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Yunmeng a must : chop chop Pakistan Pakistan long, circular, the general stuffing is salty, sweet round is the taste good, Breakfast is the Yunmeng people will eat, it convenient, save time and save money also. Efficient white-collar workers should be a good choice, and hopes that one day too! Yunmeng snacks hull of the original civil snacks, founded in about 1931, according to its hull traditional practices, from all the essentials to beans, meters, Pulp Paper mixed with the eggs done to the glutinous rice for the stuffing, golden color and translucent, crispy on the outside and tender inside, with a unique flavor approximation known. By stuffing packets within a leg, jade tablets, and other named fortunes hull, after the formation of many different flavors improve the Yuba widely circulated : Waterloo face surrounded by thick, thin in the middle simply become a small hole, and was concave-like, people are not accustomed to Wuhan called "noodles Au" and called "noodles Waterloo." Actually, the "face" to modify "Waterloo" is not appropriate, because it was a composition only a small number of flour, Most of the flowers into Serous japonica rice, but also will increase the proportion of soybean milk, plus chopped scallion, chopped. At the time of the iron spoon, about 5 inches in diameter, hollow around the central arch, another kind of spoon to scoop pulp into mixed-Waterloo sites. in the middle of a blow, then deep, because under the surface pulp cavity, so hypertrophy, fragrant like a circle after circle, but it tastes, flaky, crisp, Soft three mixed feelings. Apart from the rice-Waterloo Waterloo, Waterloo still bombing peas, sweet potato Waterloo (Wuhan called "Potato Wowo"), shrimp roe Waterloo, visits. Wuhan in the streets, people face Waterloo is one of the favorite snacks, as well as with the same characteristics Reanmian the earlier one. A long history : cake cake in Hubei has a long history of spending the Spring Festival, SHOU were killed when married cake production practices, particularly in the eve of the Spring Festival, almost every household in the villages have produced glutinous rice cake. Shaped by the strong viscosity, admission (sticky) (sticky), that is more than a year on year agreement, will be known as the pudding cake. New Year Spring Festival in honor of the guests were first under the Chicken Noodle bowl of cake to the guests to eat. Before New Year, get married, housing construction, grave-sweepers have to use cake. Eat cake of a lot can be fried, grilled, fried, boiled, but also cut into small slices dried, Roasting or fried rice flower production methods. It can be said that the cake is rich in the country flavor, Hubei Folk Festival on behalf of the food. Civil snacks : Spring dumplings Yunmeng civil snacks Yunmeng spring dumplings is a unique "to vegetables," plus lean meat for the stuffing, with a very thin skin of flour wrapped up in the Economic and fried food can taste fresh and delicious. low cost is essential during Chinese New Year people a taste of one of the guests, was elderly and children alike! Yunmeng Qiaoqi sugar Yunmeng Qiaoqi sugar, sweet taste RECREATION IN THE SPRING FESTIVAL. Jiao Qi sugar (formerly known as "concubine Concubine" sugar, there is also a moving story?) Strip of a thin film,! is also very good to eat. Easy Breakfast : The testing of fish noodle snacks Yunmeng Yunmeng at Gutu-level dream Zemin abounds with fish, shrimp, fish on the dinner table is often vegetables, with a unique flavor dish -- fish surface. Fish noodles produced great stress. First choice of green, grass carp, carp and other fish and vintage flour, maize flour, and then juices sesame oil, salt, after kneading, rolling, steaming, cutting, drying processes from refining. Ordinary fish-shaped noodles, but more sophisticated, "color, the smell, shape," with that of the province of product quality. Said to a long time ago, in the north of Yuntaishan Yunmeng lived under a 11 Kou Wang. One day, 11 Kou doing Noodle when stacked the top of the soup recently, the family eat noodles made in fresh flavor. No smart to 11, if the flour Riga caused some fresh meat noodles, taste it better? So Kou 11 to fish from the neat, Runi and hacked into flour and made the first fish bowl Yunmeng surface. Regardless of the Royal 11-fish will do the news quickly spread in the four townships, people have to the Conservatory, and turn them into songs : "The roll-pixel paper, cut the flower-like line, the next round and round in a pot, placed on the plate like peonies. " According to the "Yunmeng County" records, the fish face is the creation of time-15 years Daoguang (1835). Bush surnamed Xu from the one surnamed Huang chef's hands. The advent of surface fish, was welcomed customers, Yunmeng fish-factory growing. 1911 Yunmeng fish as a staple face in Panama at the 10,000 Expo, "Silver fish noodles" were silver medal for. .

剁巴有长条,有圆形,一般的馅是咸的,大圆形的是甜的,滋味很好,是云梦人早餐的必吃之一,它方便,省钱也省时。A special skill of Yunmeng: Chopping the bar and chopping the bar rectangularly, there are rounds, the general filling is salty, the big and round one is sweet, flavour is very good, it is Yunmeng people's breakfast that must be eaten, it is convenient, save money too and save time. 应该是快捷上班族的一个很好的选择,希望有一天能发扬光大! It should be a very good choice of the swift working clan's, hope to develop one day! 云梦小吃豆皮 原为民间小吃,约创建于1931年,其豆皮根据传统做法,博采众长,以豆、米、浆拌鸡蛋做皮,以糯米为馅,色泽金黄透亮,外脆内嫩,以其独特风味逼近闻名。 Yunmeng snack beans cover is the folk snack originally, nearly establishing in 1931, its traditional method of peel foundation of beans, learnt wildly from other's strong points, mixing the egg and making the peel with the beans, rice, thick liquid, regard polished glutinous rice as fillings, the color and luster is golden yellow and bright, fragile and soft inside outside, approach well-knownly with its unique flavor. 因馅内包以猪腿肉、玉片等得名三鲜豆皮,后经改进形成多种口味的豆皮 广为流传:面窝 因四周厚而中间薄得干脆成了一个小洞,,呈凹状,武汉人不习惯叫它“面凹”,而叫它“面窝”。Whether gain the name because wrap up three kinds of delicacies beans skin with meat of leg of pork, jade stretch,etc., Dr.eye: is it form many kinds of beans skin of taste spread wide to improve. Dr.eye: Pieces of nest the getting thinner because of being thick all around become by pieces of duck eye simply,the concave in shape, the people in Wuhan are not used to calling it " One is concave " ,And call it " A nest " . 其实用“面”来修饰“窝”并不贴切,因为它的成分中面粉只占少数,大部分是粳米磨成的米浆,还要加一定比例的黄豆浆,加葱花、细盐。t is practical " One " Come to decorate " The nest " Not proper, because the flour only takes minority in its composition, the rice thick liquid that the majority is the round-grained nonglutinous rice wore into, will add the yellow soya-bean milk of certain proportion, add the chopped scallion, thin salt. 炸时用的铁勺子,直径约5寸,四周下凹,中央凸起,用另一勺将那种混合浆舀入面窝勺,在中间一刮,然后下锅,下凹处因面浆多,所以肥厚,炸成后像个圆圈圈,吃在嘴里,酥、脆、软三种感觉混合。on ladle that used while bombing, the diameter is about 5 inches, leave all around concavely, central protruding, the thick liquid is ladled out the surface nest spoon to mix that kind with another spoon, shave in the middle, then cook, go to trough because pieces of many thick liquid, so plump, enclose like a circle after bombing, eat it in the mouth, crisp, fragile, three kinds of soft feelings are mixed. 面窝除了米面窝外,还有炸豌豆窝、红薯窝(武汉人称“苕窝窝”)、虾子窝,别有风味。Pieces of nest except rice and flour nest, fry pea nest still, sweet potato nest (call " Shao nest nest " in Wuhan ), shrimp-roe's nest, have a distinctive flavour. 在武汉的大街小巷,面窝是人们喜爱的小吃之一,也是跟热干面一样有特色的早点之一。on the streets and lanes of Wuhan, pieces of nest snack that people like one of, with hot to do surface characteristic breakfast one of equally too. 历史悠久:糍粑 糍粑在湖北可谓历史悠久,逢年过节、寿庆丧娶时均有制作糍粑的习俗,尤其在春节前夕,乡村几乎家家户户都要制作糯米糍粑: History is long: The glutinous rice cake of glutinous rice cake may be said in Hubei history is long, on New Year's Day and other festivals, the longevity has a custom which is made the glutinous rice cake to lose to celebrate, especially shortly before the Spring Festival, nearly every household should make the glutinous rice cake of polished glutinous rice in the village. 因糍粑黏性强,取年(黏)年(黏)高,即一年更比一年好之意,将糍粑称作年糕。: Because glutinous rice cake stickness is strong, it is annual to fetch (stick) Annual (stick) It is high, namely the purpose better than one year of one year, call the glutinous rice cake New Year cake. 春节款待拜年客人均要先下一碗糍粑鸡汤面给客人吃。Is it pay New Year call guest want the glutinous rice cake chicken noodle soup eat by guests first to entertain the Spring Festival. 以前拜年、娶亲、建房、扫墓均要用糍粑。 Pay New Year call, get married, built the room, sweep a grave to use the glutinous rice cake in the past. 糍粑的吃法也有很多,可炸、可烤、可煎、可煮,还可切成小薄片晒干,炒制或用炸米花的方法制作。The way to eat of the glutinous rice cake has many too, can bomb, can bake, can fry, can boil, can cut a small thin slice to dry, fry and make or make with the method to fry rice flower. 可以说,糍粑具有浓郁的乡土气息,是湖北民间节庆的代表食品。 We can say, the glutinous rice cake has strong local colours, is the Hubei representative of folk festival celebrations food. 民间小吃:春饺 云梦民间小吃春饺是以云梦特有的一种“地菜”加上瘦肉为馅,以一种极薄的面粉皮包裹起来在经油炸即可食用,味道鲜美,成本低廉是老百姓过年期间必备的一种待客的美味之一,深受老人和小孩的喜爱! Folk snack: Dumpling in spring The dumpling is in a peculiar Yunmeng in the folk snack spring of Yunmeng " The ground dish " In addition, the red meat is a filling, wrap up and pass friedly and can be eaten with a kind of extremely thin flour peel, taste is delicious, it is one of a kind of indispensable delicious food receiving guests when the ordinary people celebrate the New Year that the cost is cheap, well received by old man and child! 云梦焦切糖 云梦焦切糖,口感甜薄脆. Eager candy of Yunmeng eager candy Yunmeng, the mouthfeel is sweet and crisp fritter. 焦切糖(原名叫什么“娇妾”糖,里面还有一个感人的故事呢!)Eager candy ( Anything that the original name calls " Spoil the concubine " The candy, there is a touching story inside! Dr.eye: ) 有条状的也有薄薄片的,也很好吃。 简易早餐:卷子 小吃云梦鱼面 云梦位于古楚梦泽之畔,盛产鱼虾,鱼是餐桌上的常菜,其中有一道独具风味的佳肴——鱼面。Simple and easy breakfast: Yunmeng lies in the side of pool of the ancient clear dream, abound with the fishes and shrimps the snack Yunmeng fish of examination paper, fish dining table often dish, is it have delicacy of flavor alone together to have among them - -The fish. 鱼面制作很有讲究。: Make very having exquisitely the fish. 首先要选用青、草、鲢、鲤等鱼肉和上等白面、玉米粉,再拌上麻油、细盐,经过揉、擀、蒸、切、晒等工序精制而成。 Should select such fish, first-class flour, maize powder as blue and green, grass, silver carp, carp,etc. Dr.eye: for use first, and then mix sesame oil, thin salt, through the process of rubing, rolling, steaming, cutting, shining etc. Dr.eye: is refined and succeeds. 鱼面形状似普通面条,但更精细,以“色香味形”著称,为湖北特产中的精品。 Dr.eye: The form is like ordinary noodles the fish, but more meticulous, with " color, smell, taste and shape " Remarkable, it is the fine works in the local product in Hubei. 相传在很久以前,在云梦城北的云台山下住着一位王幺姑。According to legend a long time ago, cloud, city of the north live in one Wang one aunt under the Taishan in Yunmeng.一天, 幺姑在做面条时倒进了刚煮好的鲜鱼汤,家人吃面条时都说味道鲜。二天, One day, one aunt has poured into the just well-done fresh fish's soup while cooking the noodles, family say while eating the noodles taste is delicious. 聪明的幺姑想,要是在面粉里加些鲜鱼肉做成面条,味道岂不更好?三天, The clever one aunt thinks, if add some fresh fish to flour to cook into the noodles, would not taste be better? 四天, 于是幺姑取来鲜鱼的净肉,剁成肉泥和进面粉中,做出了第一碗云梦鱼面。五天, Then one aunt fetches the dressed carcass of the fresh fish, chop into the meat mud and enter the flour, has made it the first bowl Yunmeng fish. 六天, 王家幺姑会做鱼面的消息很快在四乡传开,人们都来学艺,并编成歌谣:“擀的面像素纸,切的面像花线,下在锅里团团转,盛在碗里像牡丹”。七天, : The aunt, one of the Wang s, can cook the news the fish to spread in the countryside quickly, people all learn a craft or trade, compile into a ballad: "Surface picture element paper that roll, surface that cut look like flexible cord, it puts to be round and round to turn in pan, hold and look like the tree peony in the bowl " . 据《云梦县志》记载,鱼面的创制时间是清道光十五年(1835年),出自许姓布行的一位姓黄的厨师之手。 八天, According to the records of " Yunmeng county annals ", initiative the fish time to clean the street 15 years (1835) such as light ,Is it it takes pride in to be surnamed one whose surname is Huang cook hands, cloth of conduct to produce. 九天, 鱼面问世后,深受食客欢迎,云梦的鱼面作坊不断增加。 Dr.eye: After coming out the fish, welcomed deeply by the customer of the restaurant, the workshop is increasing constantly the fish of Yunmeng.十天, 1911年鱼面作为云梦名产参加巴拿马举行的万国博览会,以“银丝鱼面”获银质奖。十一天, Participated in the world exposition that Panama held as Yunmeng famous product the fish in 1911, with " silver silk fish one " Obtain the silver medal award.











































































不同级别的论文出刊时间不同,省级的一般1到3个月。 国家级的一般2到4个月。 核心的半年,活一年多。。

