

发布时间:2024-07-02 01:47:31


在申请美国金融硕士的时候,需要大家准备一些去美国读研究生的申请材料,其中就需要准备一份推荐信,对于很多计划申请美国金融硕士的人来说,好的推荐信可以起到锦上添花的作用,不仅可以给你的offer加把力,更能加深你对所申请专业和教授的了解。下面就来看看美国金融硕士的推荐信范文。 From Thomas Zhang Department of Finance Business School,YYY University XXX, 430072, XXX P. R. China Dear Sir/Madam, In the capacity of the former chairman of the Department of Finance and the associate dean of Business School in YYY University (P. R. China), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Ms. Sophie XXX to your esteemed graduate school. Ms. XXX is a distinguished student in the department. I know her well through different occasions, besides teaching her a Financial Engineering course last year. I got to know her personally 2 years ago, when she was a candidate for exchange-student program of YYY University. Concerning her unspectacular academic results and her outstanding performance, she was awarded our university’s scholarship and a chance to study abroad in ZZZ University, which only one student from our department can receive every year. Her semester-long experience there turned out to be an impressive success. Ms. XXX showed great aptitude on all the courses she took and her GPA of that semester was 3.80. If you take the difficulty of the courses and strict grading into account, you will understand why her scores are among the top five. Undoubtedly, she got excellent scores on other core courses and ranked among the top 5% of her class when she got her bachelor’s degree. Having been Ms. XXX’s director while she was completing her undergraduate thesis defense in 2008, I was greatly impressed with her skillful diagrams, and with the unified and coherent manner in which she articulated her thesis. She chose a daring topic – stock index futures arbitrage. In China, this is a very hot event. Although there are several models around the world, not one yet has been found suitable for China. She proposed a very feasible one in her thesis paper. Moreover, she also demonstrated a high level of proficiency in using statistic software in her research. Not only was the committee struck by the display of creativity at her thesis defense conference, her lucid presentation expressed clear and logic thought. Her expansive and open-minded academic perspectives really struck a chord, so it gives me a great deal of pleasure to give you my recommendation to this outstanding young lady of immense promise. After she graduated from YYY University, she still keeps in touch with me. I feel very delighted when she told me she would like to pursue her advanced studies in your honored program. I trust her academic excellence, spirit of devotion and pleasant personality warrant your serious consideration of her application. Should there be any way in which I can be of further assistance in your deliberations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely yours, Associate Dean of Business School YYY University 通过上面对申请美国金融硕士的推荐信范文的介绍,相信对于很多计划去美国读研究生的人来说,可以根据自己的申请条件和专业情况来写一份适合自己的美国研究生申请推荐信材料。

我们都会有些不是我 便是你



在申请美国金融硕士的时候,需要大家准备一些去美国读研究生的申请材料,其中就需要准备一份推荐信,对于很多计划申请美国金融硕士的人来说,好的推荐信可以起到锦上添花的作用,不仅可以给你的offer加把力,更能加深你对所申请专业和教授的了解。下面就来看看美国金融硕士的推荐信范文。 From Thomas Zhang Department of Finance Business School,YYY University XXX, 430072, XXX P. R. China Dear Sir/Madam, In the capacity of the former chairman of the Department of Finance and the associate dean of Business School in YYY University (P. R. China), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Ms. Sophie XXX to your esteemed graduate school. Ms. XXX is a distinguished student in the department. I know her well through different occasions, besides teaching her a Financial Engineering course last year. I got to know her personally 2 years ago, when she was a candidate for exchange-student program of YYY University. Concerning her unspectacular academic results and her outstanding performance, she was awarded our university’s scholarship and a chance to study abroad in ZZZ University, which only one student from our department can receive every year. Her semester-long experience there turned out to be an impressive success. Ms. XXX showed great aptitude on all the courses she took and her GPA of that semester was 3.80. If you take the difficulty of the courses and strict grading into account, you will understand why her scores are among the top five. Undoubtedly, she got excellent scores on other core courses and ranked among the top 5% of her class when she got her bachelor’s degree. Having been Ms. XXX’s director while she was completing her undergraduate thesis defense in 2008, I was greatly impressed with her skillful diagrams, and with the unified and coherent manner in which she articulated her thesis. She chose a daring topic – stock index futures arbitrage. In China, this is a very hot event. Although there are several models around the world, not one yet has been found suitable for China. She proposed a very feasible one in her thesis paper. Moreover, she also demonstrated a high level of proficiency in using statistic software in her research. Not only was the committee struck by the display of creativity at her thesis defense conference, her lucid presentation expressed clear and logic thought. Her expansive and open-minded academic perspectives really struck a chord, so it gives me a great deal of pleasure to give you my recommendation to this outstanding young lady of immense promise. After she graduated from YYY University, she still keeps in touch with me. I feel very delighted when she told me she would like to pursue her advanced studies in your honored program. I trust her academic excellence, spirit of devotion and pleasant personality warrant your serious consideration of her application. Should there be any way in which I can be of further assistance in your deliberations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely yours, Associate Dean of Business School YYY University 通过上面对申请美国金融硕士的推荐信范文的介绍,相信对于很多计划去美国读研究生的人来说,可以根据自己的申请条件和专业情况来写一份适合自己的美国研究生申请推荐信材料。



From Thomas Zhang

Department of Finance

Business School,YYY University

XXX, 430072, XXX

P. R. China

Dear Sir/Madam,

In the capacity of the former chairman of the Department of Finance and the associate dean of Business School in YYY University (P. R. China), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Ms. Sophie XXX to your esteemed graduate school.

Ms. XXX is a distinguished student in the department. I know her well through different occasions, besides teaching her a Financial Engineering course last year. I got to know her personally 2 years ago, when she was a candidate for exchange-student program of YYY University. Concerning her unspectacular academic results and her outstanding performance, she was awarded our university’s scholarship and a chance to study abroad in ZZZ University, which only one student from our department can receive every year. Her semester-long experience there turned out to be an impressive success. Ms. XXX showed great aptitude on all the courses she took and her GPA of that semester was 3.80. If you take the difficulty of the courses and strict grading into account, you will understand why her scores are among the top five. Undoubtedly, she got excellent scores on other core courses and ranked among the top 5% of her class when she got her bachelor’s degree.

Having been Ms. XXX’s director while she was completing her undergraduate thesis defense in 2008, I was greatly impressed with her skillful diagrams, and with the unified and coherent manner in which she articulated her thesis. She chose a daring topic – stock index futures arbitrage. In China, this is a very hot event. Although there are several models around the world, not one yet has been found suitable for China. She proposed a very feasible one in her thesis paper. Moreover, she also demonstrated a high level of proficiency in using statistic software in her research. Not only was the committee struck by the display of creativity at her thesis defense conference, her lucid presentation expressed clear and logic thought. Her expansive and open-minded academic perspectives really struck a chord, so it gives me a great deal of pleasure to give you my recommendation to this outstanding young lady of immense promise.

After she graduated from YYY University, she still keeps in touch with me. I feel very delighted when she told me she would like to pursue her advanced studies in your honored program. I trust her academic excellence, spirit of devotion and pleasant personality warrant your serious consideration of her application. Should there be any way in which I can be of further assistance in your deliberations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Sincerely yours,

Associate Dean of Business School

YYY University


一份优秀的推荐信对于求职者得到竞职岗位的重要性很大。下面是我为大家带来的工作推荐信格式 范文 ,相信对你会有帮助的。 工作推荐信格式范文 推荐信一般由标题、称呼、正文和落款四部分组成。 (一)标题 推荐信的标题一般由文种名构成,即在第一行正中写上“推荐信”三个字。有的推荐信由于写推荐信同收推荐信双方关系较熟则可以不要标题。 (二)称呼 推荐信要在第二行顶格写上收信方领导的姓名和称呼或只写对方领导的职务,如“尊敬的××局局长:”。 如果推荐人同收推荐信的人是熟人朋友,则也可以用常见的私人信件一样的称呼,如“英华兄:” (三)正文 推荐信的正文可以概括为开头、中段和结尾三部分构成。 1.开头 推荐信的开头既可以先问候一下对方,略叙思念之情,也可以开门见山直说其事,这要视你和对方的关系而定。假如你和对方见面较多,关系也较为密切,就无须太多的客套话了。要在开头介绍自己(或推荐人)的身份,以及自己同被推荐人之间的关系。同时说明写此信的意图。 2.中段 中段是推荐信的展开部分,要针对用人单位的情况需要,介绍被推荐人的一些情况,如学历学位、专业特长、外语水平、业务能力以及其他能力;以使对方能通过引荐信对被引荐人产生好感,从而达到推荐人才的目的。 如果是 自荐信 ,更要写明自己在原来岗位未能发挥或没有机会发挥的潜能和特长。 3.结尾 再次表达自己希望能办成此事的愿望,恳请领导给予被推荐人工作或晋升机会,并向对方致以感激祝福之情。结尾处也可附上一些被推荐人业绩的有关材料。 (四)落款 推荐信的落款要在正文右下方署上推荐者的姓名,以及成文日期的年月日。 有些推荐信还可以注明自己的详细通讯地址,以备以后必要时的联系之用。 工作推荐信格式范文(一) 尊敬的领导: 您好!我是XX工业大法治 财经 专业20XX年的应届 毕业 生。在大学四年紧张而有序的学习生活中,我注重专业知识的学习,使我具有了比较宽厚扎实的经济金融理论基础和从事金融业务的工作能力,熟悉了金融相关专业的原理性知识,具备了较强的经济意识和社会适应能力,同时具备了较强的计算机运用水平。更重要的是,严谨的学风和端正的 学习态度 塑造了我朴实、稳重、创新的性格特点。 此外,我也很注意提高自身的综合素质,选修了 人力资源管理 、 企业 文化 概论、以及 音乐欣赏 等非专业课程,并对管理学等有浓厚兴趣,自学了管理学等方面的课程,这些开阔了我的视野和思维,使我具备更为多元的知识体系,学习能力和对环境的适应性有所提高。 我为人真诚坦率,乐于助人,具有良好的人际关系和团队协作精神;工作和学习态度严谨,踏实负责,善于解决复杂问题;富有创新意识;身体素质极佳,长期坚持锻炼,培养了坚韧不拔的品质;积极参加各类社会活动,在担任学生会办公室主任期间,以良好的工作能力获得师生的好评;我的 兴趣 爱好 也很广泛,尤其爱好音乐和书法。 贵公司在业界的成就和出色的企业文化我仰慕已久,非常希望有机会加入贵公司贡献自己的一份力量。我有信心,有能力做一名出色的员工与公司共同发展。如蒙聘用,我将努力工作,用成绩回报公司对我的信任和选择! 此致 敬礼! 自荐人:XXX XXXX年XX月XX日 工作推荐信格式范文(二) 尊敬的领导: 您好! 我叫XX,来自xxx,是xx学院电子商务专业的学生,今年毕业,XX年已经走向社会进行岗位实习。非常荣幸能够接受您的挑选,同时非常感谢您能在百忙之中看我的求职信。 通过在学校内外的多次实习我对我的专业技能有了自信的基础,在大学期间,我主修电子商务专业,在不影响正常学习的情况下,利用课余时间我考取了助理电子商务师,英语,计算机等级证书。其中在去年10月-到今年1三个月为我在深圳做过帐务员,它每天面对的是各类的票据,这需要一定的耐心和细心。同时还得监管着仓管员不能出错,否则一切的责任你也有份,当然我在这三个月内没出过错顺利的完成了任务。这次的实习为我及时适应工作打下了良好的基础。 在众多应聘者中,或许此刻我的学历,我的 经验 的不足,让您犹豫不定。但请您相信我的干劲、我的努力,我会用比别人更多的汗水换得将来的成功,我深信将来的我一定是最出色的。我热忱的期待在电子商务及其领域得到您的垂青和接纳。 如果能与您携手同行,我将深感荣幸,纵使无缘合作,您让我认识到自己的不足,我也不甚感激,毕竟这是让我可以收益终身的!再次感谢您的关注,日益繁荣昌盛! 此致 敬礼! 工作推荐信格式范文(三) 尊敬的领导: 本人毕业于福建信息职业技术学院商贸管理系电子商务专业。近日从****网站上获悉贵公司正招聘电子商务人员,我很荣幸有机会向您呈上我的个人资料。为了更好地发挥自己的才能,展现自己的实力,谨向各位领导作一自我推荐。 在校三年,我认真学习各门专业知识,各课都取得优异成绩,连续几年先后获得学院“一等奖学金”、“三好学生”等荣誉称号,同时又入选为学院首届党员发展对象。系统掌握了一定的专业技术,有较好的计算机知识和应用能力,熟练办公软件应用和图象处理,以及电子商务平台操作等其他计算机技能,具备较好的英语听、说、读、写能力。并通过加入系部组织和参加一些 社会实践 ,在校还担任秘书处干事,有较好的待人处事及与人协作能力,对工作认真负责,得到老师和同学的好评。 毕业后,我曾接受过营销业务技能培训,就职于福州xx股份有限公司从事 市场营销 活动,掌握了一定的市场营销及业务洽谈经验,有良好的团队协作精神,后来在xx动力科技集团公司任职商务,个人素质和业务能力都得到了很大的提升。 我相信自己可以胜任贵单位xx岗位,相信经过自己的勤奋和努力,与大家的团协作,一定会做出应有的贡献。热切期待与您面谈!祝愿贵单位事业蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼! 求职人:xxx 年月日

1.期刊信息: 《上海金融》(月刊)创刊于1980年,由海市金融学会主办。本刊坚持政策性、理论性与实践性相结的办刊宗旨,始终站在金融改革开放的前沿,探索金融理论,服务金融改革,反映金融实践、理论紧密联系实践是《上海金融》的最鲜明的办刊特色。       《上海金融》选稿内容涉及“宏观经济金融政策研究”、“货币政策研究”、“金融监管研究”、“金融市场研究”、“国际金融与区域金融观察”、“金融法律与案例”、“商业银行业务与金融实务”等方方面面。 主要栏目:专稿、金融与经济、货币政策研究、金融监管、金融市场、国际金融、区域金融观察、金融与科技。 2.投稿信息:见图 3.投稿经验分享:见图 4.投稿须知: 《上海金融》编辑部稿件初审周期最长为1个月。通过初审后,编辑部会及时和作者联系(电子邮件),请作者邮寄纸质稿件,以便匿名评审;初审1个月内编辑部未和作者联系的稿件,作者可自行处理,编辑部不再通知。   二、《上海金融》入选中文核心期刊,中文社会科学引文索引来源期刊(CSSCI)扩展版,中国核心学术期刊(RCCSE)。作为学术性期刊,《上海金融》敬请作者投稿时注意体例。请您务必耐心而仔细地按照我们要求的格式对您的文章进行核对,更重要的是校对文章,将其中的错别字、标点符号错误、病句、参考文献不一致等问题全部消除。否则,类似问题的存在必将严重影响对您稿件的初选、匿名评审及采用。本刊不接受查重率超过20%的稿件。   (一)稿件的第一页应提供以下信息:   1. 文章标题;2. 所有作者姓名、单位、电话号码和电子邮件,并指明通讯作者及通讯地址;3. 感谢语(如有的话)及相关资助。 (二)稿件的第二页应提供以下信息:   1.文章标题;2.最多二百字的中文摘要;3.三个中文关键词;4.三个JEL(Journal of Economic Literature)分类号。 (三)稿件正文的标题、表格、图、等式以及脚注必须分别连续编号。(四)关于图形的格式   1.图的标题通常应位于图的下方(这一点与表格的标题不同,表格的标题放在表格上方,而图形的标题放在下方),居中。   2.“数据来源”和“注释”应依次置于图的标题下方,并左对齐。图的数据来源通常应该准确注明,数据来自于参考文献的,应以“某某(200*)”的方式注明。   3.稿件中图的排序要按图1、图2、图3等全文连续编号。 (五)关于表格的格式   1.稿件中表格的排序要按表1、表2、表3等全文连续排序(表的序号和标题之间不加标点,只空一格)。表的标题置于表格上方。如果表是单独打印的,请在正文中标记大体位置。   2.表的注释(或说明文字)和资料来源置于表格下方。 (六)稿件中外国人名的翻译请附原文或直接采用原文;专业术语的翻译请尽量规范化,在较为生僻或可能引起歧义的情况下请附原文。 (七)正文末参考文献的说明   1.请务必保证参考文献在正文或脚注中被引用过,务必保证正文或脚注中被引用过的文献都出现在参考文献中。   2.论文后面要附参考文献。参考文献著录须规范。一般格式:见图。如果想看其他刊物收稿要求的,可以给我留言噢~


在申请美国金融硕士的时候,需要大家准备一些去美国读研究生的申请材料,其中就需要准备一份推荐信,对于很多计划申请美国金融硕士的人来说,好的推荐信可以起到锦上添花的作用,不仅可以给你的offer加把力,更能加深你对所申请专业和教授的了解。下面就来看看美国金融硕士的推荐信范文。 From Thomas Zhang Department of Finance Business School,YYY University XXX, 430072, XXX P. R. China Dear Sir/Madam, In the capacity of the former chairman of the Department of Finance and the associate dean of Business School in YYY University (P. R. China), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Ms. Sophie XXX to your esteemed graduate school. Ms. XXX is a distinguished student in the department. I know her well through different occasions, besides teaching her a Financial Engineering course last year. I got to know her personally 2 years ago, when she was a candidate for exchange-student program of YYY University. Concerning her unspectacular academic results and her outstanding performance, she was awarded our university’s scholarship and a chance to study abroad in ZZZ University, which only one student from our department can receive every year. Her semester-long experience there turned out to be an impressive success. Ms. XXX showed great aptitude on all the courses she took and her GPA of that semester was 3.80. If you take the difficulty of the courses and strict grading into account, you will understand why her scores are among the top five. Undoubtedly, she got excellent scores on other core courses and ranked among the top 5% of her class when she got her bachelor’s degree. Having been Ms. XXX’s director while she was completing her undergraduate thesis defense in 2008, I was greatly impressed with her skillful diagrams, and with the unified and coherent manner in which she articulated her thesis. She chose a daring topic – stock index futures arbitrage. In China, this is a very hot event. Although there are several models around the world, not one yet has been found suitable for China. She proposed a very feasible one in her thesis paper. Moreover, she also demonstrated a high level of proficiency in using statistic software in her research. Not only was the committee struck by the display of creativity at her thesis defense conference, her lucid presentation expressed clear and logic thought. Her expansive and open-minded academic perspectives really struck a chord, so it gives me a great deal of pleasure to give you my recommendation to this outstanding young lady of immense promise. After she graduated from YYY University, she still keeps in touch with me. I feel very delighted when she told me she would like to pursue her advanced studies in your honored program. I trust her academic excellence, spirit of devotion and pleasant personality warrant your serious consideration of her application. Should there be any way in which I can be of further assistance in your deliberations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely yours, Associate Dean of Business School YYY University 通过上面对申请美国金融硕士的推荐信范文的介绍,相信对于很多计划去美国读研究生的人来说,可以根据自己的申请条件和专业情况来写一份适合自己的美国研究生申请推荐信材料。

这个不需要推荐信模版的,我去年刚拿到证书,当你申请证书的时候,对于那两个推荐人,网站上会有让你填写那两个推荐人的姓名,邮箱,你递交以后,你的推荐人就会收到cfa发的邮件,他就填写一下就好了,主要就是你做了些什么之类的,你可以把你的工作内容发给推荐人,让他添上就行,都是很简单的内容,还有简单的办法,要是你参加过培训班,那里的人都可以帮你做推荐人,他们推荐很多人,非常知道怎么填。推荐信是CFA持证人,给通过三级考试且准备申请持有证书写的推荐信,前提是先了解被推荐人的工作性质情况,所在公司,年限,以及对被推荐人的肯定等,然后结合了解的情况给CFA协会写推荐信,同时也注明自己是CFA持证人,自己的姓名和官网的ID,证明自己是CFA持证人。推荐信没有特定的格式,把以上主要的信息用英文都写清楚就行的。CFA协会对外公布的推荐人资格说明,也就是说每个申请人都需要三名业内专业人士作为推荐人,或者两名CFA协会会员作为推荐人才行。整个申请流程包括:1)依次通过三个级别的考试;2)具有四年或以上的CFA 认可的与投资决策过程相关的专业工作经验(相关经验可在考前、考中、考后积累);3)提交两封引荐人Sponsor的推荐信;4)申请成为CFA及所在协会的会员资格(membership);5)递交职业品行陈述。cfa是特许金融分析师英文的简称,它是证券投资与管理界的一种职业资格称号,由美国特许金融分析师学院发起成立。该学院最初是在1959年6月由美国金融分析师联合会同意在弗吉尼亚的夏洛茨维尔市与弗吉尼亚大学联合设立。

特许金融分析师(Chartered Financial Analyst,简称CFA)是由美国投资管理与研究协会(AIMR)于1963年开始设立的特许金融分析师职业资格认证。其职业考试每年举办两次,是世界上规模最大的职业考试之一,是当今世界证券投资与管理界普遍认可的一种职业称号。美国特许金融分析师(CFA)与国际注册管理会计师(CMA) 、美国注册会计师(USCPA) 一起并称为美国财会领域的国际三大黄金认证。CFA的课程以投资行业的实务为基础。要成为一名CFA持证人,必须经过美国投资管理与研究协会命题、组织的全球统一考试。分Level I、Level II、Level III三个等级。每年每人只能报考一个等级。只有通过全部三个级别的考试,且有4年金融从业经历者才能最终获得资格证书。温馨提示:以上内容仅供参考。应答时间:2021-11-16,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。




From Thomas Zhang

Department of Finance

Business School,YYY University

XXX, 430072, XXX

P. R. China

Dear Sir/Madam,

In the capacity of the former chairman of the Department of Finance and the associate dean of Business School in YYY University (P. R. China), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Ms. Sophie XXX to your esteemed graduate school.

Ms. XXX is a distinguished student in the department. I know her well through different occasions, besides teaching her a Financial Engineering course last year. I got to know her personally 2 years ago, when she was a candidate for exchange-student program of YYY University. Concerning her unspectacular academic results and her outstanding performance, she was awarded our university’s scholarship and a chance to study abroad in ZZZ University, which only one student from our department can receive every year. Her semester-long experience there turned out to be an impressive success. Ms. XXX showed great aptitude on all the courses she took and her GPA of that semester was 3.80. If you take the difficulty of the courses and strict grading into account, you will understand why her scores are among the top five. Undoubtedly, she got excellent scores on other core courses and ranked among the top 5% of her class when she got her bachelor’s degree.

Having been Ms. XXX’s director while she was completing her undergraduate thesis defense in 2008, I was greatly impressed with her skillful diagrams, and with the unified and coherent manner in which she articulated her thesis. She chose a daring topic – stock index futures arbitrage. In China, this is a very hot event. Although there are several models around the world, not one yet has been found suitable for China. She proposed a very feasible one in her thesis paper. Moreover, she also demonstrated a high level of proficiency in using statistic software in her research. Not only was the committee struck by the display of creativity at her thesis defense conference, her lucid presentation expressed clear and logic thought. Her expansive and open-minded academic perspectives really struck a chord, so it gives me a great deal of pleasure to give you my recommendation to this outstanding young lady of immense promise.

After she graduated from YYY University, she still keeps in touch with me. I feel very delighted when she told me she would like to pursue her advanced studies in your honored program. I trust her academic excellence, spirit of devotion and pleasant personality warrant your serious consideration of her application. Should there be any way in which I can be of further assistance in your deliberations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Sincerely yours,

Associate Dean of Business School

YYY University

在申请美国金融硕士的时候,需要大家准备一些去美国读研究生的申请材料,其中就需要准备一份推荐信,对于很多计划申请美国金融硕士的人来说,好的推荐信可以起到锦上添花的作用,不仅可以给你的offer加把力,更能加深你对所申请专业和教授的了解。下面就来看看美国金融硕士的推荐信范文。 From Thomas Zhang Department of Finance Business School,YYY University XXX, 430072, XXX P. R. China Dear Sir/Madam, In the capacity of the former chairman of the Department of Finance and the associate dean of Business School in YYY University (P. R. China), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Ms. Sophie XXX to your esteemed graduate school. Ms. XXX is a distinguished student in the department. I know her well through different occasions, besides teaching her a Financial Engineering course last year. I got to know her personally 2 years ago, when she was a candidate for exchange-student program of YYY University. Concerning her unspectacular academic results and her outstanding performance, she was awarded our university’s scholarship and a chance to study abroad in ZZZ University, which only one student from our department can receive every year. Her semester-long experience there turned out to be an impressive success. Ms. XXX showed great aptitude on all the courses she took and her GPA of that semester was 3.80. If you take the difficulty of the courses and strict grading into account, you will understand why her scores are among the top five. Undoubtedly, she got excellent scores on other core courses and ranked among the top 5% of her class when she got her bachelor’s degree. Having been Ms. XXX’s director while she was completing her undergraduate thesis defense in 2008, I was greatly impressed with her skillful diagrams, and with the unified and coherent manner in which she articulated her thesis. She chose a daring topic – stock index futures arbitrage. In China, this is a very hot event. Although there are several models around the world, not one yet has been found suitable for China. She proposed a very feasible one in her thesis paper. Moreover, she also demonstrated a high level of proficiency in using statistic software in her research. Not only was the committee struck by the display of creativity at her thesis defense conference, her lucid presentation expressed clear and logic thought. Her expansive and open-minded academic perspectives really struck a chord, so it gives me a great deal of pleasure to give you my recommendation to this outstanding young lady of immense promise. After she graduated from YYY University, she still keeps in touch with me. I feel very delighted when she told me she would like to pursue her advanced studies in your honored program. I trust her academic excellence, spirit of devotion and pleasant personality warrant your serious consideration of her application. Should there be any way in which I can be of further assistance in your deliberations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely yours, Associate Dean of Business School YYY University 通过上面对申请美国金融硕士的推荐信范文的介绍,相信对于很多计划去美国读研究生的人来说,可以根据自己的申请条件和专业情况来写一份适合自己的美国研究生申请推荐信材料。

1.期刊信息: 《上海金融》(月刊)创刊于1980年,由海市金融学会主办。本刊坚持政策性、理论性与实践性相结的办刊宗旨,始终站在金融改革开放的前沿,探索金融理论,服务金融改革,反映金融实践、理论紧密联系实践是《上海金融》的最鲜明的办刊特色。       《上海金融》选稿内容涉及“宏观经济金融政策研究”、“货币政策研究”、“金融监管研究”、“金融市场研究”、“国际金融与区域金融观察”、“金融法律与案例”、“商业银行业务与金融实务”等方方面面。 主要栏目:专稿、金融与经济、货币政策研究、金融监管、金融市场、国际金融、区域金融观察、金融与科技。 2.投稿信息:见图 3.投稿经验分享:见图 4.投稿须知: 《上海金融》编辑部稿件初审周期最长为1个月。通过初审后,编辑部会及时和作者联系(电子邮件),请作者邮寄纸质稿件,以便匿名评审;初审1个月内编辑部未和作者联系的稿件,作者可自行处理,编辑部不再通知。   二、《上海金融》入选中文核心期刊,中文社会科学引文索引来源期刊(CSSCI)扩展版,中国核心学术期刊(RCCSE)。作为学术性期刊,《上海金融》敬请作者投稿时注意体例。请您务必耐心而仔细地按照我们要求的格式对您的文章进行核对,更重要的是校对文章,将其中的错别字、标点符号错误、病句、参考文献不一致等问题全部消除。否则,类似问题的存在必将严重影响对您稿件的初选、匿名评审及采用。本刊不接受查重率超过20%的稿件。   (一)稿件的第一页应提供以下信息:   1. 文章标题;2. 所有作者姓名、单位、电话号码和电子邮件,并指明通讯作者及通讯地址;3. 感谢语(如有的话)及相关资助。 (二)稿件的第二页应提供以下信息:   1.文章标题;2.最多二百字的中文摘要;3.三个中文关键词;4.三个JEL(Journal of Economic Literature)分类号。 (三)稿件正文的标题、表格、图、等式以及脚注必须分别连续编号。(四)关于图形的格式   1.图的标题通常应位于图的下方(这一点与表格的标题不同,表格的标题放在表格上方,而图形的标题放在下方),居中。   2.“数据来源”和“注释”应依次置于图的标题下方,并左对齐。图的数据来源通常应该准确注明,数据来自于参考文献的,应以“某某(200*)”的方式注明。   3.稿件中图的排序要按图1、图2、图3等全文连续编号。 (五)关于表格的格式   1.稿件中表格的排序要按表1、表2、表3等全文连续排序(表的序号和标题之间不加标点,只空一格)。表的标题置于表格上方。如果表是单独打印的,请在正文中标记大体位置。   2.表的注释(或说明文字)和资料来源置于表格下方。 (六)稿件中外国人名的翻译请附原文或直接采用原文;专业术语的翻译请尽量规范化,在较为生僻或可能引起歧义的情况下请附原文。 (七)正文末参考文献的说明   1.请务必保证参考文献在正文或脚注中被引用过,务必保证正文或脚注中被引用过的文献都出现在参考文献中。   2.论文后面要附参考文献。参考文献著录须规范。一般格式:见图。如果想看其他刊物收稿要求的,可以给我留言噢~
