

发布时间:2024-07-07 18:29:27


求助:论文摘要翻译 悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 5 天 19 小时[摘 要]:《文心雕龙•杂文》篇针对中国古代文学中的“杂文”一类文体作了专门的探讨。本文对《杂文》篇所涉及的三个重要问题进行论辩:第一,在写作意图上,刘勰通过评论“对问”、“七”、“连珠”三种文体,针砭文体流弊,以求“正末归本”;第二,在行文结构上,《杂文》篇实践了刘勰在章法构建方面所提出的“附会之术”,体现了他“乘一总万,举要治繁”的论证逻辑;第三,在类属问题上,《杂文》篇应属于“论文叙笔”之“论文”类,而非“文笔杂”类。本文旨在通过对这些问题的探讨,以更加深刻地把握刘勰的文学思想及其理论特征。 [关键词]:刘勰;《文心雕龙》;《杂文》;文体论悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 5 天 19 小时[摘 要]:《文心雕龙•杂文》篇针对中国古代文学中的“杂文”一类文体作了专门的探讨。本文对《杂文》篇所涉及的三个重要问题进行论辩:第一,在写作意图上,刘勰通过评论“对问”、“七”、“连珠”三种文体,针砭文体流弊,以求“正末归本”;第二,在行文结构上,《杂文》篇实践了刘勰在章法构建方面所提出的“附会之术”,体现了他“乘一总万,举要治繁”的论证逻辑;第三,在类属问题上,《杂文》篇应属于“论文叙笔”之“论文”类,而非“文笔杂”类。本文旨在通过对这些问题的探讨,以更加深刻地把握刘勰的文学思想及其理论特征。 [关键词]:刘勰;《文心雕龙》;《杂文》;文体论求助:论文摘要翻译 悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 5 天 19 小时[摘 要]:《文心雕龙•杂文》篇针对中国古代文学中的“杂文”一类文体作了专门的探讨。本文对《杂文》篇所涉及的三个重要问题进行论辩:第一,在写作意图上,刘勰通过评论“对问”、“七”、“连珠”三种文体,针砭文体流弊,以求“正末归本”;第二,在行文结构上,《杂文》篇实践了刘勰在章法构建方面所提出的“附会之术”,体现了他“乘一总万,举要治繁”的论证逻辑;第三,在类属问题上,《杂文》篇应属于“论文叙笔”之“论文”类,而非“文笔杂”类。本文旨在通过对这些问题的探讨,以更加深刻地把握刘勰的文学思想及其理论特征。 [关键词]:刘勰;《文心雕龙》;《杂文》;文体论悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 5 天 19 小时[摘 要]:《文心雕龙•杂文》篇针对中国古代文学中的“杂文”一类文体作了专门的探讨。本文对《杂文》篇所涉及的三个重要问题进行论辩:第一,在写作意图上,刘勰通过评论“对问”、“七”、“连珠”三种文体,针砭文体流弊,以求“正末归本”;第二,在行文结构上,《杂文》篇实践了刘勰在章法构建方面所提出的“附会之术”,体现了他“乘一总万,举要治繁”的论证逻辑;第三,在类属问题上,《杂文》篇应属于“论文叙笔”之“论文”类,而非“文笔杂”类。本文旨在通过对这些问题的探讨,以更加深刻地把握刘勰的文学思想及其理论特征。 [关键词]:刘勰;《文心雕龙》;《杂文》;文体论求助:论文摘要翻译 悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 5 天 19 小时[摘 要]:《文心雕龙•杂文》篇针对中国古代文学中的“杂文”一类文体作了专门的探讨。本文对《杂文》篇所涉及的三个重要问题进行论辩:第一,在写作意图上,刘勰通过评论“对问”、“七”、“连珠”三种文体,针砭文体流弊,以求“正末归本”;第二,在行文结构上,《杂文》篇实践了刘勰在章法构建方面所提出的“附会之术”,体现了他“乘一总万,举要治繁”的论证逻辑;第三,在类属问题上,《杂文》篇应属于“论文叙笔”之“论文”类,而非“文笔杂”类。本文旨在通过对这些问题的探讨,以更加深刻地把握刘勰的文学思想及其理论特征。 [关键词]:刘勰;《文心雕龙》;《杂文》;文体论悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 5 天 19 小时[摘 要]:《文心雕龙•杂文》篇针对中国古代文学中的“杂文”一类文体作了专门的探讨。本文对《杂文》篇所涉及的三个重要问题进行论辩:第一,在写作意图上,刘勰通过评论“对问”、“七”、“连珠”三种文体,针砭文体流弊,以求“正末归本”;第二,在行文结构上,《杂文》篇实践了刘勰在章法构建方面所提出的“附会之术”,体现了他“乘一总万,举要治繁”的论证逻辑;第三,在类属问题上,《杂文》篇应属于“论文叙笔”之“论文”类,而非“文笔杂”类。本文旨在通过对这些问题的探讨,以更加深刻地把握刘勰的文学思想及其理论特征。 [关键词]:刘勰;《文心雕龙》;《杂文》;文体论求助:论文摘要翻译 悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 5 天 19 小时[摘 要]:《文心雕龙•杂文》篇针对中国古代文学中的“杂文”一类文体作了专门的探讨。本文对《杂文》篇所涉及的三个重要问题进行论辩:第一,在写作意图上,刘勰通过评论“对问”、“七”、“连珠”三种文体,针砭文体流弊,以求“正末归本”;第二,在行文结构上,《杂文》篇实践了刘勰在章法构建方面所提出的“附会之术”,体现了他“乘一总万,举要治繁”的论证逻辑;第三,在类属问题上,《杂文》篇应属于“论文叙笔”之“论文”类,而非“文笔杂”类。本文旨在通过对这些问题的探讨,以更加深刻地把握刘勰的文学思想及其理论特征。 [关键词]:刘勰;《文心雕龙》;《杂文》;文体论悬赏分:20 - 离问题结束还有 5 天 19 小时[摘 要]:《文心雕龙•杂文》篇针对中国古代文学中的“杂文”一类文体作了专门的探讨。本文对《杂文》篇所涉及的三个重要问题进行论辩:第一,在写作意图上,刘勰通过评论“对问”、“七”、“连珠”三种文体,针砭文体流弊,以求“正末归本”;第二,在行文结构上,《杂文》篇实践了刘勰在章法构建方面所提出的“附会之术”,体现了他“乘一总万,举要治繁”的论证逻辑;第三,在类属问题上,《杂文》篇应属于“论文叙笔”之“论文”类,而非“文笔杂”类。本文旨在通过对这些问题的探讨,以更加深刻地把握刘勰的文学思想及其理论特征。 [关键词]:刘勰;《文心雕龙》;《杂文》;文体论



Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.



This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.



Our text achieved the possibility above.


UNESCO has proposed: "developed and underdeveloped countries, is the gap between developed and creativity to develop creativity, eliminate to shorten the gap of." This is undoubtedly education workers in an important warning: must pay attention to the cultivation of students' creative thinking ability. But in the old, traditional education curriculum standards are followed blindly the concept and content of the theorem ZhiXu tile ground to give students the knowledge, the generation, development and generating process does not show students to cultivate students' thinking and habits plan-making, students are not good at thinking, the lack of independent thinking and understanding of the problems and solutions that promote their insight into music, creativity, which greatly restrain the development of students' creative thinking ability. The traditional education model have not meet the needs of the rapid development of social education reform, therefore, become inevitable. The new curriculum standard, the basic goal, teaching content and structure of the present teaching, student learning is a significant change, the new curriculum standards for students in mathematics learning various aspects ability to improve the students' mathematical ability and innovation, practical, including the cultivation of students' creative thinking ability is one of the main methods. This paper aims to study the specific teaching strategy, creative thinking ability of four and the cultivation of thinking ability, logical thinking ability and negative thinking, divergent thinking ability and intuition thinking : creative thinking ability, New standard, Teaching strategy

This paper aims to Hou an Cun field research, understanding the general situation of rural tourism resources and development of village of bank, and carries on the SWOT analysis,analysis of the causes of the problem and the problem in the process of development of produce,to actively explore the suggestions and Countermeasures of Hou an Cun village tourism development. The author draws lessons from the domestic and foreign research results and the development of rural tourism at home and abroad on the basis of successful case, Hou an Cunlocal characteristics, advocate the development pattern of rural tourism comprehensive type, put forward the "stone culture" as the core of tourism product development, to innovation of rural tourism creative, combined with effective means of marketing, realize the upgrading of rural tourism products after the shore village, highlight the brand competitiveness.



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Abstract: Rising American interest rates, excessive innovation in financial products, and the overly easy credit system in America, among a series of other factors, have led to the eruption to this subprime mortgage loan crisis. The global financial catastrophe caused by the subprime mortgage loan crisis is considered the most severe and influential financial crisis of the second half of the 20th century. Although it has not had much direct impact on China, an in-depth analysis of the causes and impact of the crisis will undoubtedly be illustrative for the globalizing Chinese economy and commercial banks' risk management for personal housing mortgage words: subprime mortgage crisis; housing mortgage loans; commercial banks; risk management








1、文献应以英、美等国家公开发表的文献为主(Journals from English speaking countries)。














英文翻译 (黑体、四号、顶格)





1.我们以一篇论文摘要为例。 打开智能翻译官,在首页三大板块中点击【文档翻译】。











China is the world's largest producer and exporter of textile and garment, textile and garment industry to enhance China's international competitiveness is of great significance. This article first international competitiveness of textile and garment industry as a starting point, around the current development of China's textile and garment industry to analyze the environment, the introduction of Diamond theoretical model of the international competitiveness of textile and apparel full discussion. And textile and garment industry based on the model building international competitiveness evaluation index system, and the use of the index system of China's textile and apparel industry were studied and evaluated. Finally, the focus of this section, make full use of diamond and related theoretical system of national competitive advantage theory, how to improve our international competitiveness of textile and garment industry has done a complete discussion


At present in the world medicine market 's most popular novel drug delivery system is a transdermal drug delivery system ( TDDS ), it is a collection of novel preparation, safety, convenient use, high rate of profit. Gel patch is a transdermal agent in one," Chinese Pharmacopoeia" provisions that can stick patches on the skin, the drug can produce systemic or local effects of a slice preparation [1 ]. Gel patch is a water soluble polymer material as a substrate, medication adherence, the mixing, coating, cutting processes prepared, with convenient use, improving the compliance of patients, thus has high bioavailability. The experiment based on matrix ratio, forming process and quality evaluation for areas such as research, establish the corpus luteum ketone body patch quality standards, the preparation of the corpus luteum ketone body extension pressure patch, to the senses, initial adhesive strength, cohesive force . Study prescription and process factors on the transdermal preparation influences, and the establishment of a accurate determination of drug release in vitro and in vitro percutaneous permeation amount of HPLC : transdermal gel formulation factors; factors; process; quality evaluation 92好论文网优秀论文大全

International trade is an important drive power in the growth and development of national economy. Many countries and regions in the world are developed rapidly on the basis of international trade. In the process of economic development international trade can optimize the combination of production elements and the configuration of economic resources, also can transfer the object form of the commodity and promote the value added, therefore international trade has a special function which other economic department can not replace it. And the degree of dependence on international trade is a criterion to measure the position of international trade in a country’ national economy. Generally the higher the degree of dependence on international trade, the greater the national economy depends on international trade, in addition it implies international trade owns more important position in the national economy of that country. With the economic globalization, the proportion of international trade in national economy of all countries in the world is increasing. During 1980~2000, the annual increase speed of global commodity trade volume was up to , while the annual increased speed of global economy was . According to the calculation of WTO and IMF, the global degree of dependence on international trade was in 1960, in 1970, in 1990, in 2000, and in 2003 it was near 45%. As a large developing country in economic transition, China’s degree of dependence on international trade is also increasing annually.
