

发布时间:2024-07-05 17:41:22


在十四行诗中,诗人抒发了爱情给人带来的欢乐,欣喜,痴狂和忧伤,无助与悲痛,表达了诗人对爱情忠贞不渝,海枯石烂誓死不变的信念,歌颂心灵美与外在美的统一,爱情可以给出身卑微的人的带来幸福,自信和勇气,给意志消沉,郁郁不闷的人带来希望和快乐的。即使是爱情悲剧,诗人也把自己的血化为红宝石,将自己的泪凝成亮珍珠,闪烁着崇高的、美的光彩。  莎士比亚处于英国文艺复兴时期,贯穿于莎士比亚作品中的人文主义思想,其基本出发点是资产阶级“人性论”。“个人奋斗”、“恋爱至上”、“及时行乐”、“人生无常”等消极观念也流露于字里行间。但除去这些消极的观念,诗人对爱情和美的向往是值得我们思考的。  在莎士比亚的爱情诗中,作了很多关于爱人的美的描述,也用了一些“意象”的手法。他把他所爱的人比作太阳,比作夏天等自然界中的美好事物,但作者认为它们都有自己的缺点,都不能跟他完美无缺的爱人相比,这一切对于形容她的美和表达他对她的爱都显得微不足道。  我怎么能够把你比作夏天?  你不独比他可爱也比他温婉;  狂风把五月宠爱的嫩蕊作践,  夏天出赁的期限又未免太短;  他那炳耀的金颜又常遭掩蔽;  天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈,  给机缘或无常的天道所摧折,  没有芳艳不终于凋残或销毁。  在英国的夏天,温暖而不炎热,是最宜人,美丽的季节,诗人把他的情人比作夏天这个美丽的季节,还认为不够,因为夏天仍有它的缺点,远不如他的情人美丽,温柔,可爱。在夏天有时狂风会作践可爱的嫩蕊,它残酷无情,远没有他的爱人可爱,温婉。有时炎炎烈日当空时酷热难忍;乌云又常会遮蔽太阳,而且夏天的时间太短。夏天虽美但仍有如此多的缺点。而他的情人比夏天更温柔多情,夏天很快会过去,但她的美丽永存。  但你的长夏将  永远不凋落,  也不会损失你这皎洁的红芳;  或死神夸口你在他影里漂泊,  当你在不朽的诗里与时同长。  只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛,  这诗将长在,并且赐给你生命。  人生无常,命运不济,厄运或许会随时降临。人的生命是多么的脆弱,所以死神夸口说,人的生死命运都随时操纵在他手里,即使是那样,你也不用害怕,只要我把你的美丽写进了不朽的诗篇,你就可以随同我的作品流传人间与“时间”共存不灭,永不凋落,你的青春与美丽将会随着诗篇永传人世,被人们所赏识。青春和美丽都是短暂的,诗人想用这种方式留住对情人的爱和情人的美,表现了他对爱和美的追求、向往和珍惜。《你的长夏永不凋落》是首富有哲理性的抒情诗。通篇以夏天为喻,说明美借诗而永存的道理。诗人认为自然界的夏天尽管美好,仍有许多缺陷,难于长久。“没有芳艳不终于凋残或销毁”,那么,人的美好的青春自然也将逝去。但他坚信:人类是不朽的,人类所创造的文学是不朽的,因而美好的事物(包括诗人情人的美,可以借助于文学而永远流传下去。它是当时资产阶级人文主义思想的一种表现,即充分肯定人的价值,赞扬人的尊严,高贵,歌颂人的巨大创造力和对美的追求。  诗以言志,诗人可以借助诗来表达爱情,含蓄而真挚,爱情就像严寒中的一把火,干渴时的一滴甘露,能带给身处困境或自暴自弃的人以信心和光明。例如下面一首《你的甜爱就是珍宝》。  我一旦失去了幸福,又遭人白眼,

论《洛丽塔》中纳博科夫的现代意识 (文化冲突)The Dispiriting Incompatibility of European and American CulturesThroughout Lolita, the interactions between European and American cultures result in perpetual misunderstandings and Charlotte Haze, an American, is drawn to the sophistication and worldliness of Humbert, a E She eagerly accepts Humbert not so much because of who he is, but because she is charmed by what she sees as the glamour and intellect of Humbert’s Humbert has no such reverence for C He openly mocks the superficiality and transience of American culture, and he views Charlotte as nothing but a simple-minded However, he adores every one of Lolita’s vulgarities and chronicles every detail of his tour of America—he enjoys the possibilities for freedom along the open American He eventually admits that he has defiled the country rather than the other way Though Humbert and Lolita develop their own version of peace as they travel together, their union is clearly not based on understanding or Lolita cannot comprehend the depth of Humbert’s devotion, which he overtly links to art, history, and culture, and Humbert will never truly recognize Lolita’s unwillingness to let him sophisticate Eventually, Lolita leaves Humbert for the American Quilty, who does not bore her with high culture or grand 偶然和无常纳博科夫的《洛丽塔》中的混沌 (心里和心理学方面的混乱)The Inadequacy of PsychiatryHumbert’s passion for Lolita defies easy psychological analysis, and throughout Lolita Humbert mocks psychiatry’s tendency toward simplistic, logical In the foreword to Lolita, John Ray, J, PD, claims that Humbert’s tale will be of great interest to psychiatry, but throughout his memoir Humbert does his best to discredit the entire field of study, heaping the most scorn on Freudian For example, he enjoys lying to the psychiatrists at the He reports mockingly that Pratt, the headmistress of Lolita’s school, diagnoses Lolita as sexually immature, wholly unaware that she actually has an overly active sex life with her By undermining the authority and logic of the psychiatric field, Nabokov demands that readers view Humbert as a unique and deeply flawed human being, but not an insane Humbert further thwarts efforts of scientific categorization by constantly describing his feelings for Lolita as an enchantment or spell, closer to magic than to He tries to prove that his love is not a mental disease but an enormous, strange, and uncontrollable emotion that resists easy Nabokov himself was deeply critical of psychiatry, and Lolita is, in a way, an attack on the 以《洛丽塔》为例分析文学内在价值与社会道德规范的冲突解析《洛丽塔》中主人公的悲剧命运论《洛丽塔》的悲剧意义(这段3个主题都有相关,但是不详细)Humbert and Lolita are both exiles, and, alienated from the societies with which they are familiar, they find themselves in ambiguous moral territory where the old rules seem not to Humbert chooses exile and comes willingly from Europe to America, while Lolita is forced into exile when Charlotte She becomes detached from her familiar community of Ramsdale and goes on the road with H Together, they move constantly and belong to no single fixed The tourists Humbert and Lolita meet on the road are similarly transient, belonging to a generic America rather than to a specific In open, unfamiliar territory, Humbert and Lolita form their own set of rules, where normal sexual and familial relationships become twisted and Both Humbert and Lolita have become so disconnected from ordinary society that neither can fully recognize how morally depraved their actions Humbert cannot see his own monstrosity, and Lolita shows only occasional awareness of herself of a Though Humbert sweeps Lolita away so that they can find a measure of freedom, their exile ultimately traps Lolita is bound to Humbert because she has nowhere else to go, and though Humbert dreams of leaving America with Lolita, he eventually accepts that he will stay in America until he Though each of them undergoes one final exile, Lolita to Dick Schiller and Humbert to prison, it is clear that they are first and foremost exiled from their own selves, an exile so total that they could never return to their original places in the worlds they once Exile in L


DICKINSONS BECAUSE I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATH Abstract:Analyzes the poem `Because I Could Not Stop for Death,' by Emily D The use of remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination, the known and the unknown; The viewpoint of eternity; Understanding of the incomprehensible; The stages of DICKINSON'S BECAUSE I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATHIn "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" (J712), Emily Dickinson uses remembered images of the past to clarify infinite conceptions through the establishment of a dialectical relationship between reality and imagination, the known and the [1] By viewing this relationship holistically and hierarchically ordering the stages of life to include death and eternity, Dickinson suggests the interconnected and mutually determined nature of the finite and [2] From the viewpoint of eternity, the speaker recalls experiences that happened on earth centuries In her recollection, she attempts to identify the eternal world by its relationship to temporal standards, as she states that "Centuries" (21) in eternity are "shorter than the [earthly] day" (22) Likewise, by anthropomorphizing Death as a kind and civil gentleman, the speaker particularizes Death's characteristics with favorable [3] Similarly, the finite and infinite are amalgamated in the fourth stanza: The Dews drew quivering and chill-- For only Gossamer, my Gown--My Tippett--only Tulle--(14-16) In these lines the speaker's temporal existence, which allows her to quiver as she is chilled by the "Dew," merges with the spiritual universe, as the speaker is attired in a "Gown" and cape or "Tippet," made respectively of "Gossamer," a cobweb, and "Tulle," a kind of thin, open net-temporal coverings that suggest transparent, spiritual Understanding the incomprehensible often depends on an appreciation of the progression of the stages of By recalling specific stages of life on earth, the speaker not only settles her temporal past but also views these happenings from a higher awareness, both literally and In a literal sense, for example, as the carriage gains altitude to make its heavenly approach, a house seems as "A Swelling of the Ground" (18) Figuratively the poem may symbolize the three stages of life: "School, where Children strove" (9) may represent childhood; "Fields of Gazing Grain" (11), maturity; and "Setting Sun" (12) old Viewing the progression of these stages-life, to death, to eternity-as a continuum invests these isolated, often incomprehensible events with [4] From her eternal perspective, the speaker comprehends that life, like the "Horses Heads" (23), leads "toward Eternity" (24)[5] Through her boundless amalgamation and progressive ordering of the temporal world with the spiritual universe, Dickinson dialectically shapes meaning from the limitations of life, allowing the reader momentarily to glimpse a universe in which the seemingly distinct and discontinuous stages of existence are holistically implicated and NOTES [] Others who have written on Emily Dickinson's responses to death include Ruth Miller (The Poetry of Emily Dickinson [Middletown, C: Wesleyan U P, 1968]); Robert Weisbuch Emily Dickinson's Poetry [Chicago, : U of Chicago P, 1975]); Carol Anne Taylor ("Kierkegaard and the Ironic Voices of Emily Dickinson ," Journal of English and German Philology 77 [1978]: 569-81); Charles Anderson ( Emily Dickinson's Poetry: Stairway of Surprise [New York: Holt, Reinhart, 1960]); Sharon Cameron (Lyric Time (Baltimore: John Hopkins U P, 1979]); Brita Lindberg-Seyersted (The Voice of the Poet: Aspects of Style in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson [Cambridge: Harvard U P, 1968]) [] The theoretical foundation for aspects of this argument rests in part on the philosophies of such men as Immanuel Kant, who represents the notion of the boundary of human experience as a belt of mediation: "The sensuous world is nothing but a chain of appearances connected according to universal laws; it has therefore no subsistence by itself; it is not the thing in itself and consequently must point to that which contains the basis of this experience, to beings which cannot be cognised merely as phenomena, but as things in themselves" (Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, and Paul Carus [Chicago: Open Court Publishing C, 1902] 124) [] In The Long Shadow, Clark Griffith grounds this poem in secular traditions, as he points out that Death's stopping for the Lady-Poet reflects a "tradition of nineteenth-century 'courtly love' " (129), an interpretation which allows the reader to evaluate "Death as either kind or malevolent" (130) and "Eternity" (131) as a "pleasant" place or realm of "nothingness" (132) [] In The Rhetoric of American Romance (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U P 1984), Evan Carton says, "To approach God, for Dickinson, is generally to shape a more satisfying relationship between oneself and the universe " (270) [] Jane D Eberwein, in Dickinson: Strategies of Limitation (Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1985) argues that Death does not "launch the persona of this poem into another world" but rather leaves the persona in a "House" (218) Copyright of Explicator is the property of Heldref Publications and its content may not be copied without the copyright holder's express written permission except for the print or download capabilities of the retrieval software used for This content is intended solely for the use of the individual



关于“实录”,司马迁、扬雄和班固都作了定义,虽然他们对“实录”概念的表述不同,但其实质是一样的:真实是这一概念的核心内容和内在精神,要求写实,保持事情原貌是他们的共同追求,这就是史家的实录观。史学家常用这种著史的实录方法来评价小说作品,对古代文学家产生深远的影响。受史家实录小说观的影响,文学家在创作和批评中也注重实录,但其实质却是不同的,在具体的创作和批评实践中实录的标准也发生了某种变化,关于这点,本文主要在小说内容方面作详细论述。 由于史学家和文学家在小说内容、小说创作方法方面的实录认识不同,从而有利于小说向追求艺术形式的独立文体方向发展,这使得小说逐渐脱离了史家所要求叙述精练、语言的雅洁和含蓄蕴籍,开始注重小说中故事情节的完整和波澜起伏、人物塑造的个性化和心理刻画、以及细节描写的详尽和诗意小说氛围的创造。所以本文主要从小说内容和小说艺术形式方面,来揭示文学家的小说实录思想的实质。 本文分为四章,第一章史学家和文学家的两种不同小说实录思想,第二章魏晋南北朝文学家的实录思想,第三章唐人小说家的实录思想,第四章文学家在历史小说方面的实录思想。认识到史家小说实录思想和文家小说实录思想在小说

论俄罗斯文学中“多余人”的人物形象 在19世纪俄国文坛上,曾出现了一条“辉煌灿烂”的“多余人画廊”。在这画廊中耸立着许多具有一定“文化”高度的典型。他们是普希金笔下的叶甫盖尼·奥涅金;莱蒙托夫《当代英雄》中的毕巧林;屠格涅夫《罗亭》中的罗亭;冈察洛夫《奥勃洛摩夫》中的奥勃洛摩夫等。在这些人的灵魂深处一半蕴藉着先进的民主革命意识,闪烁着为祖国进步而奋斗的思想光芒,迸发着积极寻求真理和人生崇高目标的火花;而另一半则被西方利己主义和怀疑主义的消极思想所侵蚀,他们在情感与理智的悖逆中,形成了二重矛盾的性格和复杂的生命形态:个性意识的觉醒,使他们萌发去寻找精神解放的途径,而自身性格软弱的钳制,又使他们找不到新生活的定位,徘徊、孤独、苦闷。他们既不满俄国社会现状,愤世嫉俗,但又不愿站在人民一边,精神上无所寄托。他们一面觉得在鄙俗的上流社会无以容身,但又对上流社会以外的生活同样感到索然无味。因而到头来尽管不甘心沉沦却又无力超出社会的束缚与羁绊。他们只能是否定和怀疑的精灵,是一群生活理想的“迷惘者”,努力寻求自我实现,终因不能在生活中获得自我价值的实现而变成了“多余人”。关于“多余人”这个概念早在普希金的诗体小说《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》第八章的一种译稿中就出现了,写到奥涅金时有这样的两句:有人远在他们之外,像多余的东西茕茕孑立。后来俄国评论家赫尔岑给“多余人”下定义说“他们充满高贵的愿望,但羽翼折断,眼睛看到哪里就奔到哪里:他们想隐遁起来,避开生活,这是多余的,没有益处的人。” 文学反映青年的生活已形成诸多传统的主题,“多余人”是其中的一个重要群体。同创世英雄、寻梦者和毁灭者等类型相比,“多余人”题材更具绵延性、复杂性和普及性。 一、 近现代研究“多余人”形象现状一瞥回眸我国对“多余人”形象的研究,首先是从俄国“多余人”形象入手,进而对世界文学之中与俄国“多余人”相类似的典型进行探讨,从狭义到广义的比较研究中萌生出一个新命题,即“多余人之世界性文学现象”。(1)对俄国“多余人”的认识我国对俄国“多余人”的认识主要分两个阶段,第一阶段是20世纪80年代之前的研究,我国评论界几乎一直囿于“多余人”是俄国文学“特产”的认识阶段,普遍惯性地使用这个定型的结论。而各个历史时期对这一形象的认识都基于时代所需,是一种“感性”的理解。在动乱前,我们对俄国文学的介绍、翻译和研究倾向是“以我所需”、“急我所用”、“拿来天火”给苦难的大众为我们解决燃眉之急的现实斗争服务。这是个“全面肯定”的时期,我们对“多余人”身上的觉醒和抗争的积极方面,给予了最充分的关注,却有意无意地疏忽了他们身上的消极方面。进入极左时期,对俄国文学的研究进入冰冻,“多余人”真正变得多余,并销声匿迹。总体上,这个阶段我们对“多余人”形象的认识基本上处于一个分散的初级认识阶段,对“多余人”也多是从介绍的角度进行普及性传播。第二阶段是20世纪末的20年至今,这一阶段进入理性化思考。一大批对“多余人”问题的研究论文逐渐在广度和深度上有新的开拓,主要归纳为下面几个方面:其一,对读者熟悉的非“多余人”典型重新审视,发现了“新”的“多余人”。不满足于已有定论,勇于开拓发现。有文章指出“达吉雅娜与奥涅金一样,只有觉醒,没有真正的反抗”,认为达吉雅娜也具有“多余人”的色彩。其二,对于那些原本公认的“多余人”形象或提出质疑或重新评价。其三,从整体上对俄国“多余人”产生、发展情况、进步意义等重要问题作了有益的探索。在刘亚丁的专著《十九世纪俄国文学史纲》一书中提出俄国“多余人”产生实际上“是外来文化撞击古老俄国的结果,外来文化第一批接受者是青年贵族,他们无法停息被撞击后的震荡。”同时这个高峰时期俄国“多余人”的影响,也唤起了我国一代青年的觉醒和一代作家的创作。(2)“多余人”现象的初步联网以俄国“多余人”为稳固的经线,我们打破国界,在“多余人”研究中出现横向“联网”。评论家首先把视线投向了中国近现代文学中的“零余者”和“孤独者”。如《屠格涅夫和郁达夫的“多余人”比较研究》、《论俄罗斯文学中的“多余人”与中国现代文学的“孤独者”》。同时也将目光投向了中国古代文学作品,如《贾宝玉和俄国文学中的“多余人”形象》、《贾宝玉与奥涅金之比较》等。其次,评论者在日本和法国文学中找到了俄国“多余人”的兄弟。日本古典名著《源氏物语》中的光源氏形象,被认定为世界文学画廊里一个典型的悲剧性的“多余人”。有的论述了日俄“多余人”的相似之处后,还从价值观、伦理、思维方式和民族心理等方面阐释了日俄“多余人”的差异。另有把法国的“世纪儿” 和“孤独者”联系起来,启示我们追溯中法文学的姻缘。对于中日“多余人”之异同也有专文进行了论述。以日本“私小说”为切入点,阐述了对中国“零余者”的影响。(3)一个新命题的萌生——“多余人之世界性文学现象” 对于世界近200年间的“多余人”现象,沿着二百多年的不断的发展历史轨迹,得出了“多余人的演化”轨迹。从18世纪末维特的出现为起点,其后是19世纪初“世纪儿”的“世纪症”蔓延,几乎与此同时“拜伦式英雄”和哈洛尔德震动欧洲;到了19世纪20至50年代,俄国的“多余人”以强大的阵容和整齐的队伍跻身于世界文学之林;19世纪末20世纪初日本的“逃遁者”面世,中国的“孤独者”、“零余者”便接踵而至。而到了20世纪中期,美国的“反映雄”虽然姗姗来迟,却与法国的“局外人”、英国的“愤怒青年”和德国的“新维特”,互相呼应,携手问世,构成了当代“多余人”联网。这一联网真正实现了歌德最早提出的“世界文学的梦想。从“世界文学”发展的总体态势和各国文学的自身的实际来重新审视“多余人”现象,就不是孤立的研究,有利于促进各国文学和世界文学的共同发展。经全方位普查和多角度扫描,评论界定质定量地给世界“多余人”现象得出一个纵横交叉的历史发展模式,得出这样一个简略的图示:(美国) “反英雄” (20世纪中) (中国) “孤独者” (20世纪初) (日本) “逃遁者” (20世纪初) (俄国) “多余人” (19世纪前叶) (英国) (英国) (德国) (法国) (法国) “愤怒青年” “拜伦式” “维特热” “世纪儿” “局外人” (20世纪中) (19世纪初) (18世纪末) (19世纪初) (20世纪中) (德国) “新维特” (20世纪中) 本图示基本表示出世界各国文学在相同和不同历史阶段,出现的相近“多余人”类型的各自姓氏代号。每个代号的专用名称几乎都包含着一个群体系列。同时图示中的国际性的排列组合,克服了本土文学的自足性和排他性,反映出互相交融、理解和创造的新局面。 二、“多余人“形象研究之我见(1)“多余人”的特征 “多余人”是多棱多角多面的立体,身上混杂着复合的色彩,反映了复杂的人生。他们是思想上的“报晓的先觉者”,行动上则是“贫乏的残疾者”。他们是属于精神世界中最鲜活和最忧郁的“精神贵族”。用一句话概括,“多余人”的心理特征是,意识和意志的不相协调。意识上的“巨人”和意志上的“矮子”,这也是“多余人”大起大落的精神历程和悲剧。他们有勇气从厌恶的环境中拔了旧根,却找不到适宜的土壤扎新根,成了“无根浮萍”、“身外客”、“局外人”、“逃遁者”、“隐身人”。(2)国度“多余人”典型的分析 ①自省和探索——俄国“多余人” 俄国“多余人”的精神探索,具有东方人的忧患意识和民族的整体特征,在民族兴亡中实现个人的价值。这使俄国“多余人”闪耀着某种灵光,格外动人,而且更富有生命力和感染力,或许这也是俄国“多余人”在文学家笔下获得不朽价值的重要原因之一。俄国“多余人”是从俄国的旧文化和欧洲新文化撞击融合的血肉土地上产生出来的。这是“多余人”产生的一般性回答。俄国盛产“多余人”特别是从贵族阶级中不断地裂变处“多余人”,与俄国贵族阶级所处的特殊历史地位有着密切关系。另外,在这些反映传统主题的杰作里,我们明显地看出文学家本人的精神和心理与他所塑造的主人公的亲缘关系。因此,这些“传统主题”中的贵族青年形象在一定意义上是作家的精神的再生儿。 ②东方隐士——日本“逃遁者” 无论是二叶亭四迷《浮云》的主人公内海文山,还是夏目漱石作品中塑造的一系列日本式“多余人”形象,都表现出“隐士”的特点。他们是“内向的”,拘谨、沉重、迟缓,远没有欧洲和俄国“多余人”那种无所顾忌的洒脱、豁达和冒险精神,但它们具有更强的忍耐力和承受力。首先是旧思想的强大和根深蒂固,羁绊着“多余人”新思潮的萌发;其次,东亚文化儒释道的精神和日本民族传统的打“和”精神对他们“隐士”精神的造成有着密切的制约作用。日本“逃遁者”是东方文学中最早出现的一批“多余人”形象,它为年轻而短暂的日本近代文学开拓了现实主义道路。同时也为中国“零余者”的诞生不断吹来了春风。 ③最具社会和民族责任感——中国“零余者” 从郁达夫笔下的自叙的“沉沦者”到鲁迅笔下的孤独的魏连殳,从丁玲笔下的沙菲到巴金《爱情三部曲》中的周如水,从老舍笔下的祁瑞宣到钱钟书《围城》中的方鸿渐,中国“零余者”蜂拥而来。古老的封建王国在不可避免的社会大变革中,开始整个民族的蜕变,走向现代化社会的历史性转变轨道,是中国“零余者”大批萌生的文化背景。同时,20世纪东西方文化交流的加速,成为了中国“零余者”的催生剂。“五四”时期中国觉醒的知识青年,与近代西方意识的接轨决定了中国“零余者”精神含量的丰富性和深刻性,决定了中国“零余者”思考的浓缩性和情感的强烈尖锐度。(3)“多余人”形象的巨大魅力首先来自形象本身所蕴含的丰富的社会内涵,这是由“多余人”的崇高的悲剧性格所决定的。人是社会关系的总和,任何一个社会人都一定处于社会关系网络中的某个点上,而对于“多余人”来说,他们恰恰处于社会关系网络的最敏感点上,因而他们的性格悲剧也就成了历史的必然。而且较之一般性像,他们更集中、更深刻地反映着社会关系两极的对立和冲突,或者说,他们本身就是社会关系两极尖锐对立和激烈冲突的产物。 其次,“多余人”都具有性格缺陷,因而形成其悲剧的性格特征。在灵与肉、理智与感情的冲突中往往陷于强烈的内省和忏悔意识。从而产生一种深刻的“内源性”忧郁症。在这种复杂的性格中,才真正体现人物性格真实的美,同时产生复杂的美学效应,使读者获得悲与喜交融、崇高与滑稽相混杂的复杂深刻的审美感受。这就是多余人形象具有强大感染力的美学原因。阅读“多余人”,走进他们的世界,你能在他们身上找到自己的影子,瞬间发现“自我”,产生共鸣,带来思索。 参考书目: 1、《“多余人”论纲——一种世界性文学现象探讨》,张伟著,东方出版社,1998年 2、《比较文学基本原理》,方汉文编,苏州大学出版社,2002年 3、《东西方跨世纪作家比较研究》,张承举编,北京图书馆出版社,1997年 4、《《叶甫盖尼奥涅金》,普希金,译林出版社,1996年


Abstracts of marriage is the "two persons", like pre-marital property agreement is "joint venture" agreement, making a profit on the assets and the distribution of the most reasonable, and its function is "well-being", through the process of "emotional" ; marriage is two people love and the risk of property investment, like pre-marital property agreements are insurance contracts, property disputes on the most effective preventive doing, it is not really use the insurance, but the marriage to "a long and healthy life " This article only for the marriage party to establish a good and harmonious marital relationship offers a new way of Also mentioned in this article agreed matrimonial property system of China's shortcomings and put forward a few points, indicating the current marriage law is not perfect, the problem remains how to address the reader to Keywords: agreement property, common property system in general is a community-property system were limited to property With the industrialization and urbanization, in recent years, the social institution of marriage and marital behavior of tremendous and profound changes: the traditional concept of marriage and the institution of marriage is suffering from the pursuit of more freedom of individuality and individualism, the impact of values , the marriage rate decline, the divorce rate increased, the decline in the importance of the institution of marriage Status: Recently, the China Women's Federation of China's 10 provinces (autonomous regions), the city of 4000 people had a "pre-marital property, whether there is a need both notarized" large-scale public opinion survey was 1 percent male, 9% were women, roughly in line with the China's population sex ratio, geographical survey, income, age and marital status also constitutes a basic line with China's population The survey results showed that Chinese people have pre-marital property notarization great differences of opinion, who were in support of the 6 percent accounted for, those who are against the 4 percent accounted Involved in a 10 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in the 4000 survey, 1% male, 9% were women, roughly in line with China's population sex Survey of geographical, income, age and marital status also constitutes a basic line with China's population It is said that the sample error rate of five per The study explained that the rise of pre-marital property notarization has its inevitability, as before the reform and opening up, China's average annual income of less than one thousand Renminbi yuan, little pre-marital Nineties, there has been substantial increase in living standards, a considerable number of people already have high-end real estate, cars and so on, to reach tens of thousands of household deposits, a few hundreds of thousands of persons, so pre-marital property, it came into being And the number of divorce cases involving property disputes arising from the troubles, people tend to pre-marital property is one of the reasons for Statistics show that over the past two decades, China's courts at all levels of divorce cases increased an average of 08 percent last year to reach 1,199, The vast majority of these cases have a property I personally think that the divorce cases in so many property disputes, which is not on the property of the husband and wife agreed to make a great relationship, and pre-marital property marital property agreement as an important way to agree more and more attention, At the same time, the law also attaches great importance to the academic In view of these reasons, in order to prevent disputes, the prevention of disputes, both husband and wife either one or both of the protection of the legitimate rights and interests, the proposed increase in husband and wife agreed procedures for the registration of In order to adapt to the realities of social life and the need to align with the international community, in order to further improve the system of Marital Property in China, China should learn from the advanced legislative experience of other countries on the basis of the actual situation in China to establish a set of line with China's national conditions, both scientific, standardized, clear, specific and operational property of the husband and wife First, China's system of property between husband and wife agreed, and the concept of the historical evolution 1, China's system of property between husband and wife agreed upon a long history, can be traced back to the thirties of last "Civil Code of the Republic of China" N 4 for "relative" in section 4, "matrimonial property system" section 1004 states: "The husband and wife in a marriage before or after the marriage in order to contract on the agreed set this property, select the one their matrimonial property system ", Article 1007 states:" The husband and wife of property contract entered into, change or repeal, shall be in " This should be regarded as the official history of our country have agreed matrimonial property Promulgated in 1950, "Marriage Law of People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as "Marriage") is not property of the husband and wife agreed to make However, the rule of law the Central People's Government Committee "on the Marriage Law of the PRC after the drafting and the drafting of the report of the grounds," pointed out, the Marriage Law, "for all types of family property, both spouses can be the equal freedom of voluntary agreement to resolve, and this is is the family property, both spouses have equal right to ownership and to deal with the specific performance of " Agreement of the family property here should include: ① allow both spouses to agree on the property; ② property between husband and wife must abide by the agreement freely and voluntarily, the principle of equality; ③ agreed matrimonial property is family property; ④ marital property agreement concerns the ownership of , management and so The Central People's Government as a result of the rule of law by the Legislative Commission explained that the force of law, it can be said that in 1950 China's "Marriage" is to allow the implementation of real property between husband and wife However, because of social conditions, coupled with real life, very little personal property, as well as husband and wife agreed that the property difficult to embody the spirit of the

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As a civil rights, privacy in modern society, an increasingly important It also changes in society, given new development right to privacy is reflected in the contents of the expansion of right to privacy, protection, enhancement values of the change, and other privacy New developments in privacy, and social and economic, cultural, science and technology is closely related to many Keywords: privacy the new development trends


About Green Chemistry What is green chemistry? Green chemistry, also called sustainable chemistry, is a chemical philosophy encouraging the design of products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous [1] Whereas environmental chemistry is the chemistry of the natural environment, and of pollutant chemicals in nature, green chemistry seeks to reduce and prevent pollution at its In 1990 the Pollution Prevention Act was passed in the United S This act helped create a modus operandi for dealing with pollution in an original and innovative It aims to avoid problems before they As a chemical philosophy, green chemistry applies to organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, and even physical While green chemistry seems to focus on industrial applications, it does apply to any chemistry Click chemistry is often cited as a style of chemical synthesis that is consistent with the goals of green The focus is on minimizing the hazard and maximizing the efficiency of any chemical It is distinct from environmental chemistry which focuses on chemical phenomena in the In 2005 Ryoji Noyori identified three key developments in green chemistry: use of supercritical carbon dioxide as green solvent, aqueous hydrogen peroxide for clean oxidations and the use of hydrogen in asymmetric [2] Examples of applied green chemistry are supercritical water oxidation, on water reactions, and dry media Bioengineering is also seen as a promising technique for achieving green chemistry A number of important process chemicals can be synthesized in engineered organisms, such as shikimate, a Tamiflu precursor which is fermented by Roche in There is some debate as to whether green chemistry includes a consideration of economics, but by definition, if green chemistry is not applied, it cannot accomplish the reduction in the "use or generation of hazardous " Principles Paul Anastas, then of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and John C Warner developed 12 principles of green chemistry,[3] which help to explain what the definition means in The principles cover such concepts as: the design of processes to maximize the amount of raw material that ends up in the product; the use of safe, environment-benign substances, including solvents, whenever possible; the design of energy efficient processes; the best form of waste disposal: not to create it in the first The 12 principles are: [1] Prevent waste: Design chemical syntheses to prevent waste, leaving no waste to treat or clean [2] Design safer chemicals and products: Design chemical products to be fully effective, yet have little or no [3] Design less hazardous chemical syntheses: Design syntheses to use and generate substances with little or no toxicity to humans and the [4] Use renewable feedstock: Use raw materials and feedstock that are renewable rather than Renewable feedstock are often made from agricultural products or are the wastes of other processes; depleting feedstock are made from fossil fuels (petroleum, natural gas, or coal) or are [5] Use catalysts, not stoichiometric reagents: Minimize waste by using catalytic Catalysts are used in small amounts and can carry out a single reaction many They are preferable to stoichiometric reagents, which are used in excess and work only [6] Avoid chemical derivatives: Avoid using blocking or protecting groups or any temporary modifications if Derivatives use additional reagents and generate [7] Maximize atom economy: Design syntheses so that the final product contains the maximum proportion of the starting There should be few, if any, wasted [8] Use safer solvents and reaction conditions: Avoid using solvents, separation agents, or other auxiliary If these chemicals are necessary, use innocuous If a solvent is necessary, water is a good medium as well as certain eco-friendly solvents that do not contribute to smog formation or destroy the [9] Increase energy efficiency: Run chemical reactions at ambient temperature and pressure whenever [10] Design chemicals and products to degrade after use: Design chemical products to break down to innocuous substances after use so that they do not accumulate in the [11] Analyze in real time to prevent pollution: Include in-process real-time monitoring and control during syntheses to minimize or eliminate the formation of [12] Minimize the potential for accidents: Design chemicals and their forms (solid, liquid, or gas) to minimize the potential for chemical accidents including explosions, fires, and releases to the

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有机化学英语论文Abstract In this work the effects of the microporosity and chemical surfaceof polymeric adsorbents on adsorptive properties of phenol Textural parameters of four kinds of polymeric resins namely AB-8 D4006 NKA-II and D16 resin were separately measuredby ASAP The surface chemistry of these polymeric resins was determined by means of inverse gaschromatography (IGC) and diffusereflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) Static equilibrium adsorption experiments were carried out to obtain theisotherms of phenol on the polymeric It was shown that NKA-II and AB-8 resin possessed relatively high BET surface areas andmicropore volumes while D4006 and D16 resin possessed comparatively low BET surface areas and micropore The results of IGCexperiments revealed that NKA-II resin had extraordinary high specific component of the free energy of adsorption both for polar acetone andbenzene probe and thus extraordinary strong surface polarity compared to the other polymeric It was also found that the isotherm ofphenol on NKA-II was much higher than that on the other polymeric resins due to its strongest surface polarity and largest micropore volumeamong four kinds of These experimental observations indicated that adsorption of phenol on the polymeric resins depended greatly ontheir microporosity and surface The well-developed microporosity and the strong surface polarity would improve the adsorptionof phenol on the polymeric 2004 Elsevier BV All rights Keywords: Polymeric resin; Phenol; Porosity; Surface chemistry; Inverse gas chromatography


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Long long ago ,there is a dog named
