

发布时间:2024-09-05 15:45:19




大一上学期: 画法几何及工程制图大一下学期: 环境生态学 环境心理学 立体构成 《建筑初步》:渲染大二上学期: 水份表现:无课本 《人体工程学》 《结构力学》 建筑设计原理:以彭一刚的《建筑空间组合论》为基础。



先看看启蒙的书 像什么《建筑师的二十岁》之类 之后可以看看建筑空间组合论 彭老的 还有形式空间和秩序 之类建筑史也要看 工具书的话建筑资料集不错 不过很多啊 建议上网买

大一上学期: 画法几何及工程制图大一下学期: 环境生态学 环境心理学 立体构成 《建筑初步》:渲染大二上学期: 水份表现:无课本 《人体工程学》 《结构力学》 建筑设计原理:以彭一刚的《建筑空间组合论》为基础。



我要跟你说一句 这条路 跟考电影学院 差不多 如果你是真心喜欢 还是觉得那个很牛逼而且你也喜欢 如果你学的是工科建筑类的 还是好好找一份工作然后先稳定一下 也来得及 能成为建筑师都是 点点的星星那种 再者 要考就来个大的 别在这个国家纠缠 欧美 日本 都可以 (有一个哈工大的教授吧 的帖子 关于考建筑师的人忠告 很值得看)不要分 只希望对你有个提醒帮助 你要是富二代不差钱啥的 算我没说哈


我也是土木工程专业的。09年考同济建筑设计及其理论专业。你和我当初的念头一样,我想我应该可以给你一些参考。 这个专业的专业课考试有三类:中外建筑史+古代建筑文献。 中外建筑史+设计基础 中外建筑史+建筑构造与结构。当初我考了第三类。原因很简单,因为我是学土木的,我建议你考这类。这只是初试中的专业课。 参考数目 设计基础是相关大学教材:主要公共建筑设计原理,居住建筑设计原理之类的。说白了就是教怎么做方案设计的。 至于古代建筑文献,我想你应该不会选这类吧? 建筑构造与结构: 主要是看这四本《建筑结构选型》 陈保胜主编 同济大学出版社 《建筑构造设计基础》 刘昭如主编 科学出版社 《建筑特种构造》 颜宏亮主编 同济大学出版社 《设计力学》 同济大学出版社 这四本书我当初花了好多精力才买到的。 中外建筑史为:《中国建筑史》 潘谷西主编 建工出版社 现在已经到第5版本了。此外还有一本必须看的书《建筑志》 常青主编,这是出题老师出的书,往年有部分题都出自这本书。课上老师推荐看的书是《大乘的建筑观》、《华夏意匠》、读缪朴《传统的本质——中国传统建筑的十三个特点》等。 明白要看哪些内容了吧?就是中外建筑史和建筑构造与结构里面所罗列的书籍。此外可以去网上下载一些往年的试题看看,但是不要盲目押题,因为09年出的试题与往年有不少变化。 至于构造,还要注意玻璃幕墙的节点设计和立面设计,还有一些最近几年发展起来的构造做法。结构力学计算题有一个。结构部分占了50分,构造占100分。明白为什么要你选这个了吧?至于复试,就是快题设计了,我没进复试,所以这点帮不上你。 我们很相似。不过我现在已经做建筑设计了,想直接考建筑师,不考研了。 考同济不容易啊!加油吧!最后,祝愿你成功!希望能帮到你



你是准备参加今年年底的央美考研吗?对央美的报考流程和考试内容有了解过吗?如果一直有考央美建筑学的想法,考研也不失为一个好的机会,好好把握也是完全有机会的。作为工科五年制的建筑学考生,报考央美建筑设计还是有相关的专业优势的。央美考研的报考流程和考试内容跟其他院校都不太一样,每年在报考前需要提交个人作品集初审,只有初审通过后方可参加考试。央美的建筑学考研内容为政治、外语、建筑史、建筑设计基础、建筑手绘快题,面试。这里给你推荐几本参考书单,相信大部分参考书你们应该都已经学过了,这样在复习上也是有你相应的优势的。建筑史的参考书单推荐:陈志华著:《外国建筑史(十九世纪末叶以前)》,中国建筑工业出版社罗小未著:《外国近现代建筑史》,中国建筑工业出版社潘谷西著:《中国建筑史》,中国建筑工业出版社 建筑设计基础参考书推荐:《公共建筑设计原理》天津大学编,中国建工出版社 《基本概念体系—建筑结构基础》 郑琪 中国建筑工业出版社《建筑材料》 中国建筑工业出版社,中国建材工业出版社《建筑物理》柳孝图主编,中国建筑工业出版社《建筑构造》东南大学编写组,中国建筑工业出版社好好加油吧!祝你考研顺利~

中央美术学院考研资料链接: _VD7WYQ 提取码: w8ma 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 若资源有问题欢迎追问

就要根据你考的学校来看艺术类考生也是4门考题,还有手绘效果图的表现环境艺术也是一样至于详细的考察内容答:和所有国家研究生考试一样就不用很担心 因为都是考的专业基础,例如工业设计就会考现代设计史,专业二,那统考里面的专业一 英语 政治 专业一(理论) 专业二(基础) 你本科是学艺术类的话




关于“绿色建筑”和适宜技术“绿色建筑”也称为生态建筑、可持续建筑,最早是在1992年联合国环境与发展大会上明确地提出来的。用建设部仇保兴副部长的总结——“绿色建筑”就是指为人们提供健康、舒适、安全的居住、工作和活动的空间,同时在建筑全生命周期(物料生产、建筑规划、设计、施工、运营维护及拆除、回用过程)中实现高效率地利用资源(能源、土地、水资源、材料)、最低限度地影响环境的建筑物。可见,绿色建筑理念的提出,就是为了使得建筑在满足人类不断提高的健康、舒适、安全的需要基础上。对环境、资源影响最小,最终做到可持续发展.前提都是为了人类的永久利益。社会上有一些观点把绿色建筑看得很片面、绝对化,要不就是极端限制人的合理需求,以保护环境为唯一目的;而另一些观点就是把绿色建筑当成是仅仅是为人类的眼前利益、健康或舒适(像绿色建材、绿色蔬菜一样看待)而不怎么从整体上、长期上考虑对环境的影响。这两种观点可能都不利于“绿色建筑”的健康发展和推广。绿色建筑最终的目标是以“绿色建筑”为基础,进而扩展至“绿色社区”、 “绿色城市”层面。达到促进建筑永续发展的目标。这意味着建筑不仅被作为非生命元素来对待,更被视为自然生态循环系统的一个有机组成部分。 中国的国情 中国作为最大的发展中国家,二氧化碳排放居第二位,根据《京都议定书》的要求,中国要采取一系列减少温室气体排放的政策和措施,包括努力提高能源利用效率,改善能源结构,促进新能源和可再生能源的利用等。 就能源消费而言,在我国化石能源资源探明储量中,90%以上是煤炭,人均储量也仅为世界平均水平的二分之一;人均石油储量仅为世界平均水平的1 1%;天然气仅为4 5%;而目前我国单位建筑面积能耗水平是发达国家的2~3倍以上。就土地的情况而言,我国人均耕地只有世界人均耕地的1/3,水资源仅是世界人均占有量的1/4;实心黏土砖每年毁田12万亩;物耗水平与发达国家相比,钢材消耗高出10%~25%,每拌和1立方米混凝土要多消耗水泥80公斤;卫生洁具的耗水量高出30%以上,而污水回用率仅为发达国家的25%。严峻的事实表明,中国不仅要走可持续发展道路,发展节能与绿色建筑也刻不容缓。 我们应该认识到我国不仅经济上“穷”,在资源和环境上更“穷”,但要想做到可持续发展的目标就要摆脱狭隘的“唯经济穷论”,全面在“四节一环保”上提高标准,用强有力的税收、金融、土地政策鼓励有条件的地区或开发绿色建筑项目,走在地区、国内甚至国际的前列。同时,强制要求经济发达地区和大型城市的节约标准,提到一个和自身地区资源相符合的程度。 成本问题 从全国范围里来讲。绝大多数普通的民用建筑在节能等方面存在巨大的缺陷和不足,因此需要我们进行综合的设计来增加建筑这些方面的品质和性能,每一方面的改善基本上都需要增加一定的成本,比如成本增加10%以上,是必然的。 就住宅而言,一说到因为“节能要增加成本”,就有许多人说会增加购房人的负担,好像以后使用过程中的使用成本对老百姓无关紧要一样。因此,我们不仅要关注建造的经济成本,更要关注今后使用中的经济成本以及生态成本和社会成本。就生态成本来讲,今天对环境的污染今后需要花费更大的代价去治理;就社会成本来说,绿色建筑由于改善了室内的环境,使人的疾病发生率大幅度下降,因为人有80%的时间是在室内活动,这样疾病发生率将会大幅度下降.寿命将会延长,生存质量也大大提高,这就是另一方面的节约;同时,在建筑数十年的使用过程中.使用成本将高于建造成本数倍以上。,因此,我们应该把注意力放在生态成本、社会成本和全寿命周期的经济成本上,况且现在的房价即使没有技术含量和“四节”,性能的提高也在不断的增加,这种价格的增加加大了房地产泡沫的可能性,因此房地产价格的理性回归应该是建立在价值的增加基础上的。我认为可以鼓励各个地方的高档住宅或其他民用建筑通过适当的高投入,带来项目的内外环境质量、提升“绿色”性能,从而提高房子的品质,以品质来支撑高于其他普通房子的价格,让这些高价房成为“绿色建筑”的榜样,以此带动地方住宅技术及产业化的发展,最终让更多的普通房子更容易实现“绿色”梦想。 绿色建筑需要什么样的技术? 在探索绿色建筑的技术路线时.经常会听到一些专家主张应该采用“低技术”,有些认为应该采用“适宜技术”,还有些认为应该采用“适宜技术结合高技术”等等不同的观点,我个人认为这种争论没有意义。技术是用来解决我们所面临的具体问题的,应该根据具体项目的具体情况和实际需求来选择。更多技术选择的可能性一方面能够满足建筑师的创造需要,另一方面能够满足市场的需求。。在我们国家目前普遍技术非常落后的今天,如果不是大力去发展高新技术而一味强调低技术,只能是更落后,离我们自己的标准也会越来越远。 在技术选择上,我们应该从所需要的建筑性能和全寿命周期的观点去分析、判断、计算、选择。汪光焘部长说过,要充分认识资源环境问题已成为国民经济和社会发展的重大制约因素。,我们当前在经济增长方式方面主要还存在“高投入、高消耗、高排放、不协调、难循环、低效率”的问题。这些问题如果低技术能够解决还需要拖到今天吗?高低是相对的,适宜不适宜也是相对的,如果站在国际的水平上看,我们国内有些专家认为的“高技术”早已经是“低技术”和“适宜技术”了。所以根据我们的国情,恰恰需要去大力鼓励开发绿色高新技术甚至是自主知识产权的高新技术,同时去大力鼓励使用高新技术,工程实践能促使技术的发展,使之变成适宜技术。只有这样.到2020年我们的住宅和公共建筑的能源资源消耗水平才有可能接近或达到现阶段中等发达国家的水平,这是我们国家建筑发展的总目标。 总之,绿色建筑的发展建设需要正确看待卫生、安全、健康、舒适的问题和当地资源情况,目前各地的节能标准里面所假定的舒适度,前提是小康标准的,是最基本的,不能完全体现今后的发展方向。随着生活水平的提高,舒适度的标准也会提高,能源等资源的消耗也将会大幅提高。因此应该根据当地气候和生活习惯、经济水平分级,适应不同收入阶层和满足不同的需求,要有一定的前瞻性。同时,绿色建筑的设计需要将有关今后使用费用(如采暖制冷等)或能耗等定量化,要具体到单位使用者,这样有利于老百姓的选择权、知情权和监督。有了老百姓的参与,绿色建筑才会更加迅速和健康地发展。 On the "green building" and appropriate technology "Green building" also known as eco-architecture, sustainable construction, was first at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development clearly put With the Ministry of Construction Qiu Baoxing, vice minister of the summing up - "green building" refers to provide people with healthy, comfortable, safe living, work and activities in space, while the entire life cycle in the construction (of material production, construction planning, design, construction, operational maintenance and dismantling, reuse process) to achieve efficient use of resources (energy, land, water, materials), the minimum impact on the environment of This shows that green building concept proposed, is to allow construction to meet the ever-increasing human health, comfort, safety needs On the environment, resources, the least impact, and ultimately to achieve sustainable Premised on the permanent interests of That there are some points to green building can see that very one-sided, absolutized, or is the extreme limit of a reasonable person needs to protect the environment for the sole purpose; while others point of view is that as a green building is only for human eyes interests, health or comfort (such as green building materials, look like green vegetables) instead of how a whole, to consider the long-term impact on the These two views may not be conducive to "green building" the healthy development and The ultimate goal of green building is "green building" as the basis, and then extended to the "green communities" and "Green City" The promotion of sustainable development to achieve the goal of This means that the building not only as a non-life element to treat, but also be seen as the natural ecology of the circulatory system an integral China's national conditions As the largest developing country, ranked second in carbon dioxide emissions, according to the "Kyoto Protocol", China should adopt a series of reducing greenhouse gas emissions policies and measures, including efforts to improve the efficiency of energy use, improve energy structure, promote the development of new and renewable sources of energy use, such On energy consumption, in China's proven reserves of fossil energy resources, 90% of which is coal, the per capita reserves are only half the world average; oil reserves per capita world average is only 1 1 percent; natural gas only 4 5%; and the current construction area of China's unit energy consumption levels in developed countries more than 2 ~ 3 On the land's case, China's per capita arable land per capita cultivated land is only the world's 1 / 3, is the world's water resources per capita is only 1 / 4; solid Clay eradication 12 million mu each year; material level with the developed countries, steel consumption has risen by 10% to 25%, every one cubic meters of concrete mixing more cement consumption of 80 kilograms; sanitary water consumption by more than 30% higher, while the wastewater reuse rate was only 25 percent in developed The grim fact that China has not only take the road of sustainable development, development of energy-saving and green building is also We should be aware that our country not only economically "poor" in terms of resources and the environment more "poor", but in order to achieve the goal of sustainable development will be out of narrow "Only the poor economic theory", fully in the "4 A environmental protection "to improve standards, with strong revenue, finance, land policy to encourage the development of regional or conditional green building projects in the region, domestic and even international At the same time, mandatory for economically developed areas and large cities, saving standards, referring to a region and their own resources in line with the Cost From across the country in terms The vast majority of ordinary civil construction in such areas as energy saving was greatly flawed and inadequate, so we need an integrated design to increase the quality of construction in these areas and performance improvement in every aspect of almost all the need to increase some costs, such as increase the cost of more than 10%, are inevitableResidential is concerned, I said because "energy-saving to increase the cost", there are many people that will increase the burden on home buyers who, like later use in the process of using the cost of ordinary people as Therefore, we must not only concern the construction of the economic cost, but also concerned about the future use of the economic costs and ecological costs and social On the ecological cost is concerned, the pollution of the environment today, the future will take an even higher price to governance; on social costs, green building as a result of improved indoor environment in which the significant decline in the incidence of disease, because 80 % of the time in indoor activities, so that the incidence of disease will fall significantly. Life will be extended, which has greatly improved the quality of life, that is, on the other hand, savings; At the same time, in the construction for several decades the use of the Cost will be higher than the construction costs over several Therefore, we should focus our attention on the ecological costs, social costs and the whole life-cycle economic costs Besides, now that housing prices even in the absence of technical content and "4", performance improvement has been an increase in such The increase in prices has increased the possibility of the real estate bubble, real estate prices is therefore rational regression should be based on the value of the increase on the basis I think we can encourage each of the local high-end residential or other civil construction through appropriate high input, internal and external environment brought about by the project quality, and enhance the "green" performance, thereby enhancing the quality of the house, to support quality higher than that of other ordinary house prices to enable thesebecome a "green building" an example to stimulate local technology and industrialization of residential development, and ultimately allow more ordinary house easier to achieve "green" Green building what kind of technology? Green Building in exploring the technical Often heard some experts advocate should adopt a "low-tech", and some think we should adopt "appropriate technology", and some think we should adopt "appropriate technology combines high-tech" and so on different points of view, I personally think that this argument no Technology is used to solve our specific problems faced by, and should be based on the specific circumstances of specific projects and the actual demand to More on the one hand, the possibility of technical options to meet the needs of architects to create, on the other hand to meet the needs of the In our country is now generally very backward technology today, if not vigorously to develop high-tech and low-skilled blindly emphasizes, can only be even more backward, away from our own standards will become farther and Technology choice, we should be required for building performance and life-cycle perspective to analyze, judge, calculated Wang Guangtao, minister said, should fully understand the resources and the environment has become a national economic and social development of the major Our current mode of economic growth in the main there are still "high input, high consumption, high emission, lack of coordination, difficult cycle, low-efficiency" These problems can be solved if the low-skilled today also need to drag it? Is relative low, and suitable for inappropriate relative, if the level of standing on the international point of view, our domestic and some experts believe that the "high-tech" have been "low Technology "and" appropriate technology "has Therefore, in accordance with our national conditions, it needs to vigorously encourage the development of green and even their own intellectual property rights of high-tech high-tech, at the same time to strongly encourage the use of high technology, engineering practice to promote technological development, make the appropriate Only in this By 2020, our residential and public buildings of energy resource consumption level will it be possible to approach or reach the level of moderately developed countries at this stage, this is our country's overall goal of building In short, the development of green building-building needs a correct view of health, safety, health, comfort issues and local resources, the current energy efficiency standards around the inside of the supposed comfort, the premise that a well-off standard, is the most fundamental and can not be fully reflected the future direction of With the improvement of living standards, comfort of the standards will also increase the consumption of energy and other resources will also be greatly And should therefore be based on local climate and living habits, economic level of classification, to adapt to different income groups and to meet different needs, it must be forward-At the same time, green building design needs to be used for future costs (such as heating refrigeration, ) or the quantification of energy consumption to specific units of the user, so that is conducive to people's right to choose, the right to information and With the participation of ordinary people, green building will be more rapid and healthy

关于建筑工程毕业论文如果选题,学术堂提出了下面几点建议:  1、要选择有意义的题目  选题的时候,大家要注意的是,一定要选择有意义的题目有意义的题目能得到的分数一般不会很低因而选题的时候,可以选择和社会生活相关,或者人民群众比较关注的题目研究这类题目,比较有意义  2、选题不能过于特殊  选题不能过于特殊,过于特殊的选题不利于后期的研究,写起来也比较难此外还要避开一些范围广并且较为复杂的题目,总之要量力而行  3、要选择自己感兴趣又能做的题目  此外,还要选择自己感兴趣并且又能做的题目有了兴趣,才有研究的功力,才能更好克服后面的困难但是呢,如果这个选题你很感兴趣,但是目前你的知识储备或实验条件无法支持你完成这个选题的话,最好选择放弃,重新选择  再感兴趣的选题,自己无法完成的话,也是白搭所以最好在能做的基础上,选择自己较为感兴趣的选题

