

发布时间:2024-07-07 15:57:55



This article described the three directions (before, left, right) ultrasonic ranging system is to understand the front of the robot, left and right environment to provide a movement away from the (Similar to GPS Positioning System) A principle of ultrasonic distance measurement 1, the principle of piezoelectric ultrasonic generator Piezoelectric ultrasonic generator is the use of piezoelectric crystal resonators to Ultrasonic generator, the internal structure as shown in Figure 1, it has two piezoelectric chip and a resonance When it's two plus pulse signal, the frequency equal to the intrinsic piezoelectric oscillation frequency chip, the chip will happen piezoelectric resonance, and promote the development of plate vibration resonance, ultrasound is Conversely, if the two are not inter-electrode voltage, when the board received ultrasonic resonance, it will be for vibration suppression of piezoelectric chip, the mechanical energy is converted to electrical signals, then it becomes the ultrasonic 2, the principle of ultrasonic distance measurement Ultrasonic transmitter in a direction to launch ultrasound, in the moment to launch the beginning of time at the same time, the spread of ultrasound in the air, obstacles on his way to return immediately, the ultrasonic reflected wave received by the receiver immediately stop the Ultrasound in the air as the propagation velocity of 340m / s, according to the timer records the time t, we can calculate the distance between the launch distance barrier (s), that is: s = 340t / 2 Ultrasonic Ranging System for the Second Circuit Design System is characterized by single-chip microcomputer to control the use of ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver since the launch from time to time, single-chip selection of 8751, economic-to-use, and the chip has 4K of ROM, to facilitate Circuit schematic diagram shown in Figure Draw only the front range of the circuit wiring diagram, left and right in front of Ranging Ranging circuits and the same circuit, it is 1,40 kHz ultrasonic pulse generated with the launch Ranging system using the ultrasonic sensor of piezoelectric ceramic sensors UCM40, its operating voltage of the pulse signal is 40kHz, which by the single-chip implementation of the following procedures to puzel: mov 14h, # 12h; ultrasonic firing continued 200ms here: cpl 0; output 40kHz square wave nop; nop; nop; djnz 14h, here; ret Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit P0 input port, single chip implementation of the above procedure, the P0 port in a 40kHz pulse output signal, after amplification transistor T, the drive to launch the first ultrasonic UCM40T, issued 40kHz ultrasonic pulse, and the continued launch of Ranging the right and the left side of the circuit, respectively, then input port P1 and P2, the working principle and circuit in front of the same 2, reception and processing of ultrasonic Used to receive the first launch of the first pair UCM40R, the ultrasonic pulse modulation signal into an alternating voltage, the op-amp amplification IC1A and after polarization IC1B to IC IC2 is locked loop with audio decoder chip LM567, internal voltage-controlled oscillator center frequency of f0 = 1/1R8C3, capacitor C4 determine their target R8-conditioning in the launch of the carrier frequency on the LM567 input signal is greater than 25mV, the output from the high jump 8 feet into a low-level, as interrupt request signals to the single-chip Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit output port INT0 interrupt the highest priority, right or left location of the output circuit with output gate IC3A access INT1 port single-chip, while single-chip P3 and P 4 received input IC3A, interrupted by the process to identify the source of inquiry to deal with, interrupt priority level for the first left right Part of the source code is as follows: receive1: push psw push acc clr ex1; related external interrupt 1 jnb 1, right; P1 pin to 0, ranging from right to interrupt service routine circuit jnb 2, left; P2 pin to 0, to the left ranging circuit interrupt service routine return: SETB EX1; open external interrupt 1 pop? acc pop? psw reti right: ?; right location entrance circuit interrupt service routine ? Ajmp? Return left: ; left Ranging entrance circuit interrupt service routine ? Ajmp? Return 4, the calculation of ultrasonic propagation time When you start firing at the same time start the single-chip circuitry within the timer T0, the use of timer counting function records the time and the launch of ultrasonic reflected wave received When you receive the ultrasonic reflected wave, the receiver circuit outputs a negative jump in the end of INT0 or INT1 interrupt request generates a signal, single-chip microcomputer in response to external interrupt request, the implementation of the external interrupt service subroutine, read the time difference, calculating the distance Some of its source code is as follows: RECEIVE0: PUSH PSW PUSH ACC CLR EX0; related external interrupt 0 ? MOV R7, TH0; read the time value MOV R6, TL0? CLR C MOV A, R6 SUBB A, # 0BBH; calculate the time difference MOV 31H, A; storage results MOV A, R7 SUBB A, # 3CH MOV 30H, A? SETB EX0; open external interrupt 0 POP ACC? POP PSW RETI Fourth, the ultrasonic ranging system software design Software is divided into two parts, the main program and interrupt service routine, shown in Figure 3 (a) (b) (c) Completion of the work of the main program is initialized, each sequence of ultrasonic transmitting and receiving Interrupt service routines from time to time to complete three of the rotation direction of ultrasonic launch, the main external interrupt service subroutine to read the value of completion time, distance calculation, the results of the output and so V CONCLUSIONS Required measuring range of 30cm ~ 200cm objects inside the plane to do a number of measurements found that the maximum error is 5cm, and good Single-chip design can be seen on the ultrasonic ranging system has a hardware structure is simple, reliable, small features such as measurement Therefore, it can be used not only for mobile robot can be used in other detection Thoughts: As for why the receiver do not have the transistor amplifier circuit, because the magnification well, CX20106 integrated amplifier, but also with automatic gain control level, magnification to 76dB, the center frequency is 38k to 40k, is exactly resonant ultrasonic sensors frequency

Based on the communication network Direct3D visual simulation engine design and implementationtheVisual Simulation (Visual Simulation) is used to realize 3 d space information visualization technology, it has a realistic Simulation effect and convenient operation method, can well satisfy the new plane avionics system design This paper designs and realizes an Direct3D based on the communication network visual simulation First, in this paper the characteristics of the visual simulation and the programming essentials Direct3D brief analysis of selection, and expounds the main reason for the Direct3D Secondly, put forward the visual simulation software, the total design project of the simulation software program and the software module partition the working process of the analysis of the various modules, explore the main functions and the relations among And then, based on the communication network of Direct3D visual simulation is the key technology of engine are analyzed and the study, introduces solutions discrete event simulation, Direct3D resource management and animation optimization and the mouse control technology, the key technology of the Finally, this essay discusses the Direct3D based on the communication network visual simulation software realization method, and in a more complex switched communication network as an example, the visual simulation, and the performance of the program was tested



I have a happy My family has my grandmother,my grandfather,my brother and IMy grandparents are78、77years My parents are36、34years My brother is 15 years I am 14 years My grandmother and mygrandfather likes read newspapers,my father and my mother likes take a walk after supper,my brother and I likes watch TVThis is my I love my (这是根据我的个人情况,你可以改人物、年龄、爱好)

Good MannersGood manners are very important in the communication of daily Everyone likes a person with good But what are good manners? How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person?Well, here are some common A person with good manners never laughs at a people in Instead, he (she) always tries to consult or offer help to the When he (she) takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man, he (she) always gives his (her) seat to He doesn't interrupt other people when they are He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or He does not spite in public Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different For example, people in Western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings, whereas in China, kissing in public is something of unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody So it is important to know what is regarded as polite and impolite before you go to a But remember that it is always right to be kind and helpful to



我 们, 这,给的,好的, 吧,

蓝牙技术是一种近距离、低功耗的无线通信标准,它为设备提供了一种低成本的无线联网方式。本文介绍了蓝牙技术中的底层模块、协议以及应用模型,并将它与其他常用的无线连接技术做了比较,以说明它的优势所在。关键词:蓝牙;底层模块;协议;应用1、蓝牙简介早在1994年,Ericsson公司就在其内部提出了一项研究计划,旨在建立发展一种能简易使用并可在各种通讯设备上畅行无阻的新一代无线传输技术,建立一个实际的无线接口和相关软件标准。1998年,Ericsson公司公开了这项计划,并与Nokia、IBM、Toshiba和Intel四家公司组成了一个特别利益集团(SIG,Special Interest Group),以负责此项技术的开发。一年后的1999年7月,SIG正式提出了该技术协议的0版,并将此项技术命名为蓝牙(Bluetooth)。据SIG官方说明,蓝牙这个名字来自十世纪丹麦的维京族国王Harald Bluetooth。这位国王曾以武力统一了丹麦和挪威,在斯堪的那维亚半岛建立了一个庞大的帝国。蓝牙技术解决了小型移动设备间的无线互连问题。它的硬件市场非常广阔,涵盖了局域网络中的各类数据及语音设备。该技术的本质目的不是成为另一种无线局域网(WLAN)技术,而是成为一种替代传输电缆的新型无线解决方案。从1999年的0版,到后来的1版、2版、0版,蓝牙技术不断地在技术上完善自身,力图吸取通用电缆在成本、安全和承载能力等方面的优势。在Bluetooth国王叱咤北欧的千年之后,新兴的蓝牙技术正在以其的种种优势,在全球的无线连接市场中开拓比Bluetooth国王大上千倍万倍的疆土。2、蓝牙协议概述蓝牙体系结构中的协议模型可分为以下5层:(1) 物理层:蓝牙协议的无线接口层;(2) 核心协议:基带协议(Baseband)、链路管理协议(LMP)、逻辑链路控制和适配协议(L2CAP)、服务发现协议(SDP)等。基带协议可以提供同步面向连接(SCO)业务和非同步连接(ACL)业务。一般地,SCO用于分组数据业务,其特点是可靠,但有延时;而ACL用于话音传送,其特点是实时性好。但可靠性比SCO差。链路管理协议(LMP)负责建立和解除主、从设备单元之间的连接,另外还控制主、从设备单元的工作模式。L2CAP是第三层的控制和适配协议,L2CAP向RFCOMM和SDP等层提供面向连接和无连接业务。基带数据业务可以越过LMP而直接通过L2CAP向高层协议传送数据。从某种意义上说,L2CAP和LMP都相当于OSI第二层即链路层的协议;(3) 射频通信协议:RFCOMM,它可以仿真串行电缆接口协议。通过RFCOMM,蓝牙可以在无线环境下实现对高层协议如PPP、TCP/IP、WAP等的支持。RFCOMM可以支持AT命令集,从而可以实现移动电话和传真机及调制解调器之间的无线连接;(4) 电话传送控制协议:TCS二进制协议、AT命令集等;(5) 应用协议(可选协议):PPP(点对点协议)、UDP/TCP/IP、OBEX、vCard/vCarl、FAX、PAN等。3、蓝牙底层模块蓝牙底层模块是蓝牙技术的核心,是任何蓝牙设备都必须包括的部分。1射频为了保证系统所需频带是全球各地均能容易地获得的,蓝牙系统工作在大多数国家的工业、科学、医疗(ISM)频率——即4GHz。由于ISM频带的开放性,使用其中任一频段都会遇到不可预测的工扰——比如说,家用的无线电话、微波炉都可能成为干扰源。为此,蓝牙特别设计了快速确认和跳频方案以确保链路稳定。蓝牙将其工作的402GHz~480GHz的频带分为79个1MHz带宽的子信道,在接收或发送一个分组数据后,即跳至另一频点,因而加强了数据传输的稳定性。跳频技术除了为蓝牙技术提供了稳定性保障以外,还在物理层为其安全性提供了保障。在跳频通信中,数据信号被窄带载波信号调制,而这些窄带载波信号则做为时间的函数不断从一个频率跳到另一频率。蓝牙标准采用的是每秒跳跃1600次的跳频序列。收发双方都知道的跳频码决定了射频载波的频率以及跳频的顺序。为正确地进行信号接收,接收器必须设置成与发送方一样的跳频码,并在恰当的时间和正确的频率点监听载波信号。只有正确同步时,才能维持一个逻辑信道。其他没有同步的接收器收到的信号仅是持续时间极短的脉冲噪声,这就使得窃听变得十分困难。




参考答案 立志难也,不在胜人,在自胜

人工智能技术是当前信息技术应用发展的热点之一。与一般的信息处理技术相比,人工智能技术在求解策略和处理手段上具有独到之处。“人工智能初步”模块介绍了人工智能的基本概念和人工智能领域内容易为高中学生所理解和掌握的部分内容,是选修模块。 通过本模块的学习,学生应能描述人工智能的基本概念,会使用一种人工智能语言解决简单问题,把握其基本特点;能利用简易的专家系统外壳开发简单的专家系统;知道人工智能对人类学习、生活的影响;通过感受人工智能技术的丰富魅力,增强对信息技术发展前景的向往和对未来生活的追求。本模块的教学应强调让学生体验若干典型人工智能技术的应用;要根据高中学生的知识基础和本校实际情况开展教学;要发现有特长的学生并对他们进行有针对性的教学。本模块对采用的人工智能语言与专家系统工具不作具体要求,可以根据实际情况自主选择。本模块由3个主题组成。 (一)知识及其表达1.内容标准(1)能描述人工智能的概念与基本特点;知道人工智能技术随着计算机硬、软件技术的进步和应用需求而发展的事实和客观规律。(2)列举人工智能的主要应用领域;通过演示或实际操作,体验人工智能的若干典型应用,知道其发展现状。例1 符号运算: 通过网站 在线执行符号运算软件Mathematica,进行多项式乘、除以及因式分解等代数运算。例2 模式识别:声音识别、指纹识别、签名识别等识别技术的应用越来越广泛。例3 机器证明:这是我国科学家做出过重要贡献的人工智能应用领域之一。例4 智能代理:该技术在网上信息检索、个性化服务等方面有着广泛的用途。(3)掌握知识的概念;学会知识表达的基本方法。例1 用产生式规则表达简单的“动物识别”知识。例2 将上述“动物识别”的产生式规则用“与/或图”来表达。例3 采用框架表达“天气预报”知识。2.活动建议(1)就下列话题展开讨论:利用符号运算软件能解决中学课程中的哪些问题?具有哪些优点?(2)对产生式规则、与/或图、框架等常用的知识表示方法的特点、适用场合进行比较。(3)人工智能的基本思想已经在许多领域中得到了应用,“在家里寻找外星人”(SETI@home)项目就是利用人工智能的分布计算思想的一个成功案例。该项目由美国行星学会和美国加州大学伯克利分校于1999年5月开始实施,它利用特定屏幕保护程序调用全球上网的个人计算机的闲置能力,分析世界上最大的射电望远镜获得的数据,帮助科学家探索外星生物。教师先向学生简单解释分布计算的基本思想以及SETI@home项目的社会意义,学生登录_html 网站了解或亲自参与该项目。通过该活动使学生知道人工智能领域中分布式计算的概念,了解SETI@home项目的具体内容,感受现代信息技术服务于人类文明的价值。 (二)推理与专家系统1.内容标准(1)演示或使用简单的产生式专家系统软件,感受用专家系统解决问题的基本过程;了解专家系统的基本结构。例 通过网站 在线执行“PC产品顾问”(Desktop PC Product Advisor)专家系统,为准备添置的个人电脑规划合理的硬软件配置。(2)通过实例分析,知道专家系统正向、反向推理的基本原理;会描述一种常用的不精确推理的基本过程。(3)了解专家系统解释机制的基本概念及其在专家系统中的重要作用。例 执行专家系统,分别使用“Why”和“How”命令,了解其解释过程。(4)了解专家系统外壳的概念;学会使用一个简易的专家系统外壳,并能用它开发简单的专家系统。例 在专家系统的开发过程中,通常采用“原型化”策略。2.活动建议(1)针对学生熟悉或感兴趣的一个分类问题,利用简易专家系统外壳开发一个简单的专家系统。例如,用于识别校园中植物的专家系统。(2)有人认为:“信息技术的应用已经经历了数值计算、数据处理、知识处理三个阶段,专家系统是知识处理阶段的典型代表。”在学习了专家系统的相关内容后,让学生从信息技术的应用对象、策略与方法等方面对上述三个阶段的特点进行比较。 (三)人工智能语言与问题求解1.内容标准(1)了解一种人工智能语言的基本数据结构和程序结构,掌握相关概念,知道人工智能语言的主要特征。例 浏览Prolog语言网站-/,考察它的实例程序。(2)初步学会使用该语言设计程序求解简单问题,并能够上机调试、执行相应的程序。例1 用匹配方法解决简单的查询问题。例2 用递归方法求解汉诺塔(Hanoi)问题。(3)了解状态空间的概念与方法,学会用该方法描述待求解的问题。例 “井字棋”问题。(4)通过简单博弈问题的分析,了解用盲目搜索技术进行状态空间搜索的基本过程,知道启发式搜索的基本思想及其优点。例 1996年,“深蓝”计算机向国际象棋世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫挑战失败。1997年,“深蓝”的后嗣替“父”报仇,以5:5的总比分击败卡斯帕罗夫。事实上,“深蓝”序列计算机中存放了包括卡斯帕罗夫的所有比赛棋谱在内的近百年的棋谱历史记录,它的“智能”主要体现在对海量的实战棋谱所进行的启发式搜索上。2.活动建议(1)以小组为单位,对本模块教学中尚未涉及的人工智能应用问题展开调查,就它们的应用情况、工作过程、优点与局限性以及对人们生活和工作所产生的影响进行讨论与分析。(2)观看、阅读与人工智能相关的影视作品或文学作品,发挥自己的想象力,描述人工智能技术的应用前景,以班级网站或板报的方式展示和交流。顺祝你2015幸福快乐。



参考答案 立志难也,不在胜人,在自胜



