

发布时间:2024-07-08 09:43:40



The family education, science, parents and LeadChina's education is always attract much This year, the quality education has become two big education is one of the And the focus of basic education gathered in quality What is the quality education? My personal interpretation is, the quality of education is not only the knowledge accumulation and skills training, also including the ideological, moral, ethical, emotion, aesthetic and various training of civic responsibility, it is actually the civic At the same time it has the personalized Personal potential and creative thinking can be fully arouse, personal value can be fully Minister of education in the media interview: "quality education is Some schools, ignoring the importance of intellectual education, sports, aesthetic education, students get all-round development; nor comprehensive science of intellectual intellectual, often by killing the learning interest of the students, and creative spirit and practice "Who can think, children sleep problem should also be increased to "two sessions" legislation, the height of the seriousness of this While many first-class university President, nankai university HouZiXin principals of elementary education problem particularly representative "The sun and fun to our children," this is a very loud Tim The promoter of quality education and the education administrative department of government, principals, teachers, parents are each of the promoter of quality Our parents to set up scientific forward-looking family education concept, constantly adjust the strategy of family education, with the development of society and the individual development, is very Quality education is to cultivate the core and how to cultivate people how? Our school to "open to behave, diligent to work for the motto," to "live, live, live teaching management to cultivating students' Our students are active, "character alacrity, hand brain flexibility, vigor" In 2002, our school "elegant" education, puts forward the school decorous, jedaiah hall "school", gentle, gentle and Our school has been advocated the quality-oriented education of the students, parents and get the social recognition and highly (a graduating student, therefore, we welcome) facing the freshmen, we should focus on students from the following 1 good habit of childrenHabit including living habits and learning Both specific content, form, but the problem is out of the Education is the habit of educational But just is the most easily to neglect and What is the most fashionable attention of bilingual education, art education of these so-called special education and talent education, to let the children all "Sow an action; reap a habit; sow a habit; reap a character; sow a character; reap a " The elementary school is good habits, don't miss Cultivate rational reasonable childPrimary school life is a collective life, a kindergarten has more and more independent upon the van requirements of management and communication time and Children must have the collective consciousness of To cultivate children's self-(1) set rules, but the truth about the first rule, not blindly obedience,(2) in children have completely within the rules free;(3) violated the rules children will be punished,(4) less good manners, and to inspire the 3 cultivate love of learningA: border ubung macht den meister, boundary lines, state: 3: self-taught, state and A grade is mainly cultivate good habits of study, serious tasks, cultivating interest of study, dares to their comments and Cultivate autonomous independent childStudents develop self management Cultivate happiness perceptual childrenCan feel happy and share the happiness, can have a thankful Second, the interpretation of the child's soul, and share the happiness Shared password troublesA child's confusion in often cannot accurately express, can only say "no fun," "don't like", but we can easily from their home, the mood changes, even small study found that many children's However, a child is more of a growing unconsciously, the growing confusion over our Our parents to interpret these troubles, and the child has some concrete countermeasures, and effectively, and help them in imperceptible in cultivate good habits, cultivate rational reason, love of learning, independent, happy and perceptual Ten confused --Children in school, had puzzled, there are many new to mom and dad, but mom and dad's work too busy, always work overtime?Countermeasures: 1, please parents to overcome difficulties, can make time to pay attention to the first month of the entranceThe first month into elementary school students, the most important is not fit for a month, is also the most unstable for a month, and some habits, the best period in this The formation of a phase When children need to care, need to encourage (incentive), the need to understand, need help, need more standard, and these needs and desires, children will be reflected through different ways, waiting for the parents to read, as parents be observant of emotion, interest, children, listen to the voices of children, patiently listen to understand the children at school by the situation, in order to The guide for their lives have great If our parents should cherish this 2 how parents know that a child confusion of good study habits?Countermeasures 1: see learning tools and textbooks are complete, neat?Countermeasures 2: practise finishing bag3 children home said today confusion didn't learn anything? (listen)1: don't question children countermeasures in class? Children do not have strong generalization ability, cannot summarize each lesson to learn what is 2: open teaching countermeasures, ask the teacher made what song today? The story about what? Do what game? Which child speak the most interesting? This writing specific problems can facilitate children Countermeasures on two consecutive days 3: child really could not say Parents can face more children in Can let the children said something she would say, how to play, understanding where Then tell her class at the teacher's eyes, the teacher's eyes are looking at you, you will become the most intelligent children heuristic Parents should be encouraged to countermeasures 4: students can effectively carries on the classroom Along with the increase of age to encourage students to put forward valuable (do not understand, important, key, seeking for children, thinking) if not all of his study, he still passively in the As the blind child in language Your child is Change the concept of learning, children is not only the teachers and parents to hint us children need to learn to think independently, and innovative So, in the form of autonomous learning without any time, we also

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语言测试在英语学习中的重要性 比较中西课堂教学及其对学生能力培养的影响 游戏在儿童英语教学中的运用 小学英语情趣教学漫谈 论中学英语教学中跨文化意识的培养 课堂气氛对高中英语教学效果的影响 记忆在语篇理解过程中的作用 记忆在词汇习得中的作用 谈英语阅读的制约因素及对策 跨文化交际中的体态语和中学英语教学 分析具有中国特色的双语教学 非智力因素在大学生英语学习中的影响 英语教学中的情感因素 论外语自主学习中师生的角色 让我们的思绪飞扬---浅谈在英语课堂教学中影响学生发言主动性的因素 C2C贸易中的写作技巧 大学生英语写作问题研究 文化词及其在外语教学中的功能 英语学习策略的成功案例 文化差异对阅读理解的影响 浅谈多媒体辅助英语教学及教师角色的改变 论母语文化在英语教学中的地位 英语教学中的文化导入


眼下的中小学生生活在这钢筋水泥的丛林里,背负着沉重的压力,与外界的接触更少,交往的范围更狭窄,“精神家园”日渐封闭,心理问题十分严重。“心理孤儿”现象便是其中的一种。所谓“心理孤儿”现象是相对社会学意义上的孤儿而言的。是指学龄阶段的儿童、青少年在心理上自我封闭,游离集体氛围,家庭亲子关系冷漠,怯于交往、社会生活难于融入的特征。“心理孤儿”实际是一种心理不健全现象。“心理孤儿”学生,不象问题学生或不完整家庭学生那样容易引起人们的关注。因此,我们更有必要“心理孤儿”现象产生的原因,并寻找改变这种现象的策略,以促进学生健康成长。父母顾了事业难顾家庭,缺少与子女的沟通交流,久而久之使子女的内心世界封闭起来。随着改革开放的进一步深入,我国将加快与国际接轨的步伐。生活的节奏更快,竞争意识更加突出,危机感更加强烈,作为父母工作压力更大。于是为了工作为了事业,平时无暇顾及自己的孩子,要么把子女托付给爷爷奶奶,要么雇保姆照看。自己很少安排时间与子女在一起沟通交流,一起聊天做事,使子女与父母之间容易产生“陌生感”和“距离感”,使自己的子女在心灵深处形成一个不愿轻易向人开启的自我封闭的世界。有心家指出,如果家长对孩子冷淡、拒绝将造成孩子自卑、焦虑、退缩,或反抗、适应困难。家庭缺乏科学性、民主性,简单,亲子关系紧张。中小学生的家长大多是“文革”时期成长起来的,由于原因,他们的文化被耽误,心理上受,经过拨乱反正,一部分人抓住机遇而重新走进学校,但仍有不少人因心有余力不足而未能弥补过去在文化上的“空白”。因此,他们对家庭教育科学不甚了了,对待子女的教育方法也大都沿袭长辈的传统或通过大众传播媒介获得。一位中学生家长曾对孩子的老师说:“老师,说起来心理很惭愧,如今糊里糊涂当了家长,却不知道怎样来教育自己的孩子……”。这样的家长在对子女的教育上,往往走两个极端:一是由于家长补偿心理的影响,“望子成龙”“望女成凤”非常心切。“文革”使这些家长成为像错过季节的庄稼,他们是带着无尽的遗憾步入社会、步入中年的。他们把不能实现的理想寄托在子女身上,节衣缩食为子女竭力提供物质条件,把子女放在至关重要的地位,惟恐错过这个成长季节。他们把子女逼进书房题海,稍有不从,或用大道理压人或“棍棒相加”(据一位全国优秀辅导员对某小学的调查,全班48名学生,没有挨过父母打的孩子只有1人,27%的家长用棍子……),结果是父母与子女的关系紧张,达不到预期的目的;二是重养不重教。重肌体健康,轻心理健康;重物质投入,轻精神投入。随着生活水平的提高,中小学生的营养状况大为改善,中小学生的生理发育明显提前,但中小学生的心理发育由于家庭、学校的保守、封闭滞后于生理发育,对子女的思想、情感、内心世界的关注更少,父母与子女的心灵沟通成了“被遗忘的角落”。 独生、独门独户,把同龄人拒之门外,缺少伙伴。随着城乡住宅建设的,成千上万家庭的住房条件得到了不同程度的改善,不少家庭搬进了套房或别墅,摆脱了“老小三口一张床,煤炉、马桶去一房,一门多户矛盾多,三代同堂难分房”的困难境地。家庭居住条件改善了,生活环境优化了,中小学生有了属于自己的小天地,这有利于他们的和休息。但独门独户的居住环境缩小了儿童青少年的生活范围,“躲进小楼成一统,管它春夏与秋冬”,与同龄人的交往大大地减少。要么与父母、祖父母作伴,要么独处一室。许多心家做过实验,结果表明孩子的天性是合群的。当他们与大人在一起的时候,多少是拘谨的,不能达到无所不言、无所不为的“自由”境界,而一旦与同龄或基本上同龄的孩子在一起的时候,他们那种高兴劲头是成人难以理解的。而孩子长期独处,又会使他们的气质受到损害,养成一种胆怯、怕事、怕交往的不良心理。减少“心理孤儿”现象的对策1、加强家庭父母的责任感,孩子是无辜的。家庭是孩子人生中一所永不毕业的学校,父母是孩子的第一任老师,好子女是父母的天职。作为问题家庭的父母绝不能因个人的情感、是非问题而置自己的子女于不顾。教育家马卡连柯告诉我们:“你们生育教养子女,不仅是为了父母的愉快,在你们家庭里,在你们下,成长着未来的公民,未来的事业家,未来的战士。”翻译家傅雷提醒我们:“爸爸不为儿子烦心,为谁烦心?爸爸不帮助孩子,谁帮助孩子?儿子有苦恼不向爸爸求救,向谁求救?”为此,经常争吵的父母要学会理智,忙于应酬的应尽可能早点回家,不宽裕的也尽量不要牺牲养育孩子的时间去挣钱。即使是分道扬镳的也要计划好育子的方案,方可说声“再见”。2、加强沟通意识,留些时间与孩子交往。作为父母不仅要关心孩子的衣食住行,更要关心孩子的内心和精神世界。对孩子的内心世界忽视和冷漠会导致很多心理问题和品德问题。为此,作为家长应多与子女进行思想交流,了解自己子女的思想脉搏。随着生产力的提高和劳动生产日的逐渐缩短,节假日日益增多,作为父母也应提高闲暇的水平和质量,多安排一些时间给孩子。可以琴棋书画,可以种花、吟诗、听、集邮、、登山。切莫把大量与家人团聚共享天伦之乐的美好时光消磨在“筑长城”或舞池中。英国首相布莱尔作为一国之主,尚且腾出时间与孩子共度周末。我们普天之下的父母们更应多留一些时间给孩子,多一些交流,多一些沟通。3、改进教育,发扬民主作风,转换角色,既是长者,又是朋友。作为父母要了解儿童青少年成长的生理、心理知识,并按照他们的生理、心理来办。我们要反对“棍棒型”“溺爱型”的家庭教育方式,倡导“民主型”的家庭教育方式。对孩子要讲民主和平等,要给孩子更多的发言权,使民主成为家庭一面永远飘扬的旗帜。不管是父母还是子女,在上大家是平等的,家长不仅是孩子慈爱的父母,循循善诱的导师,志同道合的同志,而且是真诚的朋友。据调查,中小学生喜欢“朋友式”的父母亲,而不喜欢“牧师式”、“师徒式”的父母亲。心理学家提出“家长民主意识的十条建议”,值得我们家长:⑴不训斥孩子,经常训斥会形成厌烦的气氛。⑵不当别人的面批评孩子,尊重孩子的人格。⑶纠正缺点不要笼笼统统,总体否定,应具体就事论事。⑷不要显示权威,而是提出具体办法。⑸决不打击孩子,如“我有你这孩子真倒霉”一类的话。⑹尽量表扬和鼓励。⑺尊重孩子意见。⑻多说:“你自己决定”。⑼常交谈。⑽与孩子的朋友建立联系,邀他们到家玩。4、创造空间,营造良好的伙伴交往环境。老一辈的教育家刘绍禹先生曾语重心长地谈到了教育儿童的原则:“儿童应与年龄相同的儿童生活,然后才能学得与人相处之道。与成年人一起,相依赖式的自卑心理,颇难打破,将来离家入是莫大之困难。”因此,家长要想方设法创造条件为子女提供与小伙伴交往的时间和空间。放学路上少接送,让子女与其他小朋友结伴而行;周末和节假日让子女邀请小伙伴来家玩,鼓励子女利用空闲时间与同学小伙伴进行电话交流,或主动到四邻八舍走动。通过串门,扩大交往的范围,学会与各种人交往的经验,消除一个人独处的寂寞。书籍:1、《家教》(赵石屏著 北京师范大学出版社 1998年7月第二版)2、《家庭教育热门话题》(刘元璋主编 华东师范大学出版社出版发行 1993年2月第一版)








我们身边的数学 数学小论文 我们身边的数学无处不在。有了数学,才有了建筑,才有了交易。。。。。。数学可以说是带来了我们生活的一切。当我们在休闲的时候,就已神奇地接触到数学了。 我们经常用纸牌来玩“24点”的游戏,这个游戏使我们在休闲娱乐的同时也用到了数学。规则很简单:我们任意摸出4张牌,然后通过加减乘除四则运算,必要时也可使用括号,把这4个数连成算式,并使答案为24。排算式时,4张纸牌显示出的四个数必须都要用上,并且只能用一次。例如四张纸牌显示出的四个数分别是3,4,4,6,若排成4乘6等于24或3加4加4加6加4再加3等于24,都不行,虽然符合答案等于24这个条件,但却不符合其他条件,那也没用。但当排成4乘6乘(4减3)等于24或3乘4乘(6减4)等于24就对了。再例如四张纸牌显示出的4个数分别是3,3,7,大家略看时会觉得这解不出来,甚至可能会说这根本不能解。但是,在这看似绝境的题目中却存在着‘‘救生’’之路:(3+7分之3)乘7=24。瞧,这不就解出来了吗?所以说,数学就是那么神奇啊。可能还有更多的解法,那就需要人们去仔细思考,去解出了。在玩“24点”游戏时,有时拼得快,有时拼得慢,这就关系到你对数学的运算程度了。而选用‘‘24’’来作为游戏的“主人公”的原因也离不开数学,其原因是24有1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24这8个约数,而其他数:20,21,22,23等的约数都少于这普普通通的纸牌游戏却蕴含着这么多 “数学”,有怎能不说,数学就在我们身边,数学就是我们生活的需要。但是,这数学的神奇还是需要用心去创造的。



