

发布时间:2024-07-01 05:36:06



多少钱???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(亲亲)(亲亲)(亲亲)(亲亲)(那尼)(那尼)(那尼)(那尼)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)(哼哼锯了你)|????)っ? 喜欢你?

The new issues are so arranged that the students can see the covers of the current Daily newspapers are also in this There are eight comfortable chair and two tables for the student reading newspapers and The card catalog is in the middle of the room just in front of the The cards are in alphabetical order according to the title of a book or periodical, the author, and the subject, which makes it easier for the student to find the book they The major part of the room on the left is another study Beside four tables, all books are on shelves in The shelves are called the This library has open stacks so that the students can look for books If you want to borrow or return books, the librarians at the circulation desk will he at your If you want to photocopy some good articles from books, you can go to the leftmost end of the The photocopy machine in the corner will do it for you

There is a library in our The students in our school enjoy reading in Now,I will talk to you about the school Firstly,the library only provides the teachers and students in our school the So you can read some books which are suitable for Secondly,you must keep quiet when you reading in the If you speak loudly in the library,you may disturb Finally,the school library borrows books only for three weeks and you must return the books in For further information ,you can contact



There is a library in our The students in our school enjoy reading in Now,I will talk to you about the school Firstly,the library only provides the teachers and students in our school the So you can read some books which are suitable for Secondly,you must keep quiet when you reading in the If you speak loudly in the library,you may disturb Finally,the school library borrows books only for three weeks and you must return the books in For further information ,you can contact





现在随着时代的进步,科技也越来越发达,因此图书馆也开始以一种全新的方式出现,这便是数字图书馆。 数字图书馆是用数字技术处理和存储各种图文并茂文献的图书馆,实质上是一种多媒体制作的分布式信息系统。它把各种不同载体、不同地理位置的信息资源用数字技术存贮,以便于跨越区域、面向对象的网络查询和传播。它涉及信息资源加工、存储、检索、传输和利用的全过程。通俗地说,数字图书馆就是虚拟的、没有围墙的图书馆,是基于网络环境下共建共享的可扩展的知识网络系统,是超大规模的、分布式的、便于使用的、没有时空限制的、可以实现跨库无缝链接与智能检索的知识中心。 这为图书馆增添了一种新鲜血液。 那么何为数字图书馆? “数字图书馆”从概念上讲可以理解为两个范畴:数字化图书馆和数字图书馆系统,涉及到两个工作内容:   一是将纸质图书转化为电子版的数字图书;   二是电子版图书的存储,交换,流通。 数字图书馆的优点: 1信息储存空间小不易损坏  数字图书馆是把信息以数字化形式加以储存,一般储存在电脑光盘或硬盘里,与过去的纸制资料相比占地很小。而且,以往图书馆管理中的一大难题就是,资料多次查阅后就会磨损,一些原始的比较珍贵的资料,一般读者很难看到。数字图书馆就避免了这一问题。 2信息查阅检索方便  数字图书馆都配备有电脑查阅系统,读者通过检索一些关键词,就可以获取大量的相关信息。而以往图书资料的查阅,都需要经过检索、找书库、按检索号寻找图书等多道工序,繁琐而不便。远程迅速传递信息  3图书馆的建设是有限的。 传统型图书馆位置固定,读者往往要花费大量的时间在去书馆的路上。数字图书馆则可以利用互联网迅速传递信息,读者只要登陆网站,轻点鼠标,即使和图书馆所在地相隔千山万水,也可以在几秒钟内看到自己想要查阅的信息,这种便捷是以往的图书馆所不能比拟的。 4同一信息可多人同时使用  众所周知,一本书一次只可以借给一个人使用。在数字图书馆则可以突破这一限制,一本“书”通过服务器可以同时借给多个人查阅,大大提高了信息的使用效率。 经过搜索,我知道了数字图书馆是用数字技术处理和存储各种图文并茂文献的图书馆,实质上是一种多媒体制作的分布式信息系统。它把各种不同载体、不同地理位置的信息资源用数字技术存贮,以便于跨越区域、面向对象的网络查询和传播。它涉及信息资源加工、存储、检索、传输和利用的全过程; 传统图书馆收集、存储并重新组织信息,使读者能方便地查到他所想要的信息,同时跟踪读者使用情况,以保护信息提供者的权益。从数字图书馆角度来看,就是收集或创建数字化馆藏,把各种文献替换成计算机能识别的二进制系列图像,在安全保护、访问许可和记账服务等完善的权限处理之下,经授权的信息利用因特网的发布技术,实现全球共享。数字图书馆的建立将使人们在任何时间和地点通过网络获取所需的信息变为现实,大大地促进资源的共享与利用; 中国少儿数字图书馆分为图书阅览馆、课程学习馆、游戏竞技馆、和家长互动馆四大部分,而另我没想到的是这本图书具有内容和学习课程均为翻页真实的图、文、声、像一体的互动式电子语音!我们在此能获得数字化时代的资源共享,体验教育技术和教育模式的变革,自由开拓、尝试、表达,实现主动、互动、能动的教学互长等许多功能。 由此看出数字图书馆确实十分方便。 我是一个爱书之人,经常会去图书馆“解解馋”,但是常常会有这样的情况:我有一本很想借的书,但是每每当我到图书馆时,它可能已经被借出了,让我遗憾万分,而现在有了数字图书馆,就可以减少我的课间时间,我可以在假期浏览我爱的书,这可真是太棒了。 我衷心的希望中小学的数字图书馆能发展地越来越好,中小学生们都能像我一样享受到数字图书馆带来的乐趣。 在容量上,数字化图书馆对于存储系统的需求是数据集中存储,有较高的可用性、扩展性、便于管理等特点。 在内容上,数字图书馆集成音频、视频、多媒体等各种其它形式的媒体资源,创造出一个前所未有的阅读新空间,并且提供了更多教学影音资料的检索和链接,供师生在教学中使用,大大丰富了数字图书馆的服务内涵。 如此丰富的媒体资源存放在光纤磁盘阵列上是最合适的,光纤磁盘阵列能够提供很高的持续带宽,在大用户量访问的情况下,依然能够提供较高的数据传输带宽。

论自动化条件下高校图书馆的流通管理刘 丽 英[摘要]  本文阐述了计算机流通管理条件下的优缺点, 并对创造性地做好计算机流通管理服务工作提出了改进建议。 [关键词] 图书流通;计算机管理;服务工作 随着日益发展的计算机技术和网络技术的应用,高校图书馆的自动化、网络化管理水平要求也越来越高。,我馆利用了现代化计算机技术,改进读者流通工作,使我馆成为教学和科研的可靠的坚实基地。做为图书馆重要窗口的流通部门,如何利用计算机,为读者提供优质的服务,是值得大家探讨的问题。中文图书借阅的自动化管理 2000年我馆就采用了计算机ILASII系统进行图书借阅管理, ILASII 流通系统主要包括: (1)读者管理:读者管理是流通工作的基础,读者的管理是完善和提高流通工作质量的根本保证。(2)流通事务:帮助电脑准确迅速地进行查询。(3)流通管理:流通工作的主要内容是借阅服务,系统中借书、还书、按证、按书续借,丢失污损等都交由电脑处理完成,另外,还有流通日志查询、文献当前查询、读者当前借阅史查询、文献借阅史查询(流通查询)等多项服务,可以做到数据准确,条理清晰,有详细的历史记载,便于工作统计。例如:有读者想查询自己借了几本或什么时间还书,可以通过借书证号显出本人的情况,一目了然。如还有些读者说看到过某某书里面也写得有某某东西,但又记不起书名了,那我们可帮助其查询,通过“读者借阅查询”一栏就能给予准确答复。现在通过自动化管理,通过知道图书的著书名、著者、出版年代出版社或ISBN 号等几项中的任何一顶都能准确地知道馆内是否拥有此书,是否被外借或外借于谁的手中等详细信息。1计算机流通管理的优点 提高了借还书的效率,减轻了工作人员的劳动强度,方便读者检索; 提高图书的使用率一方面,由于计算机软件系统事先设定好借书期限、册数、续借次数、超期罚款等,读者要再借书, 必须事先将到期的图书归还,并且还必须没有超期或罚款的情况发生。另一方面,由于计算机改变了馆员与读者的直接关系,充当了铁面无私的“中介人”,无论是谁超期或丢书,一律按机器所显示数额缴纳罚款或赔偿金,没有了人情这一关。另外,利用计算机管理借还图书,也免去了手工借阅时某些书长期被少数人占有的局面,从而使图书的周转率大大加快,并使更多读者可以借到所需之书。  为提高藏书质量,调整藏书结构提供了可靠的依据利用计算机的统计功能,可以对图书的借阅人次、借阅量进行统计,便于工作人员及时、准确地掌握图书流通情况。同时,通过对读者的阅读倾向的分析,使采访人员及时掌握相关信息,从而提高了采访质量;这也为提高藏书质量、调整藏书结构、剔除图书提供了可靠的依据,强化了藏书管理的科学性。2计算机流通管理存在的问题(1) 扫描仪出错(2)工作人员漏办图书借还手续 发生上述两种现象,多是由于工作人员粗心大意忘记了扫描。因此必须加强对工作人员职业道德及工作责任心教育,进一步落实岗位责任制,倡导认真、仔细、对读者高度负责的工作作风,减少与读者的矛盾。作为借还书的工作人员,一定要按照制定的操作细则操作规范认真运行。如当读者借书证及图书扫描后,一定要与系统显示的信息进行细致核对,如信息显示不符就要查明原因并及时纠正,以避免扫描仪的出错或工作人员的疏忽而导致的一系列问题, 以保证借还书的准确性,降低藏书的损失。(3) 还书日期无直观性(4) 停电不能借书 为了进一步强化计算机流通管理,充分发挥计算机方便、快捷的作用,笔者建议从以下几方面着手改进服务方式,提高服务效率。以人为本,开展人性化服务 为了减少图书的超期现象,在借书处配备打印机。这样,每当读者办完借阅手续时,可将所借图书的书名及还期打印出来一并交给读者,使读者充分掌握自己的借书情况;如条件不具备,可将已打印好的小纸条盖上所借图书的到期时间并夹在书中,如此,不仅成本小,还可起到提示作用。同时工作人员,还要在读者借还书时,对已到期或将要到期的图书作口头提示,减少因超期而不能借书的情况发生。如遇停电,作为书库不能关门了之, 应该事先出通知相告,并仍敞开大门,欢迎读者内阅,这样对于急需某些资料的读者,仍可进行摘录 作为书库管理人员,应做到勤上架、勤整架,以减少不必要的人为拒借率。因为开架借阅乱架率相对较高,易造成读者找不到微机显示在书架上的书 加强自身建设、提高综合素质,培养良好的思想道德素质 ( 1 )加强政治思想素质教育,树立爱岗敬业思想。图书馆是传播精神文明的重要场所,馆员要有无私奉献的高尚情操,热情主动的服务态度。要求管理人员在提高开发文献能力的同时,还要具有奉献精神、铺路精神,在思想上要明确认识到,服务是从事图书情报工作的本职特点,要主动热情地为读者服务,树立“读者第一”的思想。高校图书馆是为教学和科研服务的,每一个大学生的成长,每一个高校教师的科研成果,既包含着图书馆的辛勤汗水,也包含着图书馆员的无私奉献。做一名合格的高校图书馆员,决定了高校图书馆员必须具备甘当配角、甘为人梯的职业道德观念,必须具备勇于自我牺牲、甘当无名英雄的奉献精神。 (2)加快知识更新。在加强图书情报专业知识学习的同时,必须更新知识结构,加强对计算机和网络知识的学习,并不断提高英语水平,使知识结构趋向合理,成为新型的复合型人才。对现有馆员提供在职学历教育,提供边工作、边学习、有目的、有计划系统地学习的机会,使馆员的知识水平、基本素质有个整体的提高,对一些业务骨干和优秀馆员应选派到技术领先的单位考察学习,力求以点带面,尽快提高全体人员的业务素质和能力。 实践证明,职业道德素质高的图书管理员事业心和责任感强,能够做到热爱本职工作,具有责任感和奉献精神,关心爱护读者,服务水平高;知识面广的图书管理员对图书馆工作的适应能力强;专业基础知识雄厚的图书管理员在工作中创新能力强,创造性成果多。所以图书管理员要通过学习提高职业道德素质,提高科学文化素质,提高专业素质。不断学习,提升业务工作水准提高自身的业务技能和综合素质计算机管理系统运用于图书馆,作为书库管理人员除了应掌握必备的图书馆学知识和经验外,还应通过不断学习熟练地掌握计算机的流通操作系统,适应计算机流通管理的环境,以便能更好地指导读者正确使用、有效查询,使读者真正感受到计算机管理所带来的优越性。(3)加强硬件投入,保证系统平稳运行在计算机的流通管理条件下,如果硬件建设跟不上,也会给读者带来一定的不便。因此,一定要舍得投入,及时改善图书馆的自动化设施。在图书馆的各书库、阅览室、检索大厅多设微机,以方便读者查询、检索,给读者创造一个便利的硬件环境。 总之利用计算机服务给我们的流通管理带来快捷、便利的工作环境,而作为图书馆员也应该应用现代化技术,深化服务创新理念,大胆创新,适应时代的要求,为教学和科研服务。



Opportunities for content:  Digital Library (Digital Library) is a set-oriented schools, enterprises, network information center, library books and other departments management and distribution system, various departments to provide a complete knowledge management and   Digital Library is a Web-based B / S system, all the operations to be completed through the Digital library in the installation of products, on the one hand, pre-installed on the server to the corresponding figures for the book, on the other hand, it allows administrators from any computer can log on to the system, using the administrator login account, and then on the server management   Digital Library is the collection of three sets of products, one of which is the management of e-books and browsing system; second book is a paper advance and loan system; 3 is a paper of its book online pre-sale   First, the management of electronic books and reading system  1 administrator functions  Administrators do not have to come to the server, he may at any one computer can access the system through the administrator account and password system, and then manage the   Administrator has the following specific management capabilities:   The management of the server e-books, including books to add, delete books, change and modify the classification of books and other book information    Management for book discussions, book reviews, such as summary and    The management of user account and Administrators can view and modify the current system all the user account and password, and can be set whether the user account to lock and The account is locked will not be able to log on to the system until they are    To specify the user logged    Set user Administrators can set user permissions to access the system, set the permissions should be a combination of multiple Several of which should include the following:  n set functional group, for the combination of certain specific For example, can "read the language of books" and "read the history books" This combination of the two powers, known as the "arts of reading "  n set up a user group to multiple users into a Can be referred to as user groups or user-level   n Set whether to allow a user or type of user queries e-  n Set whether to allow a user or class of users to read electronic   n Set whether to allow a user or a particular type of user read electronic books in this   n Set whether to allow a user to read certain types of users or certain types of electronic   n Set whether to allow a user or a particular type of user to read the e-book publishing   n Set whether to allow a user or users of the book to fill certain types of book reviews or   n Set whether any administrative privileges (including the management of user account and password, user ID and password for the lock and unlock, set functional group, set up user groups to limit user behavior, ) or a particular type of decentralized users, if necessary They can also recover the administrative   n set up a new default permissions to registered    The other with the same rights as normal user, such as query and read e-books and so   2 User functions   Users can help administrators to create accounts, when the account has a normal default permissions, you can browse most of the books Normal default permissions of a specific meaning can be specified by the For example, an administrator can designate a new registered users have been locked until an administrator can unlock access to    Users can modify their own login However, the user name can not be    Permissions allow users in the next, but on the condition of the books in a variety of inquiries, for example, query for the title, author information, classification information, such as publishing house inquiries and we can see a list of query Click the link in the list of books to    Users can read books, write book reviews or discussions, you can view the previous review or discussion, or for the previous review or discuss the contents of the    Read the book when the user can add bookmarks, so that in the future to continue    Users can list their favorite books to preserve their own favorites, so next time you log system 11 do not have to query directly from the Favorites list to select books to Users need to have a favorites list of full-featured administrative privileges, for example, can add to the books, which can also be deleted from the   Second, the management of paper-based books and advance system  The management of paper-based books and advance the system, including library management and two books   1 administrator functions  Administrators do not have to come to the server, he may at any one computer can access the system through the administrator account and password system, and then manage the   Administrator has the following specific management capabilities:   The management of paper-based books on the server, including books to add, delete books, change and modify the classification of books and other book information    The management of paper-based books for discussion, book reviews, such as summary and    The management of user account and Administrators can view and modify the current system all the user account and password, and can be set whether the user account to lock and The account is locked will not be able to log on to the system until they are    To specify the user logged




DearXXX,IIFirstofall,it'sverycrowdedtoreadabookbecausethereisn'Secondly,somestudentseatsnacksandlistentomusicwhiletheyread,Also,Thereisenoughcomputer,I Sincerely,XXX希望这个能帮上你,欢迎追问,谢谢!

Dear Sir or Madam, I am a frequent user of our First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you as the library offers great help to I am writing this letter in purpose of rendering some suggestions to improve the quality of your Firstly, you'd better arrange an inquiry desk at the circulation hall so that students could go through the procedures more Secondly, the light in some corner is not so bright that we cannot look through books Lastly, the amount of books can hardly meet our So, I suggest our library will be able to make efforts to collect more popular and famous Besides,some outdated journal should be updated in time so as to bring new fresh air to Thank you for taking time reading this letter and I hope you will find the proposals Your prompt attention to my advice would be highly Yours Sincerely, Heng Sui

Hi! I'm Li HI am a student There is a new library in my There are diffrent kinds of books in it,such as story books,comic books and so Those are donated by many good
