

发布时间:2024-07-07 03:50:29




回答 您好,您的问题已经收到,将由我来为您回答呢,由于目前咨询人数众多,业务繁忙,我们正在尽快为您整理答案,请您耐心等待呢,如果三分钟内没有回复您的话,请您再次发送一下问题,我们会优先为您处理的亲。感谢您的理解与信任。谢谢您的配合。 亲,很高兴回答您的问题,针对您的问题,我们为您提供如下解答。谢谢您的信任和理解,祝您身体健康,万事顺意。 unit 1 Section A : Vocabulary Ill charge convention 3 efficient obtain competent asessing fulfill conducting consequently significance IV behind at in to to for LCDNOAEGK Word Building 是这个吗亲 亲,如果您感觉到我的回答解决了您的问题的话,您可以帮忙点个赞并写一条任意评论吗。如果没有帮助到您的话,也欢迎您继续向我询问,到您满意为止呢。谢谢您的理解哦。 更多3条 


UNIT3    Translate the following sentences into E l          1对不起,我迟到了,我刚才在开会脱不开身。(get away)              I am sorry(that) I am late, but I was at a meeting and couldn't get    在音乐会上,歌手唱完每一首美妙动听的歌曲时,观众便高声喝彩表示赞赏。 (appreciation)  At the concert, whenever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audience would burst into loud cheers to show their   (不用when) 她是个穿着时髦的人,对饮食很少讲究。(stylish)  She is always wearing stylish clothes, but she seldom cares about what she eats or   护士告诉我医生奇迹般地治好了你的心脏病。(do wonders for)  The nurse told me that the doctors  had done wonders for  your heart   主席颁奖时赞美获奖者为人类作出了巨大贡献。(compliment)    When awarding the prize, the chairman complimented the winner on his great contribution to    这个问题许多年来使专家们迷惑不解。(bother)  This problem has bothered the experts for many   警察到达后,示威的人群逐渐散开了。(melt away)   The crowd of demonstrators  melted away when the police    既然准时是个好习惯,我们应该十分注意准时,努力养成这种好习惯。(punctuality)  Since punctuality is such a good habit, we should pay close attention to it and make every effort to cultivate    老人疼爱那女孩,就好像她是自己的女儿一样。(cherish)  The old man cherishes that girl, as if she were his own  (虚拟语气) 这只是例行的体格检查,没有什么好担心的。(routine)  It is just a routine physical checkup, nothing to get worried    UNIT这座山峰耸立在群山之上,从山峰上可以看到一片美丽的景色。(peak) Towering above all others, this mountain peak commands a fine 我请朋友们推荐一位擅长给儿童看病的医生recommend) I have asked my friends to recommend a doctor who is good at treating 孩子们在悬吊在树上的一根绳子上荡秋千swing) The children were swinging on a rope hanging from a   政府下决心无论如何要避免食品价格陡然上涨。(at all costs不惜任何代价; 不惜工本) The government is determined to avoid at all costs a sharp rise in The women's volleyball team put up a desperate fight to win the world championship at all 女子排球队为赢得世界冠军而不惜一切代价,殊死拼搏。 5他 竭尽全力试图 去救那个溺水的男孩,但没成功in vain) He  tried his best to  save the drowning boy, but in    那个老妇人总是喜欢管别人的事情。interfere in) That old woman is always interfering in other people's   发表了几篇有影响的论文后,他在学术界 颇有名气。distinguished)  After having several influential papers published, he became quitedistinguished in the  academic   那个地区污染严重,村民几乎找不到适合饮用的水。fit)  (Pollution is so serious in this area that the villagers can hardly find any water) that is fit for (主语从句)我把可能需要的东西都塞进手提箱。pack) I packed a suitcase with  all the things that might be   10我们中国人往往把春节与家人团聚联系起来。associate with) We Chinese usually associate the Spring Festival with family

A larger and larger part of society is expressing its concern about Active in their concern, teachers and students hold specific meetings todiscuss environmental Also, city planners take environmental problems intoserious And, though reducing pollution can be expensive, factories oftentake every possible measure to do their Many people are concerned and activebecause air and water pollution affects everyone and makes it difficult for cities tosurvive and businesses to make a 第二单元Computers, just like any new technology, have a negative As more and morecomputers are used in production lines, many jobs are being taken over bycomputer-controlled As a result, many workers are finding themselves This constitutes a threat to social Another problem is computer Forexample, some people are finding ways to break into the bank computer systems andtransfer large sums of money to their own There have been many reports One more negative effect of computers is that they bring about health Sitting in front of computers all day undoubtedly affects people’s Back pain, wristpain, failing eyesight, to name only a 第三单元Many people place so much emphasis on success that they think any failure is Failure is never pleasant because it hurts But in fact it can make positivecontribution to our life once we learn how to make the best of We can learn from adisastrous party how to give a good And we can learn from an ill-chosen first housewhat to look for in a Even a total failure can give us fresh ideas or a change Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be beneficial to us as weexperiment every day to find out the right way of doing 第四单元Parents have to save a large amount of money for their children to study Apartfrom the international flight, they have to pay for their daily expense, such as food,shelter, entertainment, long-distance telephone calls, and In addition, thechildren should have some money ready to cover unexpected 第五单元There are many problems for mixed The number one reason is the culturaldifferences between the mixed couple, like those in customs and Many peoplehave prejudice against mixed They often feel shocked to see people ofdifferent races get married and have doubts about such What’s more,children from mixed marriages tend to be looked down upon or even badly treated bytheir Mixed marriages face many trials, and as a result, mixed couples have higherdivorce rates than couples of the same




Unit1textA fidence xplore 3emerged 4assume 5pose 6comprehensive 7resources 8yield 9inherited 10transmit4 uncover uneasy unload applicant resistant accountant assist simplify notify qualify classify5 1classified 2assist 3resistant 4uncovered 5uneasy 6qualify 7unloading 8applicants 9simplified 10accountant 11notified 6 D H A B M F O I G J7 1get by 2make the most of 3in advance 4over time 5reap the benefits of 6all at time 7remind of 8stand a chance of 9open the door to 10take pleasure intextB5 1stimulate 2potential 3cultivate 4instinct 5confident 6assured 7curiosity 8participate 9approach 10capacity6 1into 2like 3to 4up 5to 6up 7off 8in读写unit2TextA3 1awaits 2efficiency 3donation 4polished 5stuffed 6historical 7emotional 8embarrassed 9dump 10curb7 1made it 2After all 3strip off 4with open arms 5throw away 6straighten up 7keep back 8free ofTextB4 1awkward 2stretch 3overtaking 4delicate 5anticipate 6immense 7reluctance 8suspicious 9complain 10melted5 1out 2for 3with 4in 5in 6down 7to 8aboard读写unit3TextA3 1competitive 2transform 3typical 4response 5adopted 6focused 7compensate 8analyze 9regulate 10estimate7 1fired off 2keep up with 3set up 4account for 5stand out 6add to 7take the lead 8at a disadvantage 9in large part 10visit withTextB4 1concerned 2release 3positive 4ceased 5enable 6decline 7scheduled 8essential 9neglect 10arouse5 1of 2to 3with 4of 5from 6but 7to 8for


Every year, when June 8th comes, it is such a big day for Chinese high school students, because they need to take part in the very important exam, which will decide their future At the same time, it is also means saying goodbye to the high school life for the In every class, students have great impression about their head teacher, even they graduate, they still can remember the head It is not easy to be a head teacher, he has to follow the students’ work all the time and most students hate So when the high school students graduate, a head teacher said thank you to his students for tolerating him for three These words are so touching, the students know his good Without the head teacher’s supervision, they would not go that 每年,当6月8号到来的时候,对于中国的高中生来说是个大日子,因为他们需要参加一场很重要的考试,这将会决定他们未来的大学。同时,也意味着和高中生活说再见。在每个班级,学生对他们的班主任都会留下很深刻的印象,即使他们毕业,仍然能记得班主任。做班主任是不容易的,他不得不随时跟着学生的工作,而且,大部分学生不喜欢班主任。所以当学生高中毕业了,一位班主任说感谢他的学生忍受了他三年。这些话是多么感人啊,学生也知道班主任的好意。没有班主任的监督,他们就无法走得那么远。


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