

发布时间:2024-07-03 17:42:20


近5年,在《Journal of Food Science》《Journal of Enology and Viticulture》等外文和国内核心期刊发表论文28余篇,其中SCI收录8篇;参编著作2部。代表性学术论著 :1、Zhao, Y., Y. Xu, J. Li, et al. Profile of Volatile Compounds in 11 Brandies by Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Followed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Journal of food science,2009, 74( 2):C90-C99. SCI收录. 2、Zhao, Y., Y. Xu, J. Li, et al. Characterization of Aroma Compounds of Four Brandies by Aroma Extract Dilution Analysis. Journal of Enology and Viticulture,2009, 60(3):269-276. SCI收录. 3、Sun, S.Y., W.G. Jiang, Y.P. Zhao,et al.Characterization of the aroma-active compounds in five sweet cherry cultivars grown in Yantai (China) [J]. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2010, 25 (4): 206-213. SCI收录. 4、Zhao Yuping, Wang Lei, Li Jiming, et al. Comparison of Volatile Compounds in Two Brandies using HS-SPME coupled with GC-O, GC-MS and Sensory Evaluation. S.A. Journal of Enology & Vitivulture ,2011, 32 (1), 9-20. SCI收录. 5、Sun, S.Y., W.G. Jiang, Y.P. Zhao,et al.Evaluation of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains on the profile of volatile compounds and polyphenols in cherry wines [J]. Food Chemistry, 2011 (127): 547-555. SCI收录. 6、Yu Ping Zhao, JiMing Li, Bao Chun Zhang, et al. A comparison of the influence of eight commercial yeast strains on the chemical and sensory profiles of freshly distilled Chinese brandy [J]. journal of institute brewing, 2012, 118: 315-324. SCI收录. 7、Sun, S.Y., W.G. Jiang, Y.P. Zhao,et al. Comparison of aromatic and phenolic compounds in cherry wines with different cherry cultivars by HS-SPME-GC-MS and HPLC [J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2012, 47 (1): 100–106. SCI收录. 8、Zhao Yuping, Zheng XingPing, Song Pu, et al. Characterization of volatiles in the six most well-known distilled spirits[J]. Journal of the American society of brewing chemists, 2013, 71 (3): 161-169. SCI收录. 9、第七章废水的生物处理. 微生物工程技术原理[M]. 北京: 化学工业出版社. 2007, 7 10、 第十章植物饮料.饮料工艺学[M]. 北京: 科学技术出版社.2014,01, ISBN:978-7-03-039389-0

1、SMITH-FINEMAN-MYERS综合征与X连锁核蛋白基因的连锁分析,中华医学遗传学杂志 2002, 19(1):22-252、XNP基因内多态基因座筛选及其多态性分析,遗传学报 2002,29(3):201-2053、Smith-Fineman-Myers综合征与GRIA3基因的连锁和突变分析,遗传学报,2001,28(11):985-9904、LDL receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) affects bone accrual and eye development,Cell, 2001, 107:513-523.5、人胎儿骨骼和关节RACE cDNA文库的构建,中华医学遗传学杂志 2001,18(1):24-276、Smith-Fineman-Myers综合征基因定位于Xq25,中华医学遗传学杂志 1999,16(5):277-2807、Brachydactyly type B: Clinical description, genetic mapping to chromosome 9q, and evidence for a shared ancestral mutation.Am J Hum Genet , 1999,64: 570-5778、Heterozygous mutations in the gene encoding noggin affect human joint morphogenesis. Nature Genetics, 21, 1999 March, 302-3049、应用反向PCR方法进行YAC末端的分离分析. 中华医学遗传学杂志,1999;16(1):44-46


论文(近5年)1.基于电子鼻的鱼类新鲜度估计研究 2010.3中山大学学报(自然科学版)通讯作者2.基于仿生嗅觉的中药材鉴别的实现 2009.8 广东药学院学报 通讯作者3.血管形成的测量方法 2008.8 广东药学院学报 通讯作者4. 基于电子鼻的中药材类别及新鲜度鉴别 2011.(31).6 吉林中医药杂志 通讯作者5.实验性糖尿病大鼠胃电活动、胃壁NOS及胃动力基本功能单位改变研究2005.5解剖学研究6.小型猪胃肠道Cajal间质细胞超微结构的研究 2006.5 解剖学研究7.脾虚大鼠结肠电及动力基本功能单位的病理改变的研究2005.7北京中医药大学学报8.长期应用番泻叶对大鼠结肠电及Cajal间质细胞的影响2005.9广州中医药大学学报9.桑叶提取液对实验性糖尿病大鼠血糖、血脂和蛋白质糖化终末产物的影响2006.6湖北中医学院学报10.实验性糖尿病大鼠胃电活动及胃NOS的改变研究2005.7安徽中医学院学报11.桑叶提取液对糖尿病大鼠血糖及脂质过氧化作用的影响2005.1广东药学院学报专著(近3年)1.基础医学概论(全国高等医药院校药学类规划教材)主编2010年2月 科学出版社2.人体结构生理学(全国高等医药院校药学类规划教材)主编2009年1月 中国医药科技出版社3. 人体解剖生理学(卫生部“十二五”药学类规划教材)副主编 2011年1月 人民卫生出版社4. 人体结构生理学学习指导与应试指南(全国高等医药院校药学类规划教材) 副主编 2009年1月 中国医药科技出版社5.人体解剖学与组织胚胎学 副主编 2007年8月 人民卫生出版社

28. Zhai C,Lin F,Wang L,Pan QH.* 2007. Pi41,a new rice blast resistance gene,was identified in the reference japonica rice cultivar,Q1076. (in preparation).27. Zeng J,Feng S,Wang L,Lin F,Cai J,Pan QH.* 2007. Mating-type distribution and fertility status in Magnaporthe grisea populations collected from China. (in preparation).26. Wang L,Lin F,Wang GT,Liu XQ,Zuo SF,Pan QH.* 2007. Seasonal dynamics and residual resistance effects were identified in the populations of Magnaporthe grisea collected from 2002 to 2004 in Guangdong province,China. (in preparation).25. Lin F,Zhang Y,Wang T,Feng SJ,Wang L,Pan QH.* 2007. Molecular cloning and dissection of an avirulence gene AvrPik-m of Magnaporthe oryzae. (in preparation).24. Wang L,Lin F,Xu X,Pan QH.* 2007. Fine mapping and characterization of the rice blast Pik-p gene locus using genomic position-ready markers. (in submission).23. Yang QZ,Wang L,Lin F,Pan QH.* 2007. Identification and mapping of Pi40,a gene conferring resistance to rice blast in the indica reference cultivar,93-11. Theor Appl Genet (in revision). (SCI,2.715).22. Lin F,Chen S,Que ZQ,Wang L,Liu XQ,Pan QH.* 2007. The blast resistance gene Pi37 encodes an NBS-LRR protein and is a member of a resistance gene cluster on rice chromosome 1. Genetics 177: 1871-1880. (SCI,4.242)21. Feng SJ,Ma JH,Lin F,Wang L,Pan QH.* 2007. Construction of an electronic physical map of Magnaporthe oryzae using genomic position-ready SSR markers. Chinese Sci Bull 52: 3346-3354 (SCI,0.722).20. Liu XQ,Yang QZ,Lin F,Hua LX,Wang CT,Wang L,Pan QH.* 2007. Identification and fine mapping of Pi39,a novel gene conferring the broad-spectrum resistance to Magnaprothe oryzae. Mol Gen Genomics 278: 403-410. (SCI,2.552)19. Li L,Wang L,Jing J,Li Z,Lin F,Pan QH.* 2007. The Pikm gene,conferring stable resistance to isolates of Magnaporthe oryzae,was finely mapped in a crossover-cold region on rice chromosome 11. Molecular Breeding 20: 179-188 (SCI,2.135)18. Liu XQ,Lin F,Wang L,Pan QH.* 2007. The in silico map-based cloning of Pi36,a gene encodes a coiled-coil NBS-LRR protein,conferring race-specific resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae. Genetics 176: 2541-2549. (SCI,4.242)17. Lin F,Liu YG,Wang L,Liu XQ,Pan QH.* 2007. A high-resolution map of the rice blast resistance gene Pi15 was constructed by sequence-ready markers. Plant Breeding 126: 287-290 (SCI,0.954).16. Feng SJ,Wang L,Ma J,Lin F,Pan QH.* 2007. Genetic and physical mapping of AvrPi7,a novel avirulence gene of Magnaporthe oryzae using physical position-ready markers. Chinese Sci Bull 52: 903-911 (SCI,0.722).15. 乐美旺,陈实,潘庆华,曾任森,刘迎湖,骆世明. 2007. 水稻和稻瘟病菌互作中的信号传导及防御反应基因诱导表达的研究. 植物病理学报,37: 42-49.14. 吴伟怀,王 玲,潘庆华.* 2006. 江苏与云南2省稻瘟病菌群体遗传结构多样性比较分析. 热带作物学报,27: 95-100.13. Ma JH,Wang L,Feng SJ,Lin F,Pan QH.* 2006. Identification and fine mapping of Avr15,a novel avirulence gene of Magnaporthe grisea. Theor Appl Genet 113: 875-883. (SCI,2.715)12. Chen JW,Wang L,Peng XF,Pan QH.* 2006. Genetic analysis and fine mapping of a new brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål) resistance gene bph19(t). Mol Gen Genomics,275: 321-329. (SCI,2.552)11. Chen S,Wang L,Que ZQ,Pan RQ,Pan QH.* 2005. Genetic and physical mapping of Pi37(t),a new gene conferring resistance to rice blast in the famous cultivar St. No. 1. Theor Appl Genet,111: 1563-1570. (SCI,2.715)10. Liu XQ,Wang L,Chen S,Lin F,Pan QH.* 2005. Genetic and physical mapping of Pi36(t),a novel rice blast resistance gene located on chromosome 8. Mol Gen Genomics,274: 394-401. (SCI,2.552)9. 蔡江桥,王玲,潘庆华.* 2005. 广东省稻瘟病菌群体交配型及育性的研究. 中国农业科学 38: 837-8428. 吴伟怀,王玲,何艺郡,潘庆华.* 2004. 稻瘟病菌群体的分子遗传学研究. Ⅷ. 广东省与江苏省稻瘟病菌群体遗传结构及致病型结构的比较分析. 中国农业科学37: 1628-1635.7. 杨雪燕,王玲,何艺郡,潘庆华.* 2004. 稻瘟病菌群体的分子遗传学研究. Ⅶ. 广东省稻瘟病菌群体遗传结构及致病型结构的时空变化分析. 中国农业科学 37: 1468-1473.6. 吴伟怀,王玲,程贯忠,朱有勇,潘庆华.* 2004. 稻瘟病菌群体的分子遗传学研究. Ⅵ. 广东省与云南省稻瘟病菌群体遗传结构及致病型结构的比较分析. 中国农业科学37: 675-680.5. Zhu ML,Wang L,and Pan QH.* 2004. Identification and characterization of a new blast resistance gene located on rice chromosome 1 through linkage and differential analyses. Phytopathology 94: 515-519. (SCI,2.195)4. 潘庆华,胡铁柱,蔡江桥,王玲. 2004. 稻瘟病菌群体的分子遗传学研究. V. 广东省地区特异性宗谱菌株的分子指纹和致病型分析. 中国农业科学37: 57-64.3. 胡铁柱,王玲,冯熙路,潘庆华.* 2003. 稻瘟病菌群体的分子遗传学研究. Ⅳ. 由五个亚群体组成的广东省稻瘟病菌群体遗传结构的分析. 中国农业科学 36: 1476-1483.2. Pan QH,Hu ZD,Tanisaka T,and Wang L. 2003. Fine mapping of the blast resistance gene Pi15,linked to Pii,on rice chromosome 9. Acta Botanica Sinica 45: 871-877. (SCI,0.599)1. 潘庆华,王玲,陈瑾,罗倩,胡珍娣. 2003. 稻瘟病菌群体的分子遗传学研究. Ⅲ. 广东省2001年度稻瘟病菌群体的遗传结构分析以及两个假说的提出. 菌物系统22: 62-68. 22. Lin F,Liu X,Yang Q,Zhai C,Hua L,Wang L,Pan QH. 2007. Genetic studies on the model pathosystem,rice blast,in SCAU. Abstract in: International Workshop on Molecular Plant Pathology,7-9 October,Guangzhou,China. (Organizer,oral presentation)21. Liu X,Lin F,Chen S,Yang Q,Zhai C,Hua L,Wang L,Pan QH. 2007. Molecular Characterization of the Rice Blast Resistance Gene Pi36 in the Reference indica Cultivar Kasalath. Abstract in: The 5th International Rice Functional Genomics Meeting,14-17 October,Tsukuba,Japan. (Oral presentation)20. Lin F,Chen S,Que Z,Yang Q,Zhai C,Hua L,Liu X,Wang L,Pan QH. 2007. Molecular cloning and characterization of the rice blast resistance gene Pi37 in the well-known cultivar St. No. 1. Abstract in: The 4th International Rice Blast Conference,9-13 October,Changsha,China. (Oral presentation)19. Lin F,Ma J,Feng S,Yang Q,Hua L,Zhai C,Wang L,Pan QH. 2007. Genetic dissection of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathsystem. Abstract in: Plant Genomics in China Ⅷ,17 –20 August,Shanghai,China. (Oral presentation)18. Wang L,Lin F,Ma J,Feng S,Yang Q,Zhai C,Hua L,Pan QH. 2007. Genetic dissection of resistance and avirulence genes in the model pathosystem,Magnaporthe oryzae. Abstract in: 2007 APS/SON Joint Meeting,July 29-August 1,San Diego,USA. (Oral presentation)17. Lin F,Ma JH,Liu XQ,Feng SJ,Wang T,Que ZQ,Wang L,Pan QH. 2006. Isolation and characterization of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in: Proceedings of 4th International Rice Functional Genomics Symposium. 9-11 October,Montpellier,France. pp142. (Poster presentation)16. Lin F,Ma JH,Liu XQ,Feng SJ,Wang T,Que ZQ,Wang L,Pan QH. 2006. Molecular dissection of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystam. Abstract in: Proceedings of Plant Genomics in China Ⅶ. 7-10 August,Harbin,China. pp36. (Oral presentation)15. 林菲,马俊红,刘新琼,冯淑杰,王涛,却志群,王玲,潘庆华. 2006. 稻瘟病体系中抗病基因和无毒基因的遗传分析. 中国植物病理学会及中国菌物学会西藏联合年会,8月6-9 日林芝 (大会报告).14. Que ZQ,Ma JH,Feng SJ,Xu XK,Liu XQ,Lin F,Huang ZH,Wang T,Wang L,Pan QH. 2005. Molecular cloning and characterization of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in: Proceedings of Plant Genomics in China Ⅵ. 17-20 August,Kunming,China. pp43. (Oral presentation)13.Que ZH,Ma JH,Feng SJ,Xu XK,Liu XQ,Lin F,Huang ZH,Wang T,Wang L,Pan QH. 2005. Molecular cloning and characterization of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. The 3rd Chinese Rice Blast Conference,12-16 August,Wuyishan,China. (Oral presentation)12. Ma JH,Que ZQ,Liu XQ,Lin F,Feng SJ,Xu XK,Li LY,Huang ZH,Wang T,Wang L,Pan QH. 2005. Fine mapping of genes for blast resistance in rice. Abstract in: 5th International Rice Genetics Symposium and 3rd International Rice Functional Genomics Symposium,pp41. 19-23 November,Manila,Philippines. (Oral presentation)11. Pan QH,Liu XQ,Lin F,Que ZQ,Chen S,Xu XK,Feng SJ,Ma JH,Wang T,Wang L. 2005. Molecular cloning and characterization of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in The Ⅻ International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 17-22 July,Cancun,Mexico. (Poster presentation)10. Wang L,Cai JQ,Wu WH,Wang YC,Xiao Y,Pan QH. 2005. Comparative analyses of genetic structures of the fungus populations,Magnaporthe grisea,in South China. Abstract in The Ⅻ International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 17-222 July,Cancun,Mexico. (Poster presentation)9. Pan QH,Lin F,Liu XQ,Li LY,Chen S,Feng S,Wang L. 2004. Map-based cloning of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in: Proceedings of the World Rice Research Conference 2004. 5-7 November,Tsukuba,Japan. pp. 143. (Poster presentation)8. 刘新琼,林菲,却志群,李落叶,陈深,冯淑杰,马俊红,沈春修,王玲,潘庆华. 2004. 稻瘟病体系中抗病基因和无毒基因的图位克隆. 中国植物病理学会2004学术年会,9月16-19 日宁波 (大会报告).7. Liu XQ,Lin F,Li LY,Chen S,Feng SJ,Wang L and Pan QH. 2004. In silico map-based cloning of resistance and avirulence genes involved in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in: Proceedings of Plant Genomics in China V. 19-22 August,Wuhan,China. pp21. (Oral presentation)6. Wang L,Wu WH,Cai JQ,Hu TZ and Pan QH. 2004. Population dynamics of Magnaporthe grisea in South China monitored by the pathotype and DNA fingerprinting analyses. Abstract in: Proceedings of the 15th International Plant Protection Congress. 11-16 May,Beijing,China pp. 347. (Poster presentation)5. Pan QH,Lin F,Feng SJ,Liu XQ and Wang L. 2004. Towards genetic dissection of resistance and avirulence in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in: Proceedings of the 15th International Plant Protection Congress. 11-16 May,Beijing,China pp. 59. (Oral presentation)4. Lin F,Liu XQ,Feng SJ,Li LY,Wang L,and Pan QH. 2003. Genetic dissection of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in Plant Genomics in China Ⅳ. 22-26 September,Yangling,China pp. 53. (Oral presentation)3. Wang L,Hu TZ,Yang XY,Wu WH,and Pan QH. 2003. Characterization of genetic structure of the fungus population,Magnaporthe grisea,in South China. Abstract in The Ⅺ International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 18-26 July,St. Petersburg,Russia pp. 222. (Oral presentation)2. Pan QH,Lin F,Feng SJ,and Wang L. 2003. Towards molecular cloning of resistance and avirulence genes in the rice blast pathosystem. Abstract in The Ⅺ International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 18-26 July,St. Petersburg,Russia pp. 222. (Poster presentation)1. 潘庆华,林菲,刘新琼,陈深,冯淑杰,王玲. 2003. 稻瘟病体系中基因对基因相互作用的分子遗传学研究. 第二届全国稻瘟病会议,12月18-21日,广州. (大会报告)


近年发表的主要文章: 张燕平,张铃,吴涛,不同粒度世界的描述法—商空间法,《计算机学报》2004(3) 张燕平,张铃等,基于覆盖的构造性学习算法(SLA)及在股票预测中的应用,《计算机研究与发展》2004(6) 张燕平,机器学习中特征提取的新方法—重复覆盖算法,《安徽大学学报》2002(3)张燕平,张铃,夏莹,商空间理论与粗糙集的比较, 《微机发展》2004(10) 张燕平,张铃, 段震,构造性核覆盖算法(CKCA)在图像识别中的应用,《中国图象图形学报》2004(11) 吴涛,张铃,张燕平,机器学习中的核覆盖算法. 计算机学报(2005, ). 张旻,张燕平,程家兴,时间序列相似模式的分层匹配. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报第17卷第7期2005年7月 张燕平,张铃,吴涛,机器学习中的多侧面递进算法MIDA. 电子学报(2005,).

杜亚军近年来发表的主要论文:[1].YaJun Du, HaiMing Li. Strategy for Mining Association Rules for Web Pages Based on Formal Concept Analysis. Applied Soft Computing, 2010,10(2),( SCI).[2].YaJun Du,ZhanBing Dong. Focused Web Crawling Strategy Based on Concept Context Graph. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009, 3:1097-1106(EI: 20094412411886).[3].ShangMing Chen, YaJun Du, QiangQiang Peng. Ontology-Based Query ExPansion In Formal Concept Analysis. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2009, 3:1603-1612(EI: 20094412411945).[4].FuGui Wang, YaJun Du, QingHua Dong. A search Quality Evaluation Based on FCA. International Journal of Digitai Content Technology and Its Applications, 2009, 3(2):55-61.[5].Mingli Feng, Yajun Du Mingjun Feng, Yingyu Wang. Personalized user-query semantic clustering using search click information. International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009).[6].Qiangqiang Peng, Yajun Du,Yufeng Hai,Shaoming. Topic-specific crawling on the Web with concept context graph based on FCA. International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009).[7].Zhen Zhang, YaJun Du, ChengJie Li. AntCrawlers: Focused Crawling Agents Based on the Idea of Ants. The Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, 2009, 250:253.(EI:20094712474494)[8].Bing Zhang, YaJun Du, HaiMing Li, LiBo Jia. The method of Query Expansion Based On Domain Ontology. The Proceeding of Pacific-Asia Congerence on Circuits, Communications and System, 2009, 755-758.( EI:20094512436248)[9].YingYu Wang, YaJun Du, ShaoMing Chen. The understanding between teo agent Crawlers Based on Domain Ontology. The proceeding of Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing, 2009, 47-50.(EI: 20094512430674)[10].YueKui Yang, YaJun Du, YuFeng Hai, ZhaoQiong Gao, A Topic-Specific Web Crawler With Web Page Hierarchy Based on HTML Dom_tree. The proceeding of Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, 2009, 420-423. (EI:20094912527470)[11].ZhaoQiong Gao, YaJun Du, LiangZhong Yi, QiangQiang Peng, YueKui Yang, Incrementally Updating Concept Context Graph(CCG) for Focused Web Crawling Based on FCA. The proceeding of Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing, 2009, 40-43. (EI:20094812515462)[11].杜亚军,The Strategy of Matching User Queries with Web Pages Based on Formal Concept,西华大学学报:自然科学版,2008,27(6):38-48.[12].Kai Li, Yajun Du, Dan Xiang, Honghua Chen, Zhenwen Liao. A Method for Building Concept Lattice Based on Matrix Operation. ICIC (2) 2007:350-359.(EI: 080311023722).[13].Dong QinHua, Du YaJun, Wang FuGui. Scheduling strategy based on the collaboration of agents for MSE. Proceedings - ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management.2008.8: 556-560(EI :084311659247).[14].Li XinChun, Du YaJun. Domain Ontology based Semantic Matching of Concept Lattices. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2008.02:535-540.(EI: 081811231572).[15].Yajun Du, HaiMing Li. An intelligent model and its implementation of search engine. Journal of convergence information technology. 2008, 3(2): 57-66.[16].Bing Zhang, YaJun Du, YuTing Wang HaiMing Li. Query Expansion based on Topics. Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD2008,v2:610-614(EI: 20090211845668).[17].YuTing Wang, YaJun Du. Selection of personalized start-URLs based on User Ontology.Journal of Computational Information Systems.2008,v2,3: 899-906. (EI: 083211445080).[18].Qinhua Dong, Yajun Du, Fugui Wang.A MSE Model with Learning Mechanism and FCA Merging,2008, proceedings of ICALIP 2008(EI: 083911587679).[19].Fugui Wang ,Yajun Du,Qinhua Dong. A search quality evaluation based on objective-subjective method. Journal of convergence information technology, 2008, 3,2: 50-56.[20].Yuekui Yang, Yajun Du, Jingyu Sun,Yufeng Hai. A topic-specific web crawler with concept similarity context graph based on FCA, proceeding of icic2008: 840-847.(EI: 084111630427).[21].Yan Bing, Du YaJun, Li ZhanSheng. The new clustering strategy and algorithm based on latent semantic indexing. Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2008, v 1, 486-490.( EI:20085211803858).[22]. Xiang dan, YaJun Du. Coordination and Communication among Topic Specific Search Agents. icnc2007:703-707. (EI: 080311026960).[23]. ChunZhi Xie, Liangzhong Yi, Yajun Du, Zheng Pei: The Research of Social Navigation based on Fuzzy Concept Lattice. ACIS-ICIS 2007:1005-1011. (EI:082911 375286).[24]. Tang, Juan; Du, Ya-Jun; Wang, Ke-Liang. Design and Implement of Personalize Meta-Search Engine Based on FCA. ICMLC.2007:4026-4031.(EI: 080311031024).[25]. Yajun Du, Zheng Pei, Haiming Li, Dan Xiang, Kai Li. New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattice. ICCSA (2) 2007,10:434-447.(EI: 080311038602).[26].杜亚军,智能信息处理及其在搜索引擎中的应用,西华大学学报:自然科学版,2007,26(2):1-5.[27].唐娟,杜亚军,王可亮. 一种基于形式概念分析的问答系统答案抽取的研究. 计算机应用. 2007,27(3):653-656.[28].邓波, 杜亚军, 王丽. 基于BAM的用户查询与网页匹配的研究. 河北师范大学学报:自然科学版. 2007:31(5):594-599.[29].YaJun Du, XinChun Li. An Semantic Rank for Web Crawler Based on Formal Concept Analysis. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007.10:971-977.[30].ChunZhi Xie, LiangZhong Yi and YaJun Du. An Algorithm for Fuzzy Concept Lattices Building with Application to Social Navigation. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007,10:950-955.[31].Jing Wang, YaJun Du. A Method of Personalized Web Search Result Clustering Based on Formal Concept Analysis. ISKE-2007 Proceedings. 2007,10:983-987.[32].YaJun Du, Zheng Pei, HaiMing Li, Dan Xiang, Kai Li. New Fast Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattice. ICCSA (2) 2007,10:434-447(EI: 20080311038602).[33].YaJun Du, The Strategy of Matching User Queries with Web Pages Based on Formal Concept. ICIC (2) 2007:489-498.[34].Tang Juan, Du YaJun, Wang KeLiang. Design and Implement of Personalize Meta-Search Engine Based on FCA. ICMLC.2007:4026-4031(EI: 20080311031024).[35].Tang Jun, Du YaJun, Qi, Liang. Research on Concept Lattice Based Personalized Information Retrieval. ICMLC.2007:4032-4037(EI: 20080311031025).[36].Kai Li, YaJun Du, Dan Xiang, HongHua Chen, ZhenWen Liao. A Method for Building Concept Lattice Based on Matrix Operation. ICIC (2) 2007:350-359(EI 20080311023722).[37].Li Kai, Du YaJun, Dan Xiang. Collaborative Recommending Based on Core-Concept Lattice. ASC2007:583-592.[38].Deng Bo, Du YaJun. Research on matching between user queries and web pages based on BAM. SNPD 2007:81-85(EI: 20074110862678).[39].Xiang Dan, YaJun Du. Coordination and Communication among Topic Specific Search Agents. icnc2007:703-707(EI: 20080311026960).[40].ChunZhi Xie, LiangZhong Yi, Yajun Du, Zheng Pei: The Research of Social Navigation based on Fuzzy Concept Lattice. 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An algorithm retrieving rules from web page based on concept lattice. 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC 2005, 2368-2372(EI: 05509539134).[50].Shen JieFeng, Du YaJun, Jun Tang. The personalized page recommender system based on meta-search engine, 17th IMACS world congress scientific computation applied mathematics and simulation, 2005.[51].曹龙, 杜亚军. 基于Web Services的个人搜索引擎. 计算机工程与应用,2005年2期: 138-141,175.[52].Zheng Pei, YaJun Du, LiangZhong Yi, Yang Xu, Obtaining a complex linguistic data summaries from database based on a new linguistic aggregation operator, IWANN2005, LNCS,Springer-Verlag, Spain, 771-778,2005. (SCI BCO15)[53].YaJun Du, HaiMing Li, Zheng Pei, Hong Peng. Intelligent Spider's Algorithm of Search Engine Based on Keyword. 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胡玥2016年入职华中科技大学 ,而她截止到2016年的一作论文如下,总共四篇。化学本身就是内卷非常严重的学科,这种水平的论文只能说太普通了,不知道是什么原因能拿到华中科技大学的教职。一查背景恍然大悟,外公是华东理工大学教授,院士。The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (28), 15027-15034Frontiers of Optoelectronics 9 (1), 38-43Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (7), 2509-2516European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2015 (36), 5864-587390后青年研究者,一月一篇 SCI ,可见科研潜カ之深厚希望她早日成为最年轻的院士。从而更好推动我国特色色会注意科学理论建设,成为青年带头搞科研的先锋力量。要继续狠抓两个落实,把握四个关键,保证科研经费°用之有道,保障科研成果节节攀高。科研家族的形成减少人才流失率,不断有新的青年人オ从科研家族走出,持续为科研注入活カ。科研家族出来的初高中学生的科研成果已经可以超越研究生甚至部分博士生的水平,而未来也将有更多的00后、10后硕导博导,他们的出现也标志着科研强国建设之路的新成就,标志着我国应试教育的新里程。科研家族分分秒秒埋头干,生生世世做科研,国之栋梁,种花°脊梁,为早日建成科技强国提供了更强劲的动カ引擎!












近五年共撰写发表及录用论文92篇,其中SCI/EI论文70篇。发表论文目录 :[1] 谢建中,杨育,张晓微,康国旭,李斐.基于FCM和模糊质量屋的广义客户需求及资源配置研究[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,3.( EI:20151800797428)[2] 杨涛,杨育,张东东. 考虑客户需求偏好的产品创新概念设计方案生成[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2015.4(EI:20152200887621)[3] 杨涛;杨育; 薛承梦;张雪峰;焦;.考虑客户需求偏好的产品创新设计方案多属性决策评价[J].计算机集成制造系统,2015,2,417-426.(EI: 20151600746416)[4] 张雪峰,杨育,于国栋,杨涛.面向产品创新任务的协同客户利益分配机制研究[J].计算机集成制造系统. 2015.(EI:20151200650605)[5] Su, JF,Yang, Y,Yang, T,Zhang, XF,Liu, L. SIMULATION OF CONFLICT CONTAGION IN CUSTOMER COLLABORATIVE PRODUCT INNOVATION, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIMULATION MODELLING, 2015,14,134-144.( SCI:000351950800012)[6] 李斐,杨育,苏加福,陈倩,谢建中. 协同产品创新中的创新客户流失预测模型[J].计算机集成制造系统,2015.1(EI:20151200650608)[7] 谢建中,杨育,陈倩,李斐.基于改进BASS的短生命周期产品需求预测模型研究[J].计算机集成制造系统,2015,1.(EI:20151200650609)[8] 张雪峰, 杨育, 于国栋. 基于任务分解结构的协同创新客户贡献度测度[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用).[9] 张雪峰, 杨育,苏加福. 面向产品创新任务的协同客户利益分配机制研究[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用).[10] Zhang Xuefeng, Yang Yu, Zhang na,Yang Tao. Robustness Analysis of Super Network Consisting of Product Development Tasks, Customers and Customers’ Knowledge [J]. international journal of hybrid information technology.(已录用).[11] 张雪峰, 杨育, 于国栋. 基于知识视角的协同创新客户选择[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用)[12] 杨育, 于国栋, 李斐,张雪峰. 客户协同产品创新系统鲁棒性分析与优化[J].计算机集成制造系统.(已录用)[13] 于国栋;杨育;谈文静.考虑客户流失及其波及效应的协同产品创新客户重要度模型[J].计算机集成制造系统. (EI核心,已录用)[14] 于国栋;杨育;李斐;张雪峰.客户协同产品创新系统鲁棒性分析与优化[J].计算机集成制造系统.(EI,已录用)[15] 杨涛,杨育,张雪峰,于国栋,薛承梦. 基于客户聚类分析的产品概念设计方案评价决策方法[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,(07):1669-1678.(已刊出)[16] Yu G.D., Yang Y. Zhao X. Multiobjective Dynamic Fuzzy Scheduling and Its Algorithm in Product Collaborative Design Considering Emergency. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. 已录用[17] Yu G.D., Yang Y., Zhang X F. Li C.. An integrated decision-making approach for requirements changes of customized product: based on changes impacts on product networks, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.已录用[18] Yu G.D., Yang Y. Zhao X., Li G., Multi-objective rescheduling model for Product Collaborative Design Considering Disturbance, International Journal of Simulation Modelling. 2014,13(4):472-484 (WOS:000346958200007)[19] Beifang Bao,Yu Yang, Qian Chen ,Aijun Liu,Jiali Zhao.Task Allocation Optimization in Collaborative Customized Product Development Based on Double-population Adaptive Genetic Algorithm[J].Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. July 4, 2014 .(EI:IP53227536)[20] Beifang Bao, Yu Yang, Aijun Liu, Jiali Zhao, Leiting Li. Task Allocation Optimization in Collaborative Customized Product Development Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm[J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems,2014,23(1):1-19.(EI:20135017081892)[21] 杨育,赵小华,刘爱军,李斐,胡建军. 业主组织成员选择的权衡模型及求解算法[J]. 重庆大学学报.2014(2). 22-30.(CSCD核心)[22] Xue, Chengmeng; Yang, Yu; Yang, Tao; Zeng, Tingting Person-organization fit evaluation and process optimization based on the matching theory. Computer Modelling and New Technologies,2014,18,174-180.(EI: 20144700214788)[23] 包北方,杨育,李斐,刘爱军. 产品定制协同开发任务分解模型研究[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2014,07:1537-1545.(EI: 201440082006)[24] 包北方,杨育.产品定制协同制造资源优化配置[J].计算机集成制造系统,2014,08:1807-1818.(EI:201440081961)已奖励[25] Tao Yang, Yu Yang, Yao Jiao. Reliability analysis and prediction for product design based on feature similarity[J]. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, v 7, n 5, p .(EI: 201447223544)[26] Li Fei, Yang Yu, Xie Jianzhong, Liu Aijun, Chen Qian. Selection method of customer partners in customer collaborative product innovation [J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2014,23(4): 423-435. (EI : 201444135370)[27] Tao Yang, Yu Yang, Chengmeng Xue. Conflict analysis between task iteration and design capabilities in collaborative product development[J]. International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 2014, 8(2): 375-386. (EI: 20141517555799)[28] 李斐,杨育,于鲲鹏,包北方,谢建中. 基于UWG的客户协同产品创新系统稳定性研究[J]. 科学学研究,2014,32(3).464-472. 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