

发布时间:2024-07-08 10:49:45


Abstract: Primary school is the first stage of learning E How to guide and encourafe students to have a great interest in learning English is very One of the most important means to cultivate students' interest in learning English is to organize English class activities well for primary This paper aims to explore the significance of primary school English Taking the students' interest as a key, this paper tries to find out some effective pluralistic approachs in the activities of English teaching and learning in primary schools, such as stick figure, music, games, role play and other modern technical means which are of five lively teaching elements and applied scientificly and proprely in primary school English teaching and classroom activities so as to create a happy, lively, three-dimensional primary school English Key words Primary English class, interest, pluralism, three-dimensional, teaching approaches

翻译如下:Environment Protection and Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable development refers to not only meet the needs of people without prejudice to future generations the ability to meet the It emphasizes the sustainable capability along with the precondition of Sustainable development has invloved in many fields and its influences to nature and environment have the most closely interrelations to our The phenomenons of environemental pollutions are existed everywhere in our current living environment, for example, plastics pollution, water pollution, air pollution, and Let's take the example of plastics Plastic cannot be easily degraded and also affect the environmental aesthetics and its composition may have potential Plastics pollution will cause visual pollution and hazard No matter what methods will be used to deal with abandoned plastic, it will alway leave harmful substance to affect the environment and human Although the government has raised the order to limit the usage of plastic bags which has reduced the harzard caused by plastic bags at a certain level, unfortunately, it will not be accepted by everyone of My solution: At the entrance of supermarkets and malls, paper bags can be exchanged for plastic Several plastic bags can be used to trade for one paper bage which is more environmental friendly and can be repeatly Plastic bags can still be purchased in malls to cover the cost of the production of those paper This will form a virtuous cycle which those oversupplied plastic bags will be recovered, as well, it wil make more people to choose paper bags instead of plastic For our younger generation, we will make a healthier 不喜欢的地方,自己改改吧。

前言]: 随着我国社会经济发展,人民生活水平的提高,星级饭店的客源越来越大、已不仅仅局限于海外旅游和国内的高官显贵,大众消费者也成为饭店客源之一。现在居民外出就餐的次数增多,消费增加,大众化成为目前我国餐饮市场的主流。以大众化的原料、高超的厨艺、较低的价格向社会大众提供较高质量标准的餐饮产品、良好的环境和相应服务,从而使饭店成为社会绝大部分消费者服务的经营方式。即饭店将广大平民百姓作为其目标市场,以他们所能接受的价格为其提供餐饮品种和相应服务。这里所说的价格并不是指绝对价格无限制的低,而是指相对于其出品质量水平和服务标准来说,价格较低。摘要]: 为了更好的了解和掌握酒店行业,适应不断发展现代世界的需要,需要掌握酒店服务意识和服务技巧,才能更好的适应岗位的需要。我从酒店服务意识和酒店企业文化的创新技巧,培训技巧来阐述我的观点。来论证服务技巧是在整个酒店中非常重要的。 一、 酒店服务意识 1、 说的技巧:语言是人们进行沟通的最主要的工具。在工作岗位上运用良好的有声语言和客人及组织成员保持良好的有效沟通。在说话时注意做到1、言之有物;即说话力求有内容,有价值。有句话说:“与君一席谈,胜读十年书。”服务意识是指饭店全体员工在与一切饭店利益相关的人或组织的交往中所体现的为其提供热情、周到、主动的服务的欲望和意识。其实我们真的做到客人一走进餐厅,就主动热情的上前去为客人服务吗?其实不是,都是客人自己去找地方坐下,然后在叫服务员的。通过这个事,我们不得不思考,我们通常对饭店服务意识的认识是正确的吗?谈到服务意识,大多数人会想到这样一个概念:“饭店从业人员在与宾客交往中内心存在的一种为宾客提供的欲望。2、 这里的饭店服务员工,一般被理解为饭店当中直接为客人服务的员工,即通常所说的一线部门的员工。而宾客则指以货币为代价上手饭店服务的人,即消费者。由于上面的那个问题,对这样一个一直被广泛认可和接受的概念,却不得不产生一些不同的看法。只要有以下几点:〈1〉宾客所指,广泛仅限与购买饭店服务的现实消费者,而应泛指与饭店员工直接或间接交往的一切与饭店利益相关的人或组织:〈2〉饭店服务意识,不仅是前台、客房、餐厅、商场等传统的一线员工理所当然因该具备的基本素质,也因该是财务、采购、人力资源、工程维修、安全等只能部门甚至高层管理者必备的。换句话说,饭店的全部员工都应具有强烈的服务意识,而这恰恰是大多数时候被大多数员工所忽视的,其中包括为数不少的饭店管理人员,甚至决策者;〈3〉饭店服务意识的时间范围因该延长,它不仅是工作时间必须严守的准则,也因该是饭店员工8小时以外理应牢记的。因此,综合以上几点,对饭店服务意识的概念,不妨做这样的概括:服务意识是指饭店全体员工在与一切饭店利益相关的人或组织的交往中所体现的为其提供热情、周到、主动的服务的欲望和意识。它不仅表现在酒店内,也表现在酒店外;不仅表现在工作时间内,也表现在工作时间外。宾客是个大概念,我们不因该仅重视那些为我们送来钞票的人,他们当然有理由让我们为其提供服务。但是,我们的眼光应该更成员,更广大。因此,所谓宾客,不仅是那些你正在为之服务的人,还应该包括因同时缺位热需要服务的客人,甚至还有所有与饭店有业务关系的供货商,代理商,对饭店依法行使管理权的行政机关,有接触的过往性人。对待上述个人和组织一样要有服务意识的原因在于:他们虽然不是显示的消费者,却是饭店潜在的“财神爷”:所有与饭店有接触的人,都是饭店的判断者和宣传者,如果要他们对饭店有正面的评价和宣传,就必须让他们感受到我们的热情,周到和主动;而对与我们的供货商等而言,对我们的优质服务的切身体验,一定会转变更好,更长远的合作的意愿。服务意识对职能部门同样重要,要使职能部门树立服务意识,关键在与从思想上改变“职能部门是二线,要求可以底一点”,以及“职能部门棉队的不是客人”等错误观念,树立整个饭店都是一线的思想。饭店管理层首先要完成这一转变,使职能部门认识到树立服务意思的重要性。要加强不同部门和岗位之间的沟通,强化员工特别是职能部门的服务意识起到了很好的作用。微笑也不再是“职业性”的,而是发自内心的,是与人为善,为他人服务的真情流露。我们饭店的形象会受到社会公众的极高称誉。我们的员工将不仅仅是优秀的饭店从业者,也是社会主义精神文明的倡导者和传播者。 二、 语言与沟通技巧1、 掌握说的技巧:语言是人们进行沟通的最主要的工具。在工作岗位上运用良好的有声语言和客人及组织成员保持良好的有效沟通。在说话时注意做到:〈1〉言之有物;即说话力求有内容,有价值。有句话说:“与君一席谈,胜读十年书。” 饭店实习人员在为客人服务时应以热情得体的言谈为客人提供优质的服务。总之,要让别人通过与你的交谈感觉到你是一个有文化,有品位的人。〈2〉言之有情;即说话要真诚,坦荡,但只有你的真诚待客,同样会赢得客人的喜欢。注意在和客人沟通时传递你热情友好的情感。以你的真诚感动客人。〈3〉言之有礼;即言谈举止要有礼貌。中国是一个文明古国。历史上就有“礼仪之邦”的美称。旅游服务行业尤其讲究“礼”字当先。所以,在和客人沟通时,一定要注意彬彬有礼。即使客人怎么无礼,你都必须始终保持良好的礼貌修养。〈4〉言之有度:即说话要有分寸感。什么时候说,什么时候不该说,话应说到什么程度,这都是很有讲究的。要注意沟通场合,沟通对象的变化。总之,恰如其分的传情达意才能有利与我们的工作。2、 身体语言的沟通:酒店服务人员必须用良好的身体语言为客人提供优质的服务。 (一)身体姿势: 1、 站姿:站立时要端正。挺胸收腹。眼睛平视。嘴微闭面带微笑。 2、 坐姿:就坐时姿态要端正。入坐轻缓,上身要直,腰部挺起,脊柱向上,臂放松平放。双膝并拢,坐时不要把椅子坐满(三分之二为最宜)放松平放。双膝并拢,坐时不要把椅子 坐满(三分之二为最宜)。 3、 走姿:行走应轻而稳,注意昂首挺胸收腹。肩要平,身要直,女子走一字步(双脚走一条线,不迈大步)要轻,巧,灵;男子行走时双脚跟走两条线。步履可稍大,表现稳定。 (二)手姿:一般来说,掌语有两种,手掌向上表示坦荡,虚心,诚恳;手掌向下则表示压制,傲慢和强制。所以,酒店服务人员在和客人说话时,一切指示动作都必须是手臂伸直,手指自然并拢,手掌向上,以肘关节为轴,指向目标。切忌指指点点。和客人交谈时手势不宜过大。在给客人递东西时,应用双手恭敬的奉上。决不可漫不经心地一扔。 (三)面部表情语言:在与客人沟通时,良好的面部表情语言有助与你和客人的交流。 作为旅游服务人员,学会倾听,将极大地有助与你与客人及组织成员之间保持良好的沟通效果。那么,如何更好的倾听呢?1、 创造一个良好的倾听环境2、学会察言观色:倾听是通过听觉,视觉媒介,接受和理解对方思想,情感的过程。3、使用良好的身体语言,使用良好的身体评议有助于提高倾听效果。4、注意回应对方:在交谈时,如果听的一方面无表情,一声不吭,毫无反应,会令说的一方自信心受挫,说话的欲望就会下降。有人说:“和一个毫无反应的人说话,跟和一堵墙说话有什么区别?”所以,在和人沟通时,你必须注意用头点,微笑等无声语言,或用提问等有声语言回应对方,参与说话。只有这样,沟通才能畅通,才会愉快。 三、 酒店培训技巧 酒店服务员礼仪培训技巧:1、 礼貌、礼仪:是向他人敬意的一种仪式,也是表示敬意的统称,待人恭敬的态度。2、 二静,工做场合保持安静,隆重场合保持肃静。3、三轻一快,操作轻,说话轻,走路轻,服务快。4、三了解,了解宾客的风俗习惯,了解生活,了解特殊要求。5、三声,客人开时有迎声,客人问时有应声,客人走时有送声。6、自尊,尊重老人,尊重妇女儿童,残疾人。7、五勤,眼,口,脚,手,耳勤。 服务员的语言要求:(基本用语)谦恭、语调亲切、音量适度、言辞简洁清晰、充分体现主动、热情礼貌、周到、谦虚的态度,根据不同的对象使用语言要恰当,对内宾使用普通话,对外宾要使用日常外语,做到客到有请,客问必答,客走告别。 站立、行走的要领: 1、站立:抬头、挺胸、收腹、提臀、双肩平衡两手臂自然下垂、眼睛目视前方,嘴微闭面带微笑,提前保持保持随时能面客服务的姿态。 2、行走:身体重心可以稍前倾,上体正直抬头目视前方,面带微笑切忌摇肩、晃动双臂、自然前后摆动肩部放松脚步、轻快步伐不宜过大更不能跑。 如何进行推销: 首先作为服务员应了解自己公司所经营的商品和有关商品的一些知识,根绝服务对象的不同进行推销要把语言运用得当。 总之,以上所述观点是我在校学习和在工作中所体会到的,所学到和掌握的基本服务技巧和运用管理,在现代社会中,酒店业的发展是非常的迅速,我充分理解酒店服务意识和服务积欠,在以后的工作中,我会运用到实际工作岗位上去,为促进酒店的旅游业发展做出自己应有的贡献。希望老师们多提供宝贵的意见,我会铭记在心,运用到实践中去,争取最短的时间内实现自己的理想,为今后旅游业发展贡献出自己的一份微薄的力量。请采纳。

Elementary stage is the enlightment stage for english study, and played a crucial important role in the way to guide and cultivate students' interests into English interactive class is one of the most important ways to launch students' interests of study english in their elementary This paper intended to explore the function of effective multi-method paradigm in english teaching for elementary level, and focus on implement five interactive interests centered ways including simple picture, music, interactive games, role play and modern technology in real teaching process of english, with the intention to create a happy and vivid 3 dimentional elementary level interactive english Abstract: interactive english class for elementary level, multi-method, 3 dimentional teaching paradigm




The above equation was used to obtain θ for various values of L for each The block heights were calculated using E (1) 上面的方程式用来得出每一玻璃块的不同L值时的θ。玻璃块的高度用式(1)计算。The difference between measured height and mean calculated height for the four blocks were, respectively, 16 mm, 18 mm, 07 mm and 15 4个玻璃块实测高度和平均计算高度之间的差别分别是16 mm, 18 mm, 07 mm 和 15 mm。The maximum difference was 16% and the minimum difference was 2% 最大差别是16%,而最小差别为2%。This results show that the variation of projection angle across the field of view will not introduce significant 这一结果表明,投影角跨视场的变化将不会引入明显的误差。Thus, the variation of projection angle across the FOV is not critical in height measurement using the 因此,投影角跨视场的变化在采用本装置进行高度测量时不是关键的。5 Tilt measurements on glass 5 对玻璃块的倾角测量 In the work on glass block tilt measurement, experiments were conducted using six different 在对玻璃块倾角测量的研究中,用了6个不同的隔离物进行实验。Slip gages were used as spacers to introduce tilts in the glass blocks because they can be attached easily to the glass surface by sliding 采用滑移规作为隔离物来引入玻璃块的倾角,因为它们可以用滑移动作方便地附于玻璃表面。In addition, the gages allow small differences in tilts to be 此外,滑移规还可允许引入小的倾角差别。The experiment was conducted twice with different sets of spacers to confirm 实验用两组不同的隔离物进行两次,以证实重复性。Tilts were introduced in three of the glass blocks, while one was kept in the horizontal 在三块玻璃块上引入倾角,另一块则保持水平位置。The horizontal block was referred to as the reference 该水平的玻璃块就看作参考玻璃块。The first set of spacers of thickness 0 mm, 2 mm and 4 mm were used to introduce the tilts in blocks A, B and C, respectively, shown in F 3(a) 厚度为0 mm, 2 mm 和 4 mm的第一组隔离物分别被用来引入A块、B块和C块的倾角,如图3(a)所示。 To avoid errors caused by the positioning of spacer, the glass block and spacer edges were aligned using a steel 为了避免因隔离物定位引起的误差,玻璃块和隔离物的边缘用一把钢尺对准。The same steps were followed in preparing the glass block tilt specimens for the second set of spacer 在为第二组隔离物厚度准备玻璃块倾角样本中,遵循相同的步骤。In this experiment the tilt was introduced with spacers of thickness 5 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm on block A, B and C, respectively, to verify the 在本实验中,分别在A块、B块和C块上以5 mm, 3 mm a和 5 mm厚度的隔离物引入倾角,以验证实验。The tilted heights of the three blocks were measured relative to the height of reference block using the phase shifting 这三块玻璃块的倾斜的高度用相位偏移技术,相对于参考玻璃块的高度进行测量。The relative heights were computed from the phase map shown in F 3(d) 相对高度由图3(d)中所示的相位图进行计算。The pixel coordinates on the phase map were scanned using a computer 相位图上像素的坐标用一个计算机程序进行扫描。 The x-coordinates where the scanning starts are same for all the blocks, whereas the y-coordinates vary for each 扫描开始处的x坐标对所有玻璃块来说多相同,而y坐标则每一块都变化。The scanning stops when the end of the block is 当达到玻璃块的末端时,扫描就停止。The pixel values along each tilted block were traced from the starting x-coordinate to locate the approximately same grayscale value on the reference 沿每一倾斜玻璃块的像素值从开始的x坐标起被跟踪,以定位参考玻璃块上的近似相同的灰度值。The grayscale values were matched within ± 2 gray values as 如前面那样,灰度值在±2的灰度值以内是匹配的。The program then converts the matched pixel coordinates of both blocks into physical dimensions (in mm) and calculates the shift δx for the each matched gray 于是,程序将两个玻璃块匹配像素的坐标转换成物理尺寸(以mm为单位),并计算每一匹配的灰度值的偏移δx 。Using the values of δx and the illumination angle calculated using the θ-L relationship for the particular block height, we calculated the height of the tilted block relative to the reference 采用δx 值和利用特定玻璃块高度下的θ-L关系计算得出的照明角, 我们计算了倾斜玻璃块相对于参考玻璃块的高度。The height data were fitted using the least-squares method and the tilt angles for the blocks were obtained from the gradient of the fitted 高度数据用最小二乘法拟合,玻璃块的倾角由拟合数据的梯度而得到。



具体你要写哪方面的?强烈建议你去GOOGLE学术搜索上去搜一下你要学习的领域,可以搜到很多 论文的。每个领域的重点期刊都不同的,所以建议你看些核心期刊的论文。



My school lifeMy school life is busy and We usually have four classes in the morning and three in the Class begins at eight in the morning and one thirty in the We have ten minutes rest between two I often have my lunch at After school I have after-school I like playing basketball very much so I often play basketball for about an hour with my In spring and autumn we have sports meeting and sometimes we have other activities, such as English My school life is so fantastic that I like it very

My FamilyI have a very big There is my father, mother, two brothers, two sisters, two cats and three My father is a business man and my mother is a My brothers are both older than me and my sisters are all younger than All of us are still studying in We all live in a very big Our cats have there own room in the house and our dogs make their home in the Having a very big family is always fun because we can do alot of things, like playing basketball and tennis or playing video games and board


Now the government and companies prohibit smoking in indoor and outdoor many places, say that now no one can smoking in any of their office, I said against And now need many examples of this If you go to illustrate the example who is the author of the book pages, said the book the date, and the author's background, online material to explain, for which nets of related data and example! Detailed point! Had better have English ~!!!


自己先用中文写好,然后发上来 我给你翻译!
