

发布时间:2024-07-07 10:59:57


【第 15 期】七年级上册第三章整章水平测试(A)参考答案一、 二、 12. - 3y,等式的性质 2 = 8214. - 4 15. - 1 ,23,25 三、19.(1)x = 6;(2)x = .(1)第一步开始出错,改正:移项,得 2x + x = 5 + 1.合并同类项,得 3x = 6.系数化为 1,得 x = 2.(2)第一步开始出错,改正:去分母,得 7y = 5y +5.移项,得 7y - 5y = 5.合并同类项,得 2y = 5.系数化为 1,得 y =.设有 x名同学搬砖.根据题意,得 2x + 6 = 4x.解得 x = 3.所以,有 3 名同学搬砖.22.设这件商品的成本价是 x元.根据题意,得 80% ×(1 + 40% )x = 224.解得 x = 200.所以这件商品的成本价是 200 元.四、23.设初中学生原计划捐赠 x册图书,则高中学生原计划捐赠(3 500 - x)册图书.根据题意,得 120% x + 115%(3 500 - x) = 4125.解得 x = 2 000.则 3 500 - x = 1 500.所以,初中学生原计划捐赠 2 000 册图书,高中学生原计划捐赠 1 500 册图书.24.设安排 x人加工甲种部件,则安排(85 - x)人加工乙种部件,才能使每天加工的甲、乙两种部件刚好配套.根据题意,得 3 ×16x = 2 × 10(85 - x).解得 x = 25.则 85 - x = 60.所以安排 25 人加工甲种部件,安排 60 人加工乙种部件,才能使每天加工的甲、乙两种部件刚好配套.七年级上册第三章整章水平测试(B)参考答案一、 二、11.加上 6 = 6 ; ,75,80 ,159三、19.(1)x = - 10;(2)y = - .依题意,有 x -x - 1= 7 -x + 3,解得 x = .设丙再单干用 x小时完成.根据题意,得 10 ×1+1(+x= 1.解得 x = )2012所以,丙再单干用 1 小时完成.22.设乙徒步的速度为 x千米 /时,则甲骑自行车的速度是3x千米 /时.根据题意,得3x·-1522〔2 +(456060)〕=(2 +4560)x+ 7.解得 x = 7.则3x = 所以甲骑自行车的速度是 千米 /时.四、23.(1)设(二)班代表队答对了 x道题.根据题意,得 3x -(50 - x) = 142.解得 x = 48.所以(二)班代表队答对了 48 道题.(2)不能.理由如下:设(一)班代表队答对了 x道题.根据题意,得 3x -(50 - x) = 145.解得 x = 483.因为题目个数必须是4自然数,因此 483不符合题意,即(一)班代表队的最后得分不能为 145 分.424.可提出问题:这个住处有几间房?这个旅行团有多少人?解:设这个住处有 x间房.依题意,得 3x + 15 = 4(x - 4).解得 x = 31.则 3x + 15 = 108.答:这个住处有 31 间房,这个旅行团有 108 人.(注:以上也可分别提出问题“这个住处有几间房”或“这个旅行团有多少人”解答)


第13期第四章综合测试题(一). . 3. A. . .. . . . .11.经过两点有且只有一条直线. ,2 700;60,. 14.=. . ,. . . 19.(1)图略;(2)垂直(或EF⊥GH).20.因为A,O,B在同一条直线上,所以∠AOB=180°.因为∠BOC=40°,所以∠AOC=140°.因为OD平分∠AOC,所以∠AOD= ∠AOC=70°.21. l>m>n. 理由: 两点之间的所有连线中,线段最短..(1)∠EOD=65°;(2)∠BOC=50°.24.(1) , ;(2)1,3,6,190, .第四章综合测试题(二)1. B. . . . . . . . . . °. 14. 90°.或80. °. 17.(1)90,135,135;(2)垂直,平行. .如图,A→B→E. 20.(1)图略;(2)图略;(3)OA,线段PC的长度,直线外一点与直线上各点连接的所有线段中,垂线段最短,PH<PC<⊥OD.因为OA⊥OC于点O,所以∠1+∠BOC=90°.因为∠1=∠2,所以∠2+∠BOC=90°.所以OB⊥.马小虎的解答不正确,他忽略了另一种情况,OA,OC在OB的同侧.∠AOC的度数为160°或20°.23.(1)因为DE平分∠ADB交AB于点E,所以∠1=∠2.因为DF⊥DE交AC于点F, 所以∠2+∠3=90°,因为∠BDC=180°,所以∠1+∠4=180°-(∠2+∠3)=90°.所以∠3=∠4.所以DF平分∠ADC.(2)∠4=39°30′.24.(1)从左到右依次填1,2,4,7.(2)有规律,个数上差依次为1,2,3,….(3)当有n条直线时,平面被分成(1+1+2+3+…+n)部分.(4)4刀.第14期你今年几岁了(1). . . . , .. 7.(1)30x=12 000;(2)x=400是上述方程的解.你今年几岁了(2). . . 4. .5.(1) ;(2) . 6. .设柿子树有x棵,那么梨树有2x棵,苹果树有5x棵,根据题意,得x+2x+5x=200.解得x=25.所以2x=2×25=50,5x=5×25=125.所以柿子树有25棵,梨树有50棵,苹果树有125棵.解方程(1). 2. . 3.(1)x=-3;(2)y=3. .设该乡去年农民人均收入是x元,根据题意,得(1+20%)x= 200.解得x=4 000.所以该乡去年农民人均收入是4 000元.解方程(2). 2. 3. 3. .4.(1)x=-4;(2) . .6.设该用户5月份实际用水x吨,根据题意,得(x-5)××.解得x=10.所以该用户5月份实际用水10吨.解方程(3). 2. 6. . 4.(1)x=-9;(2) ..提示:a=.设这所厂办学校总经费是x元.根据题意,得 x+ ( x+16 000)+16 000=x.解得x=42 000.所以总经费是42 000元,甲厂出12 000元,乙厂出14 000元.~测试题基础巩固. . 3. B. . . . . . . . ,.(1)x=-1;(2)m=0;(3)x=10. 14. x= .的值为0. 16. (1) 12;(2) . (1)甲旅行社的报价=240+ ×240×10=1 440(元);乙旅行社的报价=11×240× 584.因为1 440<1 584,所以应参加甲旅行社.(2)设学生人数是 人时,两家旅行社收费一样多.根据题意,得240+ ×240 =( +1)×240×.解得 =4.所以学生人数是4人时,两家旅行社收费一样多.能力提高. . 3. . 4. .根据题意,得 .解得x= .6.设乙牧童有 只羊,则甲牧童有 只羊.根据题意,得 ,解得 . (只),所以甲牧童有7只羊,乙牧童有5只羊.

【第 14 期】七年级上册第三章 水平测试参考答案一、 二、 + 7,x + ;(x + 50);2x -(x + 50) = (x + 2) = 330 三、15.设这件商品的成本价是 x元.根据题意,得 90% ×(1 + 20% )x = 270.解得 x = 250.所以这件商品的成本价是 250 元.16.设甲组同学平均身高的增长值为 x厘米,则乙组同学平均身高的增长值为(x + )厘米.根据题意,得 x =3(x + )4- .解得 x = .则 x + = .所以甲、乙两组同学平均身高的增长值分别为 厘米和 厘米.17.设长江流域的水土流失面积是 x万平方千米.根据题意,得 x+(x-29) = 367 × .解得 x≈ 74.所以,长江流域的水土流失面积约是 74 万平方千米.四、18.设 2006 年的药品降价金额为 x亿元,则 2009 年的药品降价金额为 6x亿元.根据题意,得 54 + x + 35 + 40 + 6x = 269.解得x = 20.则 6x = 120.所以,2006 年和 2009 年药品降价金额分别是 20 亿元、120 亿元.19.(1)设该经营户从蔬菜市场批发了辣椒 x千克,则批发了蒜苗(40 - x)千克.根据题意,得 + (40 - x) = 70.解得 x= 10.则 40 - x = 30.所以,辣椒和蒜苗分别批发了 10 千克、30 千克.(2)( - )× 10 +( - )× 30 = 55(元).所以他当天卖完这些辣椒和蒜苗能赚 55 元.选做题 20.设该商场出售甲种商品 x件,则出售乙种商品(50 - x)件.根据题意,得 1 800x+2 400(50 - x) = 108 000.解得 x = 20.则 50- x = 30.所以共获利 200 × 20 + 300 × 30 = 13 000(元).21.设晶晶的妈妈第一次剪去的长方形布片的宽度为 x厘米.根据题意,得 35 - x = 40 - 2x.解得 x = 5.所以第一次剪去的长方形布片的宽度为 5 厘米.20.设该商场出售甲种商品 x件,则出售乙种商品(50 - x)件.根据题意,得 1 800x+2 400(50 - x) = 108 000.解得 x = 20.则 50- x = 30.所以共获利 200 × 20 + 300 × 30 = 13 000(元).21.设晶晶的妈妈第一次剪去的长方形布片的宽度为 x厘米.根据题意,得 35 - x = 40 - 2x.解得 x = 5.所以第一次剪去的长方形布片的宽度为 5 厘米.


A版一、BABCDCDCBA二、1、1\2 1\2 -2 2、千 3 3,1,4 3、200\a-200\b 4、-3 5、π,√3\2 6、-4\3a4(答案不唯一) 7、平均每班有团员几人 8、18 9、-2006 10、10 100 1000 10的n次方三、1、-76 -5\6 -22 2、-1 约等于 3、-3 -2\3 4、多,多3克四、1、100(1+n)+10n+(n-1)=111n+99 一定能,111是3的倍数,99是3的倍数 2、n的二次方+[n(n+1)的二次方] +(n+1)的二次方=[n(n+1)+1]的二次方 约等于×10的9次方B版一、CBDACDDBBA二、1、+克 2、3\4 3\4 -3\4 3、千位 3 1,2,0 4、2 2 正负3 5、631 6、8 7、-3x的三次+x+1 8、4 9、-3 10、14 3n+2三、1、-46 ? 0 2、-3\4 ? 3、7日最少,相差450人 ×10的三次方 4、因为结果与x无关四、1、11 2n-1 2、(1)①3m+70%×2n=(3m+)元 ②[80%(3m+2n)]元 (2)①232元 ②244元 乙合算,节省8元


报刊名称: 数学周报(浙教版九年级) 报刊代号: 7-197 年度: 2009 刊期种类: 周一报 出版日期: 5 发报刊局: 辽宁省邮政局报刊发行局发报刊部 报刊统一刊号: CN21-0099 级别: 省 收订种类: 整季 零售参考单价: (元) 订阅参考单价: (元) 月价: (元) 季价: (元) 半年价: (元) 全年价: (元) 报刊种类: 报纸 报刊简介: 说明: 不破订!提前出版,每月第一个周五出齐当月报纸。月、月合刊合价,于月出版。 产品分类: 教学辅导类报刊



八年级上册数学周报答案【篇一:数学学习方法报答案八上】txt>第2版“专项小练(1) 一次函数的图像1,3. 2,a 4,b 5,a(2) 一次函数的应用1(1)18000 (2)y=-1/2x的平方+10x+180002,203,50,5,y=-10t+50 4,y=x,3,85,m的坐标为(0,5)或(-8,4)第三版“每周一习”基础辅导1---5 cbbdd 6---8 dca9,510,x轴的交点 11,y=-2x-412 上,3或右,3/213,0,7 14大于-3/2 15,616,y=3x+30,0小于等于x小于等于10 17略 18,4 19(1)a=1 (2)b=-3,k=2(3) 能力挑战1(1)40分钟(2)20分钟2(1)y1=4/3x y2=1/2x+1250(2)甲3(1)a= c=6(3)21第四版 “智利冲浪”1 b2(-3,-4)“考考你”一个也不用。两个人面对面即可篇三:学习方法报数学周刊一、用心思考,正确填写(20分)1、阅读下面的信息,根据这些信息完成下列填空(1)今年全年有( )天,第29届奥运会田径项目决赛共进行( )天。(2)奥运村总建筑面积为( )公顷。(3)北京奥组委的经费预算“支出”读作( ),“收入”省略亿后面的尾数约是( )亿美元。(4)“48%”是将( )看作单位“1”的量。如果北京受访者有n人,那么计划在奥运期间休年假者有( )人。3、2的分数单位是( ),再减去( )个这样的分数单位正好是最小的素数4、在照片上刘翔的身高是5厘米,实际上刘翔的身高是米。这张照片的比例尺是( )。5、一根绳长5米,平均分成8段,每段长( )米,每段占全长的7、某人耕地,晴天每天耕20亩,雨天每天只耕12亩,他一连几天耕了112亩,平均每天耕14亩,那么这几天中雨天有( )天。



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第一版:thin,mountains,elder brother,school bus,art,basketballher mum is an art teacher,her dad is a the teachers are all very 第二版:Welcome to , to be,do well in singing,AGermany teachers,Bfriendly,friendlywould like to,flying kites,close to,make friends with,in your free time,is good at,go to school,heard from.第三版:hobbies,old,friendly,tall,Germany,enjoy,countries,near;listen to music,play basketball, read books,all over the world,close to,be good at,a football team,live in, far away from,a boy named Bob:grammer,complete,everyone,country,dream,Germany,yourself,hobbies,engineer,elderABCBClots of,play basketball,close to,lives in,reads books,goes to school,all over,listening to music,make friends with;yourself,you,German,Germany,friend,friendly,elder,old,looklike,would like因为时间关系只能打这么多了,望采纳(⊙o⊙)

寒假专版参考答案第1版 寒假作业(一)词汇与句型篇词汇运用Ⅰ. 1-5 cdeba Ⅱ. 1. German 2. age 3. hobbies 4. mountains 5. friendly 6. never 7. Geography 8. break 9. guitar10. togetherⅢ. 1-5 ACACD Ⅳ. 1. is from 2. look like 3. lives with 4. eating out 5. arrive at 6. helping; with 7. am good at 8. on the Internet 9. go to bed 10. take the bus 句型演练Ⅰ. 1. teeth 2. playing 3. friendly 4. elder 5. German 6. to be 7. to go 8. running 9. playing 10. listeningⅡ. 1. enjoy/like 2. seldom 3. elder; dreams 4. by bus 5. favourite sport第2版 寒假作业(二)语法专练Ⅰ. 1-5 DBACA 6-10 DACBDⅡ. 1. Does Kate want 2. Which man 3. doesn’t play 4. How often 5. Yes; he does6. When is 7. Does Peter take 8. parents’ ages 9. How many flats 10. No; they don’tⅢ. 1. Germany 2. hobbies 3. playing 4. friends 5. twice 6. goes 7. to be 8. Does; doesn’t 9. times 10. likesⅣ. 1. an ice cream 2. seldom goes out 3. wants to be 4. twice a week 5. helps me buyⅤ. 1. D a改为an 2. A long改为often 3. A not之前加do4. A Which改为What 5. B wash改为washes第3版 寒假作业(三)读写综合篇补全对话A篇 1-5 FDEACB篇 1-5 GEFBD完形填空1-5 ABDDB 6-10 CACCB 阅读理解1-5 BCDCD书面表达One possible version:Pleasant Goat and Force Goat are good friends. They both help Slow Goat a lot. But they aren’t the same. Pleasant Goat runs faster than other goats. He is happy and outgoing. He always has smiles on his face. Force Goat is stronger but more careless than others. He exercises every day to keep healthy, but he gets angry easily. He always disagrees with others. 第4版 寒假作业(四)词汇与句型篇词汇运用Ⅰ. 1. protect 2. large 3. burn 4. pollute 5. wet Ⅱ. 1. spend 2. blows 3. snowy 4. grandparents 5. burn 6. few 7. trip 8. problems 9. into 10. largeⅢ. 1-5 BBAAC Ⅳ. 1. on the land 2. put; into 3. flying kites 4. at this time of year 5. on the beach 6. in the hot weather 7. throw away 8. fall from 9. plant trees 10. in the south of句型演练Ⅰ. 1. sunny 2. to have 3. kites 4. brightly 5. talking 6. Is 7. go 8. pollution 9. interesting 10. snowmenⅡ. 1. get warm 2. is some 3. dangerous to 4. weather like 5. provides; with 6. go on 7. spend 8. One quarter 第5版 寒假作业(五)语法专练Ⅰ. 1-5 DBCAB 6-10 ACBDCⅡ. 1. Are there any 2. It is important 3. What’s; like 4. There isn’t 5. What; look like 6. Is it snowy 7. Yes; there is 8. It is exciting 9. birds are there 10. These computers areⅢ. 1. is 2. windy 3. interesting 4. are 5. to learn 6. women 7. are 8. lovely 9. to have 10. funnyⅣ. 1. There is 2. It is interesting 3. a cup of coffee 4. far from here 5. warm these daysⅤ. 1. A is改为are 2. D homeworks改为homework 3. C pair改为pa第7版 寒假作业(七)词汇与句型篇词汇运用Ⅰ. 1-5 beadc Ⅱ. 1. diary 2. nervous 3. camera 4. postcard 5. machine 6. guide 7. bridge 8. direction 9. beauty 10. buildingⅢ. 1-5 CCDBA Ⅳ. 1. feel about 2. are going to 3. such as 4. get weak 5. light up 6. Are; able to 7. tie; to 8. in every direction 9. One of 10. go bad 句型演练Ⅰ. 1. beauty 2. sightseeing 3. to have 4. friends 5. send 6. places 7. take 8. to teach 9. leave 10. will haveⅡ. 1. have to 2. in the centre of 3. so that 4. as; as we can 5. walk alongⅢ. 1. don’t like 2. No; they aren’t 3. How many 第8版 寒假作业(八)语法专练Ⅰ. 1-5 CDABA 6-10 DBCABⅡ. 1. are going to 2. Is Sam going 3. No, he won’t 4. Yes; it is 5. isn’t going toⅢ. 1. have 2. asks 3. walk 4. are 5. doesn’t 6. fails 7. to use 8. forgets 9. likes 10. comesⅣ. 1. can finish it 2. in two hours 3. will play with 4. are going to the museum 5. If you need itⅤ. 1. B 去掉will 2. B having改为have 3. D am going to改为will4. D 去掉going 5. B don’t改为doesn’t 6. C snowing改为snow 7. D去掉will 8. B worked改为works 9. D won’t改为will 10. A going not改为not going第9版 寒假作业(九)读写综合篇补全对话A篇 1-5 FDCEAB篇 1-5 FGDAB完形填空15 ABDCD 6-10 BCAAD 阅读理解1-5 ABCDD书面表达One possible version: Dear Wang Lei,Thank you for your email. I would like to tell you something about our summer vacation. We spent the vacation in different places. Jia Qian, Huang Fan and I went to Center Park. We took a lot of photos there. Liu Fan and Guo Wei went to the Phoenix Islands, Sanya. They did something interesting there. Zhang Yue and Kong Ying went to Qingdao. There were many people swimming in the sea. They played beach volleyball with their friends. We all had fun. Yours, Wu Yan第10版 寒假作业(十)词汇与句型篇词汇运用Ⅰ. 1. attend 2. recent 3. amazing 4. ant 5. follow Ⅱ. 1. rocket 2. butterfly 3. headlines 4. ago 5. information 6. stamp 7. disappeared 8. granddaughter 9. newspaper 10. somethingⅢ. 1-5 BBDAC Ⅳ. 1. drawing pictures 2. disappeared into 3. go inside 4. a collector of 5. Are; interested in 6. is bad for 7. go for a walk 8. all the way 9. launch; into 10. a waste of句型演练Ⅰ. 1. hers 2. to play 3. amazing 4. to write 5. to begin 6. water 7. surprised 8. unusual 9. collection 10. studyingⅡ. 1. a picture of 2. how to 3. living room 4. to take 5. playing Ⅲ. 1. Can you help me look for the remote control?2. Is the magazine yours or his?3. My mother wants me to learn about some skills.第11版 寒假作业(十一)语法专练Ⅰ. 1-5 BADCA 6-10 BDABCⅡ. 1. Yes; she did 2. is Linda’s 3. did Jenny leave 4. didn’t clean 5. did John do 6. Did Tom bring 7. Whose jacket 8. No; they didn’t 9. What was; like 10. Is this Mary’sⅢ. 1. came 2. him 3. joined 4. Their 5. sent 6. was 7. its 8. her 9. had 10. hisⅣ. 1. visited our school 2. played the guitar 3. him some old pictures4. ate a hamburger 5. isn’t oursⅤ. 1. D walk改为walked 2. D her改为hers 3. A puts改为put 4. B stayed改为stay 5. C it’s改为its第12版 寒假作业(十二)读写综合篇补全对话A篇 1-5 DFEABB篇 1-5 GFBCA完形填空1-5 ABDBC 6-10 DBCAA阅读理解1-5 ABCCD 书面表达One possible version:My favorite star is Jackie Chan. He is a great actor. I like him very much. I think his movies are exciting and he is a friendly movie star. Most of his movies are very successful action movies. I like his movies Chan is one of the most popular stars in the world. He is living in Hong Kong now. He likes Beijing Opera. He has many fans, like me. 第13-14版 寒假作业(十三)综合练习一Words & PhrasesⅠ. 1. never 2. guitar 3. outside 4. work 5. another 6. modern 7. During 8. teaches 9. footprints 10. everywhere Ⅱ. 1-5 ACDACⅢ. 1. take photos 2. throw away 3. having a good time 4. make snowmen 5. go to school 6. have a picnic 7. in the centre of 8. goes to bed 9. has to 10. make friends with SentencesⅠ. 1. catching 2. to ride 3. swimming 4. light 5. interest 6. playing 7. living 8. bring 9. collecting 10. mineⅡ. 1. When does; go 2. enjoys watching 3. doesn’t often go 4. How often do 5. are; glasses of water; tables Ⅲ. 1. provide us with 2. all over 3. on foot 4. get up 5. put; into Ⅳ. 1. The pollution is becoming serious in the river. 2. In autumn, the weather is cool and dry. 3. I began to collect coins three years . They are going to travel to space in two days. 5. Do you know anything about the Summer Palace? LanguageⅠ.1-5 BCDAB 6-10 CADBBⅡ. 1. yourself 2. usually 3. pollution 4. to protect 5. shines 6. building 7. snowy 8. really 9. boring 10. natural SpeakingⅠ. 1-5 CBEAFⅡ. 6-10 BDGFAReading 1-5 BCCAD WritingOne possible version:August 10 Sunday SunnyI arrived in Beijing by train this Monday morning. The journey was great. Aunt’s family are very kind to me. These days, my cousins were showing me around the city. Today, we visited Tian’anmen Square and the Palace Museum. They are fantastic. In the evening we had Beijing Duck for dinner. It was delicious. We liked it very much. I hope to work in this city when I grow up.第15-16版寒假作业(十四)综合练习二Words & PhrasesⅠ. 1. rocket 2. grandparents 3. killed 4. pushing 5. own6. anything 7. weak 8. ended 9. grammar 10. kilometres Ⅱ. 1-5 BDADCⅢ. 1. more than 2. take a trip 3. flying kites 4. look up 5. such as 6. all the way 7. so that 8. taking part in 9. light up 10. learning about SentencesⅠ. 1. take 2. return 3. making 4. be 5. drawing 6. them 7. yours 8. ends 9. twice 10. working Ⅱ. 1. get a letter from 2. there aren’t 3. walk to school 4. What’s the weather like 5. Does; buy Ⅲ. 1. go to school 2. close to 3. make friends with 4. If; gets to; will call 5. works of art Ⅳ. 1. Reading cartoon books is really a waste of time. 2. The meeting will take place in the playground tomorrow. 3. Did they go on a picnic last Sunday afternoon? 4. When are we going to come back to Shanghai? 5. It is snowing heavily outside and you should wear a sweater. LanguageⅠ.1-5 CBADB 6-10 CBBDCⅡ. 1. to ride 2. sightseeing 3. surprised 4. buildings 5. beauty 6. taking 7. to protect 8. are 9. really 10. teaches SpeakingⅠ. 1-5 CEAFBⅡ. 6-10 EAFCGReading 1-5 ADABC 6-10 DCCBA WritingOne possible version:Dear Jimmy, Thank you for inviting me to see the movie Tiny Times this weekend. I hear that it’s a wonderful movie and I’d love to see it, but I’m afraid I can’ Saturday morning, I’ll go to see my grandparents with my parents. I have to help my father wash the car in the afternoon. On Sunday, I’ll help my mother with the housework and go shopping with her. And in the afternoon I’ll prepare for my English test. On Sunday evening, I’m going to a birthday party. It’s a friend of my father’s. Maybe another time would be 第17-18版寒假作业(十五)综合练习三Words & PhrasesⅠ. 1. sentence 2. space 3. nervous 4. Without 5. dry 6. country 7. never 8. ring 9. everything 10. just Ⅱ. 1-5 CADDBⅢ. 1. go swimming 2. of course 3. place of interest 4. is bad for 5. was able to 6. gets up 7. in the centre of 8. take part in 9. so that 10. works of art SentencesⅠ. 1. to help 2. more 3. complete 4. collecting 5. to take 6. riding 7. ourselves 8. to know 9. mine 10. shopping / to shopⅡ. 1. not far away from 2. they didn’t 3. When will you buy 4. enjoying themselves 5. doesn’t; shine Ⅲ. 1. take photos 2. go on a picnic 3. such as 4. throw away 5. all the wayⅣ. 1. How many postcards did you collect last year? 2. There are many kinds of plants on Earth. 3. I go to play table tennis with friends once a week. 4. Mary’s hobbies are playing the piano and singing. 5. Is Julie going to the Rocket Club with you soon? LanguageⅠ.1-5 CDACC 6-10 BDABBⅡ. 1. German 2. traditional 3. burn 4. dumplings 5. amazing 6. butterflies 7. kicking 8. shone 9. pollutes 10. friendly SpeakingⅠ. 1-5 CAEBF Ⅱ. 6-10 BEGAFReading 1-5 BCCAD WritingOne possible version:If I have a lot of money, I will do something important. I’ll help the old. I’ll help the poor. Most of all, I’ll help these poor children who can’t go to school. I hope they will change themselves in the future with the knowledge and change the world. Of course, I think I’ll help my parents enjoy their lives and take them to travel around the world. In one word, I can do a lot of great things.第19版完形填空1-5 ABDCA 6-10 CBCAD阅读理解A篇 1-5 ABDCC B篇 1-5 BADBC第20版完形填空1-5 ADCCB 6-10 DBDAB 阅读理解A篇 1-5 DBCAD B篇 1-5 CDACB 第21-22版 七年级上册综合测试(一)1-5 CACBC 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 BDDAB 16-20 DCDBD21-25 DBACB 26-30 CBDAA 31-35 CABDC 36-40 CDDBD 41-45 CBDDB 46-50 BDCAD 51-55 ACFBE 56-60 DAFBG61. to ride 62. usually 63. Germany 64. hobbies 65. ends 66. to be 67. once 68. completes 69. articles 70. goes 71. One possible version: In the evening, Mr Green likes doing something to relax himself. He usually reads magazines or listens to music. Sometimes, he goes to the KTV to sing songs with his friends. He never uses the computer because he spends a lot of time on it in the daytime. It is bad for his eyes. 第23-24版 七年级上册综合测试(二) 1-5 DCBAB 6-10 ABCDA 11-15 BABCB 16-20 DABAC21-25 BDACB 26-30 ADDAC 31-35 DCCCB 36-40 BABCD 41-45 BCDBD 46-50 BDABC 51-55 BDFCA 56-60 CGAEF61. brightly 62. snowy 63. flying 64. pollution 65. catches 66. kilometres 67. to protect 68. fewer 69. to blow/blowing 70. go71. One possible version: The lion is one of the largest cats in the world. The lion’s weight is between 200 and 300 kilos. They enjoy hot weather. They eat large animals, such as giraffes and zebras. They also eat small animals like rabbits and birds. But they don’t eat plants. A lion needs about 6 kilos of meat a day. 第25-26版 七年级上册综合测试(三)1-5 BCACD 6-10 CBDBD 11-15 ABCBC 16-20 BBCDA21-25 BDADB 26-30 ADCCD 31-35 ACBDD 36-40 ACBBD 41-45 CABDC 46-50 BCACD51-55 BEAFD 56-60 BDEAG61. riding 62. to complete 63. catching 64. has 65. swimming 66. snowy 67. polluting 68. hobbies 69. to protect 70. elder 71. One possible version: On Thursday, we start work at 8:20 am. First, we do morning exercise for forty minutes. And then we have the second lesson. We have Chinese, Maths and outdoor activities in the morning. We start lessons at 2:40 in the afternoon. And we have Chinese, Art, Geography and outdoor activities. My favourite subject is Art, because it is interesting. 第27-28版 七年级上册综合测试(四)1-5 BCDAB 6-10 CCBCA 11-15 BADBC 16-20 DBDCB21-25 DBBDA 26-30 BCCDB 31-35 BDDCD 36-40 BCBCD 41-45 BBCAD 46-50 AACBD 51-55 BEFDA 56-60 EAGBF61. returns 62. to breathe 63. interest 64. natural 65. building 66. sightseeing 67. traditional 68. working/work 69. gardens 70. to do 71. One possible version: Hey, boys and girls! Welcome to Happy Farm. The farm has many animals, such as cows, sheep, dogs and pigs. It also has many different kinds of fruits and vegetables. At weekends, please come to the farm with your parents or friends. Here, you can pick fruits and vegetables, and you can also look after animals. I think you will have a good time. 第29-30版 七年级上册综合测试(五)1-5 CADBB 6-10 BBAAD 11-15 BABCD 16-20 DBACC21-25 DACBA 26-30 DBDCC 31-35 CDBBD 36-40 DBCBD 41-45 CADCD 46-50 DABAC51-55 ADCFB 56-60 EACBF61. attended 62. boring 63. butterflies 64. really 65. unusual 66. living 67. follow 68. interested 69. taught 70. hers 71. One possible version: Dear Kitty, There are four people in my family: My parents, my little brother and I. My father Mike is 45 years old. He’s an English teacher. My mother Jenny is 45 years old too. She’s a doctor in a hospital. My brother Joe is eight years old. His favourite sport is basketball. I’m 13 years old. I like drawing. Yours,Lisa第31-32版 七年级上册综合测试(六)1-5 BCCAB 6-10 ACADC 11-15 BCCAD 16-20 BADBB21-25 DABCA 26-30 DBDBC 31-35 BCBBC 36-40 DBCBD 41-45 ACDDC 46-50 CADAB 51-55 BDCEA 56-60 BDGAE61. to spend 62. swimming 63. return 64. interviewing 65. working/to work 66. sunny 67. surprised 68. catches 69. buildings 70. to complete 71. One possible version:Today is Mid-Autumn Festival. It’s a traditional festival of China. In the morning, I get up very early. After breakfast, I go shopping with my mother. We buy some fruit and moon cakes for my grandpa. At 2:00 pm, my parents and I go to visit my grandpa. He feels very happy when he sees us. In the evening, we have a big dinner together. We eat the moon cakes and enjoy the beautiful moon. It’s interesting.

学英语报纸答案七年级上册第7期第三版 Unit1I .''' .句末+?.. many,'' is in China with her .
