

发布时间:2024-07-03 12:34:39


发酵豆粕的实质是“用发酵技术处理大宗原料----豆粕”,受规模和原料成本所限,小规模,不稳定的生产方式是不合理的,必须以工业化水平进行生产。工业的技术前提,是“检测-分析-反馈体系”的建立和健全。目前发酵豆粕工艺对于检测体系是缺失的。本实验在实验中,首先建立了完整的发酵豆粕的“检测-分析-反馈体系”,然后进行工艺开发,并对所建立的“检测-分析-反馈体系”进行了合理性证明。首先明确液体深层发酵工艺过程参数选取的三个原则:1,精度。2,即时性。3,多重平行。为建立固体发酵工艺的“检测-分析-反馈体系”,进行生理参数的选取和检测,在借鉴液体深层发酵工艺以建立检测体系的过程中,最大的障碍就是物料的物理性质。由于固体发酵物料不是均匀的,这就要求取样不能任意选取,而应该在最能代表大部分或绝大部分物料的点,选取不止一个的点进行检测,然后去掉离群值,平均其余的检测点以尽可能得到散布较小的,有连贯性的数据。按照发酵行业检测的习惯,所有生理参数检测都是在较稀的水溶液中进行。工业化检测的经验显示,在水溶液中进行的定量检测,比固体条件下的检测要精确地多。依照这个惯例,固体发酵工艺过程参数也应该选用与液体深层发酵类似的过程生理参数。按照发酵参数选取的原则,参照液体发酵,已经初步确定固体发酵工艺的生理参数,但是,要建立完整的数据处理方法,也即工业化前提的“检测-分析-反馈体系”,必须要证明曲线的合理性,解决曲线的真实度和连续性,曲线才能认为是可以分析的。本文在理论上论证参数的合理性和方法的正确性的可能性。并且,用实验验证检测方法,进行实证。另外,本文明确提出了发酵风险成本的概念。事实上,发酵风险成本概念的提出,以及本文在全成本核算中,提出发酵工艺的相对合理性指标,就可以建立在成本上量化的评价被开发工艺的合理性和先进性的评价体系,直接在数字上比较工艺优劣,回避开工艺选择过程因为标准模糊而进入两难的境地。本实验在建立的“检测-分析-反馈体系”上,应用对发酵风险成本的计算和对发酵工艺相对合理性指标的比较上,在尊重“发酵豆粕的本质是豆粕原料的微生物处理”的观念下,得到了具有工业级意义的,可以放大的,稳定的成本合理的发酵豆粕工艺。 [1] 赵艳,章亭洲 发酵豆粕替代75%秘鲁鱼粉对仔猪生长性能的影响[J] 饲料与畜牧 2010(06)[2] 严鹤松,夏俊松,梁运祥 黑曲霉发酵豆粕的研究[J] 饲料工业 2009(13)[3] 晓陆 2009年5月全国饲料生产形势分析[J] 饲料广角 2009(12)[4] 曹允 2007年美国饲料与畜牧市场概况(1)[J] 饲料广角 2009(12)[5] 李建 发酵豆粕研究进展[J] 粮食与饲料工业 2009(06)[6] 陈济琛,陈名洪,蔡海松,林新坚 芽孢菌固态发酵降解豆粕工艺研究[J] 大豆科学 2008(05)[7] 蒋国华 粗饲料降解剂发酵豆粕喂猪技术[J] 农村新技术 2008(16)[8] 钟耀华,王晓利,汪天虹 丝状真菌高效表达异源蛋白研究进展[J] 生物工程学报 2008(04)[9] 苏移山,王圣钧,王鹏,祁庆生 N-糖酰胺酶F在大肠杆菌中的高效表达及其脱糖基化作用研究[J] 生物工程学报 2005(06)[10] 邵伟,熊泽,何晓文 发酵大豆多肽及其功能研究[J] 中国酿造 2005(06)








发酵豆粕的实质是“用发酵技术处理大宗原料----豆粕”,受规模和原料成本所限,小规模,不稳定的生产方式是不合理的,必须以工业化水平进行生产。工业的技术前提,是“检测-分析-反馈体系”的建立和健全。目前发酵豆粕工艺对于检测体系是缺失的。本实验在实验中,首先建立了完整的发酵豆粕的“检测-分析-反馈体系”,然后进行工艺开发,并对所建立的“检测-分析-反馈体系”进行了合理性证明。首先明确液体深层发酵工艺过程参数选取的三个原则:1,精度。2,即时性。3,多重平行。为建立固体发酵工艺的“检测-分析-反馈体系”,进行生理参数的选取和检测,在借鉴液体深层发酵工艺以建立检测体系的过程中,最大的障碍就是物料的物理性质。由于固体发酵物料不是均匀的,这就要求取样不能任意选取,而应该在最能代表大部分或绝大部分物料的点,选取不止一个的点进行检测,然后去掉离群值,平均其余的检测点以尽可能得到散布较小的,有连贯性的数据。按照发酵行业检测的习惯,所有生理参数检测都是在较稀的水溶液中进行。工业化检测的经验显示,在水溶液中进行的定量检测,比固体条件下的检测要精确地多。依照这个惯例,固体发酵工艺过程参数也应该选用与液体深层发酵类似的过程生理参数。按照发酵参数选取的原则,参照液体发酵,已经初步确定固体发酵工艺的生理参数,但是,要建立完整的数据处理方法,也即工业化前提的“检测-分析-反馈体系”,必须要证明曲线的合理性,解决曲线的真实度和连续性,曲线才能认为是可以分析的。本文在理论上论证参数的合理性和方法的正确性的可能性。并且,用实验验证检测方法,进行实证。另外,本文明确提出了发酵风险成本的概念。事实上,发酵风险成本概念的提出,以及本文在全成本核算中,提出发酵工艺的相对合理性指标,就可以建立在成本上量化的评价被开发工艺的合理性和先进性的评价体系,直接在数字上比较工艺优劣,回避开工艺选择过程因为标准模糊而进入两难的境地。本实验在建立的“检测-分析-反馈体系”上,应用对发酵风险成本的计算和对发酵工艺相对合理性指标的比较上,在尊重“发酵豆粕的本质是豆粕原料的微生物处理”的观念下,得到了具有工业级意义的,可以放大的,稳定的成本合理的发酵豆粕工艺。 [1] 赵艳,章亭洲 发酵豆粕替代75%秘鲁鱼粉对仔猪生长性能的影响[J] 饲料与畜牧 2010(06)[2] 严鹤松,夏俊松,梁运祥 黑曲霉发酵豆粕的研究[J] 饲料工业 2009(13)[3] 晓陆 2009年5月全国饲料生产形势分析[J] 饲料广角 2009(12)[4] 曹允 2007年美国饲料与畜牧市场概况(1)[J] 饲料广角 2009(12)[5] 李建 发酵豆粕研究进展[J] 粮食与饲料工业 2009(06)[6] 陈济琛,陈名洪,蔡海松,林新坚 芽孢菌固态发酵降解豆粕工艺研究[J] 大豆科学 2008(05)[7] 蒋国华 粗饲料降解剂发酵豆粕喂猪技术[J] 农村新技术 2008(16)[8] 钟耀华,王晓利,汪天虹 丝状真菌高效表达异源蛋白研究进展[J] 生物工程学报 2008(04)[9] 苏移山,王圣钧,王鹏,祁庆生 N-糖酰胺酶F在大肠杆菌中的高效表达及其脱糖基化作用研究[J] 生物工程学报 2005(06)[10] 邵伟,熊泽,何晓文 发酵大豆多肽及其功能研究[J] 中国酿造 2005(06)

学术堂整理了二十个生物科技论文题目,供大家参考:  1、小球藻生物技术研究应用现状及展望  2、RFLP、RAPD、AFLP分子标记及其在植物生物技术中的应用  3、百合品种改良与生物技术研究进展  4、展望分子生物技术在生药学中的应用  5、激光诱变微生物技术的研究进展  6、丛枝菌根(AM)生物技术在现代农业体系中的生态意义  7、地质微生物技术在油气勘探开发中的应用  8、后化石经济时代工业生物技术发展的若干思考  9、生物技术在传统药材生产中的应用前景  10、国外环境生物技术的发展和展望  11、能源生物技术  12、生物技术与食品安全性  13、美国、欧盟和中国生物技术药物的比较  14、生物技术与生物安全  15、动物繁殖生物技术  16、医学细胞化学与细胞生物技术  17、食品生物技术  18、中度嗜盐菌在生物技术中的应用  19、固定化微生物技术在环境工程中的应用研究进展  20、中药现代化研究的生物技术



In the weekend, my friends and I decided to go to the park and have a picnic, to celebrate the end of We walked there since it wasn't very far and just as we were going to unpack the food, it started to So in the end we all decided to go to my house, and had our picnic food Then we watched some Japanese animes, though it was rather boring as we've seen it all a dozen But there was really nothing else to At 5 o' clock, my friends went home with their That weekend was the worst one in my Last weekend, I was about to go outside to play when I saw my mother is busy with housework She looked so tired, and I felt Therefore I made a determination to share housework with I was about to wash the clothes when my friend called me up and asked me to play with I told her that I would go on the condition that completing my Then I go on washing Only then did I realized it was such a tiring thing to wash clothes, and how tired my mother While my mother not only worked outside but also took the responsibility of our housework inside, however,she has never complainted about After washing I felt tired though ,my mother praised me ,and said that I was a good I felt

搞个工艺 比如用别人没做过的东西 去做饮料啊 什么之类的 应该就可以吧 或者搞个酶提取之类的


这就是关于转基因食品优缺点的作文:Genetically modified food is science brings us the product, now of cultivated land area of less, genetically modified food will play more and more important role, if the use of transgenic technology can solve the world food shortage problem, it is not quite good? Genetically modified food in the world now is a kind of new things, new things, people need time to promote its accept also need some time, we cannot put new things in the cradle, a stick to it from the beginning, that cannot be eaten of genetically modified You think we don't of hybrid rice is a genetically modified food? But we can open it from? And if they can pass the soybeans genetically modified technique using atmospheric nitrogen inside his produces fertilizers to other crops gene transfer in the mankind, it Everything is both sides, especially technology, science and technology is a double-edged sword? Genetically modified food has its disadvantages, like some worry, because it will not change, will destroy genetic evolution, Genetically modified food and nutrition inside it isn't like that, the propaganda of people worry is understandable, after accepting a new things take But we also should see the benefits of them, I think as time slowly past, genetically modified foods will be accepted by 希望会对你有帮助吧,谢谢!

In the weekend, my friends and I decided to go to the park and have a picnic, to celebrate the end of We walked there since it wasn't very far and just as we were going to unpack the food, it started to So in the end we all decided to go to my house, and had our picnic food Then we watched some Japanese animes, though it was rather boring as we've seen it all a dozen But there was really nothing else to At 5 o' clock, my friends went home with their That weekend was the worst one in my Last weekend, I was about to go outside to play when I saw my mother is busy with housework She looked so tired, and I felt Therefore I made a determination to share housework with I was about to wash the clothes when my friend called me up and asked me to play with I told her that I would go on the condition that completing my Then I go on washing Only then did I realized it was such a tiring thing to wash clothes, and how tired my mother While my mother not only worked outside but also took the responsibility of our housework inside, however,she has never complainted about After washing I felt tired though ,my mother praised me ,and said that I was a good I felt
