

发布时间:2024-07-08 12:09:32


Soil grain grade composition of soil physical and chemical properties of influence, this is the method of using BiChongJi southwest area into several rock soil (purple soil, lime soil, volcanic dust) grain Some conclusions:Southwest area into rock (soil, lime, purple soil and volcanic dust particles in the sand, which accounts for more than viscous grain powder, small 2 the same soil layer, due to the different leaching deposition etc, on the effect of soil layer of grain composition class there are differences of sand soil, black limestone and clay content with the increase of depth and And the sand and volcanic ashes viscous grain content decreased with 3 the soil due to different locations eluviation weathering, the influence of human activity and the degree of different level, the soil grain composition there is some 4 different soil layer, due to the different soil of rock, soil contains sand development of sandstone and mudstone limestone, development of viscous grain 5 the same soil types, different sub-types of soil particle composition is different, but the trend is Keywords: rock into the soil, The soil profile, Grain grade, Determination

The grain size composition of the soil affects the soil physical and chemical properties, this is the hydrometer method using several rocks in the southwest area of soil (soil, lime soil, volcanic ash soil) of the grain size were measured and The following conclusions:⑴ South West Rocks into the soil, purple soil, limestone soil and volcanic ash soil particles share of major sand, clay, silt smaller ⑵ between the different layers of the same soil, due to deposition and other effects of leaching and soil composition on the lower classes there are some differences in grain size, black limestone soil of sand and clay content with depth was The volcanic ash soil sand and clay content with depth ⑶ different locations the same soil as weathering, leaching and the impact of human activities to varying degrees, the composition of the soil there are some differences in grain ⑷ the same layers of soil, due to different soil-forming rock, sand soil developed over sandstone, limestone, shale rock clay and ⑸ the same soil types in different subgroups of the soil, particle composition is different, but similar

The soil grade composition is affecting the soil physics and chemistry nature, this article is uses the hydrometer method becomes the soil to southwest area several kind of crags (purple ochre, calcareous soil, volcanic ash soil) the grade to carry on the determination Draws the following conclusion: ⑴The southwest area crag becomes the earth, purple ochre, the calcareous soil and volcanic ash soil's pellet sand grains account for the proportion to be big, the clay, the silt account for the proportion to be ⑵Between identical soil different soil layer, as a result of function and so on leaching deposition influences, on the soil lower level grade composition existence certain difference, rendzina's sand grains and the clay content increases along with the depth But volcanic ash soil's sand grains and the clay content increase along with the depth ⑶Because the different place identical soil the weathering, the leaching function and human activity's influence is different, soil separates composition existence certain ⑷Different soil identical soil layer, because becomes the earth the rock to be different, sandstone growth soil sandy many, the limestone, the mudstone growth's rock clay are ⑸The identical soil type different subgroup's soil, the granulometric composition is also different, but the general trend is



The soil grade composition is affecting the soil physics and chemistry nature, this article is uses the hydrometer method becomes the soil to southwest area several kind of crags (purple ochre, calcareous soil, volcanic ash soil) the grade to carry on the determination Draws the following conclusion: ⑴The southwest area crag becomes the earth, purple ochre, the calcareous soil and volcanic ash soil's pellet sand grains account for the proportion to be big, the clay, the silt account for the proportion to be ⑵Between identical soil different soil layer, as a result of function and so on leaching deposition influences, on the soil lower level grade composition existence certain difference, rendzina's sand grains and the clay content increases along with the depth But volcanic ash soil's sand grains and the clay content increase along with the depth ⑶Because the different place identical soil the weathering, the leaching function and human activity's influence is different, soil separates composition existence certain ⑷Different soil identical soil layer, because becomes the earth the rock to be different, sandstone growth soil sandy many, the limestone, the mudstone growth's rock clay are ⑸The identical soil type different subgroup's soil, the granulometric composition is also different, but the general trend is

奉献?We can see from the drawing, a swarm of bees flying here and there busily working to produce honey, which will be enjoyed by human beings rather than Human beings show more respect to bees than to other animals, not for their diligence, but for their dedication to We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be We are taught early on to be materialistic and taught to consider things, or to be exact, money, “mine” or “yours” It seems impossible to live in the modern society without Money is even regarded as a symbol of wealth and social There is a saying that goes, “money makes a mare ” People seem to look more highly upon ones' possession of money rather than one's dedication to Some people pursue their own personal benefits at the cost of Some people always ask for payment after their “dedication” Dedication and expecting nothing in return is the highest level of Lei Feng's spirit of dedication is such a typical Bees produce honey as a result of their hard work to the human beings without asking for any That is why we respect Dedication can bring us happiness and a sense of One who devotes himself to society and people will have a lot of enjoyment from the process of 译文:我们从这幅画中可以看到,一群蜜蜂飞来飞去忙着采蜜,它们不是为了自己享受,而是为了给人类酿造甜美的蜂蜜。比起其他动物人们更加尊重蜜蜂,不是因为它们的勤劳,而是因为它们的奉献精神。我们生活在一个物质社会,从小就受到了贪婪索取的训练。早期物质方面的教育使我们从小就对 “你的”和“我的”东西,或者具体一点,也就是金钱,泾渭分明。在当今社会,没有钱是不能生存的。金钱甚至被看作是财富和社会地位的象征。俗话说,“有钱能使鬼推磨。”人们似乎更看中一个人财富的多少,而不是这个人对社会贡献的大小。有些人为了追求自己的利益而不惜牺牲他人的利益。有些人在所谓的“奉献”过后总是索取回报。只奉献不求索取才是奉献的最高境界。雷锋的奉献精神就是一个典型的例子。蜜蜂用它们的辛勤劳动为人类酿造了甜美的蜂蜜,却从不求索取,不图回报。这正是人们尊重蜜蜂的原因。奉献能给我们带来幸福和成就感。奉献于社会和人民的那些人也一定会从奉献中得到极大的快乐。

The grain size composition of the soil affects the soil physical and chemical properties, this is the hydrometer method using several rocks in the southwest area of soil (soil, lime soil, volcanic ash soil) of the grain size were measured and The following conclusions:⑴ South West Rocks into the soil, purple soil, limestone soil and volcanic ash soil particles share of major sand, clay, silt smaller ⑵ between the different layers of the same soil, due to deposition and other effects of leaching and soil composition on the lower classes there are some differences in grain size, black limestone soil of sand and clay content with depth was The volcanic ash soil sand and clay content with depth ⑶ different locations the same soil as weathering, leaching and the impact of human activities to varying degrees, the composition of the soil there are some differences in grain ⑷ the same layers of soil, due to different soil-forming rock, sand soil developed over sandstone, limestone, shale rock clay and ⑸ the same soil types in different subgroups of the soil, particle composition is different, but similar

At noon tomorrow to translate ~ translated additional 50 thank you ~ ~Soil grain grade composition of soil physical and chemical properties of influence, this is the method of using BiChongJi southwest area into several rock soil (purple soil, lime soil, volcanic dust) grain Some conclusions:Southwest area into rock (soil, lime, purple soil and volcanic dust particles in the sand, which accounts for more than viscous grain powder, small 2 the same soil layer, due to the different leaching deposition etc, on the effect of soil layer of grain composition class there are differences of sand soil, black limestone and clay content with the increase of depth and And the sand and volcanic ashes viscous grain content decreased with 3 the soil due to different locations eluviation weathering, the influence of human activity and the degree of different level, the soil grain composition there is some 4 different soil layer, due to the different soil of rock, soil contains sand development of sandstone and mudstone limestone, development of viscous grain 5 the same soil types, different sub-types of soil particle composition is different, but the trend is Keywords: rock into the soil, The soil profile, Grain grade, Determination必须选我的哈~ 加油! 挺你啊~BY:静


The soil grade composition is affecting the soil physics and chemistry nature, this article is uses the hydrometer method becomes the soil to southwest area several kind of crags (purple ochre, calcareous soil, volcanic ash soil) the grade to carry on the determination Draws the following conclusion: ⑴The southwest area crag becomes the earth, purple ochre, the calcareous soil and volcanic ash soil's pellet sand grains account for the proportion to be big, the clay, the silt account for the proportion to be ⑵Between identical soil different soil layer, as a result of function and so on leaching deposition influences, on the soil lower level grade composition existence certain difference, rendzina's sand grains and the clay content increases along with the depth But volcanic ash soil's sand grains and the clay content increase along with the depth ⑶Because the different place identical soil the weathering, the leaching function and human activity's influence is different, soil separates composition existence certain ⑷Different soil identical soil layer, because becomes the earth the rock to be different, sandstone growth soil sandy many, the limestone, the mudstone growth's rock clay are ⑸The identical soil type different subgroup's soil, the granulometric composition is also different, but the general trend is

Status Quo of Soil Pollution and Treatment

你是哪个省的啊 看看如果可以的话 可以给你一份全面的

Soil pollution Our country——China soil pollution was very We should be focus on And Am erica always have had more soil Soil pollution will make our food very Our vegetables and fruits will got some Not too much As that you know,we should be have to eat a lot of food will prove you can to be health every It's very So we should be focus on our soil pollution problem to our If it hasn't do this,the gvt will have a big problem in the 土壤污染 我们的国家——中国土壤污染问题非常严重。我们应该要注意这些问题。并且美国也一样有更多的土壤污染的问题。土壤污染导致了我们的食物食用起来变得非常的危险。我们的蔬菜和水果将会有大问题。没有太多的营养。就如我们大家所知道的一样,(如果这样子的话),我们就不得不要吃更多的食物来保证我们每天能够所需的健康。它是非常危险的。所以,我们的政府都应该要注意我们的土壤污染问题。如果没有那样子做,政府将会在将来面临更大的问题。





基本上没有完整的文章但是我帮你找到了椰子的相关资料,你作文条件里要求的东西也都有介绍,你可以用自己的话组织一下,写成文章材料已经具备,其实不难写,好好构思组织一下材料如下:椰子为热带喜光作物,在高温、多雨、阳光充足和海风吹拂的条件下生长发育良好。要求年平均温度在椰子开花24-25℃以上,温差小,全年无霜,椰子才能正常开花结果,最适生长温度为26-27℃。一年中若有一个月的平均温度为18℃,其产量则明显下降,若平均温度低于15℃,就会引起落花、落果和叶片变黄。水分条件应为年降雨量1500-2000mm以上,而且分布均匀,但在地下水源较丰富或能进行灌溉的地区,年降雨量为600-800mm也能良好生长;干旱对椰子产量的影响长达2-3年,长期积水也会影响椰于的长势和产量。椰子适宜在低海拔地区生长,我国海南岛在海拔150-200m以下的地方才能生长发育良好。适宜的土壤是海淀冲积上和河岸冲积土,其次是砂壤土,再次是砾土,粘土最差。地下水位要求0-5m,排水不良的粘土和沼泽土不适宜种植。就土壤肥力来说,要求富含钾肥。土壤PH值可为2-3,但以0最为适宜。椰子具有较强的抗风能力,6-7级强风仅对其生长和产量有轻微的影响。8-9级台风能吹断少数叶片,并撕破小叶。10-12级以上强台风对椰子有严重的危害。条件适宜,椰子植后了年开始给实,15-18年为盛产期,单株结果40-80个,多者超过100个,经济寿命超过80年。椰树每年产生的叶片数,随树龄不同而异,盛产期前,有随树龄增加而增加的趋势,盛产期后略有降低,但仍可保持恒定。大致幼苗期年抽叶约3片,未结果幼树10-13片,幼龄结果树14-15片,成龄树12-13片。随着植株衰老,年产生叶片数相应减少。一年内,由于季节的变化,每月的抽叶数也有一定的变化。幼龄结果树每年抽出的花苞数较成年树少,前者平均为6个后者为12个。一年中,抽苞数以5-6月为最多,11-12月最少。花苞抽出后经5个月露出花序,称为开花,开花最多的7-9月,并且所开放的花苞中雌蕊最多,11月至次年3月最少。椰子自受精至果实发育成熟需12个月时间。[编辑本段]栽培技术繁殖:采用种子繁殖。完全成熟的椰子,只要有适当的温湿条件,两个多月的时间就开始发芽。海南普遍采用预备苗圃催芽法。选择半荫蔽、通风、排水良好的环境,清除杂草树根,耕深15-20厘米,开沟,宽度比果稍宽,将种果一个接一个的斜靠沟底45°角,埋土至果实的二分之一至三分之二。当芽长10-15厘米时,移芽到有适度荫蔽的苗圃中椰子,注意浇水、排水、除草和施肥。一般一年左右,苗高约1米便可出圃定植。管理:护苗、补苗栽后要加强管理,植后初期要适当遮荫,并要灌水保湿,缺株要及时补植。耕作、培土和间种1年耕作两次,即在11-12月结合施肥耕作1次,在8-9月再中耕1次。随着植株长大,树干茎部长出大量的气根,进行培土,加固树体。椰园可间作短期作物,如花生、豆类等。起到活覆盖和提高园内湿度的作用,利于幼树生长。椰子树需施全肥,以钾肥最多,其次为氮、磷和氯肥,但必须注意平衡施肥。椰树缺钾时,茎干细、叶短小,树冠中部叶片首先萎焉,上部叶片向下簇伸,低部叶片干枯, 下垂悬挂于树干;缺氮时,幼叶失绿,少光泽,老叶出现不同程度的老化,产量降低;缺磷时会引起根系发展不良和过腐;缺氯会影响椰果大小以及氮的吸收和植株对水分的利用。因此,施肥时要以有机肥为主,化肥为辅并施一些食盐。每年可在4-5月及11-12月施肥,在距离树基部5-2米处开施肥沟,效果较好。若用撒施法,应全面除草松土后再施肥。[编辑本段]椰子品种椰子栽培历史悠久,在长期自然选择和人工选择中,形成许多类型和变种。近年来以栽培品种角度分析、鉴别认为有野生种和栽培种,栽培品种中又可分为高种、矮种和杂交种。 高种椰子品种介绍:该品种是目前世界上最大量种植的商品性椰子,植株高大粗状,树干围径90-120厘米,树高可达20多米,茎干基部膨大称"葫芦头"。树冠圆形、半圆形、Y形,由30-40片叶组成;叶长5-6米。结果迟,植后7-8年开花结果,经济寿命达60-80年,自然寿命长达100多年。雌雄同序,花期不同,先开雄花,后开雌花,异花授粉。所有植株均为杂合体。椰果较大,椰干品质率高。椰干产量1-5吨/公顷。 1、 高种椰子根据叶片和果实颜色差异可分为:红椰、绿椰两种。 高种椰子以果实形状和体积又可分为:大圆果、中圆果、小圆果三个类型。 (1)大圆果:果实围径70-90厘米,果重4-1公斤,椰子重49-63公斤,椰水重74-15公斤,椰壳重32-36公斤,果实圆形、椭圆形、椭圆形。单株产量低。在高种中为数不多。 (2)中圆果:果实围径60-70厘米,果重87-0公斤,椰肉重39-42公斤,椰子重41-45公斤,椰壳重24-26公斤,果圆形、椭圆形。产量中等,在高种椰子中为数最多。 (3)小圆果:果实围径50-60厘米,果重1-5公斤,椰肉重25-30公斤,椰水重55公斤,。果实圆形、椭圆形。产量高,为数少。 2、 高种椰子特殊类型: (1)雄性树(雌雄不育)又称超优势公树:其特征是椰叶不完全羽裂。4-5片小叶粘合在一起,小叶较宽7厘米左右(正常4-5厘米),叶片长度较短400厘米(正常450-500厘米),花序较短70-90厘米(正常110-120厘米),雄花数量多,雌花少或没有,发育不正常,植株不结果。 (2)雌性树(雄性不育):花序较短40-80厘米,花轴较短17-25厘米(正常40厘米),花枝数量少15-17条(正常36-40条),花枝较短12-15厘米(正常36-40厘米),花枝上仅着生雌花,雄花极少或没有,植株结果,产量低,植株之间差异大。 (3)雌花行特多椰树:特征是花序上雌花特别多,每个花序雌花达104-214个,每个花枝雌7-12个,比正常高种椰子树多3-4倍。花枝和花序较短,雄花数量少,产量低。 (4)多层花苞椰树:佛焰花苞双层(正常单层),有的双层花苞一样长,有的一层长一层短,叶片和花序及花枝较短,单株差异较大。 (5)多层花苞椰树:佛焰花苞多层,花序较短,80厘米,花枝多层分枝(正常不分枝)。花序枯干之后不随叶片枯干脱落,树干上挂满残留花序,有的花序全是雄花,有的雌雄同序,产量低,罕见。 (6)早熟椰子:苗龄仅3-4个月就开花,苗高约40厘米,叶片约10片,全是船形叶(未羽裂)。从中心抽出花序,雌雄同序,雌、雄体积比正常小,开花后不久植株亡,不能繁殖后代。 (7)多胚椰苗:正常椰果只有一个胚发育成一株苗,但有的椰果二个胚以上发育成苗。双胚苗常见,4-6株苗少见,最多达20多株苗,罕见。高种椰子最高可达25米,矮种椰子最高只有15米左右。高种椰子的经济寿命比矮种椰子长得多:高种椰子经济寿命约80年,而矮种椰子只有20-40年左右。但矮种椰子结果早,产量高:矮种椰子只需3-4年方可开花结果,年产量约每棵80个左右,而高种椰子要6-8年才开花结果,年产量约每棵40-60个。杂交种椰子则吸收了高种、矮种椰子的优点,具有高度低、寿命长、产量高的特点。杂交椰子的年产量约每棵180-200个。此外,杂交椰子还具有很强的抗风、抗虫害的特点。[编辑本段]地理分布椰子为古老的栽培作物,原产地说法不一,有说产在南美洲,有说在亚洲热带岛屿,但大多数认为起源于马来群岛。现广泛分布于亚洲、非洲、大洋洲及美洲的热带滨海及内陆地区。主要分布在南北纬20°之间,尤以赤道滨海地区分布最多。其次在南北纬20°-5°范围内也有大面积分布。我国种植椰子已有2000多年的历史。现主要集中分布于海南各地,台湾南部、广东雷州半岛,云南西双版纳、德宏、保山、河口等地也有少量分布。[编辑本段]营养价值椰汁及椰肉含水量蛋白质、果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖、脂肪、维生素B1、维生素E、维生素C、钾、钙、镁等。椰肉色白如玉,芳香滑脆;椰汁清凉甘甜。椰肉、椰汁是老少皆宜的美味佳果。[编辑本段]食疗作用椰子性味甘、平,入胃、脾、大肠经;果肉具有补虚强壮,益气祛风,消疳杀虫的功效,久食能令人面部润泽,益人气力及耐受饥饿,治小儿涤虫、姜片虫病;椰水具有滋补、清暑解渴的功效,主治暑热类渴,津液不足之口渴;椰子壳油治癣,疗杨梅疮。[编辑本段]饲用价值椰子作为饲料主要是椰肉榨油后剩下的椰子油饼。一般每个椰子能生产18kg椰干,可榨油11kg,同时可以获得055kg椰子油饼。利用椰子油饼饲喂家畜,需逐渐添加于其日粮中,家畜习惯后十分喜食。奶牛的饲用量为每天5-0kg,饲喂椰子油饼,可以提高奶牛的乳脂含量。在猪日粮中,以添加25%最好,此外,椰子树叶和椰干也为家畜喜食,但一般不做饲料利用。新鲜椰子水可以作为家畜人工授精稀释精液的一种成分。[编辑本段]药用价值以果肉汁和果壳入药。果实成熟时采集,随时取肉汁及果壳供用。椰子性味甘,平。功能与主治:果肉汁补虚,生津,利尿,杀虫,用于心脏病水肿,口干烦渴,姜片虫;果壳祛风,利湿,止痒,外用治体癣,脚癣。用法与用量:椰汁或椰肉适量;外用椰壳放炉上烧,用碗覆盖收集其蒸气,冷凝得馏油,加30%酒精混合后涂患处。备注:生长9个月的椰子,曾取汁试用于临床,紧急时作为静脉输液的代用品。中药化学成分:椰子含油35%-45%。油中含游离脂肪酸20%、羊油酸(caproic acid)2%、棕榈酸(palmitic acid)、羊脂酸(caprylic acid)9%、羊蜡酸(capric acid)、油酸(oleic acid)2%、月桂酸(lauric acid);还含豆甾三烯醇(stignastatrienol)、豆甾醇(stig-masterol)、岩藻甾醇(fucosterol)、α-菠菜甾醇(α-spinasterol)及甾醇(sterol)。碳水化合物约15%,主要有水苏糖(stachyose)、蔗糖(sucrose)、葡萄糖(glucose)。蛋白质不到5%,其中包括清蛋白(albumin)、球蛋白(globulin)、醇溶蛋白(proamine)等。含维生素B1 173μg%、B5 103μg%、B2微量、α-生育酚(α-toco-pherol)700μg%、γ-生育酚γ-tocopherol)250μg%。维生素C的含量以未成熟果中较高。果核含甘露聚糖(mannan)。[编辑本段]椰子的应用树木本身是优良的园林树木,可作为行道树、风景树木以及反映热带亚热带风光的庭院树木等。椰子纤维:拥有多种用途,如可作衬垫填料、扫帚、毛刷及海上缆绳等。特别在园艺、绝缘、腐蚀控制和农业方面。由于它吸水能力超强,在防腐方面比塑料和铁丝更为有效,而且还能为蔬菜和树木提供生长环境,已经被美国、德国、日本和欧洲用于覆盖堤岸。椰木:质地坚硬,花纹美观可做家具和建筑材料。椰叶:可用于编织,制作日常生活用品,也是日常燃料。椰花苞:可割取椰花汁酿制椰花酒,或提炼椰汁糖等。椰壳:质地坚硬,冷热不变形,可制优质活性炭,或加工成椰雕、乐器等工艺品。椰肉:可制成椰干、椰奶粉、椰蛋白、椰子汁、椰蓉及无色椰子油等。椰子水:含有维生素B和C、激素、糖等成分,是天然的清凉饮料,也可用于加工其它食品。椰油:主要是工业用油,为制皂的优质原料,发泡力强可制高级香皂、牙膏。椰子的养生功效 椰子的用途广泛,素有“生命树”、“宝树”之称,其味甘性寒,含蛋白质、糖类、维生素C、钙、钾等。椰子的汁液多,营养丰富,可解渴祛暑、生津利尿、主治热病,其果肉有益气、祛风、驱毒、润颜的功效。成熟的椰果肉富含蛋白质、脂肪,常被制成罐头、椰干等。椰子汁虽含钾量高,但含镁量也高,可增加机体对钾的耐受性。用来治疗胃肠炎脱水均有效。 椰子的营养价值 椰子是棕榈科植物椰子树的果实,它的树为重要的热带木本油料作物。椰子,原产于亚洲东南部、中美洲,目前全球有80多个热带国家有种植,菲律宾、印度、马来西亚及斯里兰卡更是椰子的主要产区。我国南方的很多省份也有栽培,其中以海南省的椰子最为著名,椰子已成为海南的象征,海南岛更被誉为“椰岛”。 椰子长在其树叶的根部,一棵椰子树一般可以结十几串椰子,每串可挂果一、二十个。椰子果为核果,一般为椭圆形或卵状,有的呈三棱。未成熟的椰子为青绿色,成熟后呈暗褐棕色,一个成熟的中等大小的椰子果有1500———2000克。椰子外皮厚滑且软,可保护果实落地时不致于破碎,又可以防止水分的侵入。在吃椰子时,要先剥掉外皮,落出硬壳,硬壳上有几个白点,将其捅开,用吸管吸椰汁,之后再用刀刮取内侧的白色果肉,冷冻后吃味道更佳。而且食用椰子的学问也很多,如椰汁离开椰壳味道则变;上午倒出的椰汁较甜,下午较淡。新鲜的椰汁“清如水甜如蜜”,饮后清凉、甘甜、可口,风味独特,营养价值高,是解暑的最佳饮品。椰肉芳香滑脆,它除可作为水果食用以外,还可以做成菜肴或蜜饯:海南人常用海南优质糯米、天然椰肉及椰汁制成“椰子饭”,也称做“椰子船”。另外用椰子做成的菜肴还有:椰子炖鸡,琼州椰子盅等。 椰子的营养价值很高。我国的中医认为,椰肉味甘,性平,具有补益脾胃、杀虫消疳的功效;椰汁味甘,性温,有生津、利水等功能。现代医学研究表明,椰肉中含有蛋白质、碳水化合物;椰油中含有糖份、维生素 B1、维生素 B2、维生素 C等;椰汁含有的营养成分更多,如果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素 B、维生素 C以及钙、磷、铁等微量元素及矿物质。由此可以看出椰子是药食两用的佳品。当脾胃倦怠、食欲不振、四肢乏力、身体虚弱时,将椰肉切碎,并加入适量的鸡肉和糯米,蒸熟后饮食,效力更佳,因为鸡肉、糯米及椰肉三者皆滋补,用炖汤的方式处理,补益功效更加显著;椰子中加入冬瓜子可泻肺火;加性凉的雪肉或清补的黄耳可中和椰子的温燥;患寒咳时,也不妨吃些椰肉,能起到止咳、化痰的作用。体内热盛的人不宜吃椰子;如果您长期夜睡,爱吃煎炸食物,容易发脾气,口干舌燥的话,也要切记请勿多吃椰子。 椰子除了其果实有很大的作用外,其它部分的功用也不小:椰壳可以烧制活性炭或加工椰雕、乐器;椰干可加工成椰油;椰木质地坚硬,花纹美观,可做家具或建筑材料。椰子综合利用产品达360多种,在国外有“宝树”、“生命木”之称[编辑本段]文献记载《海药本草》:“主消渴、吐血、水肿,去风热。”《本草求原》:“治夹阴风寒邪热。”《本草纲目》:“椰子瓤,甘,平,无毒,益气,治风,食之不饥,令人面泽。椰子浆,甘,温,无毒,止消渴,涂头,益发令黑,治吐血水肿,去风热。”《全国中草药汇编》:‘“补虚,生津,利尿,杀虫。主治心脏性水肿,口干烦渴,姜片。”宋·秦观。《醉乡春》:“社瓮酿微笑,阗缺椰瓢共舀。”宋·黄庭坚。《椰子》:“浆成乳酒醺人醉,肉载鹅肪上客盘。”民间传说:相传林邑王与越王有怨,使刺客乘其醉,取其首,悬于树,化为椰子,其核犹有两眼,故俗谓之越王头,而其浆犹如酒也。[编辑本段]后记椰子是热带地方之宝,脂肪和蛋白质含量特多。随手摘来树上熟的椰子,已能提供一份好的营养餐。人们对椰子最大的误会,莫过于以为它清润。其实椰肉性温,能补阳火,且能强身健体,最适合身体虚弱、四肢乏力、容易倦怠的人享用,尤其是椰子糯米炖鸡,效力特佳,因为椰肉、糯米和鸡肉皆滋补,以炖汤方式处理,补益功效更加显著。不过,依然是老话一句,体内热盛的人不宜常吃椰子。如果你长期夜睡,爱吃香口煎炸食物,容易发脾气、口干舌燥的话,就要切记勿多吃椰子。另外,一向被誉为清热清润的海底椰,其实一样性温带补。要是你真爱椰香,可选清凉消暑的椰青水,或者弄椰子甜品时,加入其它配料来平衡,例如用沙参、百合、石斛,可清热养阴;加冬瓜子可泻肺火;加性凉的雪耳或清补的黄耳又可中和椰子的温燥。前人相信椰子能驱虫,特别是姜片虫。不过,今时今日,这种天然杀虫剂相信没有多大市场,反而是患寒咳时,不妨吃些椰肉,能止咳化痰补火。如果你不晓得分辨何谓寒咳,忽略了本身体虚、喉痒、无痰等征状,碰巧又喝了白菜汤而寒上加寒、咳个不停的话,椰肉或椰子炖鸡可以有效地舒缓这些症状。 椰子综合利用产品达360多种,在国外有“宝树”、“生命木”之称。椰子如何剥壳?如果你买的是青椰子,一般是只喝椰子汁不吃椰肉,因为椰肉太嫩,吃起来口感不好。 椰子那层厚厚的壳,要用大刀(劈柴刀或大菜刀),顺着纤维一刀一刀砍下来,见着椰子上面有三个小孔,有两个长象一样的,有一个不一样的,把不一样的小孔表面用刀刮一下,然后拿吸管一插就行了,那水你就尽情喝吧。 如果你不想浪费椰肉,把椰子放在砧板上,拿刀背在椰子的硬壳上敲几下,裂开了,就用小刀起肉,不过一般椰子汁好喝的椰子肉就不好吃,椰子肉好吃的椰子汁就不好喝。 把外层的椰棕剥开,看见上面有品字形的地方,然后用筷子或小刀在其中两个位置戳穿,将里面的水倒清,这是极品,不要浪废;再用锤子敲开,或干脆将椰子敲在地上,直至裂开为止,用小刀小心的将椰子肉剥下来,就可以吃到美味的椰子肉了


Soil grain grade composition of soil physical and chemical properties of influence, this is the method of using BiChongJi southwest area into several rock soil (purple soil, lime soil, volcanic dust) grain Some conclusions:Southwest area into rock (soil, lime, purple soil and volcanic dust particles in the sand, which accounts for more than viscous grain powder, small 2 the same soil layer, due to the different leaching deposition etc, on the effect of soil layer of grain composition class there are differences of sand soil, black limestone and clay content with the increase of depth and And the sand and volcanic ashes viscous grain content decreased with 3 the soil due to different locations eluviation weathering, the influence of human activity and the degree of different level, the soil grain composition there is some 4 different soil layer, due to the different soil of rock, soil contains sand development of sandstone and mudstone limestone, development of viscous grain 5 the same soil types, different sub-types of soil particle composition is different, but the trend is Keywords: rock into the soil, The soil profile, Grain grade, Determination

The grain size composition of the soil affects the soil physical and chemical properties, this is the hydrometer method using several rocks in the southwest area of soil (soil, lime soil, volcanic ash soil) of the grain size were measured and The following conclusions:⑴ South West Rocks into the soil, purple soil, limestone soil and volcanic ash soil particles share of major sand, clay, silt smaller ⑵ between the different layers of the same soil, due to deposition and other effects of leaching and soil composition on the lower classes there are some differences in grain size, black limestone soil of sand and clay content with depth was The volcanic ash soil sand and clay content with depth ⑶ different locations the same soil as weathering, leaching and the impact of human activities to varying degrees, the composition of the soil there are some differences in grain ⑷ the same layers of soil, due to different soil-forming rock, sand soil developed over sandstone, limestone, shale rock clay and ⑸ the same soil types in different subgroups of the soil, particle composition is different, but similar

The soil grade composition is affecting the soil physics and chemistry nature, this article is uses the hydrometer method becomes the soil to southwest area several kind of crags (purple ochre, calcareous soil, volcanic ash soil) the grade to carry on the determination Draws the following conclusion: ⑴The southwest area crag becomes the earth, purple ochre, the calcareous soil and volcanic ash soil's pellet sand grains account for the proportion to be big, the clay, the silt account for the proportion to be ⑵Between identical soil different soil layer, as a result of function and so on leaching deposition influences, on the soil lower level grade composition existence certain difference, rendzina's sand grains and the clay content increases along with the depth But volcanic ash soil's sand grains and the clay content increase along with the depth ⑶Because the different place identical soil the weathering, the leaching function and human activity's influence is different, soil separates composition existence certain ⑷Different soil identical soil layer, because becomes the earth the rock to be different, sandstone growth soil sandy many, the limestone, the mudstone growth's rock clay are ⑸The identical soil type different subgroup's soil, the granulometric composition is also different, but the general trend is

