO ally of the United States and a strategic ally of C[16][17] It is a founding member of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (now the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation)[18] and a member of the United Nations,[19] Commonwealth of Nations,[20] Next Eleven economies and the G20 developing

As the economic development ,people’s living standards and consumption levels have also greatly improve ,but at the same time people’s lives is also an increase in litter ,especially the community environment that we live In the community ,we can see the litters here and there although have cleaners cleaning So facing to the situation , what can we do ? Certainly what we can do is protecting the health and environment of the community ,because it is our shared home ,protecting it are the responsibility of every one of us If we not ,what we get is the disease and pollution that is harmful to our body! Thus in oder to make our home more clean and beautiful and give our parents,children,neighbors a health entertainment,lets hand in hand to potect the community health!



这个网址是巴基斯坦英文介绍 希望你满意


As the economic development ,people’s living standards and consumption levels have also greatly improve ,but at the same time people’s lives is also an increase in litter ,especially the community environment that we live In the community ,we can see the litters here and there although have cleaners cleaning So facing to the situation , what can we do ? Certainly what we can do is protecting the health and environment of the community ,because it is our shared home ,protecting it are the responsibility of every one of us If we not ,what we get is the disease and pollution that is harmful to our body! Thus in oder to make our home more clean and beautiful and give our parents,children,neighbors a health entertainment,lets hand in hand to potect the community health!


Hello,,I'm from PToday,I will introduce my country to Pakistan was founded in But her national Day is Pakistan lies in the south of AShe is also called "Islamic Rrpublic of Pkistan"Pakistan is a developing country,whose population is 149 At the same time,there are many peoples in my Urdll is my country's native langnage and English is (her) official Because it lies in the tropical Pakistan has so much water resource that it provides many advantagrs for the growing of the rice,whet,Though it is just a developing country ,our's rice and cotton often explore to What's more ,Pakistan is also called "the bakest of fruit"I you are fond of fruits ,welcome to my country to taste Paskitary people like spicy (They)We use pepper ,jianghuang to curry products,which are known all over the Regardless of meat ,dishes,fishes,vegetables,(most of which are spicy ,instead of fried )specially,holding the food with (our) right hand is our So ,if you like (want)taste spicy food ,going traving to Pakistany will be a good choice for There you can taste some stuff which you hadn't known Welcome to my country I'm looking forward to


这个网址是巴基斯坦英文介绍 希望你满意



全球金融危机背景下反倾销新趋势及应对策略  论文摘要:论述了随着全球金融危机的爆发,各国间贸易摩擦日益频繁,国际反倾销出现的一些新趋势。阐述了在国际反倾销呈现出新趋势的情况下,中国政府、行业协会、企业应采取地积极的应对策略。论文关键词:金融危机 国际贸易 反倾销 应对策略  2007—2009年全球金融危机,又称世界金融危机、次贷危机、信用危机,更于2008年起名为金融海啸及华尔街海啸等,是一场在2007年8月9日开始浮现的金融危机。自次级房屋信贷危机爆发后,投资者开始对按揭证券的价值失去信心,引发流动性危机,随后即使多国中央银行多次向金融市场注入巨额资金,也无法阻止这场金融危机的爆发。直到2008年9月9日,这场金融危机开始失控,并导致多家相当大型的金融机构倒闭或被政府接管。  倾销,是指一个国家或地区的出口经营者以低于国内市场正常或平均价格甚至低于成本价格向另一国市场销售其产品的行为,目的在于击败竞争对手,夺取市场,并因此给进口国相同或类似产品的生产商及产业带来损害。反倾销,顾名思义是指一国(进口国)针对他国对本国的倾销行为所采取的对抗措施。贸易的全球化趋势愈强,各国对本国产业的保护倾向也随之愈强,反倾销就成为大多数国家主要采取的贸易保障制度。随着世界经济贸易关系的不断发展、国际市场竞争的几近白热化、各国关税水平的不断下降以及经济发展的不平衡,国际间的倾销与反倾销的斗争显得更加激烈。  1反倾销的国际新趋势  在全球金融危机的大背景下,一国政府是与各国通力合作共抗危机,还是采取保护主义姿态,这是各国政府必须认真面对的问题。在经济全球化、区域一体化的今天,国与国之间的经济关系日趋密切,一个国家尤其是欧美发达国家的一项重大经济举措,不仅要考虑本国的发展,更要考虑对他国乃至世界经济的影响。为了解决本国因金融危机而引起的经济下降、金融机构破产、企业倒闭、失业率上升等经济社会问题,通过拉动内需,从而刺激本国经济的发展,这原本无可非议,但问题是,目前不少国家刺激经济的计划都带有明显的保护主义色彩,这就不得不令人们对世界经济发展的前景多了一丝忧虑。  1.1反倾销的主体变化  从反倾销的主体看,由过去传统的几个发达国家指控倾销转变为反倾销全球化。反倾销作为贸易救济的主要形式,长期以来一直是发达国家保护本国市场和国家利益的重要手段。伴随着中国出口贸易额的快速增长,国外对华反倾销愈演愈烈。根据wro的反倾销统计,1995—2006年中国遭受国外反倾销调查案达1245起,其中发达国家526起,占42.2%,发展中国家719起,占57.8%。2007年上半年,国外对华反倾销立案调查数20起,比2006年同期减少13起,但发展中国家对华反倾销案就有16起,是发达国家的4倍。从发展中国家的国别看,对华发起反倾销的国家大多是发展中大国,如:印度、土耳其、阿根廷、南非、巴西、墨西哥等。  我国已连续成为全球遭遇反倾销调查最多的国家,成为贸易保护主义最大受害国。仅2009年前10个月,我国就接受了涉及多个领域、行业的多起反倾销调查,例如:3月秘鲁国家反垄断和保护知识产权局倾销和补贴调查委员会公布决议,决定对从中国进口的纺织材料作为鞋面的便鞋和运动鞋征收临时反倾销税;6月美国某公司向美商务部和国际贸易委员会提出申请,请求对中国进口编织电热毯产品进行反倾销调查;6月巴西外贸委员会18日决定对进口自中国的客车和货车轮胎征收反倾销税,未来将可能对进口自中国的轻型轿车轮胎征收反倾销税;7月秘鲁国家竞争和知识产权保护委员会下属倾销和补贴调查委员决定继续维持对从中国进口的3种冲浪板实施征收反倾销税措施,期限3年;7月阿根廷生产部工贸及中小企业国务秘书签署决议,对中国的手动厨房用点火器开展反倾销调查;7月泰国财政部决定延长热轧钢反倾销税收措施5年;7月阿根廷生产部宣布,对除运动鞋之外的中国鞋类产品实施进口反倾销措施;8月欧盟委员会在布鲁塞尔宣布,欧盟已对从中国进口的葡萄糖酸钠发起了反倾销调查;8月印度某公司向印反倾销局提出申请,要求对原产于中国等国的树脂启动反倾销调查;8月欧盟反倾销委员会通过投票表决,支持欧盟委员会对产自中国的无缝钢管征收为期5年的正式反倾销税;9月美国总统奥巴马宣布对中国轮胎实施3年惩罚性关税。从上述我国遭受的反倾销调查可以看出,当前国际反倾销的主体已经由原来的几个发达国家转变为反倾销全球化。  1.2反倾销运用的手段变化  关贸总协定和世界贸易组织在经过八轮多边贸易谈判后,各成员国的关税税率已经大幅降低。进口关税税率的下降,使得利用关税壁垒的作用日益下降,新的更有效的贸易壁垒,如反倾销结合反补贴、绿色壁垒、技术壁垒等层出不穷。以中国出口大蒜为例,2009年1—4月出口大蒜数量为602,983.0吨,同比增长7.5%,金额为23,409.6万美元,同比下降20.2%,平均单价为388.2美吨,同比下降25.8%。但是,反倾销和技术壁垒一直是大蒜出口的两大“拦路虎”。长期以来,我国大蒜出口价格比较低,许多进口国为了保护本国大蒜企业,一直寻找时机对中国大蒜实行反倾销调查。近几年来,日本、欧盟、美国等国家和地区对从中国进口的农产品制定了苛刻的技术标准。从世界各国反倾销运用的手段来看,已经由单一的关税壁垒转变为反倾销为主导的多元化非关税壁垒。  1.3反倾销的应诉情况变化  20世纪80年代以前,反倾销的应诉率极低,特别是发达国家对发展中国家发起的反倾销调查。但随着贸易体制的不断发展,反倾销作为世界贸易组织认可的贸易保护措施,被越来越多的国家所认识。许多国家和企业从具体的个案实践中认识到,应诉与不应诉的结果差别很大。应诉就有双赢的机会,不应诉就等于承认倾销,被征收高额反倾销税后,很可能会失去原来开拓的市场。因此,世界反倾销应诉热情高涨。同时,也促使各国努力完善反倾销法。各国在制定反倾销政策时,为了避免与国际规则发生冲突和矛盾,也尽可能参照国际惯例和规则,以便有效地保护本国贸易市场。  为应对反倾销保护本国市场,我国政府也作出了积极的应对。2009年9月27日商务部颁布了新的《出口产品反倾销应诉规定》,简称“新规”。相比较4年前出台的旧规,新规重点突出了行业协会在反倾销应诉中发挥的作用,几乎涵盖了应诉工作的整个流程。新规指出,行业协会应成为应诉企业和商务部的桥梁。除了对出口商品统计监管系统和贸易救济案件信息收集反馈机制的建立外,还要建立律师信息库,这样就可把在代理行为中曾严重影响或损害我国企业、行业利益的律师和律师事务所通知应诉企业。此外,在应诉过程中,行业协会还要组织应诉企业参加听证会、与国外调查机关和相关行业组织或企业进行磋商、谈判等工作。行业协会还应根据应诉企业的要求,就有关替代国、市场经济地位和分别裁决等技术问题的抗辩、国外调查机关的实地核查等问题予以协助。为使工作能够落实,行业组织按新规可从会费中设立促进会员企业应诉的专向资金,用于定期组织有关反倾销法律知识的培训。而新规中,商务部将加强对反倾销案件调查和应诉工作相关信息的公开和传达。对于商务部公布的信息,地方商务主管部门和行业组织也应立即通知涉案企业。对于一些特殊的案件,商务部还将给予行业组织有关应诉案件的意见。这些应诉案件包括:调查机关对我企业实施歧视性政策和调查方法的,行业组织之间就企业协调应诉工作无法形成一致意见的,涉案产品在调查国或地区市场份额较大的,涉案产品在调查期内出口金额较大的以及其他需要征询的重要案件。从世界各国反倾销的应诉情况来看,由过去怠于应诉变为积极应诉,并取得良好效果。  2中国反倾销的应对策略  在国际反倾销呈现出新趋势的情况下,国际反倾销规则也日趋完善。作为一个发展中国家,中国面临着严峻的反倾销形势考验。为了保证我们经济的快速稳定发展,增强企业的领域竞争优势,中国应积极寻求应对策略。  2.1中国政府应当采取的应对策略  在国际大形势下,中国应倡议除国际金融体系改革外,还应对国际贸易体系进行改革,特别是要加强对发达国家贸易保护政策的监管,呼吁更多国家实行财政扩张政策,并保持政策的同步性。在区域经济中,中国应积极融人区域经济一体化,加快地区和双边自由贸易协定的建设。近年来,中国已与巴基斯坦、智利、新西兰、新加坡等国签署了FTA,与澳大利亚、海湾合作组织、南部非洲关税同盟等的自由贸易谈判也正在加紧推进。同时,中国一东盟自贸区也将于2010年建成,推进区域一体化有助于消除不利条款的影响。  中国政府在积极完善有关立法、推进社会化服务体系建设、为企业应对国内外经济事务提供有效服务的同时,提升出口商品结构层次,实现出口贸易增长方式的转变。目前,我国货物贸易出口的层次比较低,55%以上是以加工贸易方式实现的,高新技术产品出口中,85%以上由外资完成。服务贸易发展出口严重滞后,服务贸易出口占我国贸易总额的10%,明显低于世界20%左右的平均水平。客观的市场容量也要求必需转变经济增长方式。为了实现出口贸易增长方式的转变,中国企业也要掌握和利用比较优势动态变化的规律,一方面稳定或延续中低端产品或生产环节的比较优势,保持出口贸易的数量增长;另一方面要创造和积累中高端产品或生产环节的比较优势,扩大产品出口,达到改善贸易结构,提高贸易质量的目的。  2.2行业协会应当采取的应对策略  行业协会虽然是民间组织,但从整个行业的角度来看又具有一定的公共性。从各国的实践看,行业协会作为反倾销提诉人的案件占绝大多数,而以政府反倾销机构或单个企业作为提诉人的情况十分罕见。因此,作为整个行业的代表者,它可以通过收取会费的形式来筹集资金,建立反倾销基金以专门用来建立信息渠道,配备反倾销专业人员,聘请律师,组织企业应诉。利用整个行业的资源来克服单个企业势单力薄的不足,这就可以解决应诉不及时的问题。为防止遭受反倾销,行业协会可以在整个行业的企业当中充分开展协调工作,规范企业行为,组织各个企业有序地进行出口,防范企业相互压低价格进行不良竞争,改变目前各自为政的混乱状态,形成有序的出口局面。  作为企业利益的代言人,行业协会配合政府有关部门建立健全反倾销预警机制是行业协会维护产业经济安全,有效运用反倾销手段所不可缺少的前瞻性工作。反倾销预警是最基础的反倾销工作。通过建立起来的反倾销预警机制,一方面对企业的出口规模和速度进行指导,另一方面帮助企业提前做好应对反倾销调查的准备。行业协会还可以组织行业培训,规范反倾销工作程序,在本行业以及企业内培养和锻炼一批相对稳定和过硬的反倾销队伍,改变过去反倾销工作中被动局面。  2.3中国企业应当采取的应对策略  在经营中中国企业应注意规范企业的经营管理行为。企业在对外经营时不仅要遵守国内的法律和法规,还要遵守国际及其他国家的法律、法规,注重研究WTO相关法规及协议,遵守国际惯例。出口企业应按国际规范进行经营管理,会计帐簿要规范、完整、清楚,以便应对反倾销问卷调查。  在遭遇反倾销调查时,中国企业应积极应诉,寻求保护自身权益。反倾销是一个十分复杂的程序,再加上每个环节的时限要求十分严格,而每个环节对应诉成败均十分关键。在应诉的每个环节企业都应积极、主动地参与,利用涉案产品在国际、国内市场上的销售、生产情况为自己辩护。企业在反倾销诉讼中,除了要积极应诉外还应注意通过参加各种复审推翻原判,重新恢复出口。反倾销行政复审,主要用于确定所课征的反倾销税是否应该调整或取消。实践中,复审的形式有年度复审、新出口商复审、临时复审和日落复审等多种,利用不同的复审手段出口企业可达到免征或停征反倾销税的目的。  随着国际竞争的加剧,企业需创新企业的营销观念,加强新技术、新产品的研究与开发,提高产品技术层次,获得新技术和新产品的专有技术知识产权。拥有自主知识产权的产品,比如专利技术产品很难遭受反倾销。企业需要成立跨国公司进行国际化经营,形成网络化生产、研发和销售体系,既可提高竞争档次,也可通过海外投资及内部转移价格方式规避反倾销,而且全球化程度越高的产品,其归属问题也很难解决,所以越难提起反倾销。  2.4反倾销诉讼人才培养的应对策略  针对频频遭遇反倾销的现状,我国政府、行业协会和企业应当高度重视反倾销应诉人才的培养工作,开展反倾销理论、反倾销实务等培训,选拔其中部分人员赴欧美等发达国家进行中长期的培训学习,提高他们反倾销应诉的感性认识与实战能力。同时,政府应拨出专款对反倾销予以资助,努力打造一支精通反倾销理论与实务、能够承担企业反倾销应诉等涉外业务的既懂英文又精于专业的高层次专业人才队伍,促进完善我国反倾销应对工作机制。  3结束语  在复杂的国际经济形势下,我国政府应当认清国际反倾销出现的一些新趋势,借鉴与吸收国际成功经验,加强和完善有关反倾销的相关立法,使之与国际反倾销法律接轨。中国将积极建立符合国际惯例的政府支持体系,调整出口导向政策,实现贸易出口方式的转变,融入区域经济一体化,促进我国进出口贸易的快速增长不断提升我国在世界贸易中的位次。



