

发布时间:2024-07-02 03:00:36


去年,“四川大学华西临床医学院 2019 届毕业生发表 46 篇 SCI 文章”引起热议,在过去近一年之后,近日,这个话题再度被提起。 我发现,当事人 邓汉宇博士 ,目前已是四川大学华西医院肺癌中心(胸外组)医师, 四川大学华西临床医学院八年制本科 生导师 。担任Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery、PLOS ONE等 多个SCI杂志审稿人 。据邓博士的ResearchGate(一个科研社交网络服务网站)显示,邓博士目前已经发表 文章82篇 。其中一篇发表在 EJSO 上的文章 入选了ESI前1%高被引论文 (谷歌学术显示该论文已被引25次)。 入选ESI前1%高被引论文题为:“ Sarcopenia is an independent unfavorable prognostic factor of nonsmall cell lung cancer after surgical resection: A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis ”,邓博士发微博表示:“我们的精准肺外科诊疗研究论文继续成为ESI(到十一月/十二月2019为止)高水平论文!(Web of Science统计中, 四川大学外科学研究方向中仅有的5篇高水平论文之一! )”。 01 争议不断 是“开挂”还是灌水? 去年,按照惯例,华西临床医学院公布了的2019届荣誉毕业生。但 3名荣誉毕业生发表的SCI数量之多,引起了大家的关注和质疑。 3个荣誉毕业生发表的文章分别为: 荣誉毕业生A:SCI论文46篇(第一作者41篇,共同第一作者5篇),影响因子大于120分。 荣誉毕业生B:SCI论文30多篇。 荣誉毕业生C:发表SCI论文31篇,影响因子95.56分,其中第一/并列第一作者身份发表SCI论文20篇。 荣誉毕业生A就是争议最大的华西胸外科邓汉宇博士 ,从2016年入学以来,他已经发表SCI论文46篇(第一作者41篇,共同第一作者5篇),影响因子 大于120 分,40多篇论文包括: Original research:16 篇 Comments: 9 篇 Meta 分析:10 篇 其余为 letter。 很多网友质疑其文章的真实性和质量,认为无法在如此短的时间类完成这么多篇文章,是否存在抄袭和灌水的可能。甚至有华西医学院内部人士匿名评论。 46篇文章多为 2-3 分左右的期刊或者杂志,其中一篇 11 分左右的高分文章是 letter to editor,SCI 论文中一些 comments,letter 严格意义上来说并不算科研论文。 SCI杂志的文章的几种类型 Original Artical 论著: 这个是最为常见的一类,分为基础性和临床性文章。基础性文章就我国现在普遍在发的文章,属于前瞻性的一个研究,通俗的一个说法就是我们假设一个思路,然后通过实验来得出一个结论来证明我这个思路,得出的结果两种情况一个是阳性(符合我的思路)一个是阴性的(不符合)大家不要认为阴性的结国就发不了SCI,阴性的同样可以发SCI,可以想象它告诉了我们这样的思路是得不出来这样的结果,也是对国际科研的一个贡献。这类文章需要经过peer review,审稿周期较长,哪怕是低分杂志,从投稿到录用半年多是家常便饭。 Review: 也就是综述,是在对某研究领域的文献进行广泛阅读和理解的基础上,对该领域研究成果的综合和思考。一般认为,学术文章没有综述是不可思议的。需要将“文献综述( Literature Review)” 与“背景描述 (Backupground Deion)”区分开来。“文献综述”并非一般的“背景描述”,还需要对该领域研究成果的思考。 Meta分析: 针对一个不同研究得出的结果有争议的科学问题,利用统计学方法将这些研究(以RCT为主)的结果放在一起,得出结论的文章。 Comment、invitedcommentary、editorial评论: 对最新发表(时效性)的某篇论文进行评论,一般是杂志邀请相关领域专家进行受邀评论,被评论的文章往往具有重大临床或科研意义。录用周期较短,基本可以控制在一周内。 Letter to editor: 致编辑函/信是读者针对某篇感兴趣的文章写的读后感,或延续要告诉期刊内容。字数限制约300-500字,也有杂志要求不超过150字,一般无具体格式要求。杂志接受针对最新发表论文写的letter(时效性),超过规定的时间不再接收。 读者若具备相应研究基础,能提出独到观点,一般容易被杂志接收,甚至是一些顶级杂志。 因为不同类型的SCI撰写难易度和接受周期不一样,综合来看, 三年一作发46篇SCI是一个可以做到的事情。 网友争议的点主要集中在邓博士发表的文章类型和 文章质量。 根据 2019 年公布的影响因子,计算 Nature、Science、Cell 三大顶级期刊杂志影响因子总和为: 43.07+41.037+36.216=120.323 也就是说邓博士三年发表论文影响因子达到了 CNS 之和。 试想如果邓博士三年发了 CNS 级别杂志的一作文章,相信他作为博士毕业生的优秀代表不会引起任何非议。 因此,网络上对邓博士的评论,渐渐的分成了两个大阵营: 一种认为,这就是一种论文“灌水”行为。 孔柚: 我只能承认他很能写,是不是灌水,有没有含金量,也只有他本人知道了。 fromiccas: 不喜欢灌水型研究,真要比,井冈山大学不是还有人一年一百多篇吗?我是希望学生都能够在主流杂志上发表文章,但是我的学生能发到macromolecules我就心满意足了。做研究,要有代表性的方向,代表性的工作。 知行合一: 三年46篇,三年就是36个月,不到一个月一篇,这种短平快的东西做出来能有多大学术价值,我表示怀疑。 一种则认为,“承认别人的优秀没那么难,能发这么多篇是能力的一种体现。” Jenny: 没问题啊,那是人家能力和实力,存在就是合理的。他又没造假。 E.: 如果没有科研条件去写高分的,小课题做的快,多发几篇也是错吗?况且 16篇research都是实实在在的呀,没事时看看别人的研究写写与自己课题相关的letter和meta 也是一种努力啊,为什么要说人家水?个人觉得他只是在能力范围能尽了全力而已。 木兰舟: 那也不可否认16篇original article。三年16篇还要怎样。 02 本人发文回应 瞎喷没用,干点实事提升自己才是正经 面对争议,2019年8月20日,邓博士本人在知乎上曾对此事进行了回应: 我是四川大学华西临床医学院2019届荣誉毕业生本人(这里需要解释一下,我们荣誉毕业生是针对本科生,八年制是作为本科生进行评比,所以不涉及和传统博士的评比;其次,荣誉毕业生是同专业同学选举出来,而不是学院老师指定)。等最近忙空了,我想在知乎上给大家分享sci思维、写作、投稿等方面的经验,希望能够让没有sci的同学,也能够有机会发表sci,至少能够不为毕业而焦头烂额。在这里给大家谈几点自己的想法: 第一,我是华西临床医学院的8年制本硕博连读专业的学生(2011年入学)。华西的八年制,大概比清华北大录取线少20分左右吧。八年前,我高考失利,与清华北大无缘(可以去我的高中调查一下真相),于是选择学医,选择八年制。所以,本人学习能力可能比较强吧,因此读文献、写文章的能力也相对来说比较强吧。 第二,8年的时间里,我分成了两个阶段。前4年的本科学习,所以我花了高中努力程度的70%,轻松达到平均分90分的成绩,单科解剖学,诊断学等临床基础课程,专业第一。临床功底,可以去春雨医生或者好大夫检索一下我的治病救人诊疗经验以及病人对我的评价。后4年研究生的学习,我很庆幸自己选择了胸外科专业,因为我热爱这个专业,我每天看专业文献就像放松心情一样地娱乐,所以我会写原始研究,写meta分析,写letter表达自己的想法和观点(请注意,这是我的爱好,因为能够和全世界胸外科医师交流,这是我感觉愉悦的事情。)。做科研,在我最开始的时候,我是抵制的。后来培养了兴趣,尤其是我能够把临床问题,转化为科研(所以我的文章,都是临床的。关于基础研究,我确实不太通晓),为我的病人提供最新的诊疗意见,我觉得值了。(可以参考一下我在春雨或者好大夫平台发表的自己的研究成果)。 第三,我对待科研文章,如同对待挚友,进行交流和学习。 不做科研的医生,不是一名合格的医生,因为他不懂得思考和解决临床问题,一味地去接受他人的观点,没有自己的想法,不去解决自己的问题的医生,是很危险的。因为病人情况都是个体化的,医学作为实践性经验性学科,就是需要发现问题,解决问题。这里补充一下——胸外科有很多没有一致定论的东西,包括早期肺癌的手术,如果一个医生不去思考如何为病人做一次最佳的切除范围,那他只会给病人和家属带来不必要的担心,甚至术后复发转移。我见过太多这些的医生,所以我才发出此感慨。 第四,关于灌水。 我很庆幸我选择自己感兴趣的研究方向,发表在自己的专业杂志上,没办法我们胸外科相关的杂志,大概就是几分的水平。试问,高影响因子的文章,谁不想要呢?但我想,懂行情的人都会知道,不是每一个学生都有这样的机会和资源!况且,各大医院的院长、主任们,也不见得都是发表高影响因子的文章吧。 第五,大家如果感兴趣,我很愿意和大家分享科研经验: 微博: 第六,我最后给大家解释一下,我在最后三年,也就是从2016年开始,在华西医院各科室实习一年,从2017年,在华西医院肺癌中心上临床作为住院医师参与一线工作(收治病人、值班等)一年半左右。 最后半年多时间里,完成专业博士毕业论文。 第七,我总结我以上所说的,我并不觉得自己怎么样怎么样,大学的八年里,相比于其他的荣誉毕业生,别人从一开始就叱咤风云,而我并不属于学院的知名人物(毕竟我不喜欢搞学生会工作,不喜欢互联网竞赛,不喜欢加各种协会……我们同一届的其他专业的,大多都没有听说过我这个名字),没想到在最后毕业的时候被选出来作为本科荣誉毕业生,我只是觉得自己的付出和努力,没有白费。我常常给同学朋友开玩笑说,“我是拿了5年的励志奖学金,最后一年终于励志成功,拿到了国家奖学金”。 最后总结一下,我做这一次的正面回应网络各种形形色色的人,就是要让你们知道,大学里努力了的人,你们瞎喷、瞎黑,是没有用的!别一天没事干了,吃饱了就在网络上消化,干点实事,努力提升自己的专业和学习能力,对你自己才是最好的! 邓汉宇,男,中共党员,胸外科博士,四川大学华西医院肺癌中心(胸外组)医师,四川大学华西临床医学院八年制本科生导师。师从于被誉为“中国肺外科第一人”的周清华教授,获四川大学临床医学学士学位及胸外科学博士学位。现为欧洲胸外科医师协会(ESTS)会员、美国外科医师学院(ACS)会员、国际肺癌研究协会(IASLC)会员、中华医学会胸心血管外科分会会员、中国抗癌协会肺癌专业委员会会员、中国抗癌协会癌症转移专业委员会会员。 累计发表论文60余篇,其中以第一作者、共同第一作者、通讯作者身份在JAMA Surgery、European Respiratory Journal、Annals of Thoracic Surgery、European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery、Annals of Surgical Oncology、World Journal of Surgery、European Journal of Surgical Oncology、Diseases of the Esophagus、Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery、Journal of Thoracic Disease等杂志发表胸部肿瘤外科学相关英文SCI文章50余篇,累计影响因子大于120分()。受邀作为Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery、Annals of Surgical Oncology、PLOS ONE、World Journal of Surgical Oncology、Journal of Investigative Surgery等SCI杂志审稿人。多次受邀参加ISDE、OESO、ASCVTS、ESTS、MRS、WCLC等国际会议以及中华医学会胸心血管外科分会年会、青年医师论坛、川渝食管癌年会及四川省胸心血管外科年会并作大会发言和壁报展示。荣获2017年中华医学会胸心血管外科分会青年医师论坛优秀论文三等奖、2019年中华医学会胸心血管外科分会青年医师论坛优秀论文二等奖。 虽然回应的最后言辞比较激烈,但 平心而论,邓博士绝对算得上优秀。 在现行评价体系下,每个医院的评价体系不同,邓博士虽有争议,但无可厚非。其发表在EJSO上的一篇一作文章还入选了ESI前1%高被引论文。 2月23日, 科技部正式印发《关于破除科技评价中“唯论文”不良导向的若干措施(试行)》通知,明确要求破除“唯论文”论不良导向,鼓励发“三高”论文,过几年再看,会不会是另外一番景象? 你怎么看? 本文由 科研大匠 综合自知乎、@邓汉宇ResearchGate、微博,华西医院等

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近五年共撰写发表及录用论文92篇,其中SCI/EI论文70篇。发表论文目录 :[1] 谢建中,杨育,张晓微,康国旭,李斐.基于FCM和模糊质量屋的广义客户需求及资源配置研究[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,3.( EI:20151800797428)[2] 杨涛,杨育,张东东. 考虑客户需求偏好的产品创新概念设计方案生成[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2015.4(EI:20152200887621)[3] 杨涛;杨育; 薛承梦;张雪峰;焦;.考虑客户需求偏好的产品创新设计方案多属性决策评价[J].计算机集成制造系统,2015,2,417-426.(EI: 20151600746416)[4] 张雪峰,杨育,于国栋,杨涛.面向产品创新任务的协同客户利益分配机制研究[J].计算机集成制造系统. 2015.(EI:20151200650605)[5] Su, JF,Yang, Y,Yang, T,Zhang, XF,Liu, L. SIMULATION OF CONFLICT CONTAGION IN CUSTOMER COLLABORATIVE PRODUCT INNOVATION, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIMULATION MODELLING, 2015,14,134-144.( SCI:000351950800012)[6] 李斐,杨育,苏加福,陈倩,谢建中. 协同产品创新中的创新客户流失预测模型[J].计算机集成制造系统,2015.1(EI:20151200650608)[7] 谢建中,杨育,陈倩,李斐.基于改进BASS的短生命周期产品需求预测模型研究[J].计算机集成制造系统,2015,1.(EI:20151200650609)[8] 张雪峰, 杨育, 于国栋. 基于任务分解结构的协同创新客户贡献度测度[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用).[9] 张雪峰, 杨育,苏加福. 面向产品创新任务的协同客户利益分配机制研究[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用).[10] Zhang Xuefeng, Yang Yu, Zhang na,Yang Tao. Robustness Analysis of Super Network Consisting of Product Development Tasks, Customers and Customers’ Knowledge [J]. international journal of hybrid information technology.(已录用).[11] 张雪峰, 杨育, 于国栋. 基于知识视角的协同创新客户选择[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用)[12] 杨育, 于国栋, 李斐,张雪峰. 客户协同产品创新系统鲁棒性分析与优化[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用)[13] 于国栋;杨育;谈文静.考虑客户流失及其波及效应的协同产品创新客户重要度模型[J].计算机集成制造系统. (EI核心,已录用)[14] 于国栋;杨育;李斐;张雪峰.客户协同产品创新系统鲁棒性分析与优化[J].计算机集成制造系统.(EI,已录用)[15] 杨涛,杨育,张雪峰,于国栋,薛承梦. 基于客户聚类分析的产品概念设计方案评价决策方法[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,(07):1669-1678.(已刊出)[16] Yu G.D., Yang Y. Zhao X. Multiobjective Dynamic Fuzzy Scheduling and Its Algorithm in Product Collaborative Design Considering Emergency. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. 已录用[17] Yu G.D., Yang Y., Zhang X F. Li C.. An integrated decision-making approach for requirements changes of customized product: based on changes impacts on product networks, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.已录用[18] Yu G.D., Yang Y. Zhao X., Li G., Multi-objective rescheduling model for Product Collaborative Design Considering Disturbance, International Journal of Simulation Modelling. 2014,13(4):472-484 (WOS:000346958200007)[19] Beifang Bao,Yu Yang, Qian Chen ,Aijun Liu,Jiali Zhao.Task Allocation Optimization in Collaborative Customized Product Development Based on Double-population Adaptive Genetic Algorithm[J].Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. July 4, 2014 .(EI:IP53227536)[20] Beifang Bao, Yu Yang, Aijun Liu, Jiali Zhao, Leiting Li. Task Allocation Optimization in Collaborative Customized Product Development Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm[J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems,2014,23(1):1-19.(EI:20135017081892)[21] 杨育,赵小华,刘爱军,李斐,胡建军. 业主组织成员选择的权衡模型及求解算法[J]. 重庆大学学报.2014(2). 22-30.(CSCD核心)[22] Xue, Chengmeng; Yang, Yu; Yang, Tao; Zeng, Tingting Person-organization fit evaluation and process optimization based on the matching theory. Computer Modelling and New Technologies,2014,18,174-180.(EI: 20144700214788)[23] 包北方,杨育,李斐,刘爱军. 产品定制协同开发任务分解模型研究[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2014,07:1537-1545.(EI: 201440082006)[24] 包北方,杨育.产品定制协同制造资源优化配置[J].计算机集成制造系统,2014,08:1807-1818.(EI:201440081961)已奖励[25] Tao Yang, Yu Yang, Yao Jiao. Reliability analysis and prediction for product design based on feature similarity[J]. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, v 7, n 5, p .(EI: 201447223544)[26] Li Fei, Yang Yu, Xie Jianzhong, Liu Aijun, Chen Qian. Selection method of customer partners in customer collaborative product innovation [J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2014,23(4): 423-435. (EI : 201444135370)[27] Tao Yang, Yu Yang, Chengmeng Xue. Conflict analysis between task iteration and design capabilities in collaborative product development[J]. International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 2014, 8(2): 375-386. (EI: 20141517555799)[28] 李斐,杨育,于鲲鹏,包北方,谢建中. 基于UWG的客户协同产品创新系统稳定性研究[J]. 科学学研究,2014,32(3).464-472. (NSFC管理科学部A类期刊,重庆大学认定的重要期刊)[29] 包北方,杨育,李雷霆,李斐,刘爱军,刘娜. 产品定制协同开发任务分配多目标优化[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2014,4: 739-746.(EI:20142117745020)[30] 李斐,杨育,谢建中,张峰. 协同产品创新中的创新客户重要度评价方法[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2014, 3:537-543.(EI:20141917703903)[31] YU Guodong, YANG Yu, XING Qingson, LI Fei. Research on the time optimization model algorithm of customer collaborative product innovation[J]. Journal of industrial Engineering and Management, 2014,7(1):137-152. (EI: 20141617600763)[32] 杨育,李云云,李斐,邢青松,包北方. 产品协同创新设计任务分解及资源分配[J]. 重庆大学学报,2014(1). 31-38(CSCD核心)[33] Tao Yang, Yu Yang. Reliability evaluation of collaborative product design process considering redesigning activities[J]. Information Technology Journal, Vol. 12, No. 21, pp. 6325 ~ 6329, 2013.(EI: 20142417805996)[34] 于鲲鹏,杨育,刘娜,李斐,谢建中.复杂网状供应链拓扑特性分析及脆弱性研究[J].计算机集成制造系统,2013.(EI: 20142117745046)[35] Beifang Bao, Yu Yang. Task Granularity Analysis for Task Decomposition in Collaborative Customized Product Development [J]. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2013, 44(14):226-233. (EI:20134016808136)[36] Li Fei, Yang Yu, Su Jia-fu, Xie Jian-zhong. Network centrality analysis in customer collaborative product innovation design process[J]. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2013, 43(13):357-367. (EI:20134016797534)[37] 李斐,杨育,谢建中,张峰,包北方. 客户协同创新网络的复杂网络特性分析[J].重庆大学学报,2013,36(7):27-31.(CSCD核心)[38] 邢青松, 杨育, 刘爱军, 姚豪. 客户协同设计中基于QTF的产品创新方案生成研究[J]. 中国机械工程, 2013,24(15):2101-2109. (CSCD核心)[39] 邢青松,杨育,刘爱军,于国栋. 协同创新中考虑主体属性特征的时间效率[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2013,19(4):695-703.(EI:20132116364866)[40] 程博,杨育,刘爱军,陈伟,邢青松. 基于遗传模拟退火算法的大件公路运输路径选择优化[J].计算机集成制造系统,2013,19(4):879-887[41] YU Kunpeng, YANG Yu, LI Fei. Emergency Material Requirement Prediction Model for Natural Disaster Based on Wavelet Network [J]. Disaster advances,2013.6(6),12-20.(SCI: 000319408700004)[42] Tao Yang, Yu Yang, Chengmeng Xue. Intellectual Capital Performance Assessing for CPD Systems Based on Rough Set Theory[J]. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences. 2012, 23(4): 796-804. (EI:20130315903567)[43] 邢青松, 杨育, 刘爱军, 于国栋. 考虑主体属性及任务匹配的产品协同设计效率[J].重庆大学学报, 2013,36(10):8-15. (CSCD核心)[44] 邢青松,杨育,刘爱军.知识网格环境下客户协同产品创新知识共享研究[J]. 中国机械工程.2012,23(23):2817-2824.(CSCD核心)[45] 马家齐, 杨育, 李斐, 谢建中. 客户协同产品创新中目标重要度的确定方法[J]. 中国机械工程, 2012. (CSCD核心,已录用)[46] 赵小华,杨育,刘爱军,李斐,杨洁. 考虑能力演化的研发项目组合进度仿真模型[J].计算机集成制造系统. 2012, 18(11): 2530-2536.(EI:20125215843553)[47] 刘爱军,杨育,李斐,邢青松,陆惠, 张煜东. 混沌模拟退火粒子群优化算法研究及应用[J] 浙江大学学报(工学版). 2013,47(10):1722-1730(EI:20135217143885)[48] 刘爱军,杨育,邢青松,陆惠,赵小华,张煜东,曾强,姚豪. 复杂制造环境下的改进非支配排序遗传算法[J]. 计算机集成制造系统.2012,18(11):2446-2458.(EI: 20125215843543)[49] 张峰, 杨育, 贾建国, 王家天. 协同生产网络组织的失效模式与脆弱性关联分析[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2012.18(6):1236-1245. (EI:20123415365303).[50] 张峰, 杨育, 贾建国, 王家天. 企业协同生产网络的拓扑特性分析[J]. 重庆大学学报(自然科学版), 2012.35(6):21-27. (EI:20124115554465)[51] 张峰,杨育, 包北方, 贾建国, 王家天. 协同生产网络组织的系统脆弱性分析[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2012.18(5):1077-1086.(EI:20122815240359)[52] 张峰, 杨育, 贾建国, 王家天. 基于无向加权图的协同生产网络脆弱性分析方法[J]. 中国机械工程, 2012.23(10):1216-1220. (CSCD核心)[53] 杨育, 邢青松, 刘爱军, 王立存, 于国栋, 谢建中. 客户协同产品创新中的组织模型及协调效率[J]. 计算机集成制造系统. 2012.18(4):719-728.(EI:20122415119499)[54] 王永锋,杨育,顾永明,求解带时间窗车辆路径问题的混沌遗传算法[J]. 计算机应用研究. 2012.29(7):2422-2425+2456.(CSCD核心)[55] Xie jianzhong, Yang Yu, Chen Wei. ESTIMATION OF NEWPRODUCTS COST BY MEANS OF ABC & DYNAMIC FUZZY NEURAL NETWORK [J]. METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL.2012.17(10):138-144.(SCI 000307370200024)[56] Xie jianzhong, Yang Yu, Tao Yunhai, Chen Wei. A Study on Business Process Dynamic Evaluation of Business Process Integration Management Based on Fuzzy-EAHP, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology.2012,4(22):56-65.(EI:20125215844380)[57] Li Fei, Yang Yu. EFFICIENCY EVALUATION OF CUSTOMER COLLABORATIVE PRODUCT INNOVATION BASED ON PSO-WNN [J]. METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL. 2012. 17(7): 118-124. (SCI:000304382600021)[58] Aijun Liu, Yu Yang, Hao Yao, Xuedong Liang. Improved Immune Genetic Algorithm Based on Hybrid Chaotic Maps and Its Application [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012.7(1):422-432.(EI:20120614750402)[59] Xiaohua Zhao, Yu Yang, Jie Yang, Aijun Liu, Jianguo Jia. System dynamic modeling of owners' Influences on the Outcome of Mega-projects: a Case Study from China’ Influences on the Outcome of Mega-projects: a Case Study from China [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 2012.7(3):91-100.(EI: 20121114854960)[60] Xiaohua Zhao, Yu Yang, Aijun Liu, Jie Yang. A Dynamic and Fuzzy Modeling Approach for Multi-objective R&D Project Portfolio Selection [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012.7(1):36-44. (EI: 20120614750357)[61] Yongfeng Wang, Yu Yang, Yongming Gu. Research on Quality and Safety Traceability System of Fruit and Vegetable Products Based on Ontology[J].Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012.7(1):86-93. (EI: 20120614750363)[62] Xing QingSong, YANG Yu , LIU Ai-jun , YAO Hao. Research on Knowledge Sharing for Customer Collaborative Product Innovation based on Knowledge Grid [J].Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 2012.7(1):102-112. (EI 20120614750365)[63] Kunpeng Yu, Yu Yang, Jingbo Guo, Tao Yang. Research on Production Plant Layout Optimization Based on Improved Genetic Annealing Algorithm [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology.2012.4(5):329-336. (EI 20121514938351)[64] Bao Beifang, Yang Yu, Li Leiting, Xu Yongfei, Li Fei. Product collaborative design scheme evaluation based on gray statistical evaluation and analytic network process method [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications. 2012, 6(1):88-96.(EI:20120714765692)[65] Jiaqi MA, Yu YANG, Fei LI. Research on Multi-level Design Method of Collaboration Innovation Based on Rough Sets Theory [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012, l (7): 1- 8. (EI 20121114854950)[66] Fei Li, Yu Yang, Jianzhong Xie, Xiaohua Zhao, Jiaqi Ma, Yunyun Li. A Dynamic and Fuzzy Modeling Approach for Multi-attribute New Product Idea Screening and Portfolio [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 2012.4(1): 96 -104. (EI 20120614757932)[67] Bo Cheng, Yu Yang, Feng Zhang. The Researching of Stress Checking System for Over-size Product Road Transport [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 2012.4(8):288-~297. (EI :20122215075745)[68] Jiaqi MA, Yu YANG, Fei LI, ,Feng ZHANG, ,Xiong LUO. Research on an Evaluation Method of Customer Collaborative Innovation Design Scheme Based on R-A-WNN [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 2012.4(8):298-~306. (EI : 20122215075746)[69] Jianguo Jia, Yu yang, Tao Yang, Aijun Liu. Research on the Reliability of Integrated Chemical Production Sites Based on BDD [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications. 2012.6(4): 87– 94.(EI:20121314903462)[70] Jianguo Jia, Yu Yang, Tao Yang, et al. Research on Dynamic Programming of the Series Manufacturing System Reliability Allocation [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology.(EI:20121814980220)[71] 程博,杨育,罗雄,李斐. 长货跨装挂车公路弯道路径建模与动态仿真[J] 重庆大学学报.2012.35(2):118-122(EI:20121314899363)[72] 程博,杨育,刘柏林,申世杰. 液压鹅颈挂车转弯建模与轨迹动态仿真研究[J] 中国机械工程. 2012.23(4):485-503.(CSCD核心)[73] 曾强,杨育,程博,杨洁. 平顺移动下等量分批FJSP多目标优化研究[J] 系统仿真学报.2012.24(5):1046-1052.(国家自然科学基金管理学部A级期刊、CSCD核心)[74] 王永锋,杨育,刘爱军. 基于RFID技术的生鲜肉类产品全程可追溯系统设计[J] . 现代科学仪器.2012.(1):15-21.(重庆大学高水平期刊)[75] 刘爱军,杨育,邢青松,陆惠,张煜东.含精英策略的小生境遗传退火算法研究及其应用[J]. 中国机械工程.2012.23(5):556-563.(CSCD核心)[76] 贾建国,杨育,张维平,刘娜,杨涛.一体化装置故障诊断及系统可靠性规划研究[J]. 计算机应用研究.2012.29(3):877-884.(CSCD核心)[77] Chengmeng Xue, Yu Yang, Beifang Bao. Evaluation of product customization customer satisfaction [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology . 2012, 4(20): 506-515. (EI:20124715701814)[78] Chengmeng Xue, Yu Yang, Tao Yang. The Fuzzy Cluster Analysis on Impacting Factors in Organizational Identification and Orientation [J]. 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2015[1] L. Zhang, B. Chen, M. He, X. Liu, and B. Hu, Hydrophilic Polymer Monolithic Capillary Microextraction Online Coupled to ICPMS for the Determination of Carboxyl Group-Containing Gold Nanoparticles in Environmental Waters. Analytical Chemistry, 2015. 87(3): p. 1789-1796.[2] L. Huang, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, A designable magnetic MOF composite and facile coordination-based post-synthetic strategy for the enhanced removal of Hg2+ from water. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015. 3(21): p. 11587-11595.[3] B. Hu, M. He, and B. Chen, Nanometer-sized materials for solid-phase extraction of trace elements. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015. 407(10): p. 2685-2710.[4] B. Chen, Y. Wu, X. Guo, M. He, and B. Hu, Speciation of mercury in various samples from the micro-ecosystem of East Lake by hollow fiber-liquid-liquid-liquid microextraction-HPLC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2015. 30(4): p. 875-881.[5] C. Cui, H. Peng, Y. Zhang, K. Nan, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Ti-containing mesoporous silica packed microcolumn separation/preconcentration combined with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for the determination of trace Cr, Cu, Cd and Pb in environmental samples. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2015. 30(6): p. 1386-1394.[6] X. Mao, W. Fan, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, C-18-coated stir bar sorptive extraction combined with HPLC-ICP-MS for the speciation of butyltins in environmental samples. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2015. 30(1): p. 162-171.[7] X. Zhang, B. Chen, M. He, Y. Zhang, G. Xiao, and B. Hu, Magnetic immunoassay coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for simultaneous quantification of alpha-fetoprotein and carcinoembryonic antigen in human serum. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy, 2015. 106: p. 20-27.[8] B. Zhao, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Novel ion imprinted magnetic mesoporous silica for selective magnetic solid phase extraction of trace Cd followed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry detection. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy, 2015. 107: p. 115-124.[9] Y. Zhang, C. Zhong, Q. Zhang, B. Chen, M. He, and B. Hu, Graphene oxide-TiO2 composite as a novel adsorbent for the preconcentration of heavy metals and rare earth elements in environmental samples followed by on-line inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry detection. Rsc Advances, 2015. 5(8): p. 5996-6005.[10] P. Yan, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Restricted accessed nanoparticles for direct magnetic solid phase extraction of trace metal ions from human fluids followed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry detection. Analyst, 2015. 140(12): p. 4298-4306.[11] H. Peng, N. Zhang, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Simultaneous speciation analysis of inorganic arsenic, chromium. and selenium in environmental waters by 3-(2-aminoethylamino) propyltrimethoxysilane modified multi-wall carbon nanotubes packed microcolumn solid phase extraction and ICP-MS. Talanta, 2015. 131: p. 266-272.[12] Y. Liu, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Simultaneous speciation of inorganic arsenic, selenium and tellurium in environmental water samples by dispersive liquid liquid microextraction combined with electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Talanta, 2015. 142: p. 213-220.[13] C. Hu, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Simultaneous determination of polar and apolar compounds in environmental samples by a polyaniline/hydroxyl multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite-coated stir bar sorptive extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2015. 1394: p. 36-45.[14] W. Fan, M. Gao, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Cyromazine imprinted polymers for selective stir bar sorptive extraction of melamine in animal feed and milk samples. Analyst, 2015. 140(12): p. 4057-4067.[15] X. Zhou, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Hollow fiber based liquid-liquid-liquid microextraction combined with sweeping micellar electrokinetic chromatography for the sensitive determination of second-generation antidepressants in human fluids. Analyst, 2015. 140(5): p. 1662-1671.2014[1] Y. Zhang, B.B. Chen, M. He, B. Yang, J. Zhang, and B. Hu, Immunomagnetic Separation Combined with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Tumor Cells Using Gold Nanoparticle Labeling. Analytical Chemistry, 2014. 86(16): p. 8082-8089.[2] L. Li, X.L. Liu, M. Gao, W. Hong, G.Z. Liu, L. Fan, B. Hu, Q.H. Xia, L. Liu, G.W. Song, and Z.S. Xu, The adsorption on magnetic hybrid Fe3O4/HKUST-1/GO of methylene blue from water solution. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014. 2(6): p. 1795-1801.[3] M. He, B.B. Chen, and B. Hu, Recent developments in stir bar sorptive extraction. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2014. 406(8): p. 2001-2026.[4] B.B. Chen, M. He, C. Zhong, and B. Hu, Chiral speciation of selenoamino acids in biological samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014. 1363: p. 62-70.[5] S.W. Su, B.B. Chen, M. He, Z.W. Xiao, and B. Hu, A novel strategy for sequential analysis of gold nanoparticles and gold ions in water samples by combining magnetic solid phase extraction with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2014. 29(3): p. 444-453.[6] H.Y. Peng, Y. Jiao, X. Xiao, B.B. Chen, M. He, Z.R. Liu, X. Zhang, and B. Hu, Magnetic quantitative analysis for multiplex glycoprotein with polymer-based elemental tags. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2014. 29(6): p. 1112-1119.[7] X. Liu, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Polymer monolithic capillary microextraction on-line coupled with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for the determination of trace Au and Pd in biological samples. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy, 2014. 101: p. 254-260.[8] X.Q. Guo, X.T. Tang, M. He, B.B. Chen, K. Nan, Q.Y. Zhang, and B. Hu, Dual dispersive extraction combined with electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for determination of trace REEs in water and sediment samples. Rsc Advances, 2014. 4(38): p. 19960-19969.[9] S.W. Su, B.B. Chen, M. He, and B. Hu, Graphene oxide-silica composite coating hollow fiber solid phase microextraction online coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the determination of trace heavy metals in environmental water samples. Talanta, 2014. 123: p. 1-9.[10] S.W. Su, B.B. Chen, M. He, B. Hu, and Z.W. Xiao, Determination of trace/ultratrace rare earth elements in environmental samples by ICP-MS after magnetic solid phase extraction with Fe3O4@SiO2@polyaniline-graphene oxide composite. Talanta, 2014. 119: p. 458-466.[11] C. Cui, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Chitosan modified magnetic nanoparticles based solid phase extraction combined with ICP-OES for the speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI). Analytical Methods, 2014. 6(21): p. 8577-8583.[12] P.J. Li, B. Hu, M. He, and B.B. Chen, Ion pair hollow fiber liquid-liquid-liquid microextraction combined with capillary electrophoresis-ultraviolet detection for the determination of thyroid hormones in human serum. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014. 1356: p. 23-31.[13] L.F. Huang, M. He, B.B. Chen, and B. Hu, Membrane-supported liquid-liquid-liquid microextraction combined with anion-selective exhaustive injection capillary electrophoresis-ultraviolet detection for sensitive analysis of phytohormones. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014. 1343: p. 10-17.[14] C. Hu, M. He, B.B. Chen, C. Zhong, and B. Hu, Sorptive extraction using polydimethylsiloxane/metal-organic framework coated stir bars coupled with high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental water samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014. 1356: p. 45-53.[15] W. Fan, X. Mao, M. He, B. Chen, and B. Hu, Development of novel sol-gel coatings by chemically bonded ionic liquids for stir bar sorptive extraction-application for the determination of NSAIDS in real samples. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2014. 406(28): p. 7261-7273.[16] L. Li, J.C. Li, Z. Rao, G.W. Song, and B. Hu, Metal Organic Framework Cu-3(BTC)(2)(H2O)(3) for the adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014. 52(37-39): p. 7332-7338.2013[1] L. Peng, M. He, B.B. Chen, Q.M. Wu, Z.L. Zhang, D.W. Pang, Y. Zhu, and B. Hu, Cellular uptake, elimination and toxicity of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in HepG2 cells. Biomaterials, 2013. 34(37): p. 9545-9558.[2] L. Li, X.L. Liu, H.Y. Geng, B. Hu, G.W. Song, and Z.S. Xu, A MOF/graphite oxide hybrid (MOF: HKUST-1) material for the adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013. 1(35): p. 10292-10299.[3] B. Hu, M. He, B.B. Chen, and L.B. Xia, Liquid phase microextraction for the analysis of trace elements and their speciation. Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy, 2013. 86: p. 14-30.[4] B.B. Chen, B. Hu, M. He, Q. Huang, Y. Zhang, and X. Zhang, Speciation of selenium in cells by HPLC-ICP-MS after (on-chip) magnetic solid phase extraction. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2013. 28(3): p. 334-343.[5] H. Wang, Z.K. Wu, Y. Zhang, B.B. Chen, M. He, and B. Hu, Chip-based liquid phase microextraction combined with electrothermal vaporization-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for trace metal determination in cell samples. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2013. 28(10): p. 1660-1665.[6] X.Q. Guo, B.B. Chen, M. He, B. Hu, and X.Q. Zhou, Ionic liquid based carrier mediated hollow fiber liquid liquid liquid microextraction combined with HPLC-ICP-MS for the speciation of phenylarsenic compounds in chicken and feed samples. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2013. 28(10): p. 1638-1647.[7] C. Cui, B. Hu, B.B. Chen, and M. He, Ionic liquid-based magnetic solid phase extraction coupled with inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry for the determination of Cu, Cd, and Zn in biological samples. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2013. 28(7): p. 1110-1117.[8] B.B. Chen, Y.L. Huang, M. He, and B. Hu, Hollow fiber liquid-liquid-liquid microextraction combined with high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection for the determination of various environmental estrogens in environmental and biological samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013. 1305: p. 17-26.[9] C. Cui, M. He, B.B. Chen, and B. Hu, Restricted accessed material-copper(II) ion imprinted polymer solid phase extraction combined with inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry for the determination of free Cu(II) in urine and serum samples. Talanta, 2013. 116: p. 1040-1046.[10] L. Zhang, B.B. Chen, M. He, and B. Hu, Polymer monolithic capillary microextraction combined on-line with inductively coupled plasma MS for the determination of trace rare earth elements in biological samples. Journal of Separation Science, 2013. 36(13): p. 2158-2167.[11] S.W. Wu, C.G. Hu, M. He, B.B. Chen, and B. Hu, Capillary microextraction combined with fluorinating assisted electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for the determination of trace lanthanum, europium, dysprosium and yttrium in human hair. Talanta, 2013. 115: p. 342-348.[12] Y. Zhang, J.K. Duan, M. He, B.B. Chen, and B. Hu, Dispersive liquid liquid microextraction combined with electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the speciation of inorganic selenium in environmental water samples. Talanta, 2013. 115: p. 730-736.[13] J. Xu, B.B. Chen, M. He, and B. Hu, Analysis of preservatives with different polarities in beverage samples by dual-phase dual stir bar sorptive extraction combined with high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013. 1278: p. 8-15.[14] C. Hu, M. He, B.B. Chen, C. Zhong, and B. Hu, Polydimethylsiloxane/metal-organic frameworks coated stir bar sorptive extraction coupled to high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detector for the determination of estrogens in environmental water samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013. 1310: p. 21-30.[15] C. Hu, M. He, B.B. Chen, and B. Hu, A sol-gel polydimethylsiloxane/polythiophene coated stir bar sorptive extraction combined with gas chromatography-flame photometric detection for the determination of organophosphorus pesticides in environmental water samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013. 1275: p. 25-31.[16] C. Hu, B.B. Chen, M. He, and B. Hu, Amino modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polydimethylsiloxane coated stir bar sorptive extraction coupled to high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection for the determination of phenols in environmental samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013. 1300: p. 165-172.[17] W.Y. Fan, X.J. Mao, M. He, B.B. Chen, and B. Hu, Stir bar sorptive extraction combined with high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet/inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for analysis of thyroxine in urine samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013. 1318: p. 49-57.


近年发表的主要文章: 张燕平,张铃,吴涛,不同粒度世界的描述法—商空间法,《计算机学报》2004(3) 张燕平,张铃等,基于覆盖的构造性学习算法(SLA)及在股票预测中的应用,《计算机研究与发展》2004(6) 张燕平,机器学习中特征提取的新方法—重复覆盖算法,《安徽大学学报》2002(3)张燕平,张铃,夏莹,商空间理论与粗糙集的比较, 《微机发展》2004(10) 张燕平,张铃, 段震,构造性核覆盖算法(CKCA)在图像识别中的应用,《中国图象图形学报》2004(11) 吴涛,张铃,张燕平,机器学习中的核覆盖算法. 计算机学报(2005, ). 张旻,张燕平,程家兴,时间序列相似模式的分层匹配. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报第17卷第7期2005年7月 张燕平,张铃,吴涛,机器学习中的多侧面递进算法MIDA. 电子学报(2005,).

杜亚军近年来发表的主要论文:[1].YaJun Du, HaiMing Li. Strategy for Mining Association Rules for Web Pages Based on Formal Concept Analysis. Applied Soft Computing, 2010,10(2),( SCI).[2].YaJun Du,ZhanBing Dong. Focused Web Crawling Strategy Based on Concept Context Graph. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009, 3:1097-1106(EI: 20094412411886).[3].ShangMing Chen, YaJun Du, QiangQiang Peng. Ontology-Based Query ExPansion In Formal Concept Analysis. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009, 3:1603-1612(EI: 20094412411945).[4].FuGui Wang, YaJun Du, QingHua Dong. A search Quality Evaluation Based on FCA. International Journal of Digitai Content Technology and Its Applications, 2009, 3(2):55-61.[5].Mingli Feng, Yajun Du Mingjun Feng, Yingyu Wang. Personalized user-query semantic clustering using search click information. International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009).[6].Qiangqiang Peng, Yajun Du,Yufeng Hai,Shaoming. Topic-specific crawling on the Web with concept context graph based on FCA. International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009).[7].Zhen Zhang, YaJun Du, ChengJie Li. AntCrawlers: Focused Crawling Agents Based on the Idea of Ants. The Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, 2009, 250:253.(EI:20094712474494)[8].Bing Zhang, YaJun Du, HaiMing Li, LiBo Jia. The method of Query Expansion Based On Domain Ontology. The Proceeding of Pacific-Asia Congerence on Circuits, Communications and System, 2009, 755-758.( EI:20094512436248)[9].YingYu Wang, YaJun Du, ShaoMing Chen. The understanding between teo agent Crawlers Based on Domain Ontology. The proceeding of Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing, 2009, 47-50.(EI: 20094512430674)[10].YueKui Yang, YaJun Du, YuFeng Hai, ZhaoQiong Gao, A Topic-Specific Web Crawler With Web Page Hierarchy Based on HTML Dom_tree. The proceeding of Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, 2009, 420-423. (EI:20094912527470)[11].ZhaoQiong Gao, YaJun Du, LiangZhong Yi, QiangQiang Peng, YueKui Yang, Incrementally Updating Concept Context Graph(CCG) for Focused Web Crawling Based on FCA. The proceeding of Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, 2009, 40-43. (EI:20094812515462)[11].杜亚军,The Strategy of Matching User Queries with Web Pages Based on Formal Concept,西华大学学报:自然科学版,2008,27(6):38-48.[12].Kai Li, Yajun Du, Dan Xiang, Honghua Chen, Zhenwen Liao. A Method for Building Concept Lattice Based on Matrix Operation. ICIC (2) 2007:350-359.(EI: 080311023722).[13].Dong QinHua, Du YaJun, Wang FuGui. Scheduling strategy based on the collaboration of agents for MSE. Proceedings - ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management.2008.8: 556-560(EI :084311659247).[14].Li XinChun, Du YaJun. Domain Ontology based Semantic Matching of Concept Lattices. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2008.02:535-540.(EI: 081811231572).[15].Yajun Du, HaiMing Li. An intelligent model and its implementation of search engine. Journal of convergence information technology. 2008, 3(2): 57-66.[16].Bing Zhang, YaJun Du, YuTing Wang HaiMing Li. Query Expansion based on Topics. Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD2008,v2:610-614(EI: 20090211845668).[17].YuTing Wang, YaJun Du. Selection of personalized start-URLs based on User Ontology.Journal of Computational Information Systems.2008,v2,3: 899-906. (EI: 083211445080).[18].Qinhua Dong, Yajun Du, Fugui Wang.A MSE Model with Learning Mechanism and FCA Merging,2008, proceedings of ICALIP 2008(EI: 083911587679).[19].Fugui Wang ,Yajun Du,Qinhua Dong. A search quality evaluation based on objective-subjective method. Journal of convergence information technology, 2008, 3,2: 50-56.[20].Yuekui Yang, Yajun Du, Jingyu Sun,Yufeng Hai. A topic-specific web crawler with concept similarity context graph based on FCA, proceeding of icic2008: 840-847.(EI: 084111630427).[21].Yan Bing, Du YaJun, Li ZhanSheng. The new clustering strategy and algorithm based on latent semantic indexing. Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2008, v 1, 486-490.( EI:20085211803858).[22]. Xiang dan, YaJun Du. Coordination and Communication among Topic Specific Search Agents. icnc2007:703-707. (EI: 080311026960).[23]. ChunZhi Xie, Liangzhong Yi, Yajun Du, Zheng Pei: The Research of Social Navigation based on Fuzzy Concept Lattice. ACIS-ICIS 2007:1005-1011. (EI:082911 375286).[24]. Tang, Juan; Du, Ya-Jun; Wang, Ke-Liang. Design and Implement of Personalize Meta-Search Engine Based on FCA. ICMLC.2007:4026-4031.(EI: 080311031024).[25]. Yajun Du, Zheng Pei, Haiming Li, Dan Xiang, Kai Li. New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattice. ICCSA (2) 2007,10:434-447.(EI: 080311038602).[26].杜亚军,智能信息处理及其在搜索引擎中的应用,西华大学学报:自然科学版,2007,26(2):1-5.[27].唐娟,杜亚军,王可亮. 一种基于形式概念分析的问答系统答案抽取的研究. 计算机应用. 2007,27(3):653-656.[28].邓波, 杜亚军, 王丽. 基于BAM的用户查询与网页匹配的研究. 河北师范大学学报:自然科学版. 2007:31(5):594-599.[29].YaJun Du, XinChun Li. An Semantic Rank for Web Crawler Based on Formal Concept Analysis. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007.10:971-977.[30].ChunZhi Xie, LiangZhong Yi and YaJun Du. An Algorithm for Fuzzy Concept Lattices Building with Application to Social Navigation. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007,10:950-955.[31].Jing Wang, YaJun Du. A Method of Personalized Web Search Result Clustering Based on Formal Concept Analysis. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007,10:983-987.[32].YaJun Du, Zheng Pei, HaiMing Li, Dan Xiang, Kai Li. New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattice. ICCSA (2) 2007,10:434-447(EI: 20080311038602).[33].YaJun Du, The Strategy of Matching User Queries with Web Pages Based on Formal Concept. 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近5年,在《Journal of Food Science》《Journal of Enology and Viticulture》等外文和国内核心期刊发表论文28余篇,其中SCI收录8篇;参编著作2部。代表性学术论著 :1、Zhao, Y., Y. Xu, J. Li, et al. Profile of Volatile Compounds in 11 Brandies by Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Followed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Journal of food science,2009, 74( 2):C90-C99. SCI收录. 2、Zhao, Y., Y. Xu, J. Li, et al. Characterization of Aroma Compounds of Four Brandies by Aroma Extract Dilution Analysis. Journal of Enology and Viticulture,2009, 60(3):269-276. SCI收录. 3、Sun, S.Y., W.G. Jiang, Y.P. Zhao,et al.Characterization of the aroma-active compounds in five sweet cherry cultivars grown in Yantai (China) [J]. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2010, 25 (4): 206-213. SCI收录. 4、Zhao Yuping, Wang Lei, Li Jiming, et al. Comparison of Volatile Compounds in Two Brandies using HS-SPME coupled with GC-O, GC-MS and Sensory Evaluation. S.A. Journal of Enology & Vitivulture ,2011, 32 (1), 9-20. SCI收录. 5、Sun, S.Y., W.G. Jiang, Y.P. Zhao,et al.Evaluation of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains on the profile of volatile compounds and polyphenols in cherry wines [J]. Food Chemistry, 2011 (127): 547-555. SCI收录. 6、Yu Ping Zhao, JiMing Li, Bao Chun Zhang, et al. A comparison of the influence of eight commercial yeast strains on the chemical and sensory profiles of freshly distilled Chinese brandy [J]. journal of institute brewing, 2012, 118: 315-324. SCI收录. 7、Sun, S.Y., W.G. Jiang, Y.P. Zhao,et al. Comparison of aromatic and phenolic compounds in cherry wines with different cherry cultivars by HS-SPME-GC-MS and HPLC [J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2012, 47 (1): 100–106. SCI收录. 8、Zhao Yuping, Zheng XingPing, Song Pu, et al. Characterization of volatiles in the six most well-known distilled spirits[J]. Journal of the American society of brewing chemists, 2013, 71 (3): 161-169. SCI收录. 9、第七章废水的生物处理. 微生物工程技术原理[M]. 北京: 化学工业出版社. 2007, 7 10、 第十章植物饮料.饮料工艺学[M]. 北京: 科学技术出版社.2014,01, ISBN:978-7-03-039389-0

1、SMITH-FINEMAN-MYERS综合征与X连锁核蛋白基因的连锁分析,中华医学遗传学杂志 2002, 19(1):22-252、XNP基因内多态基因座筛选及其多态性分析,遗传学报 2002,29(3):201-2053、Smith-Fineman-Myers综合征与GRIA3基因的连锁和突变分析,遗传学报,2001,28(11):985-9904、LDL receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) affects bone accrual and eye development,Cell, 2001, 107:513-523.5、人胎儿骨骼和关节RACE cDNA文库的构建,中华医学遗传学杂志 2001,18(1):24-276、Smith-Fineman-Myers综合征基因定位于Xq25,中华医学遗传学杂志 1999,16(5):277-2807、Brachydactyly type B: Clinical description, genetic mapping to chromosome 9q, and evidence for a shared ancestral mutation.Am J Hum Genet , 1999,64: 570-5778、Heterozygous mutations in the gene encoding noggin affect human joint morphogenesis. Nature Genetics, 21, 1999 March, 302-3049、应用反向PCR方法进行YAC末端的分离分析. 中华医学遗传学杂志,1999;16(1):44-46


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最近三年发表的论文:2012:[1] Wang Li-cheng. Multi-axial strength criterion of lightweight aggregate (LWA) concrete under the Unified Twin-shear strength theory. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2012, 41(4): 495-508. available online.2011:【1】Licheng Wang and Tamon Ueda. Mesoscale modeling of water penetration into concrete by capillary absorption. Ocean Engineering, 2011, 38(4): 519-528.【2】Licheng Wang. Prediction of Chloride Ingress into Concrete by Capillary Absorption. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, Vols. 163-167, 3210-3213.【3】Licheng Wang and Tamon Ueda. Mesoscale simulation of chloride diffusion in concrete considering the binding capacity and concentration dependence. Computers and Concrete, 2011, 8(2): 125-142.【4】Licheng Wang and Tamon Ueda. Mesoscale modelling of the chloride diffusion in cracks and cracked concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 2011, 9(3): 241-249.2010:【1】王立成,王海涛,刘汉勇. 钢纤维轻骨料混凝土抗冲击性能试验研究与统计分析. 大连理工大学学报,2010, 50(4): 557-563. 【2】王立成,李淑红.基于混凝土细观结构的钢筋混凝土结构耐久性分析.防灾减灾工程学报,2010,30(增刊):286-290.【3】Licheng Wang and Tamon Ueda. Numerical determination of the chloride diffusion coefficient in cracks and cracked concrete. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, Nov. 24-26, 2010, Sapporo, Japan, Hokkaido University Press, 303-309.【4】Wang Licheng. Numerical simulation of mass transfer in cracked concrete on mesoscale. Proceeding of 12th International Conference on Inspection, Appraisal, Repairs & Maintenance of Structures, 2010, Yantai, China, 23-25 April, 1113-1119【5】李淑红,王立成. 多孔建筑材料毛细吸水过程研究进展综述. 水利与建筑工程学报, 2010, 8(6): 16-20.2009:【1】WANG Li-cheng. Analytical methods for prediction of water absorption in cement-based material. China Ocean Engineering, 2009, 23(4): 719-728.【2】Licheng Wang, Haitao Wang and Jinqing Jia. Impact resistance of steel-fibre-reinforced lightweight-aggregate concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2009, 61(7): 539-547.【3】Li-cheng WANG and Tamon UEDA. Meso-scale modeling of chloride diffusion in concrete with consideration of effects of time and temperature. Water Science and Engineering, 2009, 2(3): 58-70.【4】王立成. 汶川地震后学校砌体建筑结构破坏情况调查与分析. 大连理工大学学报,2009,49(5): 650-656.【5】王立成. 建筑材料吸水过程中毛细管系数与吸水率关系的理论分析. 水利学报,2009,40(9): 1085-1090.【6】Licheng Wang, Tamon Ueda. Mesoscopic simulation of chloride ions diffusion in frost-damaged concrete. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2009, 7(2): 148-154.【7】Tamon Ueda, Muttaqin Hasan, Kohei Nagai, Yasuhiko Sato and Licheng Wang. Mesoscale Simulation of Influence of Frost Damage on Mechanical Properties of Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2009, 21(6): 244-252.19.【8】Licheng Wang and Tamon Ueda. Numerical simulation on chloride diffusion in concrete considering the binding capacity and concentration dependence. The First International Conference on Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures(CTCS’09), Jeju, Korea, May 24-27, 2009, edited by Chang-kong Choi, christian Meyer and Nenad Bicanic, 1249-1260.【9】Jinbo Li, Jinxin Gong and Licheng Wang. Seismic behavior of corrosion-damaged reinforced concrete columns strengthened using combined carbon fiber-reinforced polymer and steel jacket. Construction and Building Materials, 2009, 23(7): 2653-2663.2008:【1】Matsumoto, K., Sato, Y., Ueda, T. and Wang Licheng. Mesoscopic analysis of mortar under high-stress creep and low-cycle fatigue loading. Journal of Advanced Concrete Research, 2008, 6(2): 337-352.【2】Wang Licheng, Soda, M. and Ueda, T. Simulation of chloride diffusivity for cracked concrete based on RBSM and truss network model. Journal of Advanced Concrete Research, 2008, 6(1): 143-155.【3】 L.C., Wang and T. Ueda. Mesoscopic simulation of water absorption in frost damaged concrete. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Creep, Shrinkage and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Ise-Shima, Japan, 2008, CRC Press, 979-985.【4】 Licheng Wang, Tamon Ueda and Shingo Honda. Prediction of diffusivity for frost-damaged concrete by the mesoscopic truss network model. Proceedings of the International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, Hangzhou, China, 2008.11, Zhejiang University Press, 267-273.【5】新居秀一,上田多门,王立成.冻结融解によりひび割れたコンクリートの塩分浸透解析. 日本土木学会第62回年次学术讲演会讲演概要集, 2007, 691-692.【6】 陈桂斌,王立成. 轻骨料混凝土应力-应变全曲线的数值模拟. 建筑材料学报,2008,11(2):138-143【7】 王立成, 陈桂斌. 基于细观刚体弹簧元的轻骨料混凝土力学性能数值模拟. 水利学报, 2008, 39(5): 588-595.【8】王立成,刘汉勇. 冻融循环后粉煤灰陶粒混凝土定侧压下的强度和变形性能试验研究,工程力学,2007, 24(1): 129-135【9】王海涛, 王立成. 钢纤维改善轻骨料混凝土力学性能的试验研究[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2007, 10(2): 188-194【10】Wang L. C. and Ueda T. Numerical prediction of chloride ions penetration into concrete under uniaxially loading based on RBSM. The First International Conference on Modern Design, Construction and Maintenance of Structures (MDCMS), Dec. 2007, Hanoi, Vietnam, Volume Ⅰ: 306-313【11】刘汉勇,王立成,宋玉普,王海涛. 钢纤维高强轻骨料混凝土力学性能的试验研究. 建筑结构学报,2007,28(5):110-117
