

发布时间:2024-09-02 09:15:58


The discussion about Network Security Technology [Abstract] With the increasingly extensive and in-depth of Computer Applicationat, computer and network security problems have become increasingly complex and prominent atthe same Network's vulnerability and complexity increased the possibility of threats and even With the global security incidents has risen over the years ,to ensure the safety of network information system has attracted the world's attention, and information security in all countries suffered from the unprecedented To do with network security, the paper-- from the firewall, attacks and emergency response, intrusion detection, hacker, and so on-- carried on a simple study[Key Word] Network, Firewall, Hacker, Internet

Youth means a

The firewall is developed in recent years to protect a computer network security technology, is currently the most widely used of a network security The firewall is one or a group of access control strategy for the implementation of the system, which can be software, hardware or a combination of hardware and software, its purpose is to provide security protection for the Firewalls often in the internal network and external networks, can monitor, control and changes in internal and external networks of the mobile communication network; control external access to internal computer protected environment, and to determine the time to visit, competence, the types of service And quality, check the spread of internal information, avoid the outflow of confidential information, to resist external invasion and prevent the leakage of internal information This paper presents a firewall configuration in the importance of network security, explain the firewall rule set is a firewall product safety is an important Key words: network security firewall configuration



The firewall is developed in recent years to protect a computer network security technology, is currently the most widely used of a network security The firewall is one or a group of access control strategy for the implementation of the system, which can be software, hardware or a combination of hardware and software, its purpose is to provide security protection for the Firewalls often in the internal network and external networks, can monitor, control and changes in internal and external networks of the mobile communication network; control external access to internal computer protected environment, and to determine the time to visit, competence, the types of service And quality, check the spread of internal information, avoid the outflow of confidential information, to resist external invasion and prevent the leakage of internal information This paper presents a firewall configuration in the importance of network security, explain the firewall rule set is a firewall product safety is an important Key words: network security firewall configuration

先给你翻译一部分,你认为可以就继续: 摘要Abstract: 随着计算机网络技术的日趋成熟,计算机的网络化应用已成为计算机发展的必然趋势。网络技术向高速,宽带方向发展已成为网络发展的必然趋势。 With the computer network technology more and more maturing, computer networking applications have become an inevitable trend in the development of the computer, 网络技术向高速,宽带方向发展已成为网络发展的必然趋势。 as has the network technology toward the development of high speed and broadband 计算机网络通讯技术从20世纪60年代诞生至今,得到了极大的发展,尤其是进入20世纪90年代以来得到了飞速的发展。 From the birth in 1960s, especially in 1990s, the computer network communication technology has been greatly and rapidly 众所周知,计算机网络通讯技术正在以人们意想不到的速度迅速发展着,网络通讯技术日新月异,Internet也逐渐渗透到人们生活和工作的每一个角落。 As is known to all, the computer network communication technology has developed in an unexpected rapid speed with each passing day, and the Internet also permeates gradually into people's lives and work in every

Hotel Management System is a typical management information system (MIS), including the development of the main background of the establishment and maintenance of database and application development front-end For the former requirement to establish data consistency and integrity, and data security of a good For applications which require full-featured and easy to use and so Therefore this paper is the application of SQL Server 2000 database and Visual C + + 0 development platform, designed and developed a "hotel management " The system in line with the hotel industry the existing hardware and software environment, and advanced management system development program to achieve the full advantage of existing resources, improve system and application development The system in line with the provisions of hotel management, hotel daily thing to meet the needs of management and operation of the process to achieve an intuitive, convenient, practical, and security The system uses a modular design approach, both for various combinations of system functions and modify, technical maintenance and easy to add staff, maintenance, database maintenance system also has features that demand a timely manner based on industry data, add, delete, modify, backup System results show that, in this paper the design of the hotel management system to meet the customers, hotel staff and senior managers The following are discussed in detail the system's development, design environment and its concrete

At the calculator apply increasingly and extensively with thorough of in the meantime, the safe problem of the calculator network is increasingly complicated with Flimsiness and complexity of network increased the possibility of threat and Increase year by year along with the global safe affairs, the safety which insures a network information system has already caused the concern of people of this world, the information safety all was subjected to an unprecedented value in all Lie this network safety, this text is from the fire wall, attackstone and meet an emergency to respond to, invade an examination, black guest what time carry on a simple



Youth means a

The firewall is developed in recent years to protect a computer network security technology, is currently the most widely used of a network security The firewall is one or a group of access control strategy for the implementation of the system, which can be software, hardware or a combination of hardware and software, its purpose is to provide security protection for the Firewalls often in the internal network and external networks, can monitor, control and changes in internal and external networks of the mobile communication network; control external access to internal computer protected environment, and to determine the time to visit, competence, the types of service And quality, check the spread of internal information, avoid the outflow of confidential information, to resist external invasion and prevent the leakage of internal information This paper presents a firewall configuration in the importance of network security, explain the firewall rule set is a firewall product safety is an important Key words: network security firewall configuration



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Built on NT technology, Windows 2000 Professional offers rock-solid reliability and improved manageability that simplify desktop And its integrated Web capabilities and broad support More mobile computers and hardware devices make it easy for business users to connect to the Internet and work anywhere, Windows 2000 Professional is built upon the rock-solid reliability of Windows NT technology, which makes it significantly more reliable than either Windows 95 or Windows 98 关于对WIN2000的英文介绍

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ComputersNowadays, computer plays a more and more important role in our We can't live without However, everything has two So does On the one hand, computer has brought a lot of convenience to our daily We can search imformation for our essays on baidu, discuss issues with friends on qq, and use wikipedia to find professional answers for our On the other hand, computer truly has some negetive effects on some people's Some children can't control themselves so much, so they often spoil hours on the computer games and chatting with friends about some useless Also, there are a lot of imformation online that is not appropiate for young All in all, although computer brings all kinds of problems, we should still admit what it has done to improve our daily 现在,电脑在我们的生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用没有电脑,我们不能生活然后,每件事都有两面性,电脑也如此一方面,电脑给我们的日常生活带来了许多方便我们可以用百度搜索我们想要的文章,和朋友们在QQ上讨论时事,并且用维基百科来找我们的问题的个性答案在另一方面,电脑在一些人的生活中却带来相反的结果一些孩子沉迷电脑不能自拔,所以他们几个小时泡在电脑游戏上并且和朋友聊一些无意义的话题而且,在网络上有一些儿童不宜的信息总之,尽管电脑带来各种问题,我们仍然应该承认电脑已经改善了我们的日常生活


先给你翻译一部分,你认为可以就继续: 摘要Abstract: 随着计算机网络技术的日趋成熟,计算机的网络化应用已成为计算机发展的必然趋势。网络技术向高速,宽带方向发展已成为网络发展的必然趋势。 With the computer network technology more and more maturing, computer networking applications have become an inevitable trend in the development of the computer, 网络技术向高速,宽带方向发展已成为网络发展的必然趋势。 as has the network technology toward the development of high speed and broadband 计算机网络通讯技术从20世纪60年代诞生至今,得到了极大的发展,尤其是进入20世纪90年代以来得到了飞速的发展。 From the birth in 1960s, especially in 1990s, the computer network communication technology has been greatly and rapidly 众所周知,计算机网络通讯技术正在以人们意想不到的速度迅速发展着,网络通讯技术日新月异,Internet也逐渐渗透到人们生活和工作的每一个角落。 As is known to all, the computer network communication technology has developed in an unexpected rapid speed with each passing day, and the Internet also permeates gradually into people's lives and work in every


在1972年, IBM推出了灵活的软磁盘作为一个中型载货节目到电脑主机由于磁盘这么灵活的,他们被戏称为软盘。他们是物美价廉,规模小,易于处理,存储,并通过发送邮件。大多数的计算机都至少有一个软盘驱动器。软盘,又称为软盘,有两种规格: 5 25英寸。为MS - DOS的基于计算机, 5英寸磁盘,可在720千字节(双-密度) , 1 44兆字节(高-密度),以及 88兆字节(扩展-密度)的能力。该25英寸磁盘有一个密度的48铁轨每英寸,而高密度磁盘有一个密度的96铁轨每英寸。几乎所有的5英寸软盘的密度135tracks每英寸。最早型号的软盘被单一片面的。加上另一个读/写头在磁盘驱动导致使用双面软盘,并增加一倍的容量磁盘。今天,所有软盘是双面的如果你研究了5英寸的软盘上,你会看到一个金属套涵盖读/写插槽。当你插入磁盘到磁盘到磁盘驱动器,金属套幻灯片回来,揭露读/写插槽。读/写头的软盘驱动器,可以清楚自己的定位超过特定的轨道。由于金属套筒和僵化的塑料外壳, 5英寸软盘是那么容易受到损害比25英寸软盘。 利用档案或程式,是在软碟上,你必须先插入磁盘到软盘驱动器软盘驱动器通常被称为甲驱动器和乙驱动器。看看哪个驱动器是甲或者乙有译不正之处见谅!

