

发布时间:2024-07-03 08:03:43


这是上海世博会芬兰馆介绍"Sharing" on the one hand reflects the Finnish national exchange and communication of social knowledge; the other hand, interpreted the attitude and style of Finn's work, that efforts to find solutions to problems of cooperation, and to open a sincere attitude and partner interaction. "Inspiration" is revealed how the Finnish national regardless of resource conditions, can still continue to progress and innovation, and in some areas of the reasons for global industry Shanghai World Expo 2010 Finnish National Gallery is entitled "Curling (Kirnu)" (Kirnu is the meaning of Ou cave). Chinese name comes from the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Changling Curling poem, "Luoyang relatives, such as with Q, one of Bing Xin in Jade Pot." "Curling" represents purity and sincerity, which is precisely the Finnish Museum of the core values you want to convey to the world. Finnish Museum of Architecture Design Collection Competition in May 2008 launched nationwide in Finland, received a total of 104 entries. Results of the competition on October 6 announced in Helsinki: Helsinki architecture design studio JKMM by the author of "curling" the ultimate stand out, come out on top. After the announcement of the results began planning exhibition hall. Curling started in April 2009 construction will be completed in April 2010. Curling is the main designer Guo Tai Mu (Teemu Kurkela), following is the "curling" concept description. Mini City Shanghai Expo 2010 Finnish Pavilion Curling we will present a mini-Finland, Finland and the whole show to the world outlook of the community. Curling can be regarded as established by the Finnish miniature city, the interior space of the story about Finland and Finns. Finnish Curling demonstrated how the principles of sustainable development build better cities. Curling inherited the concept of Finnish society, combines innovation, technology and culture - a fusion to the Finn has brought a better life. Curling sculpture-style building designed to build for the future full of freedom, creativity and innovative thinking of the scene. It is like a tiny island in the water city. Passed a small bridge, visitors will come before curling. The center of the city by this micro-composition of the atrium, where you can organize various activities. The atrium is the curling, ideas and opinions here collision, exchange, and integration. Finland story Finland's story begins in the Ice Age. Finland was covered with ice several kilometers thick, moving ice shaped the Finnish coastline, lakes and islands. Ice age there have been ou point: heavy stone onto the ice to bedrock, forming caves. "Curling" of the center hole of a similar bowl-shaped hole space. Natural Elements Finnish Museum design competition, I was in Helsinki near the rented house on a small island. Finland has thousands of islands, it is feasible to rent island. The island is the ideal of dropouts. We are in the islands far away from city life can be noisy, to enjoy a moment of peace. In the islands we do? Our aim is to calm down and observe nature. The air constantly changing cloud patterns, it is an art. Coast stones of various shapes, this is a beauty, a perfect fit. Light and shadow dance in the water. Thin saw, fish scale design is unique, people ecstatic. Went to the island itself, cottages small and dark inside, people peace of mind. Exhibition inspired by Finland's natural state. Creative designers like chefs, raw materials of nature new creation. Curling to islands for the idea. Morphological freedom, not the pursuit of symmetry, as the island's stone is so different in shape. Curling is surrounded by a layer of water, covering the outer surface of the shape of fish scales. Curling small shade the entrance, standing inside the court can see the sky and clouds. Like nature, like strolling Finland Museum also provides the people a peaceful haven, so that we can from the hustle and bustle of city life. Ultimate Experience White and light the entire curling, floating on the water surface. Curling around the water layer to the surrounding air becomes cool. Slowly towards this exhibition, the scale of its Jiangxinduju type surface gradually impress eyes. A flat bridge leading to the entrance of curling. The entrance of the wood surface to create a glamorous shade effects, which attract tourists to move into. Then, visitors will see the curling of the court. Standing majestically inside the walls covered with light fabric. Interior edge of the wooden floor shape terminal distribution of the pine scent. Curling thick walls, a gently upward slope to lead visitors to exhibition hall, exhibition hall in the high, surrounding the atrium. Came out from the showroom, is exports go down along the slope. Here visitors can shop, dine. The design of the entire tour route follow a principle of minimizing the need to reduce up and down, to reduce inconvenience to visitors view show and do everything possible to reduce the queuing time. Space Pavilion reasonable layout. In addition to the first floor of the atrium, there are restaurants, souvenir shops, cloakroom, bathroom and storage room. Tourists visiting the exhibition, you can go to restaurants and shops. VIP entrance to the main entrance away from the set. Basic design to make the crowd in this vibrant space looked visit freely. Entertainment, conference and staff facility sites were located on the third floor. Good life Pavilion's main aim is to create a "good life" vision. The six elements of a better life were free, creativity, innovation, community spirit, health and nature. All the elements of which are perfectly integrated in the exhibition building, as well as its spatial and functional design. Sculpture-like design is of high architectural freedom and creativity. Innovation is reflected in the structure of the simplicity and the use of the various technical details. The pavilion was built around the atrium, people group together with the community spirit is the basic design of the building. The water, sky and other elements of the application, so that a natural construction of an abstract component. Hall as a comfortable and inspiring mini-city in itself a model of healthy environment. Human beings, nature and technology live in harmony here. Pavilion is provided a blueprint for the development of a platform for a better life. Construction process 3D computer model will be used to aid the construction process. Hall structural design with Finland's Tai Kela (Tekla) software design. In the exhibition hall of the design and construction process, the Finnish and Chinese experts had a very successful close cooperation. Sustainable Development In the near future, the city building will face a major challenge is to find ways to protect natural resources, sustainable construction. The Pavilion is a laboratory of sustainable architecture, demonstrating the future of sustainable urban construction in Finland solutions. Curling is a permanent building standards in accordance with the design. World Expo, the curling will be sold, and for subsequent use. In design, the service life of curling can be flexible and able to extend high-quality programs. It will first be demolished, then place in the new restructuring. Curling basic structure of all the steel frames are bolted connection, it can be easily demolished. If in the future if necessary, you can also add floors. Curling made of high-tech and innovative ideas have a long life. Curling of the energy consumption will be minimized. Room facilities, location, light-colored surface and the window structure is used to reduce the heat caused by sunlight intensity. More use of natural ventilation can reduce the demand on mechanical ventilation. Atrium of the thick walls form a natural channel. On building materials and construction methods for screening are taken into account carbon dioxide emissions should be reduced to a minimum. The most notable example is the curling of the outer surface covered with scale-like material. The scale-like material recovered from the industrial mixture made of paper and plastic. This waste is made from recycled paper and plastic mixture into a new building material. The paper used here is waterproof. Curling shows how to use the built environment to increase social capital. Sustainable society requires not only economic capital, but also need social capital. Social capital is the prerequisite for a competitive society, and sustainable development of competition in turn makes life possible. Built environment for this process to create a practical framework. Our aim is to drive future innovation and interpersonal construction of buildings.

Sustainable Design 也就是 (可持续设计)的意思``呵呵~~~1

建筑专业英语文章翻译1 建筑词典大全 附中文详细解释 一般术语 1. 工程结构 building and civil engineering structures 房屋建筑和土木工程的建筑物、构筑物及其相关组成部分的总称。 2. 工程结构设计 design of building and civil engineering structures 在工程结构的可靠与经济、适用与美观之间,选择一种的合理的平衡,使所建造的结构能满足各种预定功能要求。 3. 房屋建筑工程 building engineering 一般称建筑工程,为新建、改建或扩建房屋建筑物和附属构筑物所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。 4. 土木工程 civil engineering 除房屋建筑外,为新建、改建或扩建各类工程的建筑物、构筑物和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。 5. 公路工程 highway engineering 为新建或改建各级公路和相关配套设施等而进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。 6. 铁路工程 railway engineering 为新建或改建铁路和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。 7. 港口与航道工程 port ( harbour ) and waterway engineering 为新建或改建港口与航道和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。 8. 水利工程 hydraulic engineering 为修建治理水患、开发利用水资源的各项建筑物、构筑物和相关配设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。 9. 水利发电工程(水电工程) hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering 以利用水能发电为主要任务的水利工程。 10. 建筑物(构筑物) construction works 房屋建筑或土木工程中的单项工程实体。 11. 结构 structure 广义地指房屋建筑和土木工程的建筑物、构筑物及其相关组成部分的实体,狭义地指各种工程实体的承重骨架。 12. 基础 foundation 将建筑物、构筑物以及各种设施的上部结构所承受的各种作用和自重传递到地基的结构组成部分。 13. 地基 foundation soil; subgrade; subbase; ground 支承由基础传递或直接由上部结构传递的各种作用的土体或岩体。未经加工处理的称为天然地基。 14. 木结构 timber structure 以木材为主制作的结构 15. 砌体结构 masonry structure 以砌体为主制作的结构。它包括砖结构、石结构和其它材料的砌块结构。有无筋砌体结构和配筋砌体结构。 16. 钢结构 steel structure 以钢材为主制作的结构。其中由带钢或钢板经冷加工形成的型材所制作的结构称冷弯薄壁型钢结构。 17. 混凝土(砼)结构 concrete structure 以混凝土为主制作的结构。它包括素混凝土结构、钢筋混凝土结构和预应力混凝土结构等。 18. 特种工程结构 special engineering structure 指具有特种用途的建筑物、构筑物,如高耸结构,包括塔、烟囱、桅、海洋平台、容器、构架等各种结构。 19. 房屋建筑 building 在固定地点,为使用者或占用物提供庇护覆盖进行生活、生产或其它活动家的实体。 20. 工业建筑 industrial building 提供生产用的各种建筑物,如车间、厂前区建筑、生活间、动力站、库房和运输设施等。 21. 民用建筑 civil building; civil architecture 指非生产性的居住建筑和公共建筑,如住宅、办公楼、幼儿园、学校、食堂、影剧院、商店、体育馆、旅馆、医院、展览馆等。 22. 公路 highway 联结城市和乡村,主要供汽车或其它车辆行驶并具备一定技术标准和设施的道路。 23. 公路网 highway network 一定区域内相互连络、交织成网状分布的公路系统。 24. 高速公路 freeway 具有四条或四条以上车道,设有中央分隔带,并具有完善的交通安全设施、管理设施和服务设施,为全立交、全封闭,专供汽车高速行驶的公路。 25. 干线公路 arterial highway 在公路网中起骨干作用的公路,分国家干线(国道)、省干线(省道)。 26. 支线公路 feeder highway 在公路网中起连接作用的一般公路,即县(县道)和乡(乡道)等公路。 27. 铁路(铁道) railway; railroad 用机车牵引运货或运旅客的车厢组成列车,在一定轨距的轨道上行驶的交通运输线路。 28. 标准轨距铁路 standard gauge railway 在直线地段,轨距为1435mm的铁路。 29. 宽轨距铁路 broad gauge railway 在直线地段,轨距大于1435mm的铁路。 30. 窄轨距铁路 narrow gauge railway 在直线地段,轨距小于1435mm的铁路。 31. 铁路枢纽 railway terminal 在铁路网点或网端,由几个协同作业的车站、引入线路和联络路线组成的综合体。 32. 铁路车站 railway station 设有各种用途的线路,并办理列车通过、到发、列车技术作业及客货运业务的分界点。 33. 港口 port; harbour 具有水陆联运条件和设施,供船舶安全进出和停泊以进行货物装卸作业或上下旅客以及军事用的交通运输枢纽。 34. 港口水工建筑物 marine structure 供港口正常生产作业的临水或水中建筑物。 35. 通航(过船)建筑物 navigation structure; navigation construction 在栏河闸、坝或急流卡口等所形成的水位集中落差处,为使船舶或排筏安全顺利地航驶而修 建的水工建筑物。 36. 灯塔 light house 在海洋、江河和湖泊航线中,指引船舶安全行驶、识别方位并设有发光樗的塔形建筑物。 37. 水利 water conservancy 为控制或调整天然水在空间和时间上的分布,防治洪水和旱涝灾害,合理开发和利用水资源而进行的活动,如治河防洪,灌溉排水,水土保持,水力发电,内河航运与生活、工业、环境供水以及跨流域调水等。 38. 水利枢纽 multipurpose hydraulic project; key water-control project; hydro-junction 为治理水患和开发利用水资源,在各种水域的一定范围内修建的若干座作用不同而相互配合的水工建筑物组成的综合体。 39. 水库 reservoir 为治理河流和开发水资源,在狭谷或丘陵地带河流上建档水坝,利用天然地形构成的蓄水设施。 40. 水工建筑物 hydraulic structure; marine structure; maritime construction 为水利、水利发电、港口与航道等工程修建的承受水作用的各种建筑物总称。 41. 档水建筑物 water retaining structure; retaining works 栏截水流、调蓄流量、壅高水位的水工建筑物。 42. 进水(取水)建筑物 intake structure 人河流、湖泊、水库等引进水流、控制流量、阻拦泥沙及漂浮物的水工建筑物。 43. 泄水建筑物 outlet structure; outlet works; sluice works 在水利枢纽或输水系统中,宣泄水量的水工建筑物。 44. 输水建筑物 conveyance structure 向供水目标输送水量的水工建筑物。 45. 整治建筑物 rcgulating structure; training structure rectification structure 为整治河流、航道、具有调整河床边界、改变水流结构、影响泥沙运动、控制河床演变等作用的水工建筑物。 46. 水电站 hydro-electric station; hydropower station 由河河湖海的沙滩有变为电能的各种设备及配套构筑物组成的综合体。 47. 水泵站(抽水站、扬水站、提水站) pump station 设置抽水装置及其辅助设备,将水送往高处的配套建筑物。 48. 过木建筑物(过木设施) raftpass facility log pass facility 供输送竹、木材通过闸、坝等挡水建筑物的工程设施。 49. 过钿建筑物(过钽设施) fishpass facility 供鱼类通过拦河闸坝等挡水建筑物的工程设施。 50. 安全设施 safety device 为保障人、车、行船的安全,在房屋、公路、铁路和港口、航道沿线所设置的地道、天桥、航标、灯塔、照明设备、防水设施、护栏、标柱、标志、标线等设施的总称。



AbstractThis works for the six-storey structure of brick buildings with a total height of m. Form the basis for concrete strip foundation, floor and beam a cast-in-place reinforced concrete panels, boards, cast-in-place overall beam, the walls are located along the 240 mm circle beam. The structural design is based on architectural design of the map. Most main classified into four. First: masonry part of a high wall thickness than checking, vertical wall bearing capacity of checking, cross checking wall bearing capacity, the beam of masonry partial pressure checked and designed Pad. Second: concrete part of the plate, beams, columns were reinforced. Third: detail design, including the main staircase, Yu Peng, Tiaoyan the design. Fourth: the construction of the seismic design. The design of ± and above only part of the design, not the basement and foundation design. Design plans for the construction of the floor, walls, stairs, and other practices are not clear, the design of the structure of the unknown are words:Structural design of high thick than checking; capacity checked; reinforcement; Earthquake Resistant Design

Big span structure of FRP network analysis and forecastAbstract: this article will introduce a new big span structure, FRP netting structure. In a FRPWWS structure, high intensity of FRP materials like Chinese bamboo weaving of bamboo is a planar formation in the mesh network, the periphery of the structure of the anchorage in a JuanXing beam, the structure of the center for the anchorage netting another within the parameters. Threads on knitting production structure on the initial stress and advance within the parameters of surface movement to meet additional tension of various load resistance. Due to the high FRP materials, materials - weight ratio of this new form for some big span structure of space construction provides an attractive option, the span longer than conventional structural materials building span. In this paper, firstly introduces the basic structure of FRPWWS simple steps, then layout and construction illustrates three basic types of weaving structure, but also put forward some changes this way. This paper introduces a simple mechanical model for the mechanical deformation of FRP single, also gives an example of the structure of the finite element analysis , introductionFRP is a new type of structural materials, in recent years in civil engineering research is very active. Because he has some good performance, such as corrosion, light weight, high strength, good fatigue resistance and low cost of maintenance, it was thought to be built in new century building long-span structure of ideal, but it is in some aspects of the traditional mechanical properties and structure of the material or have obvious difference, such as its various heterosexual phenomenon. Due to the uniqueness of FRP materials, the effective use of FRP materials and traditional building materials can span, it is necessary to study the new big span structure. Maeda et al. (2002) is built with the idea of FRP materials 5000 metres of suspension bridge spanIn this paper, the FRP netting structure of a kind of brand-new big span structure. This new structure form in a large span to try to effectively use the roof of FRP material performance. In FRPWWS structure, high intensity of FRP compiling Chinese traditional bamboo as the same are woven into a bamboo plane mesh structure. This mesh structure parameters on the anchoring outside outside, the structure of the center and a smaller parameters used in anchorage ribbon. Figure 1 is a small FRPWWS structure model. "Weave" to ensure the smooth of FRP materials at first, to the extent of FRP weave on the prestressed concrete. Then, through the surface movement within the parameters of FRP netting, to pull through the process of prestressing tendons tensile or may have certain parameters including the gravity. Therefore, the FRP nets formed a with two parameters of large-span roofs, the FRP nets set stiffness can resist all sorts of structure similar to the cable networks or cable retinal structure: they constitute part is flexible, By stretching and caused to resist geometric stiffness of load. However, FRPWWS structure has its unique advantages: (1) the weight of FRP materials of low and vertically superior materials properties are effective utilization and transverse weaknesses, but not exposed in the structure of large span of FRP system is ideal, (2) the interchange of FRP plait will produce the huge damping, thereby strengthening structural anti-seismic capability, (3) there are rules of netting modelling makes surface is beautiful, (4) due to corrosion and gravity small installation and maintenance costs paper introduces a simple FRPWWS structure of the basic layout and construction steps. The plane was roughly threads for three. Also puts forward some practical application examples of the FRPWWS space. Proposes a used nets in the mechanical model of single FRP. Finally describes a simple analysis of finite element method FRPWWS , simple FRPWWS layoutA summary of FRP netting structure includes a FRP weaving, used to anchor the outer ring beam and inner beam and one for the extra gravity tension loading or a group of prestress reinforcement, as shown in figure are woven from article by FRP, also recommend guest FRP or other high-performance carbon fiber hybrid woven article. Carbon fiber FRP in recent years is widely applied to high strength concrete structure of new materials, it is usually made by extrusion, including fiber to 65%. By China and the Swiss production of two kinds of representative products performance data in table 1 shows to the density of woven material, small and easy to be bent and uncoiling. A standard of performance such as table 1 similar carbon materials can withstand FRP greater than or equal to 400KN tension, while a 300m long this strip 70kg less weight. As compared to the same intensity has more than 300m wire 500kg woven article according to certain spacing is arranged in an appropriate form of plane. One of the most simple weaving method is a belt, and the other by vertical band, to make up like a fabric of net surface. This type of netting structure can see figure 2 partial screenshots. But in most cases, the number of under-colunm crossing-beam in between each other and the Angle, is the main measure of netting style; Every two ribbon to 90 ° fellowship as shown in figure 3 (a), three little is 60 ° belt in the intersection, as shown in figure 3 (b), as shown in figure 3 (c) and the four ribbon 45 °. At intersections, when fully forming available to all the attached agglutinate FRP interoperability or no adhesion between which can slide freely. In the example, behind will introduce to the static friction between the weaving of the stiffness and static load under dynamic loading sliding friction can consume the kinetic energy大跨度FRP网架结构的展望和分析 摘要:本文将会介绍一种新的大跨度结构,FRP织网结构。在一个FRPWWS结构中,高强度的FRP材料条像中国竹席中的竹片一样被编织在一起形成一个平面网,这个网状结构的外围锚固在一个圈形的梁上,结构的中心处还有一个用于锚固织网的内圈梁。织网结构靠编织生产时的初步预施加应力和内圈梁面外运动引起的附加张力调整来抵抗遇到的各类荷载。由于FRP材料的具有较高的材料-重量比,这种全新的结构形式为一些大跨度的空间建设提供了一种具有吸引力的选择方案,该跨度长于用常规结构材料建筑的跨度。在本文中,首先介绍了简单的FRPWWS结构的基本布局和施工步骤,接着阐明了三种基本的织造结构,同时也提出了此类结构方式的几种变化。文中介绍了一个简单的力学模型用于单个的FRP条力学变形,也给出了一个实例结构的有限元分析的过程。 一、 引言 FRP是一种新型的结构材料,近年来在土木工程中的研究很活跃。由于他具有一些良好的性能,如抗腐蚀,重量轻,强度高,抗疲劳性好以及维修费用低,它被认为是在新世纪建造大跨度结构的理想建材,但是它在某些方面的机械性能与那些传统的结构材料还是有明显的区别,譬如它的各项异性现象。由于FRP材料的独特性,为了FRP材料的有效使用以及获得传统建材所不能及的跨度,有必要研究新型的大跨度结构。Maeda et al.(2002)就设想了用FRP材料建造跨度5000米的悬索桥。 本文提出了FRP织网结构结构,一种全新的大跨度结构形式。这种新的结构形式旨在试图在一个大跨度的屋顶中有效利用FRP材料的性能。在FRPWWS结构中,高强度FRP编制像中国传统竹席中的竹片一样被编织成一个平面网状结构。这个网状结构的外沿锚固在外圈梁上,结构的中心处还有一个较小的内圈梁用于锚固织带。图1所示既是一个小型FRPWWS结构模型。为保证进行“编织”时FRP材料条的平直,首先要对FRP编织条施加一定程度的预应力。然后,通过内圈梁的面外移动来拉动FRP织网,施加预应力的过程可以通过预应力筋拉伸或在内圈梁设一定的重力来达成。 因此,受拉的FRP网形成了一个带有两个圈梁的大跨屋面,该FRP网的集合刚度能抵抗各种荷载。 FRPWWS结构类似于索网或索网膜结构:他们的构成部分是灵活多变的;并且靠拉伸引起的几何刚度来抵抗各种荷载。然而,FRPWWS结构有其独特的优点:(1)FRP材料自重低且纵向上优越的材料性能被有效利用,而横向上的弱点却没有暴露出来,因此在超大跨度的结构中FRP系统是理想的;(2)FRP编条的交汇处会产生巨大的阻尼,从而加强结构抗风抗震能力;(3)有规则的织网造型会使表面比较美观;(4)耐腐蚀并且由于自重小安装和维护成本低。 本文详细介绍了一个简单的FRPWWS 结构的基本布局和施工步骤。织网的平面被大致的归为三类。同时提出了一些实际应用的空间FRPWWS的例子。提出了一个用于网中单一FRP条的力学模型。最后描述了有限元法分析一个简易FRPWWS的例子的结论。 二、 简单FRPWWS的布局 一个简易的FRP织网结构包括一张FRP编织网、用于锚固的外环梁和内环梁还有一个用于张紧的额外重力荷载或一组被施加预应力的筋,如图一所示。 网是由FRP条编织成的,也客人推荐使用碳纤维FRP或其他的高性能混杂纤维类编织条。碳纤维FRP是近年来被广泛应用于高强度混凝土结构的新型材料,它通常由挤压制造,含纤维比例达到65%。由中国和瑞士生产的两类代表产品繁荣性能资料可见表1。 编织条材料由于密度小而易被弯曲和盘绕。一根标准的性能如表1相似的碳纤维FRP材料可以承受大于等于400KN的拉力,同时一根300m长的这种长条重量少于70kg。作为对比同等强度的300m钢缆自重已经超过500kg了。 这些编织条按一定的间距被编排在一个合适形式的平面上。最简易的编织方法之一就是一根带子与经过的垂直的其他带子上下交错,来制造一个像织物一样的网面。这种类型的织网结构的部分截图可参看图2。但大部分情况下,编织条在交叉点处的数量和互相之间的角度,才是衡量织网样式的主要标准;每两根织带以90°相交如图3(a)所示,三条织带在一点呈60°相交如图3(b)所示,还有图3(c)所示的四条织带的45°相交。在交叉点处,当完全成型后可用附着粘合使FRP条全部互交或不进行粘合使其相互之间可以可以自由滑动。在后面的例子里,会介绍编织条之间的静摩擦有助于静荷载下的刚度而滑动摩擦可消耗动态荷载下的结构动能。



毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]n.论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句: completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural design. 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。 is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold rush. 但这是一个具有欺性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。 have a grand new thesis of the emerging markets. 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。 question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply premature. 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。 thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious enough. 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]n.专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]n.散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; vt.尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)

“毕业论文”用英文是dissertation dissertation[ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn]n. 专题论文,学位论文;学术演讲 毕业论文; 博士论文; 论文; 学位论文 例句: was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation. 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文.2. I have not yet footnoted my dissertation. 我还没有给我的论文加上脚注.3. I'm working my notes up into a dissertation. 我正在把我的笔记修改成论文.

毕业设计的基本翻译是 Graduation Design 一般的毕业设计包括创意背景故事,概括,详细叙述,以及可能要的样品打印和演示,最后包含一个答辩的过程。








1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。

















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毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]n.论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句: completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural design. 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。 is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold rush. 但这是一个具有欺性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。 have a grand new thesis of the emerging markets. 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。 question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply premature. 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。 thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious enough. 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]n.专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]n.散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; vt.尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)


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