

发布时间:2024-07-02 15:08:09


望采纳,保你满意:HOW TO COOK CHINESE FOOD教你做中国菜(有陈皮鸡/腰果鸡丁/黑椒鸡/左宗棠鸡/猪肉蛋卷/蟹仰光)I consistently get a lot of questions from people wondering how to cook Chinese food. Regardless of if you are just learning how to cook or have been cooking for awhile you will probably find this article useful. The truth is, cooking Chinese food is not hard at all. In fact, many Chinese dishes are all very similar so once you learn how to cook a few different dishes, you should develop a good understanding of Chinese cooking. In this article I will explain to make a few popular Chinese dishes. These dishes include Sesame-Orange Chicken, General Tso’s Chicken, Cashew Chicken, Black Pepper Chicken, Egg Rolls, and Crab Rangoons. All of these items are fried and most can be found at Chinese restaurants across the United States.The first thing when preparing to cook Chinese food is to make sure you have a lot of the ingredients on hand. A lot of Chinese dishes all use very similar ingredients. Some ingredients you will want to keep in your pantry are soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, oyster sauce, sugar, and rice wine. Fresh ingredients would include ginger, garlic and green onions. A couple of questions I constantly receive are, “What is the best type of oil for deep frying Chinese cuisine?” and “Are rice wine vinegar and rice wine the same?” The answer to the first question is peanut oil. Peanut oil will brown nicely and give the meat great flavor when used for deep frying. Rice wine vinegar and rice wine are not the same thing. Rice wine is an actual wine, sometimes called Sake or Mirin, while rice wine vinegar is a type of vinegar that is made from fermented rice wine.Sesame-Orange ChickenIngredients:2 boneless skinless chicken breasts (cut into 1 inch cubes)½ cup all purpose flour1 teaspoon baking powder1 egg (beaten)½ cup water (or as much as needed to make batter smooth)3 tablespoons cornstarchsalt (to taste)1 tablespoon vegetable oilSauce-¼ cup ketchup¼ cup honey2 teaspoons sugar2 tablespoons white vinegar½ cup water2 tablespoons cornstarch1 teaspoon sesame oilthe juice of ½ orange1 teaspoon orange zestsprinkle of garlic powdersesame seedsCooking Instructions:Step 1: Heat oil in a deep fryer to 325 degrees. In large bowl combine all of the batter ingredients and mix thoroughly. The batter should be thick enough to coat the chicken but thin enough to flow around the pieces. Set aside.Step 2: Dip chicken pieces into the batter to coat evenly (one by one). Deep fry the chicken in batches in your deep fryer for about 10 minutes or until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. (or you can fry in hot oil at about 325 degrees in your wok for about 3-4 minutes or until golden brown).Step 3: In a bowl whisk together ketchup, honey, sugar, water, vinegar, cornstarch, sesame oil, orange juice, orange zest, and sesame seeds. Pour into a wok and cook until the sauce is thickened and bubbly. Mix in a bowl with the fried chicken pieces.Cashew ChickenIngredients:2lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts (cut into 1” chunks)2 cups flour5 teaspoons cornstarch (divided)2 teaspoons baking soda3 eggs (beaten)oil (for frying)Sauce-2 cups chicken broth2 tablespoons oyster sauce1 tablespoon sugar2 tablespoons soy sauce1 teaspoon pepper1 large green pepper (sliced)1 large onion (sliced)2 cups cashews1/3 cup green onions (chopped)Cooking Instructions:Step 1: In a bowl mix flour, baking soda and 1 teaspoon of cornstarch. In another bowl beat the eggs. Dip chicken pieces first then the flour mixture, then in the egg mixture and then again in the flour mixture.Step 2: Fry in oil in a wok or in a deep fryer at 350 degrees in batches until golden brown. Drain on paper towels.Step 3: Heat a tiny bit of oil in the wok and stir fry green pepper and onions for 2-3 minutes. Remove from wok and set aside.Step 4: To make the sauce- in a bowl mix chicken broth, oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, pepper, and 4 tablespoons of cornstarch.Step 5: Pour sauce into wok and cook over medium heat stirring until well blended and sauce thickens. In a bowl pour sauce over chicken pieces, add green peppers and onions. Mix well and garnish with cashews and green onions. Serve with white rice.Black Pepper ChickenIngredients:1lb boneless skinless chicken breasts (or thighs)6 tablespoons cornstarch (for dusting)1 white onion (diced)1 cup frozen peas and carrotsoil (for drying)Sauce-¼ cup oyster sauce1 teaspoon soy sauce1 teaspoon black pepper½ teaspoon white pepper1 teaspoon sake or rice wineCooking Instructions:Step 1: Mix together all of the sauce ingredients in a bowl and set aside.Step 2: Cut chicken into ½“cubes and dust chicken pieces with corn starch until fully coated.Step 3: Deep fry (or fry in a wok) chicken in batches until golden brown. Drain on paper towels.Step 4: Heat about 1 tablespoon of oil in the wok and stir fry diced onion for a minute or two. Add celery and stir fry for another couple minutes. Add sauce mixture to the wok and heat until bubbling. Add chicken stirring to fully coat with the sauce. Serve with white rice.General Tso’s ChickenIngredients:1lb boneless skinless chicken thighs (cut into 1” chunks)5 dried red chili peppers3 green onions (sliced)3 eggs (beaten)½ cup cornstarchoil (for frying)Sauce-1 ½ tablespoons rice vinegar2 tablespoons rice wine3 tablespoons sugar3 tablespoons soy sauce2 teaspoons cornstarchCooking Instructions:Step 1: In a large mixing bowl combine cornstarch and beaten eggs. Mix well to create a batter. Add chicken bits and coat thoroughly.Step 2: To make the sauce- in a small bowl combine rice vinegar, rice wine, soy sauce, sugar and cornstarch. Mix well and set aside.Step 3: Heat deep fryer or wok to 375 degrees and deep fried chicken bits in batches. Drain on paper towels.Step 4: Add 1-2 tablespoons of oil to your wok. Add dried chili peppers to your wok and stir fry for 30 seconds. Add chicken bits to the wok and stir fry for a couple minutes.Step 5: Add sauce mixture to the wok and cook stirring until the sauce becomes thickened and bubbly. Garnish with green onions and serve.Pork Egg RollsIngredients:1 lb ground pork1 package egg roll wraps1 bag shredded cabbage and carrot mix1 tablespoon oil¼ cup sugar½ cup rice vinegar1 teaspoon Salt1 teaspoon Pepper1 teaspoon Garlic powder1 egg (beaten, for sealing)Oil (for frying)Cooking Instructions:Step 1: Fry ground pork in a little oil until the pork is completely browned. Drain and set aside.Step 2: In a large bowl combine cabbage and carrot mixture, cooked ground pork. Season with 1 tablespoon of oil, sugar, vinegar, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.Step 3: Lay out an egg roll wrapper. Place 1-2 tablespoons of filling in the corner of the wrapper, but not so the filling is actually touching the corner. Fold over that corner and roll about half of the way up. Fold over the left and right corners to the middle. Using a brush or the bottom of a spoon, brush the beaten egg on the edges of the wrapper. Finish rolling up tightly and secure to make sure there are no leaks. Repeat until all the egg roll wraps are used.Step 4: Deep fry egg rolls in batches until golden brown. Drain on paper towels.Crab RangoonsIngredients:12 ounces of cream cheese (at room temperature)50 wan ton wrappers1 cup imitation crab meat (or canned)2 green onions (minced)¼ teaspoon garlic powder½ teaspoon soy sauce1 egg (beaten)oil (for frying)Cooking Instructions:Step 1: In a bowl cream the cream cheese, soy sauce, green onions and garlic powder. Stir in the crab meat (if using imitation crab it should be chopped into pieces).Step 2: In a separate bowl beat 1 egg. Lay out a wanton wrapper so it forms a diamond shape and place 1 teaspoon of filling just below the center of each wrapper.Step 3: Brush the opposite corners of the wanton wrapper with the egg mixture. Fold over the edges of the wrapper to form a triangle and seal tightly.Step 4: Deep fry the rangoons in batches at 375 degrees for 2-3 minutes or until golden brown.


发表的主要相关文论著有:(1) Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P., Suurs, L.C.J.M. and. Visser, R.G.F.(2003) Microbial starch-binding domains as a tool for targeting proteins to granules during starch biosynthesis. Plant Molecular Biology. 51, 789-801.(2) Ji, Q., Oomen, R.J.F.J., Vincken, J.-P., Bolam, D.N., Gilbert, H.J., Suurs, L.C.J.M. and Visser, R.G.F. (2004) Reduction of starch granules size by expression of an engineered tardem starch-binding domain in potato plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2, 251-260.(3) Kok-Jacon, G.A, Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P. and Visser, R.G.F. (2003) Towards a more versatile α-glucan biosynthesis in plants. Journal Plant Physiology 160, 765-777.(4) Ji, Q. (2004) Microbial starch-binding domain as a tool for modifying starch biosynthesis. ISBN 90-8504-022-1, 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学博士学位论文(5) 季勤, Jean-Paul Vincken, Krit Raemakers, Luc C.J.M. Suurs and Richard G.F. Visser (2005) SBD在重组蛋白质中位移对其酶活性及与淀粉粒结合性能的影响. 南京师大学报 (自然科学版), 28 (1)(6) Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P., Suurs, L.C.J.M., Buléon, A. and Visser, R.G.F. glucan polymerization and granule packing uncoupled during starch biosynthesis in potato plants. (己投稿)(7) Ji, Q., Vincken, J.-P., Raemakers, K., Suurs, L.C.J.M. and Visser, R.G.F. Microbial starch-binding domain are superior to granule-bound starch synthaes I for anchoring luciferase to potato starch granules. (己投稿)

Starch/Stǎrke 是SCI收录的期刊,影响因子:2009年为0.832,2008年为1.000,2007年为1.064。
















期刊论文发表字数要求发表期刊论文的字数有限制。 无论是毕业生,还是专业人士想要评估职称,论文要发表在期刊上,都需要按照期刊的要求进行。 因为期刊的页数和版面有限,不可能像写文章一样写多少字就发表多少字,尤其是一些稿源多的好期刊。发表普刊论文一般要求3000字以上即可,如果要发核心论文,字数就要偏多一些,至少要5000字以上,目前很多普刊拒收3000字以下的文章,核心期刊拒收5000字以下的文章,所以这个字数要求可以说是底线要求,尤其发表核心期刊论文的作者,一定要把握最基本要求,因为字数偏少的文章基本上没有实质性内容,可能就是一些夸夸其谈,基本没有什么发表价值,期刊通常不会录用这样的文章来拉低办刊质量的,所以字数不达标面临的很可能就是直接被拒稿,因此字数的多少大家在心里要有一杆秤。具体文章写多少字合适,作者除了要看期刊的发表要求,还要关注单位或者学校的具体要求,毕业论文就要关注学校对毕业论文的具体要求,评职称就要关注单位颁布的具体评审条件,按照要求去写作论文,才能被相应的期刊杂志所接受,得以尽快发表,关于论文发表的更多疑问欢迎咨询职称驿站在线编辑。期刊论文发表字数要求发表期刊论文的字数有限制。 无论是毕业生,还是专业人士想要评估职称,论文要发表在期刊上,都需要按照期刊的要求进行。 因为期刊的页数和版面有限,不可能像写文章一样写多少字就发表多少字,尤其是一些稿源多的好期刊。发表普刊论文一般要求3000字以上即可,如果要发核心论文,字数就要偏多一些,至少要5000字以上,目前很多普刊拒收3000字以下的文章,核心期刊拒收5000字以下的文章,所以这个字数要求可以说是底线要求,尤其发表核心期刊论文的作者,一定要把握最基本要求,因为字数偏少的文章基本上没有实质性内容,可能就是一些夸夸其谈,基本没有什么发表价值,期刊通常不会录用这样的文章来拉低办刊质量的,所以字数不达标面临的很可能就是直接被拒稿,因此字数的多少大家在心里要有一杆秤。具体文章写多少字合适,作者除了要看期刊的发表要求,还要关注单位或者学校的具体要求,毕业论文就要关注学校对毕业论文的具体要求,评职称就要关注单位颁布的具体评审条件,按照要求去写作论文,才能被相应的期刊杂志所接受,得以尽快发表,关于论文发表的更多疑问欢迎咨询职称驿站在线编辑。








期刊论文发表字数要求发表期刊论文的字数有限制。 无论是毕业生,还是专业人士想要评估职称,论文要发表在期刊上,都需要按照期刊的要求进行。 因为期刊的页数和版面有限,不可能像写文章一样写多少字就发表多少字,尤其是一些稿源多的好期刊。发表普刊论文一般要求3000字以上即可,如果要发核心论文,字数就要偏多一些,至少要5000字以上,目前很多普刊拒收3000字以下的文章,核心期刊拒收5000字以下的文章,所以这个字数要求可以说是底线要求,尤其发表核心期刊论文的作者,一定要把握最基本要求,因为字数偏少的文章基本上没有实质性内容,可能就是一些夸夸其谈,基本没有什么发表价值,期刊通常不会录用这样的文章来拉低办刊质量的,所以字数不达标面临的很可能就是直接被拒稿,因此字数的多少大家在心里要有一杆秤。具体文章写多少字合适,作者除了要看期刊的发表要求,还要关注单位或者学校的具体要求,毕业论文就要关注学校对毕业论文的具体要求,评职称就要关注单位颁布的具体评审条件,按照要求去写作论文,才能被相应的期刊杂志所接受,得以尽快发表,关于论文发表的更多疑问欢迎咨询职称驿站在线编辑。期刊论文发表字数要求发表期刊论文的字数有限制。 无论是毕业生,还是专业人士想要评估职称,论文要发表在期刊上,都需要按照期刊的要求进行。 因为期刊的页数和版面有限,不可能像写文章一样写多少字就发表多少字,尤其是一些稿源多的好期刊。发表普刊论文一般要求3000字以上即可,如果要发核心论文,字数就要偏多一些,至少要5000字以上,目前很多普刊拒收3000字以下的文章,核心期刊拒收5000字以下的文章,所以这个字数要求可以说是底线要求,尤其发表核心期刊论文的作者,一定要把握最基本要求,因为字数偏少的文章基本上没有实质性内容,可能就是一些夸夸其谈,基本没有什么发表价值,期刊通常不会录用这样的文章来拉低办刊质量的,所以字数不达标面临的很可能就是直接被拒稿,因此字数的多少大家在心里要有一杆秤。具体文章写多少字合适,作者除了要看期刊的发表要求,还要关注单位或者学校的具体要求,毕业论文就要关注学校对毕业论文的具体要求,评职称就要关注单位颁布的具体评审条件,按照要求去写作论文,才能被相应的期刊杂志所接受,得以尽快发表,关于论文发表的更多疑问欢迎咨询职称驿站在线编辑。


不管你医生、教师、工程技术人员、学生,都要清楚的是要发表不同的期刊对论文投稿的字数的要求是不同的。期刊不同,对论文的字数要求也有所区别,论文作者在写作前要先对所投期刊的字数要求有所了解。 关于论文发表的字数要求:论文发表字数起码是2000字起发(期刊的一个版面),所以字数最少要2000字以上(期刊一般来讲是2000-2500字符数),这里的2000字指的是计空格字符数,并且不含图片、表格、公式等字数统计里统计不出来的元素。举例子: 社科类核心期刊发表,稿件应遵守学术期刊规范要求,字数一般以6000-8000字为宜,论文应有创新意识,内容充实、观点鲜明、论据充分、立意新颖、文字简练。核心期刊论文要求正文篇幅一般在5000--10000字不等,包括简短引言、论述分析、结果和结论等内容。 北大核心刊物:核心期刊一般对论文字数要求比较高,在5000-6000字左右,每篇的数最好控制在4500-6000字左右; CSSCI刊物:每篇的字数控制在7000字以上为宜; 普通期刊:字数要求都在2200-3000字这样(1页以上),一般是安排1-2个版面即可,小部分医学类期刊要求较高!


期刊论文一般要求都在3000字左右 (即3-4页),核心期刊一般对论文字数要求比较高,在5000-6000字左右。





对于期刊论文中不仅要对论文的格式结构有规定,对于论文的字符数的多少和投稿的时间以及字体的要求等等事项都有很高的要求规定,对于现在的学术论文来说要具备:①学术性 ②科学性 ③创造性 ④理论性,这是论文的四个原则要求,由于我们常说的期刊还分为:省级期刊、国家级期刊、核心期刊等等,对于不同的期刊在论文字体上的要求就会有所差异,下面学术堂总结了以下几项事项,希望对大家在论文字符和字体上有所帮助。通常来说一般的普通期刊字数要求都在3000字左右(即3-4页),核心期刊一般对论文字数要求比较高,在5000-6000字左右。由于现在论文的结构中主要由:论文标题、作者、摘要、关键词、材料、结果、结论、致谢、参考文献等等构成。这些不同的方面对于字符数来说为你以下这些情况。论文标题:一则好的标题应该确切、鲜明、扼要地概括论文的基本思想,使读者在未看论文的摘要和正文之前即能迅速准确地判明论文的基本内容,从而做出是否阅读摘要和正文的判断。论文摘要的字符数在20个左右。字体一般为小二号黑体加粗居中。署名:论文的署名一般有3-4个左右,对于论文作者的字符就要看名字的数量多少了。摘要:摘要的内容包括研究的目的、方法、结果和结论。一般应写成报道性文摘,也可以写成指示性或报道一指示性文摘。摘要应具有独立性和自明性,应是一篇完整的短文。不用图表和非公知公用的符号或术语,不得引用图、表、公式和参考文献的序号。摘要是论文要点的浓缩。通常来说论文的摘要有:300个字左右。通常摘要的内容字体为:小四号宋体。关键词:关键词是标示文献关键主题内容,但尽量少用不规范的主题词或新造词。关键词是为了文献标引工作,从论文中选取出来,用以表示全文主要内容信息款目的单词或术语。一个刊物增加关键词这一项,就为该刊物提高引用率、增加知名度开辟了一个新的途径。一篇论文可选取3一8个词作为关键词。字体一般为:四号宋体,加粗。 词3-5个,每个词间空一格。
