

发布时间:2024-07-07 02:50:44






不同地区的文化有不同差异 对要翻译的话句也会有不同的理解 就像用中文讲一个笑话很好笑 但是翻译成别的语言 完全不知道笑点在哪···呃 是这个意思吧··



不同地区的文化有不同差异 对要翻译的话句也会有不同的理解 就像用中文讲一个笑话很好笑 但是翻译成别的语言 完全不知道笑点在哪···呃 是这个意思吧··

The influence of cultural differences on translation and



The inpact of culture difference between Chinese and English on the salutation in Chinese and English language


the impact of the differece between Chinese and English cutule on English -Chinesesalutation


分数那么低,还想让别人翻。现在翻译的价格是一个字一元钱,你至少给60分吧~~~! 汗~~~

%D6%D0%CE%F7&btn=+%CB%D1%CB%F7+ 1、 (英语系毕业论文)中西戏剧发展快慢对比及其原因 摘 要 中西戏剧都有悠久的历史,无论是西方戏剧还是中国戏剧,都起源于民间,并与原始人祭祀神灵,欢庆节日的仪式密切联系在一起的。回顾希腊戏剧产生形成的历史,它发展快,成就高,在世界上的影响很 类别:毕业论文 大小:95 KB 日期:2007-07-14 2、 (英语系毕业论文)从中美管理方式的不同透析中西方文化差异与整合 摘 要随着全球化的来临,中国与外界的交流越来越频繁,特别是在商界。本论文主要探讨中美在管理上的交流。如今的商界,如同一个大家庭,参与者遍布世界各地。正是由于这个原因,各国的管理模式也趋于一体化。但是 类别:毕业论文 大小:85 KB 日期:2007-06-26 3、 (英语系毕业论文)在经济全球化下中西方文化差异与跨文化管理 摘 要伴随着世界经济的快速增长,跨国公司的飞速发展, 全球商业活动的猛烈激增,同时伴随着在文化多样化环境下的相关管理问题的出现,跨国公司的人员必须与来自不同文化背景的人打交道,这种文化差异时而会造成 类别:毕业论文 大小:96 KB 日期:2007-06-26 4、 (英语系毕业论文)中西服饰文化差异对语言的影响 摘 要中西服饰受其各自不同哲学和文化的影响体现出不同的特征:儒家思想和大陆文明使中国服饰呈现出繁冗,宽博的特征。它不注重外表的装饰,以宽松的衣服遮掩身体的曲线,在思想上追求人格的完美,以“谦谦君 类别:毕业论文 大小:90 KB 日期:2007-06-25 5、 (英语系毕业论文)快餐食品对中西方传统饮食文化的影响力 摘 要自古以来,中国就是一个以礼待人的礼仪之邦。而在不同的国家、不同的地区,礼仪的形式也有所不同。本文主要从礼仪的角度谈论了礼仪与中西方文化之间的联系及相互影响,目的是为了消除不同国家之间的不同 类别:毕业论文 大小:88 KB 日期:2007-06-25 6、 (英语系毕业论文)从礼仪角度谈中西文化的差异性 摘 要自古以来,中国就是一个以礼待人的礼仪之邦。而在不同的国家、不同的地区,礼仪的形式也有所不同。本文主要从礼仪的角度谈论了礼仪与中西方文化之间的联系及相互影响,目的是为了消除不同国家之间的不同 类别:毕业论文 大小:85 KB 日期:2007-06-23 7、 (英语系毕业论文)中西饮食文化及其差异 摘 要中国悠久历史5000年,西方世界五六百年的社会历程。中国有灿烂丰富、博大精深的饮食文化;西方国家则有精巧专维、自成体系的饮食文明。民以食为天,中国有自己独特丰富的饮食文化底蕴。然而今天除了中国 类别:毕业论文 大小:100 KB 日期:2007-06-21 8、 (英语系毕业论文)中西酒店文化比较及探讨 摘 要在经济蓬勃发展的今天,旅游业风风火火地发展起来了,作为与旅游业相配套的酒店业也相应的完善起来,且更加趋于国际化。中国已经入世,这更给中国的酒店业带来一个新的发展契机,但世界上酒店发展规模空前,

翻译结果:Cultural differences on the impact of China's English education and coping strategiesAbstractUnderstanding of Chinese and Western cultural differences in foreign language teaching for the development of extremely important Especially at the present stage of China's English education and western cultural differences, their impact is quite large, and in oral communication, reading, and translation is particularly Over the years, teaching in the English language and culture, this relationship has not been given sufficient In teaching practice, seems to think that as long as the conduct of listening, speaking, reading and writing training, master of voice, vocabulary and grammar rules will be able to understand English and communicate in E In fact do not understand the language because of cultural background, do not understand the difference between Eastern and Western cultures, in the English language learning and communication in English there is a discrepancy in the frequently misunderstood frequently, the phenomenon of pragmatic failures one after And therefore the teaching of teachers in peacetime was aware of the need for cross-cultural Articles for the English teaching in Chinese and Western differences in the study, analysis of English education in oral communication, reading, translation, , and the West compared to identify differences between East and West caused by the most direct barriers; analysis of cultural differences in English language teaching the influence of its most prominent differences; described as the acceleration of technological and social progress in the cognitive differences between East and West and across the more 注释:中西文化差异:Cultural D英语教育:English Education 影响:impact 策略:strategy 嘻嘻!就这些啦

Cultural differences on the impact of China's English education and coping strategiesAbstractUnderstanding of Chinese and Western cultural differences in foreign language teaching for the development of extremely important Especially at the present stage of China's English education and western cultural differences, their impact is quite large, and in oral communication, reading, and translation is particularly Over the years, teaching in the English language and culture, this relationship has not been given sufficient In teaching practice, seems to think that as long as the conduct of listening, speaking, reading and writing training, master of voice, vocabulary and grammar rules will be able to understand English and communicate in E In fact do not understand the language because of cultural background, do not understand the difference between Eastern and Western cultures, in the English language learning and communication in English there is a discrepancy in the frequently misunderstood frequently, the phenomenon of pragmatic failures one after And therefore the teaching of teachers in peacetime was aware of the need for cross-cultural Articles for the English teaching in Chinese and Western differences in the study, analysis of English education in oral communication, reading, translation, , and the West compared to identify differences between East and West caused by the most direct barriers; analysis of cultural differences in English language teaching the influence of its most prominent differences; described as the acceleration of technological and social progress in the cognitive differences between East and West and across the more 中西文化差异:Cultural Differences英语教育:English Education影响:impact策略:strategy
