

发布时间:2024-07-07 23:47:29



With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by The popularization of private car has many First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann't live without

横穿马路时也要注意看交通指示灯。When cross the street, watch traffic lights 没有显示信号就超车是 违反交通规则的。It is against traffic regulations to overtake other vehicles without 市政府官员也开始在停车场和低交通的道路使用对环境有利的技术。City officials are also starting to use the environmentally friendly technologies for parking areas and low-traffic roads

More and more people makes the traffic busier and Most people keen to live in the big cities where are more convenient and the children can receive better But the problem is the heavy traffic create too much pollution which does great harm to human's So, to keep ourselves safe, I think we should do some We should obey the traffic rules whenever we are and even when we are in a deadly When we are walking, we should walk on the At the crossing, we shouldn't cross the road until the traffic Don't play basketball, read books or listen to music while In a word,we must be That's my ideas, I hope it is 翻译:越来越多的人使交通更加忙碌起来。大多数人喜欢住在更方便些的大城市,孩子们可以得到更好的教育。但问题是交通拥挤造成太多的对人类的健康有巨大危害的污染。所以,为了保持自己的安全,我认为我们应该做一些事情。我们应该遵守交通规则的时候,即使我们在忙碌时。当我们在散步,我们应该走在人行道上。在十字路口,我们不应该穿过马路到交通停止。不打篮球,看书报或听听音乐在走路的时候。总而言之,我们必须小心。 那是我的想法,我希望这是可以接受的。免责说明: 本英语作文来自互联网,(感谢写这篇作文的网友)请借阅或下载后24小时内删除 本人将不付任何法律条例。谨此告之。 在这附赠LZ一个英语翻译网( ) OVER




and is useful to our They care for As a teacher,tens of students go to see Some people want to be a scientist,you maight be poor,some want to be a When I was in primary school,talking and I think being a teacher is glorious and respectable,and others want to be a GM! Now I study hard to achieve my dreamI Have A Dream Everyone has his But my dream is quite different,I had this During Teachers',show their respect to you,but you will be rich in spirit; Day and weekends,I want to be a teacher,and they differ from people to What a good thing

With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by The popularization of private car has many First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann't live without


在刚刚结束的期中考试里,我犯了很多不该犯的错误。 我一向语文很好,可是这次鬼使神差的,语文竟然错了很多不该错的地方。经过我的仔细反思,我想这和我阅读题目不认真有着很大的关系。这点也同样延伸到了数学和英语方面。很多计算和语法上的小错误让我丢掉了不少分数。例如:(这个我不能替你写,不知道你究竟错了什么,举上几个小例子就行,50字左右) 我知道老师对于我有着很大的期望,可是我还是没有考好。对于这点我感到十分抱歉。但是既然犯了错误就要改正,所以,通过考试我也想了很多以后一定要学习的东西。 首先我要改掉考试不细心读题目的坏习惯。有时候我往往看着题目前面就顺手把后面的问题写上了,但是却错了很多。这也许也和答题技巧有关系。总之,通过以后的练习,我一定要在考试的过程之中认真审题,自习读题,把题目看准、看好。时间允许的时候要多检查几遍,绝对不允许自己再犯类似于这样的无谓的错误。 其次,我还要加强语文、数学、英语三门主科以及政治、历史、地理、生物和物理的习题强化。通过考试,我终于明白山外有山,人外有人。平日大家都聚在一起做一样的题目,感觉不出来有什么明显的差异。可是一当考试,才发现原来那么多考试题目是我从来看都没看过的(你就先编着吧)。只怪自己买的练习题做的少。不能允许自己再继续这样下去,所以,我一定要加倍努力,从这次考试之中汲取教训,增加力量,为下一次考试做好准备,打好基础。 考试技巧贵在练习。生活之中,我还要多多加强自己的练习和复习,考试之前制定周详的复习计划,不再手忙脚乱,没有方向。平日生活学习中学会积累,语文积累好词好句,数学也要多积累难的题目,英语则是语法项目。对做完形填空等练习题也是提高英语的好方法。 期中考试毕竟不是期末考试,我还是有机会的。下一次考试,我要更努力,争取不让老师、家长和同学们失望。不让自己失望。 对于各科老师,我希望老师不要对我失去信心,虽然我这次考得并不理想,但是我相信自己的实力。下一次考试,我一定会努力的! 视情况改变!!!!!!!!!!!!评论(2) | 给力3不给力2


and is useful to our They care for As a teacher,tens of students go to see Some people want to be a scientist,you maight be poor,some want to be a When I was in primary school,talking and I think being a teacher is glorious and respectable,and others want to be a GM! Now I study hard to achieve my dreamI Have A Dream Everyone has his But my dream is quite different,I had this During Teachers',show their respect to you,but you will be rich in spirit; Day and weekends,I want to be a teacher,and they differ from people to What a good thing



My favourite My English teacher Healthy An unforgetable A plasent My My My Mobile My This is My good The Great Wall

1 Write a letter to the mayor(市长) to show you want to be a volunteer foe the 2010 World Expo2 Changes aroud me3 I will succeed4 How to keep health5 An unforgettable experience6 Giving a present to sb7 Sports and recreation8 When others are in trouble9 How to protect environment10 My view of a Good student11 i am thnkful for sb12 My ambition(理想)13 My school life14 Everyone needs help15 My favourite things16 My father17 My teacher18 My birthday party19 Our school sports meeting20 How to study English21 How to protect the Environment03年上海中考To be a lovely Shanghaiese(上海人)04上海中考Leaving school(毕业时分)05上海中考Grow pains and gains06上海中考I have a dream07上海中考Things I hate to do08上海中考Love around me

the only thing that i can think of right now air strange huh?




Traffic Safety 交通安全 With the rapid development of the society,people can live a better life in So because of the improvement of people’ s living standard,more and more people own Traffic jam comes to While people in order to be punctual,they often ignore the cars crossing on the This behavior will easily bring traffic On the other hand,the car owner also want to be on time and then regardlss the traffic rules,which is also easy to have traffic Both the driver and people themseves’ behaviour leads to Those accidents may take people’s lives It’s so Therefore,for the sake of life,the driver and the pedestrian should obey the traffic regulation as we have only one 随着社会的快速发展,人们总体上都能过上更好的生活由于人们生活水平提高了,越来越多的人拥有私家车这就有了交通堵塞人们为了准时往往忽略了在马路上的汽车这种行为会带来交通事故另一方面,车主也为了准时,而不顾交通规则,这也容易发生交通事故司机和行人自身本身的行为都会导致事故这些事故可能会带走人们的生命这是很可怕的因此,看在生命的份上,司机和行人都应当遵守交通规则因为我们的生命只有一次

横穿马路时也要注意看交通指示灯。When cross the street, watch traffic lights 没有显示信号就超车是 违反交通规则的。It is against traffic regulations to overtake other vehicles without 市政府官员也开始在停车场和低交通的道路使用对环境有利的技术。City officials are also starting to use the environmentally friendly technologies for parking areas and low-traffic roads

With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by The popularization of private car has many First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann't live without
