

发布时间:2024-07-05 09:33:43


Primary colors are sets of colors that can be combined to make a useful range of colors. For human applications, three primary colors are usually used, since human color vision is trichromatic.For additive combination of colors, as in overlapping projected lights or in CRT displays, the primary colors normally used are red, green, and blue. For subtractive combination of colors, as in mixing of pigments or dyes, such as in printing, the primaries normally used are cyan, magenta, and yellow,[1] though the set of red, yellow, blue is popular among artists.[2] See RGB color model, CMYK color model, and RYB color model for more on these popular sets of primary colors.Any choice of primary colors is essentially arbitrary; for example, an early color photographic process, autochrome, typically used orange, green, and violet primaries.[3]The most commonly used additive color primaries are the secondary colors of the most commonly used subtractive color primaries, and vice versa.Primary colors are not a fundamental property of light but are often related to the physiological response of the eye to light. Fundamentally, light is a continuous spectrum of the wavelengths that can be detected by the human eye, an infinite-dimensional stimulus space.[4] However, the human eye normally contains only three types of color receptors, called cone cells. Each color receptor responds to different ranges of the color spectrum. Humans and other species with three such types of color receptors are known as trichromats. These species respond to the light stimulus via a three-dimensional sensation, which generally can be modeled as a mixture of three primary colors.[4]Before the nature of colorimetry and visual physiology were well understood, scientists such as Thomas Young, James Clark Maxwell, and Hermann von Helmholtz expressed various opinions about what should be the three primary colors to describe the three primary color sensations of the eye.[5] Young originally proposed red, green, and violet, and Maxwell changed violet to blue; Helmholtz proposed "a slightly purplish red, a vegetation-green, slightly yellowish (wave-length about 5600 tenth-metres), and an ultramarine-blue (about 4820)".[6] In modern understanding, the human cone cells do not correspond to any real primary colors.Species with different numbers of receptor cell types would have color vision requiring a different number of primaries. For example, for species known as tetrachromats, with four different color receptors, one would use four primary colors. Since humans can only see to 400 nanometers (violet), but tetrachromats can see into the ultraviolet to about 300 nanometers, this fourth primary color might be located in the shorter-wavelength range.Many birds and marsupials are tetrachromats, and it has been suggested that some human females are tetrachromats as well[7][8], having an extra variant version of the long-wave (L) cone type.[9] The peak response of human color receptors varies, even among individuals with "normal" color vision[10]; in non-human species this polymorphic variation is even greater, and it may well be adaptive[11]. Most mammals other than primates have only two types of color receptors and are therefore dichromats; to them, there are only two primary colors.It would be incorrect to assume that the world "looks tinted" to an animal (or human) with anything other than the human standard of three color receptors. To an animal (or human) born that way, the world would look normal to it, but the animal's ability to detect and discriminate colors would be different from that of a human with normal color vision. If a human and an animal both look at a natural color, they see it as natural; however, if both look at a color reproduced via primary colors, such as on a color television screen, the human may see it as matching the natural color, while the animal does not; in this sense, reproduction of color via primaries must be "tuned" to the color vision system of the observer.Media that combine emitted lights to create the sensation of a range of colors are using the additive color system. Typically, the primary colors used are red, green, and blue.[12]Television and other computer and video displays are a common example of the use of additive primaries and the RGB color model. The exact colors chosen for the primaries are a technological compromise between the available phosphors (including considerations such as cost and power usage) and the need for large color triangle to allow a large gamut of colors. The ITU-R BT.709-5/sRGB primaries are typical.CIE 1931 RGB color triangle with monochromatic primariesAdditive mixing of red and green light produces shades of yellow, orange, or brown.[13] Mixing green and blue produces shades of cyan, and mixing red and blue produces shades of purple, including magenta. Mixing nominally equal proportions of the additive primaries results in shades of grey or white; the color space that is generated is called an RGB color space.The CIE 1931 color space defines monochromatic primary colors with wavelengths of 435.8 nm (violet), 546.1 nm (green) and 700 nm (red). The corners of the color triangle are therefore on the spectral locus, and the triangle is about as big as it can be. No real display device uses such primaries, as the extreme wavelengths used for violet and red result in a very low luminous efficiency.TraditionalMain article: RYB color modelRYB (red, yellow, and blue) is a historical set of subtractive primary colors. It is primarily used in art and art education, particularly painting.[14] It predates modern scientific color theory.Standard RYB Color WheelRYB make up the primary color triad in a standard color wheel; the secondary colors VOG (violet, orange, and green) make up another triad. Triads are formed by 3 equidistant colors on a particular color wheel; neither RYB nor VOG is equidistant on a perceptually uniform color wheel, but rather have been defined to be equidistant in the RYB wheel.[15]Painters have long used more than three "primary" colors in their palettes—and at one point considered red, yellow, blue, and green to be the four primaries[16]. Red, yellow, blue, and green are still widely considered the four psychological primary colors,[17] though red, yellow, and blue are sometimes listed as the three psychological primaries [18], with black and white occasionally added as a fourth and fifth [19].During the 18th century, as theorists became aware of Isaac Newton’s scientific experiments with light and prisms, red, yellow, and blue became the canonical primary colors—supposedly the fundamental sensory qualities that are blended in the perception of all physical colors and equally in the physical mixture of pigments or dyes. This theory became dogma, despite abundant evidence that red, yellow, and blue primaries cannot mix all other colors, and has survived in color theory to the present day.[20]Using red, yellow, and blue as primaries yields a relatively small gamut, in which, among other problems, colorful greens, cyans, and magentas are impossible to mix, because red, yellow, and blue are not well-spaced around a perceptually uniform color wheel. For this reason, modern three- or four-color printing processes, as well as color photography, use cyan, yellow, and magenta as primaries instead.[21] Most painters include colors in their palettes which cannot be mixed from yellow, red, and blue paints, and thus do not fit within the RYB color model. Some who do use a three-color palette opt for the more evenly spaced cyan, yellow, and magenta used by printers, and others paint with 6 or more colors to widen their gamuts.[22] The cyan, magenta, and yellow used in printing are sometimes known as "process blue," "process red," "process yellow."[23][edit] CMYK color model, or four-color printingMain article: CMYK color modelIn the printing industry, to produce the varying colors the subtractive primaries cyan, magenta, and yellow are applied together in varying amounts. Before the color names cyan and magenta were in common use, these primaries were often known as blue-green and purple, or in some circles as blue and red, respectively, and their exact color has changed over time with access to new pigments and technologies.[24]Subtractive color mixing – the magenta and cyan primaries are sometimes called purple and blue-green, or red and blueMixing yellow and cyan produces green colors; mixing yellow with magenta produces reds, and mixing magenta with cyan produces blues. In theory, mixing equal amounts of all three pigments should produce grey, resulting in black when all three are applied in sufficient density, but in practice they tend to produce muddy brown colors. For this reason, and to save ink and decrease drying times, a fourth pigment, black, is often used in addition to cyan, magenta, and yellow.The resulting model is the so-called CMYK color model. The abbreviation stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and key—black is referred to as the key color, a shorthand for the key printing plate that impressed the artistic detail of an image, usually in black ink.[25]In practice, colorant mixtures in actual materials such as paint tend to be more complex. Brighter or more saturated colors can be created using natural pigments instead of mixing, and natural properties of pigments can interfere with the mixing. For example, mixing magenta and green in acrylic creates a dark cyan—something which would not happen if the mixing process were perfectly subtractive.In the subtractive model, adding white to a color, whether by using less colorant or by mixing in a reflective white pigment such as zinc oxide, does not change the color’s hue but does reduce its saturation. Subtractive color printing works best when the surface or paper is white, or close to it.A system of subtractive color does not have a simple chromaticity gamut analogous to the RGB color triangle, but a gamut that must be described in three dimensions. There are many ways to visualize such models, using various 2D chromaticity spaces or in 3D color spacesNotes and references^ Matthew Luckiesh (1915). Color and Its Applications. D. Van Nostrand company. pp. 58, 221. http://books.google.com/books?id=0BgCAAAAYAAJ&pg=RA1-PA221&dq=magenta+cyan+yellow+date:0-1923+printing&as_brr=1. ^ Chris Grimley and Mimi Love (2007). Color, space, and style: all the details interior designers need to know but can never find. Rockport Publishers. p. 137. ISBN 9781592532278. http://books.google.com/books?id=uVxa-_N4LQ4C&pg=PA137&dq=ryb+color+model+paint&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=AFbaSq-1AY6GlQThiayTAQ#v=onepage&q=ryb%20color%20model%20paint&f=false. ^ Walter Hines Page and Arthur Wilson Page (1908). The World's Work: Volume XV: A History of Our Time. Doubleday, Page & Company. http://books.google.com/books?id=hKPvxXgBN1oC&pg=PA9508&dq=autochrome+orange+violet+green&as_brr=1. ^ a b Michael I. Sobel (1989). Light. University of Chicago Press. pp. 52–62. ISBN 0226767515. http://books.google.com/books?id=PDmAdQpmxl8C&pg=PA58&ots=nx4W7J2aTc&dq=spectrum+color+infinite-dimensional+cones&sig=uM9RwCK7fFquO9e2oz-79xjbe8w#PPA59,M1. ^ Edward Albert Sharpey-Schäfer (1900). Text-book of physiology. 2. Y. J. Pentland. p. 1107. http://books.google.com/books?id=fz0uAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1107&dq=primary+red-green-and-violet+maxwell+sensation&as_brr=3&ei=ew1NSpvYJpXUlQTZ4Iwe&client=firefox-a. ^ Alfred Daniell (1904). A text book of the principles of physics. Macmillan and Co. p. 575. http://books.google.com/books?id=oPQZAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA575&dq=primary+red-green-and-violet+maxwell&as_brr=3&ei=8QpNSsT5KYzkkwTDvNwj&client=firefox-a. ^ Backhaus, Kliegl & Werner "Color vision, perspectives from different disciplines" (De Gruyter, 1998), pp.115-116, section 5.5. ^ Pr. Mollon (Cambridge university), Pr. Jordan (Newcastle university) "Study of women heterozygote for colour difficiency" (Vision Research, 1993) ^ M. Neitz, T. W. Kraft, and J. Neitz (1998). "Expression of L cone pigment gene subtypes in females". Vision Research 38: 3221–3225. doi:10.1016/S0042-6989(98)00076-5. ^ Neitz, Jay & Jacobs, Gerald H. (1986). "Polymorphism of the long-wavelength cone in normal human colour vision." Nature. 323, 623-625. ^ Jacobs, Gerald H. (1996). "Primate photopigments and primate color vision." PNAS. 93 (2), 577–581. ^ Thomas D. Rossing and Christopher J. Chiaverina (1999). Light science: physics and the visual arts. Birkhäuser. p. 178. ISBN 9780387988276. http://books.google.com/books?id=jpH1_dCT_UcC&pg=PA178&dq=red+green+blue+additive+color+primaries+violet&lr=&as_drrb_is=q&as_minm_is=0&as_miny_is=&as_maxm_is=0&as_maxy_is=&as_brr=3&ei=DCtMSueTFIL6lQSApbEU. ^ "Some Experiments on Color", Nature 111, 1871, in John William Strutt (Lord Rayleigh) (1899). Scientific Papers. University Press. http://books.google.com/books?id=KWMSAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA84&dq=date:0-1923+light+red+green+yellow-or-orange&as_brr=1#PPA85,M1. ^ Tom Fraser and Adam Banks (2004). Designer’s Color Manual: The Complete Guide to Color Theory and Application. Chronicle Books. ISBN 081184210X. http://books.google.com/books?id=WXZNPaX-LvcC&pg=PA27&ots=HShXs43Vb9&dq=red-yellow-blue+color+mixing&ei=Q5C7RpKQBaPKowLOzbnwBQ&sig=tzY-Dg0Vd2qsvzkAED_4kTV_AYE. ^ Stephen Quiller (2002). Color Choices. Watson–Guptill. ISBN 0823006972. http://books.google.com/books?id=jiUTZQj_v5QC&pg=PA12&ots=uIkYShJkkF&dq=what-is-a-color-wheel+spaced+red+yellow+blue&ei=PfO7RtDOOaDeoALSidXvBQ&sig=nKVzb_VaCzhkW5LkewElB4laG90. ^ For instance Leonardo da Vinci wrote of these four simple colors in his notebook circa 1500. See Rolf Kuenhi. “Development of the Idea of Simple Colors in the 16th and Early 17th Centuries”. Color Research and Application. Volume 32, Number 2, April 2007. ^ Resultby Leslie D. Stroebel, Ira B. Current (2000). Basic Photographic Materials and Processes. Focal Press. ISBN 0240803450. http://books.google.com/books?id=BRYa6Qpsw48C&pg=PP1&dq=Basic+Photographic+Materials+and+Processes&sig=3FfkDIRvz8MSinhegznHIKn4AvM. ^ MS Sharon Ross , Elise Kinkead (2004). Decorative Painting & Faux Finishes. Creative Homeowner. ISBN 1580111793. http://books.google.com/books?id=DPJUWRydR9kC&dq=red+yellow+blue+paint-mixing++subtractive&as_brr=3. ^ Swirnoff, Lois (2003). Dimensional Color. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0393731022. http://books.google.com/books?id=sG5MqtZuFF0C&dq=%22psychological+primaries%22+blue+-green. ^ Bruce MacEvoy. “Do ‘Primary’ Colors Exist?” (Material Trichromacy section). Handprint. Accessed 10 August 2007. ^ “Development of the Idea of Simple Colors in the 16th and Early 17th Centuries”. Color Research and Application. Volume 32, Number 2, April 2007. ^ Bruce MacEvoy. “Secondary Palette.” Handprint. Accessed 14 August 2007. For general discussion see Bruce MacEvoy. “Mixing With a Color Wheel” (Saturation Costs section). Handprint. Accessed 14 August 2007. ^ Cheap Brochure Printing - Process Blue / Process Red / Process Yellow / Process Black ^ Ervin Sidney Ferry (1921). General Physics and Its Application to Industry and Everyday Life. John Wiley & Sons. http://books.google.com/books?id=3rYXAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA621&dq=date:0-1923+additive+color+mixing+primary&as_brr=1. ^ Frank S. Henry (1917). Printing for School and Shop: A Textbook for Printers' Apprentices, Continuation Classes, and for General use in Schools. John Wiley & Sons. http://books.google.com/books?id=UAAvAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA292&dq=black+date:0-1923+key-plate+printing+color. ^ See the google image results for “cmyk gamut” for examples. 不知这个可不可以当做论文

People make friends with nature

Once upon a time , people didn’t kown the nature is important for us. We thought plants and animals is less important than people . But this answer is wrong . We did many wrong things for the other living things .For example , in 1850 ,millions of Pesserger Pigeon live in the USA. Every year, When the Pigeon flew north to spend the summer in Canada ,peopleKilled them quckily . At the end ,The Pigeon were nearly none left . The last Pesserger Pigeon in the world died in a zoo in 1914. Why did Pigeons die in this nature ?Because people killed them , people thought the animals died that they had meat to eat and skins to make a closeth .If the Pigeon live in nature ,I think people can make some medicine ,send a letter of the Pigeons. So all living things in this nature have their’s advantages .Befor we do anythings , we must think ice .

Today , We learn more about other living things . We know the plant and animal is useful for us.Such as the plants ,it has many advantages. Some plants for us can help me do somethings .We use wood and bamboo to build houses , We use other plants for food ,others to make clothes and others for medicine . If all the green plants die , Earth will bae a very different place .The air will change and neither animals nor people will be able to live in that air .People must look after green plants ,we can do little things ,we can put garbage in the midden .we don’t paly in the grass,we don’t make the air dirty .Although we are little child , we are able to make the city clean . Because Guangzhou is my home ,clean is our duty.

Most of people like keeping pets . We know some pets is people’s helper Like dog ,it can tell to people what things will happen . On 26th ,December,2004, the India ocean had a big sea ,many peole had dead in that trageby . But one child very lucky. He had one clever dog , when the trageby began , the dog help the boy to climb the mountain ,the dog ate the boy’s clothes ,ran quckily to the tall place .At last ,the boy maked friends with his dog , the boy very happy . Ha said to people : anilmals is people ‘s good friends .We don't kill them, Because it’s one of the important living things in the world .

People think , when we make friends whit animals , we will have a good time ,animal is a very kind things in the world .We don’t killed them , If we kill them , that is bad for ourselves .So today we must think ,how to make friends with other living things . This answer is very eary . I think if eveyone do a liitle things for the living things , do anythings thinks ice ,hand in hand to make a beautiful world.

Secondly, the earthquake, if we respect the nature, we can get the harmonious surroundings, If we donot respect the nature, like the typhoon. Firstly, we live on the condition that we can not leave the nature, the tsunami and so on. Fainlly. We can reduce the unecessary natural calamities.Sum up, I think that people and environment should be in harmony as an anic whole.会不会不太符合初一, it will revenge our people by the natural calamities.In my opinion, we should love and repect the nature like our families and home. There is no other place can contain us except the nature in the Earth, the water, the oxygen and the landPeople and natureMore and more people want to separate the people from the nature, they think that we can live without the nature. So they destory the nature, including the forest and the river. They built so many buildings in the surface of the Earth. Don't respect the ecological banlance











I sometimes stare at the sky and wonder why we have made such a mess of things. I wonder how we can tear up the seas and use up the trees all in the name of progress. It is such a tragedy that we are damaging things so fast and they will soon be way beyond repair.It is very sad to think future generations will not have the natural things to enjoy as we have had, and that they will be paupers when it es to the offerings of the natural world.But, preserving nature is one thing ... appreciating it is quite another. There is so very much beauty all around us to see, touch, and hear. Nature is so miraculous because it is always changing. No matter how many times you look at something, it is always different.Nature can set a sky aflame at sunset or magically transform a familiar landscape into a snow-white wonderland. It can paint a rainbow in the sky, paint beautiful autumn colors on trees, or paint a clump of daffodils in the grass with glow of soft sunlight.Nature can bring a lot of beauty into our lives. Nature has a way of affecting our moods and it can force us to change our plans. Nature is responsible for the sun, clouds, rain, and snow. When it is sunny and bright outside, we feel cheerful inside. When it is cloudy and rainy, we often feel gloomy. When there is a beautiful and starry night, the moonlight makes us feel romantic.When we see the leaves budding on a tree or when a timid flower pushes through the frozen ground, or when we *** ell the freshness of spring, new hope will always e to us. Nature is truly an intrinsic part of our lives.When we wake and see a sunrise, when we walk and feel a breeze, when we gaze at the mountains and the splendor of the seas, when we see the earth renew its beauty at each season of the year, and when the stars shine at night, we should be so very thankful to the Lord for giving us all these wonderful and miraculous things. Learning to bee more aware of nature can truly have a good effect on our lives in the way we look at things and in the way we feel about ourselves.It is with much love that I dedicate these pages to a very special and wonderful person, Ginny Ellis. If it hadn't been for her, these pages would not be possible. I truly appreciate every beautiful poem that she has ever written. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Ginny, for bringing so much beauty into the world.I would now like to share with you some of Ginny's and other poets verses and other things that capture Nature's moods and majesty. They may evoke some memories and dreams I do hope you will find something that you will enjoy.Some of the authors are unknown but if you know the correct source of items listed, I will appreciate hearing from you so corrections can be made and proper credit given.够了吧,好像有点长

his is a nature park. it's beautiful. the sky is blue and the air is fresh. look! the elephants are drinking water near the river. there are many animals in it. the kangaroos are leaping over the river. wow! the monkey is swinging. there are o birds in the tree. they are singing. i see o pretty bears. one is snoring on the stone. it has a sweet dream. the other is playing on the grass.how happy they are! his is a nature park. it's beautiful. There are woods around it.There are also many kinds of flowers, some are red, some are yellow and others are blue...

stantly caused by the destruction of the environment.First of all, the human huge unbridled deforestation and forest to decrease, which causes a lot of natural problems, such as soil erosion, desertification, dust storms... Human beings should protect the forest environment, thus preventing many natural disasters.Second, with thedevelopment of industry, to a large number of harmful gas emissions, lead to air quality drop, global warming, the atmosphere loophole, even causes acid rain. Human beings should be to prevent the harmful gas disorderly emissions, protection of air.In natural disasters, beforehuman always appears to be very *** all. So I think that human beings should protect the natural environment, so as to reduce the occurrence of natural disasters. At the same time also to improve human natur

Everyone can do something for our environment.Nowadays,our school students prepare to hold an english show about protecting the environment.But do you know how can we protect the environment?First,we can use less electric.For example,we can turn off all the lights when there are none in the classroom.Using less electricis a good wayto prevent the pollution.Second,we also can protect the forest.The forest can bring more free air.Then we can have fresh air and healthy body.Also, we can use both sides of paper.Wasting is a bad thing,we should remember.And we can use fewer paper cups and disposable chopsticks.They are not only hit the trees,but also hit persons.Now,let us save the environment!We can do!

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二、 教育类1、教研论文交流中心以中小学教育为主,基础教育、英语教学文章居多。2、教育教学论文网以教育论文为主,包含:语文论文 美术论文 物理论文化学论文 英语论文 历史论文 德育论文 教学论文数学论文 音乐论文 生物论文 自然论文 体育论文地理论文 摄影论文 劳动技术 农村教育 毕业论文素质论文 医学论文 电子电器学 思维科学 计算机论文活动课教学 书法篆刻论文 创新教育研究 心理健康教育西部教育论文 信息技术论文3、教育论文、中国园丁网论文大观、北大附小学校教师的文章:三、 专业类1、优秀论文杂志以科技类为主。2、论文资料网以财经经济管理类为主。3、法律图书馆文如其名。4、法学论文资料库文如其名。5、中国总经理网论文集、mba职业经理人论坛、中国农业在线-农业论文、体育论文、财经学位论文下载中心、公开发表论文_深圳证券交易所、中国路桥资讯网论文资料中心、论文商务中心、法律帝国:四、 论文写作教学类1、学术论文其实是学术论文的写作网站。五、 博硕士论文1、论文统计实际上就是万方的论文统计。2、台湾博硕士论文咨讯网、北京大学学位论文样本收藏、学位论文 (清华大学)科技论文在线论文中国 :新浪论文网分类:中国论文联盟:大学生论文库论文资料网:论文下载中心:毕业论文网:学位论文:无忧论文网:北京语言文化大学论文库:






3、LolMy Thesis 哈佛毕业论文分享网站






该网站提供来自发展中国家(如巴西、古巴、印度、印尼、肯尼亚、南非、乌干达、 津巴布韦等)的开放获取的多种期刊的全文。

找国外论文一般去ProQuest、SpringerLink、4eBooks、Many Books、SCIENCEDIRECT数据库、PQDD-B、IEL等网站。







4、 Many Books。

也是免费电子书下载网站,优势在于它可以保存几十种电子书格式,PDF, RTF,JAR随性切换。





7、IEL(IEEE/IEEE Electronic Library)全文库。

